/** * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package android.app.usage; import android.content.Context; import android.net.INetworkStatsService; import android.net.INetworkStatsSession; import android.net.NetworkStatsHistory; import android.net.NetworkTemplate; import android.net.TrafficStats; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.util.IntArray; import android.util.Log; import dalvik.system.CloseGuard; /** * Class providing enumeration over buckets of network usage statistics. {@link NetworkStats} objects * are returned as results to various queries in {@link NetworkStatsManager}. */ public final class NetworkStats implements AutoCloseable { private final static String TAG = "NetworkStats"; private final CloseGuard mCloseGuard = CloseGuard.get(); /** * Start timestamp of stats collected */ private final long mStartTimeStamp; /** * End timestamp of stats collected */ private final long mEndTimeStamp; /** * Non-null array indicates the query enumerates over uids. */ private int[] mUids; /** * Index of the current uid in mUids when doing uid enumeration or a single uid value, * depending on query type. */ private int mUidOrUidIndex; /** * The session while the query requires it, null if all the stats have been collected or close() * has been called. */ private INetworkStatsSession mSession; private NetworkTemplate mTemplate; /** * Results of a summary query. */ private android.net.NetworkStats mSummary = null; /** * Results of detail queries. */ private NetworkStatsHistory mHistory = null; /** * Where we are in enumerating over the current result. */ private int mEnumerationIndex = 0; /** * Recycling entry objects to prevent heap fragmentation. */ private android.net.NetworkStats.Entry mRecycledSummaryEntry = null; private NetworkStatsHistory.Entry mRecycledHistoryEntry = null; /** @hide */ NetworkStats(Context context, NetworkTemplate template, long startTimestamp, long endTimestamp) throws RemoteException, SecurityException { final INetworkStatsService statsService = INetworkStatsService.Stub.asInterface( ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE)); // Open network stats session mSession = statsService.openSessionForUsageStats(context.getOpPackageName()); mCloseGuard.open("close"); mTemplate = template; mStartTimeStamp = startTimestamp; mEndTimeStamp = endTimestamp; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { if (mCloseGuard != null) { mCloseGuard.warnIfOpen(); } close(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } // -------------------------BEGINNING OF PUBLIC API----------------------------------- /** * Buckets are the smallest elements of a query result. As some dimensions of a result may be * aggregated (e.g. time or state) some values may be equal across all buckets. */ public static class Bucket { /** * Combined usage across all other states. */ public static final int STATE_ALL = -1; /** * Usage not accounted in any other states. */ public static final int STATE_DEFAULT = 0x1; /** * Foreground usage. */ public static final int STATE_FOREGROUND = 0x2; /** * Special UID value for aggregate/unspecified. */ public static final int UID_ALL = android.net.NetworkStats.UID_ALL; /** * Special UID value for removed apps. */ public static final int UID_REMOVED = TrafficStats.UID_REMOVED; /** * Special UID value for data usage by tethering. */ public static final int UID_TETHERING = TrafficStats.UID_TETHERING; private int mUid; private int mState; private long mBeginTimeStamp; private long mEndTimeStamp; private long mRxBytes; private long mRxPackets; private long mTxBytes; private long mTxPackets; private static int convertState(int networkStatsSet) { switch (networkStatsSet) { case android.net.NetworkStats.SET_ALL : return STATE_ALL; case android.net.NetworkStats.SET_DEFAULT : return STATE_DEFAULT; case android.net.NetworkStats.SET_FOREGROUND : return STATE_FOREGROUND; } return 0; } private static int convertUid(int uid) { switch (uid) { case TrafficStats.UID_REMOVED: return UID_REMOVED; case TrafficStats.UID_TETHERING: return UID_TETHERING; } return uid; } public Bucket() { } /** * Key of the bucket. Usually an app uid or one of the following special values:


* @return Bucket key. */ public int getUid() { return mUid; } /** * Usage state. One of the following values:


* @return Usage state. */ public int getState() { return mState; } /** * Start timestamp of the bucket's time interval. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see * {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}. * @return Start of interval. */ public long getStartTimeStamp() { return mBeginTimeStamp; } /** * End timestamp of the bucket's time interval. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see * {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}. * @return End of interval. */ public long getEndTimeStamp() { return mEndTimeStamp; } /** * Number of bytes received during the bucket's time interval. Statistics are measured at * the network layer, so they include both TCP and UDP usage. * @return Number of bytes. */ public long getRxBytes() { return mRxBytes; } /** * Number of bytes transmitted during the bucket's time interval. Statistics are measured at * the network layer, so they include both TCP and UDP usage. * @return Number of bytes. */ public long getTxBytes() { return mTxBytes; } /** * Number of packets received during the bucket's time interval. Statistics are measured at * the network layer, so they include both TCP and UDP usage. * @return Number of packets. */ public long getRxPackets() { return mRxPackets; } /** * Number of packets transmitted during the bucket's time interval. Statistics are measured * at the network layer, so they include both TCP and UDP usage. * @return Number of packets. */ public long getTxPackets() { return mTxPackets; } } /** * Fills the recycled bucket with data of the next bin in the enumeration. * @param bucketOut Bucket to be filled with data. * @return true if successfully filled the bucket, false otherwise. */ public boolean getNextBucket(Bucket bucketOut) { if (mSummary != null) { return getNextSummaryBucket(bucketOut); } else { return getNextHistoryBucket(bucketOut); } } /** * Check if it is possible to ask for a next bucket in the enumeration. * @return true if there is at least one more bucket. */ public boolean hasNextBucket() { if (mSummary != null) { return mEnumerationIndex < mSummary.size(); } else if (mHistory != null) { return mEnumerationIndex < mHistory.size() || hasNextUid(); } return false; } /** * Closes the enumeration. Call this method before this object gets out of scope. */ @Override public void close() { if (mSession != null) { try { mSession.close(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); // Otherwise, meh } } mSession = null; if (mCloseGuard != null) { mCloseGuard.close(); } } // -------------------------END OF PUBLIC API----------------------------------- /** * Collects device summary results into a Bucket. * @throws RemoteException */ Bucket getDeviceSummaryForNetwork() throws RemoteException { mSummary = mSession.getDeviceSummaryForNetwork(mTemplate, mStartTimeStamp, mEndTimeStamp); // Setting enumeration index beyond end to avoid accidental enumeration over data that does // not belong to the calling user. mEnumerationIndex = mSummary.size(); return getSummaryAggregate(); } /** * Collects summary results and sets summary enumeration mode. * @throws RemoteException */ void startSummaryEnumeration() throws RemoteException { mSummary = mSession.getSummaryForAllUid(mTemplate, mStartTimeStamp, mEndTimeStamp, false); mEnumerationIndex = 0; } /** * Collects history results for uid and resets history enumeration index. */ void startHistoryEnumeration(int uid) { mHistory = null; try { mHistory = mSession.getHistoryIntervalForUid(mTemplate, uid, android.net.NetworkStats.SET_ALL, android.net.NetworkStats.TAG_NONE, NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL, mStartTimeStamp, mEndTimeStamp); setSingleUid(uid); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); // Leaving mHistory null } mEnumerationIndex = 0; } /** * Starts uid enumeration for current user. * @throws RemoteException */ void startUserUidEnumeration() throws RemoteException { // TODO: getRelevantUids should be sensitive to time interval. When that's done, // the filtering logic below can be removed. int[] uids = mSession.getRelevantUids(); // Filtering of uids with empty history. IntArray filteredUids = new IntArray(uids.length); for (int uid : uids) { try { NetworkStatsHistory history = mSession.getHistoryIntervalForUid(mTemplate, uid, android.net.NetworkStats.SET_ALL, android.net.NetworkStats.TAG_NONE, NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL, mStartTimeStamp, mEndTimeStamp); if (history != null && history.size() > 0) { filteredUids.add(uid); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error while getting history of uid " + uid, e); } } mUids = filteredUids.toArray(); mUidOrUidIndex = -1; stepHistory(); } /** * Steps to next uid in enumeration and collects history for that. */ private void stepHistory(){ if (hasNextUid()) { stepUid(); mHistory = null; try { mHistory = mSession.getHistoryIntervalForUid(mTemplate, getUid(), android.net.NetworkStats.SET_ALL, android.net.NetworkStats.TAG_NONE, NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL, mStartTimeStamp, mEndTimeStamp); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); // Leaving mHistory null } mEnumerationIndex = 0; } } private void fillBucketFromSummaryEntry(Bucket bucketOut) { bucketOut.mUid = Bucket.convertUid(mRecycledSummaryEntry.uid); bucketOut.mState = Bucket.convertState(mRecycledSummaryEntry.set); bucketOut.mBeginTimeStamp = mStartTimeStamp; bucketOut.mEndTimeStamp = mEndTimeStamp; bucketOut.mRxBytes = mRecycledSummaryEntry.rxBytes; bucketOut.mRxPackets = mRecycledSummaryEntry.rxPackets; bucketOut.mTxBytes = mRecycledSummaryEntry.txBytes; bucketOut.mTxPackets = mRecycledSummaryEntry.txPackets; } /** * Getting the next item in summary enumeration. * @param bucketOut Next item will be set here. * @return true if a next item could be set. */ private boolean getNextSummaryBucket(Bucket bucketOut) { if (bucketOut != null && mEnumerationIndex < mSummary.size()) { mRecycledSummaryEntry = mSummary.getValues(mEnumerationIndex++, mRecycledSummaryEntry); fillBucketFromSummaryEntry(bucketOut); return true; } return false; } Bucket getSummaryAggregate() { if (mSummary == null) { return null; } Bucket bucket = new Bucket(); if (mRecycledSummaryEntry == null) { mRecycledSummaryEntry = new android.net.NetworkStats.Entry(); } mSummary.getTotal(mRecycledSummaryEntry); fillBucketFromSummaryEntry(bucket); return bucket; } /** * Getting the next item in a history enumeration. * @param bucketOut Next item will be set here. * @return true if a next item could be set. */ private boolean getNextHistoryBucket(Bucket bucketOut) { if (bucketOut != null && mHistory != null) { if (mEnumerationIndex < mHistory.size()) { mRecycledHistoryEntry = mHistory.getValues(mEnumerationIndex++, mRecycledHistoryEntry); bucketOut.mUid = Bucket.convertUid(getUid()); bucketOut.mState = Bucket.STATE_ALL; bucketOut.mBeginTimeStamp = mRecycledHistoryEntry.bucketStart; bucketOut.mEndTimeStamp = mRecycledHistoryEntry.bucketStart + mRecycledHistoryEntry.bucketDuration; bucketOut.mRxBytes = mRecycledHistoryEntry.rxBytes; bucketOut.mRxPackets = mRecycledHistoryEntry.rxPackets; bucketOut.mTxBytes = mRecycledHistoryEntry.txBytes; bucketOut.mTxPackets = mRecycledHistoryEntry.txPackets; return true; } else if (hasNextUid()) { stepHistory(); return getNextHistoryBucket(bucketOut); } } return false; } // ------------------ UID LOGIC------------------------ private boolean isUidEnumeration() { return mUids != null; } private boolean hasNextUid() { return isUidEnumeration() && (mUidOrUidIndex + 1) < mUids.length; } private int getUid() { // Check if uid enumeration. if (isUidEnumeration()) { if (mUidOrUidIndex < 0 || mUidOrUidIndex >= mUids.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index=" + mUidOrUidIndex + " mUids.length=" + mUids.length); } return mUids[mUidOrUidIndex]; } // Single uid mode. return mUidOrUidIndex; } private void setSingleUid(int uid) { mUidOrUidIndex = uid; } private void stepUid() { if (mUids != null) { ++mUidOrUidIndex; } } }