/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.view; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; /** * Object used to report movement (mouse, pen, finger, trackball) events. This * class may hold either absolute or relative movements, depending on what * it is being used for. */ public final class MotionEvent implements Parcelable { static final boolean DEBUG_POINTERS = false; /** * Bit mask of the parts of the action code that are the action itself. */ public static final int ACTION_MASK = 0xff; /** * Constant for {@link #getAction}: A pressed gesture has started, the * motion contains the initial starting location. */ public static final int ACTION_DOWN = 0; /** * Constant for {@link #getAction}: A pressed gesture has finished, the * motion contains the final release location as well as any intermediate * points since the last down or move event. */ public static final int ACTION_UP = 1; /** * Constant for {@link #getAction}: A change has happened during a * press gesture (between {@link #ACTION_DOWN} and {@link #ACTION_UP}). * The motion contains the most recent point, as well as any intermediate * points since the last down or move event. */ public static final int ACTION_MOVE = 2; /** * Constant for {@link #getAction}: The current gesture has been aborted. * You will not receive any more points in it. You should treat this as * an up event, but not perform any action that you normally would. */ public static final int ACTION_CANCEL = 3; /** * Constant for {@link #getAction}: A movement has happened outside of the * normal bounds of the UI element. This does not provide a full gesture, * but only the initial location of the movement/touch. */ public static final int ACTION_OUTSIDE = 4; /** * A non-primary pointer has gone down. The bits in * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} indicate which pointer changed. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_DOWN = 5; /** * Synonym for {@link #ACTION_POINTER_DOWN} with * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} of 0: the primary pointer has gone done. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_1_DOWN = ACTION_POINTER_DOWN | 0x0000; /** * Synonym for {@link #ACTION_POINTER_DOWN} with * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} of 1: the secondary pointer has gone done. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_2_DOWN = ACTION_POINTER_DOWN | 0x0100; /** * Synonym for {@link #ACTION_POINTER_DOWN} with * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} of 2: the tertiary pointer has gone done. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_3_DOWN = ACTION_POINTER_DOWN | 0x0200; /** * A non-primary pointer has gone up. The bits in * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} indicate which pointer changed. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_UP = 6; /** * Synonym for {@link #ACTION_POINTER_UP} with * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} of 0: the primary pointer has gone up. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_1_UP = ACTION_POINTER_UP | 0x0000; /** * Synonym for {@link #ACTION_POINTER_UP} with * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} of 1: the secondary pointer has gone up. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_2_UP = ACTION_POINTER_UP | 0x0100; /** * Synonym for {@link #ACTION_POINTER_UP} with * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK} of 2: the tertiary pointer has gone up. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_3_UP = ACTION_POINTER_UP | 0x0200; /** * Bits in the action code that represent a pointer ID, used with * {@link #ACTION_POINTER_DOWN} and {@link #ACTION_POINTER_UP}. Pointer IDs * start at 0, with 0 being the primary (first) pointer in the motion. Note * that this not not an index into the array of pointer values, * which is compacted to only contain pointers that are down; the pointer * ID for a particular index can be found with {@link #findPointerIndex}. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK = 0xff00; /** * Bit shift for the action bits holding the pointer identifier as * defined by {@link #ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK}. */ public static final int ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT = 8; private static final boolean TRACK_RECYCLED_LOCATION = false; /** * Flag indicating the motion event intersected the top edge of the screen. */ public static final int EDGE_TOP = 0x00000001; /** * Flag indicating the motion event intersected the bottom edge of the screen. */ public static final int EDGE_BOTTOM = 0x00000002; /** * Flag indicating the motion event intersected the left edge of the screen. */ public static final int EDGE_LEFT = 0x00000004; /** * Flag indicating the motion event intersected the right edge of the screen. */ public static final int EDGE_RIGHT = 0x00000008; /** * Offset for the sample's X coordinate. * @hide */ static public final int SAMPLE_X = 0; /** * Offset for the sample's Y coordinate. * @hide */ static public final int SAMPLE_Y = 1; /** * Offset for the sample's X coordinate. * @hide */ static public final int SAMPLE_PRESSURE = 2; /** * Offset for the sample's X coordinate. * @hide */ static public final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 3; /** * Number of data items for each sample. * @hide */ static public final int NUM_SAMPLE_DATA = 4; /** * Number of possible pointers. * @hide */ static public final int BASE_AVAIL_POINTERS = 5; static private final int BASE_AVAIL_SAMPLES = 8; static private final int MAX_RECYCLED = 10; static private Object gRecyclerLock = new Object(); static private int gRecyclerUsed = 0; static private MotionEvent gRecyclerTop = null; private long mDownTime; private long mEventTimeNano; private int mAction; private float mRawX; private float mRawY; private float mXPrecision; private float mYPrecision; private int mDeviceId; private int mEdgeFlags; private int mMetaState; // Here is the actual event data. Note that the order of the array // is a little odd: the first entry is the most recent, and the ones // following it are the historical data from oldest to newest. This // allows us to easily retrieve the most recent data, without having // to copy the arrays every time a new sample is added. private int mNumPointers; private int mNumSamples; // Array of mNumPointers size of identifiers for each pointer of data. private int[] mPointerIdentifiers; // Array of (mNumSamples * mNumPointers * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) size of event data. private float[] mDataSamples; // Array of mNumSamples size of time stamps. private long[] mTimeSamples; private MotionEvent mNext; private RuntimeException mRecycledLocation; private boolean mRecycled; private MotionEvent() { mPointerIdentifiers = new int[BASE_AVAIL_POINTERS]; mDataSamples = new float[BASE_AVAIL_POINTERS*BASE_AVAIL_SAMPLES*NUM_SAMPLE_DATA]; mTimeSamples = new long[BASE_AVAIL_SAMPLES]; } static private MotionEvent obtain() { synchronized (gRecyclerLock) { if (gRecyclerTop == null) { return new MotionEvent(); } MotionEvent ev = gRecyclerTop; gRecyclerTop = ev.mNext; gRecyclerUsed--; ev.mRecycledLocation = null; ev.mRecycled = false; return ev; } } /** * Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that * define the motion. * * @param downTime The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start * a stream of position events. This must be obtained from {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()}. * @param eventTime The the time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This * must be obtained from {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()}. * @param eventTimeNano The the time (in ns) when this specific event was generated. This * must be obtained from {@link System#nanoTime()}. * @param action The kind of action being performed -- one of either * {@link #ACTION_DOWN}, {@link #ACTION_MOVE}, {@link #ACTION_UP}, or * {@link #ACTION_CANCEL}. * @param pointers The number of points that will be in this event. * @param inPointerIds An array of pointers values providing * an identifier for each pointer. * @param inData An array of pointers*NUM_SAMPLE_DATA of initial * data samples for the event. * @param metaState The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when * the event was generated. * @param xPrecision The precision of the X coordinate being reported. * @param yPrecision The precision of the Y coordinate being reported. * @param deviceId The id for the device that this event came from. An id of * zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other * numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. * @param edgeFlags A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, where touched by this * MotionEvent. * * @hide */ static public MotionEvent obtainNano(long downTime, long eventTime, long eventTimeNano, int action, int pointers, int[] inPointerIds, float[] inData, int metaState, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, int deviceId, int edgeFlags) { MotionEvent ev = obtain(); ev.mDeviceId = deviceId; ev.mEdgeFlags = edgeFlags; ev.mDownTime = downTime; ev.mEventTimeNano = eventTimeNano; ev.mAction = action; ev.mMetaState = metaState; ev.mRawX = inData[SAMPLE_X]; ev.mRawY = inData[SAMPLE_Y]; ev.mXPrecision = xPrecision; ev.mYPrecision = yPrecision; ev.mNumPointers = pointers; ev.mNumSamples = 1; int[] pointerIdentifiers = ev.mPointerIdentifiers; if (pointerIdentifiers.length < pointers) { ev.mPointerIdentifiers = pointerIdentifiers = new int[pointers]; } System.arraycopy(inPointerIds, 0, pointerIdentifiers, 0, pointers); final int ND = pointers * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA; float[] dataSamples = ev.mDataSamples; if (dataSamples.length < ND) { ev.mDataSamples = dataSamples = new float[ND]; } System.arraycopy(inData, 0, dataSamples, 0, ND); ev.mTimeSamples[0] = eventTime; if (DEBUG_POINTERS) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append("New:"); for (int i=0; i= NS) { System.arraycopy(o.mTimeSamples, 0, ev.mTimeSamples, 0, NS); } else { ev.mTimeSamples = (long[])o.mTimeSamples.clone(); } final int NP = (ev.mNumPointers=o.mNumPointers); if (ev.mPointerIdentifiers.length >= NP) { System.arraycopy(o.mPointerIdentifiers, 0, ev.mPointerIdentifiers, 0, NP); } else { ev.mPointerIdentifiers = (int[])o.mPointerIdentifiers.clone(); } final int ND = NP * NS * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA; if (ev.mDataSamples.length >= ND) { System.arraycopy(o.mDataSamples, 0, ev.mDataSamples, 0, ND); } else { ev.mDataSamples = (float[])o.mDataSamples.clone(); } return ev; } /** * Create a new MotionEvent, copying from an existing one, but not including * any historical point information. */ static public MotionEvent obtainNoHistory(MotionEvent o) { MotionEvent ev = obtain(); ev.mDeviceId = o.mDeviceId; ev.mEdgeFlags = o.mEdgeFlags; ev.mDownTime = o.mDownTime; ev.mEventTimeNano = o.mEventTimeNano; ev.mAction = o.mAction; ev.mNumPointers = o.mNumPointers; ev.mRawX = o.mRawX; ev.mRawY = o.mRawY; ev.mMetaState = o.mMetaState; ev.mXPrecision = o.mXPrecision; ev.mYPrecision = o.mYPrecision; ev.mNumSamples = 1; ev.mTimeSamples[0] = o.mTimeSamples[0]; final int NP = (ev.mNumPointers=o.mNumPointers); if (ev.mPointerIdentifiers.length >= NP) { System.arraycopy(o.mPointerIdentifiers, 0, ev.mPointerIdentifiers, 0, NP); } else { ev.mPointerIdentifiers = (int[])o.mPointerIdentifiers.clone(); } final int ND = NP * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA; if (ev.mDataSamples.length >= ND) { System.arraycopy(o.mDataSamples, 0, ev.mDataSamples, 0, ND); } else { ev.mDataSamples = (float[])o.mDataSamples.clone(); } return ev; } /** * Recycle the MotionEvent, to be re-used by a later caller. After calling * this function you must not ever touch the event again. */ public void recycle() { // Ensure recycle is only called once! if (TRACK_RECYCLED_LOCATION) { if (mRecycledLocation != null) { throw new RuntimeException(toString() + " recycled twice!", mRecycledLocation); } mRecycledLocation = new RuntimeException("Last recycled here"); } else if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException(toString() + " recycled twice!"); } //Log.w("MotionEvent", "Recycling event " + this, mRecycledLocation); synchronized (gRecyclerLock) { if (gRecyclerUsed < MAX_RECYCLED) { gRecyclerUsed++; mNumSamples = 0; mNext = gRecyclerTop; gRecyclerTop = this; } } } /** * Return the kind of action being performed -- one of either * {@link #ACTION_DOWN}, {@link #ACTION_MOVE}, {@link #ACTION_UP}, or * {@link #ACTION_CANCEL}. */ public final int getAction() { return mAction; } /** * Returns the time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start * a stream of position events. */ public final long getDownTime() { return mDownTime; } /** * Returns the time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. */ public final long getEventTime() { return mTimeSamples[0]; } /** * Returns the time (in ns) when this specific event was generated. * The value is in nanosecond precision but it may not have nanosecond accuracy. * * @hide */ public final long getEventTimeNano() { return mEventTimeNano; } /** * {@link #getX(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getX() { return mDataSamples[SAMPLE_X]; } /** * {@link #getY(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getY() { return mDataSamples[SAMPLE_Y]; } /** * {@link #getPressure(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getPressure() { return mDataSamples[SAMPLE_PRESSURE]; } /** * {@link #getSize(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getSize() { return mDataSamples[SAMPLE_SIZE]; } /** * The number of pointers of data contained in this event. Always * >= 1. */ public final int getPointerCount() { return mNumPointers; } /** * Return the pointer identifier associated with a particular pointer * data index is this event. The identifier tells you the actual pointer * number associated with the data, accounting for individual pointers * going up and down since the start of the current gesture. * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. */ public final int getPointerId(int pointerIndex) { return mPointerIdentifiers[pointerIndex]; } /** * Given a pointer identifier, find the index of its data in the event. * * @param pointerId The identifier of the pointer to be found. * @return Returns either the index of the pointer (for use with * {@link #getX(int) et al.), or -1 if there is no data available for * that pointer identifier. */ public final int findPointerIndex(int pointerId) { int i = mNumPointers; while (i > 0) { i--; if (mPointerIdentifiers[i] == pointerId) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Returns the X coordinate of this event for the given pointer * index (use {@link #getPointerId(int)} to find the pointer * identifier for this index). * Whole numbers are pixels; the * value may have a fraction for input devices that are sub-pixel precise. * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. */ public final float getX(int pointerIndex) { return mDataSamples[(pointerIndex*NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_X]; } /** * Returns the Y coordinate of this event for the given pointer * index (use {@link #getPointerId(int)} to find the pointer * identifier for this index). * Whole numbers are pixels; the * value may have a fraction for input devices that are sub-pixel precise. * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. */ public final float getY(int pointerIndex) { return mDataSamples[(pointerIndex*NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_Y]; } /** * Returns the current pressure of this event for the given pointer * index (use {@link #getPointerId(int)} to find the pointer * identifier for this index). * The pressure generally * ranges from 0 (no pressure at all) to 1 (normal pressure), however * values higher than 1 may be generated depending on the calibration of * the input device. * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. */ public final float getPressure(int pointerIndex) { return mDataSamples[(pointerIndex*NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_PRESSURE]; } /** * Returns a scaled value of the approximate size for the given pointer * index (use {@link #getPointerId(int)} to find the pointer * identifier for this index). * This represents some approximation of the area of the screen being * pressed; the actual value in pixels corresponding to the * touch is normalized with the device specific range of values * and scaled to a value between 0 and 1. The value of size can be used to * determine fat touch events. * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. */ public final float getSize(int pointerIndex) { return mDataSamples[(pointerIndex*NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_SIZE]; } /** * Returns the state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when * the event was generated. This is the same values as those * returned by {@link KeyEvent#getMetaState() KeyEvent.getMetaState}. * * @return an integer in which each bit set to 1 represents a pressed * meta key * * @see KeyEvent#getMetaState() */ public final int getMetaState() { return mMetaState; } /** * Returns the original raw X coordinate of this event. For touch * events on the screen, this is the original location of the event * on the screen, before it had been adjusted for the containing window * and views. */ public final float getRawX() { return mRawX; } /** * Returns the original raw Y coordinate of this event. For touch * events on the screen, this is the original location of the event * on the screen, before it had been adjusted for the containing window * and views. */ public final float getRawY() { return mRawY; } /** * Return the precision of the X coordinates being reported. You can * multiple this number with {@link #getX} to find the actual hardware * value of the X coordinate. * @return Returns the precision of X coordinates being reported. */ public final float getXPrecision() { return mXPrecision; } /** * Return the precision of the Y coordinates being reported. You can * multiple this number with {@link #getY} to find the actual hardware * value of the Y coordinate. * @return Returns the precision of Y coordinates being reported. */ public final float getYPrecision() { return mYPrecision; } /** * Returns the number of historical points in this event. These are * movements that have occurred between this event and the previous event. * This only applies to ACTION_MOVE events -- all other actions will have * a size of 0. * * @return Returns the number of historical points in the event. */ public final int getHistorySize() { return mNumSamples - 1; } /** * Returns the time that a historical movement occurred between this event * and the previous event. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events. * * @param pos Which historical value to return; must be less than * {@link #getHistorySize} * * @see #getHistorySize * @see #getEventTime */ public final long getHistoricalEventTime(int pos) { return mTimeSamples[pos + 1]; } /** * {@link #getHistoricalX(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getHistoricalX(int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + SAMPLE_X]; } /** * {@link #getHistoricalY(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getHistoricalY(int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + SAMPLE_Y]; } /** * {@link #getHistoricalPressure(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getHistoricalPressure(int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + SAMPLE_PRESSURE]; } /** * {@link #getHistoricalSize(int)} for the first pointer index (may be an * arbitrary pointer identifier). */ public final float getHistoricalSize(int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + SAMPLE_SIZE]; } /** * Returns a historical X coordinate, as per {@link #getX(int)}, that * occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. * Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events. * * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. * @param pos Which historical value to return; must be less than * {@link #getHistorySize} * * @see #getHistorySize * @see #getX */ public final float getHistoricalX(int pointerIndex, int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + (pointerIndex * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_X]; } /** * Returns a historical Y coordinate, as per {@link #getY(int)}, that * occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. * Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events. * * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. * @param pos Which historical value to return; must be less than * {@link #getHistorySize} * * @see #getHistorySize * @see #getY */ public final float getHistoricalY(int pointerIndex, int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + (pointerIndex * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_Y]; } /** * Returns a historical pressure coordinate, as per {@link #getPressure(int)}, * that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given * pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events. * * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. * @param pos Which historical value to return; must be less than * {@link #getHistorySize} * * @see #getHistorySize * @see #getPressure */ public final float getHistoricalPressure(int pointerIndex, int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + (pointerIndex * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_PRESSURE]; } /** * Returns a historical size coordinate, as per {@link #getSize(int)}, that * occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. * Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events. * * @param pointerIndex Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 * (the first pointer that is down) to {@link #getPointerCount()}-1. * @param pos Which historical value to return; must be less than * {@link #getHistorySize} * * @see #getHistorySize * @see #getSize */ public final float getHistoricalSize(int pointerIndex, int pos) { return mDataSamples[((pos + 1) * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA * mNumPointers) + (pointerIndex * NUM_SAMPLE_DATA) + SAMPLE_SIZE]; } /** * Return the id for the device that this event came from. An id of * zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other * numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. */ public final int getDeviceId() { return mDeviceId; } /** * Returns a bitfield indicating which edges, if any, where touched by this * MotionEvent. For touch events, clients can use this to determine if the * user's finger was touching the edge of the display. * * @see #EDGE_LEFT * @see #EDGE_TOP * @see #EDGE_RIGHT * @see #EDGE_BOTTOM */ public final int getEdgeFlags() { return mEdgeFlags; } /** * Sets the bitfield indicating which edges, if any, where touched by this * MotionEvent. * * @see #getEdgeFlags() */ public final void setEdgeFlags(int flags) { mEdgeFlags = flags; } /** * Sets this event's action. */ public final void setAction(int action) { mAction = action; } /** * Adjust this event's location. * @param deltaX Amount to add to the current X coordinate of the event. * @param deltaY Amount to add to the current Y coordinate of the event. */ public final void offsetLocation(float deltaX, float deltaY) { final int N = mNumPointers*mNumSamples*4; final float[] pos = mDataSamples; for (int i=0; i CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { public MotionEvent createFromParcel(Parcel in) { MotionEvent ev = obtain(); ev.readFromParcel(in); return ev; } public MotionEvent[] newArray(int size) { return new MotionEvent[size]; } }; public int describeContents() { return 0; } public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { out.writeLong(mDownTime); out.writeLong(mEventTimeNano); out.writeInt(mAction); out.writeInt(mMetaState); out.writeFloat(mRawX); out.writeFloat(mRawY); final int NP = mNumPointers; out.writeInt(NP); final int NS = mNumSamples; out.writeInt(NS); final int NI = NP*NS; if (NI > 0) { int i; int[] state = mPointerIdentifiers; for (i=0; i 0) { int[] ids = mPointerIdentifiers; if (ids.length < NP) { mPointerIdentifiers = ids = new int[NP]; } for (int i=0; i