/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.print; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.print.PrintAttributes.Margins; import android.print.PrintAttributes.MediaSize; import android.print.PrintAttributes.Resolution; import android.print.PrintAttributes.Tray; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * This class represents the capabilities of a printer. */ public final class PrinterCapabilitiesInfo implements Parcelable { /** * Undefined default value. * * @hide */ public static final int DEFAULT_UNDEFINED = -1; private static final int PROPERTY_MEDIA_SIZE = 0; private static final int PROPERTY_RESOLUTION = 1; private static final int PROPERTY_INPUT_TRAY = 2; private static final int PROPERTY_OUTPUT_TRAY = 3; private static final int PROPERTY_DUPLEX_MODE = 4; private static final int PROPERTY_COLOR_MODE = 5; private static final int PROPERTY_FITTING_MODE = 6; private static final int PROPERTY_ORIENTATION = 7; private static final int PROPERTY_COUNT = 8; private static final Margins DEFAULT_MARGINS = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0); private Margins mMinMargins = DEFAULT_MARGINS; private List mMediaSizes; private List mResolutions; private List mInputTrays; private List mOutputTrays; private int mDuplexModes; private int mColorModes; private int mFittingModes; private int mOrientations; private final int[] mDefaults = new int[PROPERTY_COUNT]; private Margins mDefaultMargins = DEFAULT_MARGINS; /** * @hide */ public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo() { Arrays.fill(mDefaults, DEFAULT_UNDEFINED); } /** * @hide */ public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo(PrinterCapabilitiesInfo prototype) { copyFrom(prototype); } /** * @hide */ public void copyFrom(PrinterCapabilitiesInfo other) { mMinMargins = other.mMinMargins; if (other.mMediaSizes != null) { if (mMediaSizes != null) { mMediaSizes.clear(); mMediaSizes.addAll(other.mMediaSizes); } else { mMediaSizes = new ArrayList(other.mMediaSizes); } } else { mMediaSizes = null; } if (other.mResolutions != null) { if (mResolutions != null) { mResolutions.clear(); mResolutions.addAll(other.mResolutions); } else { mResolutions = new ArrayList(other.mResolutions); } } else { mResolutions = null; } if (other.mInputTrays != null) { if (mInputTrays != null) { mInputTrays.clear(); mInputTrays.addAll(other.mInputTrays); } else { mInputTrays = new ArrayList(other.mInputTrays); } } else { mInputTrays = null; } if (other.mOutputTrays != null) { if (mOutputTrays != null) { mOutputTrays.clear(); mOutputTrays.addAll(other.mOutputTrays); } else { mOutputTrays = new ArrayList(other.mOutputTrays); } } else { mOutputTrays = null; } mDuplexModes = other.mDuplexModes; mColorModes = other.mColorModes; mFittingModes = other.mFittingModes; mOrientations = other.mOrientations; final int defaultCount = other.mDefaults.length; for (int i = 0; i < defaultCount; i++) { mDefaults[i] = other.mDefaults[i]; } mDefaultMargins = other.mDefaultMargins; } /** * Gets the supported media sizes. * * @return The media sizes. */ public List getMediaSizes() { return mMediaSizes; } /** * Gets the supported resolutions. * * @return The resolutions. */ public List getResolutions() { return mResolutions; } /** * Gets the minimal supported margins. * * @return The minimal margins. */ public Margins getMinMargins() { return mMinMargins; } /** * Gets the available input trays. * * @return The input trays. */ public List getInputTrays() { return mInputTrays; } /** * Gets the available output trays. * * @return The output trays. */ public List getOutputTrays() { return mOutputTrays; } /** * Gets the supported duplex modes. * * @return The duplex modes. * * @see PrintAttributes#DUPLEX_MODE_NONE * @see PrintAttributes#DUPLEX_MODE_LONG_EDGE * @see PrintAttributes#DUPLEX_MODE_SHORT_EDGE */ public int getDuplexModes() { return mDuplexModes; } /** * Gets the supported color modes. * * @return The color modes. * * @see PrintAttributes#COLOR_MODE_COLOR * @see PrintAttributes#COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME */ public int getColorModes() { return mColorModes; } /** * Gets the supported fitting modes. * * @return The fitting modes. * * @see PrintAttributes#FITTING_MODE_NONE * @see PrintAttributes#FITTING_MODE_FIT_TO_PAGE */ public int getFittingModes() { return mFittingModes; } /** * Gets the supported orientations. * * @return The orientations. * * @see PrintAttributes#ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT * @see PrintAttributes#ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE */ public int getOrientations() { return mOrientations; } /** * Gets the default print attributes. * * @param outAttributes The attributes to populated. */ public void getDefaults(PrintAttributes outAttributes) { outAttributes.clear(); outAttributes.setMargins(mDefaultMargins); final int mediaSizeIndex = mDefaults[PROPERTY_MEDIA_SIZE]; if (mediaSizeIndex >= 0) { outAttributes.setMediaSize(mMediaSizes.get(mediaSizeIndex)); } final int resolutionIndex = mDefaults[PROPERTY_RESOLUTION]; if (resolutionIndex >= 0) { outAttributes.setResolution(mResolutions.get(resolutionIndex)); } final int inputTrayIndex = mDefaults[PROPERTY_INPUT_TRAY]; if (inputTrayIndex >= 0) { outAttributes.setInputTray(mInputTrays.get(inputTrayIndex)); } final int outputTrayIndex = mDefaults[PROPERTY_OUTPUT_TRAY]; if (outputTrayIndex >= 0) { outAttributes.setOutputTray(mOutputTrays.get(outputTrayIndex)); } final int duplexMode = mDefaults[PROPERTY_DUPLEX_MODE]; if (duplexMode > 0) { outAttributes.setDuplexMode(duplexMode); } final int colorMode = mDefaults[PROPERTY_COLOR_MODE]; if (colorMode > 0) { outAttributes.setColorMode(colorMode); } final int fittingMode = mDefaults[PROPERTY_FITTING_MODE]; if (fittingMode > 0) { outAttributes.setFittingMode(fittingMode); } final int orientation = mDefaults[PROPERTY_ORIENTATION]; if (orientation > 0) { outAttributes.setOrientation(orientation); } } private PrinterCapabilitiesInfo(Parcel parcel) { mMinMargins = readMargins(parcel); readMediaSizes(parcel); readResolutions(parcel); mInputTrays = readInputTrays(parcel); mOutputTrays = readOutputTrays(parcel); mColorModes = parcel.readInt(); mDuplexModes = parcel.readInt(); mFittingModes = parcel.readInt(); mOrientations = parcel.readInt(); readDefaults(parcel); mDefaultMargins = readMargins(parcel); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) { writeMargins(mMinMargins, parcel); writeMediaSizes(parcel); writeResolutions(parcel); writeInputTrays(parcel); writeOutputTrays(parcel); parcel.writeInt(mColorModes); parcel.writeInt(mDuplexModes); parcel.writeInt(mFittingModes); parcel.writeInt(mOrientations); writeDefaults(parcel); writeMargins(mDefaultMargins, parcel); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((mMinMargins == null) ? 0 : mMinMargins.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mMediaSizes == null) ? 0 : mMediaSizes.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mResolutions == null) ? 0 : mResolutions.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mInputTrays == null) ? 0 : mInputTrays.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mOutputTrays == null) ? 0 : mOutputTrays.hashCode()); result = prime * result + mColorModes; result = prime * result + mDuplexModes; result = prime * result + mFittingModes; result = prime * result + mOrientations; result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(mDefaults); result = prime * result + ((mDefaultMargins == null) ? 0 : mDefaultMargins.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } PrinterCapabilitiesInfo other = (PrinterCapabilitiesInfo) obj; if (mMinMargins == null) { if (other.mMinMargins != null) { return false; } } else if (!mMinMargins.equals(other.mMinMargins)) { return false; } if (mMediaSizes == null) { if (other.mMediaSizes != null) { return false; } } else if (!mMediaSizes.equals(other.mMediaSizes)) { return false; } if (mResolutions == null) { if (other.mResolutions != null) { return false; } } else if (!mResolutions.equals(other.mResolutions)) { return false; } if (mInputTrays == null) { if (other.mInputTrays != null) { return false; } } else if (!mInputTrays.equals(other.mInputTrays)) { return false; } if (mOutputTrays == null) { if (other.mOutputTrays != null) { return false; } } else if (!mOutputTrays.equals(other.mOutputTrays)) { return false; } if (mDuplexModes != other.mDuplexModes) { return false; } if (mColorModes != other.mColorModes) { return false; } if (mFittingModes != other.mFittingModes) { return false; } if (mOrientations != other.mOrientations) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(mDefaults, other.mDefaults)) { return false; } if (mDefaultMargins == null) { if (other.mDefaultMargins != null) { return false; } } else if (!mDefaultMargins.equals(other.mDefaultMargins)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("PrinterInfo{"); builder.append("minMargins=").append(mMinMargins); builder.append(", mediaSizes=").append(mMediaSizes); builder.append(", resolutions=").append(mResolutions); builder.append(", inputTrays=").append(mInputTrays); builder.append(", outputTrays=").append(mOutputTrays); builder.append(", duplexModes=").append(duplexModesToString()); builder.append(", colorModes=").append(colorModesToString()); builder.append(", fittingModes=").append(fittingModesToString()); builder.append(", orientations=").append(orientationsToString()); builder.append("\"}"); return builder.toString(); } private String duplexModesToString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append('['); int duplexModes = mDuplexModes; while (duplexModes != 0) { final int duplexMode = 1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(duplexModes); duplexModes &= ~duplexMode; if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(PrintAttributes.duplexModeToString(duplexMode)); } builder.append(']'); return builder.toString(); } private String colorModesToString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append('['); int colorModes = mColorModes; while (colorModes != 0) { final int colorMode = 1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(colorModes); colorModes &= ~colorMode; if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(PrintAttributes.colorModeToString(colorMode)); } builder.append(']'); return builder.toString(); } private String fittingModesToString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append('['); int fittingModes = mFittingModes; while (fittingModes != 0) { final int fittingMode = 1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(fittingModes); fittingModes &= ~fittingMode; if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(PrintAttributes.fittingModeToString(fittingMode)); } builder.append(']'); return builder.toString(); } private String orientationsToString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append('['); int orientations = mOrientations; while (orientations != 0) { final int orientation = 1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(orientations); orientations &= ~orientation; if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(PrintAttributes.orientationToString(orientation)); } builder.append(']'); return builder.toString(); } private void writeMediaSizes(Parcel parcel) { if (mMediaSizes == null) { parcel.writeInt(0); return; } final int mediaSizeCount = mMediaSizes.size(); parcel.writeInt(mediaSizeCount); for (int i = 0; i < mediaSizeCount; i++) { mMediaSizes.get(i).writeToParcel(parcel); } } private void readMediaSizes(Parcel parcel) { final int mediaSizeCount = parcel.readInt(); if (mediaSizeCount > 0 && mMediaSizes == null) { mMediaSizes = new ArrayList(); } for (int i = 0; i < mediaSizeCount; i++) { mMediaSizes.add(MediaSize.createFromParcel(parcel)); } } private void writeResolutions(Parcel parcel) { if (mResolutions == null) { parcel.writeInt(0); return; } final int resolutionCount = mResolutions.size(); parcel.writeInt(resolutionCount); for (int i = 0; i < resolutionCount; i++) { mResolutions.get(i).writeToParcel(parcel); } } private void readResolutions(Parcel parcel) { final int resolutionCount = parcel.readInt(); if (resolutionCount > 0 && mResolutions == null) { mResolutions = new ArrayList(); } for (int i = 0; i < resolutionCount; i++) { mResolutions.add(Resolution.createFromParcel(parcel)); } } private void writeMargins(Margins margins, Parcel parcel) { if (margins == null) { parcel.writeInt(0); } else { parcel.writeInt(1); margins.writeToParcel(parcel); } } private Margins readMargins(Parcel parcel) { return (parcel.readInt() == 1) ? Margins.createFromParcel(parcel) : null; } private void writeInputTrays(Parcel parcel) { if (mInputTrays == null) { parcel.writeInt(0); return; } final int inputTrayCount = mInputTrays.size(); parcel.writeInt(inputTrayCount); for (int i = 0; i < inputTrayCount; i++) { mInputTrays.get(i).writeToParcel(parcel); } } private List readInputTrays(Parcel parcel) { final int inputTrayCount = parcel.readInt(); if (inputTrayCount <= 0) { return null; } List inputTrays = new ArrayList(inputTrayCount); for (int i = 0; i < inputTrayCount; i++) { inputTrays.add(Tray.createFromParcel(parcel)); } return inputTrays; } private void writeOutputTrays(Parcel parcel) { if (mOutputTrays == null) { parcel.writeInt(0); return; } final int outputTrayCount = mOutputTrays.size(); parcel.writeInt(outputTrayCount); for (int i = 0; i < outputTrayCount; i++) { mOutputTrays.get(i).writeToParcel(parcel); } } private List readOutputTrays(Parcel parcel) { final int outputTrayCount = parcel.readInt(); if (outputTrayCount <= 0) { return null; } List outputTrays = new ArrayList(outputTrayCount); for (int i = 0; i < outputTrayCount; i++) { outputTrays.add(Tray.createFromParcel(parcel)); } return outputTrays; } private void readDefaults(Parcel parcel) { final int defaultCount = parcel.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < defaultCount; i++) { mDefaults[i] = parcel.readInt(); } } private void writeDefaults(Parcel parcel) { final int defaultCount = mDefaults.length; parcel.writeInt(defaultCount); for (int i = 0; i < defaultCount; i++) { parcel.writeInt(mDefaults[i]); } } /** * Builder for creating of a {@link PrinterInfo}. This class is responsible * to enforce that all required attributes have at least one default value. * In other words, this class creates only well-formed {@link PrinterInfo}s. *

* Look at the individual methods for a reference whether a property is * required or if it is optional. *

*/ public static final class Builder { private final PrinterCapabilitiesInfo mPrototype; /** * Creates a new instance. * * @param printerId The printer id. Cannot be null. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the printer id is null. */ public Builder(PrinterId printerId) { if (printerId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("printerId cannot be null."); } mPrototype = new PrinterCapabilitiesInfo(); } /** * Adds a supported media size. *

* Required: Yes *

* * @param mediaSize A media size. * @param isDefault Whether this is the default. * @return This builder. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If set as default and there * is already a default. * * @see PrintAttributes.MediaSize */ public Builder addMediaSize(MediaSize mediaSize, boolean isDefault) { if (mPrototype.mMediaSizes == null) { mPrototype.mMediaSizes = new ArrayList(); } final int insertionIndex = mPrototype.mMediaSizes.size(); mPrototype.mMediaSizes.add(mediaSize); if (isDefault) { throwIfDefaultAlreadySpecified(PROPERTY_MEDIA_SIZE); mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_MEDIA_SIZE] = insertionIndex; } return this; } /** * Adds a supported resolution. *

* Required: Yes *

* * @param resolution A resolution. * @param isDefault Whether this is the default. * @return This builder. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If set as default and there * is already a default. * * @see PrintAttributes.Resolution */ public Builder addResolution(Resolution resolution, boolean isDefault) { if (mPrototype.mResolutions == null) { mPrototype.mResolutions = new ArrayList(); } final int insertionIndex = mPrototype.mResolutions.size(); mPrototype.mResolutions.add(resolution); if (isDefault) { throwIfDefaultAlreadySpecified(PROPERTY_RESOLUTION); mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_RESOLUTION] = insertionIndex; } return this; } /** * Sets the minimal margins. *

* Required: No *

* * @param margins The margins. * @param defaultMargins The default margins. * @return This builder. * * @see PrintAttributes.Margins */ public Builder setMinMargins(Margins margins, Margins defaultMargins) { if (margins.getLeftMils() > defaultMargins.getLeftMils() || margins.getTopMils() > defaultMargins.getTopMils() || margins.getRightMils() < defaultMargins.getRightMils() || margins.getBottomMils() < defaultMargins.getBottomMils()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default margins" + " cannot be outside of the min margins."); } mPrototype.mMinMargins = margins; mPrototype.mDefaultMargins = defaultMargins; return this; } /** * Adds an input tray. *

* Required: No *

* * @param inputTray A tray. * @param isDefault Whether this is the default. * @return This builder. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If set as default and there * is already a default. * * @see PrintAttributes.Tray */ public Builder addInputTray(Tray inputTray, boolean isDefault) { if (mPrototype.mInputTrays == null) { mPrototype.mInputTrays = new ArrayList(); } final int insertionIndex = mPrototype.mInputTrays.size(); mPrototype.mInputTrays.add(inputTray); if (isDefault) { throwIfDefaultAlreadySpecified(PROPERTY_INPUT_TRAY); mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_INPUT_TRAY] = insertionIndex; } return this; } /** * Adds an output tray. *

* Required: No *

* * @param outputTray A tray. * @param isDefault Whether this is the default. * @return This builder. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If set as default and there * is already a default. * * @see PrintAttributes.Tray */ public Builder addOutputTray(Tray outputTray, boolean isDefault) { if (mPrototype.mOutputTrays == null) { mPrototype.mOutputTrays = new ArrayList(); } final int insertionIndex = mPrototype.mOutputTrays.size(); mPrototype.mOutputTrays.add(outputTray); if (isDefault) { throwIfDefaultAlreadySpecified(PROPERTY_OUTPUT_TRAY); mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_OUTPUT_TRAY] = insertionIndex; } return this; } /** * Sets the color modes. *

* Required: Yes *

* * @param colorModes The color mode bit mask. * @param defaultColorMode The default color mode. * @return This builder. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If color modes contains an invalid * mode bit or if the default color mode is invalid. * * @see PrintAttributes#COLOR_MODE_COLOR * @see PrintAttributes#COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME */ public Builder setColorModes(int colorModes, int defaultColorMode) { int currentModes = colorModes; while (currentModes > 0) { final int currentMode = (1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(currentModes)); currentModes &= ~currentMode; PrintAttributes.enforceValidColorMode(currentMode); } if ((colorModes & defaultColorMode) == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default color mode not in color modes."); } PrintAttributes.enforceValidColorMode(colorModes); mPrototype.mColorModes = colorModes; mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_COLOR_MODE] = defaultColorMode; return this; } /** * Set the duplex modes. *

* Required: No *

* * @param duplexModes The duplex mode bit mask. * @param defaultDuplexMode The default duplex mode. * @return This builder. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If duplex modes contains an invalid * mode bit or if the default duplex mode is invalid. * * @see PrintAttributes#DUPLEX_MODE_NONE * @see PrintAttributes#DUPLEX_MODE_LONG_EDGE * @see PrintAttributes#DUPLEX_MODE_SHORT_EDGE */ public Builder setDuplexModes(int duplexModes, int defaultDuplexMode) { int currentModes = duplexModes; while (currentModes > 0) { final int currentMode = (1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(currentModes)); currentModes &= ~currentMode; PrintAttributes.enforceValidDuplexMode(currentMode); } if ((duplexModes & defaultDuplexMode) == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default duplex mode not in duplex modes."); } PrintAttributes.enforceValidDuplexMode(defaultDuplexMode); mPrototype.mDuplexModes = duplexModes; mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_DUPLEX_MODE] = defaultDuplexMode; return this; } /** * Sets the fitting modes. *

* Required: No *

* * @param fittingModes The fitting mode bit mask. * @param defaultFittingMode The default fitting mode. * @return This builder. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If fitting modes contains an invalid * mode bit or if the default fitting mode is invalid. * * @see PrintAttributes#FITTING_MODE_NONE * @see PrintAttributes#FITTING_MODE_FIT_TO_PAGE */ public Builder setFittingModes(int fittingModes, int defaultFittingMode) { int currentModes = fittingModes; while (currentModes > 0) { final int currentMode = (1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(currentModes)); currentModes &= ~currentMode; PrintAttributes.enforceValidFittingMode(currentMode); } if ((fittingModes & defaultFittingMode) == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default fitting mode not in fiting modes."); } PrintAttributes.enforceValidFittingMode(defaultFittingMode); mPrototype.mFittingModes = fittingModes; mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_FITTING_MODE] = defaultFittingMode; return this; } /** * Sets the orientations. *

* Required: Yes *

* * @param orientations The orientation bit mask. * @param defaultOrientation The default orientation. * @return This builder. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If orientations contains an invalid * mode bit or if the default orientation is invalid. * * @see PrintAttributes#ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT * @see PrintAttributes#ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE */ public Builder setOrientations(int orientations, int defaultOrientation) { int currentOrientaions = orientations; while (currentOrientaions > 0) { final int currentOrnt = (1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(currentOrientaions)); currentOrientaions &= ~currentOrnt; PrintAttributes.enforceValidOrientation(currentOrnt); } if ((orientations & defaultOrientation) == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default orientation not in orientations."); } PrintAttributes.enforceValidOrientation(defaultOrientation); mPrototype.mOrientations = orientations; mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_ORIENTATION] = defaultOrientation; return this; } /** * Crates a new {@link PrinterCapabilitiesInfo} enforcing that all * required properties have need specified. See individual methods * in this class for reference about required attributes. * * @return A new {@link PrinterCapabilitiesInfo}. * * @throws IllegalStateException If a required attribute was not specified. */ public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo create() { if (mPrototype.mMediaSizes == null || mPrototype.mMediaSizes.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No media size specified."); } if (mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_MEDIA_SIZE] == DEFAULT_UNDEFINED) { throw new IllegalStateException("No default media size specified."); } if (mPrototype.mResolutions == null || mPrototype.mResolutions.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No resolution specified."); } if (mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_RESOLUTION] == DEFAULT_UNDEFINED) { throw new IllegalStateException("No default resolution specified."); } if (mPrototype.mColorModes == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No color mode specified."); } if (mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_COLOR_MODE] == DEFAULT_UNDEFINED) { throw new IllegalStateException("No default color mode specified."); } if (mPrototype.mOrientations == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No oprientation specified."); } if (mPrototype.mDefaults[PROPERTY_ORIENTATION] == DEFAULT_UNDEFINED) { throw new IllegalStateException("No default orientation specified."); } if (mPrototype.mMinMargins == null) { mPrototype.mMinMargins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (mPrototype.mDefaultMargins == null) { mPrototype.mDefaultMargins = mPrototype.mMinMargins; } return new PrinterCapabilitiesInfo(mPrototype); } private void throwIfDefaultAlreadySpecified(int propertyIndex) { if (mPrototype.mDefaults[propertyIndex] != DEFAULT_UNDEFINED) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default already specified."); } } } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) { return new PrinterCapabilitiesInfo(parcel); } @Override public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo[] newArray(int size) { return new PrinterCapabilitiesInfo[size]; } }; }