/* * Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef WIFI_DISPLAY_SOURCE_H_ #define WIFI_DISPLAY_SOURCE_H_ #include "VideoFormats.h" #include #include #include namespace android { struct IHDCP; struct IRemoteDisplayClient; struct ParsedMessage; // Represents the RTSP server acting as a wifi display source. // Manages incoming connections, sets up Playback sessions as necessary. struct WifiDisplaySource : public AHandler { static const unsigned kWifiDisplayDefaultPort = 7236; WifiDisplaySource( const sp &netSession, const sp &client, const char *path = NULL); status_t start(const char *iface); status_t stop(); status_t pause(); status_t resume(); protected: virtual ~WifiDisplaySource(); virtual void onMessageReceived(const sp &msg); private: struct PlaybackSession; struct HDCPObserver; enum State { INITIALIZED, AWAITING_CLIENT_CONNECTION, AWAITING_CLIENT_SETUP, AWAITING_CLIENT_PLAY, ABOUT_TO_PLAY, PLAYING, PLAYING_TO_PAUSED, PAUSED, PAUSED_TO_PLAYING, AWAITING_CLIENT_TEARDOWN, STOPPING, STOPPED, }; enum { kWhatStart, kWhatRTSPNotify, kWhatStop, kWhatPause, kWhatResume, kWhatReapDeadClients, kWhatPlaybackSessionNotify, kWhatKeepAlive, kWhatHDCPNotify, kWhatFinishStop2, kWhatTeardownTriggerTimedOut, }; struct ResponseID { int32_t mSessionID; int32_t mCSeq; bool operator<(const ResponseID &other) const { return mSessionID < other.mSessionID || (mSessionID == other.mSessionID && mCSeq < other.mCSeq); } }; typedef status_t (WifiDisplaySource::*HandleRTSPResponseFunc)( int32_t sessionID, const sp &msg); static const int64_t kReaperIntervalUs = 1000000ll; // We request that the dongle send us a "TEARDOWN" in order to // perform an orderly shutdown. We're willing to wait up to 2 secs // for this message to arrive, after that we'll force a disconnect // instead. static const int64_t kTeardownTriggerTimeouSecs = 2; static const int64_t kPlaybackSessionTimeoutSecs = 30; static const int64_t kPlaybackSessionTimeoutUs = kPlaybackSessionTimeoutSecs * 1000000ll; static const AString sUserAgent; State mState; VideoFormats mSupportedSourceVideoFormats; sp mNetSession; sp mClient; AString mMediaPath; struct in_addr mInterfaceAddr; int32_t mSessionID; uint32_t mStopReplyID; AString mWfdClientRtpPorts; int32_t mChosenRTPPort; // extracted from "wfd_client_rtp_ports" bool mSinkSupportsVideo; VideoFormats mSupportedSinkVideoFormats; VideoFormats::ResolutionType mChosenVideoResolutionType; size_t mChosenVideoResolutionIndex; VideoFormats::ProfileType mChosenVideoProfile; VideoFormats::LevelType mChosenVideoLevel; bool mSinkSupportsAudio; bool mUsingPCMAudio; int32_t mClientSessionID; struct ClientInfo { AString mRemoteIP; AString mLocalIP; int32_t mLocalPort; int32_t mPlaybackSessionID; sp mPlaybackSession; }; ClientInfo mClientInfo; bool mReaperPending; int32_t mNextCSeq; KeyedVector mResponseHandlers; // HDCP specific section >>>> bool mUsingHDCP; bool mIsHDCP2_0; int32_t mHDCPPort; sp mHDCP; sp mHDCPObserver; bool mHDCPInitializationComplete; bool mSetupTriggerDeferred; bool mPlaybackSessionEstablished; status_t makeHDCP(); // <<<< HDCP specific section status_t sendM1(int32_t sessionID); status_t sendM3(int32_t sessionID); status_t sendM4(int32_t sessionID); enum TriggerType { TRIGGER_SETUP, TRIGGER_TEARDOWN, TRIGGER_PAUSE, TRIGGER_PLAY, }; // M5 status_t sendTrigger(int32_t sessionID, TriggerType triggerType); status_t sendM16(int32_t sessionID); status_t onReceiveM1Response( int32_t sessionID, const sp &msg); status_t onReceiveM3Response( int32_t sessionID, const sp &msg); status_t onReceiveM4Response( int32_t sessionID, const sp &msg); status_t onReceiveM5Response( int32_t sessionID, const sp &msg); status_t onReceiveM16Response( int32_t sessionID, const sp &msg); void registerResponseHandler( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, HandleRTSPResponseFunc func); status_t onReceiveClientData(const sp &msg); status_t onOptionsRequest( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, const sp &data); status_t onSetupRequest( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, const sp &data); status_t onPlayRequest( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, const sp &data); status_t onPauseRequest( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, const sp &data); status_t onTeardownRequest( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, const sp &data); status_t onGetParameterRequest( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, const sp &data); status_t onSetParameterRequest( int32_t sessionID, int32_t cseq, const sp &data); void sendErrorResponse( int32_t sessionID, const char *errorDetail, int32_t cseq); static void AppendCommonResponse( AString *response, int32_t cseq, int32_t playbackSessionID = -1ll); void scheduleReaper(); void scheduleKeepAlive(int32_t sessionID); int32_t makeUniquePlaybackSessionID() const; sp findPlaybackSession( const sp &data, int32_t *playbackSessionID) const; void finishStop(); void disconnectClientAsync(); void disconnectClient2(); void finishStopAfterDisconnectingClient(); void finishStop2(); void finishPlay(); DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(WifiDisplaySource); }; } // namespace android #endif // WIFI_DISPLAY_SOURCE_H_