/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "CameraFlashlight" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA // #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include "camera/CameraMetadata.h" #include "CameraFlashlight.h" #include "gui/IGraphicBufferConsumer.h" #include "gui/BufferQueue.h" #include "camera/camera2/CaptureRequest.h" #include "CameraDeviceFactory.h" namespace android { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CameraFlashlight implementation begins // used by camera service to control flashflight. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CameraFlashlight::CameraFlashlight(CameraModule& cameraModule, const camera_module_callbacks_t& callbacks) : mCameraModule(&cameraModule), mCallbacks(&callbacks), mFlashlightMapInitialized(false) { } CameraFlashlight::~CameraFlashlight() { } status_t CameraFlashlight::createFlashlightControl(const String8& cameraId) { ALOGV("%s: creating a flash light control for camera %s", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); if (mFlashControl != NULL) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } status_t res = OK; if (mCameraModule->getRawModule()->module_api_version >= CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_4) { mFlashControl = new ModuleFlashControl(*mCameraModule, *mCallbacks); if (mFlashControl == NULL) { ALOGV("%s: cannot create flash control for module api v2.4+", __FUNCTION__); return NO_MEMORY; } } else { uint32_t deviceVersion = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0; if (mCameraModule->getRawModule()->module_api_version >= CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_0) { camera_info info; res = mCameraModule->getCameraInfo( atoi(String8(cameraId).string()), &info); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: failed to get camera info for camera %s", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return res; } deviceVersion = info.device_version; } if (deviceVersion >= CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_2_0) { CameraDeviceClientFlashControl *flashControl = new CameraDeviceClientFlashControl(*mCameraModule, *mCallbacks); if (!flashControl) { return NO_MEMORY; } mFlashControl = flashControl; } else { mFlashControl = new CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl(*mCameraModule, *mCallbacks); } } return OK; } status_t CameraFlashlight::setTorchMode(const String8& cameraId, bool enabled) { if (!mFlashlightMapInitialized) { ALOGE("%s: findFlashUnits() must be called before this method."); return NO_INIT; } ALOGV("%s: set torch mode of camera %s to %d", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string(), enabled); status_t res = OK; Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); if (mOpenedCameraIds.indexOf(cameraId) != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { // This case is needed to avoid state corruption during the following call sequence: // CameraService::setTorchMode for camera ID 0 begins, does torch status checks // CameraService::connect for camera ID 0 begins, calls prepareDeviceOpen, ends // CameraService::setTorchMode for camera ID 0 continues, calls // CameraFlashlight::setTorchMode // TODO: Move torch status checks and state updates behind this CameraFlashlight lock // to avoid other similar race conditions. ALOGE("%s: Camera device %s is in use, cannot set torch mode.", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return -EBUSY; } if (mFlashControl == NULL) { if (enabled == false) { return OK; } res = createFlashlightControl(cameraId); if (res) { return res; } res = mFlashControl->setTorchMode(cameraId, enabled); return res; } // if flash control already exists, turning on torch mode may fail if it's // tied to another camera device for module v2.3 and below. res = mFlashControl->setTorchMode(cameraId, enabled); if (res == BAD_INDEX) { // flash control is tied to another camera device, need to close it and // try again. mFlashControl.clear(); res = createFlashlightControl(cameraId); if (res) { return res; } res = mFlashControl->setTorchMode(cameraId, enabled); } return res; } status_t CameraFlashlight::findFlashUnits() { Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); status_t res; int32_t numCameras = mCameraModule->getNumberOfCameras(); mHasFlashlightMap.clear(); mFlashlightMapInitialized = false; for (int32_t i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) { bool hasFlash = false; String8 id = String8::format("%d", i); res = createFlashlightControl(id); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: failed to create flash control for %s", __FUNCTION__, id.string()); } else { res = mFlashControl->hasFlashUnit(id, &hasFlash); if (res == -EUSERS || res == -EBUSY) { ALOGE("%s: failed to check if camera %s has a flash unit. Some " "camera devices may be opened", __FUNCTION__, id.string()); return res; } else if (res) { ALOGE("%s: failed to check if camera %s has a flash unit. %s" " (%d)", __FUNCTION__, id.string(), strerror(-res), res); } mFlashControl.clear(); } mHasFlashlightMap.add(id, hasFlash); } mFlashlightMapInitialized = true; return OK; } bool CameraFlashlight::hasFlashUnit(const String8& cameraId) { status_t res; Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); return hasFlashUnitLocked(cameraId); } bool CameraFlashlight::hasFlashUnitLocked(const String8& cameraId) { if (!mFlashlightMapInitialized) { ALOGE("%s: findFlashUnits() must be called before this method."); return false; } ssize_t index = mHasFlashlightMap.indexOfKey(cameraId); if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGE("%s: camera %s not present when findFlashUnits() was called", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return false; } return mHasFlashlightMap.valueAt(index); } status_t CameraFlashlight::prepareDeviceOpen(const String8& cameraId) { ALOGV("%s: prepare for device open", __FUNCTION__); Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); if (!mFlashlightMapInitialized) { ALOGE("%s: findFlashUnits() must be called before this method."); return NO_INIT; } if (mCameraModule->getRawModule()->module_api_version < CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_4) { // framework is going to open a camera device, all flash light control // should be closed for backward compatible support. mFlashControl.clear(); if (mOpenedCameraIds.size() == 0) { // notify torch unavailable for all cameras with a flash int numCameras = mCameraModule->getNumberOfCameras(); for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) { if (hasFlashUnitLocked(String8::format("%d", i))) { mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, String8::format("%d", i).string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE); } } } // close flash control that may be opened by calling hasFlashUnitLocked. mFlashControl.clear(); } if (mOpenedCameraIds.indexOf(cameraId) == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { mOpenedCameraIds.add(cameraId); } return OK; } status_t CameraFlashlight::deviceClosed(const String8& cameraId) { ALOGV("%s: device %s is closed", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); if (!mFlashlightMapInitialized) { ALOGE("%s: findFlashUnits() must be called before this method."); return NO_INIT; } ssize_t index = mOpenedCameraIds.indexOf(cameraId); if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGE("%s: couldn't find camera %s in the opened list", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); } else { mOpenedCameraIds.removeAt(index); } // Cannot do anything until all cameras are closed. if (mOpenedCameraIds.size() != 0) return OK; if (mCameraModule->getRawModule()->module_api_version < CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_4) { // notify torch available for all cameras with a flash int numCameras = mCameraModule->getNumberOfCameras(); for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) { if (hasFlashUnitLocked(String8::format("%d", i))) { mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, String8::format("%d", i).string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF); } } } return OK; } // CameraFlashlight implementation ends FlashControlBase::~FlashControlBase() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ModuleFlashControl implementation begins // Flash control for camera module v2.4 and above. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ModuleFlashControl::ModuleFlashControl(CameraModule& cameraModule, const camera_module_callbacks_t& callbacks) : mCameraModule(&cameraModule) { } ModuleFlashControl::~ModuleFlashControl() { } status_t ModuleFlashControl::hasFlashUnit(const String8& cameraId, bool *hasFlash) { if (!hasFlash) { return BAD_VALUE; } *hasFlash = false; Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); camera_info info; status_t res = mCameraModule->getCameraInfo(atoi(cameraId.string()), &info); if (res != 0) { return res; } CameraMetadata metadata; metadata = info.static_camera_characteristics; camera_metadata_entry flashAvailable = metadata.find(ANDROID_FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE); if (flashAvailable.count == 1 && flashAvailable.data.u8[0] == 1) { *hasFlash = true; } return OK; } status_t ModuleFlashControl::setTorchMode(const String8& cameraId, bool enabled) { ALOGV("%s: set camera %s torch mode to %d", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string(), enabled); Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); return mCameraModule->setTorchMode(cameraId.string(), enabled); } // ModuleFlashControl implementation ends ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CameraDeviceClientFlashControl implementation begins // Flash control for camera module <= v2.3 and camera HAL v2-v3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::CameraDeviceClientFlashControl( CameraModule& cameraModule, const camera_module_callbacks_t& callbacks) : mCameraModule(&cameraModule), mCallbacks(&callbacks), mTorchEnabled(false), mMetadata(NULL), mStreaming(false) { } CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::~CameraDeviceClientFlashControl() { disconnectCameraDevice(); if (mMetadata) { delete mMetadata; } mAnw.clear(); mSurfaceTexture.clear(); mProducer.clear(); mConsumer.clear(); if (mTorchEnabled) { if (mCallbacks) { ALOGV("%s: notify the framework that torch was turned off", __FUNCTION__); mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, mCameraId.string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF); } } } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::initializeSurface( sp &device, int32_t width, int32_t height) { status_t res; BufferQueue::createBufferQueue(&mProducer, &mConsumer); mSurfaceTexture = new GLConsumer(mConsumer, 0, GLConsumer::TEXTURE_EXTERNAL, true, true); if (mSurfaceTexture == NULL) { return NO_MEMORY; } int32_t format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED; res = mSurfaceTexture->setDefaultBufferSize(width, height); if (res) { return res; } res = mSurfaceTexture->setDefaultBufferFormat(format); if (res) { return res; } mAnw = new Surface(mProducer, /*useAsync*/ true); if (mAnw == NULL) { return NO_MEMORY; } res = device->createStream(mAnw, width, height, format, HAL_DATASPACE_UNKNOWN, CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_0, &mStreamId); if (res) { return res; } res = device->configureStreams(); if (res) { return res; } return res; } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::getSmallestSurfaceSize( const camera_info& info, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) { if (!width || !height) { return BAD_VALUE; } int32_t w = INT32_MAX; int32_t h = 1; CameraMetadata metadata; metadata = info.static_camera_characteristics; camera_metadata_entry streamConfigs = metadata.find(ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS); for (size_t i = 0; i < streamConfigs.count; i += 4) { int32_t fmt = streamConfigs.data.i32[i]; if (fmt == ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_FORMATS_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED) { int32_t ww = streamConfigs.data.i32[i + 1]; int32_t hh = streamConfigs.data.i32[i + 2]; if (w * h > ww * hh) { w = ww; h = hh; } } } // if stream configuration is not found, try available processed sizes. if (streamConfigs.count == 0) { camera_metadata_entry availableProcessedSizes = metadata.find(ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES); for (size_t i = 0; i < availableProcessedSizes.count; i += 2) { int32_t ww = availableProcessedSizes.data.i32[i]; int32_t hh = availableProcessedSizes.data.i32[i + 1]; if (w * h > ww * hh) { w = ww; h = hh; } } } if (w == INT32_MAX) { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } *width = w; *height = h; return OK; } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::connectCameraDevice( const String8& cameraId) { camera_info info; status_t res = mCameraModule->getCameraInfo(atoi(cameraId.string()), &info); if (res != 0) { ALOGE("%s: failed to get camera info for camera %s", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return res; } sp device = CameraDeviceFactory::createDevice(atoi(cameraId.string())); if (device == NULL) { return NO_MEMORY; } res = device->initialize(mCameraModule); if (res) { return res; } int32_t width, height; res = getSmallestSurfaceSize(info, &width, &height); if (res) { return res; } res = initializeSurface(device, width, height); if (res) { return res; } mCameraId = cameraId; mStreaming = (info.device_version <= CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_1); mDevice = device; return OK; } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::disconnectCameraDevice() { if (mDevice != NULL) { mDevice->disconnect(); mDevice.clear(); } return OK; } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::hasFlashUnit(const String8& cameraId, bool *hasFlash) { ALOGV("%s: checking if camera %s has a flash unit", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); return hasFlashUnitLocked(cameraId, hasFlash); } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::hasFlashUnitLocked( const String8& cameraId, bool *hasFlash) { if (!hasFlash) { return BAD_VALUE; } camera_info info; status_t res = mCameraModule->getCameraInfo( atoi(cameraId.string()), &info); if (res != 0) { ALOGE("%s: failed to get camera info for camera %s", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return res; } CameraMetadata metadata; metadata = info.static_camera_characteristics; camera_metadata_entry flashAvailable = metadata.find(ANDROID_FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE); if (flashAvailable.count == 1 && flashAvailable.data.u8[0] == 1) { *hasFlash = true; } return OK; } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::submitTorchEnabledRequest() { status_t res; if (mMetadata == NULL) { mMetadata = new CameraMetadata(); if (mMetadata == NULL) { return NO_MEMORY; } res = mDevice->createDefaultRequest( CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_PREVIEW, mMetadata); if (res) { return res; } } uint8_t torchOn = ANDROID_FLASH_MODE_TORCH; mMetadata->update(ANDROID_FLASH_MODE, &torchOn, 1); mMetadata->update(ANDROID_REQUEST_OUTPUT_STREAMS, &mStreamId, 1); uint8_t aeMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON; mMetadata->update(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_MODE, &aeMode, 1); int32_t requestId = 0; mMetadata->update(ANDROID_REQUEST_ID, &requestId, 1); if (mStreaming) { res = mDevice->setStreamingRequest(*mMetadata); } else { res = mDevice->capture(*mMetadata); } return res; } status_t CameraDeviceClientFlashControl::setTorchMode( const String8& cameraId, bool enabled) { bool hasFlash = false; Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); status_t res = hasFlashUnitLocked(cameraId, &hasFlash); // pre-check if (enabled) { // invalid camera? if (res) { return -EINVAL; } // no flash unit? if (!hasFlash) { return -ENOSYS; } // already opened for a different device? if (mDevice != NULL && cameraId != mCameraId) { return BAD_INDEX; } } else if (mDevice == NULL || cameraId != mCameraId) { // disabling the torch mode of an un-opened or different device. return OK; } else { // disabling the torch mode of currently opened device disconnectCameraDevice(); mTorchEnabled = false; mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, cameraId.string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF); return OK; } if (mDevice == NULL) { res = connectCameraDevice(cameraId); if (res) { return res; } } res = submitTorchEnabledRequest(); if (res) { return res; } mTorchEnabled = true; mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, cameraId.string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON); return OK; } // CameraDeviceClientFlashControl implementation ends ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl implementation begins // Flash control for camera module <= v2.3 and camera HAL v1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl( CameraModule& cameraModule, const camera_module_callbacks_t& callbacks) : mCameraModule(&cameraModule), mCallbacks(&callbacks), mTorchEnabled(false) { } CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::~CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl() { disconnectCameraDevice(); mAnw.clear(); mSurfaceTexture.clear(); mProducer.clear(); mConsumer.clear(); if (mTorchEnabled) { if (mCallbacks) { ALOGV("%s: notify the framework that torch was turned off", __FUNCTION__); mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, mCameraId.string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF); } } } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::setTorchMode( const String8& cameraId, bool enabled) { Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); // pre-check status_t res; if (enabled) { bool hasFlash = false; res = hasFlashUnitLocked(cameraId, &hasFlash); // invalid camera? if (res) { // hasFlashUnitLocked() returns BAD_INDEX if mDevice is connected to // another camera device. return res == BAD_INDEX ? BAD_INDEX : -EINVAL; } // no flash unit? if (!hasFlash) { return -ENOSYS; } } else if (mDevice == NULL || cameraId != mCameraId) { // disabling the torch mode of an un-opened or different device. return OK; } else { // disabling the torch mode of currently opened device disconnectCameraDevice(); mTorchEnabled = false; mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, cameraId.string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF); return OK; } res = startPreviewAndTorch(); if (res) { return res; } mTorchEnabled = true; mCallbacks->torch_mode_status_change(mCallbacks, cameraId.string(), TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON); return OK; } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::hasFlashUnit( const String8& cameraId, bool *hasFlash) { Mutex::Autolock l(mLock); return hasFlashUnitLocked(cameraId, hasFlash); } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::hasFlashUnitLocked( const String8& cameraId, bool *hasFlash) { if (!hasFlash) { return BAD_VALUE; } status_t res; if (mDevice == NULL) { res = connectCameraDevice(cameraId); if (res) { return res; } } if (cameraId != mCameraId) { return BAD_INDEX; } const char *flashMode = mParameters.get(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_FLASH_MODES); if (flashMode && strstr(flashMode, CameraParameters::FLASH_MODE_TORCH)) { *hasFlash = true; } else { *hasFlash = false; } return OK; } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::startPreviewAndTorch() { status_t res = OK; res = mDevice->startPreview(); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: start preview failed. %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-res), res); return res; } mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_FLASH_MODE, CameraParameters::FLASH_MODE_TORCH); return mDevice->setParameters(mParameters); } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::getSmallestSurfaceSize( int32_t *width, int32_t *height) { if (!width || !height) { return BAD_VALUE; } int32_t w = INT32_MAX; int32_t h = 1; Vector sizes; mParameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes(sizes); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) { Size s = sizes[i]; if (w * h > s.width * s.height) { w = s.width; h = s.height; } } if (w == INT32_MAX) { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } *width = w; *height = h; return OK; } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::initializePreviewWindow( sp device, int32_t width, int32_t height) { status_t res; BufferQueue::createBufferQueue(&mProducer, &mConsumer); mSurfaceTexture = new GLConsumer(mConsumer, 0, GLConsumer::TEXTURE_EXTERNAL, true, true); if (mSurfaceTexture == NULL) { return NO_MEMORY; } int32_t format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED; res = mSurfaceTexture->setDefaultBufferSize(width, height); if (res) { return res; } res = mSurfaceTexture->setDefaultBufferFormat(format); if (res) { return res; } mAnw = new Surface(mProducer, /*useAsync*/ true); if (mAnw == NULL) { return NO_MEMORY; } res = native_window_api_connect(mAnw.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CAMERA); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to connect to native window", __FUNCTION__); return res; } return device->setPreviewWindow(mAnw); } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::connectCameraDevice( const String8& cameraId) { sp device = new CameraHardwareInterface(cameraId.string()); status_t res = device->initialize(mCameraModule); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: initializing camera %s failed", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return res; } // need to set __get_memory in set_callbacks(). device->setCallbacks(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); mParameters = device->getParameters(); int32_t width, height; res = getSmallestSurfaceSize(&width, &height); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: failed to get smallest surface size for camera %s", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return res; } res = initializePreviewWindow(device, width, height); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: failed to initialize preview window for camera %s", __FUNCTION__, cameraId.string()); return res; } mCameraId = cameraId; mDevice = device; return OK; } status_t CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl::disconnectCameraDevice() { if (mDevice == NULL) { return OK; } mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_FLASH_MODE, CameraParameters::FLASH_MODE_OFF); mDevice->setParameters(mParameters); mDevice->stopPreview(); status_t res = native_window_api_disconnect(mAnw.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CAMERA); if (res) { ALOGW("%s: native_window_api_disconnect failed: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-res), res); } mDevice->setPreviewWindow(NULL); mDevice->release(); return OK; } // CameraHardwareInterfaceFlashControl implementation ends }