/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef PLAYLIST_FETCHER_H_ #define PLAYLIST_FETCHER_H_ #include #include "mpeg2ts/ATSParser.h" #include "LiveSession.h" namespace android { struct ABuffer; struct AnotherPacketSource; struct DataSource; struct HTTPBase; struct LiveDataSource; struct M3UParser; struct String8; struct PlaylistFetcher : public AHandler { enum { kWhatStarted, kWhatPaused, kWhatStopped, kWhatError, kWhatDurationUpdate, kWhatTemporarilyDoneFetching, kWhatPrepared, kWhatPreparationFailed, kWhatStartedAt, }; PlaylistFetcher( const sp ¬ify, const sp &session, const char *uri); sp getDataSource(); void startAsync( const sp &audioSource, const sp &videoSource, const sp &subtitleSource, int64_t startTimeUs = -1ll, // starting timestamps int64_t segmentStartTimeUs = -1ll, // starting position within playlist // startTimeUs!=segmentStartTimeUs only when playlist is live int32_t startDiscontinuitySeq = 0, bool adaptive = false); void pauseAsync(); void stopAsync(bool clear = true); void resumeUntilAsync(const sp ¶ms); protected: virtual ~PlaylistFetcher(); virtual void onMessageReceived(const sp &msg); private: enum { kMaxNumRetries = 5, }; enum { kWhatStart = 'strt', kWhatPause = 'paus', kWhatStop = 'stop', kWhatMonitorQueue = 'moni', kWhatResumeUntil = 'rsme', kWhatDownloadNext = 'dlnx', }; static const int64_t kMinBufferedDurationUs; static const int64_t kMaxMonitorDelayUs; static const int32_t kDownloadBlockSize; static const int32_t kNumSkipFrames; static bool bufferStartsWithTsSyncByte(const sp& buffer); static bool bufferStartsWithWebVTTMagicSequence(const sp& buffer); // notifications to mSession sp mNotify; sp mStartTimeUsNotify; sp mSession; AString mURI; uint32_t mStreamTypeMask; int64_t mStartTimeUs; int64_t mSegmentStartTimeUs; ssize_t mDiscontinuitySeq; bool mStartTimeUsRelative; sp mStopParams; // message containing the latest timestamps we should fetch. KeyedVector > mPacketSources; KeyedVector > mAESKeyForURI; int64_t mLastPlaylistFetchTimeUs; sp mPlaylist; int32_t mSeqNumber; int32_t mNumRetries; bool mStartup; bool mAdaptive; bool mPrepared; int64_t mNextPTSTimeUs; int32_t mMonitorQueueGeneration; enum RefreshState { INITIAL_MINIMUM_RELOAD_DELAY, FIRST_UNCHANGED_RELOAD_ATTEMPT, SECOND_UNCHANGED_RELOAD_ATTEMPT, THIRD_UNCHANGED_RELOAD_ATTEMPT }; RefreshState mRefreshState; uint8_t mPlaylistHash[16]; sp mTSParser; bool mFirstPTSValid; uint64_t mFirstPTS; int64_t mFirstTimeUs; int64_t mAbsoluteTimeAnchorUs; sp mVideoBuffer; // Stores the initialization vector to decrypt the next block of cipher text, which can // either be derived from the sequence number, read from the manifest, or copied from // the last block of cipher text (cipher-block chaining). unsigned char mAESInitVec[16]; // Set first to true if decrypting the first segment of a playlist segment. When // first is true, reset the initialization vector based on the available // information in the manifest; otherwise, use the initialization vector as // updated by the last call to AES_cbc_encrypt. // // For the input to decrypt correctly, decryptBuffer must be called on // consecutive byte ranges on block boundaries, e.g. 0..15, 16..47, 48..63, // and so on. status_t decryptBuffer( size_t playlistIndex, const sp &buffer, bool first = true); status_t checkDecryptPadding(const sp &buffer); void postMonitorQueue(int64_t delayUs = 0, int64_t minDelayUs = 0); void cancelMonitorQueue(); int64_t delayUsToRefreshPlaylist() const; status_t refreshPlaylist(); // Returns the media time in us of the segment specified by seqNumber. // This is computed by summing the durations of all segments before it. int64_t getSegmentStartTimeUs(int32_t seqNumber) const; status_t onStart(const sp &msg); void onPause(); void onStop(const sp &msg); void onMonitorQueue(); void onDownloadNext(); // Resume a fetcher to continue until the stopping point stored in msg. status_t onResumeUntil(const sp &msg); const sp &setAccessUnitProperties( const sp &accessUnit, const sp &source, bool discard = false); status_t extractAndQueueAccessUnitsFromTs(const sp &buffer); status_t extractAndQueueAccessUnits( const sp &buffer, const sp &itemMeta); void notifyError(status_t err); void queueDiscontinuity( ATSParser::DiscontinuityType type, const sp &extra); int32_t getSeqNumberWithAnchorTime(int64_t anchorTimeUs) const; int32_t getSeqNumberForDiscontinuity(size_t discontinuitySeq) const; int32_t getSeqNumberForTime(int64_t timeUs) const; void updateDuration(); // Before resuming a fetcher in onResume, check the remaining duration is longer than that // returned by resumeThreshold. int64_t resumeThreshold(const sp &msg); DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(PlaylistFetcher); }; } // namespace android #endif // PLAYLIST_FETCHER_H_