= 0) {
return removeAt(index);
return null;
* Remove the key/value mapping at the given index.
* @param index The desired index, must be between 0 and {@link #size()}-1.
* @return Returns the value that was stored at this index.
public V removeAt(int index) {
final Object old = mArray[(index << 1) + 1];
if (mSize <= 1) {
// Now empty.
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: shrink from " + mHashes.length + " to 0");
freeArrays(mHashes, mArray, mSize);
mHashes = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_INTS;
mArray = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_OBJECTS;
mSize = 0;
} else {
if (mHashes.length > (BASE_SIZE*2) && mSize < mHashes.length/3) {
// Shrunk enough to reduce size of arrays. We don't allow it to
// shrink smaller than (BASE_SIZE*2) to avoid flapping between
// that and BASE_SIZE.
final int n = mSize > (BASE_SIZE*2) ? (mSize + (mSize>>1)) : (BASE_SIZE*2);
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: shrink from " + mHashes.length + " to " + n);
final int[] ohashes = mHashes;
final Object[] oarray = mArray;
if (index > 0) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: copy from 0-" + index + " to 0");
System.arraycopy(ohashes, 0, mHashes, 0, index);
System.arraycopy(oarray, 0, mArray, 0, index << 1);
if (index < mSize) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: copy from " + (index+1) + "-" + mSize
+ " to " + index);
System.arraycopy(ohashes, index + 1, mHashes, index, mSize - index);
System.arraycopy(oarray, (index + 1) << 1, mArray, index << 1,
(mSize - index) << 1);
} else {
if (index < mSize) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "remove: move " + (index+1) + "-" + mSize
+ " to " + index);
System.arraycopy(mHashes, index + 1, mHashes, index, mSize - index);
System.arraycopy(mArray, (index + 1) << 1, mArray, index << 1,
(mSize - index) << 1);
mArray[mSize << 1] = null;
mArray[(mSize << 1) + 1] = null;
return (V)old;
* Return the number of items in this array map.
public int size() {
return mSize;
* {@inheritDoc}
* This implementation returns false if the object is not a map, or
* if the maps have different sizes. Otherwise, for each key in this map,
* values of both maps are compared. If the values for any key are not
* equal, the method returns false, otherwise it returns true.
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (this == object) {
return true;
if (object instanceof Map) {
Map, ?> map = (Map, ?>) object;
if (size() != map.size()) {
return false;
try {
for (int i=0; iThis implementation composes a string by iterating over its mappings. If
* this map contains itself as a key or a value, the string "(this Map)"
* will appear in its place.
public String toString() {
if (isEmpty()) {
return "{}";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(mSize * 28);
for (int i=0; i 0) {
buffer.append(", ");
Object key = keyAt(i);
if (key != this) {
} else {
buffer.append("(this Map)");
Object value = valueAt(i);
if (value != this) {
} else {
buffer.append("(this Map)");
return buffer.toString();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interop with traditional Java containers. Not as efficient as using
// specialized collection APIs.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private MapCollections getCollection() {
if (mCollections == null) {
mCollections = new MapCollections() {
protected int colGetSize() {
return mSize;
protected Object colGetEntry(int index, int offset) {
return mArray[(index<<1) + offset];
protected int colIndexOfKey(Object key) {
return key == null ? indexOfNull() : indexOf(key, key.hashCode());
protected int colIndexOfValue(Object value) {
return indexOfValue(value);
protected Map colGetMap() {
return ArrayMap.this;
protected void colPut(K key, V value) {
put(key, value);
protected V colSetValue(int index, V value) {
return setValueAt(index, value);
protected void colRemoveAt(int index) {
protected void colClear() {
return mCollections;
* Determine if the array map contains all of the keys in the given collection.
* @param collection The collection whose contents are to be checked against.
* @return Returns true if this array map contains a key for every entry
* in collection, else returns false.
public boolean containsAll(Collection> collection) {
return MapCollections.containsAllHelper(this, collection);
* Perform a {@link #put(Object, Object)} of all key/value pairs in map
* @param map The map whose contents are to be retrieved.
public void putAll(Map extends K, ? extends V> map) {
ensureCapacity(mSize + map.size());
for (Map.Entry extends K, ? extends V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* Remove all keys in the array map that exist in the given collection.
* @param collection The collection whose contents are to be used to remove keys.
* @return Returns true if any keys were removed from the array map, else false.
public boolean removeAll(Collection> collection) {
return MapCollections.removeAllHelper(this, collection);
* Remove all keys in the array map that do not exist in the given collection.
* @param collection The collection whose contents are to be used to determine which
* keys to keep.
* @return Returns true if any keys were removed from the array map, else false.
public boolean retainAll(Collection> collection) {
return MapCollections.retainAllHelper(this, collection);
* Return a {@link java.util.Set} for iterating over and interacting with all mappings
* in the array map.
* Note: this is a very inefficient way to access the array contents, it
* requires generating a number of temporary objects.
* Note:
the semantics of this
* Set are subtly different than that of a {@link java.util.HashMap}: most important,
* the {@link java.util.Map.Entry Map.Entry} object returned by its iterator is a single
* object that exists for the entire iterator, so you can not hold on to it
* after calling {@link java.util.Iterator#next() Iterator.next}.
public Set> entrySet() {
return getCollection().getEntrySet();
* Return a {@link java.util.Set} for iterating over and interacting with all keys
* in the array map.
* Note: this is a fairly inefficient way to access the array contents, it
* requires generating a number of temporary objects.
public Set keySet() {
return getCollection().getKeySet();
* Return a {@link java.util.Collection} for iterating over and interacting with all values
* in the array map.
* Note: this is a fairly inefficient way to access the array contents, it
* requires generating a number of temporary objects.
public Collection values() {
return getCollection().getValues();