path: root/rs/java/android/renderscript/
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1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rs/java/android/renderscript/ b/rs/java/android/renderscript/
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index 0000000..4cd89db
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+++ b/rs/java/android/renderscript/
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+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.renderscript;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import android.os.Environment;
+import android.content.res.AssetManager;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+ * @hide
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ * <p>This class gives users a simple way to draw hardware accelerated text.
+ * Internally, the glyphs are rendered using the Freetype library and an internal cache of
+ * rendered glyph bitmaps is maintained. Each font object represents a combination of a typeface,
+ * and point size. You can create multiple font objects to represent styles such as bold or italic text,
+ * faces, and different font sizes. During creation, the Android system quieries device's screen DPI to
+ * ensure proper sizing across multiple device configurations.</p>
+ * <p>Fonts are rendered using screen-space positions and no state setup beyond binding a
+ * font to the RenderScript is required. A note of caution on performance, though the state changes
+ * are transparent to the user, they do happen internally, and it is more efficient to
+ * render large batches of text in sequence. It is also more efficient to render multiple
+ * characters at once instead of one by one to improve draw call batching.</p>
+ * <p>Font color and transparency are not part of the font object and you can freely modify
+ * them in the script to suit the user's rendering needs. Font colors work as a state machine.
+ * Every new call to draw text uses the last color set in the script.</p>
+ **/
+public class Font extends BaseObj {
+ //These help us create a font by family name
+ private static final String[] sSansNames = {
+ "sans-serif", "arial", "helvetica", "tahoma", "verdana"
+ };
+ private static final String[] sSerifNames = {
+ "serif", "times", "times new roman", "palatino", "georgia", "baskerville",
+ "goudy", "fantasy", "cursive", "ITC Stone Serif"
+ };
+ private static final String[] sMonoNames = {
+ "monospace", "courier", "courier new", "monaco"
+ };
+ private static class FontFamily {
+ String[] mNames;
+ String mNormalFileName;
+ String mBoldFileName;
+ String mItalicFileName;
+ String mBoldItalicFileName;
+ }
+ private static Map<String, FontFamily> sFontFamilyMap;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ public enum Style {
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ }
+ private static void addFamilyToMap(FontFamily family) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < family.mNames.length; i ++) {
+ sFontFamilyMap.put(family.mNames[i], family);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void initFontFamilyMap() {
+ sFontFamilyMap = new HashMap<String, FontFamily>();
+ FontFamily sansFamily = new FontFamily();
+ sansFamily.mNames = sSansNames;
+ sansFamily.mNormalFileName = "Roboto-Regular.ttf";
+ sansFamily.mBoldFileName = "Roboto-Bold.ttf";
+ sansFamily.mItalicFileName = "Roboto-Italic.ttf";
+ sansFamily.mBoldItalicFileName = "Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf";
+ addFamilyToMap(sansFamily);
+ FontFamily serifFamily = new FontFamily();
+ serifFamily.mNames = sSerifNames;
+ serifFamily.mNormalFileName = "DroidSerif-Regular.ttf";
+ serifFamily.mBoldFileName = "DroidSerif-Bold.ttf";
+ serifFamily.mItalicFileName = "DroidSerif-Italic.ttf";
+ serifFamily.mBoldItalicFileName = "DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf";
+ addFamilyToMap(serifFamily);
+ FontFamily monoFamily = new FontFamily();
+ monoFamily.mNames = sMonoNames;
+ monoFamily.mNormalFileName = "DroidSansMono.ttf";
+ monoFamily.mBoldFileName = "DroidSansMono.ttf";
+ monoFamily.mItalicFileName = "DroidSansMono.ttf";
+ monoFamily.mBoldItalicFileName = "DroidSansMono.ttf";
+ addFamilyToMap(monoFamily);
+ }
+ static {
+ initFontFamilyMap();
+ }
+ static String getFontFileName(String familyName, Style style) {
+ FontFamily family = sFontFamilyMap.get(familyName);
+ if(family != null) {
+ switch(style) {
+ case NORMAL:
+ return family.mNormalFileName;
+ case BOLD:
+ return family.mBoldFileName;
+ case ITALIC:
+ return family.mItalicFileName;
+ return family.mBoldItalicFileName;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fallback if we could not find the desired family
+ return "DroidSans.ttf";
+ }
+ Font(int id, RenderScript rs) {
+ super(id, rs);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ * Takes a specific file name as an argument
+ */
+ static public Font createFromFile(RenderScript rs, Resources res, String path, float pointSize) {
+ rs.validate();
+ int dpi = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
+ int fontId = rs.nFontCreateFromFile(path, pointSize, dpi);
+ if(fontId == 0) {
+ throw new RSRuntimeException("Unable to create font from file " + path);
+ }
+ Font rsFont = new Font(fontId, rs);
+ return rsFont;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ static public Font createFromFile(RenderScript rs, Resources res, File path, float pointSize) {
+ return createFromFile(rs, res, path.getAbsolutePath(), pointSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ static public Font createFromAsset(RenderScript rs, Resources res, String path, float pointSize) {
+ rs.validate();
+ AssetManager mgr = res.getAssets();
+ int dpi = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
+ int fontId = rs.nFontCreateFromAsset(mgr, path, pointSize, dpi);
+ if(fontId == 0) {
+ throw new RSRuntimeException("Unable to create font from asset " + path);
+ }
+ Font rsFont = new Font(fontId, rs);
+ return rsFont;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ */
+ static public Font createFromResource(RenderScript rs, Resources res, int id, float pointSize) {
+ String name = "R." + Integer.toString(id);
+ rs.validate();
+ InputStream is = null;
+ try {
+ is = res.openRawResource(id);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RSRuntimeException("Unable to open resource " + id);
+ }
+ int dpi = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
+ int fontId = 0;
+ if (is instanceof AssetManager.AssetInputStream) {
+ int asset = ((AssetManager.AssetInputStream) is).getAssetInt();
+ fontId = rs.nFontCreateFromAssetStream(name, pointSize, dpi, asset);
+ } else {
+ throw new RSRuntimeException("Unsupported asset stream created");
+ }
+ if(fontId == 0) {
+ throw new RSRuntimeException("Unable to create font from resource " + id);
+ }
+ Font rsFont = new Font(fontId, rs);
+ return rsFont;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated in API 16
+ * Accepts one of the following family names as an argument
+ * and will attempt to produce the best match with a system font:
+ *
+ * "sans-serif" "arial" "helvetica" "tahoma" "verdana"
+ * "serif" "times" "times new roman" "palatino" "georgia" "baskerville"
+ * "goudy" "fantasy" "cursive" "ITC Stone Serif"
+ * "monospace" "courier" "courier new" "monaco"
+ *
+ * Returns default font if no match could be found.
+ */
+ static public Font create(RenderScript rs, Resources res, String familyName, Style fontStyle, float pointSize) {
+ String fileName = getFontFileName(familyName, fontStyle);
+ String fontPath = Environment.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
+ fontPath += "/fonts/" + fileName;
+ return createFromFile(rs, res, fontPath, pointSize);
+ }