/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "APM::HwModule" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include "HwModule.h" #include "IOProfile.h" #include "AudioGain.h" #include "ConfigParsingUtils.h" #include "audio_policy_conf.h" #include namespace android { HwModule::HwModule(const char *name) : mName(strndup(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_MAX_LEN)), mHalVersion(AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_MIN), mHandle(0) { } HwModule::~HwModule() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputProfiles.size(); i++) { mOutputProfiles[i]->mSupportedDevices.clear(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < mInputProfiles.size(); i++) { mInputProfiles[i]->mSupportedDevices.clear(); } free((void *)mName); } status_t HwModule::loadInput(cnode *root) { cnode *node = root->first_child; sp profile = new IOProfile(String8(root->name), AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK, this); while (node) { if (strcmp(node->name, SAMPLING_RATES_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadSamplingRates((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, FORMATS_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadFormats((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, CHANNELS_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadInChannels((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, DEVICES_TAG) == 0) { profile->mSupportedDevices.loadDevicesFromName((char *)node->value, mDeclaredDevices); } else if (strcmp(node->name, FLAGS_TAG) == 0) { profile->mFlags = ConfigParsingUtils::parseInputFlagNames((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, GAINS_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadGains(node); } node = node->next; } ALOGW_IF(profile->mSupportedDevices.isEmpty(), "loadInput() invalid supported devices"); ALOGW_IF(profile->mChannelMasks.size() == 0, "loadInput() invalid supported channel masks"); ALOGW_IF(profile->mSamplingRates.size() == 0, "loadInput() invalid supported sampling rates"); ALOGW_IF(profile->mFormats.size() == 0, "loadInput() invalid supported formats"); if (!profile->mSupportedDevices.isEmpty() && (profile->mChannelMasks.size() != 0) && (profile->mSamplingRates.size() != 0) && (profile->mFormats.size() != 0)) { ALOGV("loadInput() adding input Supported Devices %04x", profile->mSupportedDevices.types()); mInputProfiles.add(profile); return NO_ERROR; } else { return BAD_VALUE; } } status_t HwModule::loadOutput(cnode *root) { cnode *node = root->first_child; sp profile = new IOProfile(String8(root->name), AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE, this); while (node) { if (strcmp(node->name, SAMPLING_RATES_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadSamplingRates((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, FORMATS_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadFormats((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, CHANNELS_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadOutChannels((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, DEVICES_TAG) == 0) { profile->mSupportedDevices.loadDevicesFromName((char *)node->value, mDeclaredDevices); } else if (strcmp(node->name, FLAGS_TAG) == 0) { profile->mFlags = ConfigParsingUtils::parseOutputFlagNames((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, GAINS_TAG) == 0) { profile->loadGains(node); } node = node->next; } ALOGW_IF(profile->mSupportedDevices.isEmpty(), "loadOutput() invalid supported devices"); ALOGW_IF(profile->mChannelMasks.size() == 0, "loadOutput() invalid supported channel masks"); ALOGW_IF(profile->mSamplingRates.size() == 0, "loadOutput() invalid supported sampling rates"); ALOGW_IF(profile->mFormats.size() == 0, "loadOutput() invalid supported formats"); if (!profile->mSupportedDevices.isEmpty() && (profile->mChannelMasks.size() != 0) && (profile->mSamplingRates.size() != 0) && (profile->mFormats.size() != 0)) { ALOGV("loadOutput() adding output Supported Devices %04x, mFlags %04x", profile->mSupportedDevices.types(), profile->mFlags); mOutputProfiles.add(profile); return NO_ERROR; } else { return BAD_VALUE; } } status_t HwModule::loadDevice(cnode *root) { cnode *node = root->first_child; audio_devices_t type = AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE; while (node) { if (strcmp(node->name, DEVICE_TYPE) == 0) { type = ConfigParsingUtils::parseDeviceNames((char *)node->value); break; } node = node->next; } if (type == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE || (!audio_is_input_device(type) && !audio_is_output_device(type))) { ALOGW("loadDevice() bad type %08x", type); return BAD_VALUE; } sp deviceDesc = new DeviceDescriptor(String8(root->name), type); deviceDesc->mModule = this; node = root->first_child; while (node) { if (strcmp(node->name, DEVICE_ADDRESS) == 0) { deviceDesc->mAddress = String8((char *)node->value); } else if (strcmp(node->name, CHANNELS_TAG) == 0) { if (audio_is_input_device(type)) { deviceDesc->loadInChannels((char *)node->value); } else { deviceDesc->loadOutChannels((char *)node->value); } } else if (strcmp(node->name, GAINS_TAG) == 0) { deviceDesc->loadGains(node); } node = node->next; } ALOGV("loadDevice() adding device name %s type %08x address %s", deviceDesc->mName.string(), type, deviceDesc->mAddress.string()); mDeclaredDevices.add(deviceDesc); return NO_ERROR; } status_t HwModule::addOutputProfile(String8 name, const audio_config_t *config, audio_devices_t device, String8 address) { sp profile = new IOProfile(name, AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE, this); profile->mSamplingRates.add(config->sample_rate); profile->mChannelMasks.add(config->channel_mask); profile->mFormats.add(config->format); sp devDesc = new DeviceDescriptor(name, device); devDesc->mAddress = address; profile->mSupportedDevices.add(devDesc); mOutputProfiles.add(profile); return NO_ERROR; } status_t HwModule::removeOutputProfile(String8 name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputProfiles.size(); i++) { if (mOutputProfiles[i]->mName == name) { mOutputProfiles.removeAt(i); break; } } return NO_ERROR; } status_t HwModule::addInputProfile(String8 name, const audio_config_t *config, audio_devices_t device, String8 address) { sp profile = new IOProfile(name, AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK, this); profile->mSamplingRates.add(config->sample_rate); profile->mChannelMasks.add(config->channel_mask); profile->mFormats.add(config->format); sp devDesc = new DeviceDescriptor(name, device); devDesc->mAddress = address; profile->mSupportedDevices.add(devDesc); ALOGV("addInputProfile() name %s rate %d mask 0x08", name.string(), config->sample_rate, config->channel_mask); mInputProfiles.add(profile); return NO_ERROR; } status_t HwModule::removeInputProfile(String8 name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mInputProfiles.size(); i++) { if (mInputProfiles[i]->mName == name) { mInputProfiles.removeAt(i); break; } } return NO_ERROR; } void HwModule::dump(int fd) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " - name: %s\n", mName); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " - handle: %d\n", mHandle); result.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " - version: %u.%u\n", mHalVersion >> 8, mHalVersion & 0xFF); result.append(buffer); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); if (mOutputProfiles.size()) { write(fd, " - outputs:\n", strlen(" - outputs:\n")); for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputProfiles.size(); i++) { snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " output %zu:\n", i); write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); mOutputProfiles[i]->dump(fd); } } if (mInputProfiles.size()) { write(fd, " - inputs:\n", strlen(" - inputs:\n")); for (size_t i = 0; i < mInputProfiles.size(); i++) { snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " input %zu:\n", i); write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); mInputProfiles[i]->dump(fd); } } if (mDeclaredDevices.size()) { write(fd, " - devices:\n", strlen(" - devices:\n")); for (size_t i = 0; i < mDeclaredDevices.size(); i++) { mDeclaredDevices[i]->dump(fd, 4, i); } } } } //namespace android