/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.webkit; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import java.util.Set; final class JWebCoreJavaBridge extends Handler { // Identifier for the timer message. private static final int TIMER_MESSAGE = 1; // ID for servicing functionptr queue private static final int FUNCPTR_MESSAGE = 2; // Log system identifier. private static final String LOGTAG = "webkit-timers"; // Native object pointer for interacting in native code. private int mNativeBridge; // Instant timer is used to implement a timer that needs to fire almost // immediately. private boolean mHasInstantTimer; // Reference count the pause/resume of timers private int mPauseTimerRefCount; private boolean mTimerPaused; private boolean mHasDeferredTimers; // keep track of the main WebView attached to the current window so that we // can get the proper Context. private WebView mCurrentMainWebView; /* package */ static final int REFRESH_PLUGINS = 100; /** * Construct a new JWebCoreJavaBridge to interface with * WebCore timers and cookies. */ public JWebCoreJavaBridge() { nativeConstructor(); } @Override protected void finalize() { nativeFinalize(); } synchronized void setActiveWebView(WebView webview) { if (mCurrentMainWebView != null) { // it is possible if there is a sub-WebView. Do nothing. return; } mCurrentMainWebView = webview; } synchronized void removeActiveWebView(WebView webview) { if (mCurrentMainWebView != webview) { // it is possible if there is a sub-WebView. Do nothing. return; } mCurrentMainWebView = null; } /** * Call native timer callbacks. */ private void fireSharedTimer() { PerfChecker checker = new PerfChecker(); // clear the flag so that sharedTimerFired() can set a new timer mHasInstantTimer = false; sharedTimerFired(); checker.responseAlert("sharedTimer"); } /** * handleMessage * @param msg The dispatched message. * * The only accepted message currently is TIMER_MESSAGE */ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case TIMER_MESSAGE: { if (mTimerPaused) { mHasDeferredTimers = true; } else { fireSharedTimer(); } break; } case FUNCPTR_MESSAGE: nativeServiceFuncPtrQueue(); break; case REFRESH_PLUGINS: nativeUpdatePluginDirectories(PluginManager.getInstance(null) .getPluginDirectories(), ((Boolean) msg.obj) .booleanValue()); break; } } // called from JNI side private void signalServiceFuncPtrQueue() { Message msg = obtainMessage(FUNCPTR_MESSAGE); sendMessage(msg); } private native void nativeServiceFuncPtrQueue(); /** * Pause all timers. */ public void pause() { if (--mPauseTimerRefCount == 0) { mTimerPaused = true; mHasDeferredTimers = false; } } /** * Resume all timers. */ public void resume() { if (++mPauseTimerRefCount == 1) { mTimerPaused = false; if (mHasDeferredTimers) { mHasDeferredTimers = false; fireSharedTimer(); } } } /** * Set WebCore cache size. * @param bytes The cache size in bytes. */ public native void setCacheSize(int bytes); /** * Store a cookie string associated with a url. * @param url The url to be used as a key for the cookie. * @param value The cookie string to be stored. */ private void setCookies(String url, String value) { if (value.contains("\r") || value.contains("\n")) { // for security reason, filter out '\r' and '\n' from the cookie int size = value.length(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(size); int i = 0; while (i != -1 && i < size) { int ir = value.indexOf('\r', i); int in = value.indexOf('\n', i); int newi = (ir == -1) ? in : (in == -1 ? ir : (ir < in ? ir : in)); if (newi > i) { buffer.append(value.subSequence(i, newi)); } else if (newi == -1) { buffer.append(value.subSequence(i, size)); break; } i = newi + 1; } value = buffer.toString(); } CookieManager.getInstance().setCookie(url, value); } /** * Retrieve the cookie string for the given url. * @param url The resource's url. * @return A String representing the cookies for the given resource url. */ private String cookies(String url) { return CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(url); } /** * Returns whether cookies are enabled or not. */ private boolean cookiesEnabled() { return CookieManager.getInstance().acceptCookie(); } /** * Returns an array of plugin directoies */ private String[] getPluginDirectories() { return PluginManager.getInstance(null).getPluginDirectories(); } /** * Returns the path of the plugin data directory */ private String getPluginSharedDataDirectory() { return PluginManager.getInstance(null).getPluginSharedDataDirectory(); } /** * setSharedTimer * @param timemillis The relative time when the timer should fire */ private void setSharedTimer(long timemillis) { if (DebugFlags.J_WEB_CORE_JAVA_BRIDGE) Log.v(LOGTAG, "setSharedTimer " + timemillis); if (timemillis <= 0) { // we don't accumulate the sharedTimer unless it is a delayed // request. This way we won't flood the message queue with // WebKit messages. This should improve the browser's // responsiveness to key events. if (mHasInstantTimer) { return; } else { mHasInstantTimer = true; Message msg = obtainMessage(TIMER_MESSAGE); sendMessageDelayed(msg, timemillis); } } else { Message msg = obtainMessage(TIMER_MESSAGE); sendMessageDelayed(msg, timemillis); } } /** * Stop the shared timer. */ private void stopSharedTimer() { if (DebugFlags.J_WEB_CORE_JAVA_BRIDGE) { Log.v(LOGTAG, "stopSharedTimer removing all timers"); } removeMessages(TIMER_MESSAGE); mHasInstantTimer = false; mHasDeferredTimers = false; } private String[] getKeyStrengthList() { return CertTool.getKeyStrengthList(); } synchronized private String getSignedPublicKey(int index, String challenge, String url) { if (mCurrentMainWebView != null) { // generateKeyPair expects organizations which we don't have. Ignore // url. return CertTool.getSignedPublicKey( mCurrentMainWebView.getContext(), index, challenge); } else { Log.e(LOGTAG, "There is no active WebView for getSignedPublicKey"); return ""; } } private native void nativeConstructor(); private native void nativeFinalize(); private native void sharedTimerFired(); private native void nativeUpdatePluginDirectories(String[] directories, boolean reload); public native void setNetworkOnLine(boolean online); public native void setNetworkType(String type, String subtype); public native void addPackageNames(Set packageNames); public native void addPackageName(String packageName); public native void removePackageName(String packageName); }