/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "WebmWriter" #include "EbmlUtil.h" #include "WebmWriter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace webm; namespace { size_t XiphLaceCodeLen(size_t size) { return size / 0xff + 1; } size_t XiphLaceEnc(uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { size_t i; for (i = 0; size >= 0xff; ++i, size -= 0xff) { buf[i] = 0xff; } buf[i++] = size; return i; } } namespace android { static const int64_t kMinStreamableFileSizeInBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024; WebmWriter::WebmWriter(int fd) : mFd(dup(fd)), mInitCheck(mFd < 0 ? NO_INIT : OK), mTimeCodeScale(1000000), mStartTimestampUs(0), mStartTimeOffsetMs(0), mSegmentOffset(0), mSegmentDataStart(0), mInfoOffset(0), mInfoSize(0), mTracksOffset(0), mCuesOffset(0), mPaused(false), mStarted(false), mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested(false), mIsRealTimeRecording(false), mStreamableFile(true), mEstimatedCuesSize(0) { mStreams[kAudioIndex] = WebmStream(kAudioType, "Audio", &WebmWriter::audioTrack); mStreams[kVideoIndex] = WebmStream(kVideoType, "Video", &WebmWriter::videoTrack); mSinkThread = new WebmFrameSinkThread( mFd, mSegmentDataStart, mStreams[kVideoIndex].mSink, mStreams[kAudioIndex].mSink, mCuePoints); } // static sp WebmWriter::videoTrack(const sp& md) { int32_t width, height; CHECK(md->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width)); CHECK(md->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height)); return WebmElement::VideoTrackEntry(width, height); } // static sp WebmWriter::audioTrack(const sp& md) { int32_t nChannels, samplerate; uint32_t type; const void *headerData1; const char headerData2[] = { 3, 'v', 'o', 'r', 'b', 'i', 's', 7, 0, 0, 0, 'a', 'n', 'd', 'r', 'o', 'i', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; const void *headerData3; size_t headerSize1, headerSize2 = sizeof(headerData2), headerSize3; CHECK(md->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &nChannels)); CHECK(md->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &samplerate)); CHECK(md->findData(kKeyVorbisInfo, &type, &headerData1, &headerSize1)); CHECK(md->findData(kKeyVorbisBooks, &type, &headerData3, &headerSize3)); size_t codecPrivateSize = 1; codecPrivateSize += XiphLaceCodeLen(headerSize1); codecPrivateSize += XiphLaceCodeLen(headerSize2); codecPrivateSize += headerSize1 + headerSize2 + headerSize3; off_t off = 0; sp codecPrivateBuf = new ABuffer(codecPrivateSize); uint8_t *codecPrivateData = codecPrivateBuf->data(); codecPrivateData[off++] = 2; off += XiphLaceEnc(codecPrivateData + off, headerSize1); off += XiphLaceEnc(codecPrivateData + off, headerSize2); memcpy(codecPrivateData + off, headerData1, headerSize1); off += headerSize1; memcpy(codecPrivateData + off, headerData2, headerSize2); off += headerSize2; memcpy(codecPrivateData + off, headerData3, headerSize3); sp entry = WebmElement::AudioTrackEntry( nChannels, samplerate, codecPrivateBuf); return entry; } size_t WebmWriter::numTracks() { Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock); size_t numTracks = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxStreams; ++i) { if (mStreams[i].mTrackEntry != NULL) { numTracks++; } } return numTracks; } uint64_t WebmWriter::estimateCuesSize(int32_t bitRate) { // This implementation is based on estimateMoovBoxSize in MPEG4Writer. // // Statistical analysis shows that metadata usually accounts // for a small portion of the total file size, usually < 0.6%. // The default MIN_MOOV_BOX_SIZE is set to 0.6% x 1MB / 2, // where 1MB is the common file size limit for MMS application. // The default MAX _MOOV_BOX_SIZE value is based on about 3 // minute video recording with a bit rate about 3 Mbps, because // statistics also show that most of the video captured are going // to be less than 3 minutes. // If the estimation is wrong, we will pay the price of wasting // some reserved space. This should not happen so often statistically. static const int32_t factor = 2; static const int64_t MIN_CUES_SIZE = 3 * 1024; // 3 KB static const int64_t MAX_CUES_SIZE = (180 * 3000000 * 6LL / 8000); int64_t size = MIN_CUES_SIZE; // Max file size limit is set if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 && mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested) { size = mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes * 6 / 1000; } // Max file duration limit is set if (mMaxFileDurationLimitUs != 0) { if (bitRate > 0) { int64_t size2 = ((mMaxFileDurationLimitUs * bitRate * 6) / 1000 / 8000000); if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0 && mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested) { // When both file size and duration limits are set, // we use the smaller limit of the two. if (size > size2) { size = size2; } } else { // Only max file duration limit is set size = size2; } } } if (size < MIN_CUES_SIZE) { size = MIN_CUES_SIZE; } // Any long duration recording will be probably end up with // non-streamable webm file. if (size > MAX_CUES_SIZE) { size = MAX_CUES_SIZE; } ALOGV("limits: %" PRId64 "/%" PRId64 " bytes/us," " bit rate: %d bps and the estimated cues size %" PRId64 " bytes", mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes, mMaxFileDurationLimitUs, bitRate, size); return factor * size; } void WebmWriter::initStream(size_t idx) { if (mStreams[idx].mThread != NULL) { return; } if (mStreams[idx].mSource == NULL) { ALOGV("adding dummy source ... "); mStreams[idx].mThread = new WebmFrameEmptySourceThread( mStreams[idx].mType, mStreams[idx].mSink); } else { ALOGV("adding source %p", mStreams[idx].mSource.get()); mStreams[idx].mThread = new WebmFrameMediaSourceThread( mStreams[idx].mSource, mStreams[idx].mType, mStreams[idx].mSink, mTimeCodeScale, mStartTimestampUs, mStartTimeOffsetMs, numTracks(), mIsRealTimeRecording); } } void WebmWriter::release() { close(mFd); mFd = -1; mInitCheck = NO_INIT; mStarted = false; } status_t WebmWriter::reset() { if (mInitCheck != OK) { return OK; } else { if (!mStarted) { release(); return OK; } } status_t err = OK; int64_t maxDurationUs = 0; int64_t minDurationUs = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxStreams; ++i) { if (mStreams[i].mThread == NULL) { continue; } status_t status = mStreams[i].mThread->stop(); if (err == OK && status != OK) { err = status; } int64_t durationUs = mStreams[i].mThread->getDurationUs(); if (durationUs > maxDurationUs) { maxDurationUs = durationUs; } if (durationUs < minDurationUs) { minDurationUs = durationUs; } } if (numTracks() > 1) { ALOGD("Duration from tracks range is [%" PRId64 ", %" PRId64 "] us", minDurationUs, maxDurationUs); } mSinkThread->stop(); // Do not write out movie header on error. if (err != OK) { release(); return err; } sp cues = new WebmMaster(kMkvCues, mCuePoints); uint64_t cuesSize = cues->totalSize(); // TRICKY Even when the cues do fit in the space we reserved, if they do not fit // perfectly, we still need to check if there is enough "extra space" to write an // EBML void element. if (cuesSize != mEstimatedCuesSize && cuesSize > mEstimatedCuesSize - kMinEbmlVoidSize) { mCuesOffset = ::lseek(mFd, 0, SEEK_CUR); cues->write(mFd, cuesSize); } else { uint64_t spaceSize; ::lseek(mFd, mCuesOffset, SEEK_SET); cues->write(mFd, cuesSize); sp space = new EbmlVoid(mEstimatedCuesSize - cuesSize); space->write(mFd, spaceSize); } mCuePoints.clear(); mStreams[kVideoIndex].mSink.clear(); mStreams[kAudioIndex].mSink.clear(); uint8_t bary[sizeof(uint64_t)]; uint64_t totalSize = ::lseek(mFd, 0, SEEK_END); uint64_t segmentSize = totalSize - mSegmentDataStart; ::lseek(mFd, mSegmentOffset + sizeOf(kMkvSegment), SEEK_SET); uint64_t segmentSizeCoded = encodeUnsigned(segmentSize, sizeOf(kMkvUnknownLength)); serializeCodedUnsigned(segmentSizeCoded, bary); ::write(mFd, bary, sizeOf(kMkvUnknownLength)); uint64_t durationOffset = mInfoOffset + sizeOf(kMkvInfo) + sizeOf(mInfoSize) + sizeOf(kMkvSegmentDuration) + sizeOf(sizeof(double)); sp duration = new WebmFloat( kMkvSegmentDuration, (double) (maxDurationUs * 1000 / mTimeCodeScale)); duration->serializePayload(bary); ::lseek(mFd, durationOffset, SEEK_SET); ::write(mFd, bary, sizeof(double)); List > seekEntries; seekEntries.push_back(WebmElement::SeekEntry(kMkvInfo, mInfoOffset - mSegmentDataStart)); seekEntries.push_back(WebmElement::SeekEntry(kMkvTracks, mTracksOffset - mSegmentDataStart)); seekEntries.push_back(WebmElement::SeekEntry(kMkvCues, mCuesOffset - mSegmentDataStart)); sp seekHead = new WebmMaster(kMkvSeekHead, seekEntries); uint64_t metaSeekSize; ::lseek(mFd, mSegmentDataStart, SEEK_SET); seekHead->write(mFd, metaSeekSize); uint64_t spaceSize; sp space = new EbmlVoid(kMaxMetaSeekSize - metaSeekSize); space->write(mFd, spaceSize); release(); return err; } status_t WebmWriter::addSource(const sp &source) { Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); if (mStarted) { ALOGE("Attempt to add source AFTER recording is started"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // At most 2 tracks can be supported. if (mStreams[kVideoIndex].mTrackEntry != NULL && mStreams[kAudioIndex].mTrackEntry != NULL) { ALOGE("Too many tracks (2) to add"); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } CHECK(source != NULL); // A track of type other than video or audio is not supported. const char *mime; source->getFormat()->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime); const char *vp8 = MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8; const char *vorbis = MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS; size_t streamIndex; if (!strncasecmp(mime, vp8, strlen(vp8))) { streamIndex = kVideoIndex; } else if (!strncasecmp(mime, vorbis, strlen(vorbis))) { streamIndex = kAudioIndex; } else { ALOGE("Track (%s) other than %s or %s is not supported", mime, vp8, vorbis); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } // No more than one video or one audio track is supported. if (mStreams[streamIndex].mTrackEntry != NULL) { ALOGE("%s track already exists", mStreams[streamIndex].mName); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } // This is the first track of either audio or video. // Go ahead to add the track. mStreams[streamIndex].mSource = source; mStreams[streamIndex].mTrackEntry = mStreams[streamIndex].mMakeTrack(source->getFormat()); return OK; } status_t WebmWriter::start(MetaData *params) { if (mInitCheck != OK) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (mStreams[kVideoIndex].mTrackEntry == NULL && mStreams[kAudioIndex].mTrackEntry == NULL) { ALOGE("No source added"); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes != 0) { mIsFileSizeLimitExplicitlyRequested = true; } if (params) { int32_t isRealTimeRecording; params->findInt32(kKeyRealTimeRecording, &isRealTimeRecording); mIsRealTimeRecording = isRealTimeRecording; } if (mStarted) { if (mPaused) { mPaused = false; mStreams[kAudioIndex].mThread->resume(); mStreams[kVideoIndex].mThread->resume(); } return OK; } if (params) { int32_t tcsl; if (params->findInt32(kKeyTimeScale, &tcsl)) { mTimeCodeScale = tcsl; } } CHECK_GT(mTimeCodeScale, 0); ALOGV("movie time scale: %" PRIu64, mTimeCodeScale); /* * When the requested file size limit is small, the priority * is to meet the file size limit requirement, rather than * to make the file streamable. mStreamableFile does not tell * whether the actual recorded file is streamable or not. */ mStreamableFile = (!mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes) || (mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes >= kMinStreamableFileSizeInBytes); /* * Write various metadata. */ sp ebml, segment, info, seekHead, tracks, cues; ebml = WebmElement::EbmlHeader(); segment = new WebmMaster(kMkvSegment); seekHead = new EbmlVoid(kMaxMetaSeekSize); info = WebmElement::SegmentInfo(mTimeCodeScale, 0); List > children; for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxStreams; ++i) { if (mStreams[i].mTrackEntry != NULL) { children.push_back(mStreams[i].mTrackEntry); } } tracks = new WebmMaster(kMkvTracks, children); if (!mStreamableFile) { cues = NULL; } else { int32_t bitRate = -1; if (params) { params->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate); } mEstimatedCuesSize = estimateCuesSize(bitRate); CHECK_GE(mEstimatedCuesSize, 8); cues = new EbmlVoid(mEstimatedCuesSize); } sp elems[] = { ebml, segment, seekHead, info, tracks, cues }; size_t nElems = sizeof(elems) / sizeof(elems[0]); uint64_t offsets[nElems]; uint64_t sizes[nElems]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nElems; i++) { WebmElement *e = elems[i].get(); if (!e) { continue; } uint64_t size; offsets[i] = ::lseek(mFd, 0, SEEK_CUR); sizes[i] = e->mSize; e->write(mFd, size); } mSegmentOffset = offsets[1]; mSegmentDataStart = offsets[2]; mInfoOffset = offsets[3]; mInfoSize = sizes[3]; mTracksOffset = offsets[4]; mCuesOffset = offsets[5]; // start threads if (params) { params->findInt64(kKeyTime, &mStartTimestampUs); } initStream(kAudioIndex); initStream(kVideoIndex); mStreams[kAudioIndex].mThread->start(); mStreams[kVideoIndex].mThread->start(); mSinkThread->start(); mStarted = true; return OK; } status_t WebmWriter::pause() { if (mInitCheck != OK) { return OK; } mPaused = true; status_t err = OK; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxStreams; ++i) { if (mStreams[i].mThread == NULL) { continue; } status_t status = mStreams[i].mThread->pause(); if (status != OK) { err = status; } } return err; } status_t WebmWriter::stop() { return reset(); } bool WebmWriter::reachedEOS() { return !mSinkThread->running(); } } /* namespace android */