/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.view; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.Trace; import android.util.Log; import android.util.LongSparseArray; import android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException; import android.view.View.AttachInfo; import com.android.internal.R; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; /** * Hardware renderer that proxies the rendering to a render thread. Most calls * are currently synchronous. * * The UI thread can block on the RenderThread, but RenderThread must never * block on the UI thread. * * ThreadedRenderer creates an instance of RenderProxy. RenderProxy in turn creates * and manages a CanvasContext on the RenderThread. The CanvasContext is fully managed * by the lifecycle of the RenderProxy. * * Note that although currently the EGL context & surfaces are created & managed * by the render thread, the goal is to move that into a shared structure that can * be managed by both threads. EGLSurface creation & deletion should ideally be * done on the UI thread and not the RenderThread to avoid stalling the * RenderThread with surface buffer allocation. * * @hide */ public class ThreadedRenderer extends HardwareRenderer { private static final String LOGTAG = "ThreadedRenderer"; // Keep in sync with DrawFrameTask.h SYNC_* flags // Nothing interesting to report private static final int SYNC_OK = 0; // Needs a ViewRoot invalidate private static final int SYNC_INVALIDATE_REQUIRED = 1 << 0; // Spoiler: the reward is GPU-accelerated drawing, better find that Surface! private static final int SYNC_LOST_SURFACE_REWARD_IF_FOUND = 1 << 1; private static final String[] VISUALIZERS = { PROFILE_PROPERTY_VISUALIZE_BARS, }; private static final int FLAG_DUMP_FRAMESTATS = 1 << 0; private static final int FLAG_DUMP_RESET = 1 << 1; @IntDef(flag = true, value = { FLAG_DUMP_FRAMESTATS, FLAG_DUMP_RESET }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface DumpFlags {} // Size of the rendered content. private int mWidth, mHeight; // Actual size of the drawing surface. private int mSurfaceWidth, mSurfaceHeight; // Insets between the drawing surface and rendered content. These are // applied as translation when updating the root render node. private int mInsetTop, mInsetLeft; // Whether the surface has insets. Used to protect opacity. private boolean mHasInsets; // Light and shadow properties specified by the theme. private final float mLightY; private final float mLightZ; private final float mLightRadius; private final int mAmbientShadowAlpha; private final int mSpotShadowAlpha; private long mNativeProxy; private boolean mInitialized = false; private RenderNode mRootNode; private Choreographer mChoreographer; private boolean mRootNodeNeedsUpdate; ThreadedRenderer(Context context, boolean translucent) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, R.styleable.Lighting, 0, 0); mLightY = a.getDimension(R.styleable.Lighting_lightY, 0); mLightZ = a.getDimension(R.styleable.Lighting_lightZ, 0); mLightRadius = a.getDimension(R.styleable.Lighting_lightRadius, 0); mAmbientShadowAlpha = (int) (255 * a.getFloat(R.styleable.Lighting_ambientShadowAlpha, 0) + 0.5f); mSpotShadowAlpha = (int) (255 * a.getFloat(R.styleable.Lighting_spotShadowAlpha, 0) + 0.5f); a.recycle(); long rootNodePtr = nCreateRootRenderNode(); mRootNode = RenderNode.adopt(rootNodePtr); mRootNode.setClipToBounds(false); mNativeProxy = nCreateProxy(translucent, rootNodePtr); ProcessInitializer.sInstance.init(context, mNativeProxy); loadSystemProperties(); } @Override void destroy() { mInitialized = false; updateEnabledState(null); nDestroy(mNativeProxy); } private void updateEnabledState(Surface surface) { if (surface == null || !surface.isValid()) { setEnabled(false); } else { setEnabled(mInitialized); } } @Override boolean initialize(Surface surface) throws OutOfResourcesException { mInitialized = true; updateEnabledState(surface); boolean status = nInitialize(mNativeProxy, surface); surface.allocateBuffers(); return status; } @Override void updateSurface(Surface surface) throws OutOfResourcesException { updateEnabledState(surface); nUpdateSurface(mNativeProxy, surface); } @Override boolean pauseSurface(Surface surface) { return nPauseSurface(mNativeProxy, surface); } @Override void destroyHardwareResources(View view) { destroyResources(view); nDestroyHardwareResources(mNativeProxy); } private static void destroyResources(View view) { view.destroyHardwareResources(); if (view instanceof ViewGroup) { ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) view; int count = group.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { destroyResources(group.getChildAt(i)); } } } @Override void invalidate(Surface surface) { updateSurface(surface); } @Override void detachSurfaceTexture(long hardwareLayer) { nDetachSurfaceTexture(mNativeProxy, hardwareLayer); } @Override void setup(int width, int height, Rect surfaceInsets) { final float lightX = width / 2.0f; mWidth = width; mHeight = height; if (surfaceInsets != null && (surfaceInsets.left != 0 || surfaceInsets.right != 0 || surfaceInsets.top != 0 || surfaceInsets.bottom != 0)) { mHasInsets = true; mInsetLeft = surfaceInsets.left; mInsetTop = surfaceInsets.top; mSurfaceWidth = width + mInsetLeft + surfaceInsets.right; mSurfaceHeight = height + mInsetTop + surfaceInsets.bottom; // If the surface has insets, it can't be opaque. setOpaque(false); } else { mHasInsets = false; mInsetLeft = 0; mInsetTop = 0; mSurfaceWidth = width; mSurfaceHeight = height; } mRootNode.setLeftTopRightBottom(-mInsetLeft, -mInsetTop, mSurfaceWidth, mSurfaceHeight); nSetup(mNativeProxy, mSurfaceWidth, mSurfaceHeight, lightX, mLightY, mLightZ, mLightRadius, mAmbientShadowAlpha, mSpotShadowAlpha); } @Override void setOpaque(boolean opaque) { nSetOpaque(mNativeProxy, opaque && !mHasInsets); } @Override int getWidth() { return mWidth; } @Override int getHeight() { return mHeight; } @Override void dumpGfxInfo(PrintWriter pw, FileDescriptor fd, String[] args) { pw.flush(); int flags = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case "framestats": flags |= FLAG_DUMP_FRAMESTATS; break; case "reset": flags |= FLAG_DUMP_RESET; break; } } nDumpProfileInfo(mNativeProxy, fd, flags); } @Override boolean loadSystemProperties() { boolean changed = nLoadSystemProperties(mNativeProxy); if (changed) { invalidateRoot(); } return changed; } private void updateViewTreeDisplayList(View view) { view.mPrivateFlags |= View.PFLAG_DRAWN; view.mRecreateDisplayList = (view.mPrivateFlags & View.PFLAG_INVALIDATED) == View.PFLAG_INVALIDATED; view.mPrivateFlags &= ~View.PFLAG_INVALIDATED; view.getDisplayList(); view.mRecreateDisplayList = false; } private void updateRootDisplayList(View view, HardwareDrawCallbacks callbacks) { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "Record View#draw()"); updateViewTreeDisplayList(view); if (mRootNodeNeedsUpdate || !mRootNode.isValid()) { DisplayListCanvas canvas = mRootNode.start(mSurfaceWidth, mSurfaceHeight); try { final int saveCount = canvas.save(); canvas.translate(mInsetLeft, mInsetTop); callbacks.onHardwarePreDraw(canvas); canvas.insertReorderBarrier(); canvas.drawRenderNode(view.getDisplayList()); canvas.insertInorderBarrier(); callbacks.onHardwarePostDraw(canvas); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); mRootNodeNeedsUpdate = false; } finally { mRootNode.end(canvas); } } Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); } @Override void invalidateRoot() { mRootNodeNeedsUpdate = true; } @Override void draw(View view, AttachInfo attachInfo, HardwareDrawCallbacks callbacks) { attachInfo.mIgnoreDirtyState = true; final Choreographer choreographer = attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mChoreographer; choreographer.mFrameInfo.markDrawStart(); updateRootDisplayList(view, callbacks); attachInfo.mIgnoreDirtyState = false; // register animating rendernodes which started animating prior to renderer // creation, which is typical for animators started prior to first draw if (attachInfo.mPendingAnimatingRenderNodes != null) { final int count = attachInfo.mPendingAnimatingRenderNodes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { registerAnimatingRenderNode( attachInfo.mPendingAnimatingRenderNodes.get(i)); } attachInfo.mPendingAnimatingRenderNodes.clear(); // We don't need this anymore as subsequent calls to // ViewRootImpl#attachRenderNodeAnimator will go directly to us. attachInfo.mPendingAnimatingRenderNodes = null; } final long[] frameInfo = choreographer.mFrameInfo.mFrameInfo; int syncResult = nSyncAndDrawFrame(mNativeProxy, frameInfo, frameInfo.length); if ((syncResult & SYNC_LOST_SURFACE_REWARD_IF_FOUND) != 0) { setEnabled(false); attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mSurface.release(); // Invalidate since we failed to draw. This should fetch a Surface // if it is still needed or do nothing if we are no longer drawing attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.invalidate(); } if ((syncResult & SYNC_INVALIDATE_REQUIRED) != 0) { attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.invalidate(); } } static void invokeFunctor(long functor, boolean waitForCompletion) { nInvokeFunctor(functor, waitForCompletion); } @Override HardwareLayer createTextureLayer() { long layer = nCreateTextureLayer(mNativeProxy); return HardwareLayer.adoptTextureLayer(this, layer); } @Override void buildLayer(RenderNode node) { nBuildLayer(mNativeProxy, node.getNativeDisplayList()); } @Override boolean copyLayerInto(final HardwareLayer layer, final Bitmap bitmap) { return nCopyLayerInto(mNativeProxy, layer.getDeferredLayerUpdater(), bitmap.getSkBitmap()); } @Override void pushLayerUpdate(HardwareLayer layer) { nPushLayerUpdate(mNativeProxy, layer.getDeferredLayerUpdater()); } @Override void onLayerDestroyed(HardwareLayer layer) { nCancelLayerUpdate(mNativeProxy, layer.getDeferredLayerUpdater()); } @Override void setName(String name) { nSetName(mNativeProxy, name); } @Override void fence() { nFence(mNativeProxy); } @Override void stopDrawing() { nStopDrawing(mNativeProxy); } @Override public void notifyFramePending() { nNotifyFramePending(mNativeProxy); } @Override void registerAnimatingRenderNode(RenderNode animator) { nRegisterAnimatingRenderNode(mRootNode.mNativeRenderNode, animator.mNativeRenderNode); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { nDeleteProxy(mNativeProxy); mNativeProxy = 0; } finally { super.finalize(); } } static void trimMemory(int level) { nTrimMemory(level); } public static void dumpProfileData(byte[] data, FileDescriptor fd) { nDumpProfileData(data, fd); } private static class ProcessInitializer { static ProcessInitializer sInstance = new ProcessInitializer(); static IGraphicsStats sGraphicsStatsService; private static IBinder sProcToken; private boolean mInitialized = false; private ProcessInitializer() {} synchronized void init(Context context, long renderProxy) { if (mInitialized) return; mInitialized = true; initGraphicsStats(context, renderProxy); initAssetAtlas(context, renderProxy); } private static void initGraphicsStats(Context context, long renderProxy) { IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("graphicsstats"); if (binder == null) return; sGraphicsStatsService = IGraphicsStats.Stub.asInterface(binder); sProcToken = new Binder(); try { final String pkg = context.getApplicationInfo().packageName; ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = sGraphicsStatsService. requestBufferForProcess(pkg, sProcToken); nSetProcessStatsBuffer(renderProxy, pfd.getFd()); pfd.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not acquire gfx stats buffer", e); } } private static void initAssetAtlas(Context context, long renderProxy) { IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("assetatlas"); if (binder == null) return; IAssetAtlas atlas = IAssetAtlas.Stub.asInterface(binder); try { if (atlas.isCompatible(android.os.Process.myPpid())) { GraphicBuffer buffer = atlas.getBuffer(); if (buffer != null) { long[] map = atlas.getMap(); if (map != null) { // TODO Remove after fixing b/15425820 validateMap(context, map); nSetAtlas(renderProxy, buffer, map); } // If IAssetAtlas is not the same class as the IBinder // we are using a remote service and we can safely // destroy the graphic buffer if (atlas.getClass() != binder.getClass()) { buffer.destroy(); } } } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not acquire atlas", e); } } private static void validateMap(Context context, long[] map) { Log.d("Atlas", "Validating map..."); HashSet preloadedPointers = new HashSet(); // We only care about drawables that hold bitmaps final Resources resources = context.getResources(); final LongSparseArray drawables = resources.getPreloadedDrawables(); final int count = drawables.size(); ArrayList tmpList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { drawables.valueAt(i).addAtlasableBitmaps(tmpList); for (int j = 0; j < tmpList.size(); j++) { preloadedPointers.add(tmpList.get(j).getSkBitmap()); } tmpList.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i += 4) { if (!preloadedPointers.contains(map[i])) { Log.w("Atlas", String.format("Pointer 0x%X, not in getPreloadedDrawables?", map[i])); map[i] = 0; } } } } static native void setupShadersDiskCache(String cacheFile); private static native void nSetAtlas(long nativeProxy, GraphicBuffer buffer, long[] map); private static native void nSetProcessStatsBuffer(long nativeProxy, int fd); private static native long nCreateRootRenderNode(); private static native long nCreateProxy(boolean translucent, long rootRenderNode); private static native void nDeleteProxy(long nativeProxy); private static native boolean nLoadSystemProperties(long nativeProxy); private static native void nSetName(long nativeProxy, String name); private static native boolean nInitialize(long nativeProxy, Surface window); private static native void nUpdateSurface(long nativeProxy, Surface window); private static native boolean nPauseSurface(long nativeProxy, Surface window); private static native void nSetup(long nativeProxy, int width, int height, float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightRadius, int ambientShadowAlpha, int spotShadowAlpha); private static native void nSetOpaque(long nativeProxy, boolean opaque); private static native int nSyncAndDrawFrame(long nativeProxy, long[] frameInfo, int size); private static native void nDestroy(long nativeProxy); private static native void nRegisterAnimatingRenderNode(long rootRenderNode, long animatingNode); private static native void nInvokeFunctor(long functor, boolean waitForCompletion); private static native long nCreateTextureLayer(long nativeProxy); private static native void nBuildLayer(long nativeProxy, long node); private static native boolean nCopyLayerInto(long nativeProxy, long layer, long bitmap); private static native void nPushLayerUpdate(long nativeProxy, long layer); private static native void nCancelLayerUpdate(long nativeProxy, long layer); private static native void nDetachSurfaceTexture(long nativeProxy, long layer); private static native void nDestroyHardwareResources(long nativeProxy); private static native void nTrimMemory(int level); private static native void nFence(long nativeProxy); private static native void nStopDrawing(long nativeProxy); private static native void nNotifyFramePending(long nativeProxy); private static native void nDumpProfileInfo(long nativeProxy, FileDescriptor fd, @DumpFlags int dumpFlags); private static native void nDumpProfileData(byte[] data, FileDescriptor fd); }