/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.net; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import android.content.Context; import android.net.LinkAddress; import android.net.LinkProperties; import android.net.LinkProperties.ProvisioningChange; import android.net.ProxyInfo; import android.net.RouteInfo; import android.net.netlink.NetlinkConstants; import android.net.netlink.NetlinkErrorMessage; import android.net.netlink.NetlinkMessage; import android.net.netlink.NetlinkSocket; import android.net.netlink.RtNetlinkNeighborMessage; import android.net.netlink.StructNdaCacheInfo; import android.net.netlink.StructNdMsg; import android.net.netlink.StructNlMsgHdr; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.system.ErrnoException; import android.system.NetlinkSocketAddress; import android.system.OsConstants; import android.util.Log; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.net.SocketException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * IpReachabilityMonitor. * * Monitors on-link IP reachability and notifies callers whenever any on-link * addresses of interest appear to have become unresponsive. * * @hide */ public class IpReachabilityMonitor { private static final String TAG = "IpReachabilityMonitor"; private static final boolean DBG = true; private static final boolean VDBG = false; public interface Callback { // This callback function must execute as quickly as possible as it is // run on the same thread that listens to kernel neighbor updates. // // TODO: refactor to something like notifyProvisioningLost(String msg). public void notifyLost(InetAddress ip, String logMsg); } private final Object mLock = new Object(); private final PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock; private final String mInterfaceName; private final int mInterfaceIndex; private final Callback mCallback; private final NetlinkSocketObserver mNetlinkSocketObserver; private final Thread mObserverThread; @GuardedBy("mLock") private LinkProperties mLinkProperties = new LinkProperties(); // TODO: consider a map to a private NeighborState class holding more // information than a single NUD state entry. @GuardedBy("mLock") private Map mIpWatchList = new HashMap<>(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private int mIpWatchListVersion; @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mRunning; /** * Make the kernel to perform neighbor reachability detection (IPv4 ARP or IPv6 ND) * for the given IP address on the specified interface index. * * @return true, if the request was successfully passed to the kernel; false otherwise. */ public static boolean probeNeighbor(int ifIndex, InetAddress ip) { final long IO_TIMEOUT = 300L; final String msgSnippet = "probing ip=" + ip.getHostAddress() + "%" + ifIndex; if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, msgSnippet); } final byte[] msg = RtNetlinkNeighborMessage.newNewNeighborMessage( 1, ip, StructNdMsg.NUD_PROBE, ifIndex, null); boolean returnValue = false; try (NetlinkSocket nlSocket = new NetlinkSocket(OsConstants.NETLINK_ROUTE)) { nlSocket.connectToKernel(); nlSocket.sendMessage(msg, 0, msg.length, IO_TIMEOUT); final ByteBuffer bytes = nlSocket.recvMessage(IO_TIMEOUT); final NetlinkMessage response = NetlinkMessage.parse(bytes); if (response != null && response instanceof NetlinkErrorMessage && (((NetlinkErrorMessage) response).getNlMsgError() != null) && (((NetlinkErrorMessage) response).getNlMsgError().error == 0)) { returnValue = true; } else { String errmsg; if (bytes == null) { errmsg = "null recvMessage"; } else if (response == null) { bytes.position(0); errmsg = "raw bytes: " + NetlinkConstants.hexify(bytes); } else { // TODO: consider ignoring EINVAL (-22), which appears to be // normal when probing a neighbor for which the kernel does // not already have / no longer has a link layer address. errmsg = response.toString(); } Log.e(TAG, "Error " + msgSnippet + ", errmsg=" + errmsg); } } catch (ErrnoException | InterruptedIOException | SocketException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Error " + msgSnippet, e); } return returnValue; } public IpReachabilityMonitor(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback) throws IllegalArgumentException { mInterfaceName = ifName; int ifIndex = -1; try { NetworkInterface netIf = NetworkInterface.getByName(ifName); mInterfaceIndex = netIf.getIndex(); } catch (SocketException | NullPointerException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid interface '" + ifName + "': ", e); } mWakeLock = ((PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE)).newWakeLock( PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, TAG + "." + mInterfaceName); mCallback = callback; mNetlinkSocketObserver = new NetlinkSocketObserver(); mObserverThread = new Thread(mNetlinkSocketObserver); mObserverThread.start(); } public void stop() { synchronized (mLock) { mRunning = false; } clearLinkProperties(); mNetlinkSocketObserver.clearNetlinkSocket(); } // TODO: add a public dump() method that can be called during a bug report. private String describeWatchList() { final String delimiter = ", "; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); synchronized (mLock) { sb.append("iface{" + mInterfaceName + "/" + mInterfaceIndex + "}, "); sb.append("v{" + mIpWatchListVersion + "}, "); sb.append("ntable=["); boolean firstTime = true; for (Map.Entry entry : mIpWatchList.entrySet()) { if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; } else { sb.append(delimiter); } sb.append(entry.getKey().getHostAddress() + "/" + StructNdMsg.stringForNudState(entry.getValue())); } sb.append("]"); } return sb.toString(); } private boolean isWatching(InetAddress ip) { synchronized (mLock) { return mRunning && mIpWatchList.containsKey(ip); } } private boolean stillRunning() { synchronized (mLock) { return mRunning; } } private static boolean isOnLink(List routes, InetAddress ip) { for (RouteInfo route : routes) { if (!route.hasGateway() && route.matches(ip)) { return true; } } return false; } private short getNeighborStateLocked(InetAddress ip) { if (mIpWatchList.containsKey(ip)) { return mIpWatchList.get(ip); } return StructNdMsg.NUD_NONE; } public void updateLinkProperties(LinkProperties lp) { if (!mInterfaceName.equals(lp.getInterfaceName())) { // TODO: figure out whether / how to cope with interface changes. Log.wtf(TAG, "requested LinkProperties interface '" + lp.getInterfaceName() + "' does not match: " + mInterfaceName); return; } synchronized (mLock) { mLinkProperties = new LinkProperties(lp); Map newIpWatchList = new HashMap<>(); final List routes = mLinkProperties.getRoutes(); for (RouteInfo route : routes) { if (route.hasGateway()) { InetAddress gw = route.getGateway(); if (isOnLink(routes, gw)) { newIpWatchList.put(gw, getNeighborStateLocked(gw)); } } } for (InetAddress nameserver : lp.getDnsServers()) { if (isOnLink(routes, nameserver)) { newIpWatchList.put(nameserver, getNeighborStateLocked(nameserver)); } } mIpWatchList = newIpWatchList; mIpWatchListVersion++; } if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "watch: " + describeWatchList()); } } public void clearLinkProperties() { synchronized (mLock) { mLinkProperties.clear(); mIpWatchList.clear(); mIpWatchListVersion++; } if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "clear: " + describeWatchList()); } } private void handleNeighborLost(String msg) { InetAddress ip = null; ProvisioningChange delta; synchronized (mLock) { LinkProperties whatIfLp = new LinkProperties(mLinkProperties); for (Map.Entry entry : mIpWatchList.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != StructNdMsg.NUD_FAILED) { continue; } ip = entry.getKey(); for (RouteInfo route : mLinkProperties.getRoutes()) { if (ip.equals(route.getGateway())) { whatIfLp.removeRoute(route); } } whatIfLp.removeDnsServer(ip); } delta = LinkProperties.compareProvisioning(mLinkProperties, whatIfLp); } if (delta == ProvisioningChange.LOST_PROVISIONING) { final String logMsg = "FAILURE: LOST_PROVISIONING, " + msg; Log.w(TAG, logMsg); if (mCallback != null) { // TODO: remove |ip| when the callback signature no longer has // an InetAddress argument. mCallback.notifyLost(ip, logMsg); } } } public void probeAll() { Set ipProbeList = new HashSet(); synchronized (mLock) { ipProbeList.addAll(mIpWatchList.keySet()); } if (!ipProbeList.isEmpty() && stillRunning()) { // Keep the CPU awake long enough to allow all ARP/ND // probes a reasonable chance at success. See b/23197666. // // The wakelock we use is (by default) refcounted, and this version // of acquire(timeout) queues a release message to keep acquisitions // and releases balanced. mWakeLock.acquire(getProbeWakeLockDuration()); } for (InetAddress target : ipProbeList) { if (!stillRunning()) { break; } probeNeighbor(mInterfaceIndex, target); } } private long getProbeWakeLockDuration() { // Ideally, this would be computed by examining the values of: // // /proc/sys/net/ipv[46]/neigh//ucast_solicit // // and: // // /proc/sys/net/ipv[46]/neigh//retrans_time_ms // // For now, just make some assumptions. final long numUnicastProbes = 3; final long retransTimeMs = 1000; final long gracePeriodMs = 500; return (numUnicastProbes * retransTimeMs) + gracePeriodMs; } // TODO: simply the number of objects by making this extend Thread. private final class NetlinkSocketObserver implements Runnable { private static final String TAG = "NetlinkSocketObserver"; private NetlinkSocket mSocket; @Override public void run() { if (VDBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Starting observing thread."); } synchronized (mLock) { mRunning = true; } try { setupNetlinkSocket(); } catch (ErrnoException | SocketException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to suitably initialize a netlink socket", e); synchronized (mLock) { mRunning = false; } } ByteBuffer byteBuffer; while (stillRunning()) { try { byteBuffer = recvKernelReply(); } catch (ErrnoException e) { Log.w(TAG, "ErrnoException: ", e); break; } final long whenMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (byteBuffer == null) { continue; } parseNetlinkMessageBuffer(byteBuffer, whenMs); } clearNetlinkSocket(); synchronized (mLock) { mRunning = false; } if (VDBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Finishing observing thread."); } } private void clearNetlinkSocket() { if (mSocket != null) { mSocket.close(); } } // TODO: Refactor the main loop to recreate the socket upon recoverable errors. private void setupNetlinkSocket() throws ErrnoException, SocketException { clearNetlinkSocket(); mSocket = new NetlinkSocket(OsConstants.NETLINK_ROUTE); final NetlinkSocketAddress listenAddr = new NetlinkSocketAddress( 0, OsConstants.RTMGRP_NEIGH); mSocket.bind(listenAddr); if (VDBG) { final NetlinkSocketAddress nlAddr = mSocket.getLocalAddress(); Log.d(TAG, "bound to sockaddr_nl{" + ((long) (nlAddr.getPortId() & 0xffffffff)) + ", " + nlAddr.getGroupsMask() + "}"); } } private ByteBuffer recvKernelReply() throws ErrnoException { try { return mSocket.recvMessage(0); } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { // Interruption or other error, e.g. another thread closed our file descriptor. } catch (ErrnoException e) { if (e.errno != OsConstants.EAGAIN) { throw e; } } return null; } private void parseNetlinkMessageBuffer(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, long whenMs) { while (byteBuffer.remaining() > 0) { final int position = byteBuffer.position(); final NetlinkMessage nlMsg = NetlinkMessage.parse(byteBuffer); if (nlMsg == null || nlMsg.getHeader() == null) { byteBuffer.position(position); Log.e(TAG, "unparsable netlink msg: " + NetlinkConstants.hexify(byteBuffer)); break; } final int srcPortId = nlMsg.getHeader().nlmsg_pid; if (srcPortId != 0) { Log.e(TAG, "non-kernel source portId: " + ((long) (srcPortId & 0xffffffff))); break; } if (nlMsg instanceof NetlinkErrorMessage) { Log.e(TAG, "netlink error: " + nlMsg); continue; } else if (!(nlMsg instanceof RtNetlinkNeighborMessage)) { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "non-rtnetlink neighbor msg: " + nlMsg); } continue; } evaluateRtNetlinkNeighborMessage((RtNetlinkNeighborMessage) nlMsg, whenMs); } } private void evaluateRtNetlinkNeighborMessage( RtNetlinkNeighborMessage neighMsg, long whenMs) { final StructNdMsg ndMsg = neighMsg.getNdHeader(); if (ndMsg == null || ndMsg.ndm_ifindex != mInterfaceIndex) { return; } final InetAddress destination = neighMsg.getDestination(); if (!isWatching(destination)) { return; } final short msgType = neighMsg.getHeader().nlmsg_type; final short nudState = ndMsg.ndm_state; final String eventMsg = "NeighborEvent{" + "elapsedMs=" + whenMs + ", " + destination.getHostAddress() + ", " + "[" + NetlinkConstants.hexify(neighMsg.getLinkLayerAddress()) + "], " + NetlinkConstants.stringForNlMsgType(msgType) + ", " + StructNdMsg.stringForNudState(nudState) + "}"; if (VDBG) { Log.d(TAG, neighMsg.toString()); } else if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, eventMsg); } synchronized (mLock) { if (mIpWatchList.containsKey(destination)) { final short value = (msgType == NetlinkConstants.RTM_DELNEIGH) ? StructNdMsg.NUD_NONE : nudState; mIpWatchList.put(destination, value); } } if (nudState == StructNdMsg.NUD_FAILED) { Log.w(TAG, "ALERT: " + eventMsg); handleNeighborLost(eventMsg); } } } }