From f9cca66e8b4acbc8d50713b4ed4b92d8274285c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scott Main In order to securely access an online service, users need to authenticate to
+the service—they need to provide proof of their identity. For an
+application that accesses a third-party service, the security problem is even
+more complicated. Not only does the user need to be authenticated to access the
+service, but the application also needs to be authorized to act on the user's
+behalf. The industry standard way to deal with authentication to third-party services
+is the OAuth2 protocol. OAuth2 provides a single value, called an auth
+token, that represents both the user's identity and the application's
+authorization to act on the user's behalf. This lesson demonstrates connecting
+to a Google server that supports OAuth2. Although Google services are used as an
+example, the techniques demonstrated will work on any service that correctly
+supports the OAuth2 protocol. Using OAuth2 is good for: To begin using OAuth2, you need to know a few things about the API you're trying
+to access: Now you're ready to request an auth token. Auth tokens usually expire after
+some period of time, so you'll have to renew them. To get an auth token you first need to request the
+{@link android.Manifest.permission#ACCOUNT_MANAGER}
+to yourmanifest file. To actually do anything useful with the
+token, you'll also need to add the {@link android.Manifest.permission#INTERNET}
+permission. Once your app has these permissions set, you can call {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager#getAuthToken AccountManager.getAuthToken()} to get the
+token. Watch out! Calling methods on {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} can be tricky! Since
+account operations may involve network communication, most of the {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager} methods are asynchronous. This means that instead of doing all of
+your auth work in one function, you need to implement it as a series of callbacks. For example: In this example, Here's how you can get the token from the {@link android.os.Bundle}: If all goes well, the {@link android.os.Bundle} contains a valid token in the {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager#KEY_AUTHTOKEN} key and you're off to the races. Things don't
+always go that smoothly, though... Your first request for an auth token might fail for several reasons: Applications can handle the first two cases trivially, usually by simply
+showing an error message to the user. If the network is down or the user decided
+not to grant access, there's not much that your application can do about it. The
+last two cases are a little more complicated, because well-behaved applications
+are expected to handle these failures automatically. The third failure case, having insufficient credentials, is communicated via the {@link
+android.os.Bundle} you receive in your {@link android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback}
+( There may be many reasons for the authenticator to return an {@link android.content.Intent}. It
+may be the first time the user has logged in to this account. Perhaps the user's account has expired
+and they need to log in again, or perhaps their stored credentials are incorrect. Maybe the account
+requires two-factor authentication or it needs to activate the camera to do a retina scan. It
+doesn't really matter what the reason is. If you want a valid token, you're going to have to fire
+off the {@link android.content.Intent} to get it. Note that the example uses {@link
+startActivityForResult()}, so that you can capture
+the result of the {@link android.content.Intent} by implementing {@link onActivityResult()} in
+your own activity. This is important! If you don't capture the result from the
+authenticator's response {@link android.content.Intent},
+it's impossible to tell whether the user has successfully authenticated or not.
+If the result is {@link}, then the
+authenticator has updated the stored credentials so that they are sufficient for
+the level of access you requested, and you should call {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager#getAuthToken AccountManager.getAuthToken()} again to request the new
+auth token. The last case, where the token has expired, it is not actually an {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager} failure. The only way to discover whether a token is expired or not
+is to contact the server, and it would be wasteful and expensive for {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager} to continually go online to check the state of all of its tokens.
+So this is a failure that can only be detected when an application like yours tries to use the auth
+token to access an online service. The example below shows how to connect to a Google server. Since Google uses the
+industry standard OAuth2 protocol to
+authenticate requests, the techniques discussed here are broadly
+applicable. Keep in mind, though, that every
+server is different. You may find yourself needing to make minor adjustments to
+these instructions to account for your specific
+situation. The Google APIs require you to supply four values with each request: the API
+key, the client ID, the client secret,
+and the auth key. The first three come from the Google API Console
+website. The last is the string value you
+obtained by calling {@link android.accounts.AccountManager#getAuthToken(android.accounts.Account,java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle,,android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback,android.os.Handler) AccountManager.getAuthToken()}. You pass these to the
+Google Server as part of
+an HTTP request. If the request returns
+an HTTP error code of 401, then your token has been denied. As mentioned in the
+last section, the most common reason for
+this is that the token has expired. The fix is
+simple: call
+{@link android.accounts.AccountManager#invalidateAuthToken AccountManager.invalidateAuthToken()} and
+repeat the token acquisition dance one
+more time. Because expired tokens are such a common occurrence, and fixing them is so easy, many
+applications just assume the token has expired before even asking for it. If renewing a token is a
+cheap operation for your server, you might prefer to call {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager#invalidateAuthToken AccountManager.invalidateAuthToken()} before the
+first call to {@link android.accounts.AccountManager#getAuthToken AccountManager.getAuthToken()},
+and spare yourself the need to request an auth token twice. In the previous lessons, we've talked about using Google accounts to identify Google users and
+access Google APIs. But what if you've got your own online service? It turns out
+to be relatively straightforward to install new account types on a user's
+device. This lesson explains how to create a custom account type that works the
+same way as the built-in accounts do. The first thing you'll need is a way to get credentials from the user. This
+may be as simple as a dialog box that asks for a name and a password. Or it may
+be a more exotic procedure like a one-time password or a biometric scan. Either
+way, it's your responsibility to implement the code that: Typically all three of these requirements can be handled by one activity. We'll call this the
+authenticator activity. Because they need to interact with the {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} system,
+authenticator activities have certain requirements that normal activities don't. To make it easy to
+get things right, the Android framework supplies a base class, {@link
+android.accounts.AccountAuthenticatorActivity}, which you can extend to create your own custom
+authenticator. How you address the first two requirements of an authenticator activity,
+credential collection and authentication, is completely up to you. (If there
+were only one way to do it, there'd be no need for "custom" account types, after
+all.) The third requirement has a canonical, and rather simple,
+implementation: It's important to understand that {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} is not an encryption
+or a keychain. It stores account credentials just as you pass them, in plain
+text. On most devices, this isn't
+a particular concern, because it stores them in
+a database that is only accessible to root. But on a rooted device, the
+credentials would be readable by anyone with {@code adb} access to the device. With this in mind, you shouldn't pass the user's actual
+password to {@link android.accounts.AccountManager#addAccountExplicitly
+AccountManager.addAccountExplicitly()}. Instead, you should store a
+cryptographically secure token that would be of limited use to an attacker. If your
+user credentials are protecting something valuable, you should carefully
+consider doing something similar. Remember: When it comes to security code, follow the
+"Mythbusters" rule: don't try this at home! Consult a security professional before implementing any
+custom account code. Now that the security disclaimers are out of the way, it's time to get back to work.
+You've already implemented the meat of your custom account code; what's left is
+plumbing. In order for the {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} to work with your custom account
+code, you
+need a class that implements the interfaces that {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} expects.
+This class is the authenticator class. The easiest way to create an authenticator class is to extend
+{@link android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator} and implement its abstract methods. If you've
+worked through the previous lessons, the abstract methods of
+{@link android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator} should look familiar: they're the opposite
+side of
+the methods you called in the previous lesson to get account information and
+authorization tokens. Implementing an authenticator class properly requires a number of separate
+pieces of code. First, {@link android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator} has seven abstract
+methods that you must override. Second, you need to add an
+intent filter for
+ You can find a step-by-step guide to implementing a successful authenticator class and the XML
+files in the {@link android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator} documentation. There's also a
+sample implementation in the
+SampleSyncAdapter sample app. As you read through the SampleSyncAdapter code, you'll notice that several of
+the methods return an intent in a bundle. This is the same intent that will be
+used to launch your custom authenticator activity. If your authenticator
+activity needs any special initialization parameters, you can attach them to the
+intent using {@link android.content.Intent#putExtra Intent.putExtra()}. Now that you have an authenticator class, you need a place for it to live.
+Account authenticators need to be available to multiple applications and work in
+the background, so naturally they're required to run inside a {@link}. We'll
+call this the authenticator service. Your authenticator service can be very simple. All it needs to do is create
+an instance of your authenticator class in {@link onCreate()} and call
+{@link android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator#getIBinder getIBinder()} in {@link onBind()}. The
+SampleSyncAdapter contains a good example of an authenticator service. Don't forget to add a {@code <service>} tag to your manifest file
+and add an intent filter for the AccountAuthenticator intent and declare the account
+authenticator: You're done! The system now recognizes your account type, right alongside all
+the big name account types like "Google" and "Corporate." You can use the
+Accounts & Sync Settings page to add an account, and apps that ask for
+accounts of your custom type will be able to enumerate and authenticate just as
+they would with any other account type. Of course, all of this assumes that your account service is actually
+installed on the device. If only one app will ever access the service, then
+this isn't a big deal—just bundle the service in the app.
+But if you want your account service to be used by more than one app, things get
+trickier. You don't want to bundle the service with all of your apps and have
+multiple copies of it taking up space on your user's device. One solution is to place the service in one small, special-purpose APK. When
+an app wishes to use your custom account type, it can check the device to see if
+your custom account service is available. If not, it can direct the user to
+Android Market to download the service. This may seem like a great deal of
+trouble at first, but compared with the alternative of re-entering credentials
+for every app that uses your custom account, it's refreshingly easy. Everyone likes it when you remember their name. One of the simplest, most
+effective things you can do to make your app more lovable is to remember who
+your user is—especially when the user upgrades to a new device or starts carrying
+a tablet as well as a phone. But how do you know who your user is? And how do
+you recognize them on a new device? For many applications, the answer is the {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} APIs. With the
+user's permission, you can use Account Manager to uniquely identify a user
+by the online identity that the user has stored on their device. Integration with the user's accounts allows you to do a variety of things such as: Applications typically identify the user in three different ways: Option (a) is problematic. First, asking the user to type something before
+entering your app will automatically make your app less appealing. Second,
+there's no guarantee that the username chosen will be unique. Option (b) is less onerous for the user, but it's
+to get right. More
+importantly, it only allows you to remember the user on one device. Imagine the
+frustration of someone who upgrades to a shiny new device, only to find that
+your app no longer remembers them. Option (c) is the preferred technique. Account Manager allows you to get
+information about the accounts that are stored on the user's device. As we'll
+see in this lesson, using Account Manager lets you identify your user, no matter
+how many devices the user may own, by adding just a couple of extra taps to your
+UI. Android devices can store multiple accounts from many different providers.
+When you query {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} for account names, you can choose to filter
+account type. The account type is a string that uniquely identifies the entity
+that issued the account. For instance, Google accounts have type ","
+while Twitter uses "" In order to get a list of accounts on the device, your app needs the {@link
+permission. Add a {@code
+<uses-permission>} tag in your manifest file to request
+this permission: Once you decide what account type you're interested in, you need to query for accounts of that
+type. Get an instance of {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} by calling {@link
+android.accounts.AccountManager#get(android.content.Context) AccountManager.get()}. Then use that
+instance to call {@link android.accounts.AccountManager#getAccountsByType(java.lang.String)
+getAccountsByType()}. This returns an array of {@link android.accounts.Account} objects. If there's more than one
+{@link android.accounts.Account} in
+the array, you should present a dialog asking the user to select one. The {@link android.accounts.Account} object contains an account name, which for Google accounts
+is an
+email address. You can use this information in several different ways, such as:
+This lesson teaches you to
+Gather Information
+View your tasks
, while the auth
+scope for read-write access to Google Tasks is Manage Your
.Request an Auth Token
+<manifest ... >
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER" />
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
+ ...
+AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this);
+Bundle options = new Bundle();
+ myAccount_, // Account retrieved using getAccountsByType()
+ "Manage your tasks", // Auth scope
+ options, // Authenticator-specific options
+ this, // Your activity
+ new OnTokenAcquired(), // Callback called when a token is successfully acquired
+ new Handler(new OnError())); // Callback called if an error occurs
is a class that extends
+{@link android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback}. {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} calls
+{@link android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback#run run()} on OnTokenAcquired
with an
+{@link android.accounts.AccountManagerFuture} that contains a {@link android.os.Bundle}. If
+the call succeeded, the token is inside
+the {@link android.os.Bundle}.
+private class OnTokenAcquired implements AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> {
+ @Override
+ public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> result) {
+ // Get the result of the operation from the AccountManagerFuture.
+ Bundle bundle = result.getResult();
+ // The token is a named value in the bundle. The name of the value
+ // is stored in the constant AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN.
+ token = bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);
+ ...
+ }
+Request an Auth Token... Again
from the previous example). If the {@link android.os.Bundle} includes
+an {@link android.content.Intent} in the {@link android.accounts.AccountManager#KEY_INTENT} key,
+then the authenticator is telling you that it needs to interact directly with the user before it can
+give you a valid token.
+private class OnTokenAcquired implements AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> {
+ @Override
+ public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> result) {
+ ...
+ Intent launch = (Intent) result.get(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT);
+ if (launch != null) {
+ startActivityForResult(launch, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Connect to the Online Service
+URL url = new URL("" + your_api_key);
+URLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
+conn.addRequestProperty("client_id", your client id);
+conn.addRequestProperty("client_secret", your client secret);
+conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "OAuth " + token);
+This lesson teaches you to
+You should also read
+ Implement Your Custom Account Code
+final Account account = new Account(mUsername, your_account_type);
+mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(account, mPassword, null);
+Be Smart About Security!
+Extend AbstractAccountAuthenticator
to your application
+manifest (shown in the next section). Finally, you must supply two XML resources that define, among
+things, the name of your custom account type and the icon that the system will
+display next to accounts of this type.Create an Authenticator Service
+<service ...>
+ <intent-filter>
+ <action android:name="android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator" />
+ </intent-filter>
+ <meta-data android:name="android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator"
+ android:resource="@xml/authenticator" />
+Distribute Your Service
+Determine if AccountManager for You
+Decide What Type of Account to Use
+Request GET_ACCOUNT permission
+<manifest ... >
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
+ ...
+Query AccountManager for a List of Accounts
+AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this); // "this" references the current Context
+Account[] accounts = am.getAccountsByType("");
+Use the Account Object to Identify the User
Account names are a good way to identify the user, but the {@link android.accounts.Account} +object by +itself doesn't protect your data or give you access to anything. If you intend +to access private data, you'll need something stronger: authentication. +The next lesson explains how to authenticate to existing online services. The lesson after that +deals with writing a custom authenticator so that you can install your own +account types.
diff --git a/docs/html/training/id-auth/index.jd b/docs/html/training/id-auth/index.jd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fbfa65 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/html/training/id-auth/index.jd @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +page.title=Identifying and Authenticating Users + +trainingnavtop=true +startpage=true +next.title=Identifying Your User + +@jd:body + + +Android users get attached to their devices and to applications that they +love. One way to make your application lovable is to make it personal. Android +devices know who your user is, what services they have access to, and where they +store your data. With your user's permission, you can use that information to +make your application a richer, more personal experience.
+ +In this class, you will learn multiple techniques for interacting with your +user's identity, enabling you to:
+ +