path: root/services
diff options
authorSteve Kondik <>2011-11-30 23:15:19 -0800
committerSteve Kondik <>2011-11-30 23:15:19 -0800
commitf361ac6f137d1aa616203ac39453d36f1585cce1 (patch)
tree7a2ac8c197a15a335f51a07ecea80e8b504df91c /services
parent15581654f4376003d695be12898dea6e9942df47 (diff)
Revert "frameworks/base: surfaceflinger: Use vertical quads for 90/270 orientation"
This reverts commit f7382855f1d3c5d9dbd3e5191f7336e47736ef04.
Diffstat (limited to 'services')
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
index 29a983e..e311ee5 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
@@ -279,10 +279,7 @@ void Layer::onDraw(const Region& clip) const
- if (mFlags & DisplayHardware::SLOW_CONFIG)
- drawWithOpenGL(clip, tex);
- else
- drawWithOpenGLOptimized(clip, tex);
+ drawWithOpenGL(clip, tex);
bool Layer::needsFiltering() const
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.cpp
index e99130d..550030a 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.cpp
@@ -553,337 +553,6 @@ void LayerBase::drawWithOpenGL(const Region& clip, const Texture& texture) const
-void LayerBase::drawWithOpenGLOptimized(const Region& clip, const Texture& texture) const
- const DisplayHardware& hw(graphicPlane(0).displayHardware());
- const uint32_t fbHeight = hw.getHeight();
- const State& s(drawingState());
- // bind our texture
- TextureManager::activateTexture(texture, needsFiltering());
- uint32_t width = texture.width;
- uint32_t height = texture.height;
- GLenum src = mPremultipliedAlpha ? GL_ONE : GL_SRC_ALPHA;
- int renderEffect = mFlinger->getRenderEffect();
- int renderColorR = mFlinger->getRenderColorR();
- int renderColorG = mFlinger->getRenderColorG();
- int renderColorB = mFlinger->getRenderColorB();
- bool noEffect = renderEffect == 0;
- if (UNLIKELY(s.alpha < 0xFF) && noEffect) {
- const GLfloat alpha = s.alpha * (1.0f/255.0f);
- if (mPremultipliedAlpha) {
- glColor4f(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);
- } else {
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, alpha);
- }
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendFunc(src, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
- } else if (noEffect) {
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- if (needsBlending()) {
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendFunc(src, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
- } else {
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- }
- } else {
- // Apply a render effect, which is simple color masks for now.
- GLenum env, src;
- env = GL_MODULATE;
- src = mPremultipliedAlpha ? GL_ONE : GL_SRC_ALPHA;
- const GGLfixed alpha = (s.alpha << 16)/255;
- switch (renderEffect) {
- glColor4x(alpha, alpha*0.6204, alpha*0.3018, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(0, alpha, 0, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(0, 0, alpha, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(alpha, alpha*0.75, 0, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(alpha, alpha*0.5, alpha*0.5, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(alpha, 0, alpha*0.5, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(alpha*renderColorR/1000, alpha*renderColorG/1000, alpha*renderColorB/1000, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(alpha*(renderColorR-50)/1000, alpha*renderColorG/1000, alpha*(renderColorB-30)/1000, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(alpha*renderColorR/1000, alpha*renderColorG/1000, alpha*(renderColorB+30)/1000, alpha);
- break;
- glColor4x(alpha, 0, 0, alpha);
- break;
- }
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendFunc(src, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
- }
- /*
- * compute texture coordinates
- * here, we handle NPOT, cropping and buffer transformations
- */
- GLfloat cl, ct, cr, cb;
- if (!mBufferCrop.isEmpty()) {
- // source is cropped
- const GLfloat us = (texture.NPOTAdjust ? texture.wScale : 1.0f) / width;
- const GLfloat vs = (texture.NPOTAdjust ? texture.hScale : 1.0f) / height;
- cl = mBufferCrop.left * us;
- ct = * vs;
- cr = mBufferCrop.right * us;
- cb = mBufferCrop.bottom * vs;
- } else {
- cl = 0;
- ct = 0;
- cr = (texture.NPOTAdjust ? texture.wScale : 1.0f);
- cb = (texture.NPOTAdjust ? texture.hScale : 1.0f);
- }
- /*
- * For the buffer transformation, we apply the rotation last.
- * Since we're transforming the texture-coordinates, we need
- * to apply the inverse of the buffer transformation:
- * inverse( FLIP_V -> FLIP_H -> ROT_90 )
- * <=> inverse( ROT_90 * FLIP_H * FLIP_V )
- * = inverse(FLIP_V) * inverse(FLIP_H) * inverse(ROT_90)
- * = FLIP_V * FLIP_H * ROT_270
- * <=> ROT_270 -> FLIP_H -> FLIP_V
- *
- * The rotation is performed first, in the texture coordinate space.
- *
- */
- struct TexCoords {
- GLfloat u;
- GLfloat v;
- };
- enum {
- // name of the corners in the texture map
- LB = 0, // left-bottom
- LT = 1, // left-top
- RT = 2, // right-top
- RB = 3 // right-bottom
- };
- // vertices in screen space
- int vLT = LB;
- int vLB = LT;
- int vRB = RT;
- int vRT = RB;
- // the texture's source is rotated
- uint32_t transform = mBufferTransform;
- if (transform & HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) {
- vLT = RB;
- vLB = LB;
- vRB = LT;
- vRT = RT;
- }
- if (transform & HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V) {
- swap(vLT, vLB);
- swap(vRT, vRB);
- }
- if (transform & HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) {
- swap(vLT, vRT);
- swap(vLB, vRB);
- }
- TexCoords texCoords[4];
- texCoords[vLT].u = cl;
- texCoords[vLT].v = ct;
- texCoords[vLB].u = cl;
- texCoords[vLB].v = cb;
- texCoords[vRB].u = cr;
- texCoords[vRB].v = cb;
- texCoords[vRT].u = cr;
- texCoords[vRT].v = ct;
- if (needsDithering()) {
- glEnable(GL_DITHER);
- } else {
- glDisable(GL_DITHER);
- }
- /*
- * We are using glDrawElements
- * - setup variables for the same
- */
- GLfloat *pvertices = (GLfloat*) mVertices;
- GLfloat *ptexCoords = (GLfloat*) texCoords;
- GLubyte indices[] = { LT, LB, RT, RB };
- int numElements = sizeof(indices);
- GLubyte *pindices = indices;
- /*
- * For Orientation 270/90 use vertical quads to draw
- * width limit 16
- */
- GLubyte *rotIndices = 0;
- GLfloat *rotVertices = 0, *rotTexCoords = 0;
- int tWidth = mTransformedBounds.right - mTransformedBounds.left;
- if (((mOrientation == HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)
- || (mOrientation == HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_270))
- && (tWidth > getQuadWidth()) && !transform) {
- /*
- * We divide the texture in vertical quads
- * The quads are of width 16
- */
- int quad_width = getQuadWidth();
- int numQuads = tWidth / quad_width;
- if (tWidth % quad_width)
- numQuads++;
- numElements = (numQuads + 1) * 2;
- /*
- * new vertices and texcoords
- */
- rotVertices = new GLfloat[numElements * 2];
- rotTexCoords = new GLfloat[numElements * 2];
- /*
- * Indices for GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP
- */
- rotIndices = new GLubyte[numElements];
- for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
- rotIndices[i] = i;
- /*
- * Calculate vertex/texture coords increments
- * From left to right
- */
- float vIncrement = (float) quad_width;
- float tIncrement = 1.0f / (float) numQuads;
- /*
- * 90 - (vLB, vLT, vRT, vRB) ==> (LT, RT, LB, RB)
- * 270 - (vLB, vLT, vRT, vRB) ==> (RB, LB, RT, LT)
- * texture increment is negative for 90
- */
- int vLB = LB;
- int vLT = LT;
- int vRB = RB;
- int vRT = RT;
- switch (mOrientation) {
- {
- tIncrement *= -1;
- vLB = LT;
- vLT = RT;
- vRT = LB;
- vRB = RB;
- break;
- }
- {
- vLB = RB;
- vLT = LB;
- vRT = RT;
- vRB = LT;
- break;
- }
- default:
- LOGE("DrawWithOpenGL will fail");
- break;
- }
- // leftmost vertices
- rotVertices[0] = mVertices[vLB][0];
- rotVertices[1] = mVertices[vLB][1];
- rotVertices[2] = mVertices[vLT][0];
- rotVertices[3] = mVertices[vLT][1];
- // texcoords corresponding to vertices
- rotTexCoords[0] = texCoords[vLB].u;
- rotTexCoords[1] = texCoords[vLB].v;
- rotTexCoords[2] = texCoords[vLT].u;
- rotTexCoords[3] = texCoords[vLT].v;
- int vertexIndex = 4;
- // Even numbered vertices
- for (int i = 0; i < (numQuads -1); i++) {
- rotVertices[vertexIndex] = rotVertices[vertexIndex - 4] + vIncrement;
- rotVertices[vertexIndex + 1] = rotVertices[vertexIndex - 4 + 1];
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex] = rotTexCoords[vertexIndex - 4];
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex + 1] = rotTexCoords[vertexIndex + 1 - 4] + tIncrement;
- vertexIndex += 4;
- }
- /*
- * last vertices/texcoords, (use RT/RB)
- */
- rotVertices[vertexIndex] = mVertices[vRT][0];
- rotVertices[vertexIndex + 1] = mVertices[vRT][1];
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex] = texCoords[vRT].u;
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex + 1] = texCoords[vRT].v;
- // odd numbered vertices
- vertexIndex = 6;
- for (int i = 0; i < (numQuads -1); i++) {
- rotVertices[vertexIndex] = rotVertices[vertexIndex - 4] + vIncrement;
- rotVertices[vertexIndex + 1] = rotVertices[vertexIndex - 4 + 1];
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex] = rotTexCoords[vertexIndex - 4];
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex + 1] = rotTexCoords[vertexIndex + 1 - 4] + tIncrement;
- vertexIndex += 4;
- }
- /*
- * last vertices/texcoords, (use RT/RB)
- */
- rotVertices[vertexIndex] = mVertices[vRB][0];
- rotVertices[vertexIndex + 1] = mVertices[vRB][1];
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex] = texCoords[vRB].u;
- rotTexCoords[vertexIndex + 1] = texCoords[vRB].v;
- /*
- * change vertex/texcoords/indices pointer
- */
- pvertices = rotVertices;
- ptexCoords = rotTexCoords;
- pindices = rotIndices;
- }
- glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
- glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, pvertices);
- glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, ptexCoords);
- Region::const_iterator it = clip.begin();
- Region::const_iterator const end = clip.end();
- while (it != end) {
- const Rect& r = *it++;
- const GLint sy = fbHeight - ( + r.height());
- glScissor(r.left, sy, r.width(), r.height());
- glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, numElements, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pindices);
- }
- glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
- delete[] rotVertices;
- delete[] rotTexCoords;
- delete[] rotIndices;
void LayerBase::setBufferCrop(const Rect& crop) {
if (!crop.isEmpty()) {
mBufferCrop = crop;
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.h b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.h
index b43d26f..2e1d2ba 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.h
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerBase.h
@@ -232,9 +232,6 @@ protected:
GLclampf b, GLclampf alpha) const;
void clearWithOpenGL(const Region& clip) const;
void drawWithOpenGL(const Region& clip, const Texture& texture) const;
- void drawWithOpenGLOptimized(const Region& clip, const Texture& texture) const;
- enum { QUAD_WIDTH = 16 };
- int getQuadWidth() const { return QUAD_WIDTH; }
// these must be called from the post/drawing thread
void setBufferCrop(const Rect& crop);