/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "GraphicBufferSource" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include "GraphicBufferSource.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { static const bool EXTRA_CHECK = true; GraphicBufferSource::GraphicBufferSource(OMXNodeInstance* nodeInstance, uint32_t bufferWidth, uint32_t bufferHeight, uint32_t bufferCount) : mInitCheck(UNKNOWN_ERROR), mNodeInstance(nodeInstance), mExecuting(false), mSuspended(false), mNumFramesAvailable(0), mEndOfStream(false), mEndOfStreamSent(false), mMaxTimestampGapUs(-1ll), mPrevOriginalTimeUs(-1ll), mPrevModifiedTimeUs(-1ll), mSkipFramesBeforeNs(-1ll), mRepeatAfterUs(-1ll), mRepeatLastFrameGeneration(0), mRepeatLastFrameTimestamp(-1ll), mLatestSubmittedBufferId(-1), mLatestSubmittedBufferFrameNum(0), mLatestSubmittedBufferUseCount(0), mRepeatBufferDeferred(false) { ALOGV("GraphicBufferSource w=%u h=%u c=%u", bufferWidth, bufferHeight, bufferCount); if (bufferWidth == 0 || bufferHeight == 0) { ALOGE("Invalid dimensions %ux%u", bufferWidth, bufferHeight); mInitCheck = BAD_VALUE; return; } String8 name("GraphicBufferSource"); mBufferQueue = new BufferQueue(); mBufferQueue->setConsumerName(name); mBufferQueue->setDefaultBufferSize(bufferWidth, bufferHeight); mBufferQueue->setConsumerUsageBits(GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE); mInitCheck = mBufferQueue->setMaxAcquiredBufferCount(bufferCount); if (mInitCheck != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("Unable to set BQ max acquired buffer count to %u: %d", bufferCount, mInitCheck); return; } // Note that we can't create an sp<...>(this) in a ctor that will not keep a // reference once the ctor ends, as that would cause the refcount of 'this' // dropping to 0 at the end of the ctor. Since all we need is a wp<...> // that's what we create. wp listener = static_cast(this); sp proxy = new BufferQueue::ProxyConsumerListener(listener); mInitCheck = mBufferQueue->consumerConnect(proxy, false); if (mInitCheck != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("Error connecting to BufferQueue: %s (%d)", strerror(-mInitCheck), mInitCheck); return; } CHECK(mInitCheck == NO_ERROR); } GraphicBufferSource::~GraphicBufferSource() { ALOGV("~GraphicBufferSource"); if (mBufferQueue != NULL) { status_t err = mBufferQueue->consumerDisconnect(); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGW("consumerDisconnect failed: %d", err); } } } void GraphicBufferSource::omxExecuting() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); ALOGV("--> executing; avail=%d, codec vec size=%zd", mNumFramesAvailable, mCodecBuffers.size()); CHECK(!mExecuting); mExecuting = true; // Start by loading up as many buffers as possible. We want to do this, // rather than just submit the first buffer, to avoid a degenerate case: // if all BQ buffers arrive before we start executing, and we only submit // one here, the other BQ buffers will just sit until we get notified // that the codec buffer has been released. We'd then acquire and // submit a single additional buffer, repeatedly, never using more than // one codec buffer simultaneously. (We could instead try to submit // all BQ buffers whenever any codec buffer is freed, but if we get the // initial conditions right that will never be useful.) while (mNumFramesAvailable) { if (!fillCodecBuffer_l()) { ALOGV("stop load with frames available (codecAvail=%d)", isCodecBufferAvailable_l()); break; } } ALOGV("done loading initial frames, avail=%d", mNumFramesAvailable); // If EOS has already been signaled, and there are no more frames to // submit, try to send EOS now as well. if (mEndOfStream && mNumFramesAvailable == 0) { submitEndOfInputStream_l(); } if (mRepeatAfterUs > 0ll && mLooper == NULL) { mReflector = new AHandlerReflector(this); mLooper = new ALooper; mLooper->registerHandler(mReflector); mLooper->start(); if (mLatestSubmittedBufferId >= 0) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatRepeatLastFrame, mReflector->id()); msg->setInt32("generation", ++mRepeatLastFrameGeneration); msg->post(mRepeatAfterUs); } } } void GraphicBufferSource::omxIdle() { ALOGV("omxIdle"); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (mExecuting) { // We are only interested in the transition from executing->idle, // not loaded->idle. mExecuting = false; } } void GraphicBufferSource::omxLoaded(){ Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (!mExecuting) { // This can happen if something failed very early. ALOGW("Dropped back down to Loaded without Executing"); } if (mLooper != NULL) { mLooper->unregisterHandler(mReflector->id()); mReflector.clear(); mLooper->stop(); mLooper.clear(); } ALOGV("--> loaded; avail=%d eos=%d eosSent=%d", mNumFramesAvailable, mEndOfStream, mEndOfStreamSent); // Codec is no longer executing. Discard all codec-related state. mCodecBuffers.clear(); // TODO: scan mCodecBuffers to verify that all mGraphicBuffer entries // are null; complain if not mExecuting = false; } void GraphicBufferSource::addCodecBuffer(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (mExecuting) { // This should never happen -- buffers can only be allocated when // transitioning from "loaded" to "idle". ALOGE("addCodecBuffer: buffer added while executing"); return; } ALOGV("addCodecBuffer h=%p size=%lu p=%p", header, header->nAllocLen, header->pBuffer); CodecBuffer codecBuffer; codecBuffer.mHeader = header; mCodecBuffers.add(codecBuffer); } void GraphicBufferSource::codecBufferEmptied(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (!mExecuting) { return; } int cbi = findMatchingCodecBuffer_l(header); if (cbi < 0) { // This should never happen. ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer not recognized (h=%p)", header); return; } ALOGV("codecBufferEmptied h=%p size=%lu filled=%lu p=%p", header, header->nAllocLen, header->nFilledLen, header->pBuffer); CodecBuffer& codecBuffer(mCodecBuffers.editItemAt(cbi)); // header->nFilledLen may not be the original value, so we can't compare // that to zero to see of this was the EOS buffer. Instead we just // see if the GraphicBuffer reference was null, which should only ever // happen for EOS. if (codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer == NULL) { if (!(mEndOfStream && mEndOfStreamSent)) { // This can happen when broken code sends us the same buffer // twice in a row. ALOGE("ERROR: codecBufferEmptied on non-EOS null buffer " "(buffer emptied twice?)"); } // No GraphicBuffer to deal with, no additional input or output is // expected, so just return. return; } if (EXTRA_CHECK) { // Pull the graphic buffer handle back out of the buffer, and confirm // that it matches expectations. OMX_U8* data = header->pBuffer; buffer_handle_t bufferHandle; memcpy(&bufferHandle, data + 4, sizeof(buffer_handle_t)); if (bufferHandle != codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) { // should never happen ALOGE("codecBufferEmptied: buffer's handle is %p, expected %p", bufferHandle, codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle); CHECK(!"codecBufferEmptied: mismatched buffer"); } } // Find matching entry in our cached copy of the BufferQueue slots. // If we find a match, release that slot. If we don't, the BufferQueue // has dropped that GraphicBuffer, and there's nothing for us to release. int id = codecBuffer.mBuf; if (mBufferSlot[id] != NULL && mBufferSlot[id]->handle == codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle) { ALOGV("cbi %d matches bq slot %d, handle=%p", cbi, id, mBufferSlot[id]->handle); if (id == mLatestSubmittedBufferId) { CHECK_GT(mLatestSubmittedBufferUseCount--, 0); } else { mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer(id, codecBuffer.mFrameNumber, EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, Fence::NO_FENCE); } } else { ALOGV("codecBufferEmptied: no match for emptied buffer in cbi %d", cbi); } // Mark the codec buffer as available by clearing the GraphicBuffer ref. codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer = NULL; if (mNumFramesAvailable) { // Fill this codec buffer. CHECK(!mEndOfStreamSent); ALOGV("buffer freed, %d frames avail (eos=%d)", mNumFramesAvailable, mEndOfStream); fillCodecBuffer_l(); } else if (mEndOfStream) { // No frames available, but EOS is pending, so use this buffer to // send that. ALOGV("buffer freed, EOS pending"); submitEndOfInputStream_l(); } else if (mRepeatBufferDeferred) { bool success = repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l(); if (success) { ALOGV("deferred repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l SUCCESS"); } else { ALOGV("deferred repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l FAILURE"); } mRepeatBufferDeferred = false; } return; } void GraphicBufferSource::codecBufferFilled(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (mMaxTimestampGapUs > 0ll && !(header->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG)) { ssize_t index = mOriginalTimeUs.indexOfKey(header->nTimeStamp); if (index >= 0) { ALOGV("OUT timestamp: %lld -> %lld", header->nTimeStamp, mOriginalTimeUs[index]); header->nTimeStamp = mOriginalTimeUs[index]; mOriginalTimeUs.removeItemsAt(index); } else { // giving up the effort as encoder doesn't appear to preserve pts ALOGW("giving up limiting timestamp gap (pts = %lld)", header->nTimeStamp); mMaxTimestampGapUs = -1ll; } if (mOriginalTimeUs.size() > BufferQueue::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS) { // something terribly wrong must have happened, giving up... ALOGE("mOriginalTimeUs has too many entries (%d)", mOriginalTimeUs.size()); mMaxTimestampGapUs = -1ll; } } } void GraphicBufferSource::suspend(bool suspend) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (suspend) { mSuspended = true; while (mNumFramesAvailable > 0) { BufferQueue::BufferItem item; status_t err = mBufferQueue->acquireBuffer(&item, 0); if (err == BufferQueue::NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE) { // shouldn't happen. ALOGW("suspend: frame was not available"); break; } else if (err != OK) { ALOGW("suspend: acquireBuffer returned err=%d", err); break; } --mNumFramesAvailable; mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer(item.mBuf, item.mFrameNumber, EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, item.mFence); } return; } mSuspended = false; if (mExecuting && mNumFramesAvailable == 0 && mRepeatBufferDeferred) { if (repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l()) { ALOGV("suspend/deferred repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l SUCCESS"); mRepeatBufferDeferred = false; } else { ALOGV("suspend/deferred repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l FAILURE"); } } } bool GraphicBufferSource::fillCodecBuffer_l() { CHECK(mExecuting && mNumFramesAvailable > 0); if (mSuspended) { return false; } int cbi = findAvailableCodecBuffer_l(); if (cbi < 0) { // No buffers available, bail. ALOGV("fillCodecBuffer_l: no codec buffers, avail now %d", mNumFramesAvailable); return false; } ALOGV("fillCodecBuffer_l: acquiring buffer, avail=%d", mNumFramesAvailable); BufferQueue::BufferItem item; status_t err = mBufferQueue->acquireBuffer(&item, 0); if (err == BufferQueue::NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE) { // shouldn't happen ALOGW("fillCodecBuffer_l: frame was not available"); return false; } else if (err != OK) { // now what? fake end-of-stream? ALOGW("fillCodecBuffer_l: acquireBuffer returned err=%d", err); return false; } mNumFramesAvailable--; // Wait for it to become available. err = item.mFence->waitForever("GraphicBufferSource::fillCodecBuffer_l"); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("failed to wait for buffer fence: %d", err); // keep going } // If this is the first time we're seeing this buffer, add it to our // slot table. if (item.mGraphicBuffer != NULL) { ALOGV("fillCodecBuffer_l: setting mBufferSlot %d", item.mBuf); mBufferSlot[item.mBuf] = item.mGraphicBuffer; } err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; // only submit sample if start time is unspecified, or sample // is queued after the specified start time if (mSkipFramesBeforeNs < 0ll || item.mTimestamp >= mSkipFramesBeforeNs) { // if start time is set, offset time stamp by start time if (mSkipFramesBeforeNs > 0) { item.mTimestamp -= mSkipFramesBeforeNs; } err = submitBuffer_l(item, cbi); } if (err != OK) { ALOGV("submitBuffer_l failed, releasing bq buf %d", item.mBuf); mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer(item.mBuf, item.mFrameNumber, EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, Fence::NO_FENCE); } else { ALOGV("buffer submitted (bq %d, cbi %d)", item.mBuf, cbi); setLatestSubmittedBuffer_l(item); } return true; } bool GraphicBufferSource::repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l() { CHECK(mExecuting && mNumFramesAvailable == 0); if (mLatestSubmittedBufferId < 0 || mSuspended) { return false; } if (mBufferSlot[mLatestSubmittedBufferId] == NULL) { // This can happen if the remote side disconnects, causing // onBuffersReleased() to NULL out our copy of the slots. The // buffer is gone, so we have nothing to show. // // To be on the safe side we try to release the buffer. ALOGD("repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l: slot was NULL"); mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer( mLatestSubmittedBufferId, mLatestSubmittedBufferFrameNum, EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, Fence::NO_FENCE); mLatestSubmittedBufferId = -1; mLatestSubmittedBufferFrameNum = 0; return false; } int cbi = findAvailableCodecBuffer_l(); if (cbi < 0) { // No buffers available, bail. ALOGV("repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l: no codec buffers."); return false; } BufferQueue::BufferItem item; item.mBuf = mLatestSubmittedBufferId; item.mFrameNumber = mLatestSubmittedBufferFrameNum; item.mTimestamp = mRepeatLastFrameTimestamp; status_t err = submitBuffer_l(item, cbi); if (err != OK) { return false; } ++mLatestSubmittedBufferUseCount; /* repeat last frame up to kRepeatLastFrameCount times. * in case of static scene, a single repeat might not get rid of encoder * ghosting completely, refresh a couple more times to get better quality */ if (--mRepeatLastFrameCount > 0) { mRepeatLastFrameTimestamp = item.mTimestamp + mRepeatAfterUs * 1000; if (mReflector != NULL) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatRepeatLastFrame, mReflector->id()); msg->setInt32("generation", ++mRepeatLastFrameGeneration); msg->post(mRepeatAfterUs); } } return true; } void GraphicBufferSource::setLatestSubmittedBuffer_l( const BufferQueue::BufferItem &item) { ALOGV("setLatestSubmittedBuffer_l"); if (mLatestSubmittedBufferId >= 0) { if (mLatestSubmittedBufferUseCount == 0) { mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer( mLatestSubmittedBufferId, mLatestSubmittedBufferFrameNum, EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, Fence::NO_FENCE); } } mLatestSubmittedBufferId = item.mBuf; mLatestSubmittedBufferFrameNum = item.mFrameNumber; mRepeatLastFrameTimestamp = item.mTimestamp + mRepeatAfterUs * 1000; mLatestSubmittedBufferUseCount = 1; mRepeatBufferDeferred = false; mRepeatLastFrameCount = kRepeatLastFrameCount; if (mReflector != NULL) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatRepeatLastFrame, mReflector->id()); msg->setInt32("generation", ++mRepeatLastFrameGeneration); msg->post(mRepeatAfterUs); } } status_t GraphicBufferSource::signalEndOfInputStream() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); ALOGV("signalEndOfInputStream: exec=%d avail=%d eos=%d", mExecuting, mNumFramesAvailable, mEndOfStream); if (mEndOfStream) { ALOGE("EOS was already signaled"); return INVALID_OPERATION; } // Set the end-of-stream flag. If no frames are pending from the // BufferQueue, and a codec buffer is available, and we're executing, // we initiate the EOS from here. Otherwise, we'll let // codecBufferEmptied() (or omxExecuting) do it. // // Note: if there are no pending frames and all codec buffers are // available, we *must* submit the EOS from here or we'll just // stall since no future events are expected. mEndOfStream = true; if (mExecuting && mNumFramesAvailable == 0) { submitEndOfInputStream_l(); } return OK; } int64_t GraphicBufferSource::getTimestamp(const BufferQueue::BufferItem &item) { int64_t timeUs = item.mTimestamp / 1000; if (mMaxTimestampGapUs > 0ll) { /* Cap timestamp gap between adjacent frames to specified max * * In the scenario of cast mirroring, encoding could be suspended for * prolonged periods. Limiting the pts gap to workaround the problem * where encoder's rate control logic produces huge frames after a * long period of suspension. */ int64_t originalTimeUs = timeUs; if (mPrevOriginalTimeUs >= 0ll) { if (originalTimeUs < mPrevOriginalTimeUs) { // Drop the frame if it's going backward in time. Bad timestamp // could disrupt encoder's rate control completely. ALOGW("Dropping frame that's going backward in time"); return -1; } int64_t timestampGapUs = originalTimeUs - mPrevOriginalTimeUs; timeUs = (timestampGapUs < mMaxTimestampGapUs ? timestampGapUs : mMaxTimestampGapUs) + mPrevModifiedTimeUs; } mPrevOriginalTimeUs = originalTimeUs; mPrevModifiedTimeUs = timeUs; mOriginalTimeUs.add(timeUs, originalTimeUs); ALOGV("IN timestamp: %lld -> %lld", originalTimeUs, timeUs); } return timeUs; } status_t GraphicBufferSource::submitBuffer_l( const BufferQueue::BufferItem &item, int cbi) { ALOGV("submitBuffer_l cbi=%d", cbi); int64_t timeUs = getTimestamp(item); if (timeUs < 0ll) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } CodecBuffer& codecBuffer(mCodecBuffers.editItemAt(cbi)); codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer = mBufferSlot[item.mBuf]; codecBuffer.mBuf = item.mBuf; codecBuffer.mFrameNumber = item.mFrameNumber; OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header = codecBuffer.mHeader; CHECK(header->nAllocLen >= 4 + sizeof(buffer_handle_t)); OMX_U8* data = header->pBuffer; const OMX_U32 type = kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource; buffer_handle_t handle = codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer->handle; memcpy(data, &type, 4); memcpy(data + 4, &handle, sizeof(buffer_handle_t)); status_t err = mNodeInstance->emptyDirectBuffer(header, 0, 4 + sizeof(buffer_handle_t), OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME, timeUs); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("WARNING: emptyDirectBuffer failed: 0x%x", err); codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer = NULL; return err; } ALOGV("emptyDirectBuffer succeeded, h=%p p=%p bufhandle=%p", header, header->pBuffer, handle); return OK; } void GraphicBufferSource::submitEndOfInputStream_l() { CHECK(mEndOfStream); if (mEndOfStreamSent) { ALOGV("EOS already sent"); return; } int cbi = findAvailableCodecBuffer_l(); if (cbi < 0) { ALOGV("submitEndOfInputStream_l: no codec buffers available"); return; } // We reject any additional incoming graphic buffers, so there's no need // to stick a placeholder into codecBuffer.mGraphicBuffer to mark it as // in-use. CodecBuffer& codecBuffer(mCodecBuffers.editItemAt(cbi)); OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header = codecBuffer.mHeader; if (EXTRA_CHECK) { // Guard against implementations that don't check nFilledLen. size_t fillLen = 4 + sizeof(buffer_handle_t); CHECK(header->nAllocLen >= fillLen); OMX_U8* data = header->pBuffer; memset(data, 0xcd, fillLen); } uint64_t timestamp = 0; // does this matter? status_t err = mNodeInstance->emptyDirectBuffer(header, /*offset*/ 0, /*length*/ 0, OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME | OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS, timestamp); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("emptyDirectBuffer EOS failed: 0x%x", err); } else { ALOGV("submitEndOfInputStream_l: buffer submitted, header=%p cbi=%d", header, cbi); mEndOfStreamSent = true; } } int GraphicBufferSource::findAvailableCodecBuffer_l() { CHECK(mCodecBuffers.size() > 0); for (int i = (int)mCodecBuffers.size() - 1; i>= 0; --i) { if (mCodecBuffers[i].mGraphicBuffer == NULL) { return i; } } return -1; } int GraphicBufferSource::findMatchingCodecBuffer_l( const OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header) { for (int i = (int)mCodecBuffers.size() - 1; i>= 0; --i) { if (mCodecBuffers[i].mHeader == header) { return i; } } return -1; } // BufferQueue::ConsumerListener callback void GraphicBufferSource::onFrameAvailable() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); ALOGV("onFrameAvailable exec=%d avail=%d", mExecuting, mNumFramesAvailable); if (mEndOfStream || mSuspended) { if (mEndOfStream) { // This should only be possible if a new buffer was queued after // EOS was signaled, i.e. the app is misbehaving. ALOGW("onFrameAvailable: EOS is set, ignoring frame"); } else { ALOGV("onFrameAvailable: suspended, ignoring frame"); } BufferQueue::BufferItem item; status_t err = mBufferQueue->acquireBuffer(&item, 0); if (err == OK) { // If this is the first time we're seeing this buffer, add it to our // slot table. if (item.mGraphicBuffer != NULL) { ALOGV("fillCodecBuffer_l: setting mBufferSlot %d", item.mBuf); mBufferSlot[item.mBuf] = item.mGraphicBuffer; } mBufferQueue->releaseBuffer(item.mBuf, item.mFrameNumber, EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, item.mFence); } return; } mNumFramesAvailable++; mRepeatBufferDeferred = false; ++mRepeatLastFrameGeneration; if (mExecuting) { fillCodecBuffer_l(); } } // BufferQueue::ConsumerListener callback void GraphicBufferSource::onBuffersReleased() { Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex); uint32_t slotMask; if (mBufferQueue->getReleasedBuffers(&slotMask) != NO_ERROR) { ALOGW("onBuffersReleased: unable to get released buffer set"); slotMask = 0xffffffff; } ALOGV("onBuffersReleased: 0x%08x", slotMask); for (int i = 0; i < BufferQueue::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS; i++) { if ((slotMask & 0x01) != 0) { mBufferSlot[i] = NULL; } slotMask >>= 1; } } status_t GraphicBufferSource::setRepeatPreviousFrameDelayUs( int64_t repeatAfterUs) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (mExecuting || repeatAfterUs <= 0ll) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } mRepeatAfterUs = repeatAfterUs; return OK; } status_t GraphicBufferSource::setMaxTimestampGapUs(int64_t maxGapUs) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); if (mExecuting || maxGapUs <= 0ll) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } mMaxTimestampGapUs = maxGapUs; return OK; } void GraphicBufferSource::setSkipFramesBeforeUs(int64_t skipFramesBeforeUs) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); mSkipFramesBeforeNs = (skipFramesBeforeUs > 0) ? (skipFramesBeforeUs * 1000) : -1ll; } void GraphicBufferSource::onMessageReceived(const sp &msg) { switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatRepeatLastFrame: { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex); int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); if (generation != mRepeatLastFrameGeneration) { // stale break; } if (!mExecuting || mNumFramesAvailable > 0) { break; } bool success = repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l(); if (success) { ALOGV("repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l SUCCESS"); } else { ALOGV("repeatLatestSubmittedBuffer_l FAILURE"); mRepeatBufferDeferred = true; } break; } default: TRESPASS(); } } } // namespace android