path: root/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src')
34 files changed, 4869 insertions, 4869 deletions
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aac_rom.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aac_rom.c
index 2ce0352..16b44e0 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aac_rom.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aac_rom.c
@@ -1,358 +1,358 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: aac_rom.c
- Content: constant tables
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: aac_rom.c
+ Content: constant tables
-#include "aac_rom.h"
-#if defined (ARMV5E) && !defined (ARMV7Neon)
- * Q30 for 128 and 1024
- *
- * for (i = 0; i < num/4; i++) {
- * angle = (i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
- * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
- * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
- *
- * angle = (num/2 - 1 - i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
- * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
- * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
- * }
- */
-const int cossintab[128 + 1024] = {
- /* 128 */
- 0x3fffec43, 0x003243f1, 0x015fd4d2, 0x3ffc38d1, 0x3ff9c13a, 0x01c454f5, 0x02f1b755, 0x3feea776,
- 0x3fe9b8a9, 0x03562038, 0x0483259d, 0x3fd73a4a, 0x3fcfd50b, 0x04e767c5, 0x0613e1c5, 0x3fb5f4ea,
- 0x3fac1a5b, 0x0677edbb, 0x07a3adff, 0x3f8adc77, 0x3f7e8e1e, 0x08077457, 0x09324ca7, 0x3f55f796,
- 0x3f473759, 0x0995bdfd, 0x0abf8043, 0x3f174e70, 0x3f061e95, 0x0b228d42, 0x0c4b0b94, 0x3eceeaad,
- 0x3ebb4ddb, 0x0cada4f5, 0x0dd4b19a, 0x3e7cd778, 0x3e66d0b4, 0x0e36c82a, 0x0f5c35a3, 0x3e212179,
- 0x3e08b42a, 0x0fbdba40, 0x10e15b4e, 0x3dbbd6d4, 0x3da106bd, 0x11423ef0, 0x1263e699, 0x3d4d0728,
- 0x3d2fd86c, 0x12c41a4f, 0x13e39be9, 0x3cd4c38b, 0x3cb53aaa, 0x144310dd, 0x15604013, 0x3c531e88,
- 0x3c314060, 0x15bee78c, 0x16d99864, 0x3bc82c1f, 0x3ba3fde7, 0x173763c9, 0x184f6aab, 0x3b3401bb,
- 0x3b0d8909, 0x18ac4b87, 0x19c17d44, 0x3a96b636, 0x3a6df8f8, 0x1a1d6544, 0x1b2f971e, 0x39f061d2,
- 0x39c5664f, 0x1b8a7815, 0x1c997fc4, 0x39411e33, 0x3913eb0e, 0x1cf34baf, 0x1dfeff67, 0x38890663,
- 0x3859a292, 0x1e57a86d, 0x1f5fdee6, 0x37c836c2, 0x3796a996, 0x1fb7575c, 0x20bbe7d8, 0x36fecd0e,
- 0x36cb1e2a, 0x21122240, 0x2212e492, 0x362ce855, 0x35f71fb1, 0x2267d3a0, 0x2364a02e, 0x3552a8f4,
- 0x351acedd, 0x23b836ca, 0x24b0e699, 0x34703095, 0x34364da6, 0x250317df, 0x25f78497, 0x3385a222,
- 0x3349bf48, 0x264843d9, 0x273847c8, 0x329321c7, 0x32554840, 0x27878893, 0x2872feb6, 0x3198d4ea,
- 0x31590e3e, 0x28c0b4d2, 0x29a778db, 0x3096e223, 0x30553828, 0x29f3984c, 0x2ad586a3, 0x2f8d713a,
- 0x2f49ee0f, 0x2b2003ac, 0x2bfcf97c, 0x2e7cab1c, 0x2e37592c, 0x2c45c8a0, 0x2d1da3d5, 0x2d64b9da,
- /* 1024 */
- 0x3fffffb1, 0x0006487f, 0x002bfb74, 0x3ffff0e3, 0x3fffe705, 0x00388c6e, 0x005e3f4c, 0x3fffba9b,
- 0x3fffa6de, 0x006ad03b, 0x009082ea, 0x3fff5cd8, 0x3fff3f3c, 0x009d13c5, 0x00c2c62f, 0x3ffed79b,
- 0x3ffeb021, 0x00cf56ef, 0x00f508fc, 0x3ffe2ae5, 0x3ffdf98c, 0x01019998, 0x01274b31, 0x3ffd56b5,
- 0x3ffd1b7e, 0x0133dba3, 0x01598cb1, 0x3ffc5b0c, 0x3ffc15f7, 0x01661cf0, 0x018bcd5b, 0x3ffb37ec,
- 0x3ffae8f9, 0x01985d60, 0x01be0d11, 0x3ff9ed53, 0x3ff99483, 0x01ca9cd4, 0x01f04bb4, 0x3ff87b44,
- 0x3ff81896, 0x01fcdb2e, 0x02228924, 0x3ff6e1bf, 0x3ff67534, 0x022f184d, 0x0254c544, 0x3ff520c5,
- 0x3ff4aa5d, 0x02615414, 0x0286fff3, 0x3ff33858, 0x3ff2b813, 0x02938e62, 0x02b93914, 0x3ff12878,
- 0x3ff09e56, 0x02c5c71a, 0x02eb7086, 0x3feef126, 0x3fee5d28, 0x02f7fe1c, 0x031da62b, 0x3fec9265,
- 0x3febf48b, 0x032a3349, 0x034fd9e5, 0x3fea0c35, 0x3fe96480, 0x035c6682, 0x03820b93, 0x3fe75e98,
- 0x3fe6ad08, 0x038e97a9, 0x03b43b17, 0x3fe48990, 0x3fe3ce26, 0x03c0c69e, 0x03e66852, 0x3fe18d1f,
- 0x3fe0c7da, 0x03f2f342, 0x04189326, 0x3fde6945, 0x3fdd9a27, 0x04251d77, 0x044abb73, 0x3fdb1e06,
- 0x3fda450f, 0x0457451d, 0x047ce11a, 0x3fd7ab64, 0x3fd6c894, 0x04896a16, 0x04af03fc, 0x3fd4115f,
- 0x3fd324b7, 0x04bb8c42, 0x04e123fa, 0x3fd04ffc, 0x3fcf597c, 0x04edab83, 0x051340f6, 0x3fcc673b,
- 0x3fcb66e4, 0x051fc7b9, 0x05455ad1, 0x3fc8571f, 0x3fc74cf3, 0x0551e0c7, 0x0577716b, 0x3fc41fac,
- 0x3fc30baa, 0x0583f68c, 0x05a984a6, 0x3fbfc0e3, 0x3fbea30c, 0x05b608eb, 0x05db9463, 0x3fbb3ac7,
- 0x3fba131b, 0x05e817c3, 0x060da083, 0x3fb68d5b, 0x3fb55bdc, 0x061a22f7, 0x063fa8e7, 0x3fb1b8a2,
- 0x3fb07d50, 0x064c2a67, 0x0671ad71, 0x3facbc9f, 0x3fab777b, 0x067e2df5, 0x06a3ae00, 0x3fa79954,
- 0x3fa64a5f, 0x06b02d81, 0x06d5aa77, 0x3fa24ec6, 0x3fa0f600, 0x06e228ee, 0x0707a2b7, 0x3f9cdcf7,
- 0x3f9b7a62, 0x0714201b, 0x073996a1, 0x3f9743eb, 0x3f95d787, 0x074612eb, 0x076b8616, 0x3f9183a5,
- 0x3f900d72, 0x0778013d, 0x079d70f7, 0x3f8b9c28, 0x3f8a1c29, 0x07a9eaf5, 0x07cf5726, 0x3f858d79,
- 0x3f8403ae, 0x07dbcff2, 0x08013883, 0x3f7f579b, 0x3f7dc405, 0x080db016, 0x083314f1, 0x3f78fa92,
- 0x3f775d31, 0x083f8b43, 0x0864ec4f, 0x3f727661, 0x3f70cf38, 0x08716159, 0x0896be80, 0x3f6bcb0e,
- 0x3f6a1a1c, 0x08a3323a, 0x08c88b65, 0x3f64f89b, 0x3f633de2, 0x08d4fdc6, 0x08fa52de, 0x3f5dff0e,
- 0x3f5c3a8f, 0x0906c3e0, 0x092c14ce, 0x3f56de6a, 0x3f551026, 0x09388469, 0x095dd116, 0x3f4f96b4,
- 0x3f4dbeac, 0x096a3f42, 0x098f8796, 0x3f4827f0, 0x3f464626, 0x099bf44c, 0x09c13831, 0x3f409223,
- 0x3f3ea697, 0x09cda368, 0x09f2e2c7, 0x3f38d552, 0x3f36e006, 0x09ff4c78, 0x0a24873a, 0x3f30f181,
- 0x3f2ef276, 0x0a30ef5e, 0x0a56256c, 0x3f28e6b6, 0x3f26ddec, 0x0a628bfa, 0x0a87bd3d, 0x3f20b4f5,
- 0x3f1ea26e, 0x0a94222f, 0x0ab94e8f, 0x3f185c43, 0x3f164001, 0x0ac5b1dc, 0x0aead944, 0x3f0fdca5,
- 0x3f0db6a9, 0x0af73ae5, 0x0b1c5d3d, 0x3f073621, 0x3f05066d, 0x0b28bd2a, 0x0b4dda5c, 0x3efe68bc,
- 0x3efc2f50, 0x0b5a388d, 0x0b7f5081, 0x3ef5747b, 0x3ef3315a, 0x0b8bacf0, 0x0bb0bf8f, 0x3eec5965,
- 0x3eea0c8e, 0x0bbd1a33, 0x0be22766, 0x3ee3177e, 0x3ee0c0f4, 0x0bee8038, 0x0c1387e9, 0x3ed9aecc,
- 0x3ed74e91, 0x0c1fdee1, 0x0c44e0f9, 0x3ed01f55, 0x3ecdb56a, 0x0c513610, 0x0c763278, 0x3ec66920,
- 0x3ec3f585, 0x0c8285a5, 0x0ca77c47, 0x3ebc8c31, 0x3eba0ee9, 0x0cb3cd84, 0x0cd8be47, 0x3eb2888f,
- 0x3eb0019c, 0x0ce50d8c, 0x0d09f85b, 0x3ea85e41, 0x3ea5cda3, 0x0d1645a0, 0x0d3b2a64, 0x3e9e0d4c,
- 0x3e9b7306, 0x0d4775a1, 0x0d6c5443, 0x3e9395b7, 0x3e90f1ca, 0x0d789d71, 0x0d9d75db, 0x3e88f788,
- 0x3e8649f5, 0x0da9bcf2, 0x0dce8f0d, 0x3e7e32c6, 0x3e7b7b90, 0x0ddad406, 0x0dff9fba, 0x3e734778,
- 0x3e70869f, 0x0e0be28e, 0x0e30a7c5, 0x3e6835a4, 0x3e656b2b, 0x0e3ce86b, 0x0e61a70f, 0x3e5cfd51,
- 0x3e5a2939, 0x0e6de580, 0x0e929d7a, 0x3e519e86, 0x3e4ec0d1, 0x0e9ed9af, 0x0ec38ae8, 0x3e46194a,
- 0x3e4331fa, 0x0ecfc4d9, 0x0ef46f3b, 0x3e3a6da4, 0x3e377cbb, 0x0f00a6df, 0x0f254a53, 0x3e2e9b9c,
- 0x3e2ba11b, 0x0f317fa5, 0x0f561c15, 0x3e22a338, 0x3e1f9f21, 0x0f624f0c, 0x0f86e460, 0x3e168480,
- 0x3e1376d5, 0x0f9314f5, 0x0fb7a317, 0x3e0a3f7b, 0x3e07283f, 0x0fc3d143, 0x0fe8581d, 0x3dfdd432,
- 0x3dfab365, 0x0ff483d7, 0x10190352, 0x3df142ab, 0x3dee1851, 0x10252c94, 0x1049a49a, 0x3de48aef,
- 0x3de15708, 0x1055cb5b, 0x107a3bd5, 0x3dd7ad05, 0x3dd46f94, 0x1086600e, 0x10aac8e6, 0x3dcaa8f5,
- 0x3dc761fc, 0x10b6ea90, 0x10db4baf, 0x3dbd7ec7, 0x3dba2e48, 0x10e76ac3, 0x110bc413, 0x3db02e84,
- 0x3dacd481, 0x1117e088, 0x113c31f3, 0x3da2b834, 0x3d9f54af, 0x11484bc2, 0x116c9531, 0x3d951bde,
- 0x3d91aed9, 0x1178ac53, 0x119cedaf, 0x3d87598c, 0x3d83e309, 0x11a9021d, 0x11cd3b50, 0x3d797145,
- 0x3d75f147, 0x11d94d02, 0x11fd7df6, 0x3d6b6313, 0x3d67d99b, 0x12098ce5, 0x122db583, 0x3d5d2efe,
- 0x3d599c0e, 0x1239c1a7, 0x125de1da, 0x3d4ed50f, 0x3d4b38aa, 0x1269eb2b, 0x128e02dc, 0x3d40554e,
- 0x3d3caf76, 0x129a0954, 0x12be186c, 0x3d31afc5, 0x3d2e007c, 0x12ca1c03, 0x12ee226c, 0x3d22e47c,
- 0x3d1f2bc5, 0x12fa231b, 0x131e20c0, 0x3d13f37e, 0x3d10315a, 0x132a1e7e, 0x134e1348, 0x3d04dcd2,
- 0x3d011145, 0x135a0e0e, 0x137df9e7, 0x3cf5a082, 0x3cf1cb8e, 0x1389f1af, 0x13add481, 0x3ce63e98,
- 0x3ce2603f, 0x13b9c943, 0x13dda2f7, 0x3cd6b71e, 0x3cd2cf62, 0x13e994ab, 0x140d652c, 0x3cc70a1c,
- 0x3cc318ff, 0x141953cb, 0x143d1b02, 0x3cb7379c, 0x3cb33d22, 0x14490685, 0x146cc45c, 0x3ca73fa9,
- 0x3ca33bd3, 0x1478acbc, 0x149c611d, 0x3c97224c, 0x3c93151d, 0x14a84652, 0x14cbf127, 0x3c86df8e,
- 0x3c82c909, 0x14d7d32a, 0x14fb745e, 0x3c76777b, 0x3c7257a2, 0x15075327, 0x152aeaa3, 0x3c65ea1c,
- 0x3c61c0f1, 0x1536c62b, 0x155a53d9, 0x3c55377b, 0x3c510501, 0x15662c18, 0x1589afe3, 0x3c445fa2,
- 0x3c4023dd, 0x159584d3, 0x15b8fea4, 0x3c33629d, 0x3c2f1d8e, 0x15c4d03e, 0x15e83fff, 0x3c224075,
- 0x3c1df21f, 0x15f40e3a, 0x161773d6, 0x3c10f935, 0x3c0ca19b, 0x16233eac, 0x16469a0d, 0x3bff8ce8,
- 0x3bfb2c0c, 0x16526176, 0x1675b286, 0x3bedfb99, 0x3be9917e, 0x1681767c, 0x16a4bd25, 0x3bdc4552,
- 0x3bd7d1fa, 0x16b07d9f, 0x16d3b9cc, 0x3bca6a1d, 0x3bc5ed8d, 0x16df76c3, 0x1702a85e, 0x3bb86a08,
- 0x3bb3e440, 0x170e61cc, 0x173188be, 0x3ba6451b, 0x3ba1b620, 0x173d3e9b, 0x17605ad0, 0x3b93fb63,
- 0x3b8f6337, 0x176c0d15, 0x178f1e76, 0x3b818ceb, 0x3b7ceb90, 0x179acd1c, 0x17bdd394, 0x3b6ef9be,
- 0x3b6a4f38, 0x17c97e93, 0x17ec7a0d, 0x3b5c41e8, 0x3b578e39, 0x17f8215e, 0x181b11c4, 0x3b496574,
- 0x3b44a8a0, 0x1826b561, 0x18499a9d, 0x3b36646e, 0x3b319e77, 0x18553a7d, 0x1878147a, 0x3b233ee1,
- 0x3b1e6fca, 0x1883b097, 0x18a67f3f, 0x3b0ff4d9, 0x3b0b1ca6, 0x18b21791, 0x18d4dad0, 0x3afc8663,
- 0x3af7a516, 0x18e06f50, 0x1903270f, 0x3ae8f38b, 0x3ae40926, 0x190eb7b7, 0x193163e1, 0x3ad53c5b,
- 0x3ad048e3, 0x193cf0a9, 0x195f9128, 0x3ac160e1, 0x3abc6458, 0x196b1a09, 0x198daec8, 0x3aad6129,
- 0x3aa85b92, 0x199933bb, 0x19bbbca6, 0x3a993d3e, 0x3a942e9d, 0x19c73da3, 0x19e9baa3, 0x3a84f52f,
- 0x3a7fdd86, 0x19f537a4, 0x1a17a8a5, 0x3a708906, 0x3a6b6859, 0x1a2321a2, 0x1a45868e, 0x3a5bf8d1,
- 0x3a56cf23, 0x1a50fb81, 0x1a735442, 0x3a47449c, 0x3a4211f0, 0x1a7ec524, 0x1aa111a6, 0x3a326c74,
- 0x3a2d30cd, 0x1aac7e6f, 0x1acebe9d, 0x3a1d7066, 0x3a182bc8, 0x1ada2746, 0x1afc5b0a, 0x3a08507f,
- 0x3a0302ed, 0x1b07bf8c, 0x1b29e6d2, 0x39f30ccc, 0x39edb649, 0x1b354727, 0x1b5761d8, 0x39dda55a,
- 0x39d845e9, 0x1b62bdf8, 0x1b84cc01, 0x39c81a36, 0x39c2b1da, 0x1b9023e5, 0x1bb22530, 0x39b26b6d,
- 0x39acfa2b, 0x1bbd78d2, 0x1bdf6d4a, 0x399c990d, 0x39971ee7, 0x1beabca1, 0x1c0ca432, 0x3986a324,
- 0x3981201e, 0x1c17ef39, 0x1c39c9cd, 0x397089bf, 0x396afddc, 0x1c45107c, 0x1c66ddfe, 0x395a4ceb,
- 0x3954b82e, 0x1c72204f, 0x1c93e0ab, 0x3943ecb6, 0x393e4f23, 0x1c9f1e96, 0x1cc0d1b6, 0x392d692f,
- 0x3927c2c9, 0x1ccc0b35, 0x1cedb106, 0x3916c262, 0x3911132d, 0x1cf8e611, 0x1d1a7e7d, 0x38fff85e,
- 0x38fa405e, 0x1d25af0d, 0x1d473a00, 0x38e90b31, 0x38e34a69, 0x1d52660f, 0x1d73e374, 0x38d1fae9,
- 0x38cc315d, 0x1d7f0afb, 0x1da07abc, 0x38bac795, 0x38b4f547, 0x1dab9db5, 0x1dccffbf, 0x38a37142,
- 0x389d9637, 0x1dd81e21, 0x1df9725f, 0x388bf7ff, 0x3886143b, 0x1e048c24, 0x1e25d282, 0x38745bdb,
- 0x386e6f60, 0x1e30e7a4, 0x1e52200c, 0x385c9ce3, 0x3856a7b6, 0x1e5d3084, 0x1e7e5ae2, 0x3844bb28,
- 0x383ebd4c, 0x1e8966a8, 0x1eaa82e9, 0x382cb6b7, 0x3826b030, 0x1eb589f7, 0x1ed69805, 0x38148f9f,
- 0x380e8071, 0x1ee19a54, 0x1f029a1c, 0x37fc45ef, 0x37f62e1d, 0x1f0d97a5, 0x1f2e8911, 0x37e3d9b7,
- 0x37ddb945, 0x1f3981ce, 0x1f5a64cb, 0x37cb4b04, 0x37c521f6, 0x1f6558b5, 0x1f862d2d, 0x37b299e7,
- 0x37ac6841, 0x1f911c3d, 0x1fb1e21d, 0x3799c66f, 0x37938c34, 0x1fbccc4d, 0x1fdd8381, 0x3780d0aa,
- 0x377a8ddf, 0x1fe868c8, 0x2009113c, 0x3767b8a9, 0x37616d51, 0x2013f196, 0x20348b35, 0x374e7e7b,
- 0x37482a9a, 0x203f6699, 0x205ff14f, 0x3735222f, 0x372ec5c9, 0x206ac7b8, 0x208b4372, 0x371ba3d4,
- 0x37153eee, 0x209614d9, 0x20b68181, 0x3702037c, 0x36fb9618, 0x20c14ddf, 0x20e1ab63, 0x36e84135,
- 0x36e1cb58, 0x20ec72b1, 0x210cc0fc, 0x36ce5d10, 0x36c7debd, 0x21178334, 0x2137c232, 0x36b4571b,
- 0x36add058, 0x21427f4d, 0x2162aeea, 0x369a2f69, 0x3693a038, 0x216d66e2, 0x218d870b, 0x367fe608,
- 0x36794e6e, 0x219839d8, 0x21b84a79, 0x36657b08, 0x365edb09, 0x21c2f815, 0x21e2f91a, 0x364aee7b,
- 0x3644461b, 0x21eda17f, 0x220d92d4, 0x36304070, 0x36298fb4, 0x221835fb, 0x2238178d, 0x361570f8,
- 0x360eb7e3, 0x2242b56f, 0x22628729, 0x35fa8023, 0x35f3beba, 0x226d1fc1, 0x228ce191, 0x35df6e03,
- 0x35d8a449, 0x229774d7, 0x22b726a8, 0x35c43aa7, 0x35bd68a1, 0x22c1b496, 0x22e15655, 0x35a8e621,
- 0x35a20bd3, 0x22ebdee5, 0x230b707e, 0x358d7081, 0x35868def, 0x2315f3a8, 0x23357509, 0x3571d9d9,
- 0x356aef08, 0x233ff2c8, 0x235f63dc, 0x35562239, 0x354f2f2c, 0x2369dc29, 0x23893cdd, 0x353a49b2,
- 0x35334e6f, 0x2393afb2, 0x23b2fff3, 0x351e5056, 0x35174ce0, 0x23bd6d48, 0x23dcad03, 0x35023636,
- 0x34fb2a92, 0x23e714d3, 0x240643f4, 0x34e5fb63, 0x34dee795, 0x2410a639, 0x242fc4ad, 0x34c99fef,
- 0x34c283fb, 0x243a215f, 0x24592f13, 0x34ad23eb, 0x34a5ffd5, 0x2463862c, 0x2482830d, 0x34908768,
- 0x34895b36, 0x248cd487, 0x24abc082, 0x3473ca79, 0x346c962f, 0x24b60c57, 0x24d4e757, 0x3456ed2f,
- 0x344fb0d1, 0x24df2d81, 0x24fdf775, 0x3439ef9c, 0x3432ab2e, 0x250837ed, 0x2526f0c1, 0x341cd1d2,
- 0x34158559, 0x25312b81, 0x254fd323, 0x33ff93e2, 0x33f83f62, 0x255a0823, 0x25789e80, 0x33e235df,
- 0x33dad95e, 0x2582cdbc, 0x25a152c0, 0x33c4b7db, 0x33bd535c, 0x25ab7c30, 0x25c9efca, 0x33a719e8,
- 0x339fad70, 0x25d41369, 0x25f27584, 0x33895c18, 0x3381e7ac, 0x25fc934b, 0x261ae3d6, 0x336b7e7e,
- 0x33640223, 0x2624fbbf, 0x26433aa7, 0x334d812d, 0x3345fce6, 0x264d4cac, 0x266b79dd, 0x332f6435,
- 0x3327d808, 0x267585f8, 0x2693a161, 0x331127ab, 0x3309939c, 0x269da78b, 0x26bbb119, 0x32f2cba1,
- 0x32eb2fb5, 0x26c5b14c, 0x26e3a8ec, 0x32d45029, 0x32ccac64, 0x26eda322, 0x270b88c2, 0x32b5b557,
- 0x32ae09be, 0x27157cf5, 0x27335082, 0x3296fb3d, 0x328f47d5, 0x273d3eac, 0x275b0014, 0x327821ee,
- 0x327066bc, 0x2764e82f, 0x27829760, 0x3259297d, 0x32516686, 0x278c7965, 0x27aa164c, 0x323a11fe,
- 0x32324746, 0x27b3f235, 0x27d17cc1, 0x321adb83, 0x3213090f, 0x27db5288, 0x27f8caa5, 0x31fb8620,
- 0x31f3abf5, 0x28029a45, 0x281fffe2, 0x31dc11e8, 0x31d4300b, 0x2829c954, 0x28471c5e, 0x31bc7eee,
- 0x31b49564, 0x2850df9d, 0x286e2002, 0x319ccd46, 0x3194dc14, 0x2877dd07, 0x28950ab6, 0x317cfd04,
- 0x3175042e, 0x289ec17a, 0x28bbdc61, 0x315d0e3b, 0x31550dc6, 0x28c58cdf, 0x28e294eb, 0x313d00ff,
- 0x3134f8f1, 0x28ec3f1e, 0x2909343e, 0x311cd564, 0x3114c5c0, 0x2912d81f, 0x292fba40, 0x30fc8b7d,
- 0x30f47449, 0x293957c9, 0x295626da, 0x30dc235e, 0x30d404a0, 0x295fbe06, 0x297c79f5, 0x30bb9d1c,
- 0x30b376d8, 0x29860abd, 0x29a2b378, 0x309af8ca, 0x3092cb05, 0x29ac3dd7, 0x29c8d34d, 0x307a367c,
- 0x3072013c, 0x29d2573c, 0x29eed95b, 0x30595648, 0x30511991, 0x29f856d5, 0x2a14c58b, 0x30385840,
- 0x30301418, 0x2a1e3c8a, 0x2a3a97c7, 0x30173c7a, 0x300ef0e5, 0x2a440844, 0x2a604ff5, 0x2ff6030a,
- 0x2fedb00d, 0x2a69b9ec, 0x2a85ee00, 0x2fd4ac04, 0x2fcc51a5, 0x2a8f516b, 0x2aab71d0, 0x2fb3377c,
- 0x2faad5c1, 0x2ab4cea9, 0x2ad0db4e, 0x2f91a589, 0x2f893c75, 0x2ada318e, 0x2af62a63, 0x2f6ff63d,
- 0x2f6785d7, 0x2aff7a05, 0x2b1b5ef8, 0x2f4e29af, 0x2f45b1fb, 0x2b24a7f6, 0x2b4078f5, 0x2f2c3ff2,
- 0x2f23c0f6, 0x2b49bb4a, 0x2b657844, 0x2f0a391d, 0x2f01b2de, 0x2b6eb3ea, 0x2b8a5cce, 0x2ee81543,
- 0x2edf87c6, 0x2b9391c0, 0x2baf267d, 0x2ec5d479, 0x2ebd3fc4, 0x2bb854b4, 0x2bd3d53a, 0x2ea376d6,
- 0x2e9adaee, 0x2bdcfcb0, 0x2bf868ed, 0x2e80fc6e, 0x2e785958, 0x2c01899e, 0x2c1ce181, 0x2e5e6556,
- 0x2e55bb17, 0x2c25fb66, 0x2c413edf, 0x2e3bb1a4, 0x2e330042, 0x2c4a51f3, 0x2c6580f1, 0x2e18e16d,
- 0x2e1028ed, 0x2c6e8d2e, 0x2c89a79f, 0x2df5f4c7, 0x2ded352f, 0x2c92ad01, 0x2cadb2d5, 0x2dd2ebc7,
- 0x2dca251c, 0x2cb6b155, 0x2cd1a27b, 0x2dafc683, 0x2da6f8ca, 0x2cda9a14, 0x2cf5767c, 0x2d8c8510,
- 0x2d83b04f, 0x2cfe6728, 0x2d192ec1, 0x2d692784, 0x2d604bc0, 0x2d22187a, 0x2d3ccb34, 0x2d45adf6
-const int twidTab512[(8*6 + 32*6 + 128*6)/2] = {
- 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3b20187d,
- 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3536238e, 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d,
- 0x187d3b20, 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e, 0xf3843ec5,
- 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xe7833b20,
- 0x238e3536, 0xc13b0c7c, 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20,
- 0xc4e0e783, 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0xdc72caca,
- 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3fb10645,
- 0x3fec0323, 0x3f4e0964, 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3fb10645,
- 0x3d3e1294, 0x3d3e1294, 0x3f4e0964, 0x39da1b5d,
- 0x3b20187d, 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3536238e, 0x38711e2b,
- 0x3e140f8c, 0x2f6b2afa, 0x3536238e, 0x3d3e1294,
- 0x28993179, 0x31792899, 0x3c42158f, 0x20e736e5,
- 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x28993179,
- 0x39da1b5d, 0x0f8c3e14, 0x238e3536, 0x38711e2b,
- 0x06453fb1, 0x1e2b3871, 0x36e520e7, 0xfcdd3fec,
- 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e, 0xf3843ec5, 0x12943d3e,
- 0x3367261f, 0xea713c42, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0x31792899,
- 0xe1d53871, 0x06453fb1, 0x2f6b2afa, 0xd9e13367,
- 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xf9bb3fb1,
- 0x2afa2f6b, 0xcc99261f, 0xf3843ec5, 0x28993179,
- 0xc78f1e2b, 0xed6c3d3e, 0x261f3367, 0xc3be158f,
- 0xe7833b20, 0x238e3536, 0xc13b0c7c, 0xe1d53871,
- 0x20e736e5, 0xc0140323, 0xdc723536, 0x1e2b3871,
- 0xc04ff9bb, 0xd7673179, 0x1b5d39da, 0xc1ecf074,
- 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783, 0xce872899,
- 0x158f3c42, 0xc91bdf19, 0xcaca238e, 0x12943d3e,
- 0xce87d767, 0xc78f1e2b, 0x0f8c3e14, 0xd506d095,
- 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0xdc72caca, 0xc2c21294,
- 0x09643f4e, 0xe4a3c626, 0xc13b0c7c, 0x06453fb1,
- 0xed6cc2c2, 0xc04f0645, 0x03233fec, 0xf69cc0b2,
- 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3ffb0192,
- 0x3ffe00c9, 0x3ff4025b, 0x3fec0323, 0x3ffb0192,
- 0x3fd304b5, 0x3fd304b5, 0x3ff4025b, 0x3f9c070d,
- 0x3fb10645, 0x3fec0323, 0x3f4e0964, 0x3f8407d5,
- 0x3fe103ec, 0x3eeb0bb6, 0x3f4e0964, 0x3fd304b5,
- 0x3e710e05, 0x3f0e0af1, 0x3fc3057d, 0x3de2104f,
- 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3fb10645, 0x3d3e1294, 0x3e710e05,
- 0x3f9c070d, 0x3c8414d1, 0x3e140f8c, 0x3f8407d5,
- 0x3bb61708, 0x3dae1111, 0x3f6a089c, 0x3ad21937,
- 0x3d3e1294, 0x3f4e0964, 0x39da1b5d, 0x3cc51413,
- 0x3f2f0a2a, 0x38cf1d79, 0x3c42158f, 0x3f0e0af1,
- 0x37af1f8b, 0x3bb61708, 0x3eeb0bb6, 0x367c2192,
- 0x3b20187d, 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3536238e, 0x3a8219ef,
- 0x3e9c0d41, 0x33de257d, 0x39da1b5d, 0x3e710e05,
- 0x3274275f, 0x392a1cc6, 0x3e440ec9, 0x30f82934,
- 0x38711e2b, 0x3e140f8c, 0x2f6b2afa, 0x37af1f8b,
- 0x3de2104f, 0x2dce2cb2, 0x36e520e7, 0x3dae1111,
- 0x2c212e5a, 0x3612223d, 0x3d7711d3, 0x2a652ff1,
- 0x3536238e, 0x3d3e1294, 0x28993179, 0x345324da,
- 0x3d021354, 0x26c032ee, 0x3367261f, 0x3cc51413,
- 0x24da3453, 0x3274275f, 0x3c8414d1, 0x22e635a5,
- 0x31792899, 0x3c42158f, 0x20e736e5, 0x307629cd,
- 0x3bfd164c, 0x1edc3811, 0x2f6b2afa, 0x3bb61708,
- 0x1cc6392a, 0x2e5a2c21, 0x3b6c17c3, 0x1aa63a2f,
- 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x2c212e5a,
- 0x3ad21937, 0x164c3bfd, 0x2afa2f6b, 0x3a8219ef,
- 0x14133cc5, 0x29cd3076, 0x3a2f1aa6, 0x11d33d77,
- 0x28993179, 0x39da1b5d, 0x0f8c3e14, 0x275f3274,
- 0x39831c12, 0x0d413e9c, 0x261f3367, 0x392a1cc6,
- 0x0af13f0e, 0x24da3453, 0x38cf1d79, 0x089c3f6a,
- 0x238e3536, 0x38711e2b, 0x06453fb1, 0x223d3612,
- 0x38111edc, 0x03ec3fe1, 0x20e736e5, 0x37af1f8b,
- 0x01923ffb, 0x1f8b37af, 0x374b2039, 0xff373ffe,
- 0x1e2b3871, 0x36e520e7, 0xfcdd3fec, 0x1cc6392a,
- 0x367c2192, 0xfa833fc3, 0x1b5d39da, 0x3612223d,
- 0xf82b3f84, 0x19ef3a82, 0x35a522e6, 0xf5d63f2f,
- 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e, 0xf3843ec5, 0x17083bb6,
- 0x34c62434, 0xf1373e44, 0x158f3c42, 0x345324da,
- 0xeeef3dae, 0x14133cc5, 0x33de257d, 0xecac3d02,
- 0x12943d3e, 0x3367261f, 0xea713c42, 0x11113dae,
- 0x32ee26c0, 0xe83d3b6c, 0x0f8c3e14, 0x3274275f,
- 0xe6113a82, 0x0e053e71, 0x31f727fd, 0xe3ee3983,
- 0x0c7c3ec5, 0x31792899, 0xe1d53871, 0x0af13f0e,
- 0x30f82934, 0xdfc7374b, 0x09643f4e, 0x307629cd,
- 0xddc33612, 0x07d53f84, 0x2ff12a65, 0xdbcc34c6,
- 0x06453fb1, 0x2f6b2afa, 0xd9e13367, 0x04b53fd3,
- 0x2ee32b8e, 0xd80331f7, 0x03233fec, 0x2e5a2c21,
- 0xd6333076, 0x01923ffb, 0x2dce2cb2, 0xd4722ee3,
- 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xfe6e3ffb,
- 0x2cb22dce, 0xd11d2b8e, 0xfcdd3fec, 0x2c212e5a,
- 0xcf8a29cd, 0xfb4b3fd3, 0x2b8e2ee3, 0xce0927fd,
- 0xf9bb3fb1, 0x2afa2f6b, 0xcc99261f, 0xf82b3f84,
- 0x2a652ff1, 0xcb3a2434, 0xf69c3f4e, 0x29cd3076,
- 0xc9ee223d, 0xf50f3f0e, 0x293430f8, 0xc8b52039,
- 0xf3843ec5, 0x28993179, 0xc78f1e2b, 0xf1fb3e71,
- 0x27fd31f7, 0xc67d1c12, 0xf0743e14, 0x275f3274,
- 0xc57e19ef, 0xeeef3dae, 0x26c032ee, 0xc49417c3,
- 0xed6c3d3e, 0x261f3367, 0xc3be158f, 0xebed3cc5,
- 0x257d33de, 0xc2fe1354, 0xea713c42, 0x24da3453,
- 0xc2521111, 0xe8f83bb6, 0x243434c6, 0xc1bc0ec9,
- 0xe7833b20, 0x238e3536, 0xc13b0c7c, 0xe6113a82,
- 0x22e635a5, 0xc0d10a2a, 0xe4a339da, 0x223d3612,
- 0xc07c07d5, 0xe33a392a, 0x2192367c, 0xc03d057d,
- 0xe1d53871, 0x20e736e5, 0xc0140323, 0xe07537af,
- 0x2039374b, 0xc00200c9, 0xdf1936e5, 0x1f8b37af,
- 0xc005fe6e, 0xddc33612, 0x1edc3811, 0xc01ffc14,
- 0xdc723536, 0x1e2b3871, 0xc04ff9bb, 0xdb263453,
- 0x1d7938cf, 0xc096f764, 0xd9e13367, 0x1cc6392a,
- 0xc0f2f50f, 0xd8a13274, 0x1c123983, 0xc164f2bf,
- 0xd7673179, 0x1b5d39da, 0xc1ecf074, 0xd6333076,
- 0x1aa63a2f, 0xc289ee2d, 0xd5062f6b, 0x19ef3a82,
- 0xc33bebed, 0xd3df2e5a, 0x19373ad2, 0xc403e9b4,
- 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783, 0xd1a62c21,
- 0x17c33b6c, 0xc5d1e55a, 0xd0952afa, 0x17083bb6,
- 0xc6d6e33a, 0xcf8a29cd, 0x164c3bfd, 0xc7efe124,
- 0xce872899, 0x158f3c42, 0xc91bdf19, 0xcd8c275f,
- 0x14d13c84, 0xca5bdd1a, 0xcc99261f, 0x14133cc5,
- 0xcbaddb26, 0xcbad24da, 0x13543d02, 0xcd12d940,
- 0xcaca238e, 0x12943d3e, 0xce87d767, 0xc9ee223d,
- 0x11d33d77, 0xd00fd59b, 0xc91b20e7, 0x11113dae,
- 0xd1a6d3df, 0xc8511f8b, 0x104f3de2, 0xd34ed232,
- 0xc78f1e2b, 0x0f8c3e14, 0xd506d095, 0xc6d61cc6,
- 0x0ec93e44, 0xd6cccf08, 0xc6261b5d, 0x0e053e71,
- 0xd8a1cd8c, 0xc57e19ef, 0x0d413e9c, 0xda83cc22,
- 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0xdc72caca, 0xc44a1708,
- 0x0bb63eeb, 0xde6ec984, 0xc3be158f, 0x0af13f0e,
- 0xe075c851, 0xc33b1413, 0x0a2a3f2f, 0xe287c731,
- 0xc2c21294, 0x09643f4e, 0xe4a3c626, 0xc2521111,
- 0x089c3f6a, 0xe6c9c52e, 0xc1ec0f8c, 0x07d53f84,
- 0xe8f8c44a, 0xc18f0e05, 0x070d3f9c, 0xeb2fc37c,
- 0xc13b0c7c, 0x06453fb1, 0xed6cc2c2, 0xc0f20af1,
- 0x057d3fc3, 0xefb1c21e, 0xc0b20964, 0x04b53fd3,
- 0xf1fbc18f, 0xc07c07d5, 0x03ec3fe1, 0xf44ac115,
- 0xc04f0645, 0x03233fec, 0xf69cc0b2, 0xc02d04b5,
- 0x025b3ff4, 0xf8f3c064, 0xc0140323, 0x01923ffb,
- 0xfb4bc02d, 0xc0050192, 0x00c93ffe, 0xfda5c00c
-const int twidTab64[(4*6 + 16*6)/2] = {
- 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x2d412d41,
- 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41,
- 0xd2bf2d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783,
- 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3ec50c7c,
- 0x3fb10645, 0x3d3e1294, 0x3b20187d, 0x3ec50c7c,
- 0x3536238e, 0x3536238e, 0x3d3e1294, 0x28993179,
- 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x238e3536,
- 0x38711e2b, 0x06453fb1, 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e,
- 0xf3843ec5, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0x31792899, 0xe1d53871,
- 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xf3843ec5,
- 0x28993179, 0xc78f1e2b, 0xe7833b20, 0x238e3536,
- 0xc13b0c7c, 0xdc723536, 0x1e2b3871, 0xc04ff9bb,
- 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783, 0xcaca238e,
- 0x12943d3e, 0xce87d767, 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5,
- 0xdc72caca, 0xc13b0c7c, 0x06453fb1, 0xed6cc2c2
-#elif defined ARMV7Neon
- * Q29 for 128 and 1024
- *
- * for (i = 0; i < num/4; i++) {
- * angle = (i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
- * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 29);
- * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 29);
- *
- * angle = (num/2 - 1 - i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
- * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 29);
- * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 29);
- * }
- */
-const int cossintab[128 + 1024] = {
- /* 128 */
+#include "aac_rom.h"
+#if defined (ARMV5E) && !defined (ARMV7Neon)
+ * Q30 for 128 and 1024
+ *
+ * for (i = 0; i < num/4; i++) {
+ * angle = (i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
+ * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ *
+ * angle = (num/2 - 1 - i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
+ * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ * }
+ */
+const int cossintab[128 + 1024] = {
+ /* 128 */
+ 0x3fffec43, 0x003243f1, 0x015fd4d2, 0x3ffc38d1, 0x3ff9c13a, 0x01c454f5, 0x02f1b755, 0x3feea776,
+ 0x3fe9b8a9, 0x03562038, 0x0483259d, 0x3fd73a4a, 0x3fcfd50b, 0x04e767c5, 0x0613e1c5, 0x3fb5f4ea,
+ 0x3fac1a5b, 0x0677edbb, 0x07a3adff, 0x3f8adc77, 0x3f7e8e1e, 0x08077457, 0x09324ca7, 0x3f55f796,
+ 0x3f473759, 0x0995bdfd, 0x0abf8043, 0x3f174e70, 0x3f061e95, 0x0b228d42, 0x0c4b0b94, 0x3eceeaad,
+ 0x3ebb4ddb, 0x0cada4f5, 0x0dd4b19a, 0x3e7cd778, 0x3e66d0b4, 0x0e36c82a, 0x0f5c35a3, 0x3e212179,
+ 0x3e08b42a, 0x0fbdba40, 0x10e15b4e, 0x3dbbd6d4, 0x3da106bd, 0x11423ef0, 0x1263e699, 0x3d4d0728,
+ 0x3d2fd86c, 0x12c41a4f, 0x13e39be9, 0x3cd4c38b, 0x3cb53aaa, 0x144310dd, 0x15604013, 0x3c531e88,
+ 0x3c314060, 0x15bee78c, 0x16d99864, 0x3bc82c1f, 0x3ba3fde7, 0x173763c9, 0x184f6aab, 0x3b3401bb,
+ 0x3b0d8909, 0x18ac4b87, 0x19c17d44, 0x3a96b636, 0x3a6df8f8, 0x1a1d6544, 0x1b2f971e, 0x39f061d2,
+ 0x39c5664f, 0x1b8a7815, 0x1c997fc4, 0x39411e33, 0x3913eb0e, 0x1cf34baf, 0x1dfeff67, 0x38890663,
+ 0x3859a292, 0x1e57a86d, 0x1f5fdee6, 0x37c836c2, 0x3796a996, 0x1fb7575c, 0x20bbe7d8, 0x36fecd0e,
+ 0x36cb1e2a, 0x21122240, 0x2212e492, 0x362ce855, 0x35f71fb1, 0x2267d3a0, 0x2364a02e, 0x3552a8f4,
+ 0x351acedd, 0x23b836ca, 0x24b0e699, 0x34703095, 0x34364da6, 0x250317df, 0x25f78497, 0x3385a222,
+ 0x3349bf48, 0x264843d9, 0x273847c8, 0x329321c7, 0x32554840, 0x27878893, 0x2872feb6, 0x3198d4ea,
+ 0x31590e3e, 0x28c0b4d2, 0x29a778db, 0x3096e223, 0x30553828, 0x29f3984c, 0x2ad586a3, 0x2f8d713a,
+ 0x2f49ee0f, 0x2b2003ac, 0x2bfcf97c, 0x2e7cab1c, 0x2e37592c, 0x2c45c8a0, 0x2d1da3d5, 0x2d64b9da,
+ /* 1024 */
+ 0x3fffffb1, 0x0006487f, 0x002bfb74, 0x3ffff0e3, 0x3fffe705, 0x00388c6e, 0x005e3f4c, 0x3fffba9b,
+ 0x3fffa6de, 0x006ad03b, 0x009082ea, 0x3fff5cd8, 0x3fff3f3c, 0x009d13c5, 0x00c2c62f, 0x3ffed79b,
+ 0x3ffeb021, 0x00cf56ef, 0x00f508fc, 0x3ffe2ae5, 0x3ffdf98c, 0x01019998, 0x01274b31, 0x3ffd56b5,
+ 0x3ffd1b7e, 0x0133dba3, 0x01598cb1, 0x3ffc5b0c, 0x3ffc15f7, 0x01661cf0, 0x018bcd5b, 0x3ffb37ec,
+ 0x3ffae8f9, 0x01985d60, 0x01be0d11, 0x3ff9ed53, 0x3ff99483, 0x01ca9cd4, 0x01f04bb4, 0x3ff87b44,
+ 0x3ff81896, 0x01fcdb2e, 0x02228924, 0x3ff6e1bf, 0x3ff67534, 0x022f184d, 0x0254c544, 0x3ff520c5,
+ 0x3ff4aa5d, 0x02615414, 0x0286fff3, 0x3ff33858, 0x3ff2b813, 0x02938e62, 0x02b93914, 0x3ff12878,
+ 0x3ff09e56, 0x02c5c71a, 0x02eb7086, 0x3feef126, 0x3fee5d28, 0x02f7fe1c, 0x031da62b, 0x3fec9265,
+ 0x3febf48b, 0x032a3349, 0x034fd9e5, 0x3fea0c35, 0x3fe96480, 0x035c6682, 0x03820b93, 0x3fe75e98,
+ 0x3fe6ad08, 0x038e97a9, 0x03b43b17, 0x3fe48990, 0x3fe3ce26, 0x03c0c69e, 0x03e66852, 0x3fe18d1f,
+ 0x3fe0c7da, 0x03f2f342, 0x04189326, 0x3fde6945, 0x3fdd9a27, 0x04251d77, 0x044abb73, 0x3fdb1e06,
+ 0x3fda450f, 0x0457451d, 0x047ce11a, 0x3fd7ab64, 0x3fd6c894, 0x04896a16, 0x04af03fc, 0x3fd4115f,
+ 0x3fd324b7, 0x04bb8c42, 0x04e123fa, 0x3fd04ffc, 0x3fcf597c, 0x04edab83, 0x051340f6, 0x3fcc673b,
+ 0x3fcb66e4, 0x051fc7b9, 0x05455ad1, 0x3fc8571f, 0x3fc74cf3, 0x0551e0c7, 0x0577716b, 0x3fc41fac,
+ 0x3fc30baa, 0x0583f68c, 0x05a984a6, 0x3fbfc0e3, 0x3fbea30c, 0x05b608eb, 0x05db9463, 0x3fbb3ac7,
+ 0x3fba131b, 0x05e817c3, 0x060da083, 0x3fb68d5b, 0x3fb55bdc, 0x061a22f7, 0x063fa8e7, 0x3fb1b8a2,
+ 0x3fb07d50, 0x064c2a67, 0x0671ad71, 0x3facbc9f, 0x3fab777b, 0x067e2df5, 0x06a3ae00, 0x3fa79954,
+ 0x3fa64a5f, 0x06b02d81, 0x06d5aa77, 0x3fa24ec6, 0x3fa0f600, 0x06e228ee, 0x0707a2b7, 0x3f9cdcf7,
+ 0x3f9b7a62, 0x0714201b, 0x073996a1, 0x3f9743eb, 0x3f95d787, 0x074612eb, 0x076b8616, 0x3f9183a5,
+ 0x3f900d72, 0x0778013d, 0x079d70f7, 0x3f8b9c28, 0x3f8a1c29, 0x07a9eaf5, 0x07cf5726, 0x3f858d79,
+ 0x3f8403ae, 0x07dbcff2, 0x08013883, 0x3f7f579b, 0x3f7dc405, 0x080db016, 0x083314f1, 0x3f78fa92,
+ 0x3f775d31, 0x083f8b43, 0x0864ec4f, 0x3f727661, 0x3f70cf38, 0x08716159, 0x0896be80, 0x3f6bcb0e,
+ 0x3f6a1a1c, 0x08a3323a, 0x08c88b65, 0x3f64f89b, 0x3f633de2, 0x08d4fdc6, 0x08fa52de, 0x3f5dff0e,
+ 0x3f5c3a8f, 0x0906c3e0, 0x092c14ce, 0x3f56de6a, 0x3f551026, 0x09388469, 0x095dd116, 0x3f4f96b4,
+ 0x3f4dbeac, 0x096a3f42, 0x098f8796, 0x3f4827f0, 0x3f464626, 0x099bf44c, 0x09c13831, 0x3f409223,
+ 0x3f3ea697, 0x09cda368, 0x09f2e2c7, 0x3f38d552, 0x3f36e006, 0x09ff4c78, 0x0a24873a, 0x3f30f181,
+ 0x3f2ef276, 0x0a30ef5e, 0x0a56256c, 0x3f28e6b6, 0x3f26ddec, 0x0a628bfa, 0x0a87bd3d, 0x3f20b4f5,
+ 0x3f1ea26e, 0x0a94222f, 0x0ab94e8f, 0x3f185c43, 0x3f164001, 0x0ac5b1dc, 0x0aead944, 0x3f0fdca5,
+ 0x3f0db6a9, 0x0af73ae5, 0x0b1c5d3d, 0x3f073621, 0x3f05066d, 0x0b28bd2a, 0x0b4dda5c, 0x3efe68bc,
+ 0x3efc2f50, 0x0b5a388d, 0x0b7f5081, 0x3ef5747b, 0x3ef3315a, 0x0b8bacf0, 0x0bb0bf8f, 0x3eec5965,
+ 0x3eea0c8e, 0x0bbd1a33, 0x0be22766, 0x3ee3177e, 0x3ee0c0f4, 0x0bee8038, 0x0c1387e9, 0x3ed9aecc,
+ 0x3ed74e91, 0x0c1fdee1, 0x0c44e0f9, 0x3ed01f55, 0x3ecdb56a, 0x0c513610, 0x0c763278, 0x3ec66920,
+ 0x3ec3f585, 0x0c8285a5, 0x0ca77c47, 0x3ebc8c31, 0x3eba0ee9, 0x0cb3cd84, 0x0cd8be47, 0x3eb2888f,
+ 0x3eb0019c, 0x0ce50d8c, 0x0d09f85b, 0x3ea85e41, 0x3ea5cda3, 0x0d1645a0, 0x0d3b2a64, 0x3e9e0d4c,
+ 0x3e9b7306, 0x0d4775a1, 0x0d6c5443, 0x3e9395b7, 0x3e90f1ca, 0x0d789d71, 0x0d9d75db, 0x3e88f788,
+ 0x3e8649f5, 0x0da9bcf2, 0x0dce8f0d, 0x3e7e32c6, 0x3e7b7b90, 0x0ddad406, 0x0dff9fba, 0x3e734778,
+ 0x3e70869f, 0x0e0be28e, 0x0e30a7c5, 0x3e6835a4, 0x3e656b2b, 0x0e3ce86b, 0x0e61a70f, 0x3e5cfd51,
+ 0x3e5a2939, 0x0e6de580, 0x0e929d7a, 0x3e519e86, 0x3e4ec0d1, 0x0e9ed9af, 0x0ec38ae8, 0x3e46194a,
+ 0x3e4331fa, 0x0ecfc4d9, 0x0ef46f3b, 0x3e3a6da4, 0x3e377cbb, 0x0f00a6df, 0x0f254a53, 0x3e2e9b9c,
+ 0x3e2ba11b, 0x0f317fa5, 0x0f561c15, 0x3e22a338, 0x3e1f9f21, 0x0f624f0c, 0x0f86e460, 0x3e168480,
+ 0x3e1376d5, 0x0f9314f5, 0x0fb7a317, 0x3e0a3f7b, 0x3e07283f, 0x0fc3d143, 0x0fe8581d, 0x3dfdd432,
+ 0x3dfab365, 0x0ff483d7, 0x10190352, 0x3df142ab, 0x3dee1851, 0x10252c94, 0x1049a49a, 0x3de48aef,
+ 0x3de15708, 0x1055cb5b, 0x107a3bd5, 0x3dd7ad05, 0x3dd46f94, 0x1086600e, 0x10aac8e6, 0x3dcaa8f5,
+ 0x3dc761fc, 0x10b6ea90, 0x10db4baf, 0x3dbd7ec7, 0x3dba2e48, 0x10e76ac3, 0x110bc413, 0x3db02e84,
+ 0x3dacd481, 0x1117e088, 0x113c31f3, 0x3da2b834, 0x3d9f54af, 0x11484bc2, 0x116c9531, 0x3d951bde,
+ 0x3d91aed9, 0x1178ac53, 0x119cedaf, 0x3d87598c, 0x3d83e309, 0x11a9021d, 0x11cd3b50, 0x3d797145,
+ 0x3d75f147, 0x11d94d02, 0x11fd7df6, 0x3d6b6313, 0x3d67d99b, 0x12098ce5, 0x122db583, 0x3d5d2efe,
+ 0x3d599c0e, 0x1239c1a7, 0x125de1da, 0x3d4ed50f, 0x3d4b38aa, 0x1269eb2b, 0x128e02dc, 0x3d40554e,
+ 0x3d3caf76, 0x129a0954, 0x12be186c, 0x3d31afc5, 0x3d2e007c, 0x12ca1c03, 0x12ee226c, 0x3d22e47c,
+ 0x3d1f2bc5, 0x12fa231b, 0x131e20c0, 0x3d13f37e, 0x3d10315a, 0x132a1e7e, 0x134e1348, 0x3d04dcd2,
+ 0x3d011145, 0x135a0e0e, 0x137df9e7, 0x3cf5a082, 0x3cf1cb8e, 0x1389f1af, 0x13add481, 0x3ce63e98,
+ 0x3ce2603f, 0x13b9c943, 0x13dda2f7, 0x3cd6b71e, 0x3cd2cf62, 0x13e994ab, 0x140d652c, 0x3cc70a1c,
+ 0x3cc318ff, 0x141953cb, 0x143d1b02, 0x3cb7379c, 0x3cb33d22, 0x14490685, 0x146cc45c, 0x3ca73fa9,
+ 0x3ca33bd3, 0x1478acbc, 0x149c611d, 0x3c97224c, 0x3c93151d, 0x14a84652, 0x14cbf127, 0x3c86df8e,
+ 0x3c82c909, 0x14d7d32a, 0x14fb745e, 0x3c76777b, 0x3c7257a2, 0x15075327, 0x152aeaa3, 0x3c65ea1c,
+ 0x3c61c0f1, 0x1536c62b, 0x155a53d9, 0x3c55377b, 0x3c510501, 0x15662c18, 0x1589afe3, 0x3c445fa2,
+ 0x3c4023dd, 0x159584d3, 0x15b8fea4, 0x3c33629d, 0x3c2f1d8e, 0x15c4d03e, 0x15e83fff, 0x3c224075,
+ 0x3c1df21f, 0x15f40e3a, 0x161773d6, 0x3c10f935, 0x3c0ca19b, 0x16233eac, 0x16469a0d, 0x3bff8ce8,
+ 0x3bfb2c0c, 0x16526176, 0x1675b286, 0x3bedfb99, 0x3be9917e, 0x1681767c, 0x16a4bd25, 0x3bdc4552,
+ 0x3bd7d1fa, 0x16b07d9f, 0x16d3b9cc, 0x3bca6a1d, 0x3bc5ed8d, 0x16df76c3, 0x1702a85e, 0x3bb86a08,
+ 0x3bb3e440, 0x170e61cc, 0x173188be, 0x3ba6451b, 0x3ba1b620, 0x173d3e9b, 0x17605ad0, 0x3b93fb63,
+ 0x3b8f6337, 0x176c0d15, 0x178f1e76, 0x3b818ceb, 0x3b7ceb90, 0x179acd1c, 0x17bdd394, 0x3b6ef9be,
+ 0x3b6a4f38, 0x17c97e93, 0x17ec7a0d, 0x3b5c41e8, 0x3b578e39, 0x17f8215e, 0x181b11c4, 0x3b496574,
+ 0x3b44a8a0, 0x1826b561, 0x18499a9d, 0x3b36646e, 0x3b319e77, 0x18553a7d, 0x1878147a, 0x3b233ee1,
+ 0x3b1e6fca, 0x1883b097, 0x18a67f3f, 0x3b0ff4d9, 0x3b0b1ca6, 0x18b21791, 0x18d4dad0, 0x3afc8663,
+ 0x3af7a516, 0x18e06f50, 0x1903270f, 0x3ae8f38b, 0x3ae40926, 0x190eb7b7, 0x193163e1, 0x3ad53c5b,
+ 0x3ad048e3, 0x193cf0a9, 0x195f9128, 0x3ac160e1, 0x3abc6458, 0x196b1a09, 0x198daec8, 0x3aad6129,
+ 0x3aa85b92, 0x199933bb, 0x19bbbca6, 0x3a993d3e, 0x3a942e9d, 0x19c73da3, 0x19e9baa3, 0x3a84f52f,
+ 0x3a7fdd86, 0x19f537a4, 0x1a17a8a5, 0x3a708906, 0x3a6b6859, 0x1a2321a2, 0x1a45868e, 0x3a5bf8d1,
+ 0x3a56cf23, 0x1a50fb81, 0x1a735442, 0x3a47449c, 0x3a4211f0, 0x1a7ec524, 0x1aa111a6, 0x3a326c74,
+ 0x3a2d30cd, 0x1aac7e6f, 0x1acebe9d, 0x3a1d7066, 0x3a182bc8, 0x1ada2746, 0x1afc5b0a, 0x3a08507f,
+ 0x3a0302ed, 0x1b07bf8c, 0x1b29e6d2, 0x39f30ccc, 0x39edb649, 0x1b354727, 0x1b5761d8, 0x39dda55a,
+ 0x39d845e9, 0x1b62bdf8, 0x1b84cc01, 0x39c81a36, 0x39c2b1da, 0x1b9023e5, 0x1bb22530, 0x39b26b6d,
+ 0x39acfa2b, 0x1bbd78d2, 0x1bdf6d4a, 0x399c990d, 0x39971ee7, 0x1beabca1, 0x1c0ca432, 0x3986a324,
+ 0x3981201e, 0x1c17ef39, 0x1c39c9cd, 0x397089bf, 0x396afddc, 0x1c45107c, 0x1c66ddfe, 0x395a4ceb,
+ 0x3954b82e, 0x1c72204f, 0x1c93e0ab, 0x3943ecb6, 0x393e4f23, 0x1c9f1e96, 0x1cc0d1b6, 0x392d692f,
+ 0x3927c2c9, 0x1ccc0b35, 0x1cedb106, 0x3916c262, 0x3911132d, 0x1cf8e611, 0x1d1a7e7d, 0x38fff85e,
+ 0x38fa405e, 0x1d25af0d, 0x1d473a00, 0x38e90b31, 0x38e34a69, 0x1d52660f, 0x1d73e374, 0x38d1fae9,
+ 0x38cc315d, 0x1d7f0afb, 0x1da07abc, 0x38bac795, 0x38b4f547, 0x1dab9db5, 0x1dccffbf, 0x38a37142,
+ 0x389d9637, 0x1dd81e21, 0x1df9725f, 0x388bf7ff, 0x3886143b, 0x1e048c24, 0x1e25d282, 0x38745bdb,
+ 0x386e6f60, 0x1e30e7a4, 0x1e52200c, 0x385c9ce3, 0x3856a7b6, 0x1e5d3084, 0x1e7e5ae2, 0x3844bb28,
+ 0x383ebd4c, 0x1e8966a8, 0x1eaa82e9, 0x382cb6b7, 0x3826b030, 0x1eb589f7, 0x1ed69805, 0x38148f9f,
+ 0x380e8071, 0x1ee19a54, 0x1f029a1c, 0x37fc45ef, 0x37f62e1d, 0x1f0d97a5, 0x1f2e8911, 0x37e3d9b7,
+ 0x37ddb945, 0x1f3981ce, 0x1f5a64cb, 0x37cb4b04, 0x37c521f6, 0x1f6558b5, 0x1f862d2d, 0x37b299e7,
+ 0x37ac6841, 0x1f911c3d, 0x1fb1e21d, 0x3799c66f, 0x37938c34, 0x1fbccc4d, 0x1fdd8381, 0x3780d0aa,
+ 0x377a8ddf, 0x1fe868c8, 0x2009113c, 0x3767b8a9, 0x37616d51, 0x2013f196, 0x20348b35, 0x374e7e7b,
+ 0x37482a9a, 0x203f6699, 0x205ff14f, 0x3735222f, 0x372ec5c9, 0x206ac7b8, 0x208b4372, 0x371ba3d4,
+ 0x37153eee, 0x209614d9, 0x20b68181, 0x3702037c, 0x36fb9618, 0x20c14ddf, 0x20e1ab63, 0x36e84135,
+ 0x36e1cb58, 0x20ec72b1, 0x210cc0fc, 0x36ce5d10, 0x36c7debd, 0x21178334, 0x2137c232, 0x36b4571b,
+ 0x36add058, 0x21427f4d, 0x2162aeea, 0x369a2f69, 0x3693a038, 0x216d66e2, 0x218d870b, 0x367fe608,
+ 0x36794e6e, 0x219839d8, 0x21b84a79, 0x36657b08, 0x365edb09, 0x21c2f815, 0x21e2f91a, 0x364aee7b,
+ 0x3644461b, 0x21eda17f, 0x220d92d4, 0x36304070, 0x36298fb4, 0x221835fb, 0x2238178d, 0x361570f8,
+ 0x360eb7e3, 0x2242b56f, 0x22628729, 0x35fa8023, 0x35f3beba, 0x226d1fc1, 0x228ce191, 0x35df6e03,
+ 0x35d8a449, 0x229774d7, 0x22b726a8, 0x35c43aa7, 0x35bd68a1, 0x22c1b496, 0x22e15655, 0x35a8e621,
+ 0x35a20bd3, 0x22ebdee5, 0x230b707e, 0x358d7081, 0x35868def, 0x2315f3a8, 0x23357509, 0x3571d9d9,
+ 0x356aef08, 0x233ff2c8, 0x235f63dc, 0x35562239, 0x354f2f2c, 0x2369dc29, 0x23893cdd, 0x353a49b2,
+ 0x35334e6f, 0x2393afb2, 0x23b2fff3, 0x351e5056, 0x35174ce0, 0x23bd6d48, 0x23dcad03, 0x35023636,
+ 0x34fb2a92, 0x23e714d3, 0x240643f4, 0x34e5fb63, 0x34dee795, 0x2410a639, 0x242fc4ad, 0x34c99fef,
+ 0x34c283fb, 0x243a215f, 0x24592f13, 0x34ad23eb, 0x34a5ffd5, 0x2463862c, 0x2482830d, 0x34908768,
+ 0x34895b36, 0x248cd487, 0x24abc082, 0x3473ca79, 0x346c962f, 0x24b60c57, 0x24d4e757, 0x3456ed2f,
+ 0x344fb0d1, 0x24df2d81, 0x24fdf775, 0x3439ef9c, 0x3432ab2e, 0x250837ed, 0x2526f0c1, 0x341cd1d2,
+ 0x34158559, 0x25312b81, 0x254fd323, 0x33ff93e2, 0x33f83f62, 0x255a0823, 0x25789e80, 0x33e235df,
+ 0x33dad95e, 0x2582cdbc, 0x25a152c0, 0x33c4b7db, 0x33bd535c, 0x25ab7c30, 0x25c9efca, 0x33a719e8,
+ 0x339fad70, 0x25d41369, 0x25f27584, 0x33895c18, 0x3381e7ac, 0x25fc934b, 0x261ae3d6, 0x336b7e7e,
+ 0x33640223, 0x2624fbbf, 0x26433aa7, 0x334d812d, 0x3345fce6, 0x264d4cac, 0x266b79dd, 0x332f6435,
+ 0x3327d808, 0x267585f8, 0x2693a161, 0x331127ab, 0x3309939c, 0x269da78b, 0x26bbb119, 0x32f2cba1,
+ 0x32eb2fb5, 0x26c5b14c, 0x26e3a8ec, 0x32d45029, 0x32ccac64, 0x26eda322, 0x270b88c2, 0x32b5b557,
+ 0x32ae09be, 0x27157cf5, 0x27335082, 0x3296fb3d, 0x328f47d5, 0x273d3eac, 0x275b0014, 0x327821ee,
+ 0x327066bc, 0x2764e82f, 0x27829760, 0x3259297d, 0x32516686, 0x278c7965, 0x27aa164c, 0x323a11fe,
+ 0x32324746, 0x27b3f235, 0x27d17cc1, 0x321adb83, 0x3213090f, 0x27db5288, 0x27f8caa5, 0x31fb8620,
+ 0x31f3abf5, 0x28029a45, 0x281fffe2, 0x31dc11e8, 0x31d4300b, 0x2829c954, 0x28471c5e, 0x31bc7eee,
+ 0x31b49564, 0x2850df9d, 0x286e2002, 0x319ccd46, 0x3194dc14, 0x2877dd07, 0x28950ab6, 0x317cfd04,
+ 0x3175042e, 0x289ec17a, 0x28bbdc61, 0x315d0e3b, 0x31550dc6, 0x28c58cdf, 0x28e294eb, 0x313d00ff,
+ 0x3134f8f1, 0x28ec3f1e, 0x2909343e, 0x311cd564, 0x3114c5c0, 0x2912d81f, 0x292fba40, 0x30fc8b7d,
+ 0x30f47449, 0x293957c9, 0x295626da, 0x30dc235e, 0x30d404a0, 0x295fbe06, 0x297c79f5, 0x30bb9d1c,
+ 0x30b376d8, 0x29860abd, 0x29a2b378, 0x309af8ca, 0x3092cb05, 0x29ac3dd7, 0x29c8d34d, 0x307a367c,
+ 0x3072013c, 0x29d2573c, 0x29eed95b, 0x30595648, 0x30511991, 0x29f856d5, 0x2a14c58b, 0x30385840,
+ 0x30301418, 0x2a1e3c8a, 0x2a3a97c7, 0x30173c7a, 0x300ef0e5, 0x2a440844, 0x2a604ff5, 0x2ff6030a,
+ 0x2fedb00d, 0x2a69b9ec, 0x2a85ee00, 0x2fd4ac04, 0x2fcc51a5, 0x2a8f516b, 0x2aab71d0, 0x2fb3377c,
+ 0x2faad5c1, 0x2ab4cea9, 0x2ad0db4e, 0x2f91a589, 0x2f893c75, 0x2ada318e, 0x2af62a63, 0x2f6ff63d,
+ 0x2f6785d7, 0x2aff7a05, 0x2b1b5ef8, 0x2f4e29af, 0x2f45b1fb, 0x2b24a7f6, 0x2b4078f5, 0x2f2c3ff2,
+ 0x2f23c0f6, 0x2b49bb4a, 0x2b657844, 0x2f0a391d, 0x2f01b2de, 0x2b6eb3ea, 0x2b8a5cce, 0x2ee81543,
+ 0x2edf87c6, 0x2b9391c0, 0x2baf267d, 0x2ec5d479, 0x2ebd3fc4, 0x2bb854b4, 0x2bd3d53a, 0x2ea376d6,
+ 0x2e9adaee, 0x2bdcfcb0, 0x2bf868ed, 0x2e80fc6e, 0x2e785958, 0x2c01899e, 0x2c1ce181, 0x2e5e6556,
+ 0x2e55bb17, 0x2c25fb66, 0x2c413edf, 0x2e3bb1a4, 0x2e330042, 0x2c4a51f3, 0x2c6580f1, 0x2e18e16d,
+ 0x2e1028ed, 0x2c6e8d2e, 0x2c89a79f, 0x2df5f4c7, 0x2ded352f, 0x2c92ad01, 0x2cadb2d5, 0x2dd2ebc7,
+ 0x2dca251c, 0x2cb6b155, 0x2cd1a27b, 0x2dafc683, 0x2da6f8ca, 0x2cda9a14, 0x2cf5767c, 0x2d8c8510,
+ 0x2d83b04f, 0x2cfe6728, 0x2d192ec1, 0x2d692784, 0x2d604bc0, 0x2d22187a, 0x2d3ccb34, 0x2d45adf6
+const int twidTab512[(8*6 + 32*6 + 128*6)/2] = {
+ 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3b20187d,
+ 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3536238e, 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d,
+ 0x187d3b20, 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e, 0xf3843ec5,
+ 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xe7833b20,
+ 0x238e3536, 0xc13b0c7c, 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20,
+ 0xc4e0e783, 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0xdc72caca,
+ 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3fb10645,
+ 0x3fec0323, 0x3f4e0964, 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3fb10645,
+ 0x3d3e1294, 0x3d3e1294, 0x3f4e0964, 0x39da1b5d,
+ 0x3b20187d, 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3536238e, 0x38711e2b,
+ 0x3e140f8c, 0x2f6b2afa, 0x3536238e, 0x3d3e1294,
+ 0x28993179, 0x31792899, 0x3c42158f, 0x20e736e5,
+ 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x28993179,
+ 0x39da1b5d, 0x0f8c3e14, 0x238e3536, 0x38711e2b,
+ 0x06453fb1, 0x1e2b3871, 0x36e520e7, 0xfcdd3fec,
+ 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e, 0xf3843ec5, 0x12943d3e,
+ 0x3367261f, 0xea713c42, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0x31792899,
+ 0xe1d53871, 0x06453fb1, 0x2f6b2afa, 0xd9e13367,
+ 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xf9bb3fb1,
+ 0x2afa2f6b, 0xcc99261f, 0xf3843ec5, 0x28993179,
+ 0xc78f1e2b, 0xed6c3d3e, 0x261f3367, 0xc3be158f,
+ 0xe7833b20, 0x238e3536, 0xc13b0c7c, 0xe1d53871,
+ 0x20e736e5, 0xc0140323, 0xdc723536, 0x1e2b3871,
+ 0xc04ff9bb, 0xd7673179, 0x1b5d39da, 0xc1ecf074,
+ 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783, 0xce872899,
+ 0x158f3c42, 0xc91bdf19, 0xcaca238e, 0x12943d3e,
+ 0xce87d767, 0xc78f1e2b, 0x0f8c3e14, 0xd506d095,
+ 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0xdc72caca, 0xc2c21294,
+ 0x09643f4e, 0xe4a3c626, 0xc13b0c7c, 0x06453fb1,
+ 0xed6cc2c2, 0xc04f0645, 0x03233fec, 0xf69cc0b2,
+ 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3ffb0192,
+ 0x3ffe00c9, 0x3ff4025b, 0x3fec0323, 0x3ffb0192,
+ 0x3fd304b5, 0x3fd304b5, 0x3ff4025b, 0x3f9c070d,
+ 0x3fb10645, 0x3fec0323, 0x3f4e0964, 0x3f8407d5,
+ 0x3fe103ec, 0x3eeb0bb6, 0x3f4e0964, 0x3fd304b5,
+ 0x3e710e05, 0x3f0e0af1, 0x3fc3057d, 0x3de2104f,
+ 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3fb10645, 0x3d3e1294, 0x3e710e05,
+ 0x3f9c070d, 0x3c8414d1, 0x3e140f8c, 0x3f8407d5,
+ 0x3bb61708, 0x3dae1111, 0x3f6a089c, 0x3ad21937,
+ 0x3d3e1294, 0x3f4e0964, 0x39da1b5d, 0x3cc51413,
+ 0x3f2f0a2a, 0x38cf1d79, 0x3c42158f, 0x3f0e0af1,
+ 0x37af1f8b, 0x3bb61708, 0x3eeb0bb6, 0x367c2192,
+ 0x3b20187d, 0x3ec50c7c, 0x3536238e, 0x3a8219ef,
+ 0x3e9c0d41, 0x33de257d, 0x39da1b5d, 0x3e710e05,
+ 0x3274275f, 0x392a1cc6, 0x3e440ec9, 0x30f82934,
+ 0x38711e2b, 0x3e140f8c, 0x2f6b2afa, 0x37af1f8b,
+ 0x3de2104f, 0x2dce2cb2, 0x36e520e7, 0x3dae1111,
+ 0x2c212e5a, 0x3612223d, 0x3d7711d3, 0x2a652ff1,
+ 0x3536238e, 0x3d3e1294, 0x28993179, 0x345324da,
+ 0x3d021354, 0x26c032ee, 0x3367261f, 0x3cc51413,
+ 0x24da3453, 0x3274275f, 0x3c8414d1, 0x22e635a5,
+ 0x31792899, 0x3c42158f, 0x20e736e5, 0x307629cd,
+ 0x3bfd164c, 0x1edc3811, 0x2f6b2afa, 0x3bb61708,
+ 0x1cc6392a, 0x2e5a2c21, 0x3b6c17c3, 0x1aa63a2f,
+ 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x2c212e5a,
+ 0x3ad21937, 0x164c3bfd, 0x2afa2f6b, 0x3a8219ef,
+ 0x14133cc5, 0x29cd3076, 0x3a2f1aa6, 0x11d33d77,
+ 0x28993179, 0x39da1b5d, 0x0f8c3e14, 0x275f3274,
+ 0x39831c12, 0x0d413e9c, 0x261f3367, 0x392a1cc6,
+ 0x0af13f0e, 0x24da3453, 0x38cf1d79, 0x089c3f6a,
+ 0x238e3536, 0x38711e2b, 0x06453fb1, 0x223d3612,
+ 0x38111edc, 0x03ec3fe1, 0x20e736e5, 0x37af1f8b,
+ 0x01923ffb, 0x1f8b37af, 0x374b2039, 0xff373ffe,
+ 0x1e2b3871, 0x36e520e7, 0xfcdd3fec, 0x1cc6392a,
+ 0x367c2192, 0xfa833fc3, 0x1b5d39da, 0x3612223d,
+ 0xf82b3f84, 0x19ef3a82, 0x35a522e6, 0xf5d63f2f,
+ 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e, 0xf3843ec5, 0x17083bb6,
+ 0x34c62434, 0xf1373e44, 0x158f3c42, 0x345324da,
+ 0xeeef3dae, 0x14133cc5, 0x33de257d, 0xecac3d02,
+ 0x12943d3e, 0x3367261f, 0xea713c42, 0x11113dae,
+ 0x32ee26c0, 0xe83d3b6c, 0x0f8c3e14, 0x3274275f,
+ 0xe6113a82, 0x0e053e71, 0x31f727fd, 0xe3ee3983,
+ 0x0c7c3ec5, 0x31792899, 0xe1d53871, 0x0af13f0e,
+ 0x30f82934, 0xdfc7374b, 0x09643f4e, 0x307629cd,
+ 0xddc33612, 0x07d53f84, 0x2ff12a65, 0xdbcc34c6,
+ 0x06453fb1, 0x2f6b2afa, 0xd9e13367, 0x04b53fd3,
+ 0x2ee32b8e, 0xd80331f7, 0x03233fec, 0x2e5a2c21,
+ 0xd6333076, 0x01923ffb, 0x2dce2cb2, 0xd4722ee3,
+ 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xfe6e3ffb,
+ 0x2cb22dce, 0xd11d2b8e, 0xfcdd3fec, 0x2c212e5a,
+ 0xcf8a29cd, 0xfb4b3fd3, 0x2b8e2ee3, 0xce0927fd,
+ 0xf9bb3fb1, 0x2afa2f6b, 0xcc99261f, 0xf82b3f84,
+ 0x2a652ff1, 0xcb3a2434, 0xf69c3f4e, 0x29cd3076,
+ 0xc9ee223d, 0xf50f3f0e, 0x293430f8, 0xc8b52039,
+ 0xf3843ec5, 0x28993179, 0xc78f1e2b, 0xf1fb3e71,
+ 0x27fd31f7, 0xc67d1c12, 0xf0743e14, 0x275f3274,
+ 0xc57e19ef, 0xeeef3dae, 0x26c032ee, 0xc49417c3,
+ 0xed6c3d3e, 0x261f3367, 0xc3be158f, 0xebed3cc5,
+ 0x257d33de, 0xc2fe1354, 0xea713c42, 0x24da3453,
+ 0xc2521111, 0xe8f83bb6, 0x243434c6, 0xc1bc0ec9,
+ 0xe7833b20, 0x238e3536, 0xc13b0c7c, 0xe6113a82,
+ 0x22e635a5, 0xc0d10a2a, 0xe4a339da, 0x223d3612,
+ 0xc07c07d5, 0xe33a392a, 0x2192367c, 0xc03d057d,
+ 0xe1d53871, 0x20e736e5, 0xc0140323, 0xe07537af,
+ 0x2039374b, 0xc00200c9, 0xdf1936e5, 0x1f8b37af,
+ 0xc005fe6e, 0xddc33612, 0x1edc3811, 0xc01ffc14,
+ 0xdc723536, 0x1e2b3871, 0xc04ff9bb, 0xdb263453,
+ 0x1d7938cf, 0xc096f764, 0xd9e13367, 0x1cc6392a,
+ 0xc0f2f50f, 0xd8a13274, 0x1c123983, 0xc164f2bf,
+ 0xd7673179, 0x1b5d39da, 0xc1ecf074, 0xd6333076,
+ 0x1aa63a2f, 0xc289ee2d, 0xd5062f6b, 0x19ef3a82,
+ 0xc33bebed, 0xd3df2e5a, 0x19373ad2, 0xc403e9b4,
+ 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783, 0xd1a62c21,
+ 0x17c33b6c, 0xc5d1e55a, 0xd0952afa, 0x17083bb6,
+ 0xc6d6e33a, 0xcf8a29cd, 0x164c3bfd, 0xc7efe124,
+ 0xce872899, 0x158f3c42, 0xc91bdf19, 0xcd8c275f,
+ 0x14d13c84, 0xca5bdd1a, 0xcc99261f, 0x14133cc5,
+ 0xcbaddb26, 0xcbad24da, 0x13543d02, 0xcd12d940,
+ 0xcaca238e, 0x12943d3e, 0xce87d767, 0xc9ee223d,
+ 0x11d33d77, 0xd00fd59b, 0xc91b20e7, 0x11113dae,
+ 0xd1a6d3df, 0xc8511f8b, 0x104f3de2, 0xd34ed232,
+ 0xc78f1e2b, 0x0f8c3e14, 0xd506d095, 0xc6d61cc6,
+ 0x0ec93e44, 0xd6cccf08, 0xc6261b5d, 0x0e053e71,
+ 0xd8a1cd8c, 0xc57e19ef, 0x0d413e9c, 0xda83cc22,
+ 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0xdc72caca, 0xc44a1708,
+ 0x0bb63eeb, 0xde6ec984, 0xc3be158f, 0x0af13f0e,
+ 0xe075c851, 0xc33b1413, 0x0a2a3f2f, 0xe287c731,
+ 0xc2c21294, 0x09643f4e, 0xe4a3c626, 0xc2521111,
+ 0x089c3f6a, 0xe6c9c52e, 0xc1ec0f8c, 0x07d53f84,
+ 0xe8f8c44a, 0xc18f0e05, 0x070d3f9c, 0xeb2fc37c,
+ 0xc13b0c7c, 0x06453fb1, 0xed6cc2c2, 0xc0f20af1,
+ 0x057d3fc3, 0xefb1c21e, 0xc0b20964, 0x04b53fd3,
+ 0xf1fbc18f, 0xc07c07d5, 0x03ec3fe1, 0xf44ac115,
+ 0xc04f0645, 0x03233fec, 0xf69cc0b2, 0xc02d04b5,
+ 0x025b3ff4, 0xf8f3c064, 0xc0140323, 0x01923ffb,
+ 0xfb4bc02d, 0xc0050192, 0x00c93ffe, 0xfda5c00c
+const int twidTab64[(4*6 + 16*6)/2] = {
+ 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x2d412d41,
+ 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41,
+ 0xd2bf2d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783,
+ 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x3ec50c7c,
+ 0x3fb10645, 0x3d3e1294, 0x3b20187d, 0x3ec50c7c,
+ 0x3536238e, 0x3536238e, 0x3d3e1294, 0x28993179,
+ 0x2d412d41, 0x3b20187d, 0x187d3b20, 0x238e3536,
+ 0x38711e2b, 0x06453fb1, 0x187d3b20, 0x3536238e,
+ 0xf3843ec5, 0x0c7c3ec5, 0x31792899, 0xe1d53871,
+ 0x00004000, 0x2d412d41, 0xd2bf2d41, 0xf3843ec5,
+ 0x28993179, 0xc78f1e2b, 0xe7833b20, 0x238e3536,
+ 0xc13b0c7c, 0xdc723536, 0x1e2b3871, 0xc04ff9bb,
+ 0xd2bf2d41, 0x187d3b20, 0xc4e0e783, 0xcaca238e,
+ 0x12943d3e, 0xce87d767, 0xc4e0187d, 0x0c7c3ec5,
+ 0xdc72caca, 0xc13b0c7c, 0x06453fb1, 0xed6cc2c2
+#elif defined ARMV7Neon
+ * Q29 for 128 and 1024
+ *
+ * for (i = 0; i < num/4; i++) {
+ * angle = (i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
+ * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 29);
+ * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 29);
+ *
+ * angle = (num/2 - 1 - i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
+ * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 29);
+ * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 29);
+ * }
+ */
+const int cossintab[128 + 1024] = {
+ /* 128 */
0x1ffff621, 0x001921f9, 0x00afea69, 0x1ffe1c68, 0x1ffce09d, 0x00e22a7a, 0x0178dbaa, 0x1ff753bb,
0x1ff4dc55, 0x01ab101c, 0x024192cf, 0x1feb9d25, 0x1fe7ea85, 0x0273b3e2, 0x0309f0e2, 0x1fdafa75,
0x1fd60d2e, 0x033bf6dd, 0x03d1d700, 0x1fc56e3b, 0x1fbf470f, 0x0403ba2b, 0x04992653, 0x1faafbcb,
@@ -368,139 +368,139 @@ const int cossintab[128 + 1024] = {
0x1a8d676e, 0x11dc1b65, 0x1258734d, 0x1a38184a, 0x1a1b26d3, 0x12818bef, 0x12fbc24b, 0x19c2d111,
0x19a4dfa4, 0x132421ec, 0x139c23e4, 0x194990e4, 0x192aa420, 0x13c3c44a, 0x14397f5b, 0x18cc6a75,
0x18ac871f, 0x14605a69, 0x14d3bc6d, 0x184b7112, 0x182a9c14, 0x14f9cc26, 0x156ac352, 0x17c6b89d,
- 0x17a4f708, 0x159001d6, 0x15fe7cbe, 0x173e558e, 0x171bac96, 0x1622e450, 0x168ed1eb, 0x16b25ced,
- /* 1024 */
- 0x1fffffd9, 0x0003243f, 0x0015fdba, 0x1ffff872, 0x1ffff382, 0x001c4637, 0x002f1fa6, 0x1fffdd4d,
- 0x1fffd36f, 0x0035681d, 0x00484175, 0x1fffae6c, 0x1fff9f9e, 0x004e89e3, 0x00616318, 0x1fff6bce,
- 0x1fff5811, 0x0067ab77, 0x007a847e, 0x1fff1572, 0x1ffefcc6, 0x0080cccc, 0x0093a599, 0x1ffeab5b,
- 0x1ffe8dbf, 0x0099edd2, 0x00acc658, 0x1ffe2d86, 0x1ffe0afc, 0x00b30e78, 0x00c5e6ad, 0x1ffd9bf6,
- 0x1ffd747c, 0x00cc2eb0, 0x00df0688, 0x1ffcf6aa, 0x1ffcca41, 0x00e54e6a, 0x00f825da, 0x1ffc3da2,
- 0x1ffc0c4b, 0x00fe6d97, 0x01114492, 0x1ffb70e0, 0x1ffb3a9a, 0x01178c27, 0x012a62a2, 0x1ffa9063,
- 0x1ffa552e, 0x0130aa0a, 0x01437ffa, 0x1ff99c2c, 0x1ff95c09, 0x0149c731, 0x015c9c8a, 0x1ff8943c,
- 0x1ff84f2b, 0x0162e38d, 0x0175b843, 0x1ff77893, 0x1ff72e94, 0x017bff0e, 0x018ed316, 0x1ff64932,
- 0x1ff5fa46, 0x019519a5, 0x01a7ecf2, 0x1ff5061b, 0x1ff4b240, 0x01ae3341, 0x01c105c9, 0x1ff3af4c,
- 0x1ff35684, 0x01c74bd5, 0x01da1d8c, 0x1ff244c8, 0x1ff1e713, 0x01e0634f, 0x01f33429, 0x1ff0c68f,
- 0x1ff063ed, 0x01f979a1, 0x020c4993, 0x1fef34a3, 0x1feecd14, 0x02128ebb, 0x02255db9, 0x1fed8f03,
- 0x1fed2287, 0x022ba28f, 0x023e708d, 0x1febd5b2, 0x1feb644a, 0x0244b50b, 0x025781fe, 0x1fea08b0,
- 0x1fe9925c, 0x025dc621, 0x027091fd, 0x1fe827fe, 0x1fe7acbe, 0x0276d5c1, 0x0289a07b, 0x1fe6339d,
- 0x1fe5b372, 0x028fe3dd, 0x02a2ad69, 0x1fe42b90, 0x1fe3a679, 0x02a8f063, 0x02bbb8b6, 0x1fe20fd6,
- 0x1fe185d5, 0x02c1fb46, 0x02d4c253, 0x1fdfe071, 0x1fdf5186, 0x02db0475, 0x02edca32, 0x1fdd9d64,
- 0x1fdd098e, 0x02f40be2, 0x0306d042, 0x1fdb46ae, 0x1fdaadee, 0x030d117c, 0x031fd474, 0x1fd8dc51,
- 0x1fd83ea8, 0x03261534, 0x0338d6b8, 0x1fd65e4f, 0x1fd5bbbd, 0x033f16fb, 0x0351d700, 0x1fd3ccaa,
- 0x1fd32530, 0x035816c1, 0x036ad53c, 0x1fd12763, 0x1fd07b00, 0x03711477, 0x0383d15c, 0x1fce6e7c,
- 0x1fcdbd31, 0x038a100e, 0x039ccb51, 0x1fcba1f5, 0x1fcaebc3, 0x03a30975, 0x03b5c30b, 0x1fc8c1d2,
- 0x1fc806b9, 0x03bc009f, 0x03ceb87c, 0x1fc5ce14, 0x1fc50e14, 0x03d4f57a, 0x03e7ab93, 0x1fc2c6bd,
- 0x1fc201d7, 0x03ede7f9, 0x04009c42, 0x1fbfabcd, 0x1fbee202, 0x0406d80b, 0x04198a78, 0x1fbc7d49,
- 0x1fbbae99, 0x041fc5a1, 0x04327628, 0x1fb93b31, 0x1fb8679c, 0x0438b0ac, 0x044b5f40, 0x1fb5e587,
- 0x1fb50d0e, 0x0451991d, 0x046445b2, 0x1fb27c4e, 0x1fb19ef1, 0x046a7ee3, 0x047d296f, 0x1faeff87,
- 0x1fae1d47, 0x048361f0, 0x04960a67, 0x1fab6f35, 0x1faa8813, 0x049c4235, 0x04aee88b, 0x1fa7cb5a,
- 0x1fa6df56, 0x04b51fa1, 0x04c7c3cb, 0x1fa413f8, 0x1fa32313, 0x04cdfa26, 0x04e09c18, 0x1fa04912,
- 0x1f9f534c, 0x04e6d1b4, 0x04f97163, 0x1f9c6aa9, 0x1f9b7003, 0x04ffa63c, 0x0512439d, 0x1f9878c1,
- 0x1f97793b, 0x051877af, 0x052b12b6, 0x1f94735b, 0x1f936ef6, 0x053145fd, 0x0543de9e, 0x1f905a7a,
- 0x1f8f5137, 0x054a1117, 0x055ca748, 0x1f8c2e21, 0x1f8b2000, 0x0562d8ee, 0x05756ca2, 0x1f87ee52,
- 0x1f86db55, 0x057b9d73, 0x058e2e9f, 0x1f839b10, 0x1f828336, 0x05945e95, 0x05a6ed2e, 0x1f7f345e,
- 0x1f7e17a8, 0x05ad1c47, 0x05bfa840, 0x1f7aba3e, 0x1f7998ad, 0x05c5d678, 0x05d85fc7, 0x1f762cb2,
- 0x1f750647, 0x05de8d19, 0x05f113b3, 0x1f718bbf, 0x1f70607a, 0x05f7401c, 0x0609c3f5, 0x1f6cd766,
- 0x1f6ba748, 0x060fef71, 0x0622707d, 0x1f680fab, 0x1f66dab5, 0x06289b08, 0x063b193c, 0x1f633490,
- 0x1f61fac3, 0x064142d3, 0x0653be23, 0x1f5e4619, 0x1f5d0775, 0x0659e6c2, 0x066c5f24, 0x1f594448,
- 0x1f5800ce, 0x067286c6, 0x0684fc2e, 0x1f542f21, 0x1f52e6d2, 0x068b22d0, 0x069d9532, 0x1f4f06a6,
- 0x1f4db983, 0x06a3bad0, 0x06b62a22, 0x1f49cadc, 0x1f4878e5, 0x06bc4eb9, 0x06cebaee, 0x1f447bc4,
- 0x1f4324fb, 0x06d4de79, 0x06e74786, 0x1f3f1963, 0x1f3dbdc8, 0x06ed6a03, 0x06ffcfdd, 0x1f39a3bc,
- 0x1f384350, 0x0705f147, 0x071853e3, 0x1f341ad2, 0x1f32b595, 0x071e7436, 0x0730d388, 0x1f2e7ea9,
- 0x1f2d149d, 0x0736f2c0, 0x07494ebd, 0x1f28cf43, 0x1f276069, 0x074f6cd7, 0x0761c574, 0x1f230ca5,
- 0x1f2198fd, 0x0767e26c, 0x077a379d, 0x1f1d36d2, 0x1f1bbe5d, 0x07805370, 0x0792a52a, 0x1f174dce,
- 0x1f15d08d, 0x0798bfd3, 0x07ab0e0a, 0x1f11519c, 0x1f0fcf91, 0x07b12786, 0x07c37230, 0x1f0b4240,
- 0x1f09bb6b, 0x07c98a7a, 0x07dbd18c, 0x1f051fbe, 0x1f03941f, 0x07e1e8a1, 0x07f42c0e, 0x1efeea19,
- 0x1efd59b3, 0x07fa41eb, 0x080c81a9, 0x1ef8a155, 0x1ef70c28, 0x0812964a, 0x0824d24d, 0x1ef24577,
- 0x1ef0ab84, 0x082ae5ad, 0x083d1dea, 0x1eebd682, 0x1eea37ca, 0x08433007, 0x08556473, 0x1ee5547a,
- 0x1ee3b0fe, 0x085b7548, 0x086da5d8, 0x1edebf64, 0x1edd1724, 0x0873b562, 0x0885e209, 0x1ed81742,
- 0x1ed66a41, 0x088bf044, 0x089e18f9, 0x1ed15c1a, 0x1ecfaa57, 0x08a425e1, 0x08b64a98, 0x1eca8def,
- 0x1ec8d76c, 0x08bc562a, 0x08ce76d8, 0x1ec3acc6, 0x1ec1f184, 0x08d4810f, 0x08e69da8, 0x1ebcb8a3,
- 0x1ebaf8a3, 0x08eca681, 0x08febefb, 0x1eb5b18a, 0x1eb3eccd, 0x0904c673, 0x0916dac2, 0x1eae977f,
- 0x1eacce07, 0x091ce0d4, 0x092ef0ed, 0x1ea76a87, 0x1ea59c55, 0x0934f596, 0x0947016e, 0x1ea02aa7,
- 0x1e9e57bb, 0x094d04aa, 0x095f0c36, 0x1e98d7e2, 0x1e97003e, 0x09650e01, 0x09771136, 0x1e91723e,
- 0x1e8f95e3, 0x097d118d, 0x098f1060, 0x1e89f9bf, 0x1e8818ad, 0x09950f3f, 0x09a709a4, 0x1e826e69,
- 0x1e8088a2, 0x09ad0707, 0x09befcf4, 0x1e7ad041, 0x1e78e5c7, 0x09c4f8d8, 0x09d6ea40, 0x1e731f4c,
- 0x1e71301f, 0x09dce4a1, 0x09eed17b, 0x1e6b5b8f, 0x1e6967b1, 0x09f4ca56, 0x0a06b296, 0x1e63850e,
- 0x1e618c80, 0x0a0ca9e6, 0x0a1e8d81, 0x1e5b9bce, 0x1e599e91, 0x0a248343, 0x0a36622e, 0x1e539fd4,
- 0x1e519dea, 0x0a3c565e, 0x0a4e308f, 0x1e4b9126, 0x1e498a8e, 0x0a542329, 0x0a65f894, 0x1e436fc7,
- 0x1e416485, 0x0a6be995, 0x0a7dba2f, 0x1e3b3bbd, 0x1e392bd1, 0x0a83a993, 0x0a957551, 0x1e32f50e,
- 0x1e30e079, 0x0a9b6315, 0x0aad29ec, 0x1e2a9bbd, 0x1e288281, 0x0ab3160c, 0x0ac4d7f1, 0x1e222fd1,
- 0x1e2011ee, 0x0acac26a, 0x0adc7f52, 0x1e19b14f, 0x1e178ec7, 0x0ae2681f, 0x0af41fff, 0x1e11203b,
- 0x1e0ef910, 0x0afa071d, 0x0b0bb9eb, 0x1e087c9b, 0x1e0650ce, 0x0b119f56, 0x0b234d07, 0x1dffc674,
- 0x1dfd9606, 0x0b2930bb, 0x0b3ad943, 0x1df6fdcc, 0x1df4c8bf, 0x0b40bb3e, 0x0b525e92, 0x1dee22a9,
- 0x1debe8fd, 0x0b583ecf, 0x0b69dce6, 0x1de5350f, 0x1de2f6c6, 0x0b6fbb62, 0x0b81542f, 0x1ddc3504,
- 0x1dd9f220, 0x0b8730e6, 0x0b98c45f, 0x1dd3228e, 0x1dd0db10, 0x0b9e9f4d, 0x0bb02d68, 0x1dc9fdb2,
- 0x1dc7b19b, 0x0bb6068a, 0x0bc78f3b, 0x1dc0c676, 0x1dbe75c8, 0x0bcd668e, 0x0bdee9ca, 0x1db77cdf,
- 0x1db5279c, 0x0be4bf4a, 0x0bf63d07, 0x1dae20f4, 0x1dabc71d, 0x0bfc10af, 0x0c0d88e2, 0x1da4b2ba,
- 0x1da25450, 0x0c135ab0, 0x0c24cd4e, 0x1d9b3237, 0x1d98cf3b, 0x0c2a9d3e, 0x0c3c0a3d, 0x1d919f70,
- 0x1d8f37e5, 0x0c41d84b, 0x0c533fa0, 0x1d87fa6d, 0x1d858e53, 0x0c590bc9, 0x0c6a6d68, 0x1d7e4332,
- 0x1d7bd28b, 0x0c7037a8, 0x0c819388, 0x1d7479c5, 0x1d720493, 0x0c875bdb, 0x0c98b1f0, 0x1d6a9e2e,
- 0x1d682472, 0x0c9e7854, 0x0cafc894, 0x1d60b070, 0x1d5e322c, 0x0cb58d04, 0x0cc6d764, 0x1d56b094,
- 0x1d542dc9, 0x0ccc99de, 0x0cddde53, 0x1d4c9e9f, 0x1d4a174f, 0x0ce39ed2, 0x0cf4dd52, 0x1d427a97,
- 0x1d3feec3, 0x0cfa9bd2, 0x0d0bd452, 0x1d384483, 0x1d35b42d, 0x0d1190d1, 0x0d22c347, 0x1d2dfc68,
- 0x1d2b6791, 0x0d287dc1, 0x0d39aa21, 0x1d23a24e, 0x1d2108f8, 0x0d3f6292, 0x0d5088d3, 0x1d19363a,
- 0x1d169867, 0x0d563f38, 0x0d675f4e, 0x1d0eb833, 0x1d0c15e4, 0x0d6d13a3, 0x0d7e2d85, 0x1d04283f,
- 0x1d018176, 0x0d83dfc6, 0x0d94f369, 0x1cf98666, 0x1cf6db24, 0x0d9aa393, 0x0dabb0ec, 0x1ceed2ad,
- 0x1cec22f4, 0x0db15efc, 0x0dc26600, 0x1ce40d1b, 0x1ce158ed, 0x0dc811f3, 0x0dd91298, 0x1cd935b7,
- 0x1cd67d15, 0x0ddebc69, 0x0defb6a5, 0x1cce4c87, 0x1ccb8f74, 0x0df55e51, 0x0e065219, 0x1cc35192,
- 0x1cc0900f, 0x0e0bf79c, 0x0e1ce4e6, 0x1cb844df, 0x1cb57eee, 0x0e22883e, 0x0e336eff, 0x1cad2675,
- 0x1caa5c17, 0x0e391027, 0x0e49f055, 0x1ca1f65b, 0x1c9f2792, 0x0e4f8f4b, 0x0e6068db, 0x1c96b497,
- 0x1c93e165, 0x0e66059a, 0x0e76d883, 0x1c8b6131, 0x1c888997, 0x0e7c7308, 0x0e8d3f3e, 0x1c7ffc2f,
- 0x1c7d202f, 0x0e92d787, 0x0ea39d00, 0x1c748599, 0x1c71a535, 0x0ea93308, 0x0eb9f1ba, 0x1c68fd75,
- 0x1c6618ae, 0x0ebf857d, 0x0ed03d5e, 0x1c5d63ca, 0x1c5a7aa4, 0x0ed5ceda, 0x0ee67fdf, 0x1c51b8a1,
- 0x1c4ecb1c, 0x0eec0f10, 0x0efcb92f, 0x1c45fc00, 0x1c430a1d, 0x0f024612, 0x0f12e941, 0x1c3a2ded,
- 0x1c3737b0, 0x0f1873d2, 0x0f291006, 0x1c2e4e72, 0x1c2b53db, 0x0f2e9842, 0x0f3f2d71, 0x1c225d94,
- 0x1c1f5ea6, 0x0f44b354, 0x0f554175, 0x1c165b5b, 0x1c135818, 0x0f5ac4fc, 0x0f6b4c03, 0x1c0a47cf,
- 0x1c074038, 0x0f70cd2a, 0x0f814d0e, 0x1bfe22f8, 0x1bfb170f, 0x0f86cbd3, 0x0f974489, 0x1bf1ecdb,
- 0x1beedca2, 0x0f9cc0e7, 0x0fad3265, 0x1be5a582, 0x1be290fb, 0x0fb2ac5a, 0x0fc31697, 0x1bd94cf4,
- 0x1bd63421, 0x0fc88e1e, 0x0fd8f10f, 0x1bcce337, 0x1bc9c61a, 0x0fde6626, 0x0feec1c0, 0x1bc06855,
- 0x1bbd46f0, 0x0ff43464, 0x1004889e, 0x1bb3dc55, 0x1bb0b6a9, 0x1009f8cb, 0x101a459a, 0x1ba73f3d,
- 0x1ba4154d, 0x101fb34d, 0x102ff8a8, 0x1b9a9117, 0x1b9762e4, 0x103563dc, 0x1045a1b9, 0x1b8dd1ea,
- 0x1b8a9f77, 0x104b0a6c, 0x105b40c1, 0x1b8101be, 0x1b7dcb0c, 0x1060a6ef, 0x1070d5b1, 0x1b74209b,
- 0x1b70e5ac, 0x10763958, 0x1086607e, 0x1b672e88, 0x1b63ef5f, 0x108bc19a, 0x109be119, 0x1b5a2b8e,
- 0x1b56e82c, 0x10a13fa6, 0x10b15775, 0x1b4d17b4, 0x1b49d01c, 0x10b6b371, 0x10c6c385, 0x1b3ff304,
- 0x1b3ca737, 0x10cc1cec, 0x10dc253c, 0x1b32bd84, 0x1b2f6d85, 0x10e17c0b, 0x10f17c8d, 0x1b25773d,
- 0x1b22230e, 0x10f6d0c0, 0x1106c96a, 0x1b182038, 0x1b14c7da, 0x110c1afe, 0x111c0bc6, 0x1b0ab87c,
- 0x1b075bf1, 0x11215ab8, 0x11314395, 0x1afd4012, 0x1af9df5d, 0x11368fe1, 0x114670c8, 0x1aefb702,
- 0x1aec5225, 0x114bba6b, 0x115b9354, 0x1ae21d54, 0x1adeb451, 0x1160da4b, 0x1170ab2a, 0x1ad47311,
- 0x1ad105e9, 0x1175ef72, 0x1185b83f, 0x1ac6b841, 0x1ac346f8, 0x118af9d4, 0x119aba84, 0x1ab8ecec,
- 0x1ab57784, 0x119ff964, 0x11afb1ee, 0x1aab111c, 0x1aa79796, 0x11b4ee14, 0x11c49e6f, 0x1a9d24d9,
- 0x1a99a737, 0x11c9d7d9, 0x11d97ff9, 0x1a8f282b, 0x1a8ba670, 0x11deb6a4, 0x11ee5682, 0x1a811b1b,
- 0x1a7d9549, 0x11f38a6a, 0x120321fa, 0x1a72fdb2, 0x1a6f73ca, 0x1208531c, 0x1217e256, 0x1a64cff8,
- 0x1a6141fd, 0x121d10af, 0x122c9789, 0x1a5691f5, 0x1a52ffeb, 0x1231c316, 0x12414186, 0x1a4843b4,
- 0x1a44ad9b, 0x12466a44, 0x1255e041, 0x1a39e53d, 0x1a364b17, 0x125b062b, 0x126a73ac, 0x1a2b7698,
- 0x1a27d868, 0x126f96c1, 0x127efbbb, 0x1a1cf7ce, 0x1a195597, 0x12841bf6, 0x12937861, 0x1a0e68e9,
- 0x1a0ac2ac, 0x129895c0, 0x12a7e991, 0x19ffc9f1, 0x19fc1fb1, 0x12ad0412, 0x12bc4f40, 0x19f11af0,
- 0x19ed6caf, 0x12c166de, 0x12d0a960, 0x19e25bee, 0x19dea9ae, 0x12d5be18, 0x12e4f7e5, 0x19d38cf4,
- 0x19cfd6b8, 0x12ea09b4, 0x12f93ac2, 0x19c4ae0c, 0x19c0f3d6, 0x12fe49a6, 0x130d71eb, 0x19b5bf3f,
- 0x19b20111, 0x13127de0, 0x13219d53, 0x19a6c096, 0x19a2fe73, 0x1326a656, 0x1335bcef, 0x1997b21b,
- 0x1993ec04, 0x133ac2fc, 0x1349d0b0, 0x198893d6, 0x1984c9ce, 0x134ed3c5, 0x135dd88c, 0x197965d0,
- 0x197597da, 0x1362d8a6, 0x1371d476, 0x196a2815, 0x19665632, 0x1376d191, 0x1385c461, 0x195adaab,
- 0x195704df, 0x138abe7b, 0x1399a841, 0x194b7d9e, 0x1947a3eb, 0x139e9f56, 0x13ad800a, 0x193c10f7,
- 0x1938335e, 0x13b27417, 0x13c14bb0, 0x192c94bf, 0x1928b343, 0x13c63cb2, 0x13d50b26, 0x191d08ff,
- 0x191923a3, 0x13d9f91b, 0x13e8be60, 0x190d6dc1, 0x19098488, 0x13eda944, 0x13fc6553, 0x18fdc310,
- 0x18f9d5fa, 0x14014d23, 0x140ffff1, 0x18ee08f4, 0x18ea1805, 0x1414e4aa, 0x14238e2f, 0x18de3f77,
- 0x18da4ab2, 0x14286fce, 0x14371001, 0x18ce66a3, 0x18ca6e0a, 0x143bee83, 0x144a855b, 0x18be7e82,
- 0x18ba8217, 0x144f60bd, 0x145dee30, 0x18ae871e, 0x18aa86e3, 0x1462c670, 0x14714a76, 0x189e8080,
- 0x189a7c78, 0x14761f8f, 0x14849a1f, 0x188e6ab2, 0x188a62e0, 0x14896c0f, 0x1497dd20, 0x187e45be,
- 0x187a3a25, 0x149cabe4, 0x14ab136d, 0x186e11af, 0x186a0250, 0x14afdf03, 0x14be3cfa, 0x185dce8e,
- 0x1859bb6c, 0x14c3055e, 0x14d159bc, 0x184d7c65, 0x18496583, 0x14d61eeb, 0x14e469a6, 0x183d1b3e,
- 0x1839009e, 0x14e92b9e, 0x14f76cad, 0x182cab24, 0x18288cc8, 0x14fc2b6a, 0x150a62c6, 0x181c2c20,
- 0x18180a0c, 0x150f1e45, 0x151d4be3, 0x180b9e3d, 0x18077873, 0x15220422, 0x153027fb, 0x17fb0185,
- 0x17f6d807, 0x1534dcf6, 0x1542f700, 0x17ea5602, 0x17e628d3, 0x1547a8b5, 0x1555b8e8, 0x17d99bbe,
- 0x17d56ae0, 0x155a6754, 0x15686da7, 0x17c8d2c4, 0x17c49e3b, 0x156d18c7, 0x157b1532, 0x17b7fb1f,
- 0x17b3c2ec, 0x157fbd03, 0x158daf7c, 0x17a714d7, 0x17a2d8fe, 0x159253fb, 0x15a03c7a, 0x17961ff9,
- 0x1791e07b, 0x15a4dda5, 0x15b2bc22, 0x17851c8e, 0x1780d96f, 0x15b759f5, 0x15c52e67, 0x17740aa1,
- 0x176fc3e3, 0x15c9c8e0, 0x15d7933f, 0x1762ea3d, 0x175e9fe2, 0x15dc2a5a, 0x15e9ea9d, 0x1751bb6b,
- 0x174d6d77, 0x15ee7e58, 0x15fc3477, 0x17407e37, 0x173c2cac, 0x1600c4cf, 0x160e70c1, 0x172f32ab,
- 0x172add8c, 0x1612fdb3, 0x16209f70, 0x171dd8d2, 0x17198021, 0x162528fa, 0x1632c078, 0x170c70b7,
- 0x17081477, 0x16374697, 0x1644d3d0, 0x16fafa64, 0x16f69a97, 0x16495680, 0x1656d96a, 0x16e975e4,
- 0x16e5128e, 0x165b58aa, 0x1668d13e, 0x16d7e341, 0x16d37c65, 0x166d4d0a, 0x167abb3e, 0x16c64288,
- 0x16c1d827, 0x167f3394, 0x168c9760, 0x16b493c2, 0x16b025e0, 0x16910c3d, 0x169e659a, 0x16a2d6fb
-const int twidTab512[8*6 + 32*6 + 128*6] = {
+ 0x17a4f708, 0x159001d6, 0x15fe7cbe, 0x173e558e, 0x171bac96, 0x1622e450, 0x168ed1eb, 0x16b25ced,
+ /* 1024 */
+ 0x1fffffd9, 0x0003243f, 0x0015fdba, 0x1ffff872, 0x1ffff382, 0x001c4637, 0x002f1fa6, 0x1fffdd4d,
+ 0x1fffd36f, 0x0035681d, 0x00484175, 0x1fffae6c, 0x1fff9f9e, 0x004e89e3, 0x00616318, 0x1fff6bce,
+ 0x1fff5811, 0x0067ab77, 0x007a847e, 0x1fff1572, 0x1ffefcc6, 0x0080cccc, 0x0093a599, 0x1ffeab5b,
+ 0x1ffe8dbf, 0x0099edd2, 0x00acc658, 0x1ffe2d86, 0x1ffe0afc, 0x00b30e78, 0x00c5e6ad, 0x1ffd9bf6,
+ 0x1ffd747c, 0x00cc2eb0, 0x00df0688, 0x1ffcf6aa, 0x1ffcca41, 0x00e54e6a, 0x00f825da, 0x1ffc3da2,
+ 0x1ffc0c4b, 0x00fe6d97, 0x01114492, 0x1ffb70e0, 0x1ffb3a9a, 0x01178c27, 0x012a62a2, 0x1ffa9063,
+ 0x1ffa552e, 0x0130aa0a, 0x01437ffa, 0x1ff99c2c, 0x1ff95c09, 0x0149c731, 0x015c9c8a, 0x1ff8943c,
+ 0x1ff84f2b, 0x0162e38d, 0x0175b843, 0x1ff77893, 0x1ff72e94, 0x017bff0e, 0x018ed316, 0x1ff64932,
+ 0x1ff5fa46, 0x019519a5, 0x01a7ecf2, 0x1ff5061b, 0x1ff4b240, 0x01ae3341, 0x01c105c9, 0x1ff3af4c,
+ 0x1ff35684, 0x01c74bd5, 0x01da1d8c, 0x1ff244c8, 0x1ff1e713, 0x01e0634f, 0x01f33429, 0x1ff0c68f,
+ 0x1ff063ed, 0x01f979a1, 0x020c4993, 0x1fef34a3, 0x1feecd14, 0x02128ebb, 0x02255db9, 0x1fed8f03,
+ 0x1fed2287, 0x022ba28f, 0x023e708d, 0x1febd5b2, 0x1feb644a, 0x0244b50b, 0x025781fe, 0x1fea08b0,
+ 0x1fe9925c, 0x025dc621, 0x027091fd, 0x1fe827fe, 0x1fe7acbe, 0x0276d5c1, 0x0289a07b, 0x1fe6339d,
+ 0x1fe5b372, 0x028fe3dd, 0x02a2ad69, 0x1fe42b90, 0x1fe3a679, 0x02a8f063, 0x02bbb8b6, 0x1fe20fd6,
+ 0x1fe185d5, 0x02c1fb46, 0x02d4c253, 0x1fdfe071, 0x1fdf5186, 0x02db0475, 0x02edca32, 0x1fdd9d64,
+ 0x1fdd098e, 0x02f40be2, 0x0306d042, 0x1fdb46ae, 0x1fdaadee, 0x030d117c, 0x031fd474, 0x1fd8dc51,
+ 0x1fd83ea8, 0x03261534, 0x0338d6b8, 0x1fd65e4f, 0x1fd5bbbd, 0x033f16fb, 0x0351d700, 0x1fd3ccaa,
+ 0x1fd32530, 0x035816c1, 0x036ad53c, 0x1fd12763, 0x1fd07b00, 0x03711477, 0x0383d15c, 0x1fce6e7c,
+ 0x1fcdbd31, 0x038a100e, 0x039ccb51, 0x1fcba1f5, 0x1fcaebc3, 0x03a30975, 0x03b5c30b, 0x1fc8c1d2,
+ 0x1fc806b9, 0x03bc009f, 0x03ceb87c, 0x1fc5ce14, 0x1fc50e14, 0x03d4f57a, 0x03e7ab93, 0x1fc2c6bd,
+ 0x1fc201d7, 0x03ede7f9, 0x04009c42, 0x1fbfabcd, 0x1fbee202, 0x0406d80b, 0x04198a78, 0x1fbc7d49,
+ 0x1fbbae99, 0x041fc5a1, 0x04327628, 0x1fb93b31, 0x1fb8679c, 0x0438b0ac, 0x044b5f40, 0x1fb5e587,
+ 0x1fb50d0e, 0x0451991d, 0x046445b2, 0x1fb27c4e, 0x1fb19ef1, 0x046a7ee3, 0x047d296f, 0x1faeff87,
+ 0x1fae1d47, 0x048361f0, 0x04960a67, 0x1fab6f35, 0x1faa8813, 0x049c4235, 0x04aee88b, 0x1fa7cb5a,
+ 0x1fa6df56, 0x04b51fa1, 0x04c7c3cb, 0x1fa413f8, 0x1fa32313, 0x04cdfa26, 0x04e09c18, 0x1fa04912,
+ 0x1f9f534c, 0x04e6d1b4, 0x04f97163, 0x1f9c6aa9, 0x1f9b7003, 0x04ffa63c, 0x0512439d, 0x1f9878c1,
+ 0x1f97793b, 0x051877af, 0x052b12b6, 0x1f94735b, 0x1f936ef6, 0x053145fd, 0x0543de9e, 0x1f905a7a,
+ 0x1f8f5137, 0x054a1117, 0x055ca748, 0x1f8c2e21, 0x1f8b2000, 0x0562d8ee, 0x05756ca2, 0x1f87ee52,
+ 0x1f86db55, 0x057b9d73, 0x058e2e9f, 0x1f839b10, 0x1f828336, 0x05945e95, 0x05a6ed2e, 0x1f7f345e,
+ 0x1f7e17a8, 0x05ad1c47, 0x05bfa840, 0x1f7aba3e, 0x1f7998ad, 0x05c5d678, 0x05d85fc7, 0x1f762cb2,
+ 0x1f750647, 0x05de8d19, 0x05f113b3, 0x1f718bbf, 0x1f70607a, 0x05f7401c, 0x0609c3f5, 0x1f6cd766,
+ 0x1f6ba748, 0x060fef71, 0x0622707d, 0x1f680fab, 0x1f66dab5, 0x06289b08, 0x063b193c, 0x1f633490,
+ 0x1f61fac3, 0x064142d3, 0x0653be23, 0x1f5e4619, 0x1f5d0775, 0x0659e6c2, 0x066c5f24, 0x1f594448,
+ 0x1f5800ce, 0x067286c6, 0x0684fc2e, 0x1f542f21, 0x1f52e6d2, 0x068b22d0, 0x069d9532, 0x1f4f06a6,
+ 0x1f4db983, 0x06a3bad0, 0x06b62a22, 0x1f49cadc, 0x1f4878e5, 0x06bc4eb9, 0x06cebaee, 0x1f447bc4,
+ 0x1f4324fb, 0x06d4de79, 0x06e74786, 0x1f3f1963, 0x1f3dbdc8, 0x06ed6a03, 0x06ffcfdd, 0x1f39a3bc,
+ 0x1f384350, 0x0705f147, 0x071853e3, 0x1f341ad2, 0x1f32b595, 0x071e7436, 0x0730d388, 0x1f2e7ea9,
+ 0x1f2d149d, 0x0736f2c0, 0x07494ebd, 0x1f28cf43, 0x1f276069, 0x074f6cd7, 0x0761c574, 0x1f230ca5,
+ 0x1f2198fd, 0x0767e26c, 0x077a379d, 0x1f1d36d2, 0x1f1bbe5d, 0x07805370, 0x0792a52a, 0x1f174dce,
+ 0x1f15d08d, 0x0798bfd3, 0x07ab0e0a, 0x1f11519c, 0x1f0fcf91, 0x07b12786, 0x07c37230, 0x1f0b4240,
+ 0x1f09bb6b, 0x07c98a7a, 0x07dbd18c, 0x1f051fbe, 0x1f03941f, 0x07e1e8a1, 0x07f42c0e, 0x1efeea19,
+ 0x1efd59b3, 0x07fa41eb, 0x080c81a9, 0x1ef8a155, 0x1ef70c28, 0x0812964a, 0x0824d24d, 0x1ef24577,
+ 0x1ef0ab84, 0x082ae5ad, 0x083d1dea, 0x1eebd682, 0x1eea37ca, 0x08433007, 0x08556473, 0x1ee5547a,
+ 0x1ee3b0fe, 0x085b7548, 0x086da5d8, 0x1edebf64, 0x1edd1724, 0x0873b562, 0x0885e209, 0x1ed81742,
+ 0x1ed66a41, 0x088bf044, 0x089e18f9, 0x1ed15c1a, 0x1ecfaa57, 0x08a425e1, 0x08b64a98, 0x1eca8def,
+ 0x1ec8d76c, 0x08bc562a, 0x08ce76d8, 0x1ec3acc6, 0x1ec1f184, 0x08d4810f, 0x08e69da8, 0x1ebcb8a3,
+ 0x1ebaf8a3, 0x08eca681, 0x08febefb, 0x1eb5b18a, 0x1eb3eccd, 0x0904c673, 0x0916dac2, 0x1eae977f,
+ 0x1eacce07, 0x091ce0d4, 0x092ef0ed, 0x1ea76a87, 0x1ea59c55, 0x0934f596, 0x0947016e, 0x1ea02aa7,
+ 0x1e9e57bb, 0x094d04aa, 0x095f0c36, 0x1e98d7e2, 0x1e97003e, 0x09650e01, 0x09771136, 0x1e91723e,
+ 0x1e8f95e3, 0x097d118d, 0x098f1060, 0x1e89f9bf, 0x1e8818ad, 0x09950f3f, 0x09a709a4, 0x1e826e69,
+ 0x1e8088a2, 0x09ad0707, 0x09befcf4, 0x1e7ad041, 0x1e78e5c7, 0x09c4f8d8, 0x09d6ea40, 0x1e731f4c,
+ 0x1e71301f, 0x09dce4a1, 0x09eed17b, 0x1e6b5b8f, 0x1e6967b1, 0x09f4ca56, 0x0a06b296, 0x1e63850e,
+ 0x1e618c80, 0x0a0ca9e6, 0x0a1e8d81, 0x1e5b9bce, 0x1e599e91, 0x0a248343, 0x0a36622e, 0x1e539fd4,
+ 0x1e519dea, 0x0a3c565e, 0x0a4e308f, 0x1e4b9126, 0x1e498a8e, 0x0a542329, 0x0a65f894, 0x1e436fc7,
+ 0x1e416485, 0x0a6be995, 0x0a7dba2f, 0x1e3b3bbd, 0x1e392bd1, 0x0a83a993, 0x0a957551, 0x1e32f50e,
+ 0x1e30e079, 0x0a9b6315, 0x0aad29ec, 0x1e2a9bbd, 0x1e288281, 0x0ab3160c, 0x0ac4d7f1, 0x1e222fd1,
+ 0x1e2011ee, 0x0acac26a, 0x0adc7f52, 0x1e19b14f, 0x1e178ec7, 0x0ae2681f, 0x0af41fff, 0x1e11203b,
+ 0x1e0ef910, 0x0afa071d, 0x0b0bb9eb, 0x1e087c9b, 0x1e0650ce, 0x0b119f56, 0x0b234d07, 0x1dffc674,
+ 0x1dfd9606, 0x0b2930bb, 0x0b3ad943, 0x1df6fdcc, 0x1df4c8bf, 0x0b40bb3e, 0x0b525e92, 0x1dee22a9,
+ 0x1debe8fd, 0x0b583ecf, 0x0b69dce6, 0x1de5350f, 0x1de2f6c6, 0x0b6fbb62, 0x0b81542f, 0x1ddc3504,
+ 0x1dd9f220, 0x0b8730e6, 0x0b98c45f, 0x1dd3228e, 0x1dd0db10, 0x0b9e9f4d, 0x0bb02d68, 0x1dc9fdb2,
+ 0x1dc7b19b, 0x0bb6068a, 0x0bc78f3b, 0x1dc0c676, 0x1dbe75c8, 0x0bcd668e, 0x0bdee9ca, 0x1db77cdf,
+ 0x1db5279c, 0x0be4bf4a, 0x0bf63d07, 0x1dae20f4, 0x1dabc71d, 0x0bfc10af, 0x0c0d88e2, 0x1da4b2ba,
+ 0x1da25450, 0x0c135ab0, 0x0c24cd4e, 0x1d9b3237, 0x1d98cf3b, 0x0c2a9d3e, 0x0c3c0a3d, 0x1d919f70,
+ 0x1d8f37e5, 0x0c41d84b, 0x0c533fa0, 0x1d87fa6d, 0x1d858e53, 0x0c590bc9, 0x0c6a6d68, 0x1d7e4332,
+ 0x1d7bd28b, 0x0c7037a8, 0x0c819388, 0x1d7479c5, 0x1d720493, 0x0c875bdb, 0x0c98b1f0, 0x1d6a9e2e,
+ 0x1d682472, 0x0c9e7854, 0x0cafc894, 0x1d60b070, 0x1d5e322c, 0x0cb58d04, 0x0cc6d764, 0x1d56b094,
+ 0x1d542dc9, 0x0ccc99de, 0x0cddde53, 0x1d4c9e9f, 0x1d4a174f, 0x0ce39ed2, 0x0cf4dd52, 0x1d427a97,
+ 0x1d3feec3, 0x0cfa9bd2, 0x0d0bd452, 0x1d384483, 0x1d35b42d, 0x0d1190d1, 0x0d22c347, 0x1d2dfc68,
+ 0x1d2b6791, 0x0d287dc1, 0x0d39aa21, 0x1d23a24e, 0x1d2108f8, 0x0d3f6292, 0x0d5088d3, 0x1d19363a,
+ 0x1d169867, 0x0d563f38, 0x0d675f4e, 0x1d0eb833, 0x1d0c15e4, 0x0d6d13a3, 0x0d7e2d85, 0x1d04283f,
+ 0x1d018176, 0x0d83dfc6, 0x0d94f369, 0x1cf98666, 0x1cf6db24, 0x0d9aa393, 0x0dabb0ec, 0x1ceed2ad,
+ 0x1cec22f4, 0x0db15efc, 0x0dc26600, 0x1ce40d1b, 0x1ce158ed, 0x0dc811f3, 0x0dd91298, 0x1cd935b7,
+ 0x1cd67d15, 0x0ddebc69, 0x0defb6a5, 0x1cce4c87, 0x1ccb8f74, 0x0df55e51, 0x0e065219, 0x1cc35192,
+ 0x1cc0900f, 0x0e0bf79c, 0x0e1ce4e6, 0x1cb844df, 0x1cb57eee, 0x0e22883e, 0x0e336eff, 0x1cad2675,
+ 0x1caa5c17, 0x0e391027, 0x0e49f055, 0x1ca1f65b, 0x1c9f2792, 0x0e4f8f4b, 0x0e6068db, 0x1c96b497,
+ 0x1c93e165, 0x0e66059a, 0x0e76d883, 0x1c8b6131, 0x1c888997, 0x0e7c7308, 0x0e8d3f3e, 0x1c7ffc2f,
+ 0x1c7d202f, 0x0e92d787, 0x0ea39d00, 0x1c748599, 0x1c71a535, 0x0ea93308, 0x0eb9f1ba, 0x1c68fd75,
+ 0x1c6618ae, 0x0ebf857d, 0x0ed03d5e, 0x1c5d63ca, 0x1c5a7aa4, 0x0ed5ceda, 0x0ee67fdf, 0x1c51b8a1,
+ 0x1c4ecb1c, 0x0eec0f10, 0x0efcb92f, 0x1c45fc00, 0x1c430a1d, 0x0f024612, 0x0f12e941, 0x1c3a2ded,
+ 0x1c3737b0, 0x0f1873d2, 0x0f291006, 0x1c2e4e72, 0x1c2b53db, 0x0f2e9842, 0x0f3f2d71, 0x1c225d94,
+ 0x1c1f5ea6, 0x0f44b354, 0x0f554175, 0x1c165b5b, 0x1c135818, 0x0f5ac4fc, 0x0f6b4c03, 0x1c0a47cf,
+ 0x1c074038, 0x0f70cd2a, 0x0f814d0e, 0x1bfe22f8, 0x1bfb170f, 0x0f86cbd3, 0x0f974489, 0x1bf1ecdb,
+ 0x1beedca2, 0x0f9cc0e7, 0x0fad3265, 0x1be5a582, 0x1be290fb, 0x0fb2ac5a, 0x0fc31697, 0x1bd94cf4,
+ 0x1bd63421, 0x0fc88e1e, 0x0fd8f10f, 0x1bcce337, 0x1bc9c61a, 0x0fde6626, 0x0feec1c0, 0x1bc06855,
+ 0x1bbd46f0, 0x0ff43464, 0x1004889e, 0x1bb3dc55, 0x1bb0b6a9, 0x1009f8cb, 0x101a459a, 0x1ba73f3d,
+ 0x1ba4154d, 0x101fb34d, 0x102ff8a8, 0x1b9a9117, 0x1b9762e4, 0x103563dc, 0x1045a1b9, 0x1b8dd1ea,
+ 0x1b8a9f77, 0x104b0a6c, 0x105b40c1, 0x1b8101be, 0x1b7dcb0c, 0x1060a6ef, 0x1070d5b1, 0x1b74209b,
+ 0x1b70e5ac, 0x10763958, 0x1086607e, 0x1b672e88, 0x1b63ef5f, 0x108bc19a, 0x109be119, 0x1b5a2b8e,
+ 0x1b56e82c, 0x10a13fa6, 0x10b15775, 0x1b4d17b4, 0x1b49d01c, 0x10b6b371, 0x10c6c385, 0x1b3ff304,
+ 0x1b3ca737, 0x10cc1cec, 0x10dc253c, 0x1b32bd84, 0x1b2f6d85, 0x10e17c0b, 0x10f17c8d, 0x1b25773d,
+ 0x1b22230e, 0x10f6d0c0, 0x1106c96a, 0x1b182038, 0x1b14c7da, 0x110c1afe, 0x111c0bc6, 0x1b0ab87c,
+ 0x1b075bf1, 0x11215ab8, 0x11314395, 0x1afd4012, 0x1af9df5d, 0x11368fe1, 0x114670c8, 0x1aefb702,
+ 0x1aec5225, 0x114bba6b, 0x115b9354, 0x1ae21d54, 0x1adeb451, 0x1160da4b, 0x1170ab2a, 0x1ad47311,
+ 0x1ad105e9, 0x1175ef72, 0x1185b83f, 0x1ac6b841, 0x1ac346f8, 0x118af9d4, 0x119aba84, 0x1ab8ecec,
+ 0x1ab57784, 0x119ff964, 0x11afb1ee, 0x1aab111c, 0x1aa79796, 0x11b4ee14, 0x11c49e6f, 0x1a9d24d9,
+ 0x1a99a737, 0x11c9d7d9, 0x11d97ff9, 0x1a8f282b, 0x1a8ba670, 0x11deb6a4, 0x11ee5682, 0x1a811b1b,
+ 0x1a7d9549, 0x11f38a6a, 0x120321fa, 0x1a72fdb2, 0x1a6f73ca, 0x1208531c, 0x1217e256, 0x1a64cff8,
+ 0x1a6141fd, 0x121d10af, 0x122c9789, 0x1a5691f5, 0x1a52ffeb, 0x1231c316, 0x12414186, 0x1a4843b4,
+ 0x1a44ad9b, 0x12466a44, 0x1255e041, 0x1a39e53d, 0x1a364b17, 0x125b062b, 0x126a73ac, 0x1a2b7698,
+ 0x1a27d868, 0x126f96c1, 0x127efbbb, 0x1a1cf7ce, 0x1a195597, 0x12841bf6, 0x12937861, 0x1a0e68e9,
+ 0x1a0ac2ac, 0x129895c0, 0x12a7e991, 0x19ffc9f1, 0x19fc1fb1, 0x12ad0412, 0x12bc4f40, 0x19f11af0,
+ 0x19ed6caf, 0x12c166de, 0x12d0a960, 0x19e25bee, 0x19dea9ae, 0x12d5be18, 0x12e4f7e5, 0x19d38cf4,
+ 0x19cfd6b8, 0x12ea09b4, 0x12f93ac2, 0x19c4ae0c, 0x19c0f3d6, 0x12fe49a6, 0x130d71eb, 0x19b5bf3f,
+ 0x19b20111, 0x13127de0, 0x13219d53, 0x19a6c096, 0x19a2fe73, 0x1326a656, 0x1335bcef, 0x1997b21b,
+ 0x1993ec04, 0x133ac2fc, 0x1349d0b0, 0x198893d6, 0x1984c9ce, 0x134ed3c5, 0x135dd88c, 0x197965d0,
+ 0x197597da, 0x1362d8a6, 0x1371d476, 0x196a2815, 0x19665632, 0x1376d191, 0x1385c461, 0x195adaab,
+ 0x195704df, 0x138abe7b, 0x1399a841, 0x194b7d9e, 0x1947a3eb, 0x139e9f56, 0x13ad800a, 0x193c10f7,
+ 0x1938335e, 0x13b27417, 0x13c14bb0, 0x192c94bf, 0x1928b343, 0x13c63cb2, 0x13d50b26, 0x191d08ff,
+ 0x191923a3, 0x13d9f91b, 0x13e8be60, 0x190d6dc1, 0x19098488, 0x13eda944, 0x13fc6553, 0x18fdc310,
+ 0x18f9d5fa, 0x14014d23, 0x140ffff1, 0x18ee08f4, 0x18ea1805, 0x1414e4aa, 0x14238e2f, 0x18de3f77,
+ 0x18da4ab2, 0x14286fce, 0x14371001, 0x18ce66a3, 0x18ca6e0a, 0x143bee83, 0x144a855b, 0x18be7e82,
+ 0x18ba8217, 0x144f60bd, 0x145dee30, 0x18ae871e, 0x18aa86e3, 0x1462c670, 0x14714a76, 0x189e8080,
+ 0x189a7c78, 0x14761f8f, 0x14849a1f, 0x188e6ab2, 0x188a62e0, 0x14896c0f, 0x1497dd20, 0x187e45be,
+ 0x187a3a25, 0x149cabe4, 0x14ab136d, 0x186e11af, 0x186a0250, 0x14afdf03, 0x14be3cfa, 0x185dce8e,
+ 0x1859bb6c, 0x14c3055e, 0x14d159bc, 0x184d7c65, 0x18496583, 0x14d61eeb, 0x14e469a6, 0x183d1b3e,
+ 0x1839009e, 0x14e92b9e, 0x14f76cad, 0x182cab24, 0x18288cc8, 0x14fc2b6a, 0x150a62c6, 0x181c2c20,
+ 0x18180a0c, 0x150f1e45, 0x151d4be3, 0x180b9e3d, 0x18077873, 0x15220422, 0x153027fb, 0x17fb0185,
+ 0x17f6d807, 0x1534dcf6, 0x1542f700, 0x17ea5602, 0x17e628d3, 0x1547a8b5, 0x1555b8e8, 0x17d99bbe,
+ 0x17d56ae0, 0x155a6754, 0x15686da7, 0x17c8d2c4, 0x17c49e3b, 0x156d18c7, 0x157b1532, 0x17b7fb1f,
+ 0x17b3c2ec, 0x157fbd03, 0x158daf7c, 0x17a714d7, 0x17a2d8fe, 0x159253fb, 0x15a03c7a, 0x17961ff9,
+ 0x1791e07b, 0x15a4dda5, 0x15b2bc22, 0x17851c8e, 0x1780d96f, 0x15b759f5, 0x15c52e67, 0x17740aa1,
+ 0x176fc3e3, 0x15c9c8e0, 0x15d7933f, 0x1762ea3d, 0x175e9fe2, 0x15dc2a5a, 0x15e9ea9d, 0x1751bb6b,
+ 0x174d6d77, 0x15ee7e58, 0x15fc3477, 0x17407e37, 0x173c2cac, 0x1600c4cf, 0x160e70c1, 0x172f32ab,
+ 0x172add8c, 0x1612fdb3, 0x16209f70, 0x171dd8d2, 0x17198021, 0x162528fa, 0x1632c078, 0x170c70b7,
+ 0x17081477, 0x16374697, 0x1644d3d0, 0x16fafa64, 0x16f69a97, 0x16495680, 0x1656d96a, 0x16e975e4,
+ 0x16e5128e, 0x165b58aa, 0x1668d13e, 0x16d7e341, 0x16d37c65, 0x166d4d0a, 0x167abb3e, 0x16c64288,
+ 0x16c1d827, 0x167f3394, 0x168c9760, 0x16b493c2, 0x16b025e0, 0x16910c3d, 0x169e659a, 0x16a2d6fb
+const int twidTab512[8*6 + 32*6 + 128*6] = {
0x20000000, 0x00000000, 0x1d906bcf, 0x0c3ef153, 0x16a09e66, 0x16a09e66, 0x0c3ef153, 0x1d906bcf,
0x20000000, 0x00000000, 0x1f6297d0, 0x063e2e0f, 0x1d906bcf, 0x0c3ef153, 0x1a9b6629, 0x11c73b3a,
0x20000000, 0x00000000, 0x1a9b6629, 0x11c73b3a, 0x0c3ef153, 0x1d906bcf, 0xf9c1d1f1, 0x1f6297d0,
@@ -628,10 +628,10 @@ const int twidTab512[8*6 + 32*6 + 128*6] = {
0xf6b5fce9, 0xe160bea9, 0xf7d823f9, 0xe10e875c, 0xf8fd1f65, 0xe0c70c54, 0xfa248988, 0xe08a665c,
0xe027725c, 0x0322f4d8, 0xe0163253, 0x025aa412, 0xe009de1d, 0x0191f65f, 0xe002779f, 0x00c90ab0,
0x0191f65f, 0x1ff621e3, 0x012d8657, 0x1ffa72f0, 0x00c90ab0, 0x1ffd8861, 0x00648748, 0x1fff6217,
- 0xfb4dfbe4, 0xe058aa81, 0xfc790f47, 0xe031ea03, 0xfda55bee, 0xe0163253, 0xfed279a9, 0xe0058d10
-const int twidTab64[4*6 + 16*6] = {
+ 0xfb4dfbe4, 0xe058aa81, 0xfc790f47, 0xe031ea03, 0xfda55bee, 0xe0163253, 0xfed279a9, 0xe0058d10
+const int twidTab64[4*6 + 16*6] = {
0x20000000, 0x00000000, 0x16a09e66, 0x16a09e66, 0x00000000, 0x20000000, 0xe95f619a, 0x16a09e66,
0x20000000, 0x00000000, 0x1d906bcf, 0x0c3ef153, 0x16a09e66, 0x16a09e66, 0x0c3ef153, 0x1d906bcf,
0x20000000, 0x00000000, 0x0c3ef153, 0x1d906bcf, 0xe95f619a, 0x16a09e66, 0xe26f9431, 0xf3c10ead,
@@ -647,399 +647,399 @@ const int twidTab64[4*6 + 16*6] = {
0xe95f619a, 0x16a09e66, 0xe3c74d0e, 0x0f15ae9c, 0xe09d6830, 0x063e2e0f, 0xe027725c, 0xfcdd0b28,
0xe95f619a, 0x16a09e66, 0xe56499d7, 0x11c73b3a, 0xe26f9431, 0x0c3ef153, 0xe09d6830, 0x063e2e0f,
0x0c3ef153, 0x1d906bcf, 0x094a0317, 0x1e9f4157, 0x063e2e0f, 0x1f6297d0, 0x0322f4d8, 0x1fd88da4,
- 0xe26f9431, 0xf3c10ead, 0xe7437f95, 0xebb30cdb, 0xee38c4c6, 0xe56499d7, 0xf6b5fce9, 0xe160bea9
+ 0xe26f9431, 0xf3c10ead, 0xe7437f95, 0xebb30cdb, 0xee38c4c6, 0xe56499d7, 0xf6b5fce9, 0xe160bea9
- * Q30 for 128 and 1024
- *
- * for (i = 0; i < num/4; i++) {
- * angle = (i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
- * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
- * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
- *
- * angle = (num/2 - 1 - i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
- * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
- * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
- * }
- */
-const int cossintab[128 + 1024] = {
- /* 128 */
- 0x3fffec43, 0x003243f1, 0x015fd4d2, 0x3ffc38d1, 0x3ff9c13a, 0x01c454f5, 0x02f1b755, 0x3feea776,
- 0x3fe9b8a9, 0x03562038, 0x0483259d, 0x3fd73a4a, 0x3fcfd50b, 0x04e767c5, 0x0613e1c5, 0x3fb5f4ea,
- 0x3fac1a5b, 0x0677edbb, 0x07a3adff, 0x3f8adc77, 0x3f7e8e1e, 0x08077457, 0x09324ca7, 0x3f55f796,
- 0x3f473759, 0x0995bdfd, 0x0abf8043, 0x3f174e70, 0x3f061e95, 0x0b228d42, 0x0c4b0b94, 0x3eceeaad,
- 0x3ebb4ddb, 0x0cada4f5, 0x0dd4b19a, 0x3e7cd778, 0x3e66d0b4, 0x0e36c82a, 0x0f5c35a3, 0x3e212179,
- 0x3e08b42a, 0x0fbdba40, 0x10e15b4e, 0x3dbbd6d4, 0x3da106bd, 0x11423ef0, 0x1263e699, 0x3d4d0728,
- 0x3d2fd86c, 0x12c41a4f, 0x13e39be9, 0x3cd4c38b, 0x3cb53aaa, 0x144310dd, 0x15604013, 0x3c531e88,
- 0x3c314060, 0x15bee78c, 0x16d99864, 0x3bc82c1f, 0x3ba3fde7, 0x173763c9, 0x184f6aab, 0x3b3401bb,
- 0x3b0d8909, 0x18ac4b87, 0x19c17d44, 0x3a96b636, 0x3a6df8f8, 0x1a1d6544, 0x1b2f971e, 0x39f061d2,
- 0x39c5664f, 0x1b8a7815, 0x1c997fc4, 0x39411e33, 0x3913eb0e, 0x1cf34baf, 0x1dfeff67, 0x38890663,
- 0x3859a292, 0x1e57a86d, 0x1f5fdee6, 0x37c836c2, 0x3796a996, 0x1fb7575c, 0x20bbe7d8, 0x36fecd0e,
- 0x36cb1e2a, 0x21122240, 0x2212e492, 0x362ce855, 0x35f71fb1, 0x2267d3a0, 0x2364a02e, 0x3552a8f4,
- 0x351acedd, 0x23b836ca, 0x24b0e699, 0x34703095, 0x34364da6, 0x250317df, 0x25f78497, 0x3385a222,
- 0x3349bf48, 0x264843d9, 0x273847c8, 0x329321c7, 0x32554840, 0x27878893, 0x2872feb6, 0x3198d4ea,
- 0x31590e3e, 0x28c0b4d2, 0x29a778db, 0x3096e223, 0x30553828, 0x29f3984c, 0x2ad586a3, 0x2f8d713a,
- 0x2f49ee0f, 0x2b2003ac, 0x2bfcf97c, 0x2e7cab1c, 0x2e37592c, 0x2c45c8a0, 0x2d1da3d5, 0x2d64b9da,
- /* 1024 */
- 0x3fffffb1, 0x0006487f, 0x002bfb74, 0x3ffff0e3, 0x3fffe705, 0x00388c6e, 0x005e3f4c, 0x3fffba9b,
- 0x3fffa6de, 0x006ad03b, 0x009082ea, 0x3fff5cd8, 0x3fff3f3c, 0x009d13c5, 0x00c2c62f, 0x3ffed79b,
- 0x3ffeb021, 0x00cf56ef, 0x00f508fc, 0x3ffe2ae5, 0x3ffdf98c, 0x01019998, 0x01274b31, 0x3ffd56b5,
- 0x3ffd1b7e, 0x0133dba3, 0x01598cb1, 0x3ffc5b0c, 0x3ffc15f7, 0x01661cf0, 0x018bcd5b, 0x3ffb37ec,
- 0x3ffae8f9, 0x01985d60, 0x01be0d11, 0x3ff9ed53, 0x3ff99483, 0x01ca9cd4, 0x01f04bb4, 0x3ff87b44,
- 0x3ff81896, 0x01fcdb2e, 0x02228924, 0x3ff6e1bf, 0x3ff67534, 0x022f184d, 0x0254c544, 0x3ff520c5,
- 0x3ff4aa5d, 0x02615414, 0x0286fff3, 0x3ff33858, 0x3ff2b813, 0x02938e62, 0x02b93914, 0x3ff12878,
- 0x3ff09e56, 0x02c5c71a, 0x02eb7086, 0x3feef126, 0x3fee5d28, 0x02f7fe1c, 0x031da62b, 0x3fec9265,
- 0x3febf48b, 0x032a3349, 0x034fd9e5, 0x3fea0c35, 0x3fe96480, 0x035c6682, 0x03820b93, 0x3fe75e98,
- 0x3fe6ad08, 0x038e97a9, 0x03b43b17, 0x3fe48990, 0x3fe3ce26, 0x03c0c69e, 0x03e66852, 0x3fe18d1f,
- 0x3fe0c7da, 0x03f2f342, 0x04189326, 0x3fde6945, 0x3fdd9a27, 0x04251d77, 0x044abb73, 0x3fdb1e06,
- 0x3fda450f, 0x0457451d, 0x047ce11a, 0x3fd7ab64, 0x3fd6c894, 0x04896a16, 0x04af03fc, 0x3fd4115f,
- 0x3fd324b7, 0x04bb8c42, 0x04e123fa, 0x3fd04ffc, 0x3fcf597c, 0x04edab83, 0x051340f6, 0x3fcc673b,
- 0x3fcb66e4, 0x051fc7b9, 0x05455ad1, 0x3fc8571f, 0x3fc74cf3, 0x0551e0c7, 0x0577716b, 0x3fc41fac,
- 0x3fc30baa, 0x0583f68c, 0x05a984a6, 0x3fbfc0e3, 0x3fbea30c, 0x05b608eb, 0x05db9463, 0x3fbb3ac7,
- 0x3fba131b, 0x05e817c3, 0x060da083, 0x3fb68d5b, 0x3fb55bdc, 0x061a22f7, 0x063fa8e7, 0x3fb1b8a2,
- 0x3fb07d50, 0x064c2a67, 0x0671ad71, 0x3facbc9f, 0x3fab777b, 0x067e2df5, 0x06a3ae00, 0x3fa79954,
- 0x3fa64a5f, 0x06b02d81, 0x06d5aa77, 0x3fa24ec6, 0x3fa0f600, 0x06e228ee, 0x0707a2b7, 0x3f9cdcf7,
- 0x3f9b7a62, 0x0714201b, 0x073996a1, 0x3f9743eb, 0x3f95d787, 0x074612eb, 0x076b8616, 0x3f9183a5,
- 0x3f900d72, 0x0778013d, 0x079d70f7, 0x3f8b9c28, 0x3f8a1c29, 0x07a9eaf5, 0x07cf5726, 0x3f858d79,
- 0x3f8403ae, 0x07dbcff2, 0x08013883, 0x3f7f579b, 0x3f7dc405, 0x080db016, 0x083314f1, 0x3f78fa92,
- 0x3f775d31, 0x083f8b43, 0x0864ec4f, 0x3f727661, 0x3f70cf38, 0x08716159, 0x0896be80, 0x3f6bcb0e,
- 0x3f6a1a1c, 0x08a3323a, 0x08c88b65, 0x3f64f89b, 0x3f633de2, 0x08d4fdc6, 0x08fa52de, 0x3f5dff0e,
- 0x3f5c3a8f, 0x0906c3e0, 0x092c14ce, 0x3f56de6a, 0x3f551026, 0x09388469, 0x095dd116, 0x3f4f96b4,
- 0x3f4dbeac, 0x096a3f42, 0x098f8796, 0x3f4827f0, 0x3f464626, 0x099bf44c, 0x09c13831, 0x3f409223,
- 0x3f3ea697, 0x09cda368, 0x09f2e2c7, 0x3f38d552, 0x3f36e006, 0x09ff4c78, 0x0a24873a, 0x3f30f181,
- 0x3f2ef276, 0x0a30ef5e, 0x0a56256c, 0x3f28e6b6, 0x3f26ddec, 0x0a628bfa, 0x0a87bd3d, 0x3f20b4f5,
- 0x3f1ea26e, 0x0a94222f, 0x0ab94e8f, 0x3f185c43, 0x3f164001, 0x0ac5b1dc, 0x0aead944, 0x3f0fdca5,
- 0x3f0db6a9, 0x0af73ae5, 0x0b1c5d3d, 0x3f073621, 0x3f05066d, 0x0b28bd2a, 0x0b4dda5c, 0x3efe68bc,
- 0x3efc2f50, 0x0b5a388d, 0x0b7f5081, 0x3ef5747b, 0x3ef3315a, 0x0b8bacf0, 0x0bb0bf8f, 0x3eec5965,
- 0x3eea0c8e, 0x0bbd1a33, 0x0be22766, 0x3ee3177e, 0x3ee0c0f4, 0x0bee8038, 0x0c1387e9, 0x3ed9aecc,
- 0x3ed74e91, 0x0c1fdee1, 0x0c44e0f9, 0x3ed01f55, 0x3ecdb56a, 0x0c513610, 0x0c763278, 0x3ec66920,
- 0x3ec3f585, 0x0c8285a5, 0x0ca77c47, 0x3ebc8c31, 0x3eba0ee9, 0x0cb3cd84, 0x0cd8be47, 0x3eb2888f,
- 0x3eb0019c, 0x0ce50d8c, 0x0d09f85b, 0x3ea85e41, 0x3ea5cda3, 0x0d1645a0, 0x0d3b2a64, 0x3e9e0d4c,
- 0x3e9b7306, 0x0d4775a1, 0x0d6c5443, 0x3e9395b7, 0x3e90f1ca, 0x0d789d71, 0x0d9d75db, 0x3e88f788,
- 0x3e8649f5, 0x0da9bcf2, 0x0dce8f0d, 0x3e7e32c6, 0x3e7b7b90, 0x0ddad406, 0x0dff9fba, 0x3e734778,
- 0x3e70869f, 0x0e0be28e, 0x0e30a7c5, 0x3e6835a4, 0x3e656b2b, 0x0e3ce86b, 0x0e61a70f, 0x3e5cfd51,
- 0x3e5a2939, 0x0e6de580, 0x0e929d7a, 0x3e519e86, 0x3e4ec0d1, 0x0e9ed9af, 0x0ec38ae8, 0x3e46194a,
- 0x3e4331fa, 0x0ecfc4d9, 0x0ef46f3b, 0x3e3a6da4, 0x3e377cbb, 0x0f00a6df, 0x0f254a53, 0x3e2e9b9c,
- 0x3e2ba11b, 0x0f317fa5, 0x0f561c15, 0x3e22a338, 0x3e1f9f21, 0x0f624f0c, 0x0f86e460, 0x3e168480,
- 0x3e1376d5, 0x0f9314f5, 0x0fb7a317, 0x3e0a3f7b, 0x3e07283f, 0x0fc3d143, 0x0fe8581d, 0x3dfdd432,
- 0x3dfab365, 0x0ff483d7, 0x10190352, 0x3df142ab, 0x3dee1851, 0x10252c94, 0x1049a49a, 0x3de48aef,
- 0x3de15708, 0x1055cb5b, 0x107a3bd5, 0x3dd7ad05, 0x3dd46f94, 0x1086600e, 0x10aac8e6, 0x3dcaa8f5,
- 0x3dc761fc, 0x10b6ea90, 0x10db4baf, 0x3dbd7ec7, 0x3dba2e48, 0x10e76ac3, 0x110bc413, 0x3db02e84,
- 0x3dacd481, 0x1117e088, 0x113c31f3, 0x3da2b834, 0x3d9f54af, 0x11484bc2, 0x116c9531, 0x3d951bde,
- 0x3d91aed9, 0x1178ac53, 0x119cedaf, 0x3d87598c, 0x3d83e309, 0x11a9021d, 0x11cd3b50, 0x3d797145,
- 0x3d75f147, 0x11d94d02, 0x11fd7df6, 0x3d6b6313, 0x3d67d99b, 0x12098ce5, 0x122db583, 0x3d5d2efe,
- 0x3d599c0e, 0x1239c1a7, 0x125de1da, 0x3d4ed50f, 0x3d4b38aa, 0x1269eb2b, 0x128e02dc, 0x3d40554e,
- 0x3d3caf76, 0x129a0954, 0x12be186c, 0x3d31afc5, 0x3d2e007c, 0x12ca1c03, 0x12ee226c, 0x3d22e47c,
- 0x3d1f2bc5, 0x12fa231b, 0x131e20c0, 0x3d13f37e, 0x3d10315a, 0x132a1e7e, 0x134e1348, 0x3d04dcd2,
- 0x3d011145, 0x135a0e0e, 0x137df9e7, 0x3cf5a082, 0x3cf1cb8e, 0x1389f1af, 0x13add481, 0x3ce63e98,
- 0x3ce2603f, 0x13b9c943, 0x13dda2f7, 0x3cd6b71e, 0x3cd2cf62, 0x13e994ab, 0x140d652c, 0x3cc70a1c,
- 0x3cc318ff, 0x141953cb, 0x143d1b02, 0x3cb7379c, 0x3cb33d22, 0x14490685, 0x146cc45c, 0x3ca73fa9,
- 0x3ca33bd3, 0x1478acbc, 0x149c611d, 0x3c97224c, 0x3c93151d, 0x14a84652, 0x14cbf127, 0x3c86df8e,
- 0x3c82c909, 0x14d7d32a, 0x14fb745e, 0x3c76777b, 0x3c7257a2, 0x15075327, 0x152aeaa3, 0x3c65ea1c,
- 0x3c61c0f1, 0x1536c62b, 0x155a53d9, 0x3c55377b, 0x3c510501, 0x15662c18, 0x1589afe3, 0x3c445fa2,
- 0x3c4023dd, 0x159584d3, 0x15b8fea4, 0x3c33629d, 0x3c2f1d8e, 0x15c4d03e, 0x15e83fff, 0x3c224075,
- 0x3c1df21f, 0x15f40e3a, 0x161773d6, 0x3c10f935, 0x3c0ca19b, 0x16233eac, 0x16469a0d, 0x3bff8ce8,
- 0x3bfb2c0c, 0x16526176, 0x1675b286, 0x3bedfb99, 0x3be9917e, 0x1681767c, 0x16a4bd25, 0x3bdc4552,
- 0x3bd7d1fa, 0x16b07d9f, 0x16d3b9cc, 0x3bca6a1d, 0x3bc5ed8d, 0x16df76c3, 0x1702a85e, 0x3bb86a08,
- 0x3bb3e440, 0x170e61cc, 0x173188be, 0x3ba6451b, 0x3ba1b620, 0x173d3e9b, 0x17605ad0, 0x3b93fb63,
- 0x3b8f6337, 0x176c0d15, 0x178f1e76, 0x3b818ceb, 0x3b7ceb90, 0x179acd1c, 0x17bdd394, 0x3b6ef9be,
- 0x3b6a4f38, 0x17c97e93, 0x17ec7a0d, 0x3b5c41e8, 0x3b578e39, 0x17f8215e, 0x181b11c4, 0x3b496574,
- 0x3b44a8a0, 0x1826b561, 0x18499a9d, 0x3b36646e, 0x3b319e77, 0x18553a7d, 0x1878147a, 0x3b233ee1,
- 0x3b1e6fca, 0x1883b097, 0x18a67f3f, 0x3b0ff4d9, 0x3b0b1ca6, 0x18b21791, 0x18d4dad0, 0x3afc8663,
- 0x3af7a516, 0x18e06f50, 0x1903270f, 0x3ae8f38b, 0x3ae40926, 0x190eb7b7, 0x193163e1, 0x3ad53c5b,
- 0x3ad048e3, 0x193cf0a9, 0x195f9128, 0x3ac160e1, 0x3abc6458, 0x196b1a09, 0x198daec8, 0x3aad6129,
- 0x3aa85b92, 0x199933bb, 0x19bbbca6, 0x3a993d3e, 0x3a942e9d, 0x19c73da3, 0x19e9baa3, 0x3a84f52f,
- 0x3a7fdd86, 0x19f537a4, 0x1a17a8a5, 0x3a708906, 0x3a6b6859, 0x1a2321a2, 0x1a45868e, 0x3a5bf8d1,
- 0x3a56cf23, 0x1a50fb81, 0x1a735442, 0x3a47449c, 0x3a4211f0, 0x1a7ec524, 0x1aa111a6, 0x3a326c74,
- 0x3a2d30cd, 0x1aac7e6f, 0x1acebe9d, 0x3a1d7066, 0x3a182bc8, 0x1ada2746, 0x1afc5b0a, 0x3a08507f,
- 0x3a0302ed, 0x1b07bf8c, 0x1b29e6d2, 0x39f30ccc, 0x39edb649, 0x1b354727, 0x1b5761d8, 0x39dda55a,
- 0x39d845e9, 0x1b62bdf8, 0x1b84cc01, 0x39c81a36, 0x39c2b1da, 0x1b9023e5, 0x1bb22530, 0x39b26b6d,
- 0x39acfa2b, 0x1bbd78d2, 0x1bdf6d4a, 0x399c990d, 0x39971ee7, 0x1beabca1, 0x1c0ca432, 0x3986a324,
- 0x3981201e, 0x1c17ef39, 0x1c39c9cd, 0x397089bf, 0x396afddc, 0x1c45107c, 0x1c66ddfe, 0x395a4ceb,
- 0x3954b82e, 0x1c72204f, 0x1c93e0ab, 0x3943ecb6, 0x393e4f23, 0x1c9f1e96, 0x1cc0d1b6, 0x392d692f,
- 0x3927c2c9, 0x1ccc0b35, 0x1cedb106, 0x3916c262, 0x3911132d, 0x1cf8e611, 0x1d1a7e7d, 0x38fff85e,
- 0x38fa405e, 0x1d25af0d, 0x1d473a00, 0x38e90b31, 0x38e34a69, 0x1d52660f, 0x1d73e374, 0x38d1fae9,
- 0x38cc315d, 0x1d7f0afb, 0x1da07abc, 0x38bac795, 0x38b4f547, 0x1dab9db5, 0x1dccffbf, 0x38a37142,
- 0x389d9637, 0x1dd81e21, 0x1df9725f, 0x388bf7ff, 0x3886143b, 0x1e048c24, 0x1e25d282, 0x38745bdb,
- 0x386e6f60, 0x1e30e7a4, 0x1e52200c, 0x385c9ce3, 0x3856a7b6, 0x1e5d3084, 0x1e7e5ae2, 0x3844bb28,
- 0x383ebd4c, 0x1e8966a8, 0x1eaa82e9, 0x382cb6b7, 0x3826b030, 0x1eb589f7, 0x1ed69805, 0x38148f9f,
- 0x380e8071, 0x1ee19a54, 0x1f029a1c, 0x37fc45ef, 0x37f62e1d, 0x1f0d97a5, 0x1f2e8911, 0x37e3d9b7,
- 0x37ddb945, 0x1f3981ce, 0x1f5a64cb, 0x37cb4b04, 0x37c521f6, 0x1f6558b5, 0x1f862d2d, 0x37b299e7,
- 0x37ac6841, 0x1f911c3d, 0x1fb1e21d, 0x3799c66f, 0x37938c34, 0x1fbccc4d, 0x1fdd8381, 0x3780d0aa,
- 0x377a8ddf, 0x1fe868c8, 0x2009113c, 0x3767b8a9, 0x37616d51, 0x2013f196, 0x20348b35, 0x374e7e7b,
- 0x37482a9a, 0x203f6699, 0x205ff14f, 0x3735222f, 0x372ec5c9, 0x206ac7b8, 0x208b4372, 0x371ba3d4,
- 0x37153eee, 0x209614d9, 0x20b68181, 0x3702037c, 0x36fb9618, 0x20c14ddf, 0x20e1ab63, 0x36e84135,
- 0x36e1cb58, 0x20ec72b1, 0x210cc0fc, 0x36ce5d10, 0x36c7debd, 0x21178334, 0x2137c232, 0x36b4571b,
- 0x36add058, 0x21427f4d, 0x2162aeea, 0x369a2f69, 0x3693a038, 0x216d66e2, 0x218d870b, 0x367fe608,
- 0x36794e6e, 0x219839d8, 0x21b84a79, 0x36657b08, 0x365edb09, 0x21c2f815, 0x21e2f91a, 0x364aee7b,
- 0x3644461b, 0x21eda17f, 0x220d92d4, 0x36304070, 0x36298fb4, 0x221835fb, 0x2238178d, 0x361570f8,
- 0x360eb7e3, 0x2242b56f, 0x22628729, 0x35fa8023, 0x35f3beba, 0x226d1fc1, 0x228ce191, 0x35df6e03,
- 0x35d8a449, 0x229774d7, 0x22b726a8, 0x35c43aa7, 0x35bd68a1, 0x22c1b496, 0x22e15655, 0x35a8e621,
- 0x35a20bd3, 0x22ebdee5, 0x230b707e, 0x358d7081, 0x35868def, 0x2315f3a8, 0x23357509, 0x3571d9d9,
- 0x356aef08, 0x233ff2c8, 0x235f63dc, 0x35562239, 0x354f2f2c, 0x2369dc29, 0x23893cdd, 0x353a49b2,
- 0x35334e6f, 0x2393afb2, 0x23b2fff3, 0x351e5056, 0x35174ce0, 0x23bd6d48, 0x23dcad03, 0x35023636,
- 0x34fb2a92, 0x23e714d3, 0x240643f4, 0x34e5fb63, 0x34dee795, 0x2410a639, 0x242fc4ad, 0x34c99fef,
- 0x34c283fb, 0x243a215f, 0x24592f13, 0x34ad23eb, 0x34a5ffd5, 0x2463862c, 0x2482830d, 0x34908768,
- 0x34895b36, 0x248cd487, 0x24abc082, 0x3473ca79, 0x346c962f, 0x24b60c57, 0x24d4e757, 0x3456ed2f,
- 0x344fb0d1, 0x24df2d81, 0x24fdf775, 0x3439ef9c, 0x3432ab2e, 0x250837ed, 0x2526f0c1, 0x341cd1d2,
- 0x34158559, 0x25312b81, 0x254fd323, 0x33ff93e2, 0x33f83f62, 0x255a0823, 0x25789e80, 0x33e235df,
- 0x33dad95e, 0x2582cdbc, 0x25a152c0, 0x33c4b7db, 0x33bd535c, 0x25ab7c30, 0x25c9efca, 0x33a719e8,
- 0x339fad70, 0x25d41369, 0x25f27584, 0x33895c18, 0x3381e7ac, 0x25fc934b, 0x261ae3d6, 0x336b7e7e,
- 0x33640223, 0x2624fbbf, 0x26433aa7, 0x334d812d, 0x3345fce6, 0x264d4cac, 0x266b79dd, 0x332f6435,
- 0x3327d808, 0x267585f8, 0x2693a161, 0x331127ab, 0x3309939c, 0x269da78b, 0x26bbb119, 0x32f2cba1,
- 0x32eb2fb5, 0x26c5b14c, 0x26e3a8ec, 0x32d45029, 0x32ccac64, 0x26eda322, 0x270b88c2, 0x32b5b557,
- 0x32ae09be, 0x27157cf5, 0x27335082, 0x3296fb3d, 0x328f47d5, 0x273d3eac, 0x275b0014, 0x327821ee,
- 0x327066bc, 0x2764e82f, 0x27829760, 0x3259297d, 0x32516686, 0x278c7965, 0x27aa164c, 0x323a11fe,
- 0x32324746, 0x27b3f235, 0x27d17cc1, 0x321adb83, 0x3213090f, 0x27db5288, 0x27f8caa5, 0x31fb8620,
- 0x31f3abf5, 0x28029a45, 0x281fffe2, 0x31dc11e8, 0x31d4300b, 0x2829c954, 0x28471c5e, 0x31bc7eee,
- 0x31b49564, 0x2850df9d, 0x286e2002, 0x319ccd46, 0x3194dc14, 0x2877dd07, 0x28950ab6, 0x317cfd04,
- 0x3175042e, 0x289ec17a, 0x28bbdc61, 0x315d0e3b, 0x31550dc6, 0x28c58cdf, 0x28e294eb, 0x313d00ff,
- 0x3134f8f1, 0x28ec3f1e, 0x2909343e, 0x311cd564, 0x3114c5c0, 0x2912d81f, 0x292fba40, 0x30fc8b7d,
- 0x30f47449, 0x293957c9, 0x295626da, 0x30dc235e, 0x30d404a0, 0x295fbe06, 0x297c79f5, 0x30bb9d1c,
- 0x30b376d8, 0x29860abd, 0x29a2b378, 0x309af8ca, 0x3092cb05, 0x29ac3dd7, 0x29c8d34d, 0x307a367c,
- 0x3072013c, 0x29d2573c, 0x29eed95b, 0x30595648, 0x30511991, 0x29f856d5, 0x2a14c58b, 0x30385840,
- 0x30301418, 0x2a1e3c8a, 0x2a3a97c7, 0x30173c7a, 0x300ef0e5, 0x2a440844, 0x2a604ff5, 0x2ff6030a,
- 0x2fedb00d, 0x2a69b9ec, 0x2a85ee00, 0x2fd4ac04, 0x2fcc51a5, 0x2a8f516b, 0x2aab71d0, 0x2fb3377c,
- 0x2faad5c1, 0x2ab4cea9, 0x2ad0db4e, 0x2f91a589, 0x2f893c75, 0x2ada318e, 0x2af62a63, 0x2f6ff63d,
- 0x2f6785d7, 0x2aff7a05, 0x2b1b5ef8, 0x2f4e29af, 0x2f45b1fb, 0x2b24a7f6, 0x2b4078f5, 0x2f2c3ff2,
- 0x2f23c0f6, 0x2b49bb4a, 0x2b657844, 0x2f0a391d, 0x2f01b2de, 0x2b6eb3ea, 0x2b8a5cce, 0x2ee81543,
- 0x2edf87c6, 0x2b9391c0, 0x2baf267d, 0x2ec5d479, 0x2ebd3fc4, 0x2bb854b4, 0x2bd3d53a, 0x2ea376d6,
- 0x2e9adaee, 0x2bdcfcb0, 0x2bf868ed, 0x2e80fc6e, 0x2e785958, 0x2c01899e, 0x2c1ce181, 0x2e5e6556,
- 0x2e55bb17, 0x2c25fb66, 0x2c413edf, 0x2e3bb1a4, 0x2e330042, 0x2c4a51f3, 0x2c6580f1, 0x2e18e16d,
- 0x2e1028ed, 0x2c6e8d2e, 0x2c89a79f, 0x2df5f4c7, 0x2ded352f, 0x2c92ad01, 0x2cadb2d5, 0x2dd2ebc7,
- 0x2dca251c, 0x2cb6b155, 0x2cd1a27b, 0x2dafc683, 0x2da6f8ca, 0x2cda9a14, 0x2cf5767c, 0x2d8c8510,
- 0x2d83b04f, 0x2cfe6728, 0x2d192ec1, 0x2d692784, 0x2d604bc0, 0x2d22187a, 0x2d3ccb34, 0x2d45adf6
+ * Q30 for 128 and 1024
+ *
+ * for (i = 0; i < num/4; i++) {
+ * angle = (i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
+ * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ *
+ * angle = (num/2 - 1 - i + 0.125) * M_PI / num;
+ * x = cos(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ * x = sin(angle) * (1 << 30);
+ * }
+ */
+const int cossintab[128 + 1024] = {
+ /* 128 */
+ 0x3fffec43, 0x003243f1, 0x015fd4d2, 0x3ffc38d1, 0x3ff9c13a, 0x01c454f5, 0x02f1b755, 0x3feea776,
+ 0x3fe9b8a9, 0x03562038, 0x0483259d, 0x3fd73a4a, 0x3fcfd50b, 0x04e767c5, 0x0613e1c5, 0x3fb5f4ea,
+ 0x3fac1a5b, 0x0677edbb, 0x07a3adff, 0x3f8adc77, 0x3f7e8e1e, 0x08077457, 0x09324ca7, 0x3f55f796,
+ 0x3f473759, 0x0995bdfd, 0x0abf8043, 0x3f174e70, 0x3f061e95, 0x0b228d42, 0x0c4b0b94, 0x3eceeaad,
+ 0x3ebb4ddb, 0x0cada4f5, 0x0dd4b19a, 0x3e7cd778, 0x3e66d0b4, 0x0e36c82a, 0x0f5c35a3, 0x3e212179,
+ 0x3e08b42a, 0x0fbdba40, 0x10e15b4e, 0x3dbbd6d4, 0x3da106bd, 0x11423ef0, 0x1263e699, 0x3d4d0728,
+ 0x3d2fd86c, 0x12c41a4f, 0x13e39be9, 0x3cd4c38b, 0x3cb53aaa, 0x144310dd, 0x15604013, 0x3c531e88,
+ 0x3c314060, 0x15bee78c, 0x16d99864, 0x3bc82c1f, 0x3ba3fde7, 0x173763c9, 0x184f6aab, 0x3b3401bb,
+ 0x3b0d8909, 0x18ac4b87, 0x19c17d44, 0x3a96b636, 0x3a6df8f8, 0x1a1d6544, 0x1b2f971e, 0x39f061d2,
+ 0x39c5664f, 0x1b8a7815, 0x1c997fc4, 0x39411e33, 0x3913eb0e, 0x1cf34baf, 0x1dfeff67, 0x38890663,
+ 0x3859a292, 0x1e57a86d, 0x1f5fdee6, 0x37c836c2, 0x3796a996, 0x1fb7575c, 0x20bbe7d8, 0x36fecd0e,
+ 0x36cb1e2a, 0x21122240, 0x2212e492, 0x362ce855, 0x35f71fb1, 0x2267d3a0, 0x2364a02e, 0x3552a8f4,
+ 0x351acedd, 0x23b836ca, 0x24b0e699, 0x34703095, 0x34364da6, 0x250317df, 0x25f78497, 0x3385a222,
+ 0x3349bf48, 0x264843d9, 0x273847c8, 0x329321c7, 0x32554840, 0x27878893, 0x2872feb6, 0x3198d4ea,
+ 0x31590e3e, 0x28c0b4d2, 0x29a778db, 0x3096e223, 0x30553828, 0x29f3984c, 0x2ad586a3, 0x2f8d713a,
+ 0x2f49ee0f, 0x2b2003ac, 0x2bfcf97c, 0x2e7cab1c, 0x2e37592c, 0x2c45c8a0, 0x2d1da3d5, 0x2d64b9da,
+ /* 1024 */
+ 0x3fffffb1, 0x0006487f, 0x002bfb74, 0x3ffff0e3, 0x3fffe705, 0x00388c6e, 0x005e3f4c, 0x3fffba9b,
+ 0x3fffa6de, 0x006ad03b, 0x009082ea, 0x3fff5cd8, 0x3fff3f3c, 0x009d13c5, 0x00c2c62f, 0x3ffed79b,
+ 0x3ffeb021, 0x00cf56ef, 0x00f508fc, 0x3ffe2ae5, 0x3ffdf98c, 0x01019998, 0x01274b31, 0x3ffd56b5,
+ 0x3ffd1b7e, 0x0133dba3, 0x01598cb1, 0x3ffc5b0c, 0x3ffc15f7, 0x01661cf0, 0x018bcd5b, 0x3ffb37ec,
+ 0x3ffae8f9, 0x01985d60, 0x01be0d11, 0x3ff9ed53, 0x3ff99483, 0x01ca9cd4, 0x01f04bb4, 0x3ff87b44,
+ 0x3ff81896, 0x01fcdb2e, 0x02228924, 0x3ff6e1bf, 0x3ff67534, 0x022f184d, 0x0254c544, 0x3ff520c5,
+ 0x3ff4aa5d, 0x02615414, 0x0286fff3, 0x3ff33858, 0x3ff2b813, 0x02938e62, 0x02b93914, 0x3ff12878,
+ 0x3ff09e56, 0x02c5c71a, 0x02eb7086, 0x3feef126, 0x3fee5d28, 0x02f7fe1c, 0x031da62b, 0x3fec9265,
+ 0x3febf48b, 0x032a3349, 0x034fd9e5, 0x3fea0c35, 0x3fe96480, 0x035c6682, 0x03820b93, 0x3fe75e98,
+ 0x3fe6ad08, 0x038e97a9, 0x03b43b17, 0x3fe48990, 0x3fe3ce26, 0x03c0c69e, 0x03e66852, 0x3fe18d1f,
+ 0x3fe0c7da, 0x03f2f342, 0x04189326, 0x3fde6945, 0x3fdd9a27, 0x04251d77, 0x044abb73, 0x3fdb1e06,
+ 0x3fda450f, 0x0457451d, 0x047ce11a, 0x3fd7ab64, 0x3fd6c894, 0x04896a16, 0x04af03fc, 0x3fd4115f,
+ 0x3fd324b7, 0x04bb8c42, 0x04e123fa, 0x3fd04ffc, 0x3fcf597c, 0x04edab83, 0x051340f6, 0x3fcc673b,
+ 0x3fcb66e4, 0x051fc7b9, 0x05455ad1, 0x3fc8571f, 0x3fc74cf3, 0x0551e0c7, 0x0577716b, 0x3fc41fac,
+ 0x3fc30baa, 0x0583f68c, 0x05a984a6, 0x3fbfc0e3, 0x3fbea30c, 0x05b608eb, 0x05db9463, 0x3fbb3ac7,
+ 0x3fba131b, 0x05e817c3, 0x060da083, 0x3fb68d5b, 0x3fb55bdc, 0x061a22f7, 0x063fa8e7, 0x3fb1b8a2,
+ 0x3fb07d50, 0x064c2a67, 0x0671ad71, 0x3facbc9f, 0x3fab777b, 0x067e2df5, 0x06a3ae00, 0x3fa79954,
+ 0x3fa64a5f, 0x06b02d81, 0x06d5aa77, 0x3fa24ec6, 0x3fa0f600, 0x06e228ee, 0x0707a2b7, 0x3f9cdcf7,
+ 0x3f9b7a62, 0x0714201b, 0x073996a1, 0x3f9743eb, 0x3f95d787, 0x074612eb, 0x076b8616, 0x3f9183a5,
+ 0x3f900d72, 0x0778013d, 0x079d70f7, 0x3f8b9c28, 0x3f8a1c29, 0x07a9eaf5, 0x07cf5726, 0x3f858d79,
+ 0x3f8403ae, 0x07dbcff2, 0x08013883, 0x3f7f579b, 0x3f7dc405, 0x080db016, 0x083314f1, 0x3f78fa92,
+ 0x3f775d31, 0x083f8b43, 0x0864ec4f, 0x3f727661, 0x3f70cf38, 0x08716159, 0x0896be80, 0x3f6bcb0e,
+ 0x3f6a1a1c, 0x08a3323a, 0x08c88b65, 0x3f64f89b, 0x3f633de2, 0x08d4fdc6, 0x08fa52de, 0x3f5dff0e,
+ 0x3f5c3a8f, 0x0906c3e0, 0x092c14ce, 0x3f56de6a, 0x3f551026, 0x09388469, 0x095dd116, 0x3f4f96b4,
+ 0x3f4dbeac, 0x096a3f42, 0x098f8796, 0x3f4827f0, 0x3f464626, 0x099bf44c, 0x09c13831, 0x3f409223,
+ 0x3f3ea697, 0x09cda368, 0x09f2e2c7, 0x3f38d552, 0x3f36e006, 0x09ff4c78, 0x0a24873a, 0x3f30f181,
+ 0x3f2ef276, 0x0a30ef5e, 0x0a56256c, 0x3f28e6b6, 0x3f26ddec, 0x0a628bfa, 0x0a87bd3d, 0x3f20b4f5,
+ 0x3f1ea26e, 0x0a94222f, 0x0ab94e8f, 0x3f185c43, 0x3f164001, 0x0ac5b1dc, 0x0aead944, 0x3f0fdca5,
+ 0x3f0db6a9, 0x0af73ae5, 0x0b1c5d3d, 0x3f073621, 0x3f05066d, 0x0b28bd2a, 0x0b4dda5c, 0x3efe68bc,
+ 0x3efc2f50, 0x0b5a388d, 0x0b7f5081, 0x3ef5747b, 0x3ef3315a, 0x0b8bacf0, 0x0bb0bf8f, 0x3eec5965,
+ 0x3eea0c8e, 0x0bbd1a33, 0x0be22766, 0x3ee3177e, 0x3ee0c0f4, 0x0bee8038, 0x0c1387e9, 0x3ed9aecc,
+ 0x3ed74e91, 0x0c1fdee1, 0x0c44e0f9, 0x3ed01f55, 0x3ecdb56a, 0x0c513610, 0x0c763278, 0x3ec66920,
+ 0x3ec3f585, 0x0c8285a5, 0x0ca77c47, 0x3ebc8c31, 0x3eba0ee9, 0x0cb3cd84, 0x0cd8be47, 0x3eb2888f,
+ 0x3eb0019c, 0x0ce50d8c, 0x0d09f85b, 0x3ea85e41, 0x3ea5cda3, 0x0d1645a0, 0x0d3b2a64, 0x3e9e0d4c,
+ 0x3e9b7306, 0x0d4775a1, 0x0d6c5443, 0x3e9395b7, 0x3e90f1ca, 0x0d789d71, 0x0d9d75db, 0x3e88f788,
+ 0x3e8649f5, 0x0da9bcf2, 0x0dce8f0d, 0x3e7e32c6, 0x3e7b7b90, 0x0ddad406, 0x0dff9fba, 0x3e734778,
+ 0x3e70869f, 0x0e0be28e, 0x0e30a7c5, 0x3e6835a4, 0x3e656b2b, 0x0e3ce86b, 0x0e61a70f, 0x3e5cfd51,
+ 0x3e5a2939, 0x0e6de580, 0x0e929d7a, 0x3e519e86, 0x3e4ec0d1, 0x0e9ed9af, 0x0ec38ae8, 0x3e46194a,
+ 0x3e4331fa, 0x0ecfc4d9, 0x0ef46f3b, 0x3e3a6da4, 0x3e377cbb, 0x0f00a6df, 0x0f254a53, 0x3e2e9b9c,
+ 0x3e2ba11b, 0x0f317fa5, 0x0f561c15, 0x3e22a338, 0x3e1f9f21, 0x0f624f0c, 0x0f86e460, 0x3e168480,
+ 0x3e1376d5, 0x0f9314f5, 0x0fb7a317, 0x3e0a3f7b, 0x3e07283f, 0x0fc3d143, 0x0fe8581d, 0x3dfdd432,
+ 0x3dfab365, 0x0ff483d7, 0x10190352, 0x3df142ab, 0x3dee1851, 0x10252c94, 0x1049a49a, 0x3de48aef,
+ 0x3de15708, 0x1055cb5b, 0x107a3bd5, 0x3dd7ad05, 0x3dd46f94, 0x1086600e, 0x10aac8e6, 0x3dcaa8f5,
+ 0x3dc761fc, 0x10b6ea90, 0x10db4baf, 0x3dbd7ec7, 0x3dba2e48, 0x10e76ac3, 0x110bc413, 0x3db02e84,
+ 0x3dacd481, 0x1117e088, 0x113c31f3, 0x3da2b834, 0x3d9f54af, 0x11484bc2, 0x116c9531, 0x3d951bde,
+ 0x3d91aed9, 0x1178ac53, 0x119cedaf, 0x3d87598c, 0x3d83e309, 0x11a9021d, 0x11cd3b50, 0x3d797145,
+ 0x3d75f147, 0x11d94d02, 0x11fd7df6, 0x3d6b6313, 0x3d67d99b, 0x12098ce5, 0x122db583, 0x3d5d2efe,
+ 0x3d599c0e, 0x1239c1a7, 0x125de1da, 0x3d4ed50f, 0x3d4b38aa, 0x1269eb2b, 0x128e02dc, 0x3d40554e,
+ 0x3d3caf76, 0x129a0954, 0x12be186c, 0x3d31afc5, 0x3d2e007c, 0x12ca1c03, 0x12ee226c, 0x3d22e47c,
+ 0x3d1f2bc5, 0x12fa231b, 0x131e20c0, 0x3d13f37e, 0x3d10315a, 0x132a1e7e, 0x134e1348, 0x3d04dcd2,
+ 0x3d011145, 0x135a0e0e, 0x137df9e7, 0x3cf5a082, 0x3cf1cb8e, 0x1389f1af, 0x13add481, 0x3ce63e98,
+ 0x3ce2603f, 0x13b9c943, 0x13dda2f7, 0x3cd6b71e, 0x3cd2cf62, 0x13e994ab, 0x140d652c, 0x3cc70a1c,
+ 0x3cc318ff, 0x141953cb, 0x143d1b02, 0x3cb7379c, 0x3cb33d22, 0x14490685, 0x146cc45c, 0x3ca73fa9,
+ 0x3ca33bd3, 0x1478acbc, 0x149c611d, 0x3c97224c, 0x3c93151d, 0x14a84652, 0x14cbf127, 0x3c86df8e,
+ 0x3c82c909, 0x14d7d32a, 0x14fb745e, 0x3c76777b, 0x3c7257a2, 0x15075327, 0x152aeaa3, 0x3c65ea1c,
+ 0x3c61c0f1, 0x1536c62b, 0x155a53d9, 0x3c55377b, 0x3c510501, 0x15662c18, 0x1589afe3, 0x3c445fa2,
+ 0x3c4023dd, 0x159584d3, 0x15b8fea4, 0x3c33629d, 0x3c2f1d8e, 0x15c4d03e, 0x15e83fff, 0x3c224075,
+ 0x3c1df21f, 0x15f40e3a, 0x161773d6, 0x3c10f935, 0x3c0ca19b, 0x16233eac, 0x16469a0d, 0x3bff8ce8,
+ 0x3bfb2c0c, 0x16526176, 0x1675b286, 0x3bedfb99, 0x3be9917e, 0x1681767c, 0x16a4bd25, 0x3bdc4552,
+ 0x3bd7d1fa, 0x16b07d9f, 0x16d3b9cc, 0x3bca6a1d, 0x3bc5ed8d, 0x16df76c3, 0x1702a85e, 0x3bb86a08,
+ 0x3bb3e440, 0x170e61cc, 0x173188be, 0x3ba6451b, 0x3ba1b620, 0x173d3e9b, 0x17605ad0, 0x3b93fb63,
+ 0x3b8f6337, 0x176c0d15, 0x178f1e76, 0x3b818ceb, 0x3b7ceb90, 0x179acd1c, 0x17bdd394, 0x3b6ef9be,
+ 0x3b6a4f38, 0x17c97e93, 0x17ec7a0d, 0x3b5c41e8, 0x3b578e39, 0x17f8215e, 0x181b11c4, 0x3b496574,
+ 0x3b44a8a0, 0x1826b561, 0x18499a9d, 0x3b36646e, 0x3b319e77, 0x18553a7d, 0x1878147a, 0x3b233ee1,
+ 0x3b1e6fca, 0x1883b097, 0x18a67f3f, 0x3b0ff4d9, 0x3b0b1ca6, 0x18b21791, 0x18d4dad0, 0x3afc8663,
+ 0x3af7a516, 0x18e06f50, 0x1903270f, 0x3ae8f38b, 0x3ae40926, 0x190eb7b7, 0x193163e1, 0x3ad53c5b,
+ 0x3ad048e3, 0x193cf0a9, 0x195f9128, 0x3ac160e1, 0x3abc6458, 0x196b1a09, 0x198daec8, 0x3aad6129,
+ 0x3aa85b92, 0x199933bb, 0x19bbbca6, 0x3a993d3e, 0x3a942e9d, 0x19c73da3, 0x19e9baa3, 0x3a84f52f,
+ 0x3a7fdd86, 0x19f537a4, 0x1a17a8a5, 0x3a708906, 0x3a6b6859, 0x1a2321a2, 0x1a45868e, 0x3a5bf8d1,
+ 0x3a56cf23, 0x1a50fb81, 0x1a735442, 0x3a47449c, 0x3a4211f0, 0x1a7ec524, 0x1aa111a6, 0x3a326c74,
+ 0x3a2d30cd, 0x1aac7e6f, 0x1acebe9d, 0x3a1d7066, 0x3a182bc8, 0x1ada2746, 0x1afc5b0a, 0x3a08507f,
+ 0x3a0302ed, 0x1b07bf8c, 0x1b29e6d2, 0x39f30ccc, 0x39edb649, 0x1b354727, 0x1b5761d8, 0x39dda55a,
+ 0x39d845e9, 0x1b62bdf8, 0x1b84cc01, 0x39c81a36, 0x39c2b1da, 0x1b9023e5, 0x1bb22530, 0x39b26b6d,
+ 0x39acfa2b, 0x1bbd78d2, 0x1bdf6d4a, 0x399c990d, 0x39971ee7, 0x1beabca1, 0x1c0ca432, 0x3986a324,
+ 0x3981201e, 0x1c17ef39, 0x1c39c9cd, 0x397089bf, 0x396afddc, 0x1c45107c, 0x1c66ddfe, 0x395a4ceb,
+ 0x3954b82e, 0x1c72204f, 0x1c93e0ab, 0x3943ecb6, 0x393e4f23, 0x1c9f1e96, 0x1cc0d1b6, 0x392d692f,
+ 0x3927c2c9, 0x1ccc0b35, 0x1cedb106, 0x3916c262, 0x3911132d, 0x1cf8e611, 0x1d1a7e7d, 0x38fff85e,
+ 0x38fa405e, 0x1d25af0d, 0x1d473a00, 0x38e90b31, 0x38e34a69, 0x1d52660f, 0x1d73e374, 0x38d1fae9,
+ 0x38cc315d, 0x1d7f0afb, 0x1da07abc, 0x38bac795, 0x38b4f547, 0x1dab9db5, 0x1dccffbf, 0x38a37142,
+ 0x389d9637, 0x1dd81e21, 0x1df9725f, 0x388bf7ff, 0x3886143b, 0x1e048c24, 0x1e25d282, 0x38745bdb,
+ 0x386e6f60, 0x1e30e7a4, 0x1e52200c, 0x385c9ce3, 0x3856a7b6, 0x1e5d3084, 0x1e7e5ae2, 0x3844bb28,
+ 0x383ebd4c, 0x1e8966a8, 0x1eaa82e9, 0x382cb6b7, 0x3826b030, 0x1eb589f7, 0x1ed69805, 0x38148f9f,
+ 0x380e8071, 0x1ee19a54, 0x1f029a1c, 0x37fc45ef, 0x37f62e1d, 0x1f0d97a5, 0x1f2e8911, 0x37e3d9b7,
+ 0x37ddb945, 0x1f3981ce, 0x1f5a64cb, 0x37cb4b04, 0x37c521f6, 0x1f6558b5, 0x1f862d2d, 0x37b299e7,
+ 0x37ac6841, 0x1f911c3d, 0x1fb1e21d, 0x3799c66f, 0x37938c34, 0x1fbccc4d, 0x1fdd8381, 0x3780d0aa,
+ 0x377a8ddf, 0x1fe868c8, 0x2009113c, 0x3767b8a9, 0x37616d51, 0x2013f196, 0x20348b35, 0x374e7e7b,
+ 0x37482a9a, 0x203f6699, 0x205ff14f, 0x3735222f, 0x372ec5c9, 0x206ac7b8, 0x208b4372, 0x371ba3d4,
+ 0x37153eee, 0x209614d9, 0x20b68181, 0x3702037c, 0x36fb9618, 0x20c14ddf, 0x20e1ab63, 0x36e84135,
+ 0x36e1cb58, 0x20ec72b1, 0x210cc0fc, 0x36ce5d10, 0x36c7debd, 0x21178334, 0x2137c232, 0x36b4571b,
+ 0x36add058, 0x21427f4d, 0x2162aeea, 0x369a2f69, 0x3693a038, 0x216d66e2, 0x218d870b, 0x367fe608,
+ 0x36794e6e, 0x219839d8, 0x21b84a79, 0x36657b08, 0x365edb09, 0x21c2f815, 0x21e2f91a, 0x364aee7b,
+ 0x3644461b, 0x21eda17f, 0x220d92d4, 0x36304070, 0x36298fb4, 0x221835fb, 0x2238178d, 0x361570f8,
+ 0x360eb7e3, 0x2242b56f, 0x22628729, 0x35fa8023, 0x35f3beba, 0x226d1fc1, 0x228ce191, 0x35df6e03,
+ 0x35d8a449, 0x229774d7, 0x22b726a8, 0x35c43aa7, 0x35bd68a1, 0x22c1b496, 0x22e15655, 0x35a8e621,
+ 0x35a20bd3, 0x22ebdee5, 0x230b707e, 0x358d7081, 0x35868def, 0x2315f3a8, 0x23357509, 0x3571d9d9,
+ 0x356aef08, 0x233ff2c8, 0x235f63dc, 0x35562239, 0x354f2f2c, 0x2369dc29, 0x23893cdd, 0x353a49b2,
+ 0x35334e6f, 0x2393afb2, 0x23b2fff3, 0x351e5056, 0x35174ce0, 0x23bd6d48, 0x23dcad03, 0x35023636,
+ 0x34fb2a92, 0x23e714d3, 0x240643f4, 0x34e5fb63, 0x34dee795, 0x2410a639, 0x242fc4ad, 0x34c99fef,
+ 0x34c283fb, 0x243a215f, 0x24592f13, 0x34ad23eb, 0x34a5ffd5, 0x2463862c, 0x2482830d, 0x34908768,
+ 0x34895b36, 0x248cd487, 0x24abc082, 0x3473ca79, 0x346c962f, 0x24b60c57, 0x24d4e757, 0x3456ed2f,
+ 0x344fb0d1, 0x24df2d81, 0x24fdf775, 0x3439ef9c, 0x3432ab2e, 0x250837ed, 0x2526f0c1, 0x341cd1d2,
+ 0x34158559, 0x25312b81, 0x254fd323, 0x33ff93e2, 0x33f83f62, 0x255a0823, 0x25789e80, 0x33e235df,
+ 0x33dad95e, 0x2582cdbc, 0x25a152c0, 0x33c4b7db, 0x33bd535c, 0x25ab7c30, 0x25c9efca, 0x33a719e8,
+ 0x339fad70, 0x25d41369, 0x25f27584, 0x33895c18, 0x3381e7ac, 0x25fc934b, 0x261ae3d6, 0x336b7e7e,
+ 0x33640223, 0x2624fbbf, 0x26433aa7, 0x334d812d, 0x3345fce6, 0x264d4cac, 0x266b79dd, 0x332f6435,
+ 0x3327d808, 0x267585f8, 0x2693a161, 0x331127ab, 0x3309939c, 0x269da78b, 0x26bbb119, 0x32f2cba1,
+ 0x32eb2fb5, 0x26c5b14c, 0x26e3a8ec, 0x32d45029, 0x32ccac64, 0x26eda322, 0x270b88c2, 0x32b5b557,
+ 0x32ae09be, 0x27157cf5, 0x27335082, 0x3296fb3d, 0x328f47d5, 0x273d3eac, 0x275b0014, 0x327821ee,
+ 0x327066bc, 0x2764e82f, 0x27829760, 0x3259297d, 0x32516686, 0x278c7965, 0x27aa164c, 0x323a11fe,
+ 0x32324746, 0x27b3f235, 0x27d17cc1, 0x321adb83, 0x3213090f, 0x27db5288, 0x27f8caa5, 0x31fb8620,
+ 0x31f3abf5, 0x28029a45, 0x281fffe2, 0x31dc11e8, 0x31d4300b, 0x2829c954, 0x28471c5e, 0x31bc7eee,
+ 0x31b49564, 0x2850df9d, 0x286e2002, 0x319ccd46, 0x3194dc14, 0x2877dd07, 0x28950ab6, 0x317cfd04,
+ 0x3175042e, 0x289ec17a, 0x28bbdc61, 0x315d0e3b, 0x31550dc6, 0x28c58cdf, 0x28e294eb, 0x313d00ff,
+ 0x3134f8f1, 0x28ec3f1e, 0x2909343e, 0x311cd564, 0x3114c5c0, 0x2912d81f, 0x292fba40, 0x30fc8b7d,
+ 0x30f47449, 0x293957c9, 0x295626da, 0x30dc235e, 0x30d404a0, 0x295fbe06, 0x297c79f5, 0x30bb9d1c,
+ 0x30b376d8, 0x29860abd, 0x29a2b378, 0x309af8ca, 0x3092cb05, 0x29ac3dd7, 0x29c8d34d, 0x307a367c,
+ 0x3072013c, 0x29d2573c, 0x29eed95b, 0x30595648, 0x30511991, 0x29f856d5, 0x2a14c58b, 0x30385840,
+ 0x30301418, 0x2a1e3c8a, 0x2a3a97c7, 0x30173c7a, 0x300ef0e5, 0x2a440844, 0x2a604ff5, 0x2ff6030a,
+ 0x2fedb00d, 0x2a69b9ec, 0x2a85ee00, 0x2fd4ac04, 0x2fcc51a5, 0x2a8f516b, 0x2aab71d0, 0x2fb3377c,
+ 0x2faad5c1, 0x2ab4cea9, 0x2ad0db4e, 0x2f91a589, 0x2f893c75, 0x2ada318e, 0x2af62a63, 0x2f6ff63d,
+ 0x2f6785d7, 0x2aff7a05, 0x2b1b5ef8, 0x2f4e29af, 0x2f45b1fb, 0x2b24a7f6, 0x2b4078f5, 0x2f2c3ff2,
+ 0x2f23c0f6, 0x2b49bb4a, 0x2b657844, 0x2f0a391d, 0x2f01b2de, 0x2b6eb3ea, 0x2b8a5cce, 0x2ee81543,
+ 0x2edf87c6, 0x2b9391c0, 0x2baf267d, 0x2ec5d479, 0x2ebd3fc4, 0x2bb854b4, 0x2bd3d53a, 0x2ea376d6,
+ 0x2e9adaee, 0x2bdcfcb0, 0x2bf868ed, 0x2e80fc6e, 0x2e785958, 0x2c01899e, 0x2c1ce181, 0x2e5e6556,
+ 0x2e55bb17, 0x2c25fb66, 0x2c413edf, 0x2e3bb1a4, 0x2e330042, 0x2c4a51f3, 0x2c6580f1, 0x2e18e16d,
+ 0x2e1028ed, 0x2c6e8d2e, 0x2c89a79f, 0x2df5f4c7, 0x2ded352f, 0x2c92ad01, 0x2cadb2d5, 0x2dd2ebc7,
+ 0x2dca251c, 0x2cb6b155, 0x2cd1a27b, 0x2dafc683, 0x2da6f8ca, 0x2cda9a14, 0x2cf5767c, 0x2d8c8510,
+ 0x2d83b04f, 0x2cfe6728, 0x2d192ec1, 0x2d692784, 0x2d604bc0, 0x2d22187a, 0x2d3ccb34, 0x2d45adf6
+const int twidTab512[8*6 + 32*6 + 128*6] = {
+ 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6,
+ 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6,
+ 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f,
+ 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0xe7821d5a, 0x3b20d79e,
+ 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e,
+ 0xc4df2862, 0xe7821d5a, 0xc4df2862, 0x187de2a6, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0xdc71898d, 0xcac933ae,
+ 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af,
+ 0x3fec43c6, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af,
+ 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009,
+ 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x387165e3, 0x1e2b5d38,
+ 0x3e14fdf7, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e,
+ 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6, 0x317900d6, 0x2899e64a, 0x3c424209, 0x158f9a75, 0x20e70f32, 0x36e5068a,
+ 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6,
+ 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0x387165e3, 0x1e2b5d38,
+ 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x387165e3, 0x36e5068a, 0x20e70f32, 0xfcdc1342, 0x3fec43c6,
+ 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad,
+ 0x3367c08f, 0x261feff9, 0xea70658b, 0x3c424209, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x317900d6, 0x2899e64a,
+ 0xe1d4a2c8, 0x387165e3, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0xd9e01007, 0x3367c08f,
+ 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0xf9ba1651, 0x3fb11b47,
+ 0x2afad269, 0x2f6bbe44, 0xcc983f71, 0x261feff9, 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6,
+ 0xc78e9a1d, 0x1e2b5d38, 0xed6bf9d2, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x261feff9, 0x3367c08f, 0xc3bdbdf7, 0x158f9a75,
+ 0xe7821d5a, 0x3b20d79e, 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0xe1d4a2c8, 0x387165e3,
+ 0x20e70f32, 0x36e5068a, 0xc013bc3a, 0x0323ecbe, 0xdc71898d, 0x3536cc52, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x387165e3,
+ 0xc04ee4b9, 0xf9ba1651, 0xd76619b6, 0x317900d6, 0x1b5d1009, 0x39daf5e8, 0xc1eb0209, 0xf0730343,
+ 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0xc4df2862, 0xe7821d5a, 0xce86ff2a, 0x2899e64a,
+ 0x158f9a75, 0x3c424209, 0xc91af976, 0xdf18f0ce, 0xcac933ae, 0x238e7673, 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad,
+ 0xce86ff2a, 0xd76619b6, 0xc78e9a1d, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3e14fdf7, 0xd5052d97, 0xd09441bc,
+ 0xc4df2862, 0x187de2a6, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0xdc71898d, 0xcac933ae, 0xc2c17d53, 0x1294062e,
+ 0x09640837, 0x3f4eaafe, 0xe4a2eff7, 0xc6250a18, 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47,
+ 0xed6bf9d2, 0xc2c17d53, 0xc04ee4b9, 0x0645e9af, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3fec43c6, 0xf69bf7c9, 0xc0b15502,
+ 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x3ffb10c1, 0x0192155f,
+ 0x3ffec42d, 0x00c90e8f, 0x3ff4e5df, 0x025b0cae, 0x3fec43c6, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3ffb10c1, 0x0192155f,
+ 0x3fd39b5a, 0x04b54824, 0x3fd39b5a, 0x04b54824, 0x3ff4e5df, 0x025b0cae, 0x3f9c2bfa, 0x070de171,
+ 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fec43c6, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x3f84c8e1, 0x07d59395,
+ 0x3fe12acb, 0x03ecadcf, 0x3eeb3347, 0x0bb6ecef, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x3fd39b5a, 0x04b54824,
+ 0x3e71e758, 0x0e05c135, 0x3f0ec9f4, 0x0af10a22, 0x3fc395f9, 0x057db402, 0x3de2f147, 0x104fb80e,
+ 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3e71e758, 0x0e05c135,
+ 0x3f9c2bfa, 0x070de171, 0x3c84d496, 0x14d1e242, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3f84c8e1, 0x07d59395,
+ 0x3bb6276d, 0x17088530, 0x3dae81ce, 0x1111d262, 0x3f6af2e3, 0x089cf867, 0x3ad2c2e7, 0x19372a63,
+ 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009, 0x3cc511d8, 0x14135c94,
+ 0x3f2ff249, 0x0a2abb58, 0x38cf1669, 0x1d79775b, 0x3c424209, 0x158f9a75, 0x3f0ec9f4, 0x0af10a22,
+ 0x37af8158, 0x1f8ba4db, 0x3bb6276d, 0x17088530, 0x3eeb3347, 0x0bb6ecef, 0x367c9a7d, 0x2192e09a,
+ 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x3a8269a2, 0x19ef7943,
+ 0x3e9cc076, 0x0d415012, 0x33de87de, 0x257db64b, 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009, 0x3e71e758, 0x0e05c135,
+ 0x32744493, 0x275ff452, 0x392a9642, 0x1cc66e99, 0x3e44a5ee, 0x0ec9a7f2, 0x30f8801f, 0x29348937,
+ 0x387165e3, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0x37af8158, 0x1f8ba4db,
+ 0x3de2f147, 0x104fb80e, 0x2dce88a9, 0x2cb2324b, 0x36e5068a, 0x20e70f32, 0x3dae81ce, 0x1111d262,
+ 0x2c216eaa, 0x2e5a106f, 0x361214b0, 0x223d66a8, 0x3d77b191, 0x11d3443f, 0x2a650525, 0x2ff1d9c6,
+ 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6, 0x34534f40, 0x24da0a99,
+ 0x3d02f756, 0x135410c2, 0x26c0b162, 0x32eefde9, 0x3367c08f, 0x261feff9, 0x3cc511d8, 0x14135c94,
+ 0x24da0a99, 0x34534f40, 0x32744493, 0x275ff452, 0x3c84d496, 0x14d1e242, 0x22e69ac7, 0x35a5793c,
+ 0x317900d6, 0x2899e64a, 0x3c424209, 0x158f9a75, 0x20e70f32, 0x36e5068a, 0x30761c17, 0x29cd9577,
+ 0x3bfd5cc4, 0x164c7ddd, 0x1edc1952, 0x3811884c, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0x3bb6276d, 0x17088530,
+ 0x1cc66e99, 0x392a9642, 0x2e5a106f, 0x2c216eaa, 0x3b6ca4c4, 0x17c3a931, 0x1aa6c82b, 0x3a2fcee8,
+ 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x2c216eaa, 0x2e5a106f,
+ 0x3ad2c2e7, 0x19372a63, 0x164c7ddd, 0x3bfd5cc4, 0x2afad269, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x3a8269a2, 0x19ef7943,
+ 0x14135c94, 0x3cc511d8, 0x29cd9577, 0x30761c17, 0x3a2fcee8, 0x1aa6c82b, 0x11d3443f, 0x3d77b191,
+ 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6, 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x275ff452, 0x32744493,
+ 0x3983e1e7, 0x1c1249d8, 0x0d415012, 0x3e9cc076, 0x261feff9, 0x3367c08f, 0x392a9642, 0x1cc66e99,
+ 0x0af10a22, 0x3f0ec9f4, 0x24da0a99, 0x34534f40, 0x38cf1669, 0x1d79775b, 0x089cf867, 0x3f6af2e3,
+ 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0x387165e3, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47, 0x223d66a8, 0x361214b0,
+ 0x3811884c, 0x1edc1952, 0x03ecadcf, 0x3fe12acb, 0x20e70f32, 0x36e5068a, 0x37af8158, 0x1f8ba4db,
+ 0x0192155f, 0x3ffb10c1, 0x1f8ba4db, 0x37af8158, 0x374b54ce, 0x2039f90e, 0xff36f171, 0x3ffec42d,
+ 0x1e2b5d38, 0x387165e3, 0x36e5068a, 0x20e70f32, 0xfcdc1342, 0x3fec43c6, 0x1cc66e99, 0x392a9642,
+ 0x367c9a7d, 0x2192e09a, 0xfa824bfe, 0x3fc395f9, 0x1b5d1009, 0x39daf5e8, 0x361214b0, 0x223d66a8,
+ 0xf82a6c6b, 0x3f84c8e1, 0x19ef7943, 0x3a8269a2, 0x35a5793c, 0x22e69ac7, 0xf5d544a8, 0x3f2ff249,
+ 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x17088530, 0x3bb6276d,
+ 0x34c61236, 0x2434f332, 0xf136580e, 0x3e44a5ee, 0x158f9a75, 0x3c424209, 0x34534f40, 0x24da0a99,
+ 0xeeee2d9e, 0x3dae81ce, 0x14135c94, 0x3cc511d8, 0x33de87de, 0x257db64b, 0xecabef3e, 0x3d02f756,
+ 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x3367c08f, 0x261feff9, 0xea70658b, 0x3c424209, 0x1111d262, 0x3dae81ce,
+ 0x32eefde9, 0x26c0b162, 0xe83c56cf, 0x3b6ca4c4, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x32744493, 0x275ff452,
+ 0xe61086bd, 0x3a8269a2, 0x0e05c135, 0x3e71e758, 0x31f79947, 0x27fdb2a6, 0xe3edb628, 0x3983e1e7,
+ 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x317900d6, 0x2899e64a, 0xe1d4a2c8, 0x387165e3, 0x0af10a22, 0x3f0ec9f4,
+ 0x30f8801f, 0x29348937, 0xdfc606f2, 0x374b54ce, 0x09640837, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x30761c17, 0x29cd9577,
+ 0xddc29958, 0x361214b0, 0x07d59395, 0x3f84c8e1, 0x2ff1d9c6, 0x2a650525, 0xdbcb0cce, 0x34c61236,
+ 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0xd9e01007, 0x3367c08f, 0x04b54824, 0x3fd39b5a,
+ 0x2ee3cebe, 0x2b8ef77c, 0xd8024d5a, 0x31f79947, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3fec43c6, 0x2e5a106f, 0x2c216eaa,
+ 0xd6326a89, 0x30761c17, 0x0192155f, 0x3ffb10c1, 0x2dce88a9, 0x2cb2324b, 0xd4710884, 0x2ee3cebe,
+ 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0xfe6deaa1, 0x3ffb10c1,
+ 0x2cb2324b, 0x2dce88a9, 0xd11c3142, 0x2b8ef77c, 0xfcdc1342, 0x3fec43c6, 0x2c216eaa, 0x2e5a106f,
+ 0xcf89e3e9, 0x29cd9577, 0xfb4ab7dc, 0x3fd39b5a, 0x2b8ef77c, 0x2ee3cebe, 0xce0866b9, 0x27fdb2a6,
+ 0xf9ba1651, 0x3fb11b47, 0x2afad269, 0x2f6bbe44, 0xcc983f71, 0x261feff9, 0xf82a6c6b, 0x3f84c8e1,
+ 0x2a650525, 0x2ff1d9c6, 0xcb39edca, 0x2434f332, 0xf69bf7c9, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x29cd9577, 0x30761c17,
+ 0xc9edeb50, 0x223d66a8, 0xf50ef5de, 0x3f0ec9f4, 0x29348937, 0x30f8801f, 0xc8b4ab32, 0x2039f90e,
+ 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6, 0xc78e9a1d, 0x1e2b5d38, 0xf1fa3ecb, 0x3e71e758,
+ 0x27fdb2a6, 0x31f79947, 0xc67c1e19, 0x1c1249d8, 0xf0730343, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x275ff452, 0x32744493,
+ 0xc57d965e, 0x19ef7943, 0xeeee2d9e, 0x3dae81ce, 0x26c0b162, 0x32eefde9, 0xc4935b3c, 0x17c3a931,
+ 0xed6bf9d2, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x261feff9, 0x3367c08f, 0xc3bdbdf7, 0x158f9a75, 0xebeca36c, 0x3cc511d8,
+ 0x257db64b, 0x33de87de, 0xc2fd08aa, 0x135410c2, 0xea70658b, 0x3c424209, 0x24da0a99, 0x34534f40,
+ 0xc2517e32, 0x1111d262, 0xe8f77ad0, 0x3bb6276d, 0x2434f332, 0x34c61236, 0xc1bb5a12, 0x0ec9a7f2,
+ 0xe7821d5a, 0x3b20d79e, 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0xe61086bd, 0x3a8269a2,
+ 0x22e69ac7, 0x35a5793c, 0xc0d00db7, 0x0a2abb58, 0xe4a2eff7, 0x39daf5e8, 0x223d66a8, 0x361214b0,
+ 0xc07b371f, 0x07d59395, 0xe3399167, 0x392a9642, 0x2192e09a, 0x367c9a7d, 0xc03c6a07, 0x057db402,
+ 0xe1d4a2c8, 0x387165e3, 0x20e70f32, 0x36e5068a, 0xc013bc3a, 0x0323ecbe, 0xe0745b25, 0x37af8158,
+ 0x2039f90e, 0x374b54ce, 0xc0013bd3, 0x00c90e8f, 0xdf18f0ce, 0x36e5068a, 0x1f8ba4db, 0x37af8158,
+ 0xc004ef3f, 0xfe6deaa1, 0xddc29958, 0x361214b0, 0x1edc1952, 0x3811884c, 0xc01ed535, 0xfc135231,
+ 0xdc71898d, 0x3536cc52, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x387165e3, 0xc04ee4b9, 0xf9ba1651, 0xdb25f567, 0x34534f40,
+ 0x1d79775b, 0x38cf1669, 0xc0950d1d, 0xf7630799, 0xd9e01007, 0x3367c08f, 0x1cc66e99, 0x392a9642,
+ 0xc0f1360c, 0xf50ef5de, 0xd8a00bae, 0x32744493, 0x1c1249d8, 0x3983e1e7, 0xc1633f8a, 0xf2beafee,
+ 0xd76619b6, 0x317900d6, 0x1b5d1009, 0x39daf5e8, 0xc1eb0209, 0xf0730343, 0xd6326a89, 0x30761c17,
+ 0x1aa6c82b, 0x3a2fcee8, 0xc2884e6f, 0xee2cbbc1, 0xd5052d97, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x19ef7943, 0x3a8269a2,
+ 0xc33aee28, 0xebeca36c, 0xd3de9156, 0x2e5a106f, 0x19372a63, 0x3ad2c2e7, 0xc402a33c, 0xe9b38223,
+ 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0xc4df2862, 0xe7821d5a, 0xd1a5ef91, 0x2c216eaa,
+ 0x17c3a931, 0x3b6ca4c4, 0xc5d03118, 0xe55937d5, 0xd09441bc, 0x2afad269, 0x17088530, 0x3bb6276d,
+ 0xc6d569be, 0xe3399167, 0xcf89e3e9, 0x29cd9577, 0x164c7ddd, 0x3bfd5cc4, 0xc7ee77b4, 0xe123e6ae,
+ 0xce86ff2a, 0x2899e64a, 0x158f9a75, 0x3c424209, 0xc91af976, 0xdf18f0ce, 0xcd8bbb6d, 0x275ff452,
+ 0x14d1e242, 0x3c84d496, 0xca5a86c4, 0xdd196539, 0xcc983f71, 0x261feff9, 0x14135c94, 0x3cc511d8,
+ 0xcbacb0c0, 0xdb25f567, 0xcbacb0c0, 0x24da0a99, 0x135410c2, 0x3d02f756, 0xcd110217, 0xd93f4e9e,
+ 0xcac933ae, 0x238e7673, 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad, 0xce86ff2a, 0xd76619b6, 0xc9edeb50, 0x223d66a8,
+ 0x11d3443f, 0x3d77b191, 0xd00e263a, 0xd59afadb, 0xc91af976, 0x20e70f32, 0x1111d262, 0x3dae81ce,
+ 0xd1a5ef91, 0xd3de9156, 0xc8507ea8, 0x1f8ba4db, 0x104fb80e, 0x3de2f147, 0xd34dcdb5, 0xd2317757,
+ 0xc78e9a1d, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3e14fdf7, 0xd5052d97, 0xd09441bc, 0xc6d569be, 0x1cc66e99,
+ 0x0ec9a7f2, 0x3e44a5ee, 0xd6cb76c9, 0xcf077fe1, 0xc6250a18, 0x1b5d1009, 0x0e05c135, 0x3e71e758,
+ 0xd8a00bae, 0xcd8bbb6d, 0xc57d965e, 0x19ef7943, 0x0d415012, 0x3e9cc076, 0xda8249b5, 0xcc217822,
+ 0xc4df2862, 0x187de2a6, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0xdc71898d, 0xcac933ae, 0xc449d893, 0x17088530,
+ 0x0bb6ecef, 0x3eeb3347, 0xde6d1f66, 0xc9836583, 0xc3bdbdf7, 0x158f9a75, 0x0af10a22, 0x3f0ec9f4,
+ 0xe0745b25, 0xc8507ea8, 0xc33aee28, 0x14135c94, 0x0a2abb58, 0x3f2ff249, 0xe28688a5, 0xc730e997,
+ 0xc2c17d53, 0x1294062e, 0x09640837, 0x3f4eaafe, 0xe4a2eff7, 0xc6250a18, 0xc2517e32, 0x1111d262,
+ 0x089cf867, 0x3f6af2e3, 0xe6c8d59d, 0xc52d3d19, 0xc1eb0209, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x07d59395, 0x3f84c8e1,
+ 0xe8f77ad0, 0xc449d893, 0xc18e18a8, 0x0e05c135, 0x070de171, 0x3f9c2bfa, 0xeb2e1dbe, 0xc37b2b6a,
+ 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47, 0xed6bf9d2, 0xc2c17d53, 0xc0f1360c, 0x0af10a22,
+ 0x057db402, 0x3fc395f9, 0xefb047f2, 0xc21d0eb9, 0xc0b15502, 0x09640837, 0x04b54824, 0x3fd39b5a,
+ 0xf1fa3ecb, 0xc18e18a8, 0xc07b371f, 0x07d59395, 0x03ecadcf, 0x3fe12acb, 0xf4491311, 0xc114ccb9,
+ 0xc04ee4b9, 0x0645e9af, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3fec43c6, 0xf69bf7c9, 0xc0b15502, 0xc02c64a6, 0x04b54824,
+ 0x025b0cae, 0x3ff4e5df, 0xf8f21e8f, 0xc063d406, 0xc013bc3a, 0x0323ecbe, 0x0192155f, 0x3ffb10c1,
+ 0xfb4ab7dc, 0xc02c64a6, 0xc004ef3f, 0x0192155f, 0x00c90e8f, 0x3ffec42d, 0xfda4f352, 0xc00b1a21
-const int twidTab512[8*6 + 32*6 + 128*6] = {
- 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6,
- 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6,
- 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f,
- 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0xe7821d5a, 0x3b20d79e,
- 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e,
- 0xc4df2862, 0xe7821d5a, 0xc4df2862, 0x187de2a6, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0xdc71898d, 0xcac933ae,
- 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af,
- 0x3fec43c6, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af,
- 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009,
- 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x387165e3, 0x1e2b5d38,
- 0x3e14fdf7, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e,
- 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6, 0x317900d6, 0x2899e64a, 0x3c424209, 0x158f9a75, 0x20e70f32, 0x36e5068a,
- 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6,
- 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0x387165e3, 0x1e2b5d38,
- 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x387165e3, 0x36e5068a, 0x20e70f32, 0xfcdc1342, 0x3fec43c6,
- 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad,
- 0x3367c08f, 0x261feff9, 0xea70658b, 0x3c424209, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x317900d6, 0x2899e64a,
- 0xe1d4a2c8, 0x387165e3, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0xd9e01007, 0x3367c08f,
- 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x2d413ccc, 0x2d413ccc, 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0xf9ba1651, 0x3fb11b47,
- 0x2afad269, 0x2f6bbe44, 0xcc983f71, 0x261feff9, 0xf383a3e2, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x2899e64a, 0x317900d6,
- 0xc78e9a1d, 0x1e2b5d38, 0xed6bf9d2, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x261feff9, 0x3367c08f, 0xc3bdbdf7, 0x158f9a75,
- 0xe7821d5a, 0x3b20d79e, 0x238e7673, 0x3536cc52, 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0xe1d4a2c8, 0x387165e3,
- 0x20e70f32, 0x36e5068a, 0xc013bc3a, 0x0323ecbe, 0xdc71898d, 0x3536cc52, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x387165e3,
- 0xc04ee4b9, 0xf9ba1651, 0xd76619b6, 0x317900d6, 0x1b5d1009, 0x39daf5e8, 0xc1eb0209, 0xf0730343,
- 0xd2bec334, 0x2d413ccc, 0x187de2a6, 0x3b20d79e, 0xc4df2862, 0xe7821d5a, 0xce86ff2a, 0x2899e64a,
- 0x158f9a75, 0x3c424209, 0xc91af976, 0xdf18f0ce, 0xcac933ae, 0x238e7673, 0x1294062e, 0x3d3e82ad,
- 0xce86ff2a, 0xd76619b6, 0xc78e9a1d, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3e14fdf7, 0xd5052d97, 0xd09441bc,
- 0xc4df2862, 0x187de2a6, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3ec52f9f, 0xdc71898d, 0xcac933ae, 0xc2c17d53, 0x1294062e,
- 0x09640837, 0x3f4eaafe, 0xe4a2eff7, 0xc6250a18, 0xc13ad061, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fb11b47,
- 0xed6bf9d2, 0xc2c17d53, 0xc04ee4b9, 0x0645e9af, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3fec43c6, 0xf69bf7c9, 0xc0b15502,
- 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0x3ffb10c1, 0x0192155f,
- 0x3ffec42d, 0x00c90e8f, 0x3ff4e5df, 0x025b0cae, 0x3fec43c6, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3ffb10c1, 0x0192155f,
- 0x3fd39b5a, 0x04b54824, 0x3fd39b5a, 0x04b54824, 0x3ff4e5df, 0x025b0cae, 0x3f9c2bfa, 0x070de171,
- 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af, 0x3fec43c6, 0x0323ecbe, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x3f84c8e1, 0x07d59395,
- 0x3fe12acb, 0x03ecadcf, 0x3eeb3347, 0x0bb6ecef, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x3fd39b5a, 0x04b54824,
- 0x3e71e758, 0x0e05c135, 0x3f0ec9f4, 0x0af10a22, 0x3fc395f9, 0x057db402, 0x3de2f147, 0x104fb80e,
- 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3fb11b47, 0x0645e9af, 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3e71e758, 0x0e05c135,
- 0x3f9c2bfa, 0x070de171, 0x3c84d496, 0x14d1e242, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x3f84c8e1, 0x07d59395,
- 0x3bb6276d, 0x17088530, 0x3dae81ce, 0x1111d262, 0x3f6af2e3, 0x089cf867, 0x3ad2c2e7, 0x19372a63,
- 0x3d3e82ad, 0x1294062e, 0x3f4eaafe, 0x09640837, 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009, 0x3cc511d8, 0x14135c94,
- 0x3f2ff249, 0x0a2abb58, 0x38cf1669, 0x1d79775b, 0x3c424209, 0x158f9a75, 0x3f0ec9f4, 0x0af10a22,
- 0x37af8158, 0x1f8ba4db, 0x3bb6276d, 0x17088530, 0x3eeb3347, 0x0bb6ecef, 0x367c9a7d, 0x2192e09a,
- 0x3b20d79e, 0x187de2a6, 0x3ec52f9f, 0x0c7c5c1e, 0x3536cc52, 0x238e7673, 0x3a8269a2, 0x19ef7943,
- 0x3e9cc076, 0x0d415012, 0x33de87de, 0x257db64b, 0x39daf5e8, 0x1b5d1009, 0x3e71e758, 0x0e05c135,
- 0x32744493, 0x275ff452, 0x392a9642, 0x1cc66e99, 0x3e44a5ee, 0x0ec9a7f2, 0x30f8801f, 0x29348937,
- 0x387165e3, 0x1e2b5d38, 0x3e14fdf7, 0x0f8cfcbd, 0x2f6bbe44, 0x2afad269, 0x37af8158, 0x1f8ba4db,
- 0x3de2f147, 0x104fb80e, 0x2dce88a9, 0x2cb2324b, 0x36e5068a, 0x20e70f32, 0x3dae81ce, 0x1111d262,
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+ 0x25e87a42, 0x276879c9, 0x28e5794a, 0x2a6278c8, 0x2bdc7840, 0x2d5577b4, 0x2ecc7723, 0x3042768e,
+ 0x31b575f4, 0x33277556, 0x349774b3, 0x3604740b, 0x3770735f, 0x38d972af, 0x3a4071fa, 0x3ba57141,
+ 0x3d087083, 0x3e686fc2, 0x3fc66efb, 0x41216e31, 0x427a6d62, 0x43d16c8f, 0x45246bb8, 0x46756add,
+ 0x47c469fd, 0x490f691a, 0x4a586832, 0x4b9e6747, 0x4ce16657, 0x4e216564, 0x4f5e646c, 0x50986371,
+ 0x51cf6272, 0x5303616f, 0x54336068, 0x55605f5e, 0x568a5e50, 0x57b15d3e, 0x58d45c29, 0x59f45b10
const int LongWindowKBD[FRAME_LEN_LONG/2]={
- 0x000a7fff, 0x000e7fff, 0x00127fff, 0x00157fff, 0x00197fff, 0x001c7fff, 0x00207fff, 0x00237fff,
- 0x00267fff, 0x002a7fff, 0x002d7fff, 0x00307fff, 0x00347fff, 0x00387fff, 0x003b7fff, 0x003f7fff,
- 0x00437fff, 0x00477fff, 0x004b7fff, 0x004f7fff, 0x00537fff, 0x00577fff, 0x005b7fff, 0x00607fff,
- 0x00647fff, 0x00697fff, 0x006d7fff, 0x00727fff, 0x00777fff, 0x007c7fff, 0x00817fff, 0x00867fff,
- 0x008b7fff, 0x00917fff, 0x00967fff, 0x009c7fff, 0x00a17fff, 0x00a77fff, 0x00ad7fff, 0x00b37fff,
- 0x00b97fff, 0x00bf7fff, 0x00c67fff, 0x00cc7fff, 0x00d37fff, 0x00da7fff, 0x00e07fff, 0x00e77fff,
- 0x00ee7fff, 0x00f57fff, 0x00fd7fff, 0x01047fff, 0x010c7fff, 0x01137fff, 0x011b7fff, 0x01237fff,
- 0x012b7fff, 0x01337fff, 0x013c7ffe, 0x01447ffe, 0x014d7ffe, 0x01567ffe, 0x015f7ffe, 0x01687ffe,
- 0x01717ffe, 0x017a7ffe, 0x01837ffe, 0x018d7ffe, 0x01977ffd, 0x01a17ffd, 0x01ab7ffd, 0x01b57ffd,
- 0x01bf7ffd, 0x01ca7ffd, 0x01d47ffd, 0x01df7ffc, 0x01ea7ffc, 0x01f57ffc, 0x02007ffc, 0x020c7ffc,
- 0x02177ffc, 0x02237ffb, 0x022f7ffb, 0x023b7ffb, 0x02477ffb, 0x02537ffb, 0x02607ffa, 0x026d7ffa,
- 0x027a7ffa, 0x02877ffa, 0x02947ff9, 0x02a17ff9, 0x02af7ff9, 0x02bc7ff9, 0x02ca7ff8, 0x02d87ff8,
- 0x02e77ff8, 0x02f57ff7, 0x03047ff7, 0x03127ff7, 0x03217ff6, 0x03317ff6, 0x03407ff5, 0x034f7ff5,
- 0x035f7ff5, 0x036f7ff4, 0x037f7ff4, 0x038f7ff3, 0x03a07ff3, 0x03b07ff2, 0x03c17ff2, 0x03d27ff1,
- 0x03e37ff1, 0x03f57ff0, 0x04067ff0, 0x04187fef, 0x042a7fef, 0x043c7fee, 0x044f7fed, 0x04617fed,
- 0x04747fec, 0x04877feb, 0x049a7feb, 0x04ae7fea, 0x04c17fe9, 0x04d57fe9, 0x04e97fe8, 0x04fd7fe7,
- 0x05127fe6, 0x05277fe5, 0x053b7fe5, 0x05507fe4, 0x05667fe3, 0x057b7fe2, 0x05917fe1, 0x05a77fe0,
- 0x05bd7fdf, 0x05d37fde, 0x05ea7fdd, 0x06017fdc, 0x06187fdb, 0x062f7fda, 0x06467fd9, 0x065e7fd7,
- 0x06767fd6, 0x068e7fd5, 0x06a67fd4, 0x06bf7fd2, 0x06d87fd1, 0x06f17fd0, 0x070a7fce, 0x07237fcd,
- 0x073d7fcc, 0x07577fca, 0x07717fc9, 0x078c7fc7, 0x07a67fc5, 0x07c17fc4, 0x07dc7fc2, 0x07f77fc0,
- 0x08137fbf, 0x082f7fbd, 0x084b7fbb, 0x08677fb9, 0x08847fb7, 0x08a07fb6, 0x08bd7fb4, 0x08da7fb2,
- 0x08f87faf, 0x09167fad, 0x09347fab, 0x09527fa9, 0x09707fa7, 0x098f7fa5, 0x09ae7fa2, 0x09cd7fa0,
- 0x09ec7f9d, 0x0a0c7f9b, 0x0a2c7f98, 0x0a4c7f96, 0x0a6c7f93, 0x0a8d7f91, 0x0aae7f8e, 0x0acf7f8b,
- 0x0af07f88, 0x0b127f85, 0x0b337f82, 0x0b557f7f, 0x0b787f7c, 0x0b9a7f79, 0x0bbd7f76, 0x0be07f73,
- 0x0c047f6f, 0x0c277f6c, 0x0c4b7f69, 0x0c6f7f65, 0x0c937f61, 0x0cb87f5e, 0x0cdd7f5a, 0x0d027f56,
- 0x0d277f53, 0x0d4d7f4f, 0x0d737f4b, 0x0d997f47, 0x0dbf7f43, 0x0de67f3e, 0x0e0c7f3a, 0x0e347f36,
- 0x0e5b7f31, 0x0e837f2d, 0x0eaa7f28, 0x0ed37f24, 0x0efb7f1f, 0x0f237f1a, 0x0f4c7f15, 0x0f757f10,
- 0x0f9f7f0b, 0x0fc87f06, 0x0ff27f01, 0x101c7efb, 0x10477ef6, 0x10717ef0, 0x109c7eeb, 0x10c87ee5,
- 0x10f37edf, 0x111f7eda, 0x114a7ed4, 0x11777ece, 0x11a37ec7, 0x11d07ec1, 0x11fd7ebb, 0x122a7eb4,
- 0x12577eae, 0x12857ea7, 0x12b37ea0, 0x12e17e9a, 0x130f7e93, 0x133e7e8c, 0x136d7e84, 0x139c7e7d,
- 0x13cc7e76, 0x13fb7e6e, 0x142b7e67, 0x145b7e5f, 0x148c7e57, 0x14bc7e4f, 0x14ed7e47, 0x151e7e3f,
- 0x15507e37, 0x15817e2e, 0x15b37e26, 0x15e57e1d, 0x16187e14, 0x164a7e0b, 0x167d7e02, 0x16b07df9,
- 0x16e47df0, 0x17177de6, 0x174b7ddd, 0x177f7dd3, 0x17b37dc9, 0x17e87dbf, 0x181d7db5, 0x18527dab,
- 0x18877da1, 0x18bc7d96, 0x18f27d8c, 0x19287d81, 0x195e7d76, 0x19957d6b, 0x19cb7d60, 0x1a027d54,
- 0x1a397d49, 0x1a717d3d, 0x1aa87d31, 0x1ae07d26, 0x1b187d19, 0x1b507d0d, 0x1b897d01, 0x1bc27cf4,
- 0x1bfb7ce8, 0x1c347cdb, 0x1c6d7cce, 0x1ca77cc1, 0x1ce17cb3, 0x1d1b7ca6, 0x1d557c98, 0x1d8f7c8a,
- 0x1dca7c7c, 0x1e057c6e, 0x1e407c60, 0x1e7b7c51, 0x1eb77c43, 0x1ef37c34, 0x1f2f7c25, 0x1f6b7c16,
- 0x1fa77c06, 0x1fe47bf7, 0x20217be7, 0x205e7bd7, 0x209b7bc7, 0x20d87bb7, 0x21167ba6, 0x21547b96,
- 0x21927b85, 0x21d07b74, 0x220e7b63, 0x224d7b52, 0x228c7b40, 0x22cb7b2e, 0x230a7b1c, 0x23497b0a,
- 0x23897af8, 0x23c87ae6, 0x24087ad3, 0x24487ac0, 0x24897aad, 0x24c97a9a, 0x250a7a86, 0x254b7a73,
- 0x258c7a5f, 0x25cd7a4b, 0x260e7a36, 0x26507a22, 0x26917a0d, 0x26d379f8, 0x271579e3, 0x275779ce,
- 0x279a79b8, 0x27dc79a3, 0x281f798d, 0x28627977, 0x28a57960, 0x28e8794a, 0x292b7933, 0x296f791c,
- 0x29b27905, 0x29f678ed, 0x2a3a78d6, 0x2a7e78be, 0x2ac278a6, 0x2b07788d, 0x2b4b7875, 0x2b90785c,
- 0x2bd47843, 0x2c19782a, 0x2c5e7810, 0x2ca477f7, 0x2ce977dd, 0x2d2e77c3, 0x2d7477a8, 0x2dba778e,
- 0x2dff7773, 0x2e457758, 0x2e8b773d, 0x2ed27721, 0x2f187706, 0x2f5e76ea, 0x2fa576cd, 0x2fec76b1,
- 0x30327694, 0x30797677, 0x30c0765a, 0x3107763d, 0x314e761f, 0x31967601, 0x31dd75e3, 0x322575c5,
- 0x326c75a6, 0x32b47588, 0x32fc7569, 0x33447549, 0x338c752a, 0x33d4750a, 0x341c74ea, 0x346474ca,
- 0x34ac74a9, 0x34f57488, 0x353d7467, 0x35857446, 0x35ce7424, 0x36177403, 0x365f73e1, 0x36a873be,
- 0x36f1739c, 0x373a7379, 0x37837356, 0x37cc7333, 0x3815730f, 0x385e72ec, 0x38a772c8, 0x38f172a3,
- 0x393a727f, 0x3983725a, 0x39cd7235, 0x3a167210, 0x3a6071ea, 0x3aa971c4, 0x3af3719e, 0x3b3c7178,
- 0x3b867151, 0x3bd0712b, 0x3c197104, 0x3c6370dc, 0x3cad70b5, 0x3cf7708d, 0x3d407065, 0x3d8a703c,
- 0x3dd47014, 0x3e1e6feb, 0x3e686fc2, 0x3eb16f98, 0x3efb6f6f, 0x3f456f45, 0x3f8f6f1b, 0x3fd96ef0,
- 0x40236ec6, 0x406d6e9b, 0x40b66e70, 0x41006e44, 0x414a6e19, 0x41946ded, 0x41de6dc1, 0x42286d94,
- 0x42716d68, 0x42bb6d3b, 0x43056d0d, 0x434f6ce0, 0x43986cb2, 0x43e26c84, 0x442c6c56, 0x44756c28,
- 0x44bf6bf9, 0x45086bca, 0x45526b9b, 0x459b6b6b, 0x45e56b3c, 0x462e6b0c, 0x46786adb, 0x46c16aab,
- 0x470a6a7a, 0x47536a49, 0x479c6a18, 0x47e569e7, 0x482e69b5, 0x48776983, 0x48c06951, 0x4909691e,
- 0x495268ec, 0x499b68b9, 0x49e36885, 0x4a2c6852, 0x4a74681e, 0x4abd67ea, 0x4b0567b6, 0x4b4d6782,
- 0x4b95674d, 0x4bde6718, 0x4c2666e3, 0x4c6d66ae, 0x4cb56678, 0x4cfd6642, 0x4d45660c, 0x4d8c65d6,
- 0x4dd4659f, 0x4e1b6568, 0x4e626531, 0x4ea964fa, 0x4ef064c3, 0x4f37648b, 0x4f7e6453, 0x4fc5641b,
- 0x500b63e2, 0x505263aa, 0x50986371, 0x50df6338, 0x512562fe, 0x516b62c5, 0x51b1628b, 0x51f66251,
- 0x523c6217, 0x528161dc, 0x52c761a2, 0x530c6167, 0x5351612c, 0x539660f1, 0x53db60b5, 0x54206079,
- 0x5464603d, 0x54a96001, 0x54ed5fc5, 0x55315f88, 0x55755f4b, 0x55b95f0e, 0x55fc5ed1, 0x56405e94,
- 0x56835e56, 0x56c75e18, 0x570a5dda, 0x574d5d9c, 0x578f5d5e, 0x57d25d1f, 0x58145ce0, 0x58565ca1,
+ 0x000a7fff, 0x000e7fff, 0x00127fff, 0x00157fff, 0x00197fff, 0x001c7fff, 0x00207fff, 0x00237fff,
+ 0x00267fff, 0x002a7fff, 0x002d7fff, 0x00307fff, 0x00347fff, 0x00387fff, 0x003b7fff, 0x003f7fff,
+ 0x00437fff, 0x00477fff, 0x004b7fff, 0x004f7fff, 0x00537fff, 0x00577fff, 0x005b7fff, 0x00607fff,
+ 0x00647fff, 0x00697fff, 0x006d7fff, 0x00727fff, 0x00777fff, 0x007c7fff, 0x00817fff, 0x00867fff,
+ 0x008b7fff, 0x00917fff, 0x00967fff, 0x009c7fff, 0x00a17fff, 0x00a77fff, 0x00ad7fff, 0x00b37fff,
+ 0x00b97fff, 0x00bf7fff, 0x00c67fff, 0x00cc7fff, 0x00d37fff, 0x00da7fff, 0x00e07fff, 0x00e77fff,
+ 0x00ee7fff, 0x00f57fff, 0x00fd7fff, 0x01047fff, 0x010c7fff, 0x01137fff, 0x011b7fff, 0x01237fff,
+ 0x012b7fff, 0x01337fff, 0x013c7ffe, 0x01447ffe, 0x014d7ffe, 0x01567ffe, 0x015f7ffe, 0x01687ffe,
+ 0x01717ffe, 0x017a7ffe, 0x01837ffe, 0x018d7ffe, 0x01977ffd, 0x01a17ffd, 0x01ab7ffd, 0x01b57ffd,
+ 0x01bf7ffd, 0x01ca7ffd, 0x01d47ffd, 0x01df7ffc, 0x01ea7ffc, 0x01f57ffc, 0x02007ffc, 0x020c7ffc,
+ 0x02177ffc, 0x02237ffb, 0x022f7ffb, 0x023b7ffb, 0x02477ffb, 0x02537ffb, 0x02607ffa, 0x026d7ffa,
+ 0x027a7ffa, 0x02877ffa, 0x02947ff9, 0x02a17ff9, 0x02af7ff9, 0x02bc7ff9, 0x02ca7ff8, 0x02d87ff8,
+ 0x02e77ff8, 0x02f57ff7, 0x03047ff7, 0x03127ff7, 0x03217ff6, 0x03317ff6, 0x03407ff5, 0x034f7ff5,
+ 0x035f7ff5, 0x036f7ff4, 0x037f7ff4, 0x038f7ff3, 0x03a07ff3, 0x03b07ff2, 0x03c17ff2, 0x03d27ff1,
+ 0x03e37ff1, 0x03f57ff0, 0x04067ff0, 0x04187fef, 0x042a7fef, 0x043c7fee, 0x044f7fed, 0x04617fed,
+ 0x04747fec, 0x04877feb, 0x049a7feb, 0x04ae7fea, 0x04c17fe9, 0x04d57fe9, 0x04e97fe8, 0x04fd7fe7,
+ 0x05127fe6, 0x05277fe5, 0x053b7fe5, 0x05507fe4, 0x05667fe3, 0x057b7fe2, 0x05917fe1, 0x05a77fe0,
+ 0x05bd7fdf, 0x05d37fde, 0x05ea7fdd, 0x06017fdc, 0x06187fdb, 0x062f7fda, 0x06467fd9, 0x065e7fd7,
+ 0x06767fd6, 0x068e7fd5, 0x06a67fd4, 0x06bf7fd2, 0x06d87fd1, 0x06f17fd0, 0x070a7fce, 0x07237fcd,
+ 0x073d7fcc, 0x07577fca, 0x07717fc9, 0x078c7fc7, 0x07a67fc5, 0x07c17fc4, 0x07dc7fc2, 0x07f77fc0,
+ 0x08137fbf, 0x082f7fbd, 0x084b7fbb, 0x08677fb9, 0x08847fb7, 0x08a07fb6, 0x08bd7fb4, 0x08da7fb2,
+ 0x08f87faf, 0x09167fad, 0x09347fab, 0x09527fa9, 0x09707fa7, 0x098f7fa5, 0x09ae7fa2, 0x09cd7fa0,
+ 0x09ec7f9d, 0x0a0c7f9b, 0x0a2c7f98, 0x0a4c7f96, 0x0a6c7f93, 0x0a8d7f91, 0x0aae7f8e, 0x0acf7f8b,
+ 0x0af07f88, 0x0b127f85, 0x0b337f82, 0x0b557f7f, 0x0b787f7c, 0x0b9a7f79, 0x0bbd7f76, 0x0be07f73,
+ 0x0c047f6f, 0x0c277f6c, 0x0c4b7f69, 0x0c6f7f65, 0x0c937f61, 0x0cb87f5e, 0x0cdd7f5a, 0x0d027f56,
+ 0x0d277f53, 0x0d4d7f4f, 0x0d737f4b, 0x0d997f47, 0x0dbf7f43, 0x0de67f3e, 0x0e0c7f3a, 0x0e347f36,
+ 0x0e5b7f31, 0x0e837f2d, 0x0eaa7f28, 0x0ed37f24, 0x0efb7f1f, 0x0f237f1a, 0x0f4c7f15, 0x0f757f10,
+ 0x0f9f7f0b, 0x0fc87f06, 0x0ff27f01, 0x101c7efb, 0x10477ef6, 0x10717ef0, 0x109c7eeb, 0x10c87ee5,
+ 0x10f37edf, 0x111f7eda, 0x114a7ed4, 0x11777ece, 0x11a37ec7, 0x11d07ec1, 0x11fd7ebb, 0x122a7eb4,
+ 0x12577eae, 0x12857ea7, 0x12b37ea0, 0x12e17e9a, 0x130f7e93, 0x133e7e8c, 0x136d7e84, 0x139c7e7d,
+ 0x13cc7e76, 0x13fb7e6e, 0x142b7e67, 0x145b7e5f, 0x148c7e57, 0x14bc7e4f, 0x14ed7e47, 0x151e7e3f,
+ 0x15507e37, 0x15817e2e, 0x15b37e26, 0x15e57e1d, 0x16187e14, 0x164a7e0b, 0x167d7e02, 0x16b07df9,
+ 0x16e47df0, 0x17177de6, 0x174b7ddd, 0x177f7dd3, 0x17b37dc9, 0x17e87dbf, 0x181d7db5, 0x18527dab,
+ 0x18877da1, 0x18bc7d96, 0x18f27d8c, 0x19287d81, 0x195e7d76, 0x19957d6b, 0x19cb7d60, 0x1a027d54,
+ 0x1a397d49, 0x1a717d3d, 0x1aa87d31, 0x1ae07d26, 0x1b187d19, 0x1b507d0d, 0x1b897d01, 0x1bc27cf4,
+ 0x1bfb7ce8, 0x1c347cdb, 0x1c6d7cce, 0x1ca77cc1, 0x1ce17cb3, 0x1d1b7ca6, 0x1d557c98, 0x1d8f7c8a,
+ 0x1dca7c7c, 0x1e057c6e, 0x1e407c60, 0x1e7b7c51, 0x1eb77c43, 0x1ef37c34, 0x1f2f7c25, 0x1f6b7c16,
+ 0x1fa77c06, 0x1fe47bf7, 0x20217be7, 0x205e7bd7, 0x209b7bc7, 0x20d87bb7, 0x21167ba6, 0x21547b96,
+ 0x21927b85, 0x21d07b74, 0x220e7b63, 0x224d7b52, 0x228c7b40, 0x22cb7b2e, 0x230a7b1c, 0x23497b0a,
+ 0x23897af8, 0x23c87ae6, 0x24087ad3, 0x24487ac0, 0x24897aad, 0x24c97a9a, 0x250a7a86, 0x254b7a73,
+ 0x258c7a5f, 0x25cd7a4b, 0x260e7a36, 0x26507a22, 0x26917a0d, 0x26d379f8, 0x271579e3, 0x275779ce,
+ 0x279a79b8, 0x27dc79a3, 0x281f798d, 0x28627977, 0x28a57960, 0x28e8794a, 0x292b7933, 0x296f791c,
+ 0x29b27905, 0x29f678ed, 0x2a3a78d6, 0x2a7e78be, 0x2ac278a6, 0x2b07788d, 0x2b4b7875, 0x2b90785c,
+ 0x2bd47843, 0x2c19782a, 0x2c5e7810, 0x2ca477f7, 0x2ce977dd, 0x2d2e77c3, 0x2d7477a8, 0x2dba778e,
+ 0x2dff7773, 0x2e457758, 0x2e8b773d, 0x2ed27721, 0x2f187706, 0x2f5e76ea, 0x2fa576cd, 0x2fec76b1,
+ 0x30327694, 0x30797677, 0x30c0765a, 0x3107763d, 0x314e761f, 0x31967601, 0x31dd75e3, 0x322575c5,
+ 0x326c75a6, 0x32b47588, 0x32fc7569, 0x33447549, 0x338c752a, 0x33d4750a, 0x341c74ea, 0x346474ca,
+ 0x34ac74a9, 0x34f57488, 0x353d7467, 0x35857446, 0x35ce7424, 0x36177403, 0x365f73e1, 0x36a873be,
+ 0x36f1739c, 0x373a7379, 0x37837356, 0x37cc7333, 0x3815730f, 0x385e72ec, 0x38a772c8, 0x38f172a3,
+ 0x393a727f, 0x3983725a, 0x39cd7235, 0x3a167210, 0x3a6071ea, 0x3aa971c4, 0x3af3719e, 0x3b3c7178,
+ 0x3b867151, 0x3bd0712b, 0x3c197104, 0x3c6370dc, 0x3cad70b5, 0x3cf7708d, 0x3d407065, 0x3d8a703c,
+ 0x3dd47014, 0x3e1e6feb, 0x3e686fc2, 0x3eb16f98, 0x3efb6f6f, 0x3f456f45, 0x3f8f6f1b, 0x3fd96ef0,
+ 0x40236ec6, 0x406d6e9b, 0x40b66e70, 0x41006e44, 0x414a6e19, 0x41946ded, 0x41de6dc1, 0x42286d94,
+ 0x42716d68, 0x42bb6d3b, 0x43056d0d, 0x434f6ce0, 0x43986cb2, 0x43e26c84, 0x442c6c56, 0x44756c28,
+ 0x44bf6bf9, 0x45086bca, 0x45526b9b, 0x459b6b6b, 0x45e56b3c, 0x462e6b0c, 0x46786adb, 0x46c16aab,
+ 0x470a6a7a, 0x47536a49, 0x479c6a18, 0x47e569e7, 0x482e69b5, 0x48776983, 0x48c06951, 0x4909691e,
+ 0x495268ec, 0x499b68b9, 0x49e36885, 0x4a2c6852, 0x4a74681e, 0x4abd67ea, 0x4b0567b6, 0x4b4d6782,
+ 0x4b95674d, 0x4bde6718, 0x4c2666e3, 0x4c6d66ae, 0x4cb56678, 0x4cfd6642, 0x4d45660c, 0x4d8c65d6,
+ 0x4dd4659f, 0x4e1b6568, 0x4e626531, 0x4ea964fa, 0x4ef064c3, 0x4f37648b, 0x4f7e6453, 0x4fc5641b,
+ 0x500b63e2, 0x505263aa, 0x50986371, 0x50df6338, 0x512562fe, 0x516b62c5, 0x51b1628b, 0x51f66251,
+ 0x523c6217, 0x528161dc, 0x52c761a2, 0x530c6167, 0x5351612c, 0x539660f1, 0x53db60b5, 0x54206079,
+ 0x5464603d, 0x54a96001, 0x54ed5fc5, 0x55315f88, 0x55755f4b, 0x55b95f0e, 0x55fc5ed1, 0x56405e94,
+ 0x56835e56, 0x56c75e18, 0x570a5dda, 0x574d5d9c, 0x578f5d5e, 0x57d25d1f, 0x58145ce0, 0x58565ca1,
0x58995c62, 0x58da5c23, 0x591c5be3, 0x595e5ba4, 0x599f5b64, 0x59e05b24, 0x5a215ae3, 0x5a625aa3
@@ -1334,15 +1334,15 @@ const Word32 mTab_4_3[512]={
0x7f5571cd, 0x7f801003, 0x7faab1c8, 0x7fd5571d
-const Word32 invSBF[24] = {
- 0x3FFD34FC, 0x2D3F8000, 0x24F18C7E, 0x1FFE9A7E,
- 0x1C9DF10C, 0x1A1F851A, 0x182FE994, 0x169FC000,
- 0x15542AAA, 0x143C31C2, 0x134B1B6C, 0x127920BE,
- 0x11BF2FCC, 0x111A749E, 0x1085FC42, 0x0FFFA7BE,
- 0x0F855818, 0x0F14EE56, 0x0EAE6A78, 0x0E4EF886,
- 0x0DF69880, 0x0DA49568, 0x0D578542, 0x0D101D0C
+const Word32 invSBF[24] = {
+ 0x3FFD34FC, 0x2D3F8000, 0x24F18C7E, 0x1FFE9A7E,
+ 0x1C9DF10C, 0x1A1F851A, 0x182FE994, 0x169FC000,
+ 0x15542AAA, 0x143C31C2, 0x134B1B6C, 0x127920BE,
+ 0x11BF2FCC, 0x111A749E, 0x1085FC42, 0x0FFFA7BE,
+ 0x0F855818, 0x0F14EE56, 0x0EAE6A78, 0x0E4EF886,
+ 0x0DF69880, 0x0DA49568, 0x0D578542, 0x0D101D0C
const Word16 pow2tominusNover16[17] = {
0x7fff, 0x7a93, 0x7560, 0x7066,
@@ -1350,21 +1350,21 @@ const Word16 pow2tominusNover16[17] = {
0x5a82, 0x56ac, 0x52ff, 0x4f7b,
0x4c1c, 0x48e2, 0x45cb, 0x42d5,
-const Word16 sideInfoTabLong[MAX_SFB_LONG + 1] = {
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14
-const Word16 sideInfoTabShort[MAX_SFB_SHORT + 1] = {
- 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 13, 13
+const Word16 sideInfoTabLong[MAX_SFB_LONG + 1] = {
+ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
+ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
+ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
+ 9, 9, 9, 9, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14
+const Word16 sideInfoTabShort[MAX_SFB_SHORT + 1] = {
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10,
+ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 13, 13
Word32 specExpMantTableComb_enc[4][14] =
@@ -1398,33 +1398,33 @@ const UWord8 specExpTableComb_enc[4][14] =
{1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19}
-const Word16 quantBorders[4][4] = {
- /* pow(1.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
- {0x0400, 0x0ee7, 0x1c86, 0x2c0d},
- /* pow(2.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
- {0x04c2, 0x11b9, 0x21eb, 0x3463},
- /* pow(3.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
- {0x05a8, 0x1514, 0x2856, 0x3e4c},
- /* pow(4.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
- {0x06ba, 0x1911, 0x2ff8, 0x4a16},
-const Word16 quantRecon[4][3] = {
- {0x0800, 0x1429, 0x229d},
- {0x0983, 0x17f9, 0x292a},
- {0x0b50, 0x1c82, 0x30f4},
- {0x0d74, 0x21e7, 0x3a37},
+const Word16 quantBorders[4][4] = {
+ /* pow(1.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
+ {0x0400, 0x0ee7, 0x1c86, 0x2c0d},
+ /* pow(2.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
+ {0x04c2, 0x11b9, 0x21eb, 0x3463},
+ /* pow(3.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
+ {0x05a8, 0x1514, 0x2856, 0x3e4c},
+ /* pow(4.0-0.4054, 4/3)/16 * pow(2, (0..3)/4) */
+ {0x06ba, 0x1911, 0x2ff8, 0x4a16},
+const Word16 quantRecon[4][3] = {
+ {0x0800, 0x1429, 0x229d},
+ {0x0983, 0x17f9, 0x292a},
+ {0x0b50, 0x1c82, 0x30f4},
+ {0x0d74, 0x21e7, 0x3a37},
-const int sampRateTab[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
- 96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000,
- 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000
+const int sampRateTab[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
+ 96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000,
+ 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000
-const int rates[8] = {
- 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 560, 640, 0
+const int rates[8] = {
+ 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 560, 640, 0
const int BandwithCoefTab[8][NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
{ 7000, 7000, 4666, 3500, 3500, 2800, 2800, 2800, 2800, 2000, 2000, 2000},
@@ -1438,73 +1438,73 @@ const int BandwithCoefTab[8][NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
-/* total number of scale factor bands in one window */
-const UWord8 sfBandTotalShort[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
- 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
-const UWord8 sfBandTotalLong[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
- 41, 41, 47, 49, 49, 51, 47, 47, 43, 43, 43, 40
-/* scale factor band tables */
-const int sfBandTabShortOffset[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {0, 0, 0, 13, 13, 13, 28, 28, 44, 44, 44, 60};
-const short sfBandTabShort[76] = {
- /* short block 64, 88, 96 kHz [13] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 92, 128,
- /* short block 32, 44, 48 kHz [15] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 28, 36, 44, 56, 68, 80, 96, 112, 128,
- /* short block 22, 24 kHz [16] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 36, 44, 52, 64, 76, 92, 108, 128,
- /* short block 11, 12, 16 kHz [16] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 60, 72, 88, 108, 128,
- /* short block 8 kHz [16] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60, 72, 88, 108, 128
-const int sfBandTabLongOffset[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {0, 0, 42, 90, 90, 140, 192, 192, 240, 240, 240, 284};
-const short sfBandTabLong[325] = {
- /* long block 88, 96 kHz [42] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52,
- 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 172, 188, 212,
- 240, 276, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024,
- /* long block 64 kHz [48] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 64,
- 72, 80, 88, 100, 112, 124, 140, 156, 172, 192, 216, 240, 268, 304, 344, 384,
- 424, 464, 504, 544, 584, 624, 664, 704, 744, 784, 824, 864, 904, 944, 984, 1024,
- /* long block 44, 48 kHz [50] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88,
- 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 160, 176, 196, 216, 240, 264, 292, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448,
- 480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800, 832, 864, 896, 928, 1024,
- /* long block 32 kHz [52] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96,
- 108, 120, 132, 144, 160, 176, 196, 216, 240, 264, 292, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 480, 512,
- 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800, 832, 864, 896, 928, 960, 992, 1024,
- /* long block 22, 24 kHz [48] */
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 52, 60, 68, 76,
- 84, 92, 100, 108, 116, 124, 136, 148, 160, 172, 188, 204, 220, 240, 260, 284,
- 308, 336, 364, 396, 432, 468, 508, 552, 600, 652, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024,
- /* long block 11, 12, 16 kHz [44] */
- 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 100, 112, 124,
- 136, 148, 160, 172, 184, 196, 212, 228, 244, 260, 280, 300, 320, 344, 368,
- 396, 424, 456, 492, 532, 572, 616, 664, 716, 772, 832, 896, 960, 1024,
- /* long block 8 kHz [41] */
- 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156,
- 172, 188, 204, 220, 236, 252, 268, 288, 308, 328, 348, 372, 396, 420,
- 448, 476, 508, 544, 580, 620, 664, 712, 764, 820, 880, 944, 1024
+/* total number of scale factor bands in one window */
+const UWord8 sfBandTotalShort[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
+ 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
+const UWord8 sfBandTotalLong[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {
+ 41, 41, 47, 49, 49, 51, 47, 47, 43, 43, 43, 40
+/* scale factor band tables */
+const int sfBandTabShortOffset[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {0, 0, 0, 13, 13, 13, 28, 28, 44, 44, 44, 60};
+const short sfBandTabShort[76] = {
+ /* short block 64, 88, 96 kHz [13] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 92, 128,
+ /* short block 32, 44, 48 kHz [15] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 28, 36, 44, 56, 68, 80, 96, 112, 128,
+ /* short block 22, 24 kHz [16] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 36, 44, 52, 64, 76, 92, 108, 128,
+ /* short block 11, 12, 16 kHz [16] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 60, 72, 88, 108, 128,
+ /* short block 8 kHz [16] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60, 72, 88, 108, 128
+const int sfBandTabLongOffset[NUM_SAMPLE_RATES] = {0, 0, 42, 90, 90, 140, 192, 192, 240, 240, 240, 284};
+const short sfBandTabLong[325] = {
+ /* long block 88, 96 kHz [42] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52,
+ 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 172, 188, 212,
+ 240, 276, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024,
+ /* long block 64 kHz [48] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 64,
+ 72, 80, 88, 100, 112, 124, 140, 156, 172, 192, 216, 240, 268, 304, 344, 384,
+ 424, 464, 504, 544, 584, 624, 664, 704, 744, 784, 824, 864, 904, 944, 984, 1024,
+ /* long block 44, 48 kHz [50] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88,
+ 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 160, 176, 196, 216, 240, 264, 292, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448,
+ 480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800, 832, 864, 896, 928, 1024,
+ /* long block 32 kHz [52] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96,
+ 108, 120, 132, 144, 160, 176, 196, 216, 240, 264, 292, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 480, 512,
+ 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800, 832, 864, 896, 928, 960, 992, 1024,
+ /* long block 22, 24 kHz [48] */
+ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 52, 60, 68, 76,
+ 84, 92, 100, 108, 116, 124, 136, 148, 160, 172, 188, 204, 220, 240, 260, 284,
+ 308, 336, 364, 396, 432, 468, 508, 552, 600, 652, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024,
+ /* long block 11, 12, 16 kHz [44] */
+ 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 100, 112, 124,
+ 136, 148, 160, 172, 184, 196, 212, 228, 244, 260, 280, 300, 320, 344, 368,
+ 396, 424, 456, 492, 532, 572, 616, 664, 716, 772, 832, 896, 960, 1024,
+ /* long block 8 kHz [41] */
+ 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156,
+ 172, 188, 204, 220, 236, 252, 268, 288, 308, 328, 348, 372, 396, 420,
+ 448, 476, 508, 544, 580, 620, 664, 712, 764, 820, 880, 944, 1024
these tables are used only for counting and
@@ -2344,20 +2344,20 @@ const Word32 tnsCoeff4Borders[16]=
-const unsigned char bitrevTab[17 + 129] =
-/* 64 */
-0x01, 0x08, 0x02, 0x04, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x05, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x06, 0x09, 0x0f,
-/* 512 */
-0x01, 0x40, 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x60, 0x04, 0x10, 0x05, 0x50, 0x06, 0x30, 0x07, 0x70, 0x09, 0x48,
-0x0a, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x68, 0x0c, 0x18, 0x0d, 0x58, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x0f, 0x78, 0x11, 0x44, 0x12, 0x24,
-0x13, 0x64, 0x15, 0x54, 0x16, 0x34, 0x17, 0x74, 0x19, 0x4c, 0x1a, 0x2c, 0x1b, 0x6c, 0x1d, 0x5c,
-0x1e, 0x3c, 0x1f, 0x7c, 0x21, 0x42, 0x23, 0x62, 0x25, 0x52, 0x26, 0x32, 0x27, 0x72, 0x29, 0x4a,
-0x2b, 0x6a, 0x2d, 0x5a, 0x2e, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x7a, 0x31, 0x46, 0x33, 0x66, 0x35, 0x56, 0x37, 0x76,
-0x39, 0x4e, 0x3b, 0x6e, 0x3d, 0x5e, 0x3f, 0x7e, 0x43, 0x61, 0x45, 0x51, 0x47, 0x71, 0x4b, 0x69,
-0x4d, 0x59, 0x4f, 0x79, 0x53, 0x65, 0x57, 0x75, 0x5b, 0x6d, 0x5f, 0x7d, 0x67, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x7b,
-0x00, 0x08, 0x14, 0x1c, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x36, 0x3e, 0x41, 0x49, 0x55, 0x5d, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x77, 0x7f,
+const unsigned char bitrevTab[17 + 129] =
+/* 64 */
+0x01, 0x08, 0x02, 0x04, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x05, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x06, 0x09, 0x0f,
+/* 512 */
+0x01, 0x40, 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x60, 0x04, 0x10, 0x05, 0x50, 0x06, 0x30, 0x07, 0x70, 0x09, 0x48,
+0x0a, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x68, 0x0c, 0x18, 0x0d, 0x58, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x0f, 0x78, 0x11, 0x44, 0x12, 0x24,
+0x13, 0x64, 0x15, 0x54, 0x16, 0x34, 0x17, 0x74, 0x19, 0x4c, 0x1a, 0x2c, 0x1b, 0x6c, 0x1d, 0x5c,
+0x1e, 0x3c, 0x1f, 0x7c, 0x21, 0x42, 0x23, 0x62, 0x25, 0x52, 0x26, 0x32, 0x27, 0x72, 0x29, 0x4a,
+0x2b, 0x6a, 0x2d, 0x5a, 0x2e, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x7a, 0x31, 0x46, 0x33, 0x66, 0x35, 0x56, 0x37, 0x76,
+0x39, 0x4e, 0x3b, 0x6e, 0x3d, 0x5e, 0x3f, 0x7e, 0x43, 0x61, 0x45, 0x51, 0x47, 0x71, 0x4b, 0x69,
+0x4d, 0x59, 0x4f, 0x79, 0x53, 0x65, 0x57, 0x75, 0x5b, 0x6d, 0x5f, 0x7d, 0x67, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x7b,
+0x00, 0x08, 0x14, 0x1c, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x36, 0x3e, 0x41, 0x49, 0x55, 0x5d, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x77, 0x7f,
}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc.c
index 552ae41..975f598 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc.c
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: aacenc.c
- Content: aac encoder interface functions
-#include "voAAC.h"
-#include "typedef.h"
-#include "aacenc_core.h"
-#include "aac_rom.h"
-#include "cmnMemory.h"
-#include "memalign.h"
-* Init the audio codec module and return codec handle
-* \param phCodec [OUT] Return the video codec handle
-* \param vType [IN] The codec type if the module support multi codec.
-* \param pUserData [IN] The init param. It is memory operator or alloced memory
-* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
- int error;
- VO_MEM_OPERATOR voMemoprator;
- int interMem;
- interMem = 0;
- error = 0;
- /* init the memory operator */
- if(pUserData == NULL || pUserData->memflag != VO_IMF_USERMEMOPERATOR || pUserData->memData == NULL )
- {
- voMemoprator.Alloc = cmnMemAlloc;
- voMemoprator.Copy = cmnMemCopy;
- voMemoprator.Free = cmnMemFree;
- voMemoprator.Set = cmnMemSet;
- voMemoprator.Check = cmnMemCheck;
- interMem = 1;
- pMemOP = &voMemoprator;
- *phCodec = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- pMemOP = (VO_MEM_OPERATOR *)pUserData->memData;
- }
- /* init the aac encoder handle */
- hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)mem_malloc(pMemOP, sizeof(AAC_ENCODER), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == hAacEnc)
- {
- error = 1;
- }
- if(!error)
- {
- /* init the aac encoder intra memory */
- hAacEnc->intbuf = (short *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, AACENC_BLOCKSIZE*MAX_CHANNELS*sizeof(short), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == hAacEnc->intbuf)
- {
- error = 1;
- }
- }
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: aacenc.c
+ Content: aac encoder interface functions
+#include "voAAC.h"
+#include "typedef.h"
+#include "aacenc_core.h"
+#include "aac_rom.h"
+#include "cmnMemory.h"
+#include "memalign.h"
+* Init the audio codec module and return codec handle
+* \param phCodec [OUT] Return the video codec handle
+* \param vType [IN] The codec type if the module support multi codec.
+* \param pUserData [IN] The init param. It is memory operator or alloced memory
+* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
+ int error;
+ VO_MEM_OPERATOR voMemoprator;
+ int interMem;
+ interMem = 0;
+ error = 0;
+ /* init the memory operator */
+ if(pUserData == NULL || pUserData->memflag != VO_IMF_USERMEMOPERATOR || pUserData->memData == NULL )
+ {
+ voMemoprator.Alloc = cmnMemAlloc;
+ voMemoprator.Copy = cmnMemCopy;
+ voMemoprator.Free = cmnMemFree;
+ voMemoprator.Set = cmnMemSet;
+ voMemoprator.Check = cmnMemCheck;
+ interMem = 1;
+ pMemOP = &voMemoprator;
+ *phCodec = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pMemOP = (VO_MEM_OPERATOR *)pUserData->memData;
+ }
+ /* init the aac encoder handle */
+ hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)mem_malloc(pMemOP, sizeof(AAC_ENCODER), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == hAacEnc)
+ {
+ error = 1;
+ }
+ if(!error)
+ {
+ /* init the aac encoder intra memory */
+ hAacEnc->intbuf = (short *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, AACENC_BLOCKSIZE*MAX_CHANNELS*sizeof(short), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == hAacEnc->intbuf)
+ {
+ error = 1;
+ }
+ }
if (!error) {
/* init the aac encoder psychoacoustic */
error = (PsyNew(&hAacEnc->psyKernel, MAX_CHANNELS, pMemOP) ||
PsyOutNew(&hAacEnc->psyOut, pMemOP));
- }
+ }
if (!error) {
/* init the aac encoder quantization elements */
error = QCOutNew(&hAacEnc->qcOut,MAX_CHANNELS, pMemOP);
- }
+ }
if (!error) {
/* init the aac encoder quantization state */
error = QCNew(&hAacEnc->qcKernel, pMemOP);
@@ -116,380 +116,380 @@ VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncInit(VO_HANDLE * phCodec,VO_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE vType, VO_COD
*phCodec = NULL;
- }
- /* init the aac encoder memory operator */
- if(interMem)
- {
- hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Alloc = cmnMemAlloc;
- hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Copy = cmnMemCopy;
- hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Free = cmnMemFree;
- hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Set = cmnMemSet;
- hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Check = cmnMemCheck;
- pMemOP = &hAacEnc->voMemoprator;
- }
- /* init the aac encoder default parameter */
- if(hAacEnc->initOK == 0)
- {
- config.adtsUsed = 1;
- config.bitRate = 128000;
- config.nChannelsIn = 2;
- config.nChannelsOut = 2;
- config.sampleRate = 44100;
- config.bandWidth = 20000;
- AacEncOpen(hAacEnc, config);
- }
- hAacEnc->voMemop = pMemOP;
- *phCodec = hAacEnc;
- return VO_ERR_NONE;
-* Set input audio data.
-* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
-* \param pInput [IN] The input buffer param.
-* \param pOutBuffer [OUT] The output buffer info.
-* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
-VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncSetInputData(VO_HANDLE hCodec, VO_CODECBUFFER * pInput)
- int length;
- if(NULL == hCodec || NULL == pInput || NULL == pInput->Buffer)
- {
- }
- hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER *)hCodec;
- /* init input pcm buffer and length*/
- hAacEnc->inbuf = (short *)pInput->Buffer;
- hAacEnc->inlen = pInput->Length / sizeof(short);
- hAacEnc->uselength = 0;
- hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->inbuf;
- hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->inlen;
- /* rebuild intra pcm buffer and length*/
- if(hAacEnc->intlen)
- {
- length = min(hAacEnc->config.nChannelsIn*AACENC_BLOCKSIZE - hAacEnc->intlen, hAacEnc->inlen);
- hAacEnc->voMemop->Copy(VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC, hAacEnc->intbuf + hAacEnc->intlen,
- hAacEnc->inbuf, length*sizeof(short));
- hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->intbuf;
- hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->intlen + length;
- hAacEnc->inbuf += length;
- hAacEnc->inlen -= length;
- }
- return VO_ERR_NONE;
-* Get the outut audio data
-* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
-* \param pOutBuffer [OUT] The output audio data
-* \param pOutInfo [OUT] The dec module filled audio format and used the input size.
-* pOutInfo->InputUsed is total used the input size.
-* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
-* VO_ERR_INPUT_BUFFER_SMALL. The input was finished or the input data was not enought.
- AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)hCodec;
- Word16 numAncDataBytes=0;
- Word32 inbuflen;
- int ret, length;
- if(NULL == hAacEnc)
- inbuflen = AACENC_BLOCKSIZE*hAacEnc->config.nChannelsIn;
- /* check the input pcm buffer and length*/
- if(NULL == hAacEnc->encbuf || hAacEnc->enclen < inbuflen)
- {
- length = hAacEnc->enclen;
- if(hAacEnc->intlen == 0)
- {
- hAacEnc->voMemop->Copy(VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC, hAacEnc->intbuf,
- hAacEnc->encbuf, length*sizeof(short));
- hAacEnc->uselength += length*sizeof(short);
- }
- else
- {
- hAacEnc->uselength += (length - hAacEnc->intlen)*sizeof(short);
- }
- hAacEnc->intlen = length;
- pOutput->Length = 0;
- if(pOutInfo)
- pOutInfo->InputUsed = hAacEnc->uselength;
- }
- /* check the output aac buffer and length*/
- if(NULL == pOutput || NULL == pOutput->Buffer || pOutput->Length < (6144/8)*hAacEnc->config.nChannelsOut/(sizeof(Word32)))
- /* aac encoder core function */
- AacEncEncode( hAacEnc,
- (Word16*)hAacEnc->encbuf,
- &numAncDataBytes,
- pOutput->Buffer,
- &pOutput->Length);
- /* update the input pcm buffer and length*/
- if(hAacEnc->intlen)
- {
- length = inbuflen - hAacEnc->intlen;
- hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->inbuf;
- hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->inlen;
- hAacEnc->uselength += length*sizeof(short);
- hAacEnc->intlen = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->encbuf + inbuflen;
- hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->enclen - inbuflen;
- hAacEnc->uselength += inbuflen*sizeof(short);
- }
- /* update the output aac information */
- if(pOutInfo)
- {
- pOutInfo->Format.Channels = hAacEnc->config.nChannelsOut;
- pOutInfo->Format.SampleRate = hAacEnc->config.sampleRate;
- pOutInfo->Format.SampleBits = 16;
- pOutInfo->InputUsed = hAacEnc->uselength;
- }
- return VO_ERR_NONE;
-* Uninit the Codec.
-* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
-* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
-VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncUninit(VO_HANDLE hCodec)
- AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)hCodec;
- if(NULL != hAacEnc)
- {
- /* close the aac encoder */
- AacEncClose(hAacEnc, hAacEnc->voMemop);
- /* free the aac encoder handle*/
- mem_free(hAacEnc->voMemop, hAacEnc, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- hAacEnc = NULL;
- }
- return VO_ERR_NONE;
-* Set the param for special target.
-* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
-* \param uParamID [IN] The param ID.
-* \param pData [IN] The param value depend on the ID>
-* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
-VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncSetParam(VO_HANDLE hCodec, VO_S32 uParamID, VO_PTR pData)
- AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)hCodec;
- int ret, i, bitrate, tmp;
- int SampleRateIdx;
- if(NULL == hAacEnc)
- switch(uParamID)
- {
- case VO_PID_AAC_ENCPARAM: /* init aac encoder parameter*/
- AacInitDefaultConfig(&config);
- if(pData == NULL)
- pAAC_param = (AACENC_PARAM*)pData;
- config.adtsUsed = pAAC_param->adtsUsed;
- config.bitRate = pAAC_param->bitRate;
- config.nChannelsIn = pAAC_param->nChannels;
- config.nChannelsOut = pAAC_param->nChannels;
- config.sampleRate = pAAC_param->sampleRate;
- /* check the channel */
- if(config.nChannelsIn< 1 || config.nChannelsIn > MAX_CHANNELS ||
- config.nChannelsOut < 1 || config.nChannelsOut > MAX_CHANNELS || config.nChannelsIn < config.nChannelsOut)
- /* check the samplerate */
- ret = -1;
- for(i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLE_RATES; i++)
- {
- if(config.sampleRate == sampRateTab[i])
- {
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(ret < 0)
- SampleRateIdx = i;
- tmp = 441;
- if(config.sampleRate%8000 == 0)
- tmp =480;
- /* check the bitrate */
- if(config.bitRate!=0 && (config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut < 4000) ||
- (config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut > 160000) ||
- (config.bitRate > config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut))
- {
- config.bitRate = 640*config.sampleRate/tmp*config.nChannelsOut;
- if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut < 4000)
- config.bitRate = 4000 * config.nChannelsOut;
- else if(config.bitRate > config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut)
- config.bitRate = config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut;
- else if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut > 160000)
- config.bitRate = config.nChannelsOut*160000;
- }
- /* check the bandwidth */
- bitrate = config.bitRate / config.nChannelsOut;
- bitrate = bitrate * tmp / config.sampleRate;
- for (i = 0; rates[i]; i++)
- {
- if (rates[i] >= bitrate)
- break;
- }
- config.bandWidth = BandwithCoefTab[i][SampleRateIdx];
- /* init aac encoder core */
- ret = AacEncOpen(hAacEnc, config);
- if(ret)
- break;
- case VO_PID_AUDIO_FORMAT: /* init pcm channel and samplerate*/
- AacInitDefaultConfig(&config);
- if(pData == NULL)
- pWAV_Format = (VO_AUDIO_FORMAT*)pData;
- config.adtsUsed = 1;
- config.nChannelsIn = pWAV_Format->Channels;
- config.nChannelsOut = pWAV_Format->Channels;
- config.sampleRate = pWAV_Format->SampleRate;
- /* check the channel */
- if(config.nChannelsIn< 1 || config.nChannelsIn > MAX_CHANNELS ||
- config.nChannelsOut < 1 || config.nChannelsOut > MAX_CHANNELS || config.nChannelsIn < config.nChannelsOut)
- /* check the samplebits */
- if(pWAV_Format->SampleBits != 16)
- {
- }
- /* check the samplerate */
- ret = -1;
- for(i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLE_RATES; i++)
- {
- if(config.sampleRate == sampRateTab[i])
- {
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(ret < 0)
- SampleRateIdx = i;
- /* update the bitrates */
- tmp = 441;
- if(config.sampleRate%8000 == 0)
- tmp =480;
- config.bitRate = 640*config.sampleRate/tmp*config.nChannelsOut;
- if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut < 4000)
- config.bitRate = 4000 * config.nChannelsOut;
- else if(config.bitRate > config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut)
- config.bitRate = config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut;
- else if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut > 160000)
- config.bitRate = config.nChannelsOut*160000;
- /* check the bandwidth */
- bitrate = config.bitRate / config.nChannelsOut;
- bitrate = bitrate * tmp / config.sampleRate;
- for (i = 0; rates[i]; i++)
- {
- if (rates[i] >= bitrate)
- break;
- }
- config.bandWidth = BandwithCoefTab[i][SampleRateIdx];
- /* init aac encoder core */
- ret = AacEncOpen(hAacEnc, config);
- if(ret)
- break;
- default:
- }
- return VO_ERR_NONE;
-* Get the param for special target.
-* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
-* \param uParamID [IN] The param ID.
-* \param pData [IN] The param value depend on the ID>
-* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
-VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncGetParam(VO_HANDLE hCodec, VO_S32 uParamID, VO_PTR pData)
- return VO_ERR_NONE;
- * Get audio codec API interface
- * \param pEncHandle [out] Return the AAC Encoder handle.
- * \retval VO_ERR_OK Succeeded.
- */
- if(pDecHandle == NULL)
- pDecHandle->Init = voAACEncInit;
- pDecHandle->SetInputData = voAACEncSetInputData;
- pDecHandle->GetOutputData = voAACEncGetOutputData;
- pDecHandle->SetParam = voAACEncSetParam;
- pDecHandle->GetParam = voAACEncGetParam;
- pDecHandle->Uninit = voAACEncUninit;
- return VO_ERR_NONE;
+ }
+ /* init the aac encoder memory operator */
+ if(interMem)
+ {
+ hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Alloc = cmnMemAlloc;
+ hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Copy = cmnMemCopy;
+ hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Free = cmnMemFree;
+ hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Set = cmnMemSet;
+ hAacEnc->voMemoprator.Check = cmnMemCheck;
+ pMemOP = &hAacEnc->voMemoprator;
+ }
+ /* init the aac encoder default parameter */
+ if(hAacEnc->initOK == 0)
+ {
+ config.adtsUsed = 1;
+ config.bitRate = 128000;
+ config.nChannelsIn = 2;
+ config.nChannelsOut = 2;
+ config.sampleRate = 44100;
+ config.bandWidth = 20000;
+ AacEncOpen(hAacEnc, config);
+ }
+ hAacEnc->voMemop = pMemOP;
+ *phCodec = hAacEnc;
+ return VO_ERR_NONE;
+* Set input audio data.
+* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
+* \param pInput [IN] The input buffer param.
+* \param pOutBuffer [OUT] The output buffer info.
+* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
+VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncSetInputData(VO_HANDLE hCodec, VO_CODECBUFFER * pInput)
+ int length;
+ if(NULL == hCodec || NULL == pInput || NULL == pInput->Buffer)
+ {
+ }
+ hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER *)hCodec;
+ /* init input pcm buffer and length*/
+ hAacEnc->inbuf = (short *)pInput->Buffer;
+ hAacEnc->inlen = pInput->Length / sizeof(short);
+ hAacEnc->uselength = 0;
+ hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->inbuf;
+ hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->inlen;
+ /* rebuild intra pcm buffer and length*/
+ if(hAacEnc->intlen)
+ {
+ length = min(hAacEnc->config.nChannelsIn*AACENC_BLOCKSIZE - hAacEnc->intlen, hAacEnc->inlen);
+ hAacEnc->voMemop->Copy(VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC, hAacEnc->intbuf + hAacEnc->intlen,
+ hAacEnc->inbuf, length*sizeof(short));
+ hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->intbuf;
+ hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->intlen + length;
+ hAacEnc->inbuf += length;
+ hAacEnc->inlen -= length;
+ }
+ return VO_ERR_NONE;
+* Get the outut audio data
+* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
+* \param pOutBuffer [OUT] The output audio data
+* \param pOutInfo [OUT] The dec module filled audio format and used the input size.
+* pOutInfo->InputUsed is total used the input size.
+* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
+* VO_ERR_INPUT_BUFFER_SMALL. The input was finished or the input data was not enought.
+ AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)hCodec;
+ Word16 numAncDataBytes=0;
+ Word32 inbuflen;
+ int ret, length;
+ if(NULL == hAacEnc)
+ inbuflen = AACENC_BLOCKSIZE*hAacEnc->config.nChannelsIn;
+ /* check the input pcm buffer and length*/
+ if(NULL == hAacEnc->encbuf || hAacEnc->enclen < inbuflen)
+ {
+ length = hAacEnc->enclen;
+ if(hAacEnc->intlen == 0)
+ {
+ hAacEnc->voMemop->Copy(VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC, hAacEnc->intbuf,
+ hAacEnc->encbuf, length*sizeof(short));
+ hAacEnc->uselength += length*sizeof(short);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hAacEnc->uselength += (length - hAacEnc->intlen)*sizeof(short);
+ }
+ hAacEnc->intlen = length;
+ pOutput->Length = 0;
+ if(pOutInfo)
+ pOutInfo->InputUsed = hAacEnc->uselength;
+ }
+ /* check the output aac buffer and length*/
+ if(NULL == pOutput || NULL == pOutput->Buffer || pOutput->Length < (6144/8)*hAacEnc->config.nChannelsOut/(sizeof(Word32)))
+ /* aac encoder core function */
+ AacEncEncode( hAacEnc,
+ (Word16*)hAacEnc->encbuf,
+ &numAncDataBytes,
+ pOutput->Buffer,
+ &pOutput->Length);
+ /* update the input pcm buffer and length*/
+ if(hAacEnc->intlen)
+ {
+ length = inbuflen - hAacEnc->intlen;
+ hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->inbuf;
+ hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->inlen;
+ hAacEnc->uselength += length*sizeof(short);
+ hAacEnc->intlen = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hAacEnc->encbuf = hAacEnc->encbuf + inbuflen;
+ hAacEnc->enclen = hAacEnc->enclen - inbuflen;
+ hAacEnc->uselength += inbuflen*sizeof(short);
+ }
+ /* update the output aac information */
+ if(pOutInfo)
+ {
+ pOutInfo->Format.Channels = hAacEnc->config.nChannelsOut;
+ pOutInfo->Format.SampleRate = hAacEnc->config.sampleRate;
+ pOutInfo->Format.SampleBits = 16;
+ pOutInfo->InputUsed = hAacEnc->uselength;
+ }
+ return VO_ERR_NONE;
+* Uninit the Codec.
+* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
+* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
+VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncUninit(VO_HANDLE hCodec)
+ AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)hCodec;
+ if(NULL != hAacEnc)
+ {
+ /* close the aac encoder */
+ AacEncClose(hAacEnc, hAacEnc->voMemop);
+ /* free the aac encoder handle*/
+ mem_free(hAacEnc->voMemop, hAacEnc, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ hAacEnc = NULL;
+ }
+ return VO_ERR_NONE;
+* Set the param for special target.
+* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
+* \param uParamID [IN] The param ID.
+* \param pData [IN] The param value depend on the ID>
+* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
+VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncSetParam(VO_HANDLE hCodec, VO_S32 uParamID, VO_PTR pData)
+ AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc = (AAC_ENCODER*)hCodec;
+ int ret, i, bitrate, tmp;
+ int SampleRateIdx;
+ if(NULL == hAacEnc)
+ switch(uParamID)
+ {
+ case VO_PID_AAC_ENCPARAM: /* init aac encoder parameter*/
+ AacInitDefaultConfig(&config);
+ if(pData == NULL)
+ pAAC_param = (AACENC_PARAM*)pData;
+ config.adtsUsed = pAAC_param->adtsUsed;
+ config.bitRate = pAAC_param->bitRate;
+ config.nChannelsIn = pAAC_param->nChannels;
+ config.nChannelsOut = pAAC_param->nChannels;
+ config.sampleRate = pAAC_param->sampleRate;
+ /* check the channel */
+ if(config.nChannelsIn< 1 || config.nChannelsIn > MAX_CHANNELS ||
+ config.nChannelsOut < 1 || config.nChannelsOut > MAX_CHANNELS || config.nChannelsIn < config.nChannelsOut)
+ /* check the samplerate */
+ ret = -1;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLE_RATES; i++)
+ {
+ if(config.sampleRate == sampRateTab[i])
+ {
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ret < 0)
+ SampleRateIdx = i;
+ tmp = 441;
+ if(config.sampleRate%8000 == 0)
+ tmp =480;
+ /* check the bitrate */
+ if(config.bitRate!=0 && (config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut < 4000) ||
+ (config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut > 160000) ||
+ (config.bitRate > config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut))
+ {
+ config.bitRate = 640*config.sampleRate/tmp*config.nChannelsOut;
+ if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut < 4000)
+ config.bitRate = 4000 * config.nChannelsOut;
+ else if(config.bitRate > config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut)
+ config.bitRate = config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut;
+ else if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut > 160000)
+ config.bitRate = config.nChannelsOut*160000;
+ }
+ /* check the bandwidth */
+ bitrate = config.bitRate / config.nChannelsOut;
+ bitrate = bitrate * tmp / config.sampleRate;
+ for (i = 0; rates[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if (rates[i] >= bitrate)
+ break;
+ }
+ config.bandWidth = BandwithCoefTab[i][SampleRateIdx];
+ /* init aac encoder core */
+ ret = AacEncOpen(hAacEnc, config);
+ if(ret)
+ break;
+ case VO_PID_AUDIO_FORMAT: /* init pcm channel and samplerate*/
+ AacInitDefaultConfig(&config);
+ if(pData == NULL)
+ pWAV_Format = (VO_AUDIO_FORMAT*)pData;
+ config.adtsUsed = 1;
+ config.nChannelsIn = pWAV_Format->Channels;
+ config.nChannelsOut = pWAV_Format->Channels;
+ config.sampleRate = pWAV_Format->SampleRate;
+ /* check the channel */
+ if(config.nChannelsIn< 1 || config.nChannelsIn > MAX_CHANNELS ||
+ config.nChannelsOut < 1 || config.nChannelsOut > MAX_CHANNELS || config.nChannelsIn < config.nChannelsOut)
+ /* check the samplebits */
+ if(pWAV_Format->SampleBits != 16)
+ {
+ }
+ /* check the samplerate */
+ ret = -1;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLE_RATES; i++)
+ {
+ if(config.sampleRate == sampRateTab[i])
+ {
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ret < 0)
+ SampleRateIdx = i;
+ /* update the bitrates */
+ tmp = 441;
+ if(config.sampleRate%8000 == 0)
+ tmp =480;
+ config.bitRate = 640*config.sampleRate/tmp*config.nChannelsOut;
+ if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut < 4000)
+ config.bitRate = 4000 * config.nChannelsOut;
+ else if(config.bitRate > config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut)
+ config.bitRate = config.sampleRate*6*config.nChannelsOut;
+ else if(config.bitRate/config.nChannelsOut > 160000)
+ config.bitRate = config.nChannelsOut*160000;
+ /* check the bandwidth */
+ bitrate = config.bitRate / config.nChannelsOut;
+ bitrate = bitrate * tmp / config.sampleRate;
+ for (i = 0; rates[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if (rates[i] >= bitrate)
+ break;
+ }
+ config.bandWidth = BandwithCoefTab[i][SampleRateIdx];
+ /* init aac encoder core */
+ ret = AacEncOpen(hAacEnc, config);
+ if(ret)
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return VO_ERR_NONE;
+* Get the param for special target.
+* \param hCodec [IN]] The Codec Handle which was created by Init function.
+* \param uParamID [IN] The param ID.
+* \param pData [IN] The param value depend on the ID>
+* \retval VO_ERR_NONE Succeeded.
+VO_U32 VO_API voAACEncGetParam(VO_HANDLE hCodec, VO_S32 uParamID, VO_PTR pData)
+ return VO_ERR_NONE;
+ * Get audio codec API interface
+ * \param pEncHandle [out] Return the AAC Encoder handle.
+ * \retval VO_ERR_OK Succeeded.
+ */
+ if(pDecHandle == NULL)
+ pDecHandle->Init = voAACEncInit;
+ pDecHandle->SetInputData = voAACEncSetInputData;
+ pDecHandle->GetOutputData = voAACEncGetOutputData;
+ pDecHandle->SetParam = voAACEncSetParam;
+ pDecHandle->GetParam = voAACEncGetParam;
+ pDecHandle->Uninit = voAACEncUninit;
+ return VO_ERR_NONE;
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc_core.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc_core.c
index 616475c..b69a017 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc_core.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/aacenc_core.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: aacenc_core.c
- Content: aac encoder core functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: aacenc_core.c
+ Content: aac encoder core functions
#include "typedef.h"
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ Word16 AacEncOpen( AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc, /* pointer to an encoder
const AACENC_CONFIG config /* pre-initialized config struct */
- Word32 i;
+ Word32 i;
Word32 error = 0;
- Word16 profile = 1;
+ Word16 profile = 1;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Word16 AacEncOpen( AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc, /* pointer to an encoder
error = InitElementInfo (config.nChannelsOut,
if (!error) {
elInfo = &hAacEnc->elInfo;
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ Word16 AacEncOpen( AAC_ENCODER* hAacEnc, /* pointer to an encoder
/* use or not adts header */
- if(!error) {
- hAacEnc->qcOut.qcElement.adtsUsed = config.adtsUsed;
+ if(!error) {
+ hAacEnc->qcOut.qcElement.adtsUsed = config.adtsUsed;
/* init encoder quantization */
@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ Word16 AacEncEncode(AAC_ENCODER *aacEnc, /*!< an encoder handle */
- ancBytes,
+ ancBytes,
/* write out the bitstream */
- *numOutBytes = GetBitsAvail(aacEnc->hBitStream) >> 3;
+ *numOutBytes = GetBitsAvail(aacEnc->hBitStream) >> 3;
return 0;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/adj_thr.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/adj_thr.c
index 0dbd216..83b43a1 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/adj_thr.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/adj_thr.c
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: adj_thr.c
- Content: Threshold compensation functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: adj_thr.c
+ Content: Threshold compensation functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "adj_thr_data.h"
#include "adj_thr.h"
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@
#define minSnrLimit 0x6666 /* 1 dB */
-#define PEBITS_COEF 0x170a /* 0.18*(1 << 15)*/
-#define HOLE_THR_LONG 0x2873 /* 0.316*(1 << 15) */
-#define HOLE_THR_SHORT 0x4000 /* 0.5 *(1 << 15) */
-#define MS_THRSPREAD_COEF 0x7333 /* 0.9 * (1 << 15) */
-#define MIN_SNR_COEF 0x651f /* 3.16* (1 << (15 - 2)) */
+#define PEBITS_COEF 0x170a /* 0.18*(1 << 15)*/
+#define HOLE_THR_LONG 0x2873 /* 0.316*(1 << 15) */
+#define HOLE_THR_SHORT 0x4000 /* 0.5 *(1 << 15) */
+#define MS_THRSPREAD_COEF 0x7333 /* 0.9 * (1 << 15) */
+#define MIN_SNR_COEF 0x651f /* 3.16* (1 << (15 - 2)) */
/* values for avoid hole flag */
enum _avoid_hole_state {
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ static void calcThreshExp(Word32 thrExp[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
const Word16 nChannels)
- Word16 ch, sfb, sfbGrp;
+ Word16 ch, sfb, sfbGrp;
Word32 *pthrExp, *psfbThre;
for (ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) {
- PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan = &psyOutChannel[ch];
- for(sfbGrp = 0; sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt; sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup)
- pthrExp = &(thrExp[ch][sfbGrp]);
- psfbThre = psyOutChan->sfbThreshold + sfbGrp;
+ PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan = &psyOutChannel[ch];
+ for(sfbGrp = 0; sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt; sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup)
+ pthrExp = &(thrExp[ch][sfbGrp]);
+ psfbThre = psyOutChan->sfbThreshold + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
- *pthrExp = rsqrt(rsqrt(*psfbThre,INT_BITS),INT_BITS);
+ *pthrExp = rsqrt(rsqrt(*psfbThre,INT_BITS),INT_BITS);
pthrExp++; psfbThre++;
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static void adaptMinSnr(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
if (nSfb > 0) {
- avgEn = avgEn / nSfb;
+ avgEn = avgEn / nSfb;
log_avgEn = iLog4(avgEn);
startRatio_x_avgEn = fixmul(msaParam->startRatio, avgEn);
@@ -172,18 +172,18 @@ static void initAvoidHoleFlag(Word16 ahFlag[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
if (psyOutChan->windowSequence != SHORT_WINDOW) {
for(sfbGrp = 0;sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt;sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
- psfbSpreadEn = psyOutChan->sfbSpreadedEnergy + sfbGrp;
+ psfbSpreadEn = psyOutChan->sfbSpreadedEnergy + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
- *psfbSpreadEn = *psfbSpreadEn >> 1; /* 0.5 */
+ *psfbSpreadEn = *psfbSpreadEn >> 1; /* 0.5 */
else {
- for(sfbGrp = 0;sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt;sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
+ for(sfbGrp = 0;sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt;sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
psfbSpreadEn = psyOutChan->sfbSpreadedEnergy + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
- *psfbSpreadEn = (*psfbSpreadEn >> 1) + (*psfbSpreadEn >> 3); /* 0.63 */
+ *psfbSpreadEn = (*psfbSpreadEn >> 1) + (*psfbSpreadEn >> 3); /* 0.63 */
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ static void initAvoidHoleFlag(Word16 ahFlag[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
threshold = HOLE_THR_SHORT;
for(sfbGrp = 0;sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt;sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
- Word16 *psfbMinSnr = psyOutChan->sfbMinSnr + sfbGrp;
+ Word16 *psfbMinSnr = psyOutChan->sfbMinSnr + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
Word32 sfbEn, sfbEnm1, sfbEnp1, avgEn;
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static void initAvoidHoleFlag(Word16 ahFlag[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
if (sfbEn > avgEn && avgEn > 0) {
Word32 tmpMinSnr;
- shift = norm_l(sfbEn);
+ shift = norm_l(sfbEn);
tmpMinSnr = Div_32(L_mpy_ls(avgEn, minSnrLimit) << shift, sfbEn << shift );
tmpMinSnr = max(tmpMinSnr, HOLE_THR_LONG);
tmpMinSnr = max(tmpMinSnr, threshold);
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ static void initAvoidHoleFlag(Word16 ahFlag[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
Word32 tmpMinSnr;
Word32 minSnrEn = L_mpy_wx(avgEn, *psfbMinSnr);
- if(minSnrEn < sfbEn) {
+ if(minSnrEn < sfbEn) {
shift = norm_l(sfbEn);
tmpMinSnr = Div_32( minSnrEn << shift, sfbEn<<shift);
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static void initAvoidHoleFlag(Word16 ahFlag[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
*psfbMinSnr =
(min((tmpMinSnr >> 2), mult(*psfbMinSnr, MIN_SNR_COEF)) << 2);
- }
+ }
@@ -266,17 +266,17 @@ static void initAvoidHoleFlag(Word16 ahFlag[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
psyOutChanM->sfbMinSnr[sfb] = MAX_16;
else {
- shift = norm_l(sfbEnM);
- psyOutChanM->sfbMinSnr[sfb] = min(max(psyOutChanM->sfbMinSnr[sfb],
+ shift = norm_l(sfbEnM);
+ psyOutChanM->sfbMinSnr[sfb] = min(max(psyOutChanM->sfbMinSnr[sfb],
round16(Div_32(maxThr<<shift, sfbEnM << shift))), minSnrLimit);
if(maxThr >= sfbEnS) {
psyOutChanS->sfbMinSnr[sfb] = MAX_16;
- else {
+ else {
shift = norm_l(sfbEnS);
- psyOutChanS->sfbMinSnr[sfb] = min(max(psyOutChanS->sfbMinSnr[sfb],
+ psyOutChanS->sfbMinSnr[sfb] = min(max(psyOutChanS->sfbMinSnr[sfb],
round16(Div_32(maxThr << shift, sfbEnS << shift))), minSnrLimit);
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ static void initAvoidHoleFlag(Word16 ahFlag[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_GROUPED_SFB],
for(ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) {
PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan = &psyOutChannel[ch];
for(sfbGrp = 0;sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt;sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
- Word16 *pahFlag = ahFlag[ch] + sfbGrp;
+ Word16 *pahFlag = ahFlag[ch] + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
if ((psyOutChan->sfbSpreadedEnergy[sfbGrp+sfb] > psyOutChan->sfbEnergy[sfbGrp+sfb]) ||
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ static void calcPeNoAH(Word16 *pe,
const Word16 nChannels)
- Word16 ch, sfb, sfbGrp;
+ Word16 ch, sfb, sfbGrp;
int ipe, iconstPart, inActiveLines;
ipe = 0;
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ static void calcPeNoAH(Word16 *pe,
- }
+ }
*pe = saturate(ipe);
*constPart = saturate(iconstPart);
@@ -367,14 +367,14 @@ static void reduceThresholds(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
const Word32 redVal)
Word32 sfbThrReduced;
- Word32 *psfbEn, *psfbThr;
- Word16 ch, sfb, sfbGrp;
+ Word32 *psfbEn, *psfbThr;
+ Word16 ch, sfb, sfbGrp;
for(ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) {
PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan = &psyOutChannel[ch];
for(sfbGrp=0; sfbGrp<psyOutChan->sfbCnt; sfbGrp+=psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup) {
- psfbEn = psyOutChan->sfbEnergy + sfbGrp;
- psfbThr = psyOutChan->sfbThreshold + sfbGrp;
+ psfbEn = psyOutChan->sfbEnergy + sfbGrp;
+ psfbThr = psyOutChan->sfbThreshold + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
if (*psfbEn > *psfbThr) {
@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ static void reduceThresholds(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
ahFlag[ch][sfbGrp+sfb] = AH_ACTIVE;
*psfbThr = sfbThrReduced;
- }
+ }
psfbEn++; psfbThr++;
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ static void correctThresh(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
Word32 deltaSfbPe;
- Word32 normFactor;
- Word32 *psfbPeFactors;
+ Word32 normFactor;
+ Word32 *psfbPeFactors;
Word16 *psfbNActiveLines, *pahFlag;
Word32 sfbEn, sfbThr;
Word32 sfbThrReduced;
@@ -431,9 +431,9 @@ static void correctThresh(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
psyOutChan = &psyOutChannel[ch];
peChanData = &peData->peChannelData[ch];
for(sfbGrp = 0;sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt;sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
- psfbPeFactors = peData->sfbPeFactors[ch] + sfbGrp;
- psfbNActiveLines = peChanData->sfbNActiveLines + sfbGrp;
- pahFlag = ahFlag[ch] + sfbGrp;
+ psfbPeFactors = peData->sfbPeFactors[ch] + sfbGrp;
+ psfbNActiveLines = peChanData->sfbNActiveLines + sfbGrp;
+ pahFlag = ahFlag[ch] + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
Word32 redThrExp = thrExp[ch][sfbGrp+sfb] + redVal;
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ static void correctThresh(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
else {
*psfbPeFactors = 0;
- }
- psfbPeFactors++;
+ }
+ psfbPeFactors++;
pahFlag++; psfbNActiveLines++;
@@ -457,9 +457,9 @@ static void correctThresh(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
psyOutChan = &psyOutChannel[ch];
peChanData = &peData->peChannelData[ch];
for(sfbGrp = 0;sfbGrp < psyOutChan->sfbCnt;sfbGrp+= psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
- psfbPeFactors = peData->sfbPeFactors[ch] + sfbGrp;
- psfbNActiveLines = peChanData->sfbNActiveLines + sfbGrp;
- pahFlag = ahFlag[ch] + sfbGrp;
+ psfbPeFactors = peData->sfbPeFactors[ch] + sfbGrp;
+ psfbNActiveLines = peChanData->sfbNActiveLines + sfbGrp;
+ pahFlag = ahFlag[ch] + sfbGrp;
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
/* pe difference for this sfb */
deltaSfbPe = *psfbPeFactors * deltaPe;
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ static void correctThresh(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
if(thrFactor > sfbThr) {
- shift = norm_l(thrFactor);
+ shift = norm_l(thrFactor);
sfbThrReduced = Div_32( sfbThr << shift, thrFactor<<shift );
else {
@@ -506,8 +506,8 @@ static void correctThresh(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
psyOutChan->sfbThreshold[sfbGrp+sfb] = sfbThrReduced;
- }
+ }
pahFlag++; psfbNActiveLines++; psfbPeFactors++;
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ static void reduceMinSnr(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
for (sfb=sfbSubWin; sfb<psyOutChannel[0].sfbCnt;
sfb+=psyOutChannel[0].sfbPerGroup) {
/* loop over all channels */
- PE_CHANNEL_DATA* peChan = peData->peChannelData;
- PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutCh = psyOutChannel;
+ PE_CHANNEL_DATA* peChan = peData->peChannelData;
+ PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutCh = psyOutChannel;
for (ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) {
if (ahFlag[ch][sfb] != NO_AH &&
psyOutCh->sfbMinSnr[sfb] < minSnrLimit) {
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ static void reduceMinSnr(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
peData->pe = peData->pe + deltaPe;
peChan->pe = peChan->pe + deltaPe;
- }
+ }
peChan += 1; psyOutCh += 1;
/* stop if enough has been saved */
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ static void allowMoreHoles(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
if(ahCnt) {
Word32 iahCnt;
- shift = norm_l(ahCnt);
+ shift = norm_l(ahCnt);
iahCnt = Div_32( 1 << shift, ahCnt << shift );
avgEn = fixmul(avgEn, iahCnt);
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ static Word16 calcBitSave(Word16 fillLevel,
fillLevel = max(fillLevel, clipLow);
fillLevel = min(fillLevel, clipHigh);
- if(clipHigh-clipLow)
+ if(clipHigh-clipLow)
bitsave = (maxBitSave - (((maxBitSave-minBitSave)*(fillLevel-clipLow))/
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ static Word16 calcBitSpend(Word16 fillLevel,
fillLevel = max(fillLevel, clipLow);
fillLevel = min(fillLevel, clipHigh);
- if(clipHigh-clipLow)
+ if(clipHigh-clipLow)
bitspend = (minBitSpend + ((maxBitSpend - minBitSpend)*(fillLevel - clipLow) /
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ static Word16 bitresCalcBitFac( const Word16 bitresBits,
bresParam->clipSpendLow, bresParam->clipSpendHigh,
bresParam->minBitSpend, bresParam->maxBitSpend);
- if(adjThrChan->peMax != adjThrChan->peMin)
+ if(adjThrChan->peMax != adjThrChan->peMin)
bitresFac = (100 - bitSave) + extract_l(((bitSpend + bitSave) * (pex - adjThrChan->peMin)) /
(adjThrChan->peMax - adjThrChan->peMin));
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ void AdjustThresholds(ADJ_THR_STATE *adjThrState,
if (peOffsDiff > 0) {
Word32 temp = 1000 - (nChannels * 200);
- chBitDistribution[ch] = chBitDistribution[ch] +
+ chBitDistribution[ch] = chBitDistribution[ch] +
(temp * peData.peChannelData[ch].pe) / peOffsDiff;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/AutoCorrelation_v5.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/AutoCorrelation_v5.s
index 48edd4f..e0885f1 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/AutoCorrelation_v5.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/AutoCorrelation_v5.s
@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: AutoCorrelation_v5.s
-@ Content: AutoCorrelation function armv5 assemble
- .section .text
- .global AutoCorrelation
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- sub r13, r13, #20
- mov r5, r0
- mov r7, r1
- mov r9, r3
- mov r2, r2, lsl #16
- mov r0, #0
- mov r4, r2, asr #16
- mov r8, #0
- cmp r4, #0
- ble L136
- cmp r4, #8
- mov r2, #0
- blt L133
- sub r12, r4, #8
- ldr r6, [r5, r2]
- add r2, r2, #4
- smulbb r3, r6, r6
- ldr r1, [r5, r2]
- smultt r10, r6, r6
- mov r3, r3, asr #9
- smulbb r6, r1, r1
- mov r10, r10, asr #9
- qadd r0, r0, r3
- smultt r11, r1, r1
- add r2, r2, #4
- qadd r0, r0, r10
- mov r6, r6, asr #9
- mov r11, r11, asr #9
- ldr r1, [r5, r2]
- qadd r0, r0, r6
- smulbb r10, r1, r1
- smultt r6, r1, r1
- qadd r0, r0, r11
- mov r10, r10, asr #9
- mov r6, r6, asr #9
- qadd r0, r0, r10
- add r2, r2, #4
- add r8, r8, #6
- qadd r0, r0, r6
- cmp r8, r12
- blt L132
- ldrsh r6, [r5, r2]
- mul r10, r6, r6
- add r2, r2, #2
- mov r1, r10, asr #9
- qadd r0, r0, r1
- add r8, r8, #1
- cmp r8, r4
- blt L133
- str r0, [r7, #0]
- cmp r0, #0
- beq L1320
- mov r2, r9, lsl #16
- mov r8, #1
- mov r2, r2, asr #16
- cmp r2, #1
- ble L1319
- sub r4, r4, #1
- mov r14, #0
- mov r3, #0
- cmp r4, #0
- ble L1317
- cmp r4, #6
- addlt r6, r5, r8, lsl #1
- blt L1314
- add r6, r5, r8, lsl #1
- sub r12, r4, #6
- str r8, [r13, #8]
- str r7, [r13, #4]
- mov r1, r3, lsl #1
- ldrsh r7, [r6, r1]
- ldrsh r10, [r5, r1]
- add r8, r1, r6
- add r9, r5, r1
- mul r7, r10, r7
- ldrsh r1, [r8, #2]
- ldrsh r10, [r8, #4]
- add r7, r14, r7, asr #9
- ldrsh r0, [r9, #2]
- ldrsh r11, [r9, #4]
- mul r1, r0, r1
- ldrsh r14, [r8, #6]
- mul r10, r11, r10
- add r7, r7, r1, asr #9
- ldrsh r8, [r8, #8]
- add r3, r3, #5
- ldrsh r11, [r9, #6]
- ldrsh r1, [r9, #8]
- mul r14, r11, r14
- add r7, r7, r10, asr #9
- mul r1, r1, r8
- add r14, r7, r14, asr #9
- cmp r3, r12
- add r14, r14, r1, asr #9
- ble L1312
- ldr r8, [r13, #8]
- ldr r7, [r13, #4]
- mov r12, r3, lsl #1
- ldrsh r9, [r6, r12]
- ldrsh r12, [r5, r12]
- add r3, r3, #1
- cmp r3, r4
- mul r12, r12, r9
- add r14, r14, r12, asr #9
- blt L1315
- str r14, [r7, +r8, lsl #2]
- add r8, r8, #1
- cmp r8, r2
- blt L139
- add r13, r13, #20
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |AutoCorrelation|
- .end
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: AutoCorrelation_v5.s
+@ Content: AutoCorrelation function armv5 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global AutoCorrelation
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ sub r13, r13, #20
+ mov r5, r0
+ mov r7, r1
+ mov r9, r3
+ mov r2, r2, lsl #16
+ mov r0, #0
+ mov r4, r2, asr #16
+ mov r8, #0
+ cmp r4, #0
+ ble L136
+ cmp r4, #8
+ mov r2, #0
+ blt L133
+ sub r12, r4, #8
+ ldr r6, [r5, r2]
+ add r2, r2, #4
+ smulbb r3, r6, r6
+ ldr r1, [r5, r2]
+ smultt r10, r6, r6
+ mov r3, r3, asr #9
+ smulbb r6, r1, r1
+ mov r10, r10, asr #9
+ qadd r0, r0, r3
+ smultt r11, r1, r1
+ add r2, r2, #4
+ qadd r0, r0, r10
+ mov r6, r6, asr #9
+ mov r11, r11, asr #9
+ ldr r1, [r5, r2]
+ qadd r0, r0, r6
+ smulbb r10, r1, r1
+ smultt r6, r1, r1
+ qadd r0, r0, r11
+ mov r10, r10, asr #9
+ mov r6, r6, asr #9
+ qadd r0, r0, r10
+ add r2, r2, #4
+ add r8, r8, #6
+ qadd r0, r0, r6
+ cmp r8, r12
+ blt L132
+ ldrsh r6, [r5, r2]
+ mul r10, r6, r6
+ add r2, r2, #2
+ mov r1, r10, asr #9
+ qadd r0, r0, r1
+ add r8, r8, #1
+ cmp r8, r4
+ blt L133
+ str r0, [r7, #0]
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq L1320
+ mov r2, r9, lsl #16
+ mov r8, #1
+ mov r2, r2, asr #16
+ cmp r2, #1
+ ble L1319
+ sub r4, r4, #1
+ mov r14, #0
+ mov r3, #0
+ cmp r4, #0
+ ble L1317
+ cmp r4, #6
+ addlt r6, r5, r8, lsl #1
+ blt L1314
+ add r6, r5, r8, lsl #1
+ sub r12, r4, #6
+ str r8, [r13, #8]
+ str r7, [r13, #4]
+ mov r1, r3, lsl #1
+ ldrsh r7, [r6, r1]
+ ldrsh r10, [r5, r1]
+ add r8, r1, r6
+ add r9, r5, r1
+ mul r7, r10, r7
+ ldrsh r1, [r8, #2]
+ ldrsh r10, [r8, #4]
+ add r7, r14, r7, asr #9
+ ldrsh r0, [r9, #2]
+ ldrsh r11, [r9, #4]
+ mul r1, r0, r1
+ ldrsh r14, [r8, #6]
+ mul r10, r11, r10
+ add r7, r7, r1, asr #9
+ ldrsh r8, [r8, #8]
+ add r3, r3, #5
+ ldrsh r11, [r9, #6]
+ ldrsh r1, [r9, #8]
+ mul r14, r11, r14
+ add r7, r7, r10, asr #9
+ mul r1, r1, r8
+ add r14, r7, r14, asr #9
+ cmp r3, r12
+ add r14, r14, r1, asr #9
+ ble L1312
+ ldr r8, [r13, #8]
+ ldr r7, [r13, #4]
+ mov r12, r3, lsl #1
+ ldrsh r9, [r6, r12]
+ ldrsh r12, [r5, r12]
+ add r3, r3, #1
+ cmp r3, r4
+ mul r12, r12, r9
+ add r14, r14, r12, asr #9
+ blt L1315
+ str r14, [r7, +r8, lsl #2]
+ add r8, r8, #1
+ cmp r8, r2
+ blt L139
+ add r13, r13, #20
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |AutoCorrelation|
+ .end
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
index 7997e98..75b916c 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
-@ Content: CalcWindowEnergy function armv5 assemble
- .section .text
- .global CalcWindowEnergy
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- sub r13, r13, #20
- mov r3, r3, lsl #16
- ldr r10, [r0, #168] @ states0 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[0];
- mov r3, r3, asr #16
- ldr r11, [r0, #172] @ states1 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[1];
- mov r2, r2, lsl #16
- ldr r12, hiPassCoeff @ Coeff0 = hiPassCoeff[0];
- mov r2, r2, asr #16
- ldr r14, hiPassCoeff + 4 @ Coeff1 = hiPassCoeff[1];
- mov r8, #0 @ w=0
- mov r5, #0 @ wOffset = 0;
- mov r6, #0 @ accuUE = 0;
- mov r7, #0 @ accuFE = 0;
- mov r4, #0 @ i=0
- str r8, [r13, #4]
- str r0, [r13, #8]
- str r3, [r13, #12]
- mov r9, r5, lsl #1
- ldrsh r9, [r1, r9] @ tempUnfiltered = timeSignal[tidx];
- add r5, r5, r2 @ tidx = tidx + chIncrement;
- smulwb r3, r14, r9 @ accu1 = L_mpy_ls(Coeff1, tempUnfiltered);
- smull r0, r8, r12, r11 @ accu2 = fixmul( Coeff0, states1 );
- mov r3, r3, lsl #1
- mov r8, r8, lsl #1
- sub r0, r3, r10 @ accu3 = accu1 - states0;
- sub r8, r0, r8 @ out = accu3 - accu2;
- mov r10, r3 @ states0 = accu1;
- mov r11, r8 @ states1 = out;
- mul r3, r9, r9
- mov r8, r8, asr #16
- add r4, r4, #1
- add r6, r6, r3, asr #7
- mul r9, r8, r8
- ldr r3, [r13, #12]
- add r7, r7, r9, asr #7
- cmp r4, r3
- ldr r0, [r13, #8]
- ldr r8, [r13, #4]
- add r4, r0, r8, lsl #2
- str r6, [r4, #72]
- add r8, r8, #1
- str r7, [r4, #136]
- cmp r8, #8
- str r10, [r0, #168]
- str r11, [r0, #172]
- mov r0, #1
- add r13, r13, #20
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- .word 0xbec8b439
- .word 0x609d4952
- .end
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
+@ Content: CalcWindowEnergy function armv5 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global CalcWindowEnergy
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ sub r13, r13, #20
+ mov r3, r3, lsl #16
+ ldr r10, [r0, #168] @ states0 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[0];
+ mov r3, r3, asr #16
+ ldr r11, [r0, #172] @ states1 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[1];
+ mov r2, r2, lsl #16
+ ldr r12, hiPassCoeff @ Coeff0 = hiPassCoeff[0];
+ mov r2, r2, asr #16
+ ldr r14, hiPassCoeff + 4 @ Coeff1 = hiPassCoeff[1];
+ mov r8, #0 @ w=0
+ mov r5, #0 @ wOffset = 0;
+ mov r6, #0 @ accuUE = 0;
+ mov r7, #0 @ accuFE = 0;
+ mov r4, #0 @ i=0
+ str r8, [r13, #4]
+ str r0, [r13, #8]
+ str r3, [r13, #12]
+ mov r9, r5, lsl #1
+ ldrsh r9, [r1, r9] @ tempUnfiltered = timeSignal[tidx];
+ add r5, r5, r2 @ tidx = tidx + chIncrement;
+ smulwb r3, r14, r9 @ accu1 = L_mpy_ls(Coeff1, tempUnfiltered);
+ smull r0, r8, r12, r11 @ accu2 = fixmul( Coeff0, states1 );
+ mov r3, r3, lsl #1
+ mov r8, r8, lsl #1
+ sub r0, r3, r10 @ accu3 = accu1 - states0;
+ sub r8, r0, r8 @ out = accu3 - accu2;
+ mov r10, r3 @ states0 = accu1;
+ mov r11, r8 @ states1 = out;
+ mul r3, r9, r9
+ mov r8, r8, asr #16
+ add r4, r4, #1
+ add r6, r6, r3, asr #7
+ mul r9, r8, r8
+ ldr r3, [r13, #12]
+ add r7, r7, r9, asr #7
+ cmp r4, r3
+ ldr r0, [r13, #8]
+ ldr r8, [r13, #4]
+ add r4, r0, r8, lsl #2
+ str r6, [r4, #72]
+ add r8, r8, #1
+ str r7, [r4, #136]
+ cmp r8, #8
+ str r10, [r0, #168]
+ str r11, [r0, #172]
+ mov r0, #1
+ add r13, r13, #20
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ .word 0xbec8b439
+ .word 0x609d4952
+ .end
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/PrePostMDCT_v5.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/PrePostMDCT_v5.s
index d4d3edb..38fe092 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/PrePostMDCT_v5.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/PrePostMDCT_v5.s
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: PrePostMDCT_v5.s
-@ Content: premdct and postmdct function armv5 assemble
- .section .text
- .global PreMDCT
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
- sub r3, r9, #8
- movs r1, r1, asr #2
- beq PreMDCT_END
- ldr r8, [r2], #4
- ldr r9, [r2], #4
- ldrd r4, [r0]
- ldrd r6, [r3]
- smull r14, r11, r4, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr1, cosa)
- smull r10, r12, r7, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa)
- smull r14, r8, r7, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti1, sina)
- smull r7, r10, r4, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr1, sina)
- add r11, r11, r8 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
- sub r7, r12, r10 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa) - MULHIGH(tr1, sina)
- ldr r8, [r2], #4
- ldr r9, [r2], #4
- smull r14, r4, r6, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr2, cosa)
- smull r10, r12, r5, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti2, cosa)
- smull r14, r8, r5, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti2, sina)
- smull r5, r10, r6, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr2, sina)
- add r8, r8, r4
- sub r9, r12, r10
- mov r6, r11
- strd r6, [r0]
- strd r8, [r3]
- subs r1, r1, #1
- sub r3, r3, #8
- add r0, r0, #8
- bne PreMDCT_LOOP
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |PreMDCT|
- .section .text
- .global PostMDCT
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
- sub r3, r9, #8
- movs r1, r1, asr #2
- beq PostMDCT_END
- ldr r8, [r2], #4
- ldr r9, [r2], #4
- ldrd r4, [r0]
- ldrd r6, [r3]
- smull r14, r11, r4, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr1, cosa)
- smull r10, r12, r5, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa)
- smull r14, r8, r5, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti1, sina)
- smull r5, r10, r4, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr1, sina)
- add r4, r11, r8 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
- sub r11, r10, r12 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa) - MULHIGH(tr1, sina)@
- ldr r8, [r2], #4 @
- ldr r9, [r2], #4
- smull r14, r5, r6, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr2, cosa)
- smull r10, r12, r7, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti2, cosa)
- smull r14, r8, r7, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti2, sina)
- smull r7, r10, r6, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr2, sina)
- add r6, r8, r5 @ MULHIGH(cosb, tr2) + MULHIGH(sinb, ti2)@
- sub r5, r10, r12 @ MULHIGH(sinb, tr2) - MULHIGH(cosb, ti2)@
- mov r7, r11
- strd r4, [r0]
- strd r6, [r3]
- subs r1, r1, #1
- sub r3, r3, #8
- add r0, r0, #8
- bne PostMDCT_LOOP
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |PostMDCT|
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: PrePostMDCT_v5.s
+@ Content: premdct and postmdct function armv5 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global PreMDCT
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
+ sub r3, r9, #8
+ movs r1, r1, asr #2
+ beq PreMDCT_END
+ ldr r8, [r2], #4
+ ldr r9, [r2], #4
+ ldrd r4, [r0]
+ ldrd r6, [r3]
+ smull r14, r11, r4, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr1, cosa)
+ smull r10, r12, r7, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa)
+ smull r14, r8, r7, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti1, sina)
+ smull r7, r10, r4, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr1, sina)
+ add r11, r11, r8 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
+ sub r7, r12, r10 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa) - MULHIGH(tr1, sina)
+ ldr r8, [r2], #4
+ ldr r9, [r2], #4
+ smull r14, r4, r6, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr2, cosa)
+ smull r10, r12, r5, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti2, cosa)
+ smull r14, r8, r5, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti2, sina)
+ smull r5, r10, r6, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr2, sina)
+ add r8, r8, r4
+ sub r9, r12, r10
+ mov r6, r11
+ strd r6, [r0]
+ strd r8, [r3]
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ sub r3, r3, #8
+ add r0, r0, #8
+ bne PreMDCT_LOOP
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |PreMDCT|
+ .section .text
+ .global PostMDCT
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
+ sub r3, r9, #8
+ movs r1, r1, asr #2
+ beq PostMDCT_END
+ ldr r8, [r2], #4
+ ldr r9, [r2], #4
+ ldrd r4, [r0]
+ ldrd r6, [r3]
+ smull r14, r11, r4, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr1, cosa)
+ smull r10, r12, r5, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa)
+ smull r14, r8, r5, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti1, sina)
+ smull r5, r10, r4, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr1, sina)
+ add r4, r11, r8 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
+ sub r11, r10, r12 @ MULHIGH(ti1, cosa) - MULHIGH(tr1, sina)@
+ ldr r8, [r2], #4 @
+ ldr r9, [r2], #4
+ smull r14, r5, r6, r8 @ MULHIGH(tr2, cosa)
+ smull r10, r12, r7, r8 @ MULHIGH(ti2, cosa)
+ smull r14, r8, r7, r9 @ MULHIGH(ti2, sina)
+ smull r7, r10, r6, r9 @ MULHIGH(tr2, sina)
+ add r6, r8, r5 @ MULHIGH(cosb, tr2) + MULHIGH(sinb, ti2)@
+ sub r5, r10, r12 @ MULHIGH(sinb, tr2) - MULHIGH(cosb, ti2)@
+ mov r7, r11
+ strd r4, [r0]
+ strd r6, [r3]
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ sub r3, r3, #8
+ add r0, r0, #8
+ bne PostMDCT_LOOP
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |PostMDCT|
.end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/R4R8First_v5.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/R4R8First_v5.s
index 370daf4..b30881a 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/R4R8First_v5.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/R4R8First_v5.s
@@ -1,252 +1,252 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: R4R8First_v5.s
-@ Content: Radix8First and Radix4First function armv5 assemble
- .section .text
- .global Radix4First
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- movs r10, r1
- mov r11, r0
- beq Radix4First_END
- ldrd r0, [r11]
- ldrd r2, [r11, #8]
- ldrd r4, [r11, #16]
- ldrd r6, [r11, #24]
- add r8, r0, r2
- add r9, r1, r3
- sub r0, r0, r2
- sub r1, r1, r3
- add r2, r4, r6
- add r3, r5, r7
- sub r4, r4, r6
- sub r5, r5, r7
- add r6, r8, r2
- add r7, r9, r3
- sub r8, r8, r2
- sub r9, r9, r3
- add r2, r0, r5
- sub r3, r1, r4
- sub r0, r0, r5
- add r1, r1, r4
- strd r6, [r11]
- strd r2, [r11, #8]
- strd r8, [r11, #16]
- strd r0, [r11, #24]
- subs r10, r10, #1
- add r11, r11, #32
- bne Radix4First_LOOP
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |Radix4First|
- .section .text
- .global Radix8First
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- sub sp, sp, #0x24
- mov r12, r1
- mov r14, r0
- cmp r12, #0
- beq Radix8First_END
- ldrd r0, [r14]
- ldrd r2, [r14, #8]
- ldrd r4, [r14, #16]
- ldrd r6, [r14, #24]
- add r8, r0, r2 @ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2]@
- add r9, r1, r3 @ i0 = buf[1] + buf[3]@
- sub r0, r0, r2 @ r1 = buf[0] - buf[2]@
- sub r1, r1, r3 @ i1 = buf[1] - buf[3]@
- add r2, r4, r6 @ r2 = buf[4] + buf[6]@
- add r3, r5, r7 @ i2 = buf[5] + buf[7]@
- sub r4, r4, r6 @ r3 = buf[4] - buf[6]@
- sub r5, r5, r7 @ i3 = buf[5] - buf[7]@
- add r6, r8, r2 @ r4 = (r0 + r2) >> 1@
- add r7, r9, r3 @ i4 = (i0 + i2) >> 1@
- sub r8, r8, r2 @ r5 = (r0 - r2) >> 1@
- sub r9, r9, r3 @ i5 = (i0 - i2) >> 1@
- sub r2, r0, r5 @ r6 = (r1 - i3) >> 1@
- add r3, r1, r4 @ i6 = (i1 + r3) >> 1@
- add r0, r0, r5 @ r7 = (r1 + i3) >> 1@
- sub r1, r1, r4 @ i7 = (i1 - r3) >> 1@
- mov r6, r6, asr #1 @
- mov r7, r7, asr #1 @
- mov r8, r8, asr #1
- mov r9, r9, asr #1
- mov r2, r2, asr #1
- mov r3, r3, asr #1
- mov r0, r0, asr #1
- mov r1, r1, asr #1
- str r6, [sp]
- str r7, [sp, #4]
- str r8, [sp, #8]
- str r9, [sp, #12]
- str r2, [sp, #16]
- str r3, [sp, #20]
- str r0, [sp, #24]
- str r1, [sp, #28]
- ldrd r2, [r14, #32]
- ldrd r4, [r14, #40]
- ldrd r6, [r14, #48]
- ldrd r8, [r14, #56]
- add r0, r2, r4 @ r0 = buf[ 8] + buf[10]@
- add r1, r3, r5 @ i0 = buf[ 9] + buf[11]@
- sub r2, r2, r4 @ r1 = buf[ 8] - buf[10]@
- sub r3, r3, r5 @ i1 = buf[ 9] - buf[11]@
- add r4, r6, r8 @ r2 = buf[12] + buf[14]@
- add r5, r7, r9 @ i2 = buf[13] + buf[15]@
- sub r6, r6, r8 @ r3 = buf[12] - buf[14]@
- sub r7, r7, r9 @ i3 = buf[13] - buf[15]@
- add r8, r0, r4 @ t0 = (r0 + r2)
- add r9, r1, r5 @ t1 = (i0 + i2)
- sub r0, r0, r4 @ t2 = (r0 - r2)
- sub r1, r1, r5 @ t3 = (i0 - i2)
- mov r8, r8, asr #1
- ldr r4, [sp]
- mov r9, r9, asr #1
- ldr r5, [sp, #4]
- mov r0, r0, asr #1
- mov r1, r1, asr #1
- add r10, r4, r8 @ buf[ 0] = r4 + t0@
- add r11, r5, r9 @ buf[ 1] = i4 + t1@
- sub r4, r4, r8 @ buf[ 8] = r4 - t0@
- sub r5, r5, r9 @ buf[ 9] = i4 - t1@
- strd r10, [r14]
- strd r4, [r14, #32]
- ldr r10, [sp, #8]
- ldr r11, [sp, #12]
- add r4, r10, r1 @ buf[ 4] = r5 + t3@
- sub r5, r11, r0 @ buf[ 5] = i5 - t2@
- sub r10, r10, r1 @ buf[12] = r5 - t3@
- add r11, r11, r0 @ buf[13] = i5 + t2@
- strd r4, [r14, #16]
- strd r10, [r14, #48]
- sub r0, r2, r7 @ r0 = r1 - i3@
- add r1, r3, r6 @ i0 = i1 + r3@
- ldr r11, DATATab
- add r2, r2, r7 @ r2 = r1 + i3@
- sub r3, r3, r6 @ i2 = i1 - r3@
- sub r4, r0, r1 @ r0 - i0
- add r5, r0, r1 @ r0 + i0
- sub r0, r2, r3 @ r2 - i2
- add r1, r2, r3 @ r2 + i2
- smull r8, r6, r4, r11
- smull r9, r7, r5, r11
- ldr r2, [sp, #16]
- ldr r3, [sp, #20]
- smull r8, r4, r0, r11
- smull r9, r5, r1, r11
- ldr r10, [sp, #24]
- ldr r11, [sp, #28]
- sub r8, r2, r6
- sub r9, r3, r7
- add r2, r2, r6
- add r3, r3, r7
- add r6, r10, r5
- sub r7, r11, r4
- sub r0, r10, r5
- add r1, r11, r4
- strd r6, [r14, #8]
- strd r8, [r14, #24]
- strd r0, [r14, #40]
- strd r2, [r14, #56]
- subs r12, r12, #1
- add r14, r14, #64
- bne Radix8First_LOOP
- add sp, sp, #0x24
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- .word 0x5a82799a
- @ENDP @ |Radix8First|
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: R4R8First_v5.s
+@ Content: Radix8First and Radix4First function armv5 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global Radix4First
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ movs r10, r1
+ mov r11, r0
+ beq Radix4First_END
+ ldrd r0, [r11]
+ ldrd r2, [r11, #8]
+ ldrd r4, [r11, #16]
+ ldrd r6, [r11, #24]
+ add r8, r0, r2
+ add r9, r1, r3
+ sub r0, r0, r2
+ sub r1, r1, r3
+ add r2, r4, r6
+ add r3, r5, r7
+ sub r4, r4, r6
+ sub r5, r5, r7
+ add r6, r8, r2
+ add r7, r9, r3
+ sub r8, r8, r2
+ sub r9, r9, r3
+ add r2, r0, r5
+ sub r3, r1, r4
+ sub r0, r0, r5
+ add r1, r1, r4
+ strd r6, [r11]
+ strd r2, [r11, #8]
+ strd r8, [r11, #16]
+ strd r0, [r11, #24]
+ subs r10, r10, #1
+ add r11, r11, #32
+ bne Radix4First_LOOP
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |Radix4First|
+ .section .text
+ .global Radix8First
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ sub sp, sp, #0x24
+ mov r12, r1
+ mov r14, r0
+ cmp r12, #0
+ beq Radix8First_END
+ ldrd r0, [r14]
+ ldrd r2, [r14, #8]
+ ldrd r4, [r14, #16]
+ ldrd r6, [r14, #24]
+ add r8, r0, r2 @ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2]@
+ add r9, r1, r3 @ i0 = buf[1] + buf[3]@
+ sub r0, r0, r2 @ r1 = buf[0] - buf[2]@
+ sub r1, r1, r3 @ i1 = buf[1] - buf[3]@
+ add r2, r4, r6 @ r2 = buf[4] + buf[6]@
+ add r3, r5, r7 @ i2 = buf[5] + buf[7]@
+ sub r4, r4, r6 @ r3 = buf[4] - buf[6]@
+ sub r5, r5, r7 @ i3 = buf[5] - buf[7]@
+ add r6, r8, r2 @ r4 = (r0 + r2) >> 1@
+ add r7, r9, r3 @ i4 = (i0 + i2) >> 1@
+ sub r8, r8, r2 @ r5 = (r0 - r2) >> 1@
+ sub r9, r9, r3 @ i5 = (i0 - i2) >> 1@
+ sub r2, r0, r5 @ r6 = (r1 - i3) >> 1@
+ add r3, r1, r4 @ i6 = (i1 + r3) >> 1@
+ add r0, r0, r5 @ r7 = (r1 + i3) >> 1@
+ sub r1, r1, r4 @ i7 = (i1 - r3) >> 1@
+ mov r6, r6, asr #1 @
+ mov r7, r7, asr #1 @
+ mov r8, r8, asr #1
+ mov r9, r9, asr #1
+ mov r2, r2, asr #1
+ mov r3, r3, asr #1
+ mov r0, r0, asr #1
+ mov r1, r1, asr #1
+ str r6, [sp]
+ str r7, [sp, #4]
+ str r8, [sp, #8]
+ str r9, [sp, #12]
+ str r2, [sp, #16]
+ str r3, [sp, #20]
+ str r0, [sp, #24]
+ str r1, [sp, #28]
+ ldrd r2, [r14, #32]
+ ldrd r4, [r14, #40]
+ ldrd r6, [r14, #48]
+ ldrd r8, [r14, #56]
+ add r0, r2, r4 @ r0 = buf[ 8] + buf[10]@
+ add r1, r3, r5 @ i0 = buf[ 9] + buf[11]@
+ sub r2, r2, r4 @ r1 = buf[ 8] - buf[10]@
+ sub r3, r3, r5 @ i1 = buf[ 9] - buf[11]@
+ add r4, r6, r8 @ r2 = buf[12] + buf[14]@
+ add r5, r7, r9 @ i2 = buf[13] + buf[15]@
+ sub r6, r6, r8 @ r3 = buf[12] - buf[14]@
+ sub r7, r7, r9 @ i3 = buf[13] - buf[15]@
+ add r8, r0, r4 @ t0 = (r0 + r2)
+ add r9, r1, r5 @ t1 = (i0 + i2)
+ sub r0, r0, r4 @ t2 = (r0 - r2)
+ sub r1, r1, r5 @ t3 = (i0 - i2)
+ mov r8, r8, asr #1
+ ldr r4, [sp]
+ mov r9, r9, asr #1
+ ldr r5, [sp, #4]
+ mov r0, r0, asr #1
+ mov r1, r1, asr #1
+ add r10, r4, r8 @ buf[ 0] = r4 + t0@
+ add r11, r5, r9 @ buf[ 1] = i4 + t1@
+ sub r4, r4, r8 @ buf[ 8] = r4 - t0@
+ sub r5, r5, r9 @ buf[ 9] = i4 - t1@
+ strd r10, [r14]
+ strd r4, [r14, #32]
+ ldr r10, [sp, #8]
+ ldr r11, [sp, #12]
+ add r4, r10, r1 @ buf[ 4] = r5 + t3@
+ sub r5, r11, r0 @ buf[ 5] = i5 - t2@
+ sub r10, r10, r1 @ buf[12] = r5 - t3@
+ add r11, r11, r0 @ buf[13] = i5 + t2@
+ strd r4, [r14, #16]
+ strd r10, [r14, #48]
+ sub r0, r2, r7 @ r0 = r1 - i3@
+ add r1, r3, r6 @ i0 = i1 + r3@
+ ldr r11, DATATab
+ add r2, r2, r7 @ r2 = r1 + i3@
+ sub r3, r3, r6 @ i2 = i1 - r3@
+ sub r4, r0, r1 @ r0 - i0
+ add r5, r0, r1 @ r0 + i0
+ sub r0, r2, r3 @ r2 - i2
+ add r1, r2, r3 @ r2 + i2
+ smull r8, r6, r4, r11
+ smull r9, r7, r5, r11
+ ldr r2, [sp, #16]
+ ldr r3, [sp, #20]
+ smull r8, r4, r0, r11
+ smull r9, r5, r1, r11
+ ldr r10, [sp, #24]
+ ldr r11, [sp, #28]
+ sub r8, r2, r6
+ sub r9, r3, r7
+ add r2, r2, r6
+ add r3, r3, r7
+ add r6, r10, r5
+ sub r7, r11, r4
+ sub r0, r10, r5
+ add r1, r11, r4
+ strd r6, [r14, #8]
+ strd r8, [r14, #24]
+ strd r0, [r14, #40]
+ strd r2, [r14, #56]
+ subs r12, r12, #1
+ add r14, r14, #64
+ bne Radix8First_LOOP
+ add sp, sp, #0x24
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ .word 0x5a82799a
+ @ENDP @ |Radix8First|
.end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/Radix4FFT_v5.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/Radix4FFT_v5.s
index db8e5d8..bc069b4 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/Radix4FFT_v5.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/Radix4FFT_v5.s
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: Radix4FFT_v5.s
-@ Content: Radix4FFT armv5 assemble
- .section .text
- .global Radix4FFT
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- sub sp, sp, #32
- mov r1, r1, asr #2
- cmp r1, #0
- beq Radix4FFT_END
- mov r14, r0 @ xptr = buf@
- mov r10, r1 @ i = num@
- mov r9, r2, lsl #3 @ step = 2*bgn@
- cmp r10, #0
- str r0, [sp]
- str r1, [sp, #4]
- str r2, [sp, #8]
- str r3, [sp, #12]
- beq Radix4FFT_LOOP1_END
- mov r12, r3 @ csptr = twidTab@
- mov r11, r2 @ j = bgn
- cmp r11, #0
- str r10, [sp, #16]
- beq Radix4FFT_LOOP2_END
- str r11, [sp, #20]
- ldrd r0, [r14, #0] @ r0 = xptr[0]@ r1 = xptr[1]@
- add r14, r14, r9 @ xptr += step@
- ldrd r10, [r14, #0] @ r2 = xptr[0]@ r3 = xptr[1]@
- ldr r8, [r12], #4 @ cosxsinx = csptr[0]@
- smulwt r4, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0)
- smulwt r3, r11, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1)
- smlawb r2, r11, r8, r4 @ r2 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0) + L_mpy_wx(sinx, t1)@
- smulwb r5, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)
- mov r10, r0, asr #2 @ t0 = r0 >> 2@
- mov r11, r1, asr #2 @ t1 = r1 >> 2@
- sub r3, r3, r5 @ r3 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1) - L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)@
- add r14, r14, r9 @ xptr += step@
- sub r0, r10, r2 @ r0 = t0 - r2@
- sub r1, r11, r3 @ r1 = t1 - r3@
- add r2, r10, r2 @ r2 = t0 + r2@
- add r3, r11, r3 @ r3 = t1 + r3@
- str r2, [sp, #24]
- str r3, [sp, #28]
- ldrd r10, [r14, #0] @ r4 = xptr[0]@ r5 = xptr[1]@
- ldr r8, [r12], #4 @ cosxsinx = csptr[1]@
- smulwt r6, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0)
- smulwt r5, r11, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1)
- smlawb r4, r11, r8, r6 @ r4 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0) + L_mpy_wx(sinx, t1)@
- smulwb r7, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)
- add r14, r14, r9 @ xptr += step@
- sub r5, r5, r7 @ r5 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1) - L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)@
- ldrd r10, [r14] @ r6 = xptr[0]@ r7 = xptr[1]@
- ldr r8, [r12], #4 @ cosxsinx = csptr[1]@
- smulwt r2, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0)
- smulwt r7, r11, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1)
- smlawb r6, r11, r8, r2 @ r4 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0) + L_mpy_wx(sinx, t1)@
- smulwb r3, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)
- mov r10, r4 @ t0 = r4@
- mov r11, r5 @ t1 = r5@
- sub r7, r7, r3 @ r5 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1) - L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)@
- add r4, r10, r6 @ r4 = t0 + r6@
- sub r5, r7, r11 @ r5 = r7 - t1@
- sub r6, r10, r6 @ r6 = t0 - r6@
- add r7, r7, r11 @ r7 = r7 + t1@
- ldr r2, [sp, #24]
- ldr r3, [sp, #28]
- add r10, r0, r5 @ xptr[0] = r0 + r5@
- add r11, r1, r6 @ xptr[0] = r1 + r6
- strd r10, [r14]
- sub r14, r14, r9 @ xptr -= step@
- sub r10, r2, r4 @ xptr[0] = r2 - r4@
- sub r11, r3, r7 @ xptr[1] = r3 - r7@
- strd r10, [r14]
- sub r14, r14, r9 @ xptr -= step@
- sub r10, r0, r5 @ xptr[0] = r0 - r5@
- sub r11, r1, r6 @ xptr[0] = r1 - r6
- strd r10, [r14]
- sub r14, r14, r9 @ xptr -= step@
- add r10, r2, r4 @ xptr[0] = r2 - r4@
- add r11, r3, r7 @ xptr[1] = r3 - r7@
- strd r10, [r14]
- add r14, r14, #8 @ xptr += 2@
- ldr r11, [sp, #20]
- subs r11, r11, #1
- bne Radix4FFT_LOOP3
- ldr r10, [sp, #16]
- ldr r3, [sp, #12]
- ldr r2, [sp, #8]
- rsb r8, r9, r9, lsl #2
- sub r10, r10, #1
- add r14, r14, r8
- cmp r10, #0
- bhi Radix4FFT_LOOP2
- ldr r0, [sp]
- ldr r1, [sp, #4]
- add r3, r3, r8, asr #1
- mov r2, r2, lsl #2
- movs r1, r1, asr #2
- bne Radix4FFT_LOOP1
- add sp, sp, #32
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |Radix4FFT|
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: Radix4FFT_v5.s
+@ Content: Radix4FFT armv5 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global Radix4FFT
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ sub sp, sp, #32
+ mov r1, r1, asr #2
+ cmp r1, #0
+ beq Radix4FFT_END
+ mov r14, r0 @ xptr = buf@
+ mov r10, r1 @ i = num@
+ mov r9, r2, lsl #3 @ step = 2*bgn@
+ cmp r10, #0
+ str r0, [sp]
+ str r1, [sp, #4]
+ str r2, [sp, #8]
+ str r3, [sp, #12]
+ beq Radix4FFT_LOOP1_END
+ mov r12, r3 @ csptr = twidTab@
+ mov r11, r2 @ j = bgn
+ cmp r11, #0
+ str r10, [sp, #16]
+ beq Radix4FFT_LOOP2_END
+ str r11, [sp, #20]
+ ldrd r0, [r14, #0] @ r0 = xptr[0]@ r1 = xptr[1]@
+ add r14, r14, r9 @ xptr += step@
+ ldrd r10, [r14, #0] @ r2 = xptr[0]@ r3 = xptr[1]@
+ ldr r8, [r12], #4 @ cosxsinx = csptr[0]@
+ smulwt r4, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0)
+ smulwt r3, r11, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1)
+ smlawb r2, r11, r8, r4 @ r2 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0) + L_mpy_wx(sinx, t1)@
+ smulwb r5, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)
+ mov r10, r0, asr #2 @ t0 = r0 >> 2@
+ mov r11, r1, asr #2 @ t1 = r1 >> 2@
+ sub r3, r3, r5 @ r3 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1) - L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)@
+ add r14, r14, r9 @ xptr += step@
+ sub r0, r10, r2 @ r0 = t0 - r2@
+ sub r1, r11, r3 @ r1 = t1 - r3@
+ add r2, r10, r2 @ r2 = t0 + r2@
+ add r3, r11, r3 @ r3 = t1 + r3@
+ str r2, [sp, #24]
+ str r3, [sp, #28]
+ ldrd r10, [r14, #0] @ r4 = xptr[0]@ r5 = xptr[1]@
+ ldr r8, [r12], #4 @ cosxsinx = csptr[1]@
+ smulwt r6, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0)
+ smulwt r5, r11, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1)
+ smlawb r4, r11, r8, r6 @ r4 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0) + L_mpy_wx(sinx, t1)@
+ smulwb r7, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)
+ add r14, r14, r9 @ xptr += step@
+ sub r5, r5, r7 @ r5 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1) - L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)@
+ ldrd r10, [r14] @ r6 = xptr[0]@ r7 = xptr[1]@
+ ldr r8, [r12], #4 @ cosxsinx = csptr[1]@
+ smulwt r2, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0)
+ smulwt r7, r11, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1)
+ smlawb r6, r11, r8, r2 @ r4 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t0) + L_mpy_wx(sinx, t1)@
+ smulwb r3, r10, r8 @ L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)
+ mov r10, r4 @ t0 = r4@
+ mov r11, r5 @ t1 = r5@
+ sub r7, r7, r3 @ r5 = L_mpy_wx(cosx, t1) - L_mpy_wx(sinx, t0)@
+ add r4, r10, r6 @ r4 = t0 + r6@
+ sub r5, r7, r11 @ r5 = r7 - t1@
+ sub r6, r10, r6 @ r6 = t0 - r6@
+ add r7, r7, r11 @ r7 = r7 + t1@
+ ldr r2, [sp, #24]
+ ldr r3, [sp, #28]
+ add r10, r0, r5 @ xptr[0] = r0 + r5@
+ add r11, r1, r6 @ xptr[0] = r1 + r6
+ strd r10, [r14]
+ sub r14, r14, r9 @ xptr -= step@
+ sub r10, r2, r4 @ xptr[0] = r2 - r4@
+ sub r11, r3, r7 @ xptr[1] = r3 - r7@
+ strd r10, [r14]
+ sub r14, r14, r9 @ xptr -= step@
+ sub r10, r0, r5 @ xptr[0] = r0 - r5@
+ sub r11, r1, r6 @ xptr[0] = r1 - r6
+ strd r10, [r14]
+ sub r14, r14, r9 @ xptr -= step@
+ add r10, r2, r4 @ xptr[0] = r2 - r4@
+ add r11, r3, r7 @ xptr[1] = r3 - r7@
+ strd r10, [r14]
+ add r14, r14, #8 @ xptr += 2@
+ ldr r11, [sp, #20]
+ subs r11, r11, #1
+ bne Radix4FFT_LOOP3
+ ldr r10, [sp, #16]
+ ldr r3, [sp, #12]
+ ldr r2, [sp, #8]
+ rsb r8, r9, r9, lsl #2
+ sub r10, r10, #1
+ add r14, r14, r8
+ cmp r10, #0
+ bhi Radix4FFT_LOOP2
+ ldr r0, [sp]
+ ldr r1, [sp, #4]
+ add r3, r3, r8, asr #1
+ mov r2, r2, lsl #2
+ movs r1, r1, asr #2
+ bne Radix4FFT_LOOP1
+ add sp, sp, #32
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |Radix4FFT|
.end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/band_nrg_v5.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/band_nrg_v5.s
index a463dfd..3b88810 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/band_nrg_v5.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/band_nrg_v5.s
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: band_nrg_v5.s
-@ Content: CalcBandEnergy and CalcBandEnergyMS function armv5 assemble
- .section .text
- .global CalcBandEnergy
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- mov r2, r2, lsl #16
- ldr r12, [r13, #36]
- mov r9, #0
- mov r5, r2, asr #16
- mov r4, #0
- cmp r5, #0
- ble L212
- mov r2, r4, lsl #1
- ldrsh r10, [r1, r2]
- add r11, r1, r2
- ldrsh r2, [r11, #2]
- mov r14, #0
- cmp r10, r2
- bge L28
- ldr r11, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- add r10, r10, #1
- ldr r6, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- smull r11, r7, r11, r11
- add r10, r10, #1
- smull r6, r8, r6, r6
- ldr r11, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- qadd r14, r14, r7
- add r10, r10, #1
- smull r11, r7, r11, r11
- ldr r6, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- qadd r14, r14, r8
- smull r6, r8, r6, r6
- add r10, r10, #1
- qadd r14, r14, r7
- cmp r10, r2
- qadd r14, r14, r8
- blt L23
- qadd r14, r14, r14
- str r14, [r3, +r4, lsl #2]
- add r4, r4, #1
- qadd r9, r9, r14
- cmp r4, r5
- blt L22
- str r9, [r12, #0]
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP ; |CalcBandEnergy|
- .global CalcBandEnergyMS
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- sub r13, r13, #24
- mov r12, #0
- mov r3, r3, lsl #16
- mov r14, #0
- mov r3, r3, asr #16
- cmp r3, #0
- mov r4, #0
- ble L315
- mov r5, r4, lsl #1
- mov r6, #0
- ldrsh r10, [r2, r5]
- add r5, r2, r5
- mov r7, #0
- ldrsh r11, [r5, #2]
- cmp r10, r11
- bge L39
- str r3, [r13, #4]
- str r4, [r13, #8]
- str r12, [r13, #12]
- str r14, [r13, #16]
- ldr r8, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- ldr r9, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
- mov r8, r8, asr #1
- add r10, r10, #1
- mov r9, r9, asr #1
- ldr r12, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- add r5, r8, r9
- ldr r14, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
- sub r8, r8, r9
- smull r5, r3, r5, r5
- mov r12, r12, asr #1
- smull r8, r4, r8, r8
- mov r14, r14, asr #1
- qadd r6, r6, r3
- add r5, r12, r14
- qadd r7, r7, r4
- sub r8, r12, r14
- smull r5, r3, r5, r5
- add r10, r10, #1
- smull r8, r4, r8, r8
- qadd r6, r6, r3
- qadd r7, r7, r4
- ldr r8, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- ldr r9, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
- mov r8, r8, asr #1
- add r10, r10, #1
- mov r9, r9, asr #1
- ldr r12, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
- add r5, r8, r9
- ldr r14, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
- sub r8, r8, r9
- smull r5, r3, r5, r5
- mov r12, r12, asr #1
- smull r8, r4, r8, r8
- mov r14, r14, asr #1
- qadd r6, r6, r3
- add r5, r12, r14
- qadd r7, r7, r4
- sub r8, r12, r14
- smull r5, r3, r5, r5
- add r10, r10, #1
- smull r8, r4, r8, r8
- qadd r6, r6, r3
- qadd r7, r7, r4
- cmp r10, r11
- blt L33
- ldr r3, [r13, #4]
- ldr r4, [r13, #8]
- ldr r12, [r13, #12]
- ldr r14, [r13, #16]
- qadd r6, r6, r6
- qadd r7, r7, r7
- ldr r8, [r13, #60]
- ldr r9, [r13, #68]
- qadd r12, r12, r6
- qadd r14, r14, r7
- str r6, [r8, +r4, lsl #2]
- str r7, [r9, +r4, lsl #2]
- add r4, r4, #1
- cmp r4, r3
- blt L32
- ldr r8, [r13, #64]
- ldr r9, [r13, #72]
- str r12, [r8, #0]
- str r14, [r9, #0]
- add r13, r13, #24
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP ; |CalcBandEnergyMS|
- .end
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: band_nrg_v5.s
+@ Content: CalcBandEnergy and CalcBandEnergyMS function armv5 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global CalcBandEnergy
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ mov r2, r2, lsl #16
+ ldr r12, [r13, #36]
+ mov r9, #0
+ mov r5, r2, asr #16
+ mov r4, #0
+ cmp r5, #0
+ ble L212
+ mov r2, r4, lsl #1
+ ldrsh r10, [r1, r2]
+ add r11, r1, r2
+ ldrsh r2, [r11, #2]
+ mov r14, #0
+ cmp r10, r2
+ bge L28
+ ldr r11, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ ldr r6, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ smull r11, r7, r11, r11
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ smull r6, r8, r6, r6
+ ldr r11, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ qadd r14, r14, r7
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ smull r11, r7, r11, r11
+ ldr r6, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ qadd r14, r14, r8
+ smull r6, r8, r6, r6
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ qadd r14, r14, r7
+ cmp r10, r2
+ qadd r14, r14, r8
+ blt L23
+ qadd r14, r14, r14
+ str r14, [r3, +r4, lsl #2]
+ add r4, r4, #1
+ qadd r9, r9, r14
+ cmp r4, r5
+ blt L22
+ str r9, [r12, #0]
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP ; |CalcBandEnergy|
+ .global CalcBandEnergyMS
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ sub r13, r13, #24
+ mov r12, #0
+ mov r3, r3, lsl #16
+ mov r14, #0
+ mov r3, r3, asr #16
+ cmp r3, #0
+ mov r4, #0
+ ble L315
+ mov r5, r4, lsl #1
+ mov r6, #0
+ ldrsh r10, [r2, r5]
+ add r5, r2, r5
+ mov r7, #0
+ ldrsh r11, [r5, #2]
+ cmp r10, r11
+ bge L39
+ str r3, [r13, #4]
+ str r4, [r13, #8]
+ str r12, [r13, #12]
+ str r14, [r13, #16]
+ ldr r8, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ ldr r9, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
+ mov r8, r8, asr #1
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ mov r9, r9, asr #1
+ ldr r12, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ add r5, r8, r9
+ ldr r14, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
+ sub r8, r8, r9
+ smull r5, r3, r5, r5
+ mov r12, r12, asr #1
+ smull r8, r4, r8, r8
+ mov r14, r14, asr #1
+ qadd r6, r6, r3
+ add r5, r12, r14
+ qadd r7, r7, r4
+ sub r8, r12, r14
+ smull r5, r3, r5, r5
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ smull r8, r4, r8, r8
+ qadd r6, r6, r3
+ qadd r7, r7, r4
+ ldr r8, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ ldr r9, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
+ mov r8, r8, asr #1
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ mov r9, r9, asr #1
+ ldr r12, [r0, +r10, lsl #2]
+ add r5, r8, r9
+ ldr r14, [r1, +r10, lsl #2]
+ sub r8, r8, r9
+ smull r5, r3, r5, r5
+ mov r12, r12, asr #1
+ smull r8, r4, r8, r8
+ mov r14, r14, asr #1
+ qadd r6, r6, r3
+ add r5, r12, r14
+ qadd r7, r7, r4
+ sub r8, r12, r14
+ smull r5, r3, r5, r5
+ add r10, r10, #1
+ smull r8, r4, r8, r8
+ qadd r6, r6, r3
+ qadd r7, r7, r4
+ cmp r10, r11
+ blt L33
+ ldr r3, [r13, #4]
+ ldr r4, [r13, #8]
+ ldr r12, [r13, #12]
+ ldr r14, [r13, #16]
+ qadd r6, r6, r6
+ qadd r7, r7, r7
+ ldr r8, [r13, #60]
+ ldr r9, [r13, #68]
+ qadd r12, r12, r6
+ qadd r14, r14, r7
+ str r6, [r8, +r4, lsl #2]
+ str r7, [r9, +r4, lsl #2]
+ add r4, r4, #1
+ cmp r4, r3
+ blt L32
+ ldr r8, [r13, #64]
+ ldr r9, [r13, #72]
+ str r12, [r8, #0]
+ str r14, [r9, #0]
+ add r13, r13, #24
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP ; |CalcBandEnergyMS|
+ .end
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/PrePostMDCT_v7.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/PrePostMDCT_v7.s
index bf7dcba..a04c105 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/PrePostMDCT_v7.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/PrePostMDCT_v7.s
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: PrePostMDCT_v7.s
-@ Content: premdct and postmdct function armv7 assemble
- .section .text
- .global PreMDCT
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
- sub r3, r9, #32
- movs r1, r1, asr #2
- beq PreMDCT_END
- VLD4.I32 {d0, d2, d4, d6}, [r2]! @ cosa = *csptr++@ sina = *csptr++@
- VLD4.I32 {d1, d3, d5, d7}, [r2]! @ cosb = *csptr++@ sinb = *csptr++@
- VLD2.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0] @ tr1 = *(buf0 + 0)@ ti2 = *(buf0 + 1)@
- VLD2.I32 {d13, d15}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(buf1 - 1)@ ti1 = *(buf1 + 0)@
- VLD2.I32 {d12, d14}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(buf1 - 1)@ ti1 = *(buf1 + 0)@
- VREV64.32 Q8, Q7
- VREV64.32 Q9, Q6
- VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q0, Q4 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q1, Q8 @ MULHIGH(sina, ti1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q0, Q8 @ MULHIGH(cosa, ti1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q1, Q4 @ MULHIGH(sina, tr1)
- VADD.S32 Q0, Q10, Q11 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
- VSUB.S32 Q1, Q12, Q13 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, ti1) - MULHIGH(sina, tr1)@
- VST2.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]!
- sub r3, r3, #32
- VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q2, Q9 @ MULHIGH(cosb, tr2)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q3, Q5 @ MULHIGH(sinb, ti2)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q2, Q5 @ MULHIGH(cosb, ti2)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q3, Q9 @ MULHIGH(sinb, tr2)
- VADD.S32 Q0, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr2) + MULHIGH(sina, ti2)@
- VSUB.S32 Q1, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosa, ti2) - MULHIGH(sina, tr2)@
- VREV64.32 Q3, Q1
- VREV64.32 Q2, Q0
- VST2.I32 {d5, d7}, [r3]!
- VST2.I32 {d4, d6}, [r3]!
- subs r1, r1, #4
- sub r3, r3, #64
- bne PreMDCT_LOOP
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |PreMDCT|
- .section .text
- .global PostMDCT
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
- sub r3, r9, #32
- movs r1, r1, asr #2
- beq PostMDCT_END
- VLD4.I32 {d0, d2, d4, d6}, [r2]! @ cosa = *csptr++@ sina = *csptr++@
- VLD4.I32 {d1, d3, d5, d7}, [r2]! @ cosb = *csptr++@ sinb = *csptr++@
- VLD2.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0] @ tr1 = *(zbuf1 + 0)@ ti1 = *(zbuf1 + 1)@
- VLD2.I32 {d13, d15}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(zbuf2 - 1)@ ti2 = *(zbuf2 + 0)@
- VLD2.I32 {d12, d14}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(zbuf2 - 1)@ ti2 = *(zbuf2 + 0)@
- VREV64.32 Q8, Q6
- VREV64.32 Q9, Q7
- VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q0, Q4 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q1, Q5 @ MULHIGH(sina, ti1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q0, Q5 @ MULHIGH(cosa, ti1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q1, Q4 @ MULHIGH(sina, tr1)
- VADD.S32 Q0, Q10, Q11 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
- VSUB.S32 Q5, Q13, Q12 @ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(sina, tr1) - MULHIGH(cosa, ti1)@
- VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q2, Q8 @ MULHIGH(cosb, tr2)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q3, Q9 @ MULHIGH(sinb, ti2)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q2, Q9 @ MULHIGH(cosb, ti2)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q3, Q8 @ MULHIGH(sinb, tr2)
- VADD.S32 Q4, Q10, Q11 @ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosa, tr2) + MULHIGH(sina, ti2)@
- VSUB.S32 Q1, Q13, Q12 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(sina, tr2) - MULHIGH(cosa, ti2)@
- VREV64.32 Q2, Q4
- VREV64.32 Q3, Q5
- sub r3, r3, #32
- VST2.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]!
- VST2.I32 {d5, d7}, [r3]!
- VST2.I32 {d4, d6}, [r3]!
- subs r1, r1, #4
- sub r3, r3, #64
- bne PostMDCT_LOOP
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |PostMDCT|
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: PrePostMDCT_v7.s
+@ Content: premdct and postmdct function armv7 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global PreMDCT
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
+ sub r3, r9, #32
+ movs r1, r1, asr #2
+ beq PreMDCT_END
+ VLD4.I32 {d0, d2, d4, d6}, [r2]! @ cosa = *csptr++@ sina = *csptr++@
+ VLD4.I32 {d1, d3, d5, d7}, [r2]! @ cosb = *csptr++@ sinb = *csptr++@
+ VLD2.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0] @ tr1 = *(buf0 + 0)@ ti2 = *(buf0 + 1)@
+ VLD2.I32 {d13, d15}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(buf1 - 1)@ ti1 = *(buf1 + 0)@
+ VLD2.I32 {d12, d14}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(buf1 - 1)@ ti1 = *(buf1 + 0)@
+ VREV64.32 Q8, Q7
+ VREV64.32 Q9, Q6
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q0, Q4 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q1, Q8 @ MULHIGH(sina, ti1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q0, Q8 @ MULHIGH(cosa, ti1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q1, Q4 @ MULHIGH(sina, tr1)
+ VADD.S32 Q0, Q10, Q11 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
+ VSUB.S32 Q1, Q12, Q13 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, ti1) - MULHIGH(sina, tr1)@
+ VST2.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]!
+ sub r3, r3, #32
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q2, Q9 @ MULHIGH(cosb, tr2)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q3, Q5 @ MULHIGH(sinb, ti2)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q2, Q5 @ MULHIGH(cosb, ti2)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q3, Q9 @ MULHIGH(sinb, tr2)
+ VADD.S32 Q0, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr2) + MULHIGH(sina, ti2)@
+ VSUB.S32 Q1, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosa, ti2) - MULHIGH(sina, tr2)@
+ VREV64.32 Q3, Q1
+ VREV64.32 Q2, Q0
+ VST2.I32 {d5, d7}, [r3]!
+ VST2.I32 {d4, d6}, [r3]!
+ subs r1, r1, #4
+ sub r3, r3, #64
+ bne PreMDCT_LOOP
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |PreMDCT|
+ .section .text
+ .global PostMDCT
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ add r9, r0, r1, lsl #2
+ sub r3, r9, #32
+ movs r1, r1, asr #2
+ beq PostMDCT_END
+ VLD4.I32 {d0, d2, d4, d6}, [r2]! @ cosa = *csptr++@ sina = *csptr++@
+ VLD4.I32 {d1, d3, d5, d7}, [r2]! @ cosb = *csptr++@ sinb = *csptr++@
+ VLD2.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0] @ tr1 = *(zbuf1 + 0)@ ti1 = *(zbuf1 + 1)@
+ VLD2.I32 {d13, d15}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(zbuf2 - 1)@ ti2 = *(zbuf2 + 0)@
+ VLD2.I32 {d12, d14}, [r3]! @ tr2 = *(zbuf2 - 1)@ ti2 = *(zbuf2 + 0)@
+ VREV64.32 Q8, Q6
+ VREV64.32 Q9, Q7
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q0, Q4 @ MULHIGH(cosa, tr1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q1, Q5 @ MULHIGH(sina, ti1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q0, Q5 @ MULHIGH(cosa, ti1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q1, Q4 @ MULHIGH(sina, tr1)
+ VADD.S32 Q0, Q10, Q11 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1)@
+ VSUB.S32 Q5, Q13, Q12 @ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(sina, tr1) - MULHIGH(cosa, ti1)@
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q2, Q8 @ MULHIGH(cosb, tr2)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q3, Q9 @ MULHIGH(sinb, ti2)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q2, Q9 @ MULHIGH(cosb, ti2)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q3, Q8 @ MULHIGH(sinb, tr2)
+ VADD.S32 Q4, Q10, Q11 @ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosa, tr2) + MULHIGH(sina, ti2)@
+ VSUB.S32 Q1, Q13, Q12 @ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(sina, tr2) - MULHIGH(cosa, ti2)@
+ VREV64.32 Q2, Q4
+ VREV64.32 Q3, Q5
+ sub r3, r3, #32
+ VST2.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]!
+ VST2.I32 {d5, d7}, [r3]!
+ VST2.I32 {d4, d6}, [r3]!
+ subs r1, r1, #4
+ sub r3, r3, #64
+ bne PostMDCT_LOOP
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |PostMDCT|
.end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/R4R8First_v7.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/R4R8First_v7.s
index 99ee68b..defd45d 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/R4R8First_v7.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/R4R8First_v7.s
@@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: R4R8First_v7.s
-@ Content: Radix8First and Radix4First function armv7 assemble
- .section .text
- .global Radix8First
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- ldr r3, SQRT1_2
- cmp r1, #0
- VDUP.I32 Q15, r3
- beq Radix8First_END
- VLD1.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]!
- VLD1.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0]!
- VADD.S32 d4, d0, d1 @ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2]@i0 = buf[1] + buf[3]@
- VSUB.S32 d5, d0, d1 @ r1 = buf[0] - buf[2]@i1 = buf[1] - buf[3]@
- VSUB.S32 d7, d2, d3 @ r2 = buf[4] - buf[6]@i2 = buf[5] - buf[7]@
- VADD.S32 d6, d2, d3 @ r3 = buf[4] + buf[6]@i3 = buf[5] + buf[7]@
- VREV64.I32 d7, d7
- VADD.S32 Q0, Q2, Q3 @ r4 = (r0 + r2)@i4 = (i0 + i2)@i6 = (i1 + r3)@r7 = (r1 + i3)
- VSUB.S32 Q1, Q2, Q3 @ r5 = (r0 - r2)@i5 = (i0 - i2)@r6 = (r1 - i3)@i7 = (i1 - r3)@
- VREV64.I32 d3, d3
- VADD.S32 d4, d8, d9 @ r0 = buf[ 8] + buf[10]@i0 = buf[ 9] + buf[11]@
- VSUB.S32 d7, d10, d11 @ r1 = buf[12] - buf[14]@i1 = buf[13] - buf[15]@
- VADD.S32 d6, d10, d11 @ r2 = buf[12] + buf[14]@i2 = buf[13] + buf[15]@
- VREV64.I32 d7, d7
- VSUB.S32 d5, d8, d9 @ r3 = buf[ 8] - buf[10]@i3 = buf[ 9] - buf[11]@
- VTRN.32 d1, d3
- VADD.S32 Q4, Q2, Q3 @ t0 = (r0 + r2) >> 1@t1 = (i0 + i2) >> 1@i0 = i1 + r3@r2 = r1 + i3@
- VSUB.S32 Q5, Q2, Q3 @ t2 = (r0 - r2) >> 1@t3 = (i0 - i2) >> 1@r0 = r1 - i3@i2 = i1 - r3@
- VREV64.I32 d3, d3
- VSHR.S32 d8, d8, #1
- VSHR.S32 Q0, Q0, #1
- VREV64.I32 d10, d10
- VTRN.32 d11, d9
- VSHR.S32 Q1, Q1, #1
- VSHR.S32 d10, d10, #1
- VREV64.I32 d9, d9
- sub r0, r0, #0x40
- VADD.S32 d12, d0, d8
- VSUB.S32 d16, d0, d8
- VADD.S32 d14, d2, d10
- VSUB.S32 d18, d2, d10
- VSUB.S32 d4, d11, d9
- VADD.S32 d5, d11, d9
- VREV64.I32 d18, d18
- VQDMULH.S32 Q3, Q2, Q15
- VTRN.32 d14, d18
- VTRN.32 d6, d7
- VREV64.I32 d18, d18
- VSUB.S32 d15, d3, d6
- VREV64.I32 d7, d7
- VADD.S32 d19, d3, d6
- VADD.S32 d13, d1, d7
- VSUB.S32 d17, d1, d7
- VREV64.I32 d17, d17
- VTRN.32 d13, d17
- VREV64.I32 d17, d17
- subs r1, r1, #1
- VST1.I32 {d12, d13, d14, d15}, [r0]!
- VST1.I32 {d16, d17, d18, d19}, [r0]!
- bne Radix8First_LOOP
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- .word 0x2d413ccd
- @ENDP @ |Radix8First|
- .section .text
- .global Radix4First
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- cmp r1, #0
- beq Radix4First_END
- VLD1.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]
- VADD.S32 d4, d0, d1 @ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2]@ r1 = buf[1] + buf[3]@
- VSUB.S32 d5, d0, d1 @ r2 = buf[0] - buf[2]@ r3 = buf[1] - buf[3]@
- VSUB.S32 d7, d2, d3 @ r4 = buf[4] + buf[6]@ r5 = buf[5] + buf[7]@
- VADD.S32 d6, d2, d3 @ r6 = buf[4] - buf[6]@ r7 = buf[5] - buf[7]@
- VREV64.I32 d7, d7 @
- VADD.S32 Q4, Q2, Q3
- VSUB.S32 Q5, Q2, Q3
- VREV64.I32 d11, d11
- VTRN.32 d9, d11
- subs r1, r1, #1
- VREV64.I32 d11, d11
- VST1.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0]!
- bne Radix4First_LOOP
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |Radix4First|
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: R4R8First_v7.s
+@ Content: Radix8First and Radix4First function armv7 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global Radix8First
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ ldr r3, SQRT1_2
+ cmp r1, #0
+ VDUP.I32 Q15, r3
+ beq Radix8First_END
+ VLD1.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]!
+ VLD1.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0]!
+ VADD.S32 d4, d0, d1 @ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2]@i0 = buf[1] + buf[3]@
+ VSUB.S32 d5, d0, d1 @ r1 = buf[0] - buf[2]@i1 = buf[1] - buf[3]@
+ VSUB.S32 d7, d2, d3 @ r2 = buf[4] - buf[6]@i2 = buf[5] - buf[7]@
+ VADD.S32 d6, d2, d3 @ r3 = buf[4] + buf[6]@i3 = buf[5] + buf[7]@
+ VREV64.I32 d7, d7
+ VADD.S32 Q0, Q2, Q3 @ r4 = (r0 + r2)@i4 = (i0 + i2)@i6 = (i1 + r3)@r7 = (r1 + i3)
+ VSUB.S32 Q1, Q2, Q3 @ r5 = (r0 - r2)@i5 = (i0 - i2)@r6 = (r1 - i3)@i7 = (i1 - r3)@
+ VREV64.I32 d3, d3
+ VADD.S32 d4, d8, d9 @ r0 = buf[ 8] + buf[10]@i0 = buf[ 9] + buf[11]@
+ VSUB.S32 d7, d10, d11 @ r1 = buf[12] - buf[14]@i1 = buf[13] - buf[15]@
+ VADD.S32 d6, d10, d11 @ r2 = buf[12] + buf[14]@i2 = buf[13] + buf[15]@
+ VREV64.I32 d7, d7
+ VSUB.S32 d5, d8, d9 @ r3 = buf[ 8] - buf[10]@i3 = buf[ 9] - buf[11]@
+ VTRN.32 d1, d3
+ VADD.S32 Q4, Q2, Q3 @ t0 = (r0 + r2) >> 1@t1 = (i0 + i2) >> 1@i0 = i1 + r3@r2 = r1 + i3@
+ VSUB.S32 Q5, Q2, Q3 @ t2 = (r0 - r2) >> 1@t3 = (i0 - i2) >> 1@r0 = r1 - i3@i2 = i1 - r3@
+ VREV64.I32 d3, d3
+ VSHR.S32 d8, d8, #1
+ VSHR.S32 Q0, Q0, #1
+ VREV64.I32 d10, d10
+ VTRN.32 d11, d9
+ VSHR.S32 Q1, Q1, #1
+ VSHR.S32 d10, d10, #1
+ VREV64.I32 d9, d9
+ sub r0, r0, #0x40
+ VADD.S32 d12, d0, d8
+ VSUB.S32 d16, d0, d8
+ VADD.S32 d14, d2, d10
+ VSUB.S32 d18, d2, d10
+ VSUB.S32 d4, d11, d9
+ VADD.S32 d5, d11, d9
+ VREV64.I32 d18, d18
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q3, Q2, Q15
+ VTRN.32 d14, d18
+ VTRN.32 d6, d7
+ VREV64.I32 d18, d18
+ VSUB.S32 d15, d3, d6
+ VREV64.I32 d7, d7
+ VADD.S32 d19, d3, d6
+ VADD.S32 d13, d1, d7
+ VSUB.S32 d17, d1, d7
+ VREV64.I32 d17, d17
+ VTRN.32 d13, d17
+ VREV64.I32 d17, d17
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ VST1.I32 {d12, d13, d14, d15}, [r0]!
+ VST1.I32 {d16, d17, d18, d19}, [r0]!
+ bne Radix8First_LOOP
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ .word 0x2d413ccd
+ @ENDP @ |Radix8First|
+ .section .text
+ .global Radix4First
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ cmp r1, #0
+ beq Radix4First_END
+ VLD1.I32 {d0, d1, d2, d3}, [r0]
+ VADD.S32 d4, d0, d1 @ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2]@ r1 = buf[1] + buf[3]@
+ VSUB.S32 d5, d0, d1 @ r2 = buf[0] - buf[2]@ r3 = buf[1] - buf[3]@
+ VSUB.S32 d7, d2, d3 @ r4 = buf[4] + buf[6]@ r5 = buf[5] + buf[7]@
+ VADD.S32 d6, d2, d3 @ r6 = buf[4] - buf[6]@ r7 = buf[5] - buf[7]@
+ VREV64.I32 d7, d7 @
+ VADD.S32 Q4, Q2, Q3
+ VSUB.S32 Q5, Q2, Q3
+ VREV64.I32 d11, d11
+ VTRN.32 d9, d11
+ subs r1, r1, #1
+ VREV64.I32 d11, d11
+ VST1.I32 {d8, d9, d10, d11}, [r0]!
+ bne Radix4First_LOOP
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |Radix4First|
.end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/Radix4FFT_v7.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/Radix4FFT_v7.s
index e1a8438..84a4a80 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/Radix4FFT_v7.s
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV7/Radix4FFT_v7.s
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
-@ **
-@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@ **
-@ **
-@ **
-@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: Radix4FFT_v7.s
-@ Content: Radix4FFT armv7 assemble
- .section .text
- .global Radix4FFT
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- mov r1, r1, asr #2
- cmp r1, #0
- beq Radix4FFT_END
- mov r5, r2, lsl #1
- mov r8, r0
- mov r7, r1
- mov r5, r5, lsl #2
- cmp r1, #0
- rsbeq r12, r5, r5, lsl #2
- beq Radix4FFT_LOOP1_END
- rsb r12, r5, r5, lsl #2
- mov r6, r3
- mov r4, r2
- cmp r2, #0
- beq Radix4FFT_LOOP2_END
- @r0 = xptr[0]@
- @r1 = xptr[1]@
- VLD2.I32 {D0, D1, D2, D3}, [r8]
- VLD2.I32 {D28, D29, D30, D31}, [r6]! @ cosx = csptr[0]@ sinx = csptr[1]@
- add r8, r8, r5 @ xptr += step@
- VLD2.I32 {D4, D5, D6,D7}, [r8] @ r2 = xptr[0]@ r3 = xptr[1]@
- VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q2, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q3, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q3, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q2, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
- VADD.S32 Q2, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
- VSUB.S32 Q3, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
- add r8, r8, r5 @ xptr += step@
- VSHR.S32 Q10, Q0, #2 @ t0 = r0 >> 2@
- VSHR.S32 Q11, Q1, #2 @ t1 = r1 >> 2@
- VSUB.S32 Q0, Q10, Q2 @ r0 = t0 - r2@
- VSUB.S32 Q1, Q11, Q3 @ r1 = t1 - r3@
- VADD.S32 Q2, Q10, Q2 @ r2 = t0 + r2@
- VADD.S32 Q3, Q11, Q3 @ r3 = t1 + r3@
- VLD2.I32 {D8, D9, D10, D11}, [r8]
- VLD2.I32 {D28, D29, D30, D31}, [r6]!
- add r8, r8, r5
- VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q4, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q5, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q5, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q4, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
- VADD.S32 Q8, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
- VSUB.S32 Q9, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
- VLD2.I32 {D12, D13, D14, D15}, [r8]
- VLD2.I32 {D28, D29, D30, D31}, [r6]!
- VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q6, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q7, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q7, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1)
- VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q6, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
- VADD.S32 Q6, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
- VSUB.S32 Q7, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
- VADD.S32 Q4, Q8, Q6 @ r4 = t0 + r6@
- VSUB.S32 Q5, Q7, Q9 @ r5 = r7 - t1@
- VSUB.S32 Q6, Q8, Q6 @ r6 = t0 - r6@
- VADD.S32 Q7, Q7, Q9 @ r7 = r7 + t1@
- VADD.S32 Q8, Q0, Q5 @ xptr[0] = r0 + r5@
- VADD.S32 Q9, Q1, Q6 @ xptr[1] = r1 + r6@
- VST2.I32 {D16, D17, D18, D19}, [r8]
- VSUB.S32 Q10, Q2, Q4 @ xptr[0] = r2 - r4@
- sub r8, r8, r5 @ xptr -= step@
- VSUB.S32 Q11, Q3, Q7 @ xptr[1] = r3 - r7@
- VST2.I32 {D20, D21, D22, D23}, [r8]
- VSUB.S32 Q8, Q0, Q5 @ xptr[0] = r0 - r5@
- sub r8, r8, r5 @ xptr -= step@
- VSUB.S32 Q9, Q1, Q6 @ xptr[1] = r1 - r6@
- VST2.I32 {D16, D17, D18, D19}, [r8]
- VADD.S32 Q10, Q2, Q4 @ xptr[0] = r2 + r4@
- sub r8, r8, r5 @ xptr -= step@
- VADD.S32 Q11, Q3, Q7 @ xptr[1] = r3 + r7@
- VST2.I32 {D20, D21, D22, D23}, [r8]!
- subs r4, r4, #4
- bne Radix4FFT_LOOP3
- add r8, r8, r12
- sub r7, r7, #1
- cmp r7, #0
- bhi Radix4FFT_LOOP2
- add r3, r12, r3
- mov r2, r2, lsl #2
- movs r1, r1, asr #2
- bne Radix4FFT_LOOP1
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- @ENDP @ |Radix4FFT|
+@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+@ **
+@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@ **
+@ **
+@ **
+@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+@ ** limitations under the License.
+@ */
+@ File: Radix4FFT_v7.s
+@ Content: Radix4FFT armv7 assemble
+ .section .text
+ .global Radix4FFT
+ stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
+ mov r1, r1, asr #2
+ cmp r1, #0
+ beq Radix4FFT_END
+ mov r5, r2, lsl #1
+ mov r8, r0
+ mov r7, r1
+ mov r5, r5, lsl #2
+ cmp r1, #0
+ rsbeq r12, r5, r5, lsl #2
+ beq Radix4FFT_LOOP1_END
+ rsb r12, r5, r5, lsl #2
+ mov r6, r3
+ mov r4, r2
+ cmp r2, #0
+ beq Radix4FFT_LOOP2_END
+ @r0 = xptr[0]@
+ @r1 = xptr[1]@
+ VLD2.I32 {D0, D1, D2, D3}, [r8]
+ VLD2.I32 {D28, D29, D30, D31}, [r6]! @ cosx = csptr[0]@ sinx = csptr[1]@
+ add r8, r8, r5 @ xptr += step@
+ VLD2.I32 {D4, D5, D6,D7}, [r8] @ r2 = xptr[0]@ r3 = xptr[1]@
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q2, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q3, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q3, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q2, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
+ VADD.S32 Q2, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
+ VSUB.S32 Q3, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
+ add r8, r8, r5 @ xptr += step@
+ VSHR.S32 Q10, Q0, #2 @ t0 = r0 >> 2@
+ VSHR.S32 Q11, Q1, #2 @ t1 = r1 >> 2@
+ VSUB.S32 Q0, Q10, Q2 @ r0 = t0 - r2@
+ VSUB.S32 Q1, Q11, Q3 @ r1 = t1 - r3@
+ VADD.S32 Q2, Q10, Q2 @ r2 = t0 + r2@
+ VADD.S32 Q3, Q11, Q3 @ r3 = t1 + r3@
+ VLD2.I32 {D8, D9, D10, D11}, [r8]
+ VLD2.I32 {D28, D29, D30, D31}, [r6]!
+ add r8, r8, r5
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q4, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q5, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q5, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q4, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
+ VADD.S32 Q8, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
+ VSUB.S32 Q9, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
+ VLD2.I32 {D12, D13, D14, D15}, [r8]
+ VLD2.I32 {D28, D29, D30, D31}, [r6]!
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q10, Q6, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q11, Q7, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q12, Q7, Q14 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1)
+ VQDMULH.S32 Q13, Q6, Q15 @ MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
+ VADD.S32 Q6, Q10, Q11 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1)
+ VSUB.S32 Q7, Q12, Q13 @ MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0)
+ VADD.S32 Q4, Q8, Q6 @ r4 = t0 + r6@
+ VSUB.S32 Q5, Q7, Q9 @ r5 = r7 - t1@
+ VSUB.S32 Q6, Q8, Q6 @ r6 = t0 - r6@
+ VADD.S32 Q7, Q7, Q9 @ r7 = r7 + t1@
+ VADD.S32 Q8, Q0, Q5 @ xptr[0] = r0 + r5@
+ VADD.S32 Q9, Q1, Q6 @ xptr[1] = r1 + r6@
+ VST2.I32 {D16, D17, D18, D19}, [r8]
+ VSUB.S32 Q10, Q2, Q4 @ xptr[0] = r2 - r4@
+ sub r8, r8, r5 @ xptr -= step@
+ VSUB.S32 Q11, Q3, Q7 @ xptr[1] = r3 - r7@
+ VST2.I32 {D20, D21, D22, D23}, [r8]
+ VSUB.S32 Q8, Q0, Q5 @ xptr[0] = r0 - r5@
+ sub r8, r8, r5 @ xptr -= step@
+ VSUB.S32 Q9, Q1, Q6 @ xptr[1] = r1 - r6@
+ VST2.I32 {D16, D17, D18, D19}, [r8]
+ VADD.S32 Q10, Q2, Q4 @ xptr[0] = r2 + r4@
+ sub r8, r8, r5 @ xptr -= step@
+ VADD.S32 Q11, Q3, Q7 @ xptr[1] = r3 + r7@
+ VST2.I32 {D20, D21, D22, D23}, [r8]!
+ subs r4, r4, #4
+ bne Radix4FFT_LOOP3
+ add r8, r8, r12
+ sub r7, r7, #1
+ cmp r7, #0
+ bhi Radix4FFT_LOOP2
+ add r3, r12, r3
+ mov r2, r2, lsl #2
+ movs r1, r1, asr #2
+ bne Radix4FFT_LOOP1
+ ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
+ @ENDP @ |Radix4FFT|
.end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/band_nrg.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/band_nrg.c
index 666c4ca..89c39b6 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/band_nrg.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/band_nrg.c
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: band_nrg.c
- Content: Band/Line energy calculations functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: band_nrg.c
+ Content: Band/Line energy calculations functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "band_nrg.h"
-#ifndef ARMV5E
+#ifndef ARMV5E
* function name: CalcBandEnergy
* description: Calc sfb-bandwise mdct-energies for left and right channel
void CalcBandEnergy(const Word32 *mdctSpectrum,
const Word16 *bandOffset,
const Word16 numBands,
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ void CalcBandEnergy(const Word32 *mdctSpectrum,
for (i=0; i<numBands; i++) {
Word32 accu = 0;
for (j=bandOffset[i]; j<bandOffset[i+1]; j++)
- accu = L_add(accu, MULHIGH(mdctSpectrum[j], mdctSpectrum[j]));
+ accu = L_add(accu, MULHIGH(mdctSpectrum[j], mdctSpectrum[j]));
accu = L_add(accu, accu);
accuSum = L_add(accuSum, accu);
bandEnergy[i] = accu;
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ void CalcBandEnergyMS(const Word32 *mdctSpectrumLeft,
accuMid = L_add(accuMid, MULHIGH(specm, specm));
accuSide = L_add(accuSide, MULHIGH(specs, specs));
- accuMid = L_add(accuMid, accuMid);
- accuSide = L_add(accuSide, accuSide);
+ accuMid = L_add(accuMid, accuMid);
+ accuSide = L_add(accuSide, accuSide);
bandEnergyMid[i] = accuMid;
accuMidSum = L_add(accuMidSum, accuMid);
bandEnergySide[i] = accuSide;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bit_cnt.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bit_cnt.c
index 24837e8..dd0b9b4 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bit_cnt.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bit_cnt.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: bit_cnt.c
- Content: Huffman Bitcounter & coder functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: bit_cnt.c
+ Content: Huffman Bitcounter & coder functions
#include "bit_cnt.h"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static void count1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
Word32 t0,t1,t2,t3,i;
Word32 bc1_2,bc3_4,bc5_6,bc7_8,bc9_10;
- Word16 bc11,sc;
+ Word16 bc11,sc;
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ static void count3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
sc = sc + (t0>0) + (t1>0) + (t2>0) + (t3>0);
- }
+ }
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ static void count5_6_7_8_9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
Word32 t0,t1,i;
Word32 bc5_6,bc7_8,bc9_10;
- Word16 bc11,sc;
+ Word16 bc11,sc;
@@ -294,43 +294,43 @@ static void count7_8_9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
* output: bitCount for tables 9-11
-static void count9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
- const Word16 width,
- Word16 *bitCount)
- Word32 t0,t1,i;
- Word32 bc9_10;
- Word16 bc11,sc;
- bc9_10=0;
- bc11=0;
- sc=0;
- for(i=0;i<width;i+=2){
- t0=ABS(values[i+0]);
- t1=ABS(values[i+1]);
- bc9_10 += EXPAND(huff_ltab9_10[t0][t1]);
- bc11 = bc11 + huff_ltab11[t0][t1];
- sc = sc + (t0>0) + (t1>0);
- }
- bitCount[9]=extract_h(bc9_10) + sc;
- bitCount[10]=extract_l(bc9_10) + sc;
- bitCount[11]=bc11 + sc;
+static void count9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
+ const Word16 width,
+ Word16 *bitCount)
+ Word32 t0,t1,i;
+ Word32 bc9_10;
+ Word16 bc11,sc;
+ bc9_10=0;
+ bc11=0;
+ sc=0;
+ for(i=0;i<width;i+=2){
+ t0=ABS(values[i+0]);
+ t1=ABS(values[i+1]);
+ bc9_10 += EXPAND(huff_ltab9_10[t0][t1]);
+ bc11 = bc11 + huff_ltab11[t0][t1];
+ sc = sc + (t0>0) + (t1>0);
+ }
+ bitCount[9]=extract_h(bc9_10) + sc;
+ bitCount[10]=extract_l(bc9_10) + sc;
+ bitCount[11]=bc11 + sc;
@@ -342,35 +342,35 @@ static void count9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
* output: bitCount for table 11
- static void count11(const Word16 *values,
- const Word16 width,
- Word16 *bitCount)
- Word32 t0,t1,i;
- Word16 bc11,sc;
- bc11=0;
- sc=0;
- for(i=0;i<width;i+=2){
- t0=ABS(values[i+0]);
- t1=ABS(values[i+1]);
- bc11 = bc11 + huff_ltab11[t0][t1];
- sc = sc + (t0>0) + (t1>0);
- }
- bitCount[10]=INVALID_BITCOUNT;
- bitCount[11]=bc11 + sc;
+ static void count11(const Word16 *values,
+ const Word16 width,
+ Word16 *bitCount)
+ Word32 t0,t1,i;
+ Word16 bc11,sc;
+ bc11=0;
+ sc=0;
+ for(i=0;i<width;i+=2){
+ t0=ABS(values[i+0]);
+ t1=ABS(values[i+1]);
+ bc11 = bc11 + huff_ltab11[t0][t1];
+ sc = sc + (t0>0) + (t1>0);
+ }
+ bitCount[10]=INVALID_BITCOUNT;
+ bitCount[11]=bc11 + sc;
@@ -383,54 +383,54 @@ static void count9_10_11(const Word16 *values,
-static void countEsc(const Word16 *values,
- const Word16 width,
- Word16 *bitCount)
- Word32 t0,t1,t00,t01,i;
- Word16 bc11,ec,sc;
- bc11=0;
- sc=0;
- ec=0;
- for(i=0;i<width;i+=2){
- t0=ABS(values[i+0]);
- t1=ABS(values[i+1]);
- sc = sc + (t0>0) + (t1>0);
- t00 = min(t0,16);
- t01 = min(t1,16);
- bc11 = bc11 + huff_ltab11[t00][t01];
- if(t0 >= 16){
- ec = ec + 5;
- while(sub(t0=(t0 >> 1), 16) >= 0) {
- ec = ec + 2;
- }
- }
- if(t1 >= 16){
- ec = ec + 5;
- while(sub(t1=(t1 >> 1), 16) >= 0) {
- ec = ec + 2;
- }
- }
- }
- bitCount[10]=INVALID_BITCOUNT;
- bitCount[11]=bc11 + sc + ec;
+static void countEsc(const Word16 *values,
+ const Word16 width,
+ Word16 *bitCount)
+ Word32 t0,t1,t00,t01,i;
+ Word16 bc11,ec,sc;
+ bc11=0;
+ sc=0;
+ ec=0;
+ for(i=0;i<width;i+=2){
+ t0=ABS(values[i+0]);
+ t1=ABS(values[i+1]);
+ sc = sc + (t0>0) + (t1>0);
+ t00 = min(t0,16);
+ t01 = min(t1,16);
+ bc11 = bc11 + huff_ltab11[t00][t01];
+ if(t0 >= 16){
+ ec = ec + 5;
+ while(sub(t0=(t0 >> 1), 16) >= 0) {
+ ec = ec + 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if(t1 >= 16){
+ ec = ec + 5;
+ while(sub(t1=(t1 >> 1), 16) >= 0) {
+ ec = ec + 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bitCount[10]=INVALID_BITCOUNT;
+ bitCount[11]=bc11 + sc + ec;
@@ -492,376 +492,376 @@ Word16 bitCount(const Word16 *values,
* description: write huffum bits
-Word16 codeValues(Word16 *values, Word16 width, Word16 codeBook, HANDLE_BIT_BUF hBitstream)
- Word32 i, t0, t1, t2, t3, t00, t01;
- Word16 codeWord, codeLength;
- Word16 sign, signLength;
- switch (codeBook) {
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_1_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
- t0 = values[i+0];
- t1 = values[i+1];
- t2 = values[i+2];
- t3 = values[i+3];
- codeWord = huff_ctab1[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1];
- codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab1_2[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream, codeWord, codeLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_2_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
- t0 = values[i+0];
- t1 = values[i+1];
- t2 = values[i+2];
- t3 = values[i+3];
- codeWord = huff_ctab2[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1];
- codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab1_2[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_3_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
- sign=0;
- signLength=0;
- t0 = values[i+0];
- if(t0 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t0 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t0=-t0;
- }
- }
- t1 = values[i+1];
- if(t1 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t1 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t1=-t1;
- }
- }
- t2 = values[i+2];
- if(t2 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t2 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t2=-t2;
- }
- }
- t3 = values[i+3];
- if(t3 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t3 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t3=-t3;
- }
- }
- codeWord = huff_ctab3[t0][t1][t2][t3];
- codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab3_4[t0][t1][t2][t3]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_4_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
- sign=0;
- signLength=0;
- t0 = values[i+0];
- if(t0 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t0 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t0=-t0;
- }
- }
- t1 = values[i+1];
- if(t1 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t1 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t1=-t1;
- }
- }
- t2 = values[i+2];
- if(t2 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t2 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t2=-t2;
- }
- }
- t3 = values[i+3];
- if(t3 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t3 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t3=-t3;
- }
- }
- codeWord = huff_ctab4[t0][t1][t2][t3];
- codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab3_4[t0][t1][t2][t3]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_5_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
- t0 = values[i+0];
- t1 = values[i+1];
- codeWord = huff_ctab5[t0+4][t1+4];
- codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab5_6[t0+4][t1+4]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_6_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
- t0 = values[i+0];
- t1 = values[i+1];
- codeWord = huff_ctab6[t0+4][t1+4];
- codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab5_6[t0+4][t1+4]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_7_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=2){
- sign=0;
- signLength=0;
- t0 = values[i+0];
- if(t0 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t0 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t0=-t0;
- }
- }
- t1 = values[i+1];
- if(t1 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t1 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t1=-t1;
- }
- }
- codeWord = huff_ctab7[t0][t1];
- codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab7_8[t0][t1]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_8_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
- sign=0;
- signLength=0;
- t0 = values[i+0];
- if(t0 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t0 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t0=-t0;
- }
- }
- t1 = values[i+1];
- if(t1 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t1 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t1=-t1;
- }
- }
- codeWord = huff_ctab8[t0][t1];
- codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab7_8[t0][t1]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_9_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
- sign=0;
- signLength=0;
- t0 = values[i+0];
- if(t0 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t0 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t0=-t0;
- }
- }
- t1 = values[i+1];
- if(t1 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t1 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t1=-t1;
- }
- }
- codeWord = huff_ctab9[t0][t1];
- codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab9_10[t0][t1]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
- }
- break;
- case CODE_BOOK_10_NO:
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
- sign=0;
- signLength=0;
- t0 = values[i+0];
- if(t0 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t0 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t0=-t0;
- }
- }
- t1 = values[i+1];
- if(t1 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t1 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t1=-t1;
- }
- }
- codeWord = huff_ctab10[t0][t1];
- codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab9_10[t0][t1]);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
- }
- break;
- for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
- sign=0;
- signLength=0;
- t0 = values[i+0];
- if(t0 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t0 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t0=-t0;
- }
- }
- t1 = values[i+1];
- if(t1 != 0){
- signLength = signLength + 1;
- sign = sign << 1;
- if(t1 < 0){
- sign|=1;
- t1=-t1;
- }
- }
- t00 = min(t0,16);
- t01 = min(t1,16);
- codeWord = huff_ctab11[t00][t01];
- codeLength = huff_ltab11[t00][t01];
- WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
- WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
- if(t0 >= 16){
- Word16 n, p;
- n=0;
- p=t0;
- while(sub(p=(p >> 1), 16) >= 0){
- WriteBits(hBitstream,1,1);
- n = n + 1;
- }
- WriteBits(hBitstream,0,1);
- n = n + 4;
- WriteBits(hBitstream,(t0 - (1 << n)),n);
- }
- if(t1 >= 16){
- Word16 n, p;
- n=0;
- p=t1;
- while(sub(p=(p >> 1), 16) >= 0){
- WriteBits(hBitstream,1,1);
- n = n + 1;
- }
- WriteBits(hBitstream,0,1);
- n = n + 4;
- WriteBits(hBitstream,(t1 - (1 << n)),n);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return(0);
+Word16 codeValues(Word16 *values, Word16 width, Word16 codeBook, HANDLE_BIT_BUF hBitstream)
+ Word32 i, t0, t1, t2, t3, t00, t01;
+ Word16 codeWord, codeLength;
+ Word16 sign, signLength;
+ switch (codeBook) {
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_1_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ t2 = values[i+2];
+ t3 = values[i+3];
+ codeWord = huff_ctab1[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1];
+ codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab1_2[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream, codeWord, codeLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_2_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ t2 = values[i+2];
+ t3 = values[i+3];
+ codeWord = huff_ctab2[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1];
+ codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab1_2[t0+1][t1+1][t2+1][t3+1]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_3_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
+ sign=0;
+ signLength=0;
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ if(t0 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t0 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t0=-t0;
+ }
+ }
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ if(t1 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t1 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t1=-t1;
+ }
+ }
+ t2 = values[i+2];
+ if(t2 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t2 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t2=-t2;
+ }
+ }
+ t3 = values[i+3];
+ if(t3 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t3 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t3=-t3;
+ }
+ }
+ codeWord = huff_ctab3[t0][t1][t2][t3];
+ codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab3_4[t0][t1][t2][t3]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_4_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=4) {
+ sign=0;
+ signLength=0;
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ if(t0 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t0 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t0=-t0;
+ }
+ }
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ if(t1 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t1 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t1=-t1;
+ }
+ }
+ t2 = values[i+2];
+ if(t2 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t2 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t2=-t2;
+ }
+ }
+ t3 = values[i+3];
+ if(t3 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t3 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t3=-t3;
+ }
+ }
+ codeWord = huff_ctab4[t0][t1][t2][t3];
+ codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab3_4[t0][t1][t2][t3]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_5_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ codeWord = huff_ctab5[t0+4][t1+4];
+ codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab5_6[t0+4][t1+4]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_6_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ codeWord = huff_ctab6[t0+4][t1+4];
+ codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab5_6[t0+4][t1+4]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_7_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=2){
+ sign=0;
+ signLength=0;
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ if(t0 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t0 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t0=-t0;
+ }
+ }
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ if(t1 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t1 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t1=-t1;
+ }
+ }
+ codeWord = huff_ctab7[t0][t1];
+ codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab7_8[t0][t1]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_8_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
+ sign=0;
+ signLength=0;
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ if(t0 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t0 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t0=-t0;
+ }
+ }
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ if(t1 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t1 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t1=-t1;
+ }
+ }
+ codeWord = huff_ctab8[t0][t1];
+ codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab7_8[t0][t1]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_9_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
+ sign=0;
+ signLength=0;
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ if(t0 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t0 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t0=-t0;
+ }
+ }
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ if(t1 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t1 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t1=-t1;
+ }
+ }
+ codeWord = huff_ctab9[t0][t1];
+ codeLength = HI_LTAB(huff_ltab9_10[t0][t1]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CODE_BOOK_10_NO:
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
+ sign=0;
+ signLength=0;
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ if(t0 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t0 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t0=-t0;
+ }
+ }
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ if(t1 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t1 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t1=-t1;
+ }
+ }
+ codeWord = huff_ctab10[t0][t1];
+ codeLength = LO_LTAB(huff_ltab9_10[t0][t1]);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
+ }
+ break;
+ for(i=0; i<width; i+=2) {
+ sign=0;
+ signLength=0;
+ t0 = values[i+0];
+ if(t0 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t0 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t0=-t0;
+ }
+ }
+ t1 = values[i+1];
+ if(t1 != 0){
+ signLength = signLength + 1;
+ sign = sign << 1;
+ if(t1 < 0){
+ sign|=1;
+ t1=-t1;
+ }
+ }
+ t00 = min(t0,16);
+ t01 = min(t1,16);
+ codeWord = huff_ctab11[t00][t01];
+ codeLength = huff_ltab11[t00][t01];
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,codeWord,codeLength);
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,sign,signLength);
+ if(t0 >= 16){
+ Word16 n, p;
+ n=0;
+ p=t0;
+ while(sub(p=(p >> 1), 16) >= 0){
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,1,1);
+ n = n + 1;
+ }
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,0,1);
+ n = n + 4;
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,(t0 - (1 << n)),n);
+ }
+ if(t1 >= 16){
+ Word16 n, p;
+ n=0;
+ p=t1;
+ while(sub(p=(p >> 1), 16) >= 0){
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,1,1);
+ n = n + 1;
+ }
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,0,1);
+ n = n + 4;
+ WriteBits(hBitstream,(t1 - (1 << n)),n);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return(0);
Word16 bitCountScalefactorDelta(Word16 delta)
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitbuffer.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitbuffer.c
index 3248f0b..ef13c13 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitbuffer.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitbuffer.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: bitbuffer.c
- Content: Bit Buffer Management functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: bitbuffer.c
+ Content: Bit Buffer Management functions
#include "bitbuffer.h"
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ HANDLE_BIT_BUF CreateBitBuffer(HANDLE_BIT_BUF hBitBuf,
void DeleteBitBuffer(HANDLE_BIT_BUF *hBitBuf)
- if(*hBitBuf)
+ if(*hBitBuf)
(*hBitBuf)->isValid = 0;
*hBitBuf = NULL;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitenc.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitenc.c
index 588c2da..ea34407 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitenc.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/bitenc.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: bitenc.c
- Content: Bitstream encoder functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: bitenc.c
+ Content: Bitstream encoder functions
#include "bitenc.h"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ static Word32 encodeSpectralData(Word16 *sfbOffset,
dbgVal = GetBitsAvail(hBitStream);
for(i=0; i<sectionData->noOfSections; i++) {
- psectioninfo = &(sectionData->sectionInfo[i]);
+ psectioninfo = &(sectionData->sectionInfo[i]);
huffencode spectral data for this section
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ static void writeFillElement( const UWord8 *ancBytes,
* function name: WriteBitStream
@@ -577,39 +577,39 @@ Word16 WriteBitstream (HANDLE_BIT_BUF hBitStream,
QC_OUT *qcOut,
PSY_OUT *psyOut,
Word16 *globUsedBits,
- const UWord8 *ancBytes,
+ const UWord8 *ancBytes,
Word16 sampindex
) /* returns error code */
Word16 bitMarkUp;
Word16 elementUsedBits;
- Word16 frameBits=0;
- /* struct bitbuffer bsWriteCopy; */
- bitMarkUp = GetBitsAvail(hBitStream);
- if(qcOut->qcElement.adtsUsed) /* write adts header*/
- {
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0xFFF, 12); /* 12 bit Syncword */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 1, 1); /* ID == 0 for MPEG4 AAC, 1 for MPEG2 AAC */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 2); /* layer == 0 */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 1, 1); /* protection absent */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 1, 2); /* profile */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, sampindex, 4); /* sampling rate */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* private bit */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, elInfo.nChannelsInEl, 3); /* ch. config (must be > 0) */
- /* simply using numChannels only works for
- 6 channels or less, else a channel
- configuration should be written */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* original/copy */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* home */
- /* Variable ADTS header */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* copyr. id. bit */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* copyr. id. start */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, *globUsedBits >> 3, 13);
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0x7FF, 11); /* buffer fullness (0x7FF for VBR) */
- WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 2); /* raw data blocks (0+1=1) */
- }
+ Word16 frameBits=0;
+ /* struct bitbuffer bsWriteCopy; */
+ bitMarkUp = GetBitsAvail(hBitStream);
+ if(qcOut->qcElement.adtsUsed) /* write adts header*/
+ {
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0xFFF, 12); /* 12 bit Syncword */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 1, 1); /* ID == 0 for MPEG4 AAC, 1 for MPEG2 AAC */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 2); /* layer == 0 */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 1, 1); /* protection absent */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 1, 2); /* profile */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, sampindex, 4); /* sampling rate */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* private bit */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, elInfo.nChannelsInEl, 3); /* ch. config (must be > 0) */
+ /* simply using numChannels only works for
+ 6 channels or less, else a channel
+ configuration should be written */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* original/copy */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* home */
+ /* Variable ADTS header */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* copyr. id. bit */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 1); /* copyr. id. start */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, *globUsedBits >> 3, 13);
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0x7FF, 11); /* buffer fullness (0x7FF for VBR) */
+ WriteBits(hBitStream, 0, 2); /* raw data blocks (0+1=1) */
+ }
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/block_switch.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/block_switch.c
index c0054f7..d54e32f 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/block_switch.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/block_switch.c
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: block_switch.c
- Content: Block switching functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: block_switch.c
+ Content: Block switching functions
-#include "typedef.h"
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "typedef.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "psy_const.h"
#include "block_switch.h"
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Word16 BlockSwitching(BLOCK_SWITCHING_CONTROL *blockSwitchingControl,
for (i=0; i<MAX_NO_OF_GROUPS; i++) {
blockSwitchingControl->groupLen[i] = suggestedGroupingTable[blockSwitchingControl->attackIndex][i];
- }
+ }
/* if the samplerate is less than 16000, it should be all the short block, avoid pre&post echo */
if(sampleRate >= 16000) {
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static Word32 SrchMaxWithIndex(const Word32 in[], Word16 *index, Word16 n)
* returns: TRUE if success
-#ifndef ARMV5E
+#ifndef ARMV5E
Word32 CalcWindowEnergy(BLOCK_SWITCHING_CONTROL *blockSwitchingControl,
Word16 *timeSignal,
Word16 chIncrement,
@@ -283,14 +283,14 @@ Word32 CalcWindowEnergy(BLOCK_SWITCHING_CONTROL *blockSwitchingControl,
Word32 w, i, wOffset, tidx, ch;
Word32 accuUE, accuFE;
Word32 tempUnfiltered;
- Word32 tempFiltered;
- Word32 states0, states1;
- Word32 Coeff0, Coeff1;
- states0 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[0];
- states1 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[1];
- Coeff0 = hiPassCoeff[0];
+ Word32 tempFiltered;
+ Word32 states0, states1;
+ Word32 Coeff0, Coeff1;
+ states0 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[0];
+ states1 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[1];
+ Coeff0 = hiPassCoeff[0];
Coeff1 = hiPassCoeff[1];
tidx = 0;
for (w=0; w < BLOCK_SWITCH_WINDOWS; w++) {
@@ -299,19 +299,19 @@ Word32 CalcWindowEnergy(BLOCK_SWITCHING_CONTROL *blockSwitchingControl,
accuFE = 0;
for(i=0; i<windowLen; i++) {
- Word32 accu1, accu2, accu3;
- Word32 out;
+ Word32 accu1, accu2, accu3;
+ Word32 out;
tempUnfiltered = timeSignal[tidx];
tidx = tidx + chIncrement;
- accu1 = L_mpy_ls(Coeff1, tempUnfiltered);
- accu2 = fixmul( Coeff0, states1 );
- accu3 = accu1 - states0;
- out = accu3 - accu2;
- states0 = accu1;
- states1 = out;
+ accu1 = L_mpy_ls(Coeff1, tempUnfiltered);
+ accu2 = fixmul( Coeff0, states1 );
+ accu3 = accu1 - states0;
+ out = accu3 - accu2;
+ states0 = accu1;
+ states1 = out;
tempFiltered = extract_h(out);
accuUE += (tempUnfiltered * tempUnfiltered) >> ENERGY_SHIFT;
accuFE += (tempFiltered * tempFiltered) >> ENERGY_SHIFT;
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ Word32 CalcWindowEnergy(BLOCK_SWITCHING_CONTROL *blockSwitchingControl,
blockSwitchingControl->windowNrg[1][w] = accuUE;
blockSwitchingControl->windowNrgF[1][w] = accuFE;
- }
- blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[0] = states0;
+ }
+ blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[0] = states0;
blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[1] = states1;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/channel_map.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/channel_map.c
index 247293b..2d41f8c 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/channel_map.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/channel_map.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: channel_map.c
- Content: channel mapping functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: channel_map.c
+ Content: channel mapping functions
#include "channel_map.h"
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/dyn_bits.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/dyn_bits.c
index 3deacca..f3b3e02 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/dyn_bits.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/dyn_bits.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: dyn_bits.c
- Content: Noiseless coder module functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: dyn_bits.c
+ Content: Noiseless coder module functions
#include "aac_rom.h"
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ gmStage1(SECTION_INFO * sectionInfo,
const Word16 maxSfb,
const Word16 *sideInfoTab)
- SECTION_INFO * sectionInfo_s;
- SECTION_INFO * sectionInfo_e;
+ SECTION_INFO * sectionInfo_s;
+ SECTION_INFO * sectionInfo_e;
Word32 mergeStart, mergeEnd;
mergeStart = 0;
do {
- sectionInfo_s = sectionInfo + mergeStart;
+ sectionInfo_s = sectionInfo + mergeStart;
for (mergeEnd=mergeStart+1; mergeEnd<maxSfb; mergeEnd++) {
sectionInfo_e = sectionInfo + mergeEnd;
if (sectionInfo_s->codeBook != sectionInfo_e->codeBook)
@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ static void scfCount(const Word16 *scalefacGain,
SECTION_DATA * sectionData)
- SECTION_INFO *psectionInfo;
- SECTION_INFO *psectionInfom;
+ SECTION_INFO *psectionInfo;
+ SECTION_INFO *psectionInfom;
/* counter */
Word32 i = 0; /* section counter */
Word32 j = 0; /* sfb counter */
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ static void scfCount(const Word16 *scalefacGain,
lastValScf = 0;
- sectionData->firstScf = 0;
+ sectionData->firstScf = 0;
psectionInfo = sectionData->sectionInfo;
for (i=0; i<sectionData->noOfSections; i++) {
@@ -406,9 +406,9 @@ static void scfCount(const Word16 *scalefacGain,
sectionData->firstScf = psectionInfo->sfbStart;
lastValScf = scalefacGain[sectionData->firstScf];
- }
+ }
psectionInfo += 1;
- }
+ }
psectionInfo = sectionData->sectionInfo;
for (i=0; i<sectionData->noOfSections; i++, psectionInfo += 1) {
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ static void scfCount(const Word16 *scalefacGain,
scfSkipCounter = scfSkipCounter + 1;
psectionInfom = psectionInfo + 1;
/* search for the next maxValueInSfb[] != 0 in all other sections */
for (m = i + 1; (m < sectionData->noOfSections) && (found == 0); m++) {
@@ -477,8 +477,8 @@ static void scfCount(const Word16 *scalefacGain,
/* count scalefactor skip */
scfSkipCounter = scfSkipCounter + 1;
- }
+ }
psectionInfom += 1;
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ static void scfCount(const Word16 *scalefacGain,
else {
deltaScf = 0;
scfSkipCounter = scfSkipCounter - 1;
- }
+ }
else {
deltaScf = lastValScf - scalefacGain[j];
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ dynBitCount(const Word16 *quantSpectrum,
- return (sectionData->huffmanBits + sectionData->sideInfoBits +
+ return (sectionData->huffmanBits + sectionData->sideInfoBits +
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/grp_data.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/grp_data.c
index 08d9a76..fb88654 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/grp_data.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/grp_data.c
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: grp_data.c
- Content: Short block grouping function
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: grp_data.c
+ Content: Short block grouping function
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "psy_const.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "grp_data.h"
@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ groupShortData(Word32 *mdctSpectrum,
for(i=0;i<FRAME_LEN_LONG;i+=4) {
- mdctSpectrum[i] = tmpSpectrum[i];
- mdctSpectrum[i+1] = tmpSpectrum[i+1];
- mdctSpectrum[i+2] = tmpSpectrum[i+2];
+ mdctSpectrum[i] = tmpSpectrum[i];
+ mdctSpectrum[i+1] = tmpSpectrum[i+1];
+ mdctSpectrum[i+2] = tmpSpectrum[i+2];
mdctSpectrum[i+3] = tmpSpectrum[i+3];
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/interface.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/interface.c
index 304b1d4..34fee00 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/interface.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/interface.c
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: interface.c
- Content: Interface psychoaccoustic/quantizer functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: interface.c
+ Content: Interface psychoaccoustic/quantizer functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
-#include "oper_32b.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "psy_const.h"
#include "interface.h"
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ void BuildInterface(Word32 *groupedMdctSpectrum,
Word32 j;
Word32 grp;
- Word32 mask;
+ Word32 mask;
Word16 *tmpV;
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ void BuildInterface(Word32 *groupedMdctSpectrum,
psyOutCh->sfbThreshold = groupedSfbThreshold->sfbLong;
psyOutCh->sfbSpreadedEnergy = groupedSfbSpreadedEnergy->sfbLong;
- tmpV = psyOutCh->sfbOffsets;
+ tmpV = psyOutCh->sfbOffsets;
for(j=0; j<groupedSfbCnt + 1; j++) {
*tmpV++ = groupedSfbOffset[j];
tmpV = psyOutCh->sfbMinSnr;
for(j=0;j<groupedSfbCnt; j++) {
*tmpV++ = groupedSfbMinSnr[j];
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ void BuildInterface(Word32 *groupedMdctSpectrum,
else {
Word32 i;
Word32 accuSumMS=0;
- Word32 accuSumLR=0;
- Word32 *pSumMS = sfbEnergySumMS.sfbShort;
+ Word32 accuSumLR=0;
+ Word32 *pSumMS = sfbEnergySumMS.sfbShort;
Word32 *pSumLR = sfbEnergySumLR.sfbShort;
for (i=TRANS_FAC; i; i--) {
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/line_pe.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/line_pe.c
index da57647..5e93cd0 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/line_pe.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/line_pe.c
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: line_pe.c
- Content: Perceptual entropie module functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: line_pe.c
+ Content: Perceptual entropie module functions
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "typedef.h"
#include "line_pe.h"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void calcSfbPe(PE_DATA *peData,
Word32 ch;
Word32 sfbGrp, sfb;
Word32 nLines4;
- Word32 ldThr, ldRatio;
+ Word32 ldThr, ldRatio;
Word32 pe, constPart, nActiveLines;
peData->pe = peData->offset;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void calcSfbPe(PE_DATA *peData,
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
Word32 nrg = sfbEnergy[sfbGrp+sfb];
Word32 thres = sfbThreshold[sfbGrp+sfb];
- Word32 sfbLDEn = peChanData->sfbLdEnergy[sfbGrp+sfb];
+ Word32 sfbLDEn = peChanData->sfbLdEnergy[sfbGrp+sfb];
if (nrg > thres) {
ldThr = iLog4(thres);
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ void calcSfbPe(PE_DATA *peData,
else {
/* sfbPe = nl*(c2 + c3*log2(en/thr))*/
- peChanData->sfbPe[sfbGrp+sfb] = extract_l((L_mpy_wx(
- (C2_I + C3_I * ldRatio * 2) << 4, nLines4) + 4) >> 3);
- peChanData->sfbConstPart[sfbGrp+sfb] = extract_l(( L_mpy_wx(
- (C2_I + C3_I * sfbLDEn * 2) << 4, nLines4) + 4) >> 3);
+ peChanData->sfbPe[sfbGrp+sfb] = extract_l((L_mpy_wx(
+ (C2_I + C3_I * ldRatio * 2) << 4, nLines4) + 4) >> 3);
+ peChanData->sfbConstPart[sfbGrp+sfb] = extract_l(( L_mpy_wx(
+ (C2_I + C3_I * sfbLDEn * 2) << 4, nLines4) + 4) >> 3);
nLines4 = (nLines4 * C3_I + (1024<<1)) >> 10;
peChanData->sfbNActiveLines[sfbGrp+sfb] = nLines4 >> 2;
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ void calcSfbPe(PE_DATA *peData,
nActiveLines = nActiveLines + peChanData->sfbNActiveLines[sfbGrp+sfb];
- peChanData->pe = saturate(pe);
- peChanData->constPart = saturate(constPart);
- peChanData->nActiveLines = saturate(nActiveLines);
+ peChanData->pe = saturate(pe);
+ peChanData->constPart = saturate(constPart);
+ peChanData->nActiveLines = saturate(nActiveLines);
pe += peData->pe;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/ms_stereo.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/ms_stereo.c
index c83d07b..44d45cc 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/ms_stereo.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/ms_stereo.c
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: ms_stereo.c
- Content: MS stereo processing function
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: ms_stereo.c
+ Content: MS stereo processing function
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "psy_const.h"
#include "ms_stereo.h"
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ void MsStereoProcessing(Word32 *sfbEnergyLeft,
minThreshold = min(thrL, thrR);
nrgL = max(nrgL,thrL) + 1;
- shift = norm_l(nrgL);
+ shift = norm_l(nrgL);
nrgL = Div_32(thrL << shift, nrgL << shift);
nrgR = max(nrgR,thrR) + 1;
- shift = norm_l(nrgR);
+ shift = norm_l(nrgR);
nrgR = Div_32(thrR << shift, nrgR << shift);
pnlr = fixmul(nrgL, nrgR);
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ void MsStereoProcessing(Word32 *sfbEnergyLeft,
nrgR = sfbEnergySide[idx];
nrgL = max(nrgL,minThreshold) + 1;
- shift = norm_l(nrgL);
+ shift = norm_l(nrgL);
nrgL = Div_32(minThreshold << shift, nrgL << shift);
nrgR = max(nrgR,minThreshold) + 1;
- shift = norm_l(nrgR);
+ shift = norm_l(nrgR);
nrgR = Div_32(minThreshold << shift, nrgR << shift);
pnms = fixmul(nrgL, nrgR);
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/pre_echo_control.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/pre_echo_control.c
index f59216e..1e818a2 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/pre_echo_control.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/pre_echo_control.c
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: pre_echo_control.c
- Content: Pre echo control functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: pre_echo_control.c
+ Content: Pre echo control functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
-#include "oper_32b.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "pre_echo_control.h"
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_configuration.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_configuration.c
index 586e00f..8e599b0 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_configuration.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_configuration.c
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: psy_configuration.c
- Content: Psychoaccoustic configuration functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: psy_configuration.c
+ Content: Psychoaccoustic configuration functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "psy_configuration.h"
#include "adj_thr.h"
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
#define BARC_SCALE 100 /* integer barc values are scaled with 100 */
-#define LOG2_1000 301 /* log2*1000 */
-#define PI2_1000 1571 /* pi/2*1000*/
-#define ATAN_COEF1 3560 /* 1000/0.280872f*/
-#define ATAN_COEF2 281 /* 1000*0.280872f*/
+#define LOG2_1000 301 /* log2*1000 */
+#define PI2_1000 1571 /* pi/2*1000*/
+#define ATAN_COEF1 3560 /* 1000/0.280872f*/
+#define ATAN_COEF2 281 /* 1000*0.280872f*/
typedef struct{
@@ -57,30 +57,30 @@ static const Word16 maskLowSprEnLong = 30; /* in 1dB/bark */
static const Word16 maskHighSprEnLong = 20; /* in 1dB/bark */
static const Word16 maskHighSprEnLongLowBr = 15; /* in 1dB/bark */
static const Word16 maskLowSprEnShort = 20; /* in 1dB/bark */
-static const Word16 maskHighSprEnShort = 15; /* in 1dB/bark */
-static const Word16 c_minRemainingThresholdFactor = 0x0148; /* 0.01 *(1 << 15)*/
-static const Word32 c_maxsnr = 0x66666666; /* upper limit is -1 dB */
-static const Word32 c_minsnr = 0x00624dd3; /* lower limit is -25 dB */
-static const Word32 c_maxClipEnergyLong = 0x77359400; /* 2.0e9f*/
-static const Word32 c_maxClipEnergyShort = 0x01dcd650; /* 2.0e9f/(AACENC_TRANS_FAC*AACENC_TRANS_FAC)*/
-Word32 GetSRIndex(Word32 sampleRate)
- if (92017 <= sampleRate) return 0;
- if (75132 <= sampleRate) return 1;
- if (55426 <= sampleRate) return 2;
- if (46009 <= sampleRate) return 3;
- if (37566 <= sampleRate) return 4;
- if (27713 <= sampleRate) return 5;
- if (23004 <= sampleRate) return 6;
- if (18783 <= sampleRate) return 7;
- if (13856 <= sampleRate) return 8;
- if (11502 <= sampleRate) return 9;
- if (9391 <= sampleRate) return 10;
- return 11;
+static const Word16 maskHighSprEnShort = 15; /* in 1dB/bark */
+static const Word16 c_minRemainingThresholdFactor = 0x0148; /* 0.01 *(1 << 15)*/
+static const Word32 c_maxsnr = 0x66666666; /* upper limit is -1 dB */
+static const Word32 c_minsnr = 0x00624dd3; /* lower limit is -25 dB */
+static const Word32 c_maxClipEnergyLong = 0x77359400; /* 2.0e9f*/
+static const Word32 c_maxClipEnergyShort = 0x01dcd650; /* 2.0e9f/(AACENC_TRANS_FAC*AACENC_TRANS_FAC)*/
+Word32 GetSRIndex(Word32 sampleRate)
+ if (92017 <= sampleRate) return 0;
+ if (75132 <= sampleRate) return 1;
+ if (55426 <= sampleRate) return 2;
+ if (46009 <= sampleRate) return 3;
+ if (37566 <= sampleRate) return 4;
+ if (27713 <= sampleRate) return 5;
+ if (23004 <= sampleRate) return 6;
+ if (18783 <= sampleRate) return 7;
+ if (13856 <= sampleRate) return 8;
+ if (11502 <= sampleRate) return 9;
+ if (9391 <= sampleRate) return 10;
+ return 11;
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ Word32 GetSRIndex(Word32 sampleRate)
* function name: atan_1000
* description: calculates 1000*atan(x/1000)
* based on atan approx for x > 0
-* atan(x) = x/((float)1.0f+(float)0.280872f*x*x) if x < 1
-* = pi/2 - x/((float)0.280872f +x*x) if x >= 1
+* atan(x) = x/((float)1.0f+(float)0.280872f*x*x) if x < 1
+* = pi/2 - x/((float)0.280872f +x*x) if x >= 1
* return: 1000*atan(x/1000)
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ static void initBarcValues(Word16 numPb,
* function name: initMinSnr
* description: calculate min snr parameter
-* minSnr(n) = 1/(2^sfbPemin(n)/w(n) - 1.5)
+* minSnr(n) = 1/(2^sfbPemin(n)/w(n) - 1.5)
static void initMinSnr(const Word32 bitrate,
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ static void initMinSnr(const Word32 bitrate,
barcWidth = pbVal1 - pbVal0;
pbVal0 = pbVal1;
- /* allow at least 2.4% of pe for each active barc */
+ /* allow at least 2.4% of pe for each active barc */
pePart = ((pePerWindow * 24) * (max_bark * barcWidth)) /
(pbBarcVal[sfbActive-1] * (sfbOffset[sfb+1] - sfbOffset[sfb]));
@@ -311,15 +311,15 @@ static void initMinSnr(const Word32 bitrate,
pePart = min(pePart, 8400);
pePart = max(pePart, 1400);
- /* minSnr(n) = 1/(2^sfbPemin(n)/w(n) - 1.5)*/
+ /* minSnr(n) = 1/(2^sfbPemin(n)/w(n) - 1.5)*/
/* we add an offset of 2^16 to the pow functions */
- /* 0xc000 = 1.5*(1 << 15)*/
+ /* 0xc000 = 1.5*(1 << 15)*/
snr = pow2_xy((pePart - 16*1000),1000) - 0x0000c000;
- if(snr > 0x00008000)
- {
- shift = norm_l(snr);
+ if(snr > 0x00008000)
+ {
+ shift = norm_l(snr);
snr = Div_32(0x00008000 << shift, snr << shift);
@@ -347,16 +347,16 @@ Word16 InitPsyConfigurationLong(Word32 bitrate,
Word16 bandwidth,
- Word32 samplerateindex;
- Word16 sfbBarcVal[MAX_SFB_LONG];
+ Word32 samplerateindex;
+ Word16 sfbBarcVal[MAX_SFB_LONG];
Word16 sfb;
init sfb table
- */
- samplerateindex = GetSRIndex(samplerate);
- psyConf->sfbCnt = sfBandTotalLong[samplerateindex];
- psyConf->sfbOffset = sfBandTabLong + sfBandTabLongOffset[samplerateindex];
+ */
+ samplerateindex = GetSRIndex(samplerate);
+ psyConf->sfbCnt = sfBandTotalLong[samplerateindex];
+ psyConf->sfbOffset = sfBandTabLong + sfBandTabLongOffset[samplerateindex];
psyConf->sampRateIdx = samplerateindex;
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ Word16 InitPsyConfigurationLong(Word32 bitrate,
Word16 InitPsyConfigurationShort(Word32 bitrate,
Word32 samplerate,
Word16 bandwidth,
Word32 samplerateindex;
Word16 sfbBarcVal[MAX_SFB_SHORT];
@@ -437,8 +437,8 @@ Word16 InitPsyConfigurationShort(Word32 bitrate,
init sfb table
- samplerateindex = GetSRIndex(samplerate);
- psyConf->sfbCnt = sfBandTotalShort[samplerateindex];
+ samplerateindex = GetSRIndex(samplerate);
+ psyConf->sfbCnt = sfBandTotalShort[samplerateindex];
psyConf->sfbOffset = sfBandTabShort + sfBandTabShortOffset[samplerateindex];
psyConf->sampRateIdx = samplerateindex;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_main.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_main.c
index 8746a72..3d0a355 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_main.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/psy_main.c
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: psy_main.c
- Content: Psychoacoustic major functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: psy_main.c
+ Content: Psychoacoustic major functions
-#include "typedef.h"
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "typedef.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "psy_const.h"
#include "block_switch.h"
@@ -77,27 +77,27 @@ static Word16 advancePsychShortMS (PSY_DATA psyData[MAX_CHANNELS],
Word16 PsyNew(PSY_KERNEL *hPsy, Word32 nChan, VO_MEM_OPERATOR *pMemOP)
- Word16 i;
- Word32 *mdctSpectrum;
- Word32 *scratchTNS;
- Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer;
- mdctSpectrum = (Word32 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChan * FRAME_LEN_LONG * sizeof(Word32), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == mdctSpectrum)
- return 1;
- scratchTNS = (Word32 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChan * FRAME_LEN_LONG * sizeof(Word32), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == scratchTNS)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- mdctDelayBuffer = (Word16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChan * BLOCK_SWITCHING_OFFSET * sizeof(Word16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == mdctDelayBuffer)
- {
+ Word16 i;
+ Word32 *mdctSpectrum;
+ Word32 *scratchTNS;
+ Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer;
+ mdctSpectrum = (Word32 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChan * FRAME_LEN_LONG * sizeof(Word32), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == mdctSpectrum)
+ return 1;
+ scratchTNS = (Word32 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChan * FRAME_LEN_LONG * sizeof(Word32), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == scratchTNS)
+ {
return 1;
- }
+ }
+ mdctDelayBuffer = (Word16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChan * BLOCK_SWITCHING_OFFSET * sizeof(Word16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == mdctDelayBuffer)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
for (i=0; i<nChan; i++){
hPsy->psyData[i].mdctDelayBuffer = mdctDelayBuffer + i*BLOCK_SWITCHING_OFFSET;
hPsy->psyData[i].mdctSpectrum = mdctSpectrum + i*FRAME_LEN_LONG;
@@ -118,27 +118,27 @@ Word16 PsyNew(PSY_KERNEL *hPsy, Word32 nChan, VO_MEM_OPERATOR *pMemOP)
Word16 PsyDelete(PSY_KERNEL *hPsy, VO_MEM_OPERATOR *pMemOP)
- Word32 nch;
- if(hPsy)
- {
- if(hPsy->psyData[0].mdctDelayBuffer)
- mem_free(pMemOP, hPsy->psyData[0].mdctDelayBuffer, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(hPsy->psyData[0].mdctSpectrum)
- mem_free(pMemOP, hPsy->psyData[0].mdctSpectrum, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- for (nch=0; nch<MAX_CHANNELS; nch++){
- hPsy->psyData[nch].mdctDelayBuffer = NULL;
- hPsy->psyData[nch].mdctSpectrum = NULL;
- }
- if(hPsy->pScratchTns)
- {
- mem_free(pMemOP, hPsy->pScratchTns, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- hPsy->pScratchTns = NULL;
- }
- }
+ Word32 nch;
+ if(hPsy)
+ {
+ if(hPsy->psyData[0].mdctDelayBuffer)
+ mem_free(pMemOP, hPsy->psyData[0].mdctDelayBuffer, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(hPsy->psyData[0].mdctSpectrum)
+ mem_free(pMemOP, hPsy->psyData[0].mdctSpectrum, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ for (nch=0; nch<MAX_CHANNELS; nch++){
+ hPsy->psyData[nch].mdctDelayBuffer = NULL;
+ hPsy->psyData[nch].mdctSpectrum = NULL;
+ }
+ if(hPsy->pScratchTns)
+ {
+ mem_free(pMemOP, hPsy->pScratchTns, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ hPsy->pScratchTns = NULL;
+ }
+ }
return 0;
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ Word16 psyMainInit(PSY_KERNEL *hPsy,
err = InitPsyConfigurationLong(channelBitRate,
- &(hPsy->psyConfLong));
+ &(hPsy->psyConfLong));
if (!err) {
- hPsy->sampleRateIdx = hPsy->psyConfLong.sampRateIdx;
+ hPsy->sampleRateIdx = hPsy->psyConfLong.sampRateIdx;
err = InitTnsConfigurationLong(bitRate, sampleRate, channels,
&hPsy->psyConfLong.tnsConf, &hPsy->psyConfLong, tnsMask&2);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ Word16 psyMain(Word16 nChannels,
channels = elemInfo->nChannelsInEl;
maxScale = 0;
- /* block switching */
+ /* block switching */
for(ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) {
@@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ static Word16 advancePsychLong(PSY_DATA* psyData,
Word32 i;
Word32 normEnergyShift = (psyData->mdctScale + 1) << 1; /* in reference code, mdct spectrum must be multipied with 2, so +1 */
- Word32 clipEnergy = hPsyConfLong->clipEnergy >> normEnergyShift;
+ Word32 clipEnergy = hPsyConfLong->clipEnergy >> normEnergyShift;
Word32 *data0, *data1, tdata;
/* low pass */
- data0 = psyData->mdctSpectrum + hPsyConfLong->lowpassLine;
+ data0 = psyData->mdctSpectrum + hPsyConfLong->lowpassLine;
for(i=hPsyConfLong->lowpassLine; i<FRAME_LEN_LONG; i++) {
*data0++ = 0;
@@ -525,11 +525,11 @@ static Word16 advancePsychLong(PSY_DATA* psyData,
/* first part of threshold calculation */
- data0 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong;
- data1 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbLong;
+ data0 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong;
+ data1 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbLong;
for (i=hPsyConfLong->sfbCnt; i; i--) {
tdata = L_mpy_ls(*data0++, hPsyConfLong->ratio);
- *data1++ = min(tdata, clipEnergy);
+ *data1++ = min(tdata, clipEnergy);
/* Calc sfb-bandwise mdct-energies for left and right channel again */
@@ -540,12 +540,12 @@ static Word16 advancePsychLong(PSY_DATA* psyData,
hPsyConfLong->sfbActive - tnsStartBand,
- data0 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong;
- tdata = psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbLong;
+ data0 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong;
+ tdata = psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbLong;
for (i=0; i<tnsStartBand; i++)
- tdata += *data0++;
+ tdata += *data0++;
psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbLong = tdata;
@@ -557,20 +557,20 @@ static Word16 advancePsychLong(PSY_DATA* psyData,
/* threshold in quiet */
- data0 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbLong;
- data1 = hPsyConfLong->sfbThresholdQuiet;
+ data0 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbLong;
+ data1 = hPsyConfLong->sfbThresholdQuiet;
for (i=hPsyConfLong->sfbCnt; i; i--)
- {
- *data0 = max(*data0, (*data1 >> normEnergyShift));
- data0++; data1++;
+ {
+ *data0 = max(*data0, (*data1 >> normEnergyShift));
+ data0++; data1++;
/* preecho control */
if (psyData->blockSwitchingControl.windowSequence == STOP_WINDOW) {
- data0 = psyData->sfbThresholdnm1;
- for (i=hPsyConfLong->sfbCnt; i; i--) {
- *data0++ = MAX_32;
- }
+ data0 = psyData->sfbThresholdnm1;
+ for (i=hPsyConfLong->sfbCnt; i; i--) {
+ *data0++ = MAX_32;
+ }
psyData->mdctScalenm1 = 0;
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ static Word16 advancePsychLong(PSY_DATA* psyData,
if (psyData->blockSwitchingControl.windowSequence== START_WINDOW) {
- data0 = psyData->sfbThresholdnm1;
+ data0 = psyData->sfbThresholdnm1;
for (i=hPsyConfLong->sfbCnt; i; i--) {
*data0++ = MAX_32;
@@ -600,10 +600,10 @@ static Word16 advancePsychLong(PSY_DATA* psyData,
/* spreaded energy */
- data0 = psyData->sfbSpreadedEnergy.sfbLong;
- data1 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong;
+ data0 = psyData->sfbSpreadedEnergy.sfbLong;
+ data1 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong;
for (i=hPsyConfLong->sfbCnt; i; i--) {
- //psyData->sfbSpreadedEnergy.sfbLong[i] = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong[i];
+ //psyData->sfbSpreadedEnergy.sfbLong[i] = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbLong[i];
*data0++ = *data1++;
@@ -657,14 +657,14 @@ static Word16 advancePsychShort(PSY_DATA* psyData,
Word32 w;
Word32 normEnergyShift = (psyData->mdctScale + 1) << 1; /* in reference code, mdct spectrum must be multipied with 2, so +1 */
Word32 clipEnergy = hPsyConfShort->clipEnergy >> normEnergyShift;
- Word32 wOffset = 0;
+ Word32 wOffset = 0;
Word32 *data0, *data1;
for(w = 0; w < TRANS_FAC; w++) {
Word32 i, tdata;
/* low pass */
- data0 = psyData->mdctSpectrum + wOffset + hPsyConfShort->lowpassLine;
+ data0 = psyData->mdctSpectrum + wOffset + hPsyConfShort->lowpassLine;
for(i=hPsyConfShort->lowpassLine; i<FRAME_LEN_SHORT; i++){
*data0++ = 0;
@@ -706,11 +706,11 @@ static Word16 advancePsychShort(PSY_DATA* psyData,
/* first part of threshold calculation */
- data0 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbShort[w];
- data1 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbShort[w];
+ data0 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbShort[w];
+ data1 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbShort[w];
for (i=hPsyConfShort->sfbCnt; i; i--) {
tdata = L_mpy_ls(*data1++, hPsyConfShort->ratio);
- *data0++ = min(tdata, clipEnergy);
+ *data0++ = min(tdata, clipEnergy);
/* Calc sfb-bandwise mdct-energies for left and right channel again */
@@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ static Word16 advancePsychShort(PSY_DATA* psyData,
(hPsyConfShort->sfbActive - tnsStartBand),
- &psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbShort[w]);
+ &psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbShort[w]);
- tdata = psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbShort[w];
- data0 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbShort[w];
+ tdata = psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbShort[w];
+ data0 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbShort[w];
for (i=tnsStartBand; i; i--)
- tdata += *data0++;
+ tdata += *data0++;
psyData->sfbEnergySum.sfbShort[w] = tdata;
@@ -738,14 +738,14 @@ static Word16 advancePsychShort(PSY_DATA* psyData,
/* threshold in quiet */
- data0 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbShort[w];
- data1 = hPsyConfShort->sfbThresholdQuiet;
+ data0 = psyData->sfbThreshold.sfbShort[w];
+ data1 = hPsyConfShort->sfbThresholdQuiet;
for (i=hPsyConfShort->sfbCnt; i; i--)
- {
- *data0 = max(*data0, (*data1 >> normEnergyShift));
- data0++; data1++;
- }
+ {
+ *data0 = max(*data0, (*data1 >> normEnergyShift));
+ data0++; data1++;
+ }
/* preecho */
@@ -764,8 +764,8 @@ static Word16 advancePsychShort(PSY_DATA* psyData,
/* spreaded energy */
- data0 = psyData->sfbSpreadedEnergy.sfbShort[w];
- data1 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbShort[w];
+ data0 = psyData->sfbSpreadedEnergy.sfbShort[w];
+ data1 = psyData->sfbEnergy.sfbShort[w];
for (i=hPsyConfShort->sfbCnt; i; i--) {
*data0++ = *data1++;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/qc_main.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/qc_main.c
index a568020..e8c39e4 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/qc_main.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/qc_main.c
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: qc_main.c
- Content: Quantizing & coding functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: qc_main.c
+ Content: Quantizing & coding functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
-#include "oper_32b.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "qc_main.h"
#include "quantize.h"
#include "interface.h"
@@ -120,25 +120,25 @@ static Word16 framePadding(Word32 bitRate,
Word16 QCOutNew(QC_OUT *hQC, Word16 nChannels, VO_MEM_OPERATOR *pMemOP)
- Word32 i;
- Word16 *quantSpec;
- Word16 *scf;
+ Word32 i;
+ Word16 *quantSpec;
+ Word16 *scf;
UWord16 *maxValueInSfb;
- quantSpec = (Word16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChannels * FRAME_LEN_LONG * sizeof(Word16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == quantSpec)
+ quantSpec = (Word16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChannels * FRAME_LEN_LONG * sizeof(Word16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == quantSpec)
+ return 1;
+ scf = (Word16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChannels * MAX_GROUPED_SFB * sizeof(Word16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == scf)
+ {
return 1;
- scf = (Word16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChannels * MAX_GROUPED_SFB * sizeof(Word16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == scf)
- {
- return 1;
- maxValueInSfb = (UWord16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChannels * MAX_GROUPED_SFB * sizeof(UWord16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(NULL == maxValueInSfb)
- {
- return 1;
- }
+ maxValueInSfb = (UWord16 *)mem_malloc(pMemOP, nChannels * MAX_GROUPED_SFB * sizeof(UWord16), 32, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(NULL == maxValueInSfb)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
for (i=0; i<nChannels; i++) {
hQC->qcChannel[i].quantSpec = quantSpec + i*FRAME_LEN_LONG;
@@ -160,25 +160,25 @@ Word16 QCOutNew(QC_OUT *hQC, Word16 nChannels, VO_MEM_OPERATOR *pMemOP)
void QCOutDelete(QC_OUT* hQC, VO_MEM_OPERATOR *pMemOP)
- Word32 i;
- if(hQC)
- {
- if(hQC->qcChannel[0].quantSpec);
- mem_free(pMemOP, hQC->qcChannel[0].quantSpec, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(hQC->qcChannel[0].maxValueInSfb)
- mem_free(pMemOP, hQC->qcChannel[0].maxValueInSfb, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- if(hQC->qcChannel[0].scf)
- mem_free(pMemOP, hQC->qcChannel[0].scf, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
- for (i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
- hQC->qcChannel[i].quantSpec = NULL;
- hQC->qcChannel[i].maxValueInSfb = NULL;
- hQC->qcChannel[i].scf = NULL;
- }
+ Word32 i;
+ if(hQC)
+ {
+ if(hQC->qcChannel[0].quantSpec);
+ mem_free(pMemOP, hQC->qcChannel[0].quantSpec, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(hQC->qcChannel[0].maxValueInSfb)
+ mem_free(pMemOP, hQC->qcChannel[0].maxValueInSfb, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ if(hQC->qcChannel[0].scf)
+ mem_free(pMemOP, hQC->qcChannel[0].scf, VO_INDEX_ENC_AAC);
+ for (i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
+ hQC->qcChannel[i].quantSpec = NULL;
+ hQC->qcChannel[i].maxValueInSfb = NULL;
+ hQC->qcChannel[i].scf = NULL;
+ }
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Word16 QCMain(QC_STATE* hQC,
qcOutElement->staticBitsUsed = countStaticBitdemand(psyOutChannel,
- nChannels,
+ nChannels,
@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ void updateBitres(QC_STATE* qcKernel,
Word16 FinalizeBitConsumption(QC_STATE *qcKernel,
QC_OUT* qcOut)
- Word32 nFullFillElem;
- Word32 totFillBits;
+ Word32 nFullFillElem;
+ Word32 totFillBits;
Word16 diffBits;
Word16 bitsUsed;
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ Word16 FinalizeBitConsumption(QC_STATE *qcKernel,
totFillBits += qcOut->qcElement.fillBits;
- nFullFillElem = (max((qcOut->totFillBits - 1), 0) / maxFillElemBits) * maxFillElemBits;
+ nFullFillElem = (max((qcOut->totFillBits - 1), 0) / maxFillElemBits) * maxFillElemBits;
qcOut->totFillBits = qcOut->totFillBits - nFullFillElem;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/quantize.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/quantize.c
index 205f167..973554e 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/quantize.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/quantize.c
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: quantize.c
- Content: quantization functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: quantize.c
+ Content: quantization functions
-#include "typedef.h"
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "typedef.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "quantize.h"
#include "aac_rom.h"
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ static Word16 quantizeSingleLine(const Word16 gain, const Word32 absSpectrum)
x += XROUND >> (INT_BITS - finalShift);
- /* shift and quantize */
- finalShift--;
- if(finalShift >= 0)
- x >>= finalShift;
- else
- x <<= (-finalShift);
+ /* shift and quantize */
+ finalShift--;
+ if(finalShift >= 0)
+ x >>= finalShift;
+ else
+ x <<= (-finalShift);
qua = saturate(x);
@@ -108,29 +108,29 @@ static void quantizeLines(const Word16 gain,
Word32 line;
Word32 m = gain&3;
- Word32 g = (gain >> 2) + 4;
- Word32 mdctSpeL;
+ Word32 g = (gain >> 2) + 4;
+ Word32 mdctSpeL;
Word16 *pquat;
- /* gain&3 */
- pquat = quantBorders[m];
- g += 16;
- if(g >= 0)
- {
+ /* gain&3 */
+ pquat = quantBorders[m];
+ g += 16;
+ if(g >= 0)
+ {
for (line=0; line<noOfLines; line++) {
Word32 qua;
qua = 0;
- mdctSpeL = mdctSpectrum[line];
+ mdctSpeL = mdctSpectrum[line];
if (mdctSpeL) {
Word32 sa;
Word32 saShft;
sa = L_abs(mdctSpeL);
- //saShft = L_shr(sa, 16 + g);
+ //saShft = L_shr(sa, 16 + g);
saShft = sa >> g;
if (saShft > pquat[0]) {
@@ -163,54 +163,54 @@ static void quantizeLines(const Word16 gain,
quaSpectrum[line] = qua ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (line=0; line<noOfLines; line++) {
- Word32 qua;
- qua = 0;
- mdctSpeL = mdctSpectrum[line];
- if (mdctSpeL) {
- Word32 sa;
- Word32 saShft;
- sa = L_abs(mdctSpeL);
- saShft = sa << g;
- if (saShft > pquat[0]) {
- if (saShft < pquat[1]) {
- qua = mdctSpeL>0 ? 1 : -1;
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[2]) {
- qua = mdctSpeL>0 ? 2 : -2;
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[3]) {
- qua = mdctSpeL>0 ? 3 : -3;
- }
- else {
- qua = quantizeSingleLine(gain, sa);
- /* adjust the sign. Since 0 < qua < 1, this cannot overflow. */
- if (mdctSpeL < 0)
- qua = -qua;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- quaSpectrum[line] = qua ;
- }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (line=0; line<noOfLines; line++) {
+ Word32 qua;
+ qua = 0;
+ mdctSpeL = mdctSpectrum[line];
+ if (mdctSpeL) {
+ Word32 sa;
+ Word32 saShft;
+ sa = L_abs(mdctSpeL);
+ saShft = sa << g;
+ if (saShft > pquat[0]) {
+ if (saShft < pquat[1]) {
+ qua = mdctSpeL>0 ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[2]) {
+ qua = mdctSpeL>0 ? 2 : -2;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[3]) {
+ qua = mdctSpeL>0 ? 3 : -3;
+ }
+ else {
+ qua = quantizeSingleLine(gain, sa);
+ /* adjust the sign. Since 0 < qua < 1, this cannot overflow. */
+ if (mdctSpeL < 0)
+ qua = -qua;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quaSpectrum[line] = qua ;
+ }
@@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ static void iquantizeLines(const Word16 gain,
/* get approperiate exponent shifter */
specExp = specExpTableComb_enc[iquantizermod][specExp];
- specExp += iquantizershift + 1;
- if(specExp >= 0)
- mdctSpectrum[line] = accu << specExp;
- else
+ specExp += iquantizershift + 1;
+ if(specExp >= 0)
+ mdctSpectrum[line] = accu << specExp;
+ else
mdctSpectrum[line] = accu >> (-specExp);
else {
@@ -331,19 +331,69 @@ Word32 calcSfbDist(const Word32 *spec,
Word32 line;
Word32 dist;
Word32 m = gain&3;
- Word32 g = (gain >> 2) + 4;
- Word32 g2 = (g << 1) + 1;
- Word16 *pquat, *repquat;
+ Word32 g = (gain >> 2) + 4;
+ Word32 g2 = (g << 1) + 1;
+ Word16 *pquat, *repquat;
/* gain&3 */
- pquat = quantBorders[m];
+ pquat = quantBorders[m];
repquat = quantRecon[m];
- dist = 0;
- g += 16;
- if(g2 < 0 && g >= 0)
+ dist = 0;
+ g += 16;
+ if(g2 < 0 && g >= 0)
- g2 = -g2;
+ g2 = -g2;
+ for(line=0; line<sfbWidth; line++) {
+ if (spec[line]) {
+ Word32 diff;
+ Word32 distSingle;
+ Word32 sa;
+ Word32 saShft;
+ sa = L_abs(spec[line]);
+ //saShft = round16(L_shr(sa, g));
+ //saShft = L_shr(sa, 16+g);
+ saShft = sa >> g;
+ if (saShft < pquat[0]) {
+ distSingle = (saShft * saShft) >> g2;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[1]) {
+ diff = saShft - repquat[0];
+ distSingle = (diff * diff) >> g2;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[2]) {
+ diff = saShft - repquat[1];
+ distSingle = (diff * diff) >> g2;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[3]) {
+ diff = saShft - repquat[2];
+ distSingle = (diff * diff) >> g2;
+ }
+ else {
+ Word16 qua = quantizeSingleLine(gain, sa);
+ Word32 iqval, diff32;
+ /* now that we have quantized x, re-quantize it. */
+ iquantizeLines(gain, 1, &qua, &iqval);
+ diff32 = sa - iqval;
+ distSingle = fixmul(diff32, diff32);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dist = L_add(dist, distSingle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
for(line=0; line<sfbWidth; line++) {
if (spec[line]) {
Word32 diff;
@@ -352,93 +402,43 @@ Word32 calcSfbDist(const Word32 *spec,
Word32 saShft;
sa = L_abs(spec[line]);
//saShft = round16(L_shr(sa, g));
- //saShft = L_shr(sa, 16+g);
- saShft = sa >> g;
- if (saShft < pquat[0]) {
- distSingle = (saShft * saShft) >> g2;
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[1]) {
- diff = saShft - repquat[0];
- distSingle = (diff * diff) >> g2;
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[2]) {
- diff = saShft - repquat[1];
- distSingle = (diff * diff) >> g2;
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[3]) {
- diff = saShft - repquat[2];
- distSingle = (diff * diff) >> g2;
- }
- else {
- Word16 qua = quantizeSingleLine(gain, sa);
- Word32 iqval, diff32;
- /* now that we have quantized x, re-quantize it. */
- iquantizeLines(gain, 1, &qua, &iqval);
- diff32 = sa - iqval;
- distSingle = fixmul(diff32, diff32);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dist = L_add(dist, distSingle);
+ saShft = L_shr(sa, g);
+ if (saShft < pquat[0]) {
+ distSingle = L_shl((saShft * saShft), g2);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[1]) {
+ diff = saShft - repquat[0];
+ distSingle = L_shl((diff * diff), g2);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[2]) {
+ diff = saShft - repquat[1];
+ distSingle = L_shl((diff * diff), g2);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (saShft < pquat[3]) {
+ diff = saShft - repquat[2];
+ distSingle = L_shl((diff * diff), g2);
+ }
+ else {
+ Word16 qua = quantizeSingleLine(gain, sa);
+ Word32 iqval, diff32;
+ /* now that we have quantized x, re-quantize it. */
+ iquantizeLines(gain, 1, &qua, &iqval);
+ diff32 = sa - iqval;
+ distSingle = fixmul(diff32, diff32);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dist = L_add(dist, distSingle);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(line=0; line<sfbWidth; line++) {
- if (spec[line]) {
- Word32 diff;
- Word32 distSingle;
- Word32 sa;
- Word32 saShft;
- sa = L_abs(spec[line]);
- //saShft = round16(L_shr(sa, g));
- saShft = L_shr(sa, g);
- if (saShft < pquat[0]) {
- distSingle = L_shl((saShft * saShft), g2);
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[1]) {
- diff = saShft - repquat[0];
- distSingle = L_shl((diff * diff), g2);
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[2]) {
- diff = saShft - repquat[1];
- distSingle = L_shl((diff * diff), g2);
- }
- else {
- if (saShft < pquat[3]) {
- diff = saShft - repquat[2];
- distSingle = L_shl((diff * diff), g2);
- }
- else {
- Word16 qua = quantizeSingleLine(gain, sa);
- Word32 iqval, diff32;
- /* now that we have quantized x, re-quantize it. */
- iquantizeLines(gain, 1, &qua, &iqval);
- diff32 = sa - iqval;
- distSingle = fixmul(diff32, diff32);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dist = L_add(dist, distSingle);
- }
- }
+ }
return dist;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/sf_estim.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/sf_estim.c
index d34b365..ffe2e83 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/sf_estim.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/sf_estim.c
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: sf_estim.c
- Content: Scale factor estimation functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: sf_estim.c
+ Content: Scale factor estimation functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "sf_estim.h"
#include "quantize.h"
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ constants reference in comments
#define FF_SQRT_BITS 7
-#define COEF08_31 0x66666666 /* 0.8*(1 << 31) */
-#define PE_C1_8 24 /* PE_C1*8 */
-#define PE_C2_16 21 /* PE_C2*8/PE_C3 */
-#define PE_SCALE 0x059a /* 0.7 * (1 << (15 - 1 - 3))*/
-#define SCALE_ESTIMATE_COEF 0x5555 /* (8.8585/(4*log2(10))) * (1 << 15)*/
+#define COEF08_31 0x66666666 /* 0.8*(1 << 31) */
+#define PE_C1_8 24 /* PE_C1*8 */
+#define PE_C2_16 21 /* PE_C2*8/PE_C3 */
+#define PE_SCALE 0x059a /* 0.7 * (1 << (15 - 1 - 3))*/
+#define SCALE_ESTIMATE_COEF 0x5555 /* (8.8585/(4*log2(10))) * (1 << 15)*/
@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ __inline Word32 formfac_sqrt(Word32 x)
postshift = preshift >> 1;
preshift = postshift << 1;
postshift = postshift + 8; /* sqrt/256 */
- if(preshift >= 0)
- y = x << preshift; /* now 1/4 <= y < 1 */
- else
- y = x >> (-preshift);
- y = formfac_sqrttable[y-32];
- if(postshift >= 0)
- y = y >> postshift;
- else
- y = y << (-postshift);
+ if(preshift >= 0)
+ y = x << preshift; /* now 1/4 <= y < 1 */
+ else
+ y = x >> (-preshift);
+ y = formfac_sqrttable[y-32];
+ if(postshift >= 0)
+ y = y >> postshift;
+ else
+ y = y << (-postshift);
return y;
@@ -97,25 +97,25 @@ CalcFormFactorChannel(Word16 *logSfbFormFactor,
Word16 *logSfbEnergy,
- Word32 sfbw, sfbw1;
+ Word32 sfbw, sfbw1;
Word32 i, j;
Word32 sfbOffs, sfb, shift;
- sfbw = sfbw1 = 0;
+ sfbw = sfbw1 = 0;
for (sfbOffs=0; sfbOffs<psyOutChan->sfbCnt; sfbOffs+=psyOutChan->sfbPerGroup){
for (sfb=0; sfb<psyOutChan->maxSfbPerGroup; sfb++) {
i = sfbOffs+sfb;
if (psyOutChan->sfbEnergy[i] > psyOutChan->sfbThreshold[i]) {
- Word32 accu, avgFormFactor,iSfbWidth;
+ Word32 accu, avgFormFactor,iSfbWidth;
Word32 *mdctSpec;
- sfbw = psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i+1] - psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i];
- iSfbWidth = invSBF[(sfbw >> 2) - 1];
+ sfbw = psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i+1] - psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i];
+ iSfbWidth = invSBF[(sfbw >> 2) - 1];
mdctSpec = psyOutChan->mdctSpectrum + psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i];
accu = 0;
/* calc sum of sqrt(spec) */
- for (j=sfbw; j; j--) {
- accu += formfac_sqrt(L_abs(*mdctSpec)); mdctSpec++;
+ for (j=sfbw; j; j--) {
+ accu += formfac_sqrt(L_abs(*mdctSpec)); mdctSpec++;
logSfbFormFactor[i] = iLog4(accu);
logSfbEnergy[i] = iLog4(psyOutChan->sfbEnergy[i]);
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ static Word16 improveScf(Word32 *spec,
/* calc real distortion */
sfbDist = calcSfbDist(spec, sfbWidth, scf);
- *minScfCalculated = scf;
- if(!sfbDist)
+ *minScfCalculated = scf;
+ if(!sfbDist)
return scfBest;
if (sfbDist > thresh125) {
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ static Word16 improveScf(Word32 *spec,
*minScfCalculated = scf;
cnt = cnt + 1;
- }
+ }
*dist = sfbDistBest;
else {
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ static void assimilateSingleScf(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan,
prevScfLast[j] = MAX_16;
prevScfNext[j] = MAX_16;
deltaPeLast[j] = MAX_16;
- }
+ }
sfbLast = -1;
sfbAct = -1;
@@ -713,20 +713,20 @@ EstimateScaleFactorsChannel(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan,
for (i=0; i<psyOutChan->sfbCnt; i++) {
- Word32 sbfwith, sbfStart;
+ Word32 sbfwith, sbfStart;
Word32 *mdctSpec;
thresh = psyOutChan->sfbThreshold[i];
energy = psyOutChan->sfbEnergy[i];
- sbfStart = psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i];
- sbfwith = psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i+1] - sbfStart;
- mdctSpec = psyOutChan->mdctSpectrum+sbfStart;
+ sbfStart = psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i];
+ sbfwith = psyOutChan->sfbOffsets[i+1] - sbfStart;
+ mdctSpec = psyOutChan->mdctSpectrum+sbfStart;
maxSpec = 0;
/* maximum of spectrum */
- for (j=sbfwith; j; j-- ) {
- Word32 absSpec = L_abs(*mdctSpec); mdctSpec++;
- maxSpec |= absSpec;
+ for (j=sbfwith; j; j-- ) {
+ Word32 absSpec = L_abs(*mdctSpec); mdctSpec++;
+ maxSpec |= absSpec;
/* scfs without energy or with thresh>energy are marked with MIN_16 */
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ EstimateScaleFactorsChannel(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan,
energyPart = logSfbFormFactor[i];
thresholdPart = iLog4(thresh);
- /* -20 = 4*log2(6.75) - 32 */
+ /* -20 = 4*log2(6.75) - 32 */
scfInt = ((thresholdPart - energyPart - 20) * SCALE_ESTIMATE_COEF) >> 15;
minSfMaxQuant[i] = iLog4(maxSpec) - 68; /* 68 -16/3*log(MAX_QUANT+0.5-logCon)/log(2) + 1 */
@@ -748,9 +748,9 @@ EstimateScaleFactorsChannel(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChan,
/* find better scalefactor with analysis by synthesis */
- scfInt = improveScf(psyOutChan->mdctSpectrum+sbfStart,
- sbfwith,
- thresh, scfInt, minSfMaxQuant[i],
+ scfInt = improveScf(psyOutChan->mdctSpectrum+sbfStart,
+ sbfwith,
+ thresh, scfInt, minSfMaxQuant[i],
&sfbDist[i], &minScfCalculated[i]);
scf[i] = scfInt;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/spreading.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/spreading.c
index e6fc7da..aaf2fff 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/spreading.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/spreading.c
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: spreading.c
- Content: Spreading of energy function
-#include "basic_op.h"
-#include "oper_32b.h"
-#include "spreading.h"
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: spreading.c
+ Content: Spreading of energy function
+#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "oper_32b.h"
+#include "spreading.h"
* function name: SpreadingMax
@@ -31,22 +31,22 @@
* higher frequencies thr(n) = max(thr(n), sh(n)*thr(n-1))
* lower frequencies thr(n) = max(thr(n), sl(n)*thr(n+1))
-void SpreadingMax(const Word16 pbCnt,
- const Word16 *maskLowFactor,
- const Word16 *maskHighFactor,
- Word32 *pbSpreadedEnergy)
- Word32 i;
- /* slope to higher frequencies */
- for (i=1; i<pbCnt; i++) {
- pbSpreadedEnergy[i] = max(pbSpreadedEnergy[i],
- L_mpy_ls(pbSpreadedEnergy[i-1], maskHighFactor[i]));
- }
- /* slope to lower frequencies */
- for (i=pbCnt - 2; i>=0; i--) {
- pbSpreadedEnergy[i] = max(pbSpreadedEnergy[i],
- L_mpy_ls(pbSpreadedEnergy[i+1], maskLowFactor[i]));
- }
+void SpreadingMax(const Word16 pbCnt,
+ const Word16 *maskLowFactor,
+ const Word16 *maskHighFactor,
+ Word32 *pbSpreadedEnergy)
+ Word32 i;
+ /* slope to higher frequencies */
+ for (i=1; i<pbCnt; i++) {
+ pbSpreadedEnergy[i] = max(pbSpreadedEnergy[i],
+ L_mpy_ls(pbSpreadedEnergy[i-1], maskHighFactor[i]));
+ }
+ /* slope to lower frequencies */
+ for (i=pbCnt - 2; i>=0; i--) {
+ pbSpreadedEnergy[i] = max(pbSpreadedEnergy[i],
+ L_mpy_ls(pbSpreadedEnergy[i+1], maskLowFactor[i]));
+ }
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/stat_bits.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/stat_bits.c
index 556104e..baa289c 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/stat_bits.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/stat_bits.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: stat_bits.c
- Content: Static bit counter functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: stat_bits.c
+ Content: Static bit counter functions
#include "stat_bits.h"
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ static Word16 tnsCount(TNS_INFO *tnsInfo, Word16 blockType)
Flag tnsPresent;
Word32 numOfWindows;
Word32 count;
- Word32 coefBits;
+ Word32 coefBits;
Word16 *ptcoef;
- count = 0;
+ count = 0;
if (blockType == 2)
numOfWindows = 8;
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ static Word16 tnsCount(TNS_INFO *tnsInfo, Word16 blockType)
count += 1; /*coef_compression */
if (tnsInfo->coefRes[i] == 4) {
- ptcoef = tnsInfo->coef + i*TNS_MAX_ORDER_SHORT;
+ ptcoef = tnsInfo->coef + i*TNS_MAX_ORDER_SHORT;
coefBits = 3;
for(k=0; k<tnsInfo->order[i]; k++) {
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ static Word16 tnsCount(TNS_INFO *tnsInfo, Word16 blockType)
else {
coefBits = 2;
- ptcoef = tnsInfo->coef + i*TNS_MAX_ORDER_SHORT;
+ ptcoef = tnsInfo->coef + i*TNS_MAX_ORDER_SHORT;
for(k=0; k<tnsInfo->order[i]; k++) {
if ((ptcoef[k] > 1) || (ptcoef[k] < -2)) {
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static Word16 tnsCount(TNS_INFO *tnsInfo, Word16 blockType)
- }
+ }
return count;
@@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ static Word16 countTnsBits(TNS_INFO *tnsInfo,Word16 blockType)
Word16 countStaticBitdemand(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS],
PSY_OUT_ELEMENT *psyOutElement,
- Word16 channels,
+ Word16 channels,
Word16 adtsUsed)
Word32 statBits;
Word32 ch;
- statBits = 0;
+ statBits = 0;
/* if adts used, add 56 bits */
if(adtsUsed) statBits += 56;
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/tns.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/tns.c
index 96d890e..473e0a0 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/tns.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/tns.c
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: tns.c
- Content: Definition TNS tools functions
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: tns.c
+ Content: Definition TNS tools functions
-#include "basic_op.h"
-#include "oper_32b.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "oper_32b.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "aac_rom.h"
#include "psy_const.h"
@@ -32,23 +32,23 @@
#define TNS_MODIFY_BEGIN 2600 /* Hz */
#define RATIO_PATCH_LOWER_BORDER 380 /* Hz */
-#define TNS_GAIN_THRESH 141 /* 1.41*100 */
-#define NORM_COEF 0x028f5c28
-static const Word32 TNS_PARCOR_THRESH = 0x0ccccccd; /* 0.1*(1 << 31) */
-/* Limit bands to > 2.0 kHz */
-static unsigned short tnsMinBandNumberLong[12] =
-{ 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 25, 26, 24, 28, 30, 31 };
-static unsigned short tnsMinBandNumberShort[12] =
-{ 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 10, 10, 12 };
-/* Main/Low Profile TNS Parameters */
-static unsigned short tnsMaxBandsLongMainLow[12] =
-{ 31, 31, 34, 40, 42, 51, 46, 46, 42, 42, 42, 39 };
-static unsigned short tnsMaxBandsShortMainLow[12] =
+#define TNS_GAIN_THRESH 141 /* 1.41*100 */
+#define NORM_COEF 0x028f5c28
+static const Word32 TNS_PARCOR_THRESH = 0x0ccccccd; /* 0.1*(1 << 31) */
+/* Limit bands to > 2.0 kHz */
+static unsigned short tnsMinBandNumberLong[12] =
+{ 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 25, 26, 24, 28, 30, 31 };
+static unsigned short tnsMinBandNumberShort[12] =
+{ 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 10, 10, 12 };
+/* Main/Low Profile TNS Parameters */
+static unsigned short tnsMaxBandsLongMainLow[12] =
+{ 31, 31, 34, 40, 42, 51, 46, 46, 42, 42, 42, 39 };
+static unsigned short tnsMaxBandsShortMainLow[12] =
{ 9, 9, 10, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 };
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ Word16 InitTnsConfigurationLong(Word32 bitRate, /*!< bitrate */
tC->lpcStopBand = tnsMaxBandsLongMainLow[pC->sampRateIdx];
tC->lpcStopBand = min(tC->lpcStopBand, pC->sfbActive);
- tC->lpcStopLine = pC->sfbOffset[tC->lpcStopBand];
+ tC->lpcStopLine = pC->sfbOffset[tC->lpcStopBand];
tC->lpcStartBand = tnsMinBandNumberLong[pC->sampRateIdx];
tC->lpcStartLine = pC->sfbOffset[tC->lpcStartBand];
@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ Word16 InitTnsConfigurationShort(Word32 bitRate, /*!< bitrate */
tC->tnsStartLine = pC->sfbOffset[tC->tnsStartBand];
- tC->lpcStopBand = tnsMaxBandsShortMainLow[pC->sampRateIdx];
+ tC->lpcStopBand = tnsMaxBandsShortMainLow[pC->sampRateIdx];
tC->lpcStopBand = min(tC->lpcStopBand, pC->sfbActive);
tC->lpcStopLine = pC->sfbOffset[tC->lpcStopBand];
- tC->lpcStartBand = tnsMinBandNumberShort[pC->sampRateIdx];
+ tC->lpcStartBand = tnsMinBandNumberShort[pC->sampRateIdx];
tC->lpcStartLine = pC->sfbOffset[tC->lpcStartBand];
@@ -399,12 +399,12 @@ Word16 TnsEncode(TNS_INFO* tnsInfo, /*!< tns info structure (modified) */
Word32 i;
Word32 temp_s;
- Word32 temp;
+ Word32 temp;
temp_s = blockType - SHORT_WINDOW;
if ( temp_s != 0) {
- psubBlockInfo = &tnsData->dataRaw.tnsLong.subBlockInfo;
+ psubBlockInfo = &tnsData->dataRaw.tnsLong.subBlockInfo;
if (psubBlockInfo->tnsActive == 0) {
tnsInfo->tnsActive[subBlockNumber] = 0;
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ Word16 TnsEncode(TNS_INFO* tnsInfo, /*!< tns info structure (modified) */
} /* if (blockType!=SHORT_WINDOW) */
else /*short block*/ {
- psubBlockInfo = &tnsData->dataRaw.tnsShort.subBlockInfo[subBlockNumber];
+ psubBlockInfo = &tnsData->dataRaw.tnsShort.subBlockInfo[subBlockNumber];
if (psubBlockInfo->tnsActive == 0) {
tnsInfo->tnsActive[subBlockNumber] = 0;
@@ -556,9 +556,9 @@ static void CalcWeightedSpectrum(const Word32 spectrum[], /*!< input sp
tmp2 = sfbEnergy[sfb] - 2;
if( tmp2 > 0) {
tmp = rsqrt(sfbEnergy[sfb], INT_BITS);
- if(tmp > INT_BITS_SCAL)
- {
- shift = norm_l(tmp);
+ if(tmp > INT_BITS_SCAL)
+ {
+ shift = norm_l(tmp);
tmp = Div_32( INT_BITS_SCAL << shift, tmp << shift );
@@ -601,20 +601,20 @@ static void CalcWeightedSpectrum(const Word32 spectrum[], /*!< input sp
maxWS |= L_abs(pWork32[i]);
maxShift = norm_l(maxWS);
- maxShift = 16 - maxShift;
- if(maxShift >= 0)
- {
- for (i=lpcStartLine; i<lpcStopLine; i++){
- weightedSpectrum[i] = pWork32[i] >> maxShift;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- maxShift = -maxShift;
- for (i=lpcStartLine; i<lpcStopLine; i++){
- weightedSpectrum[i] = saturate(pWork32[i] << maxShift);
- }
+ maxShift = 16 - maxShift;
+ if(maxShift >= 0)
+ {
+ for (i=lpcStartLine; i<lpcStopLine; i++){
+ weightedSpectrum[i] = pWork32[i] >> maxShift;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxShift = -maxShift;
+ for (i=lpcStartLine; i<lpcStopLine; i++){
+ weightedSpectrum[i] = saturate(pWork32[i] << maxShift);
+ }
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ static Word16 CalcTnsFilter(const Word16 *signal,
* output: acf values
-#ifndef ARMV5E
+#ifndef ARMV5E
void AutoCorrelation(const Word16 input[],
Word32 corr[],
Word16 samples,
@@ -679,12 +679,12 @@ void AutoCorrelation(const Word16 input[],
Word32 scf;
scf = 10 - 1;
isamples = samples;
/* calc first corrCoef: R[0] = sum { t[i] * t[i] } ; i = 0..N-1 */
accu = 0;
for(j=0; j<isamples; j++) {
- accu = L_add(accu, ((input[j] * input[j]) >> scf));
+ accu = L_add(accu, ((input[j] * input[j]) >> scf));
corr[0] = accu;
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ void AutoCorrelation(const Word16 input[],
isamples = isamples - 1;
accu = 0;
for(j=0; j<isamples; j++) {
- accu = L_add(accu, ((input[j] * input[j+i]) >> scf));
+ accu = L_add(accu, ((input[j] * input[j+i]) >> scf));
corr[i] = accu;
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ static Word16 AutoToParcor(Word32 workBuffer[], Word32 reflCoeff[], Word16 numOf
if (workBuffer[0] < L_abs(workBuffer[i + numOfCoeff])) {
return 0 ;
- shift = norm_l(workBuffer[0]);
+ shift = norm_l(workBuffer[0]);
workBuffer0 = Div_32(1 << shift, workBuffer[0] << shift);
/* calculate refc = -workBuffer[numOfCoeff+i] / workBuffer[0]; -1 <= refc < 1 */
refc = L_negate(fixmul(workBuffer[numOfCoeff + i], workBuffer0));
@@ -758,8 +758,8 @@ static Word16 AutoToParcor(Word32 workBuffer[], Word32 reflCoeff[], Word16 numOf
denom = MULHIGH(workBuffer[0], NORM_COEF);
if (denom != 0) {
- Word32 temp;
- shift = norm_l(denom);
+ Word32 temp;
+ shift = norm_l(denom);
temp = Div_32(1 << shift, denom << shift);
predictionGain = fixmul(num, temp);
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/transform.c b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/transform.c
index af17b5a..4d11f78 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/transform.c
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/transform.c
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
- ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- File: transform.c
- Content: MDCT Transform functionss
+ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
+ **
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ **
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ */
+ File: transform.c
+ Content: MDCT Transform functionss
-#include "basic_op.h"
+#include "basic_op.h"
#include "psy_const.h"
#include "transform.h"
#include "aac_rom.h"
-#define LS_TRANS ((FRAME_LEN_LONG-FRAME_LEN_SHORT)/2) /* 448 */
-#define SQRT1_2 0x5a82799a /* sqrt(1/2) in Q31 */
-#define swap2(p0,p1) \
- t = p0; t1 = *(&(p0)+1); \
- p0 = p1; *(&(p0)+1) = *(&(p1)+1); \
- p1 = t; *(&(p1)+1) = t1
+#define LS_TRANS ((FRAME_LEN_LONG-FRAME_LEN_SHORT)/2) /* 448 */
+#define SQRT1_2 0x5a82799a /* sqrt(1/2) in Q31 */
+#define swap2(p0,p1) \
+ t = p0; t1 = *(&(p0)+1); \
+ p0 = p1; *(&(p0)+1) = *(&(p1)+1); \
+ p1 = t; *(&(p1)+1) = t1
@@ -39,343 +39,343 @@
* description: Shuffle points prepared function for fft
-static void Shuffle(int *buf, int num, const unsigned char* bitTab)
- int *part0, *part1;
- int i, j;
- int t, t1;
- part0 = buf;
- part1 = buf + num;
- while ((i = *bitTab++) != 0) {
- j = *bitTab++;
- swap2(part0[4*i+0], part0[4*j+0]);
- swap2(part0[4*i+2], part1[4*j+0]);
- swap2(part1[4*i+0], part0[4*j+2]);
- swap2(part1[4*i+2], part1[4*j+2]);
- }
- do {
- swap2(part0[4*i+2], part1[4*i+0]);
- } while ((i = *bitTab++) != 0);
-#if !defined(ARMV5E) && !defined(ARMV7Neon)
+static void Shuffle(int *buf, int num, const unsigned char* bitTab)
+ int *part0, *part1;
+ int i, j;
+ int t, t1;
+ part0 = buf;
+ part1 = buf + num;
+ while ((i = *bitTab++) != 0) {
+ j = *bitTab++;
+ swap2(part0[4*i+0], part0[4*j+0]);
+ swap2(part0[4*i+2], part1[4*j+0]);
+ swap2(part1[4*i+0], part0[4*j+2]);
+ swap2(part1[4*i+2], part1[4*j+2]);
+ }
+ do {
+ swap2(part0[4*i+2], part1[4*i+0]);
+ } while ((i = *bitTab++) != 0);
+#if !defined(ARMV5E) && !defined(ARMV7Neon)
* function name: Radix4First
* description: Radix 4 point prepared function for fft
-static void Radix4First(int *buf, int num)
- int r0, r1, r2, r3;
- int r4, r5, r6, r7;
- for (; num != 0; num--)
- {
- r0 = buf[0] + buf[2];
- r1 = buf[1] + buf[3];
- r2 = buf[0] - buf[2];
- r3 = buf[1] - buf[3];
- r4 = buf[4] + buf[6];
- r5 = buf[5] + buf[7];
- r6 = buf[4] - buf[6];
- r7 = buf[5] - buf[7];
- buf[0] = r0 + r4;
- buf[1] = r1 + r5;
- buf[4] = r0 - r4;
- buf[5] = r1 - r5;
- buf[2] = r2 + r7;
- buf[3] = r3 - r6;
- buf[6] = r2 - r7;
- buf[7] = r3 + r6;
- buf += 8;
- }
+static void Radix4First(int *buf, int num)
+ int r0, r1, r2, r3;
+ int r4, r5, r6, r7;
+ for (; num != 0; num--)
+ {
+ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2];
+ r1 = buf[1] + buf[3];
+ r2 = buf[0] - buf[2];
+ r3 = buf[1] - buf[3];
+ r4 = buf[4] + buf[6];
+ r5 = buf[5] + buf[7];
+ r6 = buf[4] - buf[6];
+ r7 = buf[5] - buf[7];
+ buf[0] = r0 + r4;
+ buf[1] = r1 + r5;
+ buf[4] = r0 - r4;
+ buf[5] = r1 - r5;
+ buf[2] = r2 + r7;
+ buf[3] = r3 - r6;
+ buf[6] = r2 - r7;
+ buf[7] = r3 + r6;
+ buf += 8;
+ }
* function name: Radix8First
* description: Radix 8 point prepared function for fft
-static void Radix8First(int *buf, int num)
- int r0, r1, r2, r3;
- int i0, i1, i2, i3;
- int r4, r5, r6, r7;
- int i4, i5, i6, i7;
- int t0, t1, t2, t3;
- for ( ; num != 0; num--)
- {
- r0 = buf[0] + buf[2];
- i0 = buf[1] + buf[3];
- r1 = buf[0] - buf[2];
- i1 = buf[1] - buf[3];
- r2 = buf[4] + buf[6];
- i2 = buf[5] + buf[7];
- r3 = buf[4] - buf[6];
- i3 = buf[5] - buf[7];
- r4 = (r0 + r2) >> 1;
- i4 = (i0 + i2) >> 1;
- r5 = (r0 - r2) >> 1;
- i5 = (i0 - i2) >> 1;
- r6 = (r1 - i3) >> 1;
- i6 = (i1 + r3) >> 1;
- r7 = (r1 + i3) >> 1;
- i7 = (i1 - r3) >> 1;
- r0 = buf[ 8] + buf[10];
- i0 = buf[ 9] + buf[11];
- r1 = buf[ 8] - buf[10];
- i1 = buf[ 9] - buf[11];
- r2 = buf[12] + buf[14];
- i2 = buf[13] + buf[15];
- r3 = buf[12] - buf[14];
- i3 = buf[13] - buf[15];
- t0 = (r0 + r2) >> 1;
- t1 = (i0 + i2) >> 1;
- t2 = (r0 - r2) >> 1;
- t3 = (i0 - i2) >> 1;
- buf[ 0] = r4 + t0;
- buf[ 1] = i4 + t1;
- buf[ 8] = r4 - t0;
- buf[ 9] = i4 - t1;
- buf[ 4] = r5 + t3;
- buf[ 5] = i5 - t2;
- buf[12] = r5 - t3;
- buf[13] = i5 + t2;
- r0 = r1 - i3;
- i0 = i1 + r3;
- r2 = r1 + i3;
- i2 = i1 - r3;
- t0 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r0 - i0);
- t1 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r0 + i0);
- t2 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r2 - i2);
- t3 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r2 + i2);
- buf[ 6] = r6 - t0;
- buf[ 7] = i6 - t1;
- buf[14] = r6 + t0;
- buf[15] = i6 + t1;
- buf[ 2] = r7 + t3;
- buf[ 3] = i7 - t2;
- buf[10] = r7 - t3;
- buf[11] = i7 + t2;
- buf += 16;
- }
+static void Radix8First(int *buf, int num)
+ int r0, r1, r2, r3;
+ int i0, i1, i2, i3;
+ int r4, r5, r6, r7;
+ int i4, i5, i6, i7;
+ int t0, t1, t2, t3;
+ for ( ; num != 0; num--)
+ {
+ r0 = buf[0] + buf[2];
+ i0 = buf[1] + buf[3];
+ r1 = buf[0] - buf[2];
+ i1 = buf[1] - buf[3];
+ r2 = buf[4] + buf[6];
+ i2 = buf[5] + buf[7];
+ r3 = buf[4] - buf[6];
+ i3 = buf[5] - buf[7];
+ r4 = (r0 + r2) >> 1;
+ i4 = (i0 + i2) >> 1;
+ r5 = (r0 - r2) >> 1;
+ i5 = (i0 - i2) >> 1;
+ r6 = (r1 - i3) >> 1;
+ i6 = (i1 + r3) >> 1;
+ r7 = (r1 + i3) >> 1;
+ i7 = (i1 - r3) >> 1;
+ r0 = buf[ 8] + buf[10];
+ i0 = buf[ 9] + buf[11];
+ r1 = buf[ 8] - buf[10];
+ i1 = buf[ 9] - buf[11];
+ r2 = buf[12] + buf[14];
+ i2 = buf[13] + buf[15];
+ r3 = buf[12] - buf[14];
+ i3 = buf[13] - buf[15];
+ t0 = (r0 + r2) >> 1;
+ t1 = (i0 + i2) >> 1;
+ t2 = (r0 - r2) >> 1;
+ t3 = (i0 - i2) >> 1;
+ buf[ 0] = r4 + t0;
+ buf[ 1] = i4 + t1;
+ buf[ 8] = r4 - t0;
+ buf[ 9] = i4 - t1;
+ buf[ 4] = r5 + t3;
+ buf[ 5] = i5 - t2;
+ buf[12] = r5 - t3;
+ buf[13] = i5 + t2;
+ r0 = r1 - i3;
+ i0 = i1 + r3;
+ r2 = r1 + i3;
+ i2 = i1 - r3;
+ t0 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r0 - i0);
+ t1 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r0 + i0);
+ t2 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r2 - i2);
+ t3 = MULHIGH(SQRT1_2, r2 + i2);
+ buf[ 6] = r6 - t0;
+ buf[ 7] = i6 - t1;
+ buf[14] = r6 + t0;
+ buf[15] = i6 + t1;
+ buf[ 2] = r7 + t3;
+ buf[ 3] = i7 - t2;
+ buf[10] = r7 - t3;
+ buf[11] = i7 + t2;
+ buf += 16;
+ }
* function name: Radix4FFT
* description: Radix 4 point fft core function
-static void Radix4FFT(int *buf, int num, int bgn, int *twidTab)
- int r0, r1, r2, r3;
- int r4, r5, r6, r7;
- int t0, t1;
- int sinx, cosx;
- int i, j, step;
- int *xptr, *csptr;
- for (num >>= 2; num != 0; num >>= 2)
- {
- step = 2*bgn;
- xptr = buf;
- for (i = num; i != 0; i--)
- {
- csptr = twidTab;
- for (j = bgn; j != 0; j--)
- {
- r0 = xptr[0];
- r1 = xptr[1];
- xptr += step;
- t0 = xptr[0];
- t1 = xptr[1];
- cosx = csptr[0];
- sinx = csptr[1];
- r2 = MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1); /* cos*br + sin*bi */
- r3 = MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0); /* cos*bi - sin*br */
- xptr += step;
- t0 = r0 >> 2;
- t1 = r1 >> 2;
- r0 = t0 - r2;
- r1 = t1 - r3;
- r2 = t0 + r2;
- r3 = t1 + r3;
- t0 = xptr[0];
- t1 = xptr[1];
- cosx = csptr[2];
- sinx = csptr[3];
- r4 = MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1); /* cos*cr + sin*ci */
- r5 = MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0); /* cos*ci - sin*cr */
- xptr += step;
- t0 = xptr[0];
- t1 = xptr[1];
- cosx = csptr[4];
- sinx = csptr[5];
- r6 = MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1); /* cos*cr + sin*ci */
- r7 = MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0); /* cos*ci - sin*cr */
- csptr += 6;
- t0 = r4;
- t1 = r5;
- r4 = t0 + r6;
- r5 = r7 - t1;
- r6 = t0 - r6;
- r7 = r7 + t1;
- xptr[0] = r0 + r5;
- xptr[1] = r1 + r6;
- xptr -= step;
- xptr[0] = r2 - r4;
- xptr[1] = r3 - r7;
- xptr -= step;
- xptr[0] = r0 - r5;
- xptr[1] = r1 - r6;
- xptr -= step;
- xptr[0] = r2 + r4;
- xptr[1] = r3 + r7;
- xptr += 2;
- }
- xptr += 3*step;
- }
- twidTab += 3*step;
- bgn <<= 2;
- }
+static void Radix4FFT(int *buf, int num, int bgn, int *twidTab)
+ int r0, r1, r2, r3;
+ int r4, r5, r6, r7;
+ int t0, t1;
+ int sinx, cosx;
+ int i, j, step;
+ int *xptr, *csptr;
+ for (num >>= 2; num != 0; num >>= 2)
+ {
+ step = 2*bgn;
+ xptr = buf;
+ for (i = num; i != 0; i--)
+ {
+ csptr = twidTab;
+ for (j = bgn; j != 0; j--)
+ {
+ r0 = xptr[0];
+ r1 = xptr[1];
+ xptr += step;
+ t0 = xptr[0];
+ t1 = xptr[1];
+ cosx = csptr[0];
+ sinx = csptr[1];
+ r2 = MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1); /* cos*br + sin*bi */
+ r3 = MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0); /* cos*bi - sin*br */
+ xptr += step;
+ t0 = r0 >> 2;
+ t1 = r1 >> 2;
+ r0 = t0 - r2;
+ r1 = t1 - r3;
+ r2 = t0 + r2;
+ r3 = t1 + r3;
+ t0 = xptr[0];
+ t1 = xptr[1];
+ cosx = csptr[2];
+ sinx = csptr[3];
+ r4 = MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1); /* cos*cr + sin*ci */
+ r5 = MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0); /* cos*ci - sin*cr */
+ xptr += step;
+ t0 = xptr[0];
+ t1 = xptr[1];
+ cosx = csptr[4];
+ sinx = csptr[5];
+ r6 = MULHIGH(cosx, t0) + MULHIGH(sinx, t1); /* cos*cr + sin*ci */
+ r7 = MULHIGH(cosx, t1) - MULHIGH(sinx, t0); /* cos*ci - sin*cr */
+ csptr += 6;
+ t0 = r4;
+ t1 = r5;
+ r4 = t0 + r6;
+ r5 = r7 - t1;
+ r6 = t0 - r6;
+ r7 = r7 + t1;
+ xptr[0] = r0 + r5;
+ xptr[1] = r1 + r6;
+ xptr -= step;
+ xptr[0] = r2 - r4;
+ xptr[1] = r3 - r7;
+ xptr -= step;
+ xptr[0] = r0 - r5;
+ xptr[1] = r1 - r6;
+ xptr -= step;
+ xptr[0] = r2 + r4;
+ xptr[1] = r3 + r7;
+ xptr += 2;
+ }
+ xptr += 3*step;
+ }
+ twidTab += 3*step;
+ bgn <<= 2;
+ }
* function name: PreMDCT
* description: prepare MDCT process for next FFT compute
-static void PreMDCT(int *buf0, int num, const int *csptr)
- int i;
- int tr1, ti1, tr2, ti2;
- int cosa, sina, cosb, sinb;
- int *buf1;
- buf1 = buf0 + num - 1;
- for(i = num >> 2; i != 0; i--)
- {
- cosa = *csptr++;
- sina = *csptr++;
- cosb = *csptr++;
- sinb = *csptr++;
- tr1 = *(buf0 + 0);
- ti2 = *(buf0 + 1);
- tr2 = *(buf1 - 1);
- ti1 = *(buf1 + 0);
- *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1);
- *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, ti1) - MULHIGH(sina, tr1);
- *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosb, ti2) - MULHIGH(sinb, tr2);
- *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosb, tr2) + MULHIGH(sinb, ti2);
- }
+static void PreMDCT(int *buf0, int num, const int *csptr)
+ int i;
+ int tr1, ti1, tr2, ti2;
+ int cosa, sina, cosb, sinb;
+ int *buf1;
+ buf1 = buf0 + num - 1;
+ for(i = num >> 2; i != 0; i--)
+ {
+ cosa = *csptr++;
+ sina = *csptr++;
+ cosb = *csptr++;
+ sinb = *csptr++;
+ tr1 = *(buf0 + 0);
+ ti2 = *(buf0 + 1);
+ tr2 = *(buf1 - 1);
+ ti1 = *(buf1 + 0);
+ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1);
+ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, ti1) - MULHIGH(sina, tr1);
+ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosb, ti2) - MULHIGH(sinb, tr2);
+ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosb, tr2) + MULHIGH(sinb, ti2);
+ }
* function name: PostMDCT
* description: post MDCT process after next FFT for MDCT
-static void PostMDCT(int *buf0, int num, const int *csptr)
- int i;
- int tr1, ti1, tr2, ti2;
- int cosa, sina, cosb, sinb;
- int *buf1;
- buf1 = buf0 + num - 1;
- for(i = num >> 2; i != 0; i--)
- {
- cosa = *csptr++;
- sina = *csptr++;
- cosb = *csptr++;
- sinb = *csptr++;
- tr1 = *(buf0 + 0);
- ti1 = *(buf0 + 1);
- ti2 = *(buf1 + 0);
- tr2 = *(buf1 - 1);
- *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1);
- *buf1-- = MULHIGH(sina, tr1) - MULHIGH(cosa, ti1);
- *buf0++ = MULHIGH(sinb, tr2) - MULHIGH(cosb, ti2);
- *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosb, tr2) + MULHIGH(sinb, ti2);
- }
+static void PostMDCT(int *buf0, int num, const int *csptr)
+ int i;
+ int tr1, ti1, tr2, ti2;
+ int cosa, sina, cosb, sinb;
+ int *buf1;
+ buf1 = buf0 + num - 1;
+ for(i = num >> 2; i != 0; i--)
+ {
+ cosa = *csptr++;
+ sina = *csptr++;
+ cosb = *csptr++;
+ sinb = *csptr++;
+ tr1 = *(buf0 + 0);
+ ti1 = *(buf0 + 1);
+ ti2 = *(buf1 + 0);
+ tr2 = *(buf1 - 1);
+ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(cosa, tr1) + MULHIGH(sina, ti1);
+ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(sina, tr1) - MULHIGH(cosa, ti1);
+ *buf0++ = MULHIGH(sinb, tr2) - MULHIGH(cosb, ti2);
+ *buf1-- = MULHIGH(cosb, tr2) + MULHIGH(sinb, ti2);
+ }
* function name: Mdct_Long
* description: the long block mdct, include long_start block, end_long block
-void Mdct_Long(int *buf)
- PreMDCT(buf, 1024, cossintab + 128);
- Shuffle(buf, 512, bitrevTab + 17);
- Radix8First(buf, 512 >> 3);
- Radix4FFT(buf, 512 >> 3, 8, (int *)twidTab512);
- PostMDCT(buf, 1024, cossintab + 128);
+void Mdct_Long(int *buf)
+ PreMDCT(buf, 1024, cossintab + 128);
+ Shuffle(buf, 512, bitrevTab + 17);
+ Radix8First(buf, 512 >> 3);
+ Radix4FFT(buf, 512 >> 3, 8, (int *)twidTab512);
+ PostMDCT(buf, 1024, cossintab + 128);
* function name: Mdct_Short
* description: the short block mdct
-void Mdct_Short(int *buf)
- PreMDCT(buf, 128, cossintab);
- Shuffle(buf, 64, bitrevTab);
- Radix4First(buf, 64 >> 2);
- Radix4FFT(buf, 64 >> 2, 4, (int *)twidTab64);
- PostMDCT(buf, 128, cossintab);
+void Mdct_Short(int *buf)
+ PreMDCT(buf, 128, cossintab);
+ Shuffle(buf, 64, bitrevTab);
+ Radix4First(buf, 64 >> 2);
+ Radix4FFT(buf, 64 >> 2, 4, (int *)twidTab64);
+ PostMDCT(buf, 128, cossintab);
@@ -419,31 +419,31 @@ static void shiftMdctDelayBuffer(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer, /*! start of mdct dela
*srBuf++ = *dsBuf; dsBuf += chIncrement;
*srBuf++ = *dsBuf; dsBuf += chIncrement;
* function name: getScalefactorOfShortVectorStride
* description: Calculate max possible scale factor for input vector of shorts
* returns: Maximum scale factor
-static Word16 getScalefactorOfShortVectorStride(const Word16 *vector, /*!< Pointer to input vector */
- Word16 len, /*!< Length of input vector */
- Word16 stride) /*!< Stride of input vector */
- Word16 maxVal = 0;
- Word16 absVal;
- Word16 i;
- for(i=0; i<len; i++){
- absVal = abs_s(vector[i*stride]);
- maxVal |= absVal;
- }
- return( maxVal ? norm_s(maxVal) : 15);
+static Word16 getScalefactorOfShortVectorStride(const Word16 *vector, /*!< Pointer to input vector */
+ Word16 len, /*!< Length of input vector */
+ Word16 stride) /*!< Stride of input vector */
+ Word16 maxVal = 0;
+ Word16 absVal;
+ Word16 i;
+ for(i=0; i<len; i++){
+ absVal = abs_s(vector[i*stride]);
+ maxVal |= absVal;
+ }
+ return( maxVal ? norm_s(maxVal) : 15);
@@ -464,8 +464,8 @@ void Transform_Real(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer,
Word32 i,w;
Word32 timeSignalSample;
Word32 ws1,ws2;
- Word16 *dctIn0, *dctIn1;
- Word32 *outData0, *outData1;
+ Word16 *dctIn0, *dctIn1;
+ Word32 *outData0, *outData1;
Word32 *winPtr;
Word32 delayBufferSf,timeSignalSf,minSf;
@@ -517,8 +517,8 @@ void Transform_Real(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer,
*outData0-- = -((ws1 >> 2) + (ws2 >> 2));
- Mdct_Long(realOut);
- /* update scale factor */
+ Mdct_Long(realOut);
+ /* update scale factor */
minSf = 14 - minSf;
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ void Transform_Real(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer,
timeSignalSample = (*dctIn1--) << minSf;
ws2 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr & 0xffff);
winPtr ++;
- *outData0++ = (ws1 >> 2) - (ws2 >> 2); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
+ *outData0++ = (ws1 >> 2) - (ws2 >> 2); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ void Transform_Real(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer,
timeSignalSample= (*dctIn1--) << minSf;
ws2 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr >> 16);
- *outData0-- = -((ws1 >> 2) + (ws2 >> 2)); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
+ *outData0-- = -((ws1 >> 2) + (ws2 >> 2)); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ void Transform_Real(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer,
timeSignalSample= (*dctIn1--) << minSf;
ws2 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr & 0xffff);
- *outData0++ = (ws1 >> 2) - (ws2 >> 2); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
+ *outData0++ = (ws1 >> 2) - (ws2 >> 2); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
@@ -615,8 +615,8 @@ void Transform_Real(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer,
ws1 = timeSignalSample *(*winPtr & 0xffff);
timeSignalSample= (*dctIn1--) << minSf;
ws2 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr >> 16);
- *outData0-- = -((ws1 >> 2) + (ws2 >> 2)); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
- winPtr++;
+ *outData0-- = -((ws1 >> 2) + (ws2 >> 2)); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
+ winPtr++;
@@ -645,23 +645,23 @@ void Transform_Real(Word16 *mdctDelayBuffer,
ws1 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr >> 16);
timeSignalSample= *dctIn1 << minSf;
ws2 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr & 0xffff);
- *outData0++ = (ws1 >> 2) - (ws2 >> 2); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
+ *outData0++ = (ws1 >> 2) - (ws2 >> 2); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
timeSignalSample= *(dctIn0 + FRAME_LEN_SHORT) << minSf;
ws1 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr & 0xffff);
timeSignalSample= *(dctIn1 + FRAME_LEN_SHORT) << minSf;
ws2 = timeSignalSample * (*winPtr >> 16);
- *outData1-- = -((ws1 >> 2) + (ws2 >> 2)); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
- winPtr++;
- dctIn0++;
- dctIn1--;
+ *outData1-- = -((ws1 >> 2) + (ws2 >> 2)); /* shift 2 to avoid overflow next */
+ winPtr++;
+ dctIn0++;
+ dctIn1--;
minSf = 11 - minSf;
*mdctScale = minSf; /* update scale factor */