/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "M3UParser" #include #include "M3UParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { struct M3UParser::MediaGroup : public RefBase { enum Type { TYPE_AUDIO, TYPE_VIDEO, TYPE_SUBS, }; enum FlagBits { FLAG_AUTOSELECT = 1, FLAG_DEFAULT = 2, FLAG_FORCED = 4, FLAG_HAS_LANGUAGE = 8, FLAG_HAS_URI = 16, }; MediaGroup(Type type); Type type() const; status_t addMedia( const char *name, const char *uri, const char *language, uint32_t flags); bool getActiveURI(AString *uri) const; void pickRandomMediaItems(); status_t selectTrack(size_t index, bool select); void getTrackInfo(Parcel* reply) const; size_t countTracks() const; protected: virtual ~MediaGroup(); private: struct Media { AString mName; AString mURI; AString mLanguage; uint32_t mFlags; }; Type mType; Vector mMediaItems; ssize_t mSelectedIndex; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(MediaGroup); }; M3UParser::MediaGroup::MediaGroup(Type type) : mType(type), mSelectedIndex(-1) { } M3UParser::MediaGroup::~MediaGroup() { } M3UParser::MediaGroup::Type M3UParser::MediaGroup::type() const { return mType; } status_t M3UParser::MediaGroup::addMedia( const char *name, const char *uri, const char *language, uint32_t flags) { mMediaItems.push(); Media &item = mMediaItems.editItemAt(mMediaItems.size() - 1); item.mName = name; if (uri) { item.mURI = uri; } if (language) { item.mLanguage = language; } item.mFlags = flags; return OK; } void M3UParser::MediaGroup::pickRandomMediaItems() { #if 1 switch (mType) { case TYPE_AUDIO: { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (property_get("media.httplive.audio-index", value, NULL)) { char *end; mSelectedIndex = strtoul(value, &end, 10); CHECK(end > value && *end == '\0'); if (mSelectedIndex >= mMediaItems.size()) { mSelectedIndex = mMediaItems.size() - 1; } } else { mSelectedIndex = 0; } break; } case TYPE_VIDEO: { mSelectedIndex = 0; break; } case TYPE_SUBS: { mSelectedIndex = -1; break; } default: TRESPASS(); } #else mSelectedIndex = (rand() * mMediaItems.size()) / RAND_MAX; #endif } status_t M3UParser::MediaGroup::selectTrack(size_t index, bool select) { if (mType != TYPE_SUBS) { ALOGE("only select subtitile tracks for now!"); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (select) { if (index >= mMediaItems.size()) { ALOGE("track %d does not exist", index); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (mSelectedIndex == index) { ALOGE("track %d already selected", index); return BAD_VALUE; } ALOGV("selected track %d", index); mSelectedIndex = index; } else { if (mSelectedIndex != index) { ALOGE("track %d is not selected", index); return BAD_VALUE; } ALOGV("unselected track %d", index); mSelectedIndex = -1; } return OK; } void M3UParser::MediaGroup::getTrackInfo(Parcel* reply) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < mMediaItems.size(); ++i) { reply->writeInt32(2); // 2 fields if (mType == TYPE_AUDIO) { reply->writeInt32(MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO); } else if (mType == TYPE_VIDEO) { reply->writeInt32(MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO); } else if (mType == TYPE_SUBS) { reply->writeInt32(MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE); } else { reply->writeInt32(MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN); } const Media &item = mMediaItems.itemAt(i); const char *lang = item.mLanguage.empty() ? "und" : item.mLanguage.c_str(); reply->writeString16(String16(lang)); if (mType == TYPE_SUBS) { // TO-DO: pass in a MediaFormat instead reply->writeInt32(!!(item.mFlags & MediaGroup::FLAG_AUTOSELECT)); reply->writeInt32(!!(item.mFlags & MediaGroup::FLAG_DEFAULT)); reply->writeInt32(!!(item.mFlags & MediaGroup::FLAG_FORCED)); } } } size_t M3UParser::MediaGroup::countTracks() const { return mMediaItems.size(); } bool M3UParser::MediaGroup::getActiveURI(AString *uri) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < mMediaItems.size(); ++i) { if (mSelectedIndex >= 0 && i == (size_t)mSelectedIndex) { const Media &item = mMediaItems.itemAt(i); *uri = item.mURI; return true; } } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// M3UParser::M3UParser( const char *baseURI, const void *data, size_t size) : mInitCheck(NO_INIT), mBaseURI(baseURI), mIsExtM3U(false), mIsVariantPlaylist(false), mIsComplete(false), mIsEvent(false), mSelectedIndex(-1) { mInitCheck = parse(data, size); } M3UParser::~M3UParser() { } status_t M3UParser::initCheck() const { return mInitCheck; } bool M3UParser::isExtM3U() const { return mIsExtM3U; } bool M3UParser::isVariantPlaylist() const { return mIsVariantPlaylist; } bool M3UParser::isComplete() const { return mIsComplete; } bool M3UParser::isEvent() const { return mIsEvent; } sp M3UParser::meta() { return mMeta; } size_t M3UParser::size() { return mItems.size(); } bool M3UParser::itemAt(size_t index, AString *uri, sp *meta) { if (uri) { uri->clear(); } if (meta) { *meta = NULL; } if (index >= mItems.size()) { return false; } if (uri) { *uri = mItems.itemAt(index).mURI; } if (meta) { *meta = mItems.itemAt(index).mMeta; } return true; } void M3UParser::pickRandomMediaItems() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mMediaGroups.size(); ++i) { mMediaGroups.valueAt(i)->pickRandomMediaItems(); } } status_t M3UParser::selectTrack(size_t index, bool select) { for (size_t i = 0, ii = index; i < mMediaGroups.size(); ++i) { sp group = mMediaGroups.valueAt(i); size_t tracks = group->countTracks(); if (ii < tracks) { status_t err = group->selectTrack(ii, select); if (err == OK) { mSelectedIndex = select ? index : -1; } return err; } ii -= tracks; } return INVALID_OPERATION; } status_t M3UParser::getTrackInfo(Parcel* reply) const { size_t trackCount = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mMediaGroups.size(); ++i) { trackCount += mMediaGroups.valueAt(i)->countTracks(); } reply->writeInt32(trackCount); for (size_t i = 0; i < mMediaGroups.size(); ++i) { mMediaGroups.valueAt(i)->getTrackInfo(reply); } return OK; } ssize_t M3UParser::getSelectedIndex() const { return mSelectedIndex; } bool M3UParser::getTypeURI(size_t index, const char *key, AString *uri) const { if (!mIsVariantPlaylist) { *uri = mBaseURI; // Assume media without any more specific attribute contains // audio and video, but no subtitles. return !strcmp("audio", key) || !strcmp("video", key); } CHECK_LT(index, mItems.size()); sp meta = mItems.itemAt(index).mMeta; AString groupID; if (!meta->findString(key, &groupID)) { *uri = mItems.itemAt(index).mURI; AString codecs; if (!meta->findString("codecs", &codecs)) { // Assume media without any more specific attribute contains // audio and video, but no subtitles. return !strcmp("audio", key) || !strcmp("video", key); } else { // Split the comma separated list of codecs. size_t offset = 0; ssize_t commaPos = -1; codecs.append(','); while ((commaPos = codecs.find(",", offset)) >= 0) { AString codec(codecs, offset, commaPos - offset); // return true only if a codec of type `key` ("audio"/"video") // is found. if (codecIsType(codec, key)) { return true; } offset = commaPos + 1; } return false; } } sp group = mMediaGroups.valueFor(groupID); if (!group->getActiveURI(uri)) { return false; } if ((*uri).empty()) { *uri = mItems.itemAt(index).mURI; } return true; } bool M3UParser::getAudioURI(size_t index, AString *uri) const { return getTypeURI(index, "audio", uri); } bool M3UParser::getVideoURI(size_t index, AString *uri) const { return getTypeURI(index, "video", uri); } bool M3UParser::getSubtitleURI(size_t index, AString *uri) const { return getTypeURI(index, "subtitles", uri); } static bool MakeURL(const char *baseURL, const char *url, AString *out) { out->clear(); if (strncasecmp("http://", baseURL, 7) && strncasecmp("https://", baseURL, 8) && strncasecmp("file://", baseURL, 7)) { // Base URL must be absolute return false; } if (!strncasecmp("http://", url, 7) || !strncasecmp("https://", url, 8)) { // "url" is already an absolute URL, ignore base URL. out->setTo(url); ALOGV("base:'%s', url:'%s' => '%s'", baseURL, url, out->c_str()); return true; } if (url[0] == '/') { // URL is an absolute path. char *protocolEnd = strstr(baseURL, "//") + 2; char *pathStart = strchr(protocolEnd, '/'); if (pathStart != NULL) { out->setTo(baseURL, pathStart - baseURL); } else { out->setTo(baseURL); } out->append(url); } else { // URL is a relative path // Check for a possible query string const char *qsPos = strchr(baseURL, '?'); size_t end; if (qsPos != NULL) { end = qsPos - baseURL; } else { end = strlen(baseURL); } // Check for the last slash before a potential query string for (ssize_t pos = end - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { if (baseURL[pos] == '/') { end = pos; break; } } // Check whether the found slash actually is part of the path // and not part of the "http://". if (end > 6) { out->setTo(baseURL, end); } else { out->setTo(baseURL); } out->append("/"); out->append(url); } ALOGV("base:'%s', url:'%s' => '%s'", baseURL, url, out->c_str()); return true; } status_t M3UParser::parse(const void *_data, size_t size) { int32_t lineNo = 0; sp itemMeta; const char *data = (const char *)_data; size_t offset = 0; uint64_t segmentRangeOffset = 0; while (offset < size) { size_t offsetLF = offset; while (offsetLF < size && data[offsetLF] != '\n') { ++offsetLF; } AString line; if (offsetLF > offset && data[offsetLF - 1] == '\r') { line.setTo(&data[offset], offsetLF - offset - 1); } else { line.setTo(&data[offset], offsetLF - offset); } // ALOGI("#%s#", line.c_str()); if (line.empty()) { offset = offsetLF + 1; continue; } if (lineNo == 0 && line == "#EXTM3U") { mIsExtM3U = true; } if (mIsExtM3U) { status_t err = OK; if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION")) { if (mIsVariantPlaylist) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } err = parseMetaData(line, &mMeta, "target-duration"); } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE")) { if (mIsVariantPlaylist) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } err = parseMetaData(line, &mMeta, "media-sequence"); } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-KEY")) { if (mIsVariantPlaylist) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } err = parseCipherInfo(line, &itemMeta, mBaseURI); } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-ENDLIST")) { mIsComplete = true; } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT")) { mIsEvent = true; } else if (line.startsWith("#EXTINF")) { if (mIsVariantPlaylist) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } err = parseMetaDataDuration(line, &itemMeta, "durationUs"); } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY")) { if (mIsVariantPlaylist) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (itemMeta == NULL) { itemMeta = new AMessage; } itemMeta->setInt32("discontinuity", true); } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-STREAM-INF")) { if (mMeta != NULL) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mIsVariantPlaylist = true; err = parseStreamInf(line, &itemMeta); } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-BYTERANGE")) { if (mIsVariantPlaylist) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint64_t length, offset; err = parseByteRange(line, segmentRangeOffset, &length, &offset); if (err == OK) { if (itemMeta == NULL) { itemMeta = new AMessage; } itemMeta->setInt64("range-offset", offset); itemMeta->setInt64("range-length", length); segmentRangeOffset = offset + length; } } else if (line.startsWith("#EXT-X-MEDIA")) { err = parseMedia(line); } if (err != OK) { return err; } } if (!line.startsWith("#")) { if (!mIsVariantPlaylist) { int64_t durationUs; if (itemMeta == NULL || !itemMeta->findInt64("durationUs", &durationUs)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } mItems.push(); Item *item = &mItems.editItemAt(mItems.size() - 1); CHECK(MakeURL(mBaseURI.c_str(), line.c_str(), &item->mURI)); item->mMeta = itemMeta; itemMeta.clear(); } offset = offsetLF + 1; ++lineNo; } return OK; } // static status_t M3UParser::parseMetaData( const AString &line, sp *meta, const char *key) { ssize_t colonPos = line.find(":"); if (colonPos < 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } int32_t x; status_t err = ParseInt32(line.c_str() + colonPos + 1, &x); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (meta->get() == NULL) { *meta = new AMessage; } (*meta)->setInt32(key, x); return OK; } // static status_t M3UParser::parseMetaDataDuration( const AString &line, sp *meta, const char *key) { ssize_t colonPos = line.find(":"); if (colonPos < 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } double x; status_t err = ParseDouble(line.c_str() + colonPos + 1, &x); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (meta->get() == NULL) { *meta = new AMessage; } (*meta)->setInt64(key, (int64_t)(x * 1E6)); return OK; } // Find the next occurence of the character "what" at or after "offset", // but ignore occurences between quotation marks. // Return the index of the occurrence or -1 if not found. static ssize_t FindNextUnquoted( const AString &line, char what, size_t offset) { CHECK_NE((int)what, (int)'"'); bool quoted = false; while (offset < line.size()) { char c = line.c_str()[offset]; if (c == '"') { quoted = !quoted; } else if (c == what && !quoted) { return offset; } ++offset; } return -1; } status_t M3UParser::parseStreamInf( const AString &line, sp *meta) const { ssize_t colonPos = line.find(":"); if (colonPos < 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } size_t offset = colonPos + 1; while (offset < line.size()) { ssize_t end = FindNextUnquoted(line, ',', offset); if (end < 0) { end = line.size(); } AString attr(line, offset, end - offset); attr.trim(); offset = end + 1; ssize_t equalPos = attr.find("="); if (equalPos < 0) { continue; } AString key(attr, 0, equalPos); key.trim(); AString val(attr, equalPos + 1, attr.size() - equalPos - 1); val.trim(); ALOGV("key=%s value=%s", key.c_str(), val.c_str()); if (!strcasecmp("bandwidth", key.c_str())) { const char *s = val.c_str(); char *end; unsigned long x = strtoul(s, &end, 10); if (end == s || *end != '\0') { // malformed continue; } if (meta->get() == NULL) { *meta = new AMessage; } (*meta)->setInt32("bandwidth", x); } else if (!strcasecmp("codecs", key.c_str())) { if (!isQuotedString(val)) { ALOGE("Expected quoted string for %s attribute, " "got '%s' instead.", key.c_str(), val.c_str());; return ERROR_MALFORMED; } key.tolower(); const AString &codecs = unquoteString(val); (*meta)->setString(key.c_str(), codecs.c_str()); } else if (!strcasecmp("audio", key.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("video", key.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("subtitles", key.c_str())) { if (!isQuotedString(val)) { ALOGE("Expected quoted string for %s attribute, " "got '%s' instead.", key.c_str(), val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } const AString &groupID = unquoteString(val); ssize_t groupIndex = mMediaGroups.indexOfKey(groupID); if (groupIndex < 0) { ALOGE("Undefined media group '%s' referenced in stream info.", groupID.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } key.tolower(); (*meta)->setString(key.c_str(), groupID.c_str()); } } return OK; } // static status_t M3UParser::parseCipherInfo( const AString &line, sp *meta, const AString &baseURI) { ssize_t colonPos = line.find(":"); if (colonPos < 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } size_t offset = colonPos + 1; while (offset < line.size()) { ssize_t end = FindNextUnquoted(line, ',', offset); if (end < 0) { end = line.size(); } AString attr(line, offset, end - offset); attr.trim(); offset = end + 1; ssize_t equalPos = attr.find("="); if (equalPos < 0) { continue; } AString key(attr, 0, equalPos); key.trim(); AString val(attr, equalPos + 1, attr.size() - equalPos - 1); val.trim(); ALOGV("key=%s value=%s", key.c_str(), val.c_str()); key.tolower(); if (key == "method" || key == "uri" || key == "iv") { if (meta->get() == NULL) { *meta = new AMessage; } if (key == "uri") { if (val.size() >= 2 && val.c_str()[0] == '"' && val.c_str()[val.size() - 1] == '"') { // Remove surrounding quotes. AString tmp(val, 1, val.size() - 2); val = tmp; } AString absURI; if (MakeURL(baseURI.c_str(), val.c_str(), &absURI)) { val = absURI; } else { ALOGE("failed to make absolute url for '%s'.", val.c_str()); } } key.insert(AString("cipher-"), 0); (*meta)->setString(key.c_str(), val.c_str(), val.size()); } } return OK; } // static status_t M3UParser::parseByteRange( const AString &line, uint64_t curOffset, uint64_t *length, uint64_t *offset) { ssize_t colonPos = line.find(":"); if (colonPos < 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } ssize_t atPos = line.find("@", colonPos + 1); AString lenStr; if (atPos < 0) { lenStr = AString(line, colonPos + 1, line.size() - colonPos - 1); } else { lenStr = AString(line, colonPos + 1, atPos - colonPos - 1); } lenStr.trim(); const char *s = lenStr.c_str(); char *end; *length = strtoull(s, &end, 10); if (s == end || *end != '\0') { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (atPos >= 0) { AString offStr = AString(line, atPos + 1, line.size() - atPos - 1); offStr.trim(); const char *s = offStr.c_str(); *offset = strtoull(s, &end, 10); if (s == end || *end != '\0') { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } else { *offset = curOffset; } return OK; } status_t M3UParser::parseMedia(const AString &line) { ssize_t colonPos = line.find(":"); if (colonPos < 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } bool haveGroupType = false; MediaGroup::Type groupType = MediaGroup::TYPE_AUDIO; bool haveGroupID = false; AString groupID; bool haveGroupLanguage = false; AString groupLanguage; bool haveGroupName = false; AString groupName; bool haveGroupAutoselect = false; bool groupAutoselect = false; bool haveGroupDefault = false; bool groupDefault = false; bool haveGroupForced = false; bool groupForced = false; bool haveGroupURI = false; AString groupURI; size_t offset = colonPos + 1; while (offset < line.size()) { ssize_t end = FindNextUnquoted(line, ',', offset); if (end < 0) { end = line.size(); } AString attr(line, offset, end - offset); attr.trim(); offset = end + 1; ssize_t equalPos = attr.find("="); if (equalPos < 0) { continue; } AString key(attr, 0, equalPos); key.trim(); AString val(attr, equalPos + 1, attr.size() - equalPos - 1); val.trim(); ALOGV("key=%s value=%s", key.c_str(), val.c_str()); if (!strcasecmp("type", key.c_str())) { if (!strcasecmp("subtitles", val.c_str())) { groupType = MediaGroup::TYPE_SUBS; } else if (!strcasecmp("audio", val.c_str())) { groupType = MediaGroup::TYPE_AUDIO; } else if (!strcasecmp("video", val.c_str())) { groupType = MediaGroup::TYPE_VIDEO; } else { ALOGE("Invalid media group type '%s'", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } haveGroupType = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("group-id", key.c_str())) { if (val.size() < 2 || val.c_str()[0] != '"' || val.c_str()[val.size() - 1] != '"') { ALOGE("Expected quoted string for GROUP-ID, got '%s' instead.", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } groupID.setTo(val, 1, val.size() - 2); haveGroupID = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("language", key.c_str())) { if (val.size() < 2 || val.c_str()[0] != '"' || val.c_str()[val.size() - 1] != '"') { ALOGE("Expected quoted string for LANGUAGE, got '%s' instead.", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } groupLanguage.setTo(val, 1, val.size() - 2); haveGroupLanguage = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("name", key.c_str())) { if (val.size() < 2 || val.c_str()[0] != '"' || val.c_str()[val.size() - 1] != '"') { ALOGE("Expected quoted string for NAME, got '%s' instead.", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } groupName.setTo(val, 1, val.size() - 2); haveGroupName = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("autoselect", key.c_str())) { groupAutoselect = false; if (!strcasecmp("YES", val.c_str())) { groupAutoselect = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("NO", val.c_str())) { groupAutoselect = false; } else { ALOGE("Expected YES or NO for AUTOSELECT attribute, " "got '%s' instead.", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } haveGroupAutoselect = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("default", key.c_str())) { groupDefault = false; if (!strcasecmp("YES", val.c_str())) { groupDefault = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("NO", val.c_str())) { groupDefault = false; } else { ALOGE("Expected YES or NO for DEFAULT attribute, " "got '%s' instead.", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } haveGroupDefault = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("forced", key.c_str())) { groupForced = false; if (!strcasecmp("YES", val.c_str())) { groupForced = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("NO", val.c_str())) { groupForced = false; } else { ALOGE("Expected YES or NO for FORCED attribute, " "got '%s' instead.", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } haveGroupForced = true; } else if (!strcasecmp("uri", key.c_str())) { if (val.size() < 2 || val.c_str()[0] != '"' || val.c_str()[val.size() - 1] != '"') { ALOGE("Expected quoted string for URI, got '%s' instead.", val.c_str()); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } AString tmp(val, 1, val.size() - 2); if (!MakeURL(mBaseURI.c_str(), tmp.c_str(), &groupURI)) { ALOGI("Failed to make absolute URI from '%s'.", tmp.c_str()); } haveGroupURI = true; } } if (!haveGroupType || !haveGroupID || !haveGroupName) { ALOGE("Incomplete EXT-X-MEDIA element."); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint32_t flags = 0; if (haveGroupAutoselect && groupAutoselect) { flags |= MediaGroup::FLAG_AUTOSELECT; } if (haveGroupDefault && groupDefault) { flags |= MediaGroup::FLAG_DEFAULT; } if (haveGroupForced) { if (groupType != MediaGroup::TYPE_SUBS) { ALOGE("The FORCED attribute MUST not be present on anything " "but SUBS media."); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (groupForced) { flags |= MediaGroup::FLAG_FORCED; } } if (haveGroupLanguage) { flags |= MediaGroup::FLAG_HAS_LANGUAGE; } if (haveGroupURI) { flags |= MediaGroup::FLAG_HAS_URI; } ssize_t groupIndex = mMediaGroups.indexOfKey(groupID); sp group; if (groupIndex < 0) { group = new MediaGroup(groupType); mMediaGroups.add(groupID, group); } else { group = mMediaGroups.valueAt(groupIndex); if (group->type() != groupType) { ALOGE("Attempt to put media item under group of different type " "(groupType = %d, item type = %d", group->type(), groupType); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } return group->addMedia( groupName.c_str(), haveGroupURI ? groupURI.c_str() : NULL, haveGroupLanguage ? groupLanguage.c_str() : NULL, flags); } // static status_t M3UParser::ParseInt32(const char *s, int32_t *x) { char *end; long lval = strtol(s, &end, 10); if (end == s || (*end != '\0' && *end != ',')) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } *x = (int32_t)lval; return OK; } // static status_t M3UParser::ParseDouble(const char *s, double *x) { char *end; double dval = strtod(s, &end); if (end == s || (*end != '\0' && *end != ',')) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } *x = dval; return OK; } // static bool M3UParser::isQuotedString(const AString &str) { if (str.size() < 2 || str.c_str()[0] != '"' || str.c_str()[str.size() - 1] != '"') { return false; } return true; } // static AString M3UParser::unquoteString(const AString &str) { if (!isQuotedString(str)) { return str; } return AString(str, 1, str.size() - 2); } // static bool M3UParser::codecIsType(const AString &codec, const char *type) { if (codec.size() < 4) { return false; } const char *c = codec.c_str(); switch (FOURCC(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3])) { // List extracted from http://www.mp4ra.org/codecs.html case 'ac-3': case 'alac': case 'dra1': case 'dtsc': case 'dtse': case 'dtsh': case 'dtsl': case 'ec-3': case 'enca': case 'g719': case 'g726': case 'm4ae': case 'mlpa': case 'mp4a': case 'raw ': case 'samr': case 'sawb': case 'sawp': case 'sevc': case 'sqcp': case 'ssmv': case 'twos': case 'agsm': case 'alaw': case 'dvi ': case 'fl32': case 'fl64': case 'ima4': case 'in24': case 'in32': case 'lpcm': case 'Qclp': case 'QDM2': case 'QDMC': case 'ulaw': case 'vdva': return !strcmp("audio", type); case 'avc1': case 'avc2': case 'avcp': case 'drac': case 'encv': case 'mjp2': case 'mp4v': case 'mvc1': case 'mvc2': case 'resv': case 's263': case 'svc1': case 'vc-1': case 'CFHD': case 'civd': case 'DV10': case 'dvh5': case 'dvh6': case 'dvhp': case 'DVOO': case 'DVOR': case 'DVTV': case 'DVVT': case 'flic': case 'gif ': case 'h261': case 'h263': case 'HD10': case 'jpeg': case 'M105': case 'mjpa': case 'mjpb': case 'png ': case 'PNTG': case 'rle ': case 'rpza': case 'Shr0': case 'Shr1': case 'Shr2': case 'Shr3': case 'Shr4': case 'SVQ1': case 'SVQ3': case 'tga ': case 'tiff': case 'WRLE': return !strcmp("video", type); default: return false; } } } // namespace android