path: root/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/supports-gl-texture-element.jd
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diff --git a/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/supports-gl-texture-element.jd b/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/supports-gl-texture-element.jd
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+++ b/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/supports-gl-texture-element.jd
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+<dl class="xml">
+<pre class="stx">
+&lt;supports-gl-texture android:<a href="#name">name</a>="<em>string</em>" /&gt;
+<dt>contained in:</dt>
+<dd><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html">&lt;manifest&gt;</a></code></dd>
+ <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
+ <img id="rule" src="{@docRoot}assets/images/grad-rule-qv.png">
+ <div id="qv-sub-rule">
+ <img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_market.jpg"
+ style="float:left;margin:0;padding:0;">
+ <p style="color:#669999;">Android Market and <code
+ style="color:#669999;">&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> elements</p>
+ <p style="margin-top:1em;">Android Market filters applications according
+ to the texture compression formats that they support, to ensure that
+ they can be installed only on devices that can handle their textures
+ properly. Developers can use texture compression filtering
+ as a way of targeting specific device types, based on GPU platform.</p>
+ <p style="margin-top:1em;" class="caution">For important information about how
+ Android Market uses <code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> elements as
+ the basis for filtering, please read <a href="#market-texture-filtering">Android
+ Market and texture compression filtering</a>, below.</p>
+<dd>Declares a single GL texture compression format that is supported by
+the application.
+<p>An application "supports" a GL texture compression format if it is capable of
+providing texture assets that are compressed in that format, once the
+application is installed on a device. The application can provide the
+compressed assets locally, from inside the <code>.apk</code>, or it can download them
+from a server at runtime.</p>
+<p>Each <code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> element declares exactly one
+supported texture compression format, specified as the value of a
+<code>android:name</code> attribute. If your application supports multiple
+texture compression formats, you can declare multiple
+<code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> elements. For example:</p>
+<pre>&lt;supports-gl-texture android:name="GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture" /&gt;
+&lt;supports-gl-texture android:name="GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture" /&gt;</pre>
+<p>Declared <code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> elements are informational,
+meaning that the Android system itself does not examine the elements at install
+time to ensure matching support on the device. However, other services
+(such as Android Market) or applications can check your application's
+<code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> declarations as part of handling or
+interacting with your application. For this reason, it's very important that
+you declare all of the texture compression formats (from the list below) that
+your application is capable of supporting. </p>
+<p>Applications and devices typically declare their supported GL texture
+compression formats using the same set of well-known strings, as listed below.
+The set of format strings may grow over time, as needed, and since the values
+are strings, applications are free to declare other formats as needed.</p>
+<p>Assuming that the application is built with SDK Platform Tools r3 or higher,
+filtering based on the <code>&lt;supports-gl-texture></code> element is activated
+for all API levels.</p>
+<dl class="attr">
+ <dt><a name="name"></a>{@code android:name}</dt>
+ <dd>Specifies a single GL texture compression format supported by the application,
+ as a descriptor string. Common descriptor values are listed in the table below.
+<th>Texture Compression Format Descriptor</th>
+<td>Ericsson texture compression. Specified in OpenGL ES 2.0 and available in all
+Android-powered devices that support OpenGL ES 2.0.</td>
+<td>Generic paletted texture compression.</td>
+<td>ATI 3Dc texture compression. </td>
+<td>ATI texture compression. Available on devices running Adreno GPU, including
+HTC Nexus One, Droid Incredible, EVO, and others. For widest compatibility,
+devices may also declare a <code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> element with the
+descriptor <code>GL_ATI_texture_compression_atitc</code>. </td>
+<td>Luminance alpha texture compression. </td>
+<td>S3 DXT1 texture compression. Supported on devices running Nvidia Tegra2
+platform, including Motorala Xoom, Motorola Atrix, Droid Bionic, and
+<td>S3 texture compression, nonspecific to DXT variant. Supported on devices
+running Nvidia Tegra2 platform, including Motorala Xoom, Motorola Atrix, Droid
+Bionic, and others. If your application requires a specific DXT variant, declare
+that descriptor instead of this one.</td>
+<td>PowerVR texture compression. Available in devices running PowerVR SGX530/540
+GPU, such as Motorola DROID series; Samsung Galaxy S, Nexus S, and Galaxy Tab;
+and others.</td>
+<!-- ##api level indication##
+<dt>introduced in:</dt>
+<dd>API Level </dd>-->
+<dt>see also:</dt>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/appendix/market-filters.html">Android Market Filters</a></li>
+ </ul>
+<h2 id="market-texture-filtering">Android Market and texture compression filtering</h2>
+<p>Android Market filters the applications that are visible to users, so that
+users can see and download only those applications that are compatible with
+their devices. One of the ways Market filters applications is by texture
+compression compatibility, giving you control over the availability of your
+application to various devices, based on the capabilities of their GPUs.</p>
+<p>To determine an application's texture compression compatibility with a given
+user's device, Android Market compares:</p>
+<li>Texture compression formats that are supported by the application &mdash;
+an application declares its supported texture compression formats in
+<code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> elements in its manifest <br/>with...</li>
+<li>Texture compression formats that are supported by the GPU on the device &mdash;
+a device reports the formats it supports as read-only system properties.</li>
+<p>Each time you upload an application to the Android Market Publisher Site,
+Android Market scans the application's manifest file and looks for any
+<code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> elements. It extracts the
+format descriptors from the elements and stores them internally as
+metadata associated with the application <code>.apk</code> and the application
+version. </p>
+<p>When a user searches or browses for applications on Android Market,
+the service compares the texture compression formats supported by the application
+with those supported by the user's device. The comparison is based on the format
+descriptor strings and a match must be exact.</p>
+<p>If <em>any</em> of an application's supported texture compression formats is
+also supported by the device, Android Market allows the user to see the
+application and potentially download it. Otherwise, if none of the application's
+formats is supported by the device, Android Market filters the application so
+that it is not available for download. </p>
+<p>If an application does not declare any <code>&lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;</code> elements,
+Android Market does not apply any filtering based on GL texture compression format.</p>