/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.printservice; import android.app.Service; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.print.PrintJobInfo; import android.print.PrinterId; import android.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** *

* This is the base class for implementing print services. A print service knows * how to discover and interact one or more printers via one or more protocols. *


Printer discovery


* A print service is responsible for discovering printers, adding discovered printers, * removing added printers, and updating added printers. When the system is interested * in printers managed by your service it will call {@link * #onCreatePrinterDiscoverySession()} from which you must return a new {@link * PrinterDiscoverySession} instance. The returned session encapsulates the interaction * between the system and your service during printer discovery. For description of this * interaction refer to the documentation for {@link PrinterDiscoverySession}. *


* For every printer discovery session all printers have to be added since system does * not retain printers across sessions. Hence, each printer known to this print service * should be added only once during a discovery session. Only an already added printer * can be removed or updated. Removed printers can be added again. *


Print jobs


* When a new print job targeted to a printer managed by this print service is is queued, * i.e. ready for processing by the print service, you will receive a call to {@link * #onPrintJobQueued(PrintJob)}. The print service may handle the print job immediately * or schedule that for an appropriate time in the future. The list of all active print * jobs for this service is obtained by calling {@link #getActivePrintJobs()}. Active * print jobs are ones that are queued or started. *


* A print service is responsible for setting a print job's state as appropriate * while processing it. Initially, a print job is queued, i.e. {@link PrintJob#isQueued() * PrintJob.isQueued()} returns true, which means that the document to be printed is * spooled by the system and the print service can begin processing it. You can obtain * the printed document by calling {@link PrintJob#getDocument() PrintJob.getDocument()} * whose data is accessed via {@link PrintDocument#getData() PrintDocument.getData()}. * After the print service starts printing the data it should set the print job's * state to started by calling {@link PrintJob#start()} after which * {@link PrintJob#isStarted() PrintJob.isStarted()} would return true. Upon successful * completion, the print job should be marked as completed by calling {@link * PrintJob#complete() PrintJob.complete()} after which {@link PrintJob#isCompleted() * PrintJob.isCompleted()} would return true. In case of a failure, the print job should * be marked as failed by calling {@link PrintJob#fail(String) PrintJob.fail( * String)} after which {@link PrintJob#isFailed() PrintJob.isFailed()} would * return true. *


* If a print job is queued or started and the user requests to cancel it, the print * service will receive a call to {@link #onRequestCancelPrintJob(PrintJob)} which * requests from the service to do best effort in canceling the job. In case the job * is successfully canceled, its state has to be marked as cancelled by calling {@link * PrintJob#cancel() PrintJob.cancel()} after which {@link PrintJob#isCancelled() * PrintJob.isCacnelled()} would return true. *




* The lifecycle of a print service is managed exclusively by the system and follows * the established service lifecycle. Additionally, starting or stopping a print service * is triggered exclusively by an explicit user action through enabling or disabling it * in the device settings. After the system binds to a print service, it calls {@link * #onConnected()}. This method can be overriden by clients to perform post binding setup. * Also after the system unbinds from a print service, it calls {@link #onDisconnected()}. * This method can be overriden by clients to perform post unbinding cleanup. Your should * not do any work after the system disconnected from your print service since the * service can be killed at any time to reclaim memory. The system will not disconnect * from a print service if there are active print jobs for the printers managed by it. *




* A print service is declared as any other service in an AndroidManifest.xml but it must * also specify that it handles the {@link android.content.Intent} with action {@link * #SERVICE_INTERFACE android.printservice.PrintService}. Failure to declare this intent * will cause the system to ignore the print service. Additionally, a print service must * request the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BIND_PRINT_SERVICE * android.permission.BIND_PRINT_SERVICE} permission to ensure that only the system can * bind to it. Failure to declare this intent will cause the system to ignore the print * service. Following is an example declaration: *

 * <service android:name=".MyPrintService"
 *         android:permission="android.permission.BIND_PRINT_SERVICE">
 *     <intent-filter>
 *         <action android:name="android.printservice.PrintService" />
 *     </intent-filter>
 *     . . .
 * </service>



* A print service can be configured by specifying an optional settings activity which * exposes service specific settings, an optional add printers activity which is used for * manual addition of printers, vendor name ,etc. It is a responsibility of the system * to launch the settings and add printers activities when appropriate. *


* A print service is configured by providing a {@link #SERVICE_META_DATA meta-data} * entry in the manifest when declaring the service. A service declaration with a meta-data * tag is presented below: *

 <service android:name=".MyPrintService"
 *         android:permission="android.permission.BIND_PRINT_SERVICE">
 *     <intent-filter>
 *         <action android:name="android.printservice.PrintService" />
 *     </intent-filter>
 *     <meta-data android:name="android.printservice" android:resource="@xml/printservice" />
 * </service>


* For more details for how to configure your print service via the meta-data refer to * {@link #SERVICE_META_DATA} and <{@link android.R.styleable#PrintService * print-service}>. *


* Note: All callbacks in this class are executed on the main * application thread. You should also invoke any method of this class on the main * application thread. *

*/ public abstract class PrintService extends Service { private static final String LOG_TAG = "PrintService"; /** * The {@link Intent} action that must be declared as handled by a service * in its manifest for the system to recognize it as a print service. */ public static final String SERVICE_INTERFACE = "android.printservice.PrintService"; /** * Name under which a {@link PrintService} component publishes additional information * about itself. This meta-data must reference a XML resource containing a * <{@link android.R.styleable#PrintService print-service}> tag. This is * a sample XML file configuring a print service: *
     *     android:vendor="SomeVendor"
     *     android:settingsActivity="foo.bar.MySettingsActivity"
     *     andorid:addPrintersActivity="foo.bar.MyAddPrintersActivity."
     *     . . .
     * />

* For detailed configuration options that can be specified via the meta-data * refer to {@link android.R.styleable#PrintService android.R.styleable.PrintService}. *

*/ public static final String SERVICE_META_DATA = "android.printservice"; private Handler mHandler; private IPrintServiceClient mClient; private int mLastSessionId = -1; private PrinterDiscoverySession mDiscoverySession; @Override protected final void attachBaseContext(Context base) { super.attachBaseContext(base); mHandler = new ServiceHandler(base.getMainLooper()); } /** * The system has connected to this service. */ protected void onConnected() { /* do nothing */ } /** * The system has disconnected from this service. */ protected void onDisconnected() { /* do nothing */ } /** * Callback asking you to create a new {@link PrinterDiscoverySession}. * * @see PrinterDiscoverySession */ protected abstract PrinterDiscoverySession onCreatePrinterDiscoverySession(); /** * Called when cancellation of a print job is requested. The service * should do best effort to fulfill the request. After the cancellation * is performed, the print job should be marked as cancelled state by * calling {@link PrintJob#cancel()}. * * @param printJob The print job to cancel. * * @see PrintJob#cancel() PrintJob.cancel() * @see PrintJob#isCancelled() PrintJob.isCancelled() */ protected abstract void onRequestCancelPrintJob(PrintJob printJob); /** * Called when there is a queued print job for one of the printers * managed by this print service. * * @param printJob The new queued print job. * * @see PrintJob#isQueued() PrintJob.isQueued() * @see #getActivePrintJobs() */ protected abstract void onPrintJobQueued(PrintJob printJob); /** * Gets the active print jobs for the printers managed by this service. * Active print jobs are ones that are not in a final state, i.e. whose * state is queued or started. * * @return The active print jobs. * * @see PrintJob#isQueued() PrintJob.isQueued() * @see PrintJob#isStarted() PrintJob.isStarted() */ public final List getActivePrintJobs() { throwIfNotCalledOnMainThread(); if (mClient == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } try { List printJobs = null; List printJobInfos = mClient.getPrintJobInfos(); if (printJobInfos != null) { final int printJobInfoCount = printJobInfos.size(); printJobs = new ArrayList(printJobInfoCount); for (int i = 0; i < printJobInfoCount; i++) { printJobs.add(new PrintJob(printJobInfos.get(i), mClient)); } } if (printJobs != null) { return printJobs; } } catch (RemoteException re) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error calling getPrintJobs()", re); } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Generates a global printer id given the printer's locally unique one. * * @param localId A locally unique id in the context of your print service. * @return Global printer id. */ public final PrinterId generatePrinterId(String localId) { throwIfNotCalledOnMainThread(); return new PrinterId(new ComponentName(getPackageName(), getClass().getName()), localId); } static void throwIfNotCalledOnMainThread() { if (!Looper.getMainLooper().isCurrentThread()) { throw new IllegalAccessError("must be called from the main thread"); } } @Override public final IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return new IPrintService.Stub() { @Override public void createPrinterDiscoverySession() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_CREATE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY_SESSION); } @Override public void destroyPrinterDiscoverySession() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_DESTROY_PRINTER_DISCOVERY_SESSION); } public void startPrinterDiscovery(List priorityList) { mHandler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_START_PRINTER_DISCOVERY, priorityList).sendToTarget(); } @Override public void stopPrinterDiscovery() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_STOP_PRINTER_DISCOVERY); } @Override public void validatePrinters(List printerIds) { mHandler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_VALIDATE_PRINTERS, printerIds).sendToTarget(); } @Override public void startPrinterStateTracking(PrinterId printerId) { mHandler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_START_PRINTER_STATE_TRACKING, printerId).sendToTarget(); } @Override public void stopPrinterStateTracking(PrinterId printerId) { mHandler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_STOP_PRINTER_STATE_TRACKING, printerId).sendToTarget(); } @Override public void setClient(IPrintServiceClient client) { mHandler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_SET_CLEINT, client) .sendToTarget(); } @Override public void requestCancelPrintJob(PrintJobInfo printJobInfo) { mHandler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_ON_REQUEST_CANCEL_PRINTJOB, printJobInfo).sendToTarget(); } @Override public void onPrintJobQueued(PrintJobInfo printJobInfo) { mHandler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.MSG_ON_PRINTJOB_QUEUED, printJobInfo).sendToTarget(); } }; } private final class ServiceHandler extends Handler { public static final int MSG_CREATE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY_SESSION = 1; public static final int MSG_DESTROY_PRINTER_DISCOVERY_SESSION = 2; public static final int MSG_START_PRINTER_DISCOVERY = 3; public static final int MSG_STOP_PRINTER_DISCOVERY = 4; public static final int MSG_VALIDATE_PRINTERS = 5; public static final int MSG_START_PRINTER_STATE_TRACKING = 6; public static final int MSG_STOP_PRINTER_STATE_TRACKING = 7; public static final int MSG_ON_PRINTJOB_QUEUED = 8; public static final int MSG_ON_REQUEST_CANCEL_PRINTJOB = 9; public static final int MSG_SET_CLEINT = 10; public ServiceHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper, null, true); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void handleMessage(Message message) { final int action = message.what; switch (action) { case MSG_CREATE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY_SESSION: { PrinterDiscoverySession session = onCreatePrinterDiscoverySession(); if (session == null) { throw new NullPointerException("session cannot be null"); } if (session.getId() == mLastSessionId) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot reuse session instances"); } mDiscoverySession = session; mLastSessionId = session.getId(); session.setObserver(mClient); } break; case MSG_DESTROY_PRINTER_DISCOVERY_SESSION: { if (mDiscoverySession != null) { mDiscoverySession.destroy(); mDiscoverySession = null; } } break; case MSG_START_PRINTER_DISCOVERY: { if (mDiscoverySession != null) { List priorityList = (ArrayList) message.obj; mDiscoverySession.startPrinterDiscovery(priorityList); } } break; case MSG_STOP_PRINTER_DISCOVERY: { if (mDiscoverySession != null) { mDiscoverySession.stopPrinterDiscovery(); } } break; case MSG_VALIDATE_PRINTERS: { if (mDiscoverySession != null) { List printerIds = (List) message.obj; mDiscoverySession.validatePrinters(printerIds); } } break; case MSG_START_PRINTER_STATE_TRACKING: { if (mDiscoverySession != null) { PrinterId printerId = (PrinterId) message.obj; mDiscoverySession.startPrinterStateTracking(printerId); } } break; case MSG_STOP_PRINTER_STATE_TRACKING: { if (mDiscoverySession != null) { PrinterId printerId = (PrinterId) message.obj; mDiscoverySession.stopPrinterStateTracking(printerId); } } break; case MSG_ON_REQUEST_CANCEL_PRINTJOB: { PrintJobInfo printJobInfo = (PrintJobInfo) message.obj; onRequestCancelPrintJob(new PrintJob(printJobInfo, mClient)); } break; case MSG_ON_PRINTJOB_QUEUED: { PrintJobInfo printJobInfo = (PrintJobInfo) message.obj; onPrintJobQueued(new PrintJob(printJobInfo, mClient)); } break; case MSG_SET_CLEINT: { mClient = (IPrintServiceClient) message.obj; if (mClient != null) { onConnected(); } else { onDisconnected(); } } break; default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown message: " + action); } } } } }