/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "APM::EffectDescriptor" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include "EffectDescriptor.h" #include namespace android { status_t EffectDescriptor::dump(int fd) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " I/O: %d\n", mIo); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " Strategy: %d\n", mStrategy); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " Session: %d\n", mSession); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " Name: %s\n", mDesc.name); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " %s\n", mEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); result.append(buffer); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); return NO_ERROR; } EffectDescriptorCollection::EffectDescriptorCollection() : mTotalEffectsCpuLoad(0), mTotalEffectsMemory(0) { } status_t EffectDescriptorCollection::registerEffect(const effect_descriptor_t *desc, audio_io_handle_t io, uint32_t strategy, int session, int id) { if (mTotalEffectsMemory + desc->memoryUsage > getMaxEffectsMemory()) { ALOGW("registerEffect() memory limit exceeded for Fx %s, Memory %d KB", desc->name, desc->memoryUsage); return INVALID_OPERATION; } mTotalEffectsMemory += desc->memoryUsage; ALOGV("registerEffect() effect %s, io %d, strategy %d session %d id %d", desc->name, io, strategy, session, id); ALOGV("registerEffect() memory %d, total memory %d", desc->memoryUsage, mTotalEffectsMemory); sp effectDesc = new EffectDescriptor(); memcpy (&effectDesc->mDesc, desc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t)); effectDesc->mIo = io; effectDesc->mStrategy = static_cast(strategy); effectDesc->mSession = session; effectDesc->mEnabled = false; add(id, effectDesc); return NO_ERROR; } status_t EffectDescriptorCollection::unregisterEffect(int id) { ssize_t index = indexOfKey(id); if (index < 0) { ALOGW("unregisterEffect() unknown effect ID %d", id); return INVALID_OPERATION; } sp effectDesc = valueAt(index); setEffectEnabled(effectDesc, false); if (mTotalEffectsMemory < effectDesc->mDesc.memoryUsage) { ALOGW("unregisterEffect() memory %d too big for total %d", effectDesc->mDesc.memoryUsage, mTotalEffectsMemory); effectDesc->mDesc.memoryUsage = mTotalEffectsMemory; } mTotalEffectsMemory -= effectDesc->mDesc.memoryUsage; ALOGV("unregisterEffect() effect %s, ID %d, memory %d total memory %d", effectDesc->mDesc.name, id, effectDesc->mDesc.memoryUsage, mTotalEffectsMemory); removeItem(id); return NO_ERROR; } status_t EffectDescriptorCollection::setEffectEnabled(int id, bool enabled) { ssize_t index = indexOfKey(id); if (index < 0) { ALOGW("unregisterEffect() unknown effect ID %d", id); return INVALID_OPERATION; } return setEffectEnabled(valueAt(index), enabled); } status_t EffectDescriptorCollection::setEffectEnabled(const sp &effectDesc, bool enabled) { if (enabled == effectDesc->mEnabled) { ALOGV("setEffectEnabled(%s) effect already %s", enabled?"true":"false", enabled?"enabled":"disabled"); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (enabled) { if (mTotalEffectsCpuLoad + effectDesc->mDesc.cpuLoad > getMaxEffectsCpuLoad()) { ALOGW("setEffectEnabled(true) CPU Load limit exceeded for Fx %s, CPU %f MIPS", effectDesc->mDesc.name, (float)effectDesc->mDesc.cpuLoad/10); return INVALID_OPERATION; } mTotalEffectsCpuLoad += effectDesc->mDesc.cpuLoad; ALOGV("setEffectEnabled(true) total CPU %d", mTotalEffectsCpuLoad); } else { if (mTotalEffectsCpuLoad < effectDesc->mDesc.cpuLoad) { ALOGW("setEffectEnabled(false) CPU load %d too high for total %d", effectDesc->mDesc.cpuLoad, mTotalEffectsCpuLoad); effectDesc->mDesc.cpuLoad = mTotalEffectsCpuLoad; } mTotalEffectsCpuLoad -= effectDesc->mDesc.cpuLoad; ALOGV("setEffectEnabled(false) total CPU %d", mTotalEffectsCpuLoad); } effectDesc->mEnabled = enabled; return NO_ERROR; } bool EffectDescriptorCollection::isNonOffloadableEffectEnabled() { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { sp effectDesc = valueAt(i); if (effectDesc->mEnabled && (effectDesc->mStrategy == STRATEGY_MEDIA) && ((effectDesc->mDesc.flags & EFFECT_FLAG_OFFLOAD_SUPPORTED) == 0)) { ALOGV("isNonOffloadableEffectEnabled() non offloadable effect %s enabled on session %d", effectDesc->mDesc.name, effectDesc->mSession); return true; } } return false; } uint32_t EffectDescriptorCollection::getMaxEffectsCpuLoad() const { return MAX_EFFECTS_CPU_LOAD; } uint32_t EffectDescriptorCollection::getMaxEffectsMemory() const { return MAX_EFFECTS_MEMORY; } status_t EffectDescriptorCollection::dump(int fd) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\nTotal Effects CPU: %f MIPS, Total Effects memory: %d KB\n", (float)mTotalEffectsCpuLoad/10, mTotalEffectsMemory); write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "Registered effects:\n"); write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "- Effect %d dump:\n", keyAt(i)); write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); valueAt(i)->dump(fd); } return NO_ERROR; } }; //namespace android