/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.content; import android.accounts.Account; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; public class SyncRequest implements Parcelable { private static final String TAG = "SyncRequest"; /** Account to pass to the sync adapter. Can be null. */ private final Account mAccountToSync; /** Authority string that corresponds to a ContentProvider. */ private final String mAuthority; /** {@link SyncService} identifier. */ private final ComponentName mComponentInfo; /** Bundle containing user info as well as sync settings. */ private final Bundle mExtras; /** Don't allow this sync request on metered networks. */ private final boolean mDisallowMetered; /** * Anticipated upload size in bytes. * TODO: Not yet used - we put this information into the bundle for simplicity. */ private final long mTxBytes; /** * Anticipated download size in bytes. * TODO: Not yet used - we put this information into the bundle. */ private final long mRxBytes; /** * Amount of time before {@link #mSyncRunTimeSecs} from which the sync may optionally be * started. */ private final long mSyncFlexTimeSecs; /** * Specifies a point in the future at which the sync must have been scheduled to run. */ private final long mSyncRunTimeSecs; /** Periodic versus one-off. */ private final boolean mIsPeriodic; /** Service versus provider. */ private final boolean mIsAuthority; /** Sync should be run in lieu of other syncs. */ private final boolean mIsExpedited; /** * {@hide} * @return whether this sync is periodic or one-time. A Sync Request must be * either one of these or an InvalidStateException will be thrown in * Builder.build(). */ public boolean isPeriodic() { return mIsPeriodic; } public boolean isExpedited() { return mIsExpedited; } /** * {@hide} * @return true if this sync uses an account/authority pair, or false if * this is an anonymous sync bound to an @link AnonymousSyncService. */ public boolean hasAuthority() { return mIsAuthority; } /** * {@hide} * * @return account object for this sync. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this function is called for a request that targets a * sync service. */ public Account getAccount() { if (!hasAuthority()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot getAccount() for a sync that targets a sync" + "service."); } return mAccountToSync; } /** * {@hide} * * @return provider for this sync. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this function is called for a request that targets a * sync service. */ public String getProvider() { if (!hasAuthority()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot getProvider() for a sync that targets a" + "sync service."); } return mAuthority; } /** * {@hide} * Throws a runtime IllegalArgumentException if this function is called for a * SyncRequest that is bound to an account/provider. * * @return ComponentName for the service that this sync will bind to. */ public ComponentName getService() { if (hasAuthority()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot getAnonymousService() for a sync that has specified a provider."); } return mComponentInfo; } /** * {@hide} * Retrieve bundle for this SyncRequest. Will not be null. */ public Bundle getBundle() { return mExtras; } /** * {@hide} * @return the earliest point in time that this sync can be scheduled. */ public long getSyncFlexTime() { return mSyncFlexTimeSecs; } /** * {@hide} * @return the last point in time at which this sync must scheduled. */ public long getSyncRunTime() { return mSyncRunTimeSecs; } public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { @Override public SyncRequest createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SyncRequest(in); } @Override public SyncRequest[] newArray(int size) { return new SyncRequest[size]; } }; @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) { parcel.writeBundle(mExtras); parcel.writeLong(mSyncFlexTimeSecs); parcel.writeLong(mSyncRunTimeSecs); parcel.writeInt((mIsPeriodic ? 1 : 0)); parcel.writeInt((mDisallowMetered ? 1 : 0)); parcel.writeLong(mTxBytes); parcel.writeLong(mRxBytes); parcel.writeInt((mIsAuthority ? 1 : 0)); parcel.writeInt((mIsExpedited? 1 : 0)); if (mIsAuthority) { parcel.writeParcelable(mAccountToSync, flags); parcel.writeString(mAuthority); } else { parcel.writeParcelable(mComponentInfo, flags); } } private SyncRequest(Parcel in) { mExtras = in.readBundle(); mSyncFlexTimeSecs = in.readLong(); mSyncRunTimeSecs = in.readLong(); mIsPeriodic = (in.readInt() != 0); mDisallowMetered = (in.readInt() != 0); mTxBytes = in.readLong(); mRxBytes = in.readLong(); mIsAuthority = (in.readInt() != 0); mIsExpedited = (in.readInt() != 0); if (mIsAuthority) { mComponentInfo = null; mAccountToSync = in.readParcelable(null); mAuthority = in.readString(); } else { mComponentInfo = in.readParcelable(null); mAccountToSync = null; mAuthority = null; } } /** {@hide} Protected ctor to instantiate anonymous SyncRequest. */ protected SyncRequest(SyncRequest.Builder b) { mSyncFlexTimeSecs = b.mSyncFlexTimeSecs; mSyncRunTimeSecs = b.mSyncRunTimeSecs; mAccountToSync = b.mAccount; mAuthority = b.mAuthority; mComponentInfo = b.mComponentName; mIsPeriodic = (b.mSyncType == Builder.SYNC_TYPE_PERIODIC); mIsAuthority = (b.mSyncTarget == Builder.SYNC_TARGET_ADAPTER); mIsExpedited = b.mExpedited; mExtras = new Bundle(b.mCustomExtras); // For now we merge the sync config extras & the custom extras into one bundle. // TODO: pass the configuration extras through separately. mExtras.putAll(b.mSyncConfigExtras); mDisallowMetered = b.mDisallowMetered; mTxBytes = b.mTxBytes; mRxBytes = b.mRxBytes; } /** * Builder class for a @link SyncRequest. As you build your SyncRequest this class will also * perform validation. */ public static class Builder { /** Unknown sync type. */ private static final int SYNC_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; /** Specify that this is a periodic sync. */ private static final int SYNC_TYPE_PERIODIC = 1; /** Specify that this is a one-time sync. */ private static final int SYNC_TYPE_ONCE = 2; /** Unknown sync target. */ private static final int SYNC_TARGET_UNKNOWN = 0; /** Specify that this is an anonymous sync. */ private static final int SYNC_TARGET_SERVICE = 1; /** Specify that this is a sync with a provider. */ private static final int SYNC_TARGET_ADAPTER = 2; /** * Earliest point of displacement into the future at which this sync can * occur. */ private long mSyncFlexTimeSecs; /** Displacement into the future at which this sync must occur. */ private long mSyncRunTimeSecs; /** * Sync configuration information - custom user data explicitly provided by the developer. * This data is handed over to the sync operation. */ private Bundle mCustomExtras; /** * Sync system configuration - used to store system sync configuration. Corresponds to * ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_* flags. * TODO: Use this instead of dumping into one bundle. Need to decide if these flags should * discriminate between equivalent syncs. */ private Bundle mSyncConfigExtras; /** Expected upload transfer in bytes. */ private long mTxBytes = -1L; /** Expected download transfer in bytes. */ private long mRxBytes = -1L; /** Whether or not this sync can occur on metered networks. Default false. */ private boolean mDisallowMetered; /** Priority of this sync relative to others from calling app [-2, 2]. Default 0. */ private int mPriority = 0; /** * Whether this builder is building a periodic sync, or a one-time sync. */ private int mSyncType = SYNC_TYPE_UNKNOWN; /** Whether this will go to a sync adapter or to a sync service. */ private int mSyncTarget = SYNC_TARGET_UNKNOWN; /** Whether this is a user-activated sync. */ private boolean mIsManual; /** * Whether to retry this one-time sync if the sync fails. Not valid for * periodic syncs. See {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY}. */ private boolean mNoRetry; /** * Whether to respect back-off for this one-time sync. Not valid for * periodic syncs. See * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF}; */ private boolean mIgnoreBackoff; /** Ignore sync system settings and perform sync anyway. */ private boolean mIgnoreSettings; /** This sync will run in preference to other non-expedited syncs. */ private boolean mExpedited; /** * The {@link SyncService} component that * contains the sync logic if this is a provider-less sync, otherwise * null. */ private ComponentName mComponentName; /** * The Account object that together with an Authority name define the SyncAdapter (if * this sync is bound to a provider), otherwise null. */ private Account mAccount; /** * The Authority name that together with an Account define the SyncAdapter (if * this sync is bound to a provider), otherwise null. */ private String mAuthority; public Builder() { } /** * Request that a sync occur immediately. * * Example *
         *     SyncRequest.Builder builder = (new SyncRequest.Builder()).syncOnce();
*/ public Builder syncOnce() { if (mSyncType != SYNC_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sync type has already been defined."); } mSyncType = SYNC_TYPE_ONCE; setupInterval(0, 0); return this; } /** * Build a periodic sync. Either this or syncOnce() must be called for this builder. * Syncs are identified by target {@link SyncService}/{@link android.provider} and by the * contents of the extras bundle. * You cannot reuse the same builder for one-time syncs after having specified a periodic * sync (by calling this function). If you do, an IllegalArgumentException * will be thrown. *

The bundle for a periodic sync can be queried by applications with the correct * permissions using * {@link ContentResolver#getPeriodicSyncs(Account account, String provider)}, so no * sensitive data should be transferred here. * * Example usage. * *

         *     Request a periodic sync every 5 hours with 20 minutes of flex.
         *     SyncRequest.Builder builder =
         *         (new SyncRequest.Builder()).syncPeriodic(5 * HOUR_IN_SECS, 20 * MIN_IN_SECS);
         *     Schedule a periodic sync every hour at any point in time during that hour.
         *     SyncRequest.Builder builder =
         *         (new SyncRequest.Builder()).syncPeriodic(1 * HOUR_IN_SECS, 1 * HOUR_IN_SECS);
* * N.B.: Periodic syncs are not allowed to have any of * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY}, * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF}, * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS}, * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_INITIALIZE}, * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_FORCE}, * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPEDITED}, * {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL} * set to true. If any are supplied then an IllegalArgumentException will * be thrown. * * @param pollFrequency the amount of time in seconds that you wish * to elapse between periodic syncs. * @param beforeSeconds the amount of flex time in seconds before * {@code pollFrequency} that you permit for the sync to take * place. Must be less than {@code pollFrequency}. */ public Builder syncPeriodic(long pollFrequency, long beforeSeconds) { if (mSyncType != SYNC_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sync type has already been defined."); } mSyncType = SYNC_TYPE_PERIODIC; setupInterval(pollFrequency, beforeSeconds); return this; } /** {@hide} */ private void setupInterval(long at, long before) { if (before > at) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified run time for the sync must be" + " after the specified flex time."); } mSyncRunTimeSecs = at; mSyncFlexTimeSecs = before; } /** * Developer can provide insight into their payload size; optional. -1 specifies unknown, * so that you are not restricted to defining both fields. * * @param rxBytes Bytes expected to be downloaded. * @param txBytes Bytes expected to be uploaded. */ public Builder setTransferSize(long rxBytes, long txBytes) { mRxBytes = rxBytes; mTxBytes = txBytes; return this; } /** * Will throw an IllegalArgumentException if called and * {@link #setIgnoreSettings(boolean ignoreSettings)} has already been called. * @param disallow true to allow this transfer on metered networks. Default false. * */ public Builder setDisallowMetered(boolean disallow) { if (mIgnoreSettings && disallow) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("setDisallowMetered(true) after having" + "specified that settings are ignored."); } mDisallowMetered = disallow; return this; } /** * Specify an authority and account for this transfer. Cannot be used with * {@link #setSyncAdapter(ComponentName cname)}. * * @param authority * @param account Account to sync. Can be null unless this is a periodic * sync, for which verification by the ContentResolver will * fail. If a sync is performed without an account, the */ public Builder setSyncAdapter(Account account, String authority) { if (mSyncTarget != SYNC_TARGET_UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sync target has already been defined."); } if (authority != null && authority.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authority must be non-empty"); } mSyncTarget = SYNC_TARGET_ADAPTER; mAccount = account; mAuthority = authority; mComponentName = null; return this; } /** * Specify the {@link SyncService} component for this sync. This is not validated until * sync time so providing an incorrect component name here will not fail. Cannot be used * with {@link #setSyncAdapter(Account account, String authority)}. * * @param cname ComponentName to identify your Anonymous service */ public Builder setSyncAdapter(ComponentName cname) { if (mSyncTarget != SYNC_TARGET_UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sync target has already been defined."); } mSyncTarget = SYNC_TARGET_SERVICE; mComponentName = cname; mAccount = null; mAuthority = null; return this; } /** * Developer-provided extras handed back when sync actually occurs. This bundle is copied * into the SyncRequest returned by {@link #build()}. * * Example: *
         *   String[] syncItems = {"dog", "cat", "frog", "child"};
         *   SyncRequest.Builder builder =
         *     new SyncRequest.Builder()
         *       .setSyncAdapter(dummyAccount, dummyProvider)
         *       .syncOnce();
         *   for (String syncData : syncItems) {
         *     Bundle extras = new Bundle();
         *     extras.setString("data", syncData);
         *     builder.setExtras(extras);
         *     ContentResolver.sync(builder.build()); // Each sync() request creates a unique sync.
         *   }
* Only values of the following types may be used in the extras bundle: * * If any data is present in the bundle not of this type, build() will * throw a runtime exception. * * @param bundle extras bundle to set. */ public Builder setExtras(Bundle bundle) { mCustomExtras = bundle; return this; } /** * Convenience function for setting {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY}. * * A one-off sync operation that fails will be retried with exponential back-off unless * this is set to false. Not valid for periodic sync and will throw an * IllegalArgumentException in build(). * * @param noRetry true to not retry a failed sync. Default false. */ public Builder setNoRetry(boolean noRetry) { mNoRetry = noRetry; return this; } /** * Convenience function for setting {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS}. * * Not valid for periodic sync and will throw an IllegalArgumentException in * {@link #build()}. *

Throws IllegalArgumentException if called and * {@link #setDisallowMetered(boolean)} has been set. * * * @param ignoreSettings true to ignore the sync automatically settings. Default false. */ public Builder setIgnoreSettings(boolean ignoreSettings) { if (mDisallowMetered && ignoreSettings) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("setIgnoreSettings(true) after having specified" + " sync settings with this builder."); } mIgnoreSettings = ignoreSettings; return this; } /** * Convenience function for setting {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF}. * * Ignoring back-off will force the sync scheduling process to ignore any back-off that was * the result of a failed sync, as well as to invalidate any {@link SyncResult#delayUntil} * value that may have been set by the adapter. Successive failures will not honor this * flag. Not valid for periodic sync and will throw an IllegalArgumentException * in {@link #build()}. * * @param ignoreBackoff ignore back off settings. Default false. */ public Builder setIgnoreBackoff(boolean ignoreBackoff) { mIgnoreBackoff = ignoreBackoff; return this; } /** * Convenience function for setting {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL}. * * Not valid for periodic sync and will throw an IllegalArgumentException in * {@link #build()}. * * @param isManual User-initiated sync or not. Default false. */ public Builder setManual(boolean isManual) { mIsManual = isManual; return this; } /** * An expedited sync runs immediately and can preempt other non-expedited running syncs. * * Not valid for periodic sync and will throw an IllegalArgumentException in * {@link #build()}. * * @param expedited whether to run expedited. Default false. */ public Builder setExpedited(boolean expedited) { mExpedited = expedited; return this; } /** * @param priority the priority of this request among all requests from the calling app. * Range of [-2,2] similar to how this is done with notifications. */ public Builder setPriority(int priority) { if (priority < -2 || priority > 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Priority must be within range [-2, 2]"); } mPriority = priority; return this; } /** * Performs validation over the request and throws the runtime exception * IllegalArgumentException if this validation fails. * * @return a SyncRequest with the information contained within this * builder. */ public SyncRequest build() { // Validate the extras bundle ContentResolver.validateSyncExtrasBundle(mCustomExtras); if (mCustomExtras == null) { mCustomExtras = new Bundle(); } // Combine builder extra flags into the config bundle. mSyncConfigExtras = new Bundle(); if (mIgnoreBackoff) { mSyncConfigExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF, true); } if (mDisallowMetered) { mSyncConfigExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_DISALLOW_METERED, true); } if (mIgnoreSettings) { mSyncConfigExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, true); } if (mNoRetry) { mSyncConfigExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY, true); } if (mExpedited) { mSyncConfigExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPEDITED, true); } if (mIsManual) { mSyncConfigExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF, true); mSyncConfigExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, true); } mSyncConfigExtras.putLong(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPECTED_UPLOAD, mTxBytes); mSyncConfigExtras.putLong(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPECTED_DOWNLOAD, mRxBytes); mSyncConfigExtras.putInt(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_PRIORITY, mPriority); if (mSyncType == SYNC_TYPE_PERIODIC) { // If this is a periodic sync ensure than invalid extras were not set. if (ContentResolver.invalidPeriodicExtras(mCustomExtras) || ContentResolver.invalidPeriodicExtras(mSyncConfigExtras)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal extras were set"); } } else if (mSyncType == SYNC_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must call either syncOnce() or syncPeriodic()"); } if (mSyncTarget == SYNC_TARGET_SERVICE) { if (mSyncConfigExtras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_INITIALIZE, false)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify an initialisation sync" + " that targets a service."); } } // Ensure that a target for the sync has been set. if (mSyncTarget == SYNC_TARGET_UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify an adapter with one of" + "setSyncAdapter(ComponentName) or setSyncAdapter(Account, String"); } return new SyncRequest(this); } } }