/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_SERVERS_CAMERA_CAMERA2CLIENT_H #define ANDROID_SERVERS_CAMERA_CAMERA2CLIENT_H #include "Camera2Device.h" #include "CameraService.h" #include "camera/CameraParameters.h" #include #include #include #include "MediaConsumer.h" namespace android { /** * Implements the android.hardware.camera API on top of * camera device HAL version 2. */ class Camera2Client : public CameraService::Client { public: // ICamera interface (see ICamera for details) virtual void disconnect(); virtual status_t connect(const sp& client); virtual status_t lock(); virtual status_t unlock(); virtual status_t setPreviewDisplay(const sp& surface); virtual status_t setPreviewTexture( const sp& surfaceTexture); virtual void setPreviewCallbackFlag(int flag); virtual status_t startPreview(); virtual void stopPreview(); virtual bool previewEnabled(); virtual status_t storeMetaDataInBuffers(bool enabled); virtual status_t startRecording(); virtual void stopRecording(); virtual bool recordingEnabled(); virtual void releaseRecordingFrame(const sp& mem); virtual status_t autoFocus(); virtual status_t cancelAutoFocus(); virtual status_t takePicture(int msgType); virtual status_t setParameters(const String8& params); virtual String8 getParameters() const; virtual status_t sendCommand(int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2); // Interface used by CameraService Camera2Client(const sp& cameraService, const sp& cameraClient, int cameraId, int cameraFacing, int clientPid); ~Camera2Client(); status_t initialize(camera_module_t *module); virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector& args); private: enum State { NOT_INITIALIZED, STOPPED, WAITING_FOR_PREVIEW_WINDOW, PREVIEW, RECORD, STILL_CAPTURE, VIDEO_SNAPSHOT } mState; static const char *getStateName(State state); /** ICamera interface-related private members */ // Mutex that must be locked by methods implementing the ICamera interface. // Ensures serialization between incoming ICamera calls mutable Mutex mICameraLock; // The following must be called with mICamaeraLock already locked status_t setPreviewWindowLocked(const sp& binder, sp window); void stopPreviewLocked(); status_t startPreviewLocked(); // Mutex that must be locked before accessing mParameters, mParamsFlattened mutable Mutex mParamsLock; String8 mParamsFlattened; // Current camera state; this is the contents of the CameraParameters object // in a more-efficient format. The enum values are mostly based off the // corresponding camera2 enums, not the camera1 strings. A few are defined // here if they don't cleanly map to camera2 values. struct Parameters { int previewWidth, previewHeight; int32_t previewFpsRange[2]; int previewFps; // deprecated, here only for tracking changes int previewFormat; int previewTransform; // set by CAMERA_CMD_SET_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION int pictureWidth, pictureHeight; int32_t jpegThumbSize[2]; int32_t jpegQuality, jpegThumbQuality; int32_t jpegRotation; bool gpsEnabled; double gpsCoordinates[3]; int64_t gpsTimestamp; String8 gpsProcessingMethod; int wbMode; int effectMode; int antibandingMode; int sceneMode; enum flashMode_t { FLASH_MODE_OFF = 0, FLASH_MODE_AUTO, FLASH_MODE_ON, FLASH_MODE_TORCH, FLASH_MODE_RED_EYE = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_ON_AUTO_FLASH_REDEYE, FLASH_MODE_INVALID = -1 } flashMode; enum focusMode_t { FOCUS_MODE_AUTO = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_AUTO, FOCUS_MODE_MACRO = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MACRO, FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO, FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE, FOCUS_MODE_EDOF = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_EDOF, FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY, FOCUS_MODE_FIXED, FOCUS_MODE_INVALID = -1 } focusMode; struct Area { int left, top, right, bottom; int weight; Area() {} Area(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int weight): left(left), top(top), right(right), bottom(bottom), weight(weight) {} }; Vector focusingAreas; int32_t exposureCompensation; bool autoExposureLock; bool autoWhiteBalanceLock; Vector meteringAreas; int zoom; int videoWidth, videoHeight; bool recordingHint; bool videoStabilization; bool storeMetadataInBuffers; } mParameters; /** Camera device-related private members */ class Camera2Heap; // Number of zoom steps to simulate static const unsigned int NUM_ZOOM_STEPS = 10; // Used with stream IDs static const int NO_STREAM = -1; /* Preview related members */ int mPreviewStreamId; camera_metadata_t *mPreviewRequest; sp mPreviewSurface; sp mPreviewWindow; // Update preview request based on mParameters status_t updatePreviewRequest(); // Update preview stream based on mParameters status_t updatePreviewStream(); /* Still image capture related members */ int mCaptureStreamId; sp mCaptureConsumer; sp mCaptureWindow; // Simple listener that forwards frame available notifications from // a CPU consumer to the capture notification class CaptureWaiter: public CpuConsumer::FrameAvailableListener { public: CaptureWaiter(Camera2Client *parent) : mParent(parent) {} void onFrameAvailable() { mParent->onCaptureAvailable(); } private: Camera2Client *mParent; }; sp mCaptureWaiter; camera_metadata_t *mCaptureRequest; sp mCaptureHeap; // Handle captured image buffers void onCaptureAvailable(); // Update capture request based on mParameters status_t updateCaptureRequest(); // Update capture stream based on mParameters status_t updateCaptureStream(); /* Recording related members */ int mRecordingStreamId; sp mRecordingConsumer; sp mRecordingWindow; // Simple listener that forwards frame available notifications from // a CPU consumer to the recording notification class RecordingWaiter: public MediaConsumer::FrameAvailableListener { public: RecordingWaiter(Camera2Client *parent) : mParent(parent) {} void onFrameAvailable() { mParent->onRecordingFrameAvailable(); } private: Camera2Client *mParent; }; sp mRecordingWaiter; camera_metadata_t *mRecordingRequest; sp mRecordingHeap; // TODO: This needs to be queried from somewhere, or the BufferQueue needs // to be passed all the way to stagefright. Right now, set to a large number // to avoid starvation of the video encoders. static const size_t kRecordingHeapCount = 8; size_t mRecordingHeapHead, mRecordingHeapFree; // Handle new recording image buffers void onRecordingFrameAvailable(); // Update recording request based on mParameters status_t updateRecordingRequest(); // Update recording stream based on mParameters status_t updateRecordingStream(); /** Camera2Device instance wrapping HAL2 entry */ sp mDevice; /** Utility members */ // Utility class for managing a set of IMemory blocks class Camera2Heap : public RefBase { public: Camera2Heap(size_t buf_size, uint_t num_buffers = 1, const char *name = NULL) : mBufSize(buf_size), mNumBufs(num_buffers) { mHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(buf_size * num_buffers, 0, name); mBuffers = new sp[mNumBufs]; for (uint_t i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++) mBuffers[i] = new MemoryBase(mHeap, i * mBufSize, mBufSize); } virtual ~Camera2Heap() { delete [] mBuffers; } size_t mBufSize; uint_t mNumBufs; sp mHeap; sp *mBuffers; }; // Get values for static camera info entry. min/maxCount are used for error // checking the number of values in the entry. 0 for max/minCount means to // do no bounds check in that direction. In case of error, the entry data // pointer is null and the count is 0. camera_metadata_entry_t staticInfo(uint32_t tag, size_t minCount=0, size_t maxCount=0); // Convert static camera info from a camera2 device to the // old API parameter map. status_t buildDefaultParameters(); // Update parameters all requests use, based on mParameters status_t updateRequestCommon(camera_metadata_t *request); // Update specific metadata entry with new values. Adds entry if it does not // exist, which will invalidate sorting static status_t updateEntry(camera_metadata_t *buffer, uint32_t tag, const void *data, size_t data_count); // Remove metadata entry. Will invalidate sorting. If entry does not exist, // does nothing. static status_t deleteEntry(camera_metadata_t *buffer, uint32_t tag); // Convert camera1 preview format string to camera2 enum static int formatStringToEnum(const char *format); static const char *formatEnumToString(int format); static int wbModeStringToEnum(const char *wbMode); static int effectModeStringToEnum(const char *effectMode); static int abModeStringToEnum(const char *abMode); static int sceneModeStringToEnum(const char *sceneMode); static Parameters::flashMode_t flashModeStringToEnum(const char *flashMode); static Parameters::focusMode_t focusModeStringToEnum(const char *focusMode); static status_t parseAreas(const char *areasCStr, Vector *areas); static status_t validateAreas(const Vector &areas, size_t maxRegions); static bool boolFromString(const char *boolStr); // Map from camera orientation + facing to gralloc transform enum static int degToTransform(int degrees, bool mirror); }; }; // namespace android #endif