/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "AudioPolicyService" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include "Configuration.h" #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ #define __STDINT_LIMITS #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AudioPolicyService.h" #include "ServiceUtilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { static const char kDeadlockedString[] = "AudioPolicyService may be deadlocked\n"; static const char kCmdDeadlockedString[] = "AudioPolicyService command thread may be deadlocked\n"; static const int kDumpLockRetries = 50; static const int kDumpLockSleepUs = 20000; static const nsecs_t kAudioCommandTimeoutNs = seconds(3); // 3 seconds namespace { extern struct audio_policy_service_ops aps_ops; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AudioPolicyService::AudioPolicyService() : BnAudioPolicyService(), mpAudioPolicyDev(NULL), mpAudioPolicy(NULL), mAudioPolicyManager(NULL), mAudioPolicyClient(NULL) { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; const struct hw_module_t *module; int forced_val; int rc; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); // start tone playback thread mTonePlaybackThread = new AudioCommandThread(String8("ApmTone"), this); // start audio commands thread mAudioCommandThread = new AudioCommandThread(String8("ApmAudio"), this); // start output activity command thread mOutputCommandThread = new AudioCommandThread(String8("ApmOutput"), this); #ifdef USE_LEGACY_AUDIO_POLICY ALOGI("AudioPolicyService CSTOR in legacy mode"); /* instantiate the audio policy manager */ rc = hw_get_module(AUDIO_POLICY_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &module); if (rc) { return; } rc = audio_policy_dev_open(module, &mpAudioPolicyDev); ALOGE_IF(rc, "couldn't open audio policy device (%s)", strerror(-rc)); if (rc) { return; } rc = mpAudioPolicyDev->create_audio_policy(mpAudioPolicyDev, &aps_ops, this, &mpAudioPolicy); ALOGE_IF(rc, "couldn't create audio policy (%s)", strerror(-rc)); if (rc) { return; } rc = mpAudioPolicy->init_check(mpAudioPolicy); ALOGE_IF(rc, "couldn't init_check the audio policy (%s)", strerror(-rc)); if (rc) { return; } ALOGI("Loaded audio policy from %s (%s)", module->name, module->id); #else ALOGI("AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode"); mAudioPolicyClient = new AudioPolicyClient(this); mAudioPolicyManager = createAudioPolicyManager(mAudioPolicyClient); #endif // load audio processing modules mAudioPolicyEffects = new AudioPolicyEffects(); } AudioPolicyService::~AudioPolicyService() { mTonePlaybackThread->exit(); mAudioCommandThread->exit(); mOutputCommandThread->exit(); #ifdef USE_LEGACY_AUDIO_POLICY if (mpAudioPolicy != NULL && mpAudioPolicyDev != NULL) { mpAudioPolicyDev->destroy_audio_policy(mpAudioPolicyDev, mpAudioPolicy); } if (mpAudioPolicyDev != NULL) { audio_policy_dev_close(mpAudioPolicyDev); } #else destroyAudioPolicyManager(mAudioPolicyManager); delete mAudioPolicyClient; #endif mNotificationClients.clear(); mAudioPolicyEffects.clear(); } // A notification client is always registered by AudioSystem when the client process // connects to AudioPolicyService. void AudioPolicyService::registerClient(const sp& client) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); uid_t uid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid(); if (mNotificationClients.indexOfKey(uid) < 0) { sp notificationClient = new NotificationClient(this, client, uid); ALOGV("registerClient() client %p, uid %d", client.get(), uid); mNotificationClients.add(uid, notificationClient); sp binder = client->asBinder(); binder->linkToDeath(notificationClient); } } // removeNotificationClient() is called when the client process dies. void AudioPolicyService::removeNotificationClient(uid_t uid) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mNotificationClients.removeItem(uid); #ifndef USE_LEGACY_AUDIO_POLICY if (mAudioPolicyManager) { mAudioPolicyManager->clearAudioPatches(uid); } #endif } void AudioPolicyService::onAudioPortListUpdate() { mOutputCommandThread->updateAudioPortListCommand(); } void AudioPolicyService::doOnAudioPortListUpdate() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mNotificationClients.size(); i++) { mNotificationClients.valueAt(i)->onAudioPortListUpdate(); } } void AudioPolicyService::onAudioPatchListUpdate() { mOutputCommandThread->updateAudioPatchListCommand(); } status_t AudioPolicyService::clientCreateAudioPatch(const struct audio_patch *patch, audio_patch_handle_t *handle, int delayMs) { return mAudioCommandThread->createAudioPatchCommand(patch, handle, delayMs); } status_t AudioPolicyService::clientReleaseAudioPatch(audio_patch_handle_t handle, int delayMs) { return mAudioCommandThread->releaseAudioPatchCommand(handle, delayMs); } void AudioPolicyService::doOnAudioPatchListUpdate() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mNotificationClients.size(); i++) { mNotificationClients.valueAt(i)->onAudioPatchListUpdate(); } } status_t AudioPolicyService::clientSetAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config *config, int delayMs) { return mAudioCommandThread->setAudioPortConfigCommand(config, delayMs); } AudioPolicyService::NotificationClient::NotificationClient(const sp& service, const sp& client, uid_t uid) : mService(service), mUid(uid), mAudioPolicyServiceClient(client) { } AudioPolicyService::NotificationClient::~NotificationClient() { } void AudioPolicyService::NotificationClient::binderDied(const wp& who __unused) { sp keep(this); sp service = mService.promote(); if (service != 0) { service->removeNotificationClient(mUid); } } void AudioPolicyService::NotificationClient::onAudioPortListUpdate() { if (mAudioPolicyServiceClient != 0) { mAudioPolicyServiceClient->onAudioPortListUpdate(); } } void AudioPolicyService::NotificationClient::onAudioPatchListUpdate() { if (mAudioPolicyServiceClient != 0) { mAudioPolicyServiceClient->onAudioPatchListUpdate(); } } void AudioPolicyService::binderDied(const wp& who) { ALOGW("binderDied() %p, calling pid %d", who.unsafe_get(), IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid()); } static bool tryLock(Mutex& mutex) { bool locked = false; for (int i = 0; i < kDumpLockRetries; ++i) { if (mutex.tryLock() == NO_ERROR) { locked = true; break; } usleep(kDumpLockSleepUs); } return locked; } status_t AudioPolicyService::dumpInternals(int fd) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; #ifdef USE_LEGACY_AUDIO_POLICY snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "PolicyManager Interface: %p\n", mpAudioPolicy); #else snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "AudioPolicyManager: %p\n", mAudioPolicyManager); #endif result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "Command Thread: %p\n", mAudioCommandThread.get()); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "Tones Thread: %p\n", mTonePlaybackThread.get()); result.append(buffer); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::dump(int fd, const Vector& args __unused) { if (!dumpAllowed()) { dumpPermissionDenial(fd); } else { bool locked = tryLock(mLock); if (!locked) { String8 result(kDeadlockedString); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); } dumpInternals(fd); if (mAudioCommandThread != 0) { mAudioCommandThread->dump(fd); } if (mTonePlaybackThread != 0) { mTonePlaybackThread->dump(fd); } #ifdef USE_LEGACY_AUDIO_POLICY if (mpAudioPolicy) { mpAudioPolicy->dump(mpAudioPolicy, fd); } #else if (mAudioPolicyManager) { mAudioPolicyManager->dump(fd); } #endif if (locked) mLock.unlock(); } return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::dumpPermissionDenial(int fd) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "Permission Denial: " "can't dump AudioPolicyService from pid=%d, uid=%d\n", IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(), IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid()); result.append(buffer); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { return BnAudioPolicyService::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } // ----------- AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread implementation ---------- AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::AudioCommandThread(String8 name, const wp& service) : Thread(false), mName(name), mService(service) { mpToneGenerator = NULL; } AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::~AudioCommandThread() { if (!mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) { release_wake_lock(mName.string()); } mAudioCommands.clear(); delete mpToneGenerator; } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::onFirstRef() { run(mName.string(), ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); } bool AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::threadLoop() { nsecs_t waitTime = INT64_MAX; mLock.lock(); while (!exitPending()) { sp svc; while (!mAudioCommands.isEmpty() && !exitPending()) { nsecs_t curTime = systemTime(); // commands are sorted by increasing time stamp: execute them from index 0 and up if (mAudioCommands[0]->mTime <= curTime) { sp command = mAudioCommands[0]; mAudioCommands.removeAt(0); mLastCommand = command; switch (command->mCommand) { case START_TONE: { mLock.unlock(); ToneData *data = (ToneData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing start tone %d on stream %d", data->mType, data->mStream); delete mpToneGenerator; mpToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(data->mStream, 1.0); mpToneGenerator->startTone(data->mType); mLock.lock(); }break; case STOP_TONE: { mLock.unlock(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing stop tone"); if (mpToneGenerator != NULL) { mpToneGenerator->stopTone(); delete mpToneGenerator; mpToneGenerator = NULL; } mLock.lock(); }break; case SET_VOLUME: { VolumeData *data = (VolumeData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set volume stream %d, \ volume %f, output %d", data->mStream, data->mVolume, data->mIO); command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setStreamVolume(data->mStream, data->mVolume, data->mIO); }break; case SET_PARAMETERS: { ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string %s, io %d", data->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mIO); command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setParameters(data->mIO, data->mKeyValuePairs); }break; case SET_VOICE_VOLUME: { VoiceVolumeData *data = (VoiceVolumeData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set voice volume volume %f", data->mVolume); command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setVoiceVolume(data->mVolume); }break; case STOP_OUTPUT: { StopOutputData *data = (StopOutputData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing stop output %d", data->mIO); svc = mService.promote(); if (svc == 0) { break; } mLock.unlock(); svc->doStopOutput(data->mIO, data->mStream, data->mSession); mLock.lock(); }break; case RELEASE_OUTPUT: { ReleaseOutputData *data = (ReleaseOutputData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing release output %d", data->mIO); svc = mService.promote(); if (svc == 0) { break; } mLock.unlock(); svc->doReleaseOutput(data->mIO); mLock.lock(); }break; case CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: { CreateAudioPatchData *data = (CreateAudioPatchData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing create audio patch"); sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { command->mStatus = PERMISSION_DENIED; } else { command->mStatus = af->createAudioPatch(&data->mPatch, &data->mHandle); } } break; case RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH: { ReleaseAudioPatchData *data = (ReleaseAudioPatchData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing release audio patch"); sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { command->mStatus = PERMISSION_DENIED; } else { command->mStatus = af->releaseAudioPatch(data->mHandle); } } break; case UPDATE_AUDIOPORT_LIST: { ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing update audio port list"); svc = mService.promote(); if (svc == 0) { break; } mLock.unlock(); svc->doOnAudioPortListUpdate(); mLock.lock(); }break; case UPDATE_AUDIOPATCH_LIST: { ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing update audio patch list"); svc = mService.promote(); if (svc == 0) { break; } mLock.unlock(); svc->doOnAudioPatchListUpdate(); mLock.lock(); }break; case SET_AUDIOPORT_CONFIG: { SetAudioPortConfigData *data = (SetAudioPortConfigData *)command->mParam.get(); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set port config"); sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { command->mStatus = PERMISSION_DENIED; } else { command->mStatus = af->setAudioPortConfig(&data->mConfig); } } break; default: ALOGW("AudioCommandThread() unknown command %d", command->mCommand); } { Mutex::Autolock _l(command->mLock); if (command->mWaitStatus) { command->mWaitStatus = false; command->mCond.signal(); } } waitTime = INT64_MAX; } else { waitTime = mAudioCommands[0]->mTime - curTime; break; } } // release mLock before releasing strong reference on the service as // AudioPolicyService destructor calls AudioCommandThread::exit() which acquires mLock. mLock.unlock(); svc.clear(); mLock.lock(); if (!exitPending() && mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) { // release delayed commands wake lock release_wake_lock(mName.string()); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() going to sleep"); mWaitWorkCV.waitRelative(mLock, waitTime); ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() waking up"); } } // release delayed commands wake lock before quitting if (!mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) { release_wake_lock(mName.string()); } mLock.unlock(); return false; } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::dump(int fd) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "AudioCommandThread %p Dump\n", this); result.append(buffer); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); bool locked = tryLock(mLock); if (!locked) { String8 result2(kCmdDeadlockedString); write(fd, result2.string(), result2.size()); } snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "- Commands:\n"); result = String8(buffer); result.append(" Command Time Wait pParam\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mAudioCommands.size(); i++) { mAudioCommands[i]->dump(buffer, SIZE); result.append(buffer); } result.append(" Last Command\n"); if (mLastCommand != 0) { mLastCommand->dump(buffer, SIZE); result.append(buffer); } else { result.append(" none\n"); } write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); if (locked) mLock.unlock(); return NO_ERROR; } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::startToneCommand(ToneGenerator::tone_type type, audio_stream_type_t stream) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = START_TONE; sp data = new ToneData(); data->mType = type; data->mStream = stream; command->mParam = data; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding tone start type %d, stream %d", type, stream); sendCommand(command); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::stopToneCommand() { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = STOP_TONE; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding tone stop"); sendCommand(command); } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::volumeCommand(audio_stream_type_t stream, float volume, audio_io_handle_t output, int delayMs) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = SET_VOLUME; sp data = new VolumeData(); data->mStream = stream; data->mVolume = volume; data->mIO = output; command->mParam = data; command->mWaitStatus = true; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set volume stream %d, volume %f, output %d", stream, volume, output); return sendCommand(command, delayMs); } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::parametersCommand(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const char *keyValuePairs, int delayMs) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = SET_PARAMETERS; sp data = new ParametersData(); data->mIO = ioHandle; data->mKeyValuePairs = String8(keyValuePairs); command->mParam = data; command->mWaitStatus = true; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set parameter string %s, io %d ,delay %d", keyValuePairs, ioHandle, delayMs); return sendCommand(command, delayMs); } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::voiceVolumeCommand(float volume, int delayMs) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = SET_VOICE_VOLUME; sp data = new VoiceVolumeData(); data->mVolume = volume; command->mParam = data; command->mWaitStatus = true; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set voice volume volume %f", volume); return sendCommand(command, delayMs); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::stopOutputCommand(audio_io_handle_t output, audio_stream_type_t stream, int session) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = STOP_OUTPUT; sp data = new StopOutputData(); data->mIO = output; data->mStream = stream; data->mSession = session; command->mParam = data; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding stop output %d", output); sendCommand(command); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::releaseOutputCommand(audio_io_handle_t output) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = RELEASE_OUTPUT; sp data = new ReleaseOutputData(); data->mIO = output; command->mParam = data; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding release output %d", output); sendCommand(command); } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::createAudioPatchCommand( const struct audio_patch *patch, audio_patch_handle_t *handle, int delayMs) { status_t status = NO_ERROR; sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH; CreateAudioPatchData *data = new CreateAudioPatchData(); data->mPatch = *patch; data->mHandle = *handle; command->mParam = data; command->mWaitStatus = true; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding create patch delay %d", delayMs); status = sendCommand(command, delayMs); if (status == NO_ERROR) { *handle = data->mHandle; } return status; } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::releaseAudioPatchCommand(audio_patch_handle_t handle, int delayMs) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH; ReleaseAudioPatchData *data = new ReleaseAudioPatchData(); data->mHandle = handle; command->mParam = data; command->mWaitStatus = true; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding release patch delay %d", delayMs); return sendCommand(command, delayMs); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::updateAudioPortListCommand() { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = UPDATE_AUDIOPORT_LIST; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding update audio port list"); sendCommand(command); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::updateAudioPatchListCommand() { spcommand = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = UPDATE_AUDIOPATCH_LIST; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding update audio patch list"); sendCommand(command); } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::setAudioPortConfigCommand( const struct audio_port_config *config, int delayMs) { sp command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = SET_AUDIOPORT_CONFIG; SetAudioPortConfigData *data = new SetAudioPortConfigData(); data->mConfig = *config; command->mParam = data; command->mWaitStatus = true; ALOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set port config delay %d", delayMs); return sendCommand(command, delayMs); } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::sendCommand(sp& command, int delayMs) { { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); insertCommand_l(command, delayMs); mWaitWorkCV.signal(); } Mutex::Autolock _l(command->mLock); while (command->mWaitStatus) { nsecs_t timeOutNs = kAudioCommandTimeoutNs + milliseconds(delayMs); if (command->mCond.waitRelative(command->mLock, timeOutNs) != NO_ERROR) { command->mStatus = TIMED_OUT; command->mWaitStatus = false; } } return command->mStatus; } // insertCommand_l() must be called with mLock held void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::insertCommand_l(sp& command, int delayMs) { ssize_t i; // not size_t because i will count down to -1 Vector < sp > removedCommands; command->mTime = systemTime() + milliseconds(delayMs); // acquire wake lock to make sure delayed commands are processed if (mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) { acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, mName.string()); } // check same pending commands with later time stamps and eliminate them for (i = mAudioCommands.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { sp command2 = mAudioCommands[i]; // commands are sorted by increasing time stamp: no need to scan the rest of mAudioCommands if (command2->mTime <= command->mTime) break; if (command2->mCommand != command->mCommand) continue; switch (command->mCommand) { case SET_PARAMETERS: { ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam.get(); ParametersData *data2 = (ParametersData *)command2->mParam.get(); if (data->mIO != data2->mIO) break; ALOGV("Comparing parameter command %s to new command %s", data2->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mKeyValuePairs.string()); AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(data->mKeyValuePairs); AudioParameter param2 = AudioParameter(data2->mKeyValuePairs); for (size_t j = 0; j < param.size(); j++) { String8 key; String8 value; param.getAt(j, key, value); for (size_t k = 0; k < param2.size(); k++) { String8 key2; String8 value2; param2.getAt(k, key2, value2); if (key2 == key) { param2.remove(key2); ALOGV("Filtering out parameter %s", key2.string()); break; } } } // if all keys have been filtered out, remove the command. // otherwise, update the key value pairs if (param2.size() == 0) { removedCommands.add(command2); } else { data2->mKeyValuePairs = param2.toString(); } command->mTime = command2->mTime; // force delayMs to non 0 so that code below does not request to wait for // command status as the command is now delayed delayMs = 1; } break; case SET_VOLUME: { VolumeData *data = (VolumeData *)command->mParam.get(); VolumeData *data2 = (VolumeData *)command2->mParam.get(); if (data->mIO != data2->mIO) break; if (data->mStream != data2->mStream) break; ALOGV("Filtering out volume command on output %d for stream %d", data->mIO, data->mStream); removedCommands.add(command2); command->mTime = command2->mTime; // force delayMs to non 0 so that code below does not request to wait for // command status as the command is now delayed delayMs = 1; } break; case START_TONE: case STOP_TONE: default: break; } } // remove filtered commands for (size_t j = 0; j < removedCommands.size(); j++) { // removed commands always have time stamps greater than current command for (size_t k = i + 1; k < mAudioCommands.size(); k++) { if (mAudioCommands[k].get() == removedCommands[j].get()) { ALOGV("suppressing command: %d", mAudioCommands[k]->mCommand); mAudioCommands.removeAt(k); break; } } } removedCommands.clear(); // Disable wait for status if delay is not 0 if (delayMs != 0) { command->mWaitStatus = false; } // insert command at the right place according to its time stamp ALOGV("inserting command: %d at index %zd, num commands %zu", command->mCommand, i+1, mAudioCommands.size()); mAudioCommands.insertAt(command, i + 1); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::exit() { ALOGV("AudioCommandThread::exit"); { AutoMutex _l(mLock); requestExit(); mWaitWorkCV.signal(); } requestExitAndWait(); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::AudioCommand::dump(char* buffer, size_t size) { snprintf(buffer, size, " %02d %06d.%03d %01u %p\n", mCommand, (int)ns2s(mTime), (int)ns2ms(mTime)%1000, mWaitStatus, mParam.get()); } /******* helpers for the service_ops callbacks defined below *********/ void AudioPolicyService::setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const char *keyValuePairs, int delayMs) { mAudioCommandThread->parametersCommand(ioHandle, keyValuePairs, delayMs); } int AudioPolicyService::setStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream, float volume, audio_io_handle_t output, int delayMs) { return (int)mAudioCommandThread->volumeCommand(stream, volume, output, delayMs); } int AudioPolicyService::startTone(audio_policy_tone_t tone, audio_stream_type_t stream) { if (tone != AUDIO_POLICY_TONE_IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION) { ALOGE("startTone: illegal tone requested (%d)", tone); } if (stream != AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL) { ALOGE("startTone: illegal stream (%d) requested for tone %d", stream, tone); } mTonePlaybackThread->startToneCommand(ToneGenerator::TONE_SUP_CALL_WAITING, AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL); return 0; } int AudioPolicyService::stopTone() { mTonePlaybackThread->stopToneCommand(); return 0; } int AudioPolicyService::setVoiceVolume(float volume, int delayMs) { return (int)mAudioCommandThread->voiceVolumeCommand(volume, delayMs); } extern "C" { audio_module_handle_t aps_load_hw_module(void *service __unused, const char *name); audio_io_handle_t aps_open_output(void *service __unused, audio_devices_t *pDevices, uint32_t *pSamplingRate, audio_format_t *pFormat, audio_channel_mask_t *pChannelMask, uint32_t *pLatencyMs, audio_output_flags_t flags); audio_io_handle_t aps_open_output_on_module(void *service __unused, audio_module_handle_t module, audio_devices_t *pDevices, uint32_t *pSamplingRate, audio_format_t *pFormat, audio_channel_mask_t *pChannelMask, uint32_t *pLatencyMs, audio_output_flags_t flags, const audio_offload_info_t *offloadInfo); audio_io_handle_t aps_open_dup_output(void *service __unused, audio_io_handle_t output1, audio_io_handle_t output2); int aps_close_output(void *service __unused, audio_io_handle_t output); int aps_suspend_output(void *service __unused, audio_io_handle_t output); int aps_restore_output(void *service __unused, audio_io_handle_t output); audio_io_handle_t aps_open_input(void *service __unused, audio_devices_t *pDevices, uint32_t *pSamplingRate, audio_format_t *pFormat, audio_channel_mask_t *pChannelMask, audio_in_acoustics_t acoustics __unused); audio_io_handle_t aps_open_input_on_module(void *service __unused, audio_module_handle_t module, audio_devices_t *pDevices, uint32_t *pSamplingRate, audio_format_t *pFormat, audio_channel_mask_t *pChannelMask); int aps_close_input(void *service __unused, audio_io_handle_t input); int aps_invalidate_stream(void *service __unused, audio_stream_type_t stream); int aps_move_effects(void *service __unused, int session, audio_io_handle_t src_output, audio_io_handle_t dst_output); char * aps_get_parameters(void *service __unused, audio_io_handle_t io_handle, const char *keys); void aps_set_parameters(void *service, audio_io_handle_t io_handle, const char *kv_pairs, int delay_ms); int aps_set_stream_volume(void *service, audio_stream_type_t stream, float volume, audio_io_handle_t output, int delay_ms); int aps_start_tone(void *service, audio_policy_tone_t tone, audio_stream_type_t stream); int aps_stop_tone(void *service); int aps_set_voice_volume(void *service, float volume, int delay_ms); }; namespace { struct audio_policy_service_ops aps_ops = { .open_output = aps_open_output, .open_duplicate_output = aps_open_dup_output, .close_output = aps_close_output, .suspend_output = aps_suspend_output, .restore_output = aps_restore_output, .open_input = aps_open_input, .close_input = aps_close_input, .set_stream_volume = aps_set_stream_volume, .invalidate_stream = aps_invalidate_stream, .set_parameters = aps_set_parameters, .get_parameters = aps_get_parameters, .start_tone = aps_start_tone, .stop_tone = aps_stop_tone, .set_voice_volume = aps_set_voice_volume, .move_effects = aps_move_effects, .load_hw_module = aps_load_hw_module, .open_output_on_module = aps_open_output_on_module, .open_input_on_module = aps_open_input_on_module, }; }; // namespace }; // namespace android