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+page.title=Supporting Tablets and Handsets
+<div id="qv-wrapper">
+<ol id="qv">
+<h2>In this document</h2>
+ <li><a href="#Guidelines">Basic Guidelines</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#Fragments">Creating Single-pane and Multi-pane Layouts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ActionBar">Using the Action Bar</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#SplitActionBar">Using split action bar</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#NavigatingUp">Using "up" navigation</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#Tips">Other Design Tips</a></li>
+<h2>Related samples</h2>
+ <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/index.html">Honeycomb
+<h2>See also</h2>
+ <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/fragments.html">Fragments</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">Supporting Multiple Screens</a></li>
+<p>The Android platform runs on a variety of screen sizes and the system gracefully resizes your
+application's UI to fit each one. Typically, all you need to do is design your UI to be flexible and
+optimize some elements for different sizes by providing <a
+resources</a> (such as alternative layouts that reposition some views or alternative
+dimension values for views). However, sometimes you might want to go a step further to
+optimize the overall user experience for different screen sizes. For example, tablets offer
+more space in which your application can present multiple sets of information at once, while a
+handset device usually requires that you split those sets apart and display them separately. So
+even though a UI designed for handsets will properly resize to fit a tablet, it does not fully
+leverage the potential of the tablet's screen to enhance the user experience.</p>
+<p>With Android 3.0 (API level 11), Android introduced a new set of framework APIs that allow you
+ to more effectively design activities that take advantage of large screens: the {@link} APIs. Fragments allow you to separate distinct behavioral components of your
+UI into separate parts, which you can then combine to create multi-pane layouts when running on a
+tablet or place in separate activities when running on a handset. Android 3.0 also introduced
+{@link}, which provides a dedicated UI at the top of the screen to identify
+the app and provide user actions and navigation.</p>
+<p>This document provides guidance that can help you create an application that offers a unique and
+optimized user experience on both handsets and tablets, using fragments and the action bar.</p>
+<p>Before you continue with this guide, it's important that you first read the
+guide to <a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">Supporting Multiple
+Screens</a>. That document describes the fundamental design principles for developing a UI that
+supports different screen sizes and densities with flexible layouts and alternative bitmaps,
+<h2 id="Guidelines">Basic Guidelines</h2>
+<p>Here are a few guidelines that will help you create an app that provides an optimized user
+experience on both tablets and handsets:</p>
+ <li><strong>Build your activity designs based on fragments</strong> that you can reuse in
+different combinations&mdash;in multi-pane layouts on tablets and single-pane layouts on handsets.
+<p>A {@link} represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in an
+activity. You can think of a fragment as a modular section of an activity (a "fragment" of an
+activity), which has its own lifecycle and which you can add or remove while the activity is
+<p>If you haven't used fragments yet, start by reading the <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/fragments.html">Fragments</a> developer guide.</p>
+ <li><strong>Use the action bar</strong>, but follow best practices and ensure your design
+is flexible enough for the system to adjust the action bar layout based on the screen size.
+<p>The {@link} is a UI component for activities that replaces the traditional
+title bar at the top of the screen. By default, the action bar includes the application logo on the
+left side, followed by the activity title, and access to items from the options menu on the right
+<p>You can enable items from the options menu to appear directly in the action bar as "action
+items". You can also add navigation features to the action bar, such as tabs or a drop-down list,
+and use the application icon to supplement the system's BACK behavior with the option to navigate to
+your application's "home" activity or "up" the application's structural hierarchy.</p>
+<p>This guide provides some tips for using the action bar in ways that support both tablets and
+handsets. For a detailed discussion of the action bar APIs, read the <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a> developer guide.</p>
+ <li><strong>Implement flexible layouts</strong>, as discussed in the
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html#screen-independence">Best Practices</a> for
+supporting multiple screens and the blog post, <a
+Like a Web Designer</a>.
+ <p>A flexible layout design allows your application to adapt to variations in screen
+sizes. Not all tablets are the same size, nor are all handsets the same size. While you might
+provide different fragment combinations for "tablets" and "handsets", it's still necessary that
+each design be flexible to resize to variations in size and aspect ratio.</p>
+<p>The following sections discuss the first two recommendations in more detail. For more
+information about creating flexible layouts, refer to the links provided above.</p>
+<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Aside from one feature in the action bar, all the
+APIs needed to accomplish the recommendations in this document are available in Android
+3.0. Additionally, you can even implement the fragment design patterns and remain
+backward-compatible with Android 1.6, by using the support library&mdash;discussed in the side
+bar below.</p>
+<h2 id="Fragments">Creating Single-pane and Multi-pane Layouts</h2>
+<div class="sidebox-wrapper">
+<div class="sidebox">
+ <h3>Remaining backward-compatible</h3>
+<p>If you want to use fragments in your application <em>and</em> remain compatible with
+versions of Android older than 3.0, you can do so by using the Android <a
+href="{@docRoot}sdk/compatibility-library.html">Support Library</a> (downloadable from the
+SDK Manager).</p>
+<p>The support library includes APIs for <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/fragments.html">fragments</a>, <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/loaders.html">loaders</a>, and other APIs added in newer
+versions of Android. By simply adding this library to your Android project, you can use
+backward-compatible versions of these APIs in your application and remain compatible with Android
+1.6 (your <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code
+android:minSdkVersion}</a> value can be as low as {@code "4"}). For information about how to get the
+library and start using it, see the <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/compatibility-library.html">Support
+Library</a> document.</p>
+<p>The support library <em>does not</em> provide APIs for the action bar, but you can use
+code from the sample app, <a
+href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ActionBarCompat/index.html">Action Bar Compatibility</a>, to
+create an action bar that supports all devices.</p>
+<p>The most effective way to create a distinct user experience for tablets and handsets is to create
+layouts with different combinations of fragments, such that you can design "multi-pane" layouts for
+tablets and "single-pane" layouts for handsets. For example, a news application on a tablet might
+show a list of articles on the left side and a full article on the right side&mdash;selecting an
+article on the left updates the article view on the right. On a handset, however, these two
+components should appear on separate screens&mdash;selecting an article from a list changes the
+entire screen to show that article. There are two techniques to accomplish this design with
+ <li><em>Multiple fragments, one activity</em>: Use one activity regardless of the device size,
+but decide at runtime whether to combine fragments in the layout (to create a multiple-pane design)
+or swap fragments (to create a single-pane design). Or...</li>
+ <li><em>Multiple fragments, multiple activities</em>: On a tablet, place multiple fragments in
+one activity; on a handset, use separate activities to host each fragment. For example,
+when the tablet design uses two fragments in an activity, use the same activity for handsets, but
+supply an alternative layout that includes just the first fragment. When running on a handset and
+you need to switch fragments (such as when the user selects an item), start another activity that
+hosts the second fragment.</li>
+<p>The approach you choose depends on your design and personal preferences. The first option
+(one activity; swapping fragments) requires that you determine the screen size at runtime
+and dynamically add each fragment as appropriate&mdash;rather than declare the fragments
+in your activity's XML layout&mdash;because you <em>cannot</em> remove a fragment from an activity
+if it's been declared in the XML layout. When using the first technique, you might also need to
+update the action bar each time the fragments change, depending on what actions or navigation modes
+are available for each fragment. In some cases, these factors might not affect your design, so
+using one activity and swapping fragments might work well (especially if your tablet design requires
+that you add fragments dynamically anyway). Other times, however, dynamically swapping
+fragments for your handset design can make your code more complicated, because you must manage all
+the fragment combinations in the activity's code (rather than use alternative layout resources to
+define fragment combinations) and manage the back stack of fragments yourself (rather than
+allow the normal activity stack to handle back-navigation).</p>
+<p>This guide focuses on the second option, in which you display each fragment in a separate
+activity when on a smaller screen. Using this technique means that you can use alternative layout
+files that define different fragment combinations for different screen sizes, keep fragment code
+modular, simplify action bar management, and let the system handle all the back stack work on
+<p>Figure 1 illustrates how an application with two fragments might be arranged for
+both handsets and tablets when using separate activities for the handset design:</p>
+<img src="{@docRoot}images/fundamentals/fragments.png" alt="" />
+<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> Different design patterns for tablets and
+handsets when selecting an item to view its details.</p>
+<p>In the application shown in figure 1, Activity A is the "main activity" and uses different
+layouts to display either one or two fragments at a time, depending on the size of the screen:</p>
+ <li>On a tablet-sized screen, the Activity A layout contains both Fragment A and Fragment B.</li>
+ <li>On a handset-sized screen, the Activity A layout contains only Fragment A (the list
+view). In order to show the details in Fragment B, Activity B must open.</li>
+<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Activity B is never used on a tablet. It is simply a
+container to present Fragment B, so is only used on handset devices when the two fragments must
+be displayed separately.</p>
+<p>Depending on the screen size, the system applies a different {@code main.xml} layout file:</p>
+<p><code>res/layout/main.xml</code> for handsets:</p>
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+&lt;FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent">
+ &lt;!-- "Fragment A" --&gt;
+ &lt;fragment class="<b></b>"
+ android:id="@+id/list_frag"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
+<p><code>res/layout-large/main.xml</code> for tablets:</p>
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+&lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
+ android:orientation="horizontal"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent"
+ android:id="@+id/frags">
+ &lt;!-- "Fragment A" --&gt;
+ &lt;fragment class="<b></b>"
+ android:id="@+id/list_frag"
+ android:layout_width="@dimen/titles_size"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
+ &lt;!-- "Fragment B" --&gt;
+ &lt;fragment class="<b></b>"
+ android:id="@+id/details_frag"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent" />
+<div class="sidebox-wrapper">
+<div class="sidebox">
+ <h3>Supporting sizes based on screen width</h3>
+ <p>Android 3.2 (API level 13) adds new APIs that provide more fine-grain control over what screen
+sizes your app supports and what resources it uses, by declaring screen sizes based on the minimum
+width your layouts require. For example, both a 5" and 7" device qualify as a "large" screen, so
+your "large" layout resources are used on both devices. With API level 13, you can distinguish
+between these two sizes based on the screen width, as measured in density-independent pixels.</p>
+ <p>For details, read the blog post about <a
+New Tools for Managing Screen Sizes</a>.</p>
+<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although the above sample layout for tablets is based on
+the "large" screen configuration qualifier, you should also use the new "minimum width" size
+qualifiers in order to more precisely control the screen size at which the system applies your
+handset or tablet layout. See the sidebar for more information.</p>
+<p>How the application responds when a user selects an item from the list depends on whether
+Fragment B is available in the layout:</p>
+ <li>If Fragment B is in the layout, Activity A notifies Fragment B to update itself.</li>
+ <li>If Fragment B is <em>not</em> in the layout, Activity A starts Activity B (which hosts
+Fragment B).</li>
+<p>To implement this pattern for your application, it's important
+that you develop your fragments to be highly compartmentalized. Specifically, you should follow two
+ <li>Do not manipulate one fragment directly from another.</li>
+ <li>Keep all code that concerns content in a fragment inside that fragment, rather than putting it
+in the host activity's code.</li>
+<p>To avoid directly calling one fragment from another, <strong>define a callback interface in each
+fragment</strong> class that it can use to deliver events to
+its host activity, which implements the callback
+interface. When the activity receives a callback due to an event (such as the user selecting a list
+item), the activity responds appropriately based on the current fragment configuration.</p>
+<p>For example, Activity A from above can handle item selections depending on whether it's using
+the tablet or handset layout like this:</p>
+public class MainActivity extends Activity implements TitlesFragment.OnItemSelectedListener {
+ ...
+ /** This is a callback that the list fragment (Fragment A)
+ calls when a list item is selected */
+ public void onItemSelected(int position) {
+ DisplayFragment displayFrag = (DisplayFragment) getFragmentManager()
+ .findFragmentById(;
+ if (displayFrag == null) {
+ // DisplayFragment (Fragment B) is not in the layout (handset layout),
+ // so start DisplayActivity (Activity B)
+ // and pass it the info about the selected item
+ Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayActivity.class);
+ intent.putExtra("position", position);
+ startActivity(intent);
+ } else {
+ // DisplayFragment (Fragment B) is in the layout (tablet layout),
+ // so tell the fragment to update
+ displayFrag.updateContent(position);
+ }
+ }
+<p>When <code>DisplayActivity</code> (Activity B) starts, it reads the data delivered by the
+{@link android.content.Intent} and passes it to the <code>DisplayFragment</code> (Fragment B).</p>
+<p>If Fragment B needs to deliver a result back to Fragment A (because Activity B was started with
+{@link startActivityForResult()}), then the process
+works similarly with a callback interface between Fragment B and Activity B. That is, Activity B
+implements a different callback interface defined by Fragment B. When Activity B receives the
+callback with a result from the fragment, it sets the result for the activity (with {@link setResult()}) and finishes itself. Activity A then receives the
+result and delivers it to Fragment A.</p>
+<p>For a demonstration of this technique for creating different fragment combinations for
+tablets and handsets, see the updated version of the <a
+href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/index.html">Honeycomb Gallery</a>
+<h2 id="ActionBar">Using the Action Bar</h2>
+<p>The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a> is an important UI
+component for Android apps on both tablets and handsets. To ensure that the action bar
+behaves appropriately on all screen sizes, it's important that you use the {@link} APIs without adding complex customizations. By using the standard {@link} APIs to design your action bar, the Android system does all
+the work to gracefully adapt the action bar for different screen sizes. Here are some important
+tips to follow when creating your action bar:</p>
+ <li>When setting a menu item to be an action item, <strong>avoid using the {@code "always"}
+value</strong>. In your <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/menu-resource.html">menu resource</a>, use {@code "ifRoom"}
+for the {@code android:showAsAction} attribute if you'd like the menu item to appear in the action
+bar. However, you might need {@code "always"} when an action view does not provide an alternative
+action for the overflow menu (that is, it must appear as an action view) or when a menu item added
+by a fragment is low in the menu order and it must jump into the action bar at all times. However,
+you should not use {@code "always"} more than once or twice. In almost all other cases, use {@code
+"ifRoom"} as the value for {@code "android:showAsAction"} when you want the item to appear as an
+action item. Forcing too many action items into the action bar can create a cluttered UI and
+action items may overlap with other action bar elements such as the title or navigation items.</li>
+ <li>When adding action items to the action bar with a text title, also <strong>provide an
+icon</strong>, when appropriate, and declare <code>showAsAction="ifRoom|withText"</code>.
+This way, if there's not enough room for the title, but there is enough room for the icon, then only
+the icon may be used.</li>
+ <li>Always <strong>provide a title</strong> for your action items, even if you don't enable {@code
+"withText"}, because users can view the title as a "tool-tip" by performing a
+"long click" on the item&mdash;the title text appears momentarily in a toast message. Providing
+a title is also critical for accessibility, because screen readers read aloud the item title
+even when not visible.</li>
+ <li><strong>Avoid using custom navigation modes when possible</strong>. Use the built-in tab
+and drop-down navigation modes when possible&mdash;they're designed so the system can adapt their
+presentation to different screen sizes. For example, when the width is too narrow for both tabs and
+other action items (such as a handset in portrait orientation), the tabs appear below the action bar
+(this is known as the "stacked action bar"). If you must build a custom navigation mode or other
+custom views in the action bar, thoroughly test them on smaller screens and make any
+necessary adjustments to support a narrow action bar.</li>
+<p>For example, the mock-ups below demonstrate how the system may adapt an action bar based
+on the available screen space. On the handset, only two action items fit, so the remaining menu
+items appear in the overflow menu (because {@code android:showAsAction} was set to {@code "ifRoom"})
+and the tabs appear in a separate row (the stacked action bar). On the tablet, more action items can
+fit in the action bar and so do the tabs.</p>
+<img src="{@docRoot}images/practices/actionbar-phone-tablet.png" alt=""/>
+<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Mock-up showing how the system re-configures
+action bar components based on the available screen space.</p>
+<h3 id="SplitActionBar">Using split action bar</h3>
+<p>When your application is running on Android 4.0 (API level 14) and
+higher, there's an extra mode available for the action bar called "split action bar." When
+you enable split action bar, a separate bar appears at the bottom of the screen to
+display all action items when the activity is running on a narrow screen (such as a portrait
+handset). Splitting the action bar ensures that a reasonable amount of space is available to
+display action items on a narrow screen and also leave room for navigation and title elements
+at the top.</p>
+<p>To enable split action bar, simply add {@code uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow"} to your
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a> or
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code &lt;application&gt;}</a>
+manifest element.</p>
+<img src="{@docRoot}images/practices/actionbar-phone-splitaction.png" alt=""/>
+<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> Split action bar with navigation tabs on the left;
+with the app icon and title disabled on the right.</p>
+<p>If you'd like to hide the main action bar at the top, because you're using the built-in
+navigation tabs along with the split action bar, call {@link setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false)} to disable the
+application icon in the action bar. In this case, there's now nothing left in the main action bar,
+so it disappears and all that’s left are the navigation tabs at the top and the action items at the
+bottom, as shown by the second device in figure 3.</p>
+<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although the {@code uiOptions} attribute was added in Android
+4.0 (API level 14), you can safely include it in your application even if your <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code minSdkVersion}</a> is set to
+a value lower than {@code "14"} to remain compatible with older versions of Android. When running on
+older versions, the system simply ignores the attribute because it doesn't understand it. The only
+condition to adding it to your manifest is that you must compile your application against a platform
+version that supports API level 14 or higher. Just be sure that you don't openly use other APIs in
+your application code that aren't supported by the version declared by your <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code minSdkVersion}</a>
+<h3 id="NavigatingUp">Using "up" navigation</h3>
+<p>As discussed in the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#Home">Action Bar</a>
+developer guide, you can use the application icon in the action bar to facilitate user navigation
+when appropriate&mdash;either as a method to get back to the "home" activity (similar to clicking
+the logo on a web site) or as a way to navigate up the application's structural hierarchy. Although
+it might seem similar to the standard BACK navigation in some cases, the up navigation option
+provides a more predictable navigation method for situations in which the user may have entered
+from an external location, such as a notification, app widget, or a different application.</p>
+<p>When using fragments in different combinations for different devices, it's important to give
+extra consideration to how your up navigation behaves in each configuration. For example, when on a
+handset and your application shows just one fragment at a time, it might be appropriate to enable up
+navigation to go up to the parent screen, whereas it's not necessary when showing the same
+fragment in a multi-pane configuration.</p>
+<p>For more information about enabling up navigation, see the <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#Home">Action Bar</a> developer guide.</p>
+<h2 id="Tips">Other Design Tips</h2>
+ <li>When working with a {@link android.widget.ListView}, consider how you might provide more or less
+information in each list item based on the available space. That is, you can create alternative
+layouts to be used by the items in your list adapter such that a large screen might display more
+detail for each item.</li>
+ <li>Create <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/more-resources.html ">alternative resource
+files</a> for values such as integers, dimensions, and even booleans. Using size qualifiers for
+these resources, you can easily apply different layout sizes, font sizes, or enable/disable features
+based on the current screen size.</li>