#define LOG_TAG "Bitmap" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Paint.h" #include "SkBitmap.h" #include "SkPixelRef.h" #include "SkImageEncoder.h" #include "SkImageInfo.h" #include "SkColorPriv.h" #include "GraphicsJNI.h" #include "SkDither.h" #include "SkUnPreMultiply.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include #include "android_os_Parcel.h" #include "android_util_Binder.h" #include "android_nio_utils.h" #include "CreateJavaOutputStreamAdaptor.h" #include #include "core_jni_helpers.h" #include namespace android { class WrappedPixelRef : public SkPixelRef { public: WrappedPixelRef(Bitmap* wrapper, void* storage, const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable* ctable) : SkPixelRef(info) , mBitmap(*wrapper) , mStorage(storage) { reconfigure(info, rowBytes, ctable); } ~WrappedPixelRef() { // Tell SkRefCnt that everything is as it expects by forcing // the refcnt to 1 internal_dispose_restore_refcnt_to_1(); SkSafeUnref(mColorTable); } void reconfigure(const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable* ctable) { if (kIndex_8_SkColorType != info.colorType()) { ctable = nullptr; } mRowBytes = rowBytes; if (mColorTable != ctable) { SkSafeUnref(mColorTable); mColorTable = ctable; SkSafeRef(mColorTable); } // Dirty hack is dirty // TODO: Figure something out here, Skia's current design makes this // really hard to work with. Skia really, really wants immutable objects, // but with the nested-ref-count hackery going on that's just not // feasible without going insane trying to figure it out SkImageInfo* myInfo = const_cast(&this->info()); *myInfo = info; // Docs say to only call this in the ctor, but we're going to call // it anyway even if this isn't always the ctor. // TODO: Fix this too as part of the above TODO setPreLocked(mStorage, mRowBytes, mColorTable); } // Can't mark as override since SkPixelRef::rowBytes isn't virtual // but that's OK since we just want BitmapWrapper to be able to rely // on calling rowBytes() on an unlocked pixelref, which it will be // doing on a WrappedPixelRef type, not a SkPixelRef, so static // dispatching will do what we want. size_t rowBytes() const { return mRowBytes; } SkColorTable* colorTable() const { return mColorTable; } bool hasHardwareMipMap() const { return mHasHardwareMipMap; } void setHasHardwareMipMap(bool hasMipMap) { mHasHardwareMipMap = hasMipMap; } protected: virtual bool onNewLockPixels(LockRec* rec) override { rec->fPixels = mStorage; rec->fRowBytes = mRowBytes; rec->fColorTable = mColorTable; return true; } virtual void onUnlockPixels() override { // nothing } virtual size_t getAllocatedSizeInBytes() const override { return info().getSafeSize(mRowBytes); } private: Bitmap& mBitmap; void* mStorage; size_t mRowBytes = 0; SkColorTable* mColorTable = nullptr; bool mHasHardwareMipMap = false; virtual void internal_dispose() const override { mBitmap.onStrongRefDestroyed(); } }; Bitmap::Bitmap(JNIEnv* env, jbyteArray storageObj, void* address, const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable* ctable) : mPixelStorageType(PixelStorageType::Java) { env->GetJavaVM(&mPixelStorage.java.jvm); mPixelStorage.java.jweakRef = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(storageObj); mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef = nullptr; mPixelRef.reset(new WrappedPixelRef(this, address, info, rowBytes, ctable)); // Note: this will trigger a call to onStrongRefDestroyed(), but // we want the pixel ref to have a ref count of 0 at this point mPixelRef->unref(); } Bitmap::Bitmap(void* address, void* context, FreeFunc freeFunc, const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable* ctable) : mPixelStorageType(PixelStorageType::External) { mPixelStorage.external.address = address; mPixelStorage.external.context = context; mPixelStorage.external.freeFunc = freeFunc; mPixelRef.reset(new WrappedPixelRef(this, address, info, rowBytes, ctable)); // Note: this will trigger a call to onStrongRefDestroyed(), but // we want the pixel ref to have a ref count of 0 at this point mPixelRef->unref(); } Bitmap::~Bitmap() { doFreePixels(); } void Bitmap::freePixels() { AutoMutex _lock(mLock); if (mPinnedRefCount == 0) { doFreePixels(); mPixelStorageType = PixelStorageType::Invalid; } } void Bitmap::doFreePixels() { switch (mPixelStorageType) { case PixelStorageType::Invalid: // already free'd, nothing to do break; case PixelStorageType::External: mPixelStorage.external.freeFunc(mPixelStorage.external.address, mPixelStorage.external.context); break; case PixelStorageType::Java: JNIEnv* env = jniEnv(); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef, "Deleting a bitmap wrapper while there are outstanding strong " "references! mPinnedRefCount = %d", mPinnedRefCount); env->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(mPixelStorage.java.jweakRef); break; } if (android::uirenderer::Caches::hasInstance()) { android::uirenderer::Caches::getInstance().textureCache.releaseTexture( mPixelRef->getStableID()); } } bool Bitmap::hasHardwareMipMap() { return mPixelRef->hasHardwareMipMap(); } void Bitmap::setHasHardwareMipMap(bool hasMipMap) { mPixelRef->setHasHardwareMipMap(hasMipMap); } const SkImageInfo& Bitmap::info() const { assertValid(); return mPixelRef->info(); } size_t Bitmap::rowBytes() const { return mPixelRef->rowBytes(); } SkPixelRef* Bitmap::peekAtPixelRef() const { assertValid(); return mPixelRef.get(); } SkPixelRef* Bitmap::refPixelRef() { assertValid(); android::AutoMutex _lock(mLock); return refPixelRefLocked(); } SkPixelRef* Bitmap::refPixelRefLocked() { mPixelRef->ref(); if (mPixelRef->unique()) { // We just restored this from 0, pin the pixels and inc the strong count // Note that there *might be* an incoming onStrongRefDestroyed from whatever // last unref'd pinPixelsLocked(); mPinnedRefCount++; } return mPixelRef.get(); } void Bitmap::reconfigure(const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable* ctable) { { android::AutoMutex _lock(mLock); if (mPinnedRefCount) { ALOGW("Called reconfigure on a bitmap that is in use! This may" " cause graphical corruption!"); } } mPixelRef->reconfigure(info, rowBytes, ctable); } void Bitmap::reconfigure(const SkImageInfo& info) { reconfigure(info, info.minRowBytes(), nullptr); } void Bitmap::detachFromJava() { bool disposeSelf; { android::AutoMutex _lock(mLock); mAttachedToJava = false; disposeSelf = shouldDisposeSelfLocked(); } if (disposeSelf) { delete this; } } bool Bitmap::shouldDisposeSelfLocked() { return mPinnedRefCount == 0 && !mAttachedToJava; } JNIEnv* Bitmap::jniEnv() { JNIEnv* env; auto success = mPixelStorage.java.jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(success != JNI_OK, "Failed to get JNIEnv* from JVM: %p", mPixelStorage.java.jvm); return env; } void Bitmap::onStrongRefDestroyed() { bool disposeSelf = false; { android::AutoMutex _lock(mLock); if (mPinnedRefCount > 0) { mPinnedRefCount--; if (mPinnedRefCount == 0) { unpinPixelsLocked(); disposeSelf = shouldDisposeSelfLocked(); } } } if (disposeSelf) { delete this; } } void Bitmap::pinPixelsLocked() { switch (mPixelStorageType) { case PixelStorageType::Invalid: LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Cannot pin invalid pixels!"); break; case PixelStorageType::External: // Nothing to do break; case PixelStorageType::Java: { JNIEnv* env = jniEnv(); if (!mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef) { mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef = reinterpret_cast( env->NewGlobalRef(mPixelStorage.java.jweakRef)); if (!mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Failed to acquire strong reference to pixels"); } } break; } } } void Bitmap::unpinPixelsLocked() { switch (mPixelStorageType) { case PixelStorageType::Invalid: LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Cannot unpin invalid pixels!"); break; case PixelStorageType::External: // Don't need to do anything break; case PixelStorageType::Java: { JNIEnv* env = jniEnv(); if (mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef); mPixelStorage.java.jstrongRef = nullptr; } break; } } } void Bitmap::getSkBitmap(SkBitmap* outBitmap) { assertValid(); android::AutoMutex _lock(mLock); // Safe because mPixelRef is a WrappedPixelRef type, otherwise rowBytes() // would require locking the pixels first. outBitmap->setInfo(mPixelRef->info(), mPixelRef->rowBytes()); outBitmap->setPixelRef(refPixelRefLocked())->unref(); outBitmap->setHasHardwareMipMap(hasHardwareMipMap()); } void Bitmap::assertValid() const { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mPixelStorageType == PixelStorageType::Invalid, "Error, cannot access an invalid/free'd bitmap here!"); } } // namespace android using namespace android; // Convenience class that does not take a global ref on the pixels, relying // on the caller already having a local JNI ref class LocalScopedBitmap { public: LocalScopedBitmap(jlong bitmapHandle) : mBitmap(reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)) {} Bitmap* operator->() { return mBitmap; } void* pixels() { return mBitmap->peekAtPixelRef()->pixels(); } bool valid() { return mBitmap && mBitmap->valid(); } private: Bitmap* mBitmap; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Conversions to/from SkColor, for get/setPixels, and the create method, which // is basically like setPixels typedef void (*FromColorProc)(void* dst, const SkColor src[], int width, int x, int y); static void FromColor_D32(void* dst, const SkColor src[], int width, int, int) { SkPMColor* d = (SkPMColor*)dst; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { *d++ = SkPreMultiplyColor(*src++); } } static void FromColor_D32_Raw(void* dst, const SkColor src[], int width, int, int) { // Needed to thwart the unreachable code detection from clang. static const bool sk_color_ne_zero = SK_COLOR_MATCHES_PMCOLOR_BYTE_ORDER; // SkColor's ordering may be different from SkPMColor if (sk_color_ne_zero) { memcpy(dst, src, width * sizeof(SkColor)); return; } // order isn't same, repack each pixel manually SkPMColor* d = (SkPMColor*)dst; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { SkColor c = *src++; *d++ = SkPackARGB32NoCheck(SkColorGetA(c), SkColorGetR(c), SkColorGetG(c), SkColorGetB(c)); } } static void FromColor_D565(void* dst, const SkColor src[], int width, int x, int y) { uint16_t* d = (uint16_t*)dst; DITHER_565_SCAN(y); for (int stop = x + width; x < stop; x++) { SkColor c = *src++; *d++ = SkDitherRGBTo565(SkColorGetR(c), SkColorGetG(c), SkColorGetB(c), DITHER_VALUE(x)); } } static void FromColor_D4444(void* dst, const SkColor src[], int width, int x, int y) { SkPMColor16* d = (SkPMColor16*)dst; DITHER_4444_SCAN(y); for (int stop = x + width; x < stop; x++) { SkPMColor pmc = SkPreMultiplyColor(*src++); *d++ = SkDitherARGB32To4444(pmc, DITHER_VALUE(x)); // *d++ = SkPixel32ToPixel4444(pmc); } } static void FromColor_D4444_Raw(void* dst, const SkColor src[], int width, int x, int y) { SkPMColor16* d = (SkPMColor16*)dst; DITHER_4444_SCAN(y); for (int stop = x + width; x < stop; x++) { SkColor c = *src++; // SkPMColor is used because the ordering is ARGB32, even though the target actually premultiplied SkPMColor pmc = SkPackARGB32NoCheck(SkColorGetA(c), SkColorGetR(c), SkColorGetG(c), SkColorGetB(c)); *d++ = SkDitherARGB32To4444(pmc, DITHER_VALUE(x)); // *d++ = SkPixel32ToPixel4444(pmc); } } // can return NULL static FromColorProc ChooseFromColorProc(const SkBitmap& bitmap) { switch (bitmap.colorType()) { case kN32_SkColorType: return bitmap.alphaType() == kPremul_SkAlphaType ? FromColor_D32 : FromColor_D32_Raw; case kARGB_4444_SkColorType: return bitmap.alphaType() == kPremul_SkAlphaType ? FromColor_D4444 : FromColor_D4444_Raw; case kRGB_565_SkColorType: return FromColor_D565; default: break; } return NULL; } bool GraphicsJNI::SetPixels(JNIEnv* env, jintArray srcColors, int srcOffset, int srcStride, int x, int y, int width, int height, const SkBitmap& dstBitmap) { SkAutoLockPixels alp(dstBitmap); void* dst = dstBitmap.getPixels(); FromColorProc proc = ChooseFromColorProc(dstBitmap); if (NULL == dst || NULL == proc) { return false; } const jint* array = env->GetIntArrayElements(srcColors, NULL); const SkColor* src = (const SkColor*)array + srcOffset; // reset to to actual choice from caller dst = dstBitmap.getAddr(x, y); // now copy/convert each scanline for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { proc(dst, src, width, x, y); src += srcStride; dst = (char*)dst + dstBitmap.rowBytes(); } dstBitmap.notifyPixelsChanged(); env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(srcColors, const_cast(array), JNI_ABORT); return true; } //////////////////// ToColor procs typedef void (*ToColorProc)(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*); static void ToColor_S32_Alpha(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const SkPMColor* s = (const SkPMColor*)src; do { *dst++ = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(*s++); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_S32_Raw(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const SkPMColor* s = (const SkPMColor*)src; do { SkPMColor c = *s++; *dst++ = SkColorSetARGB(SkGetPackedA32(c), SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_S32_Opaque(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const SkPMColor* s = (const SkPMColor*)src; do { SkPMColor c = *s++; *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_S4444_Alpha(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const SkPMColor16* s = (const SkPMColor16*)src; do { *dst++ = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(SkPixel4444ToPixel32(*s++)); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_S4444_Raw(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const SkPMColor16* s = (const SkPMColor16*)src; do { SkPMColor c = SkPixel4444ToPixel32(*s++); *dst++ = SkColorSetARGB(SkGetPackedA32(c), SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_S4444_Opaque(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const SkPMColor16* s = (const SkPMColor16*)src; do { SkPMColor c = SkPixel4444ToPixel32(*s++); *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_S565(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const uint16_t* s = (const uint16_t*)src; do { uint16_t c = *s++; *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkPacked16ToR32(c), SkPacked16ToG32(c), SkPacked16ToB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_SI8_Alpha(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable* ctable) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const uint8_t* s = (const uint8_t*)src; const SkPMColor* colors = ctable->readColors(); do { *dst++ = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(colors[*s++]); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_SI8_Raw(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable* ctable) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const uint8_t* s = (const uint8_t*)src; const SkPMColor* colors = ctable->readColors(); do { SkPMColor c = colors[*s++]; *dst++ = SkColorSetARGB(SkGetPackedA32(c), SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); } static void ToColor_SI8_Opaque(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable* ctable) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const uint8_t* s = (const uint8_t*)src; const SkPMColor* colors = ctable->readColors(); do { SkPMColor c = colors[*s++]; *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); } // can return NULL static ToColorProc ChooseToColorProc(const SkBitmap& src) { switch (src.colorType()) { case kN32_SkColorType: switch (src.alphaType()) { case kOpaque_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_S32_Opaque; case kPremul_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_S32_Alpha; case kUnpremul_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_S32_Raw; default: return NULL; } case kARGB_4444_SkColorType: switch (src.alphaType()) { case kOpaque_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_S4444_Opaque; case kPremul_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_S4444_Alpha; case kUnpremul_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_S4444_Raw; default: return NULL; } case kRGB_565_SkColorType: return ToColor_S565; case kIndex_8_SkColorType: if (src.getColorTable() == NULL) { return NULL; } switch (src.alphaType()) { case kOpaque_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_SI8_Opaque; case kPremul_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_SI8_Alpha; case kUnpremul_SkAlphaType: return ToColor_SI8_Raw; default: return NULL; } default: break; } return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(bool isMutable) { int flags = GraphicsJNI::kBitmapCreateFlag_Premultiplied; if (isMutable) flags |= GraphicsJNI::kBitmapCreateFlag_Mutable; return flags; } static jobject Bitmap_creator(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jintArray jColors, jint offset, jint stride, jint width, jint height, jint configHandle, jboolean isMutable) { SkColorType colorType = GraphicsJNI::legacyBitmapConfigToColorType(configHandle); if (NULL != jColors) { size_t n = env->GetArrayLength(jColors); if (n < SkAbs32(stride) * (size_t)height) { doThrowAIOOBE(env); return NULL; } } // ARGB_4444 is a deprecated format, convert automatically to 8888 if (colorType == kARGB_4444_SkColorType) { colorType = kN32_SkColorType; } SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.setInfo(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, colorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType)); Bitmap* nativeBitmap = GraphicsJNI::allocateJavaPixelRef(env, &bitmap, NULL); if (!nativeBitmap) { return NULL; } if (jColors != NULL) { GraphicsJNI::SetPixels(env, jColors, offset, stride, 0, 0, width, height, bitmap); } return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, nativeBitmap, getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(isMutable)); } static jobject Bitmap_copy(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong srcHandle, jint dstConfigHandle, jboolean isMutable) { SkBitmap src; reinterpret_cast(srcHandle)->getSkBitmap(&src); SkColorType dstCT = GraphicsJNI::legacyBitmapConfigToColorType(dstConfigHandle); SkBitmap result; JavaPixelAllocator allocator(env); if (!src.copyTo(&result, dstCT, &allocator)) { return NULL; } Bitmap* bitmap = allocator.getStorageObjAndReset(); return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, bitmap, getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(isMutable)); } static void Bitmap_destructor(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); bitmap->detachFromJava(); } static jboolean Bitmap_recycle(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); bitmap->freePixels(); return JNI_TRUE; } static void Bitmap_reconfigure(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong bitmapHandle, jint width, jint height, jint configHandle, jint allocSize, jboolean requestPremul) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); SkColorType colorType = GraphicsJNI::legacyBitmapConfigToColorType(configHandle); // ARGB_4444 is a deprecated format, convert automatically to 8888 if (colorType == kARGB_4444_SkColorType) { colorType = kN32_SkColorType; } if (width * height * SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel(colorType) > allocSize) { // done in native as there's no way to get BytesPerPixel in Java doThrowIAE(env, "Bitmap not large enough to support new configuration"); return; } SkAlphaType alphaType; if (bitmap->info().colorType() != kRGB_565_SkColorType && bitmap->info().alphaType() == kOpaque_SkAlphaType) { // If the original bitmap was set to opaque, keep that setting, unless it // was 565, which is required to be opaque. alphaType = kOpaque_SkAlphaType; } else { // Otherwise respect the premultiplied request. alphaType = requestPremul ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kUnpremul_SkAlphaType; } bitmap->reconfigure(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, colorType, alphaType)); } // These must match the int values in Bitmap.java enum JavaEncodeFormat { kJPEG_JavaEncodeFormat = 0, kPNG_JavaEncodeFormat = 1, kWEBP_JavaEncodeFormat = 2 }; static jboolean Bitmap_compress(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong bitmapHandle, jint format, jint quality, jobject jstream, jbyteArray jstorage) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); SkImageEncoder::Type fm; switch (format) { case kJPEG_JavaEncodeFormat: fm = SkImageEncoder::kJPEG_Type; break; case kPNG_JavaEncodeFormat: fm = SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type; break; case kWEBP_JavaEncodeFormat: fm = SkImageEncoder::kWEBP_Type; break; default: return JNI_FALSE; } if (!bitmap.valid()) { return JNI_FALSE; } bool success = false; std::unique_ptr strm(CreateJavaOutputStreamAdaptor(env, jstream, jstorage)); if (!strm.get()) { return JNI_FALSE; } std::unique_ptr encoder(SkImageEncoder::Create(fm)); if (encoder.get()) { SkBitmap skbitmap; bitmap->getSkBitmap(&skbitmap); success = encoder->encodeStream(strm.get(), skbitmap, quality); } return success ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } static void Bitmap_erase(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jint color) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); SkBitmap skBitmap; bitmap->getSkBitmap(&skBitmap); skBitmap.eraseColor(color); } static jint Bitmap_rowBytes(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); return static_cast(bitmap->rowBytes()); } static jint Bitmap_config(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); return GraphicsJNI::colorTypeToLegacyBitmapConfig(bitmap->info().colorType()); } static jint Bitmap_getGenerationId(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); return static_cast(bitmap->peekAtPixelRef()->getGenerationID()); } static jboolean Bitmap_isPremultiplied(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); if (bitmap->info().alphaType() == kPremul_SkAlphaType) { return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } static jboolean Bitmap_hasAlpha(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); return !bitmap->info().isOpaque() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } static void Bitmap_setHasAlpha(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jboolean hasAlpha, jboolean requestPremul) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); if (hasAlpha) { bitmap->peekAtPixelRef()->changeAlphaType( requestPremul ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kUnpremul_SkAlphaType); } else { bitmap->peekAtPixelRef()->changeAlphaType(kOpaque_SkAlphaType); } } static void Bitmap_setPremultiplied(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jboolean isPremul) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); if (!bitmap->info().isOpaque()) { if (isPremul) { bitmap->peekAtPixelRef()->changeAlphaType(kPremul_SkAlphaType); } else { bitmap->peekAtPixelRef()->changeAlphaType(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType); } } } static jboolean Bitmap_hasMipMap(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); return bitmap->hasHardwareMipMap() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } static void Bitmap_setHasMipMap(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jboolean hasMipMap) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); bitmap->setHasHardwareMipMap(hasMipMap); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static jobject Bitmap_createFromParcel(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jobject parcel) { if (parcel == NULL) { SkDebugf("-------- unparcel parcel is NULL\n"); return NULL; } android::Parcel* p = android::parcelForJavaObject(env, parcel); const bool isMutable = p->readInt32() != 0; const SkColorType colorType = (SkColorType)p->readInt32(); const SkAlphaType alphaType = (SkAlphaType)p->readInt32(); const int width = p->readInt32(); const int height = p->readInt32(); const int rowBytes = p->readInt32(); const int density = p->readInt32(); if (kN32_SkColorType != colorType && kRGB_565_SkColorType != colorType && kARGB_4444_SkColorType != colorType && kIndex_8_SkColorType != colorType && kAlpha_8_SkColorType != colorType) { SkDebugf("Bitmap_createFromParcel unknown colortype: %d\n", colorType); return NULL; } std::unique_ptr bitmap(new SkBitmap); if (!bitmap->setInfo(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, colorType, alphaType), rowBytes)) { return NULL; } SkColorTable* ctable = NULL; if (colorType == kIndex_8_SkColorType) { int count = p->readInt32(); if (count < 0 || count > 256) { // The data is corrupt, since SkColorTable enforces a value between 0 and 256, // inclusive. return NULL; } if (count > 0) { size_t size = count * sizeof(SkPMColor); const SkPMColor* src = (const SkPMColor*)p->readInplace(size); if (src == NULL) { return NULL; } ctable = new SkColorTable(src, count); } } android::Bitmap* nativeBitmap = GraphicsJNI::allocateJavaPixelRef(env, bitmap.get(), ctable); if (!nativeBitmap) { SkSafeUnref(ctable); return NULL; } SkSafeUnref(ctable); size_t size = bitmap->getSize(); android::Parcel::ReadableBlob blob; android::status_t status = p->readBlob(size, &blob); if (status) { nativeBitmap->detachFromJava(); doThrowRE(env, "Could not read bitmap from parcel blob."); return NULL; } bitmap->lockPixels(); memcpy(bitmap->getPixels(), blob.data(), size); bitmap->unlockPixels(); blob.release(); return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, nativeBitmap, getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(isMutable), NULL, NULL, density); } static jboolean Bitmap_writeToParcel(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jboolean isMutable, jint density, jobject parcel) { if (parcel == NULL) { SkDebugf("------- writeToParcel null parcel\n"); return JNI_FALSE; } android::Parcel* p = android::parcelForJavaObject(env, parcel); SkBitmap bitmap; reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)->getSkBitmap(&bitmap); p->writeInt32(isMutable); p->writeInt32(bitmap.colorType()); p->writeInt32(bitmap.alphaType()); p->writeInt32(bitmap.width()); p->writeInt32(bitmap.height()); p->writeInt32(bitmap.rowBytes()); p->writeInt32(density); if (bitmap.colorType() == kIndex_8_SkColorType) { SkColorTable* ctable = bitmap.getColorTable(); if (ctable != NULL) { int count = ctable->count(); p->writeInt32(count); memcpy(p->writeInplace(count * sizeof(SkPMColor)), ctable->readColors(), count * sizeof(SkPMColor)); } else { p->writeInt32(0); // indicate no ctable } } size_t size = bitmap.getSize(); android::Parcel::WritableBlob blob; android::status_t status = p->writeBlob(size, &blob); if (status) { doThrowRE(env, "Could not write bitmap to parcel blob."); return JNI_FALSE; } bitmap.lockPixels(); const void* pSrc = bitmap.getPixels(); if (pSrc == NULL) { memset(blob.data(), 0, size); } else { memcpy(blob.data(), pSrc, size); } bitmap.unlockPixels(); blob.release(); return JNI_TRUE; } static jobject Bitmap_extractAlpha(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong srcHandle, jlong paintHandle, jintArray offsetXY) { SkBitmap src; reinterpret_cast(srcHandle)->getSkBitmap(&src); const android::Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); SkIPoint offset; SkBitmap dst; JavaPixelAllocator allocator(env); src.extractAlpha(&dst, paint, &allocator, &offset); // If Skia can't allocate pixels for destination bitmap, it resets // it, that is set its pixels buffer to NULL, and zero width and height. if (dst.getPixels() == NULL && src.getPixels() != NULL) { doThrowOOME(env, "failed to allocate pixels for alpha"); return NULL; } if (offsetXY != 0 && env->GetArrayLength(offsetXY) >= 2) { int* array = env->GetIntArrayElements(offsetXY, NULL); array[0] = offset.fX; array[1] = offset.fY; env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(offsetXY, array, 0); } return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, allocator.getStorageObjAndReset(), getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(true)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static jint Bitmap_getPixel(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jint x, jint y) { SkBitmap bitmap; reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)->getSkBitmap(&bitmap); SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap); ToColorProc proc = ChooseToColorProc(bitmap); if (NULL == proc) { return 0; } const void* src = bitmap.getAddr(x, y); if (NULL == src) { return 0; } SkColor dst[1]; proc(dst, src, 1, bitmap.getColorTable()); return static_cast(dst[0]); } static void Bitmap_getPixels(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jintArray pixelArray, jint offset, jint stride, jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height) { SkBitmap bitmap; reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)->getSkBitmap(&bitmap); SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap); ToColorProc proc = ChooseToColorProc(bitmap); if (NULL == proc) { return; } const void* src = bitmap.getAddr(x, y); if (NULL == src) { return; } SkColorTable* ctable = bitmap.getColorTable(); jint* dst = env->GetIntArrayElements(pixelArray, NULL); SkColor* d = (SkColor*)dst + offset; while (--height >= 0) { proc(d, src, width, ctable); d += stride; src = (void*)((const char*)src + bitmap.rowBytes()); } env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(pixelArray, dst, 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void Bitmap_setPixel(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jint x, jint y, jint colorHandle) { SkBitmap bitmap; reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)->getSkBitmap(&bitmap); SkColor color = static_cast(colorHandle); SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap); if (NULL == bitmap.getPixels()) { return; } FromColorProc proc = ChooseFromColorProc(bitmap); if (NULL == proc) { return; } proc(bitmap.getAddr(x, y), &color, 1, x, y); bitmap.notifyPixelsChanged(); } static void Bitmap_setPixels(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jintArray pixelArray, jint offset, jint stride, jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height) { SkBitmap bitmap; reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)->getSkBitmap(&bitmap); GraphicsJNI::SetPixels(env, pixelArray, offset, stride, x, y, width, height, bitmap); } static void Bitmap_copyPixelsToBuffer(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jobject jbuffer) { SkBitmap bitmap; reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)->getSkBitmap(&bitmap); SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap); const void* src = bitmap.getPixels(); if (NULL != src) { android::AutoBufferPointer abp(env, jbuffer, JNI_TRUE); // the java side has already checked that buffer is large enough memcpy(abp.pointer(), src, bitmap.getSize()); } } static void Bitmap_copyPixelsFromBuffer(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jobject jbuffer) { SkBitmap bitmap; reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle)->getSkBitmap(&bitmap); SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap); void* dst = bitmap.getPixels(); if (NULL != dst) { android::AutoBufferPointer abp(env, jbuffer, JNI_FALSE); // the java side has already checked that buffer is large enough memcpy(dst, abp.pointer(), bitmap.getSize()); bitmap.notifyPixelsChanged(); } } static jboolean Bitmap_sameAs(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bm0Handle, jlong bm1Handle) { SkBitmap bm0; SkBitmap bm1; reinterpret_cast(bm0Handle)->getSkBitmap(&bm0); reinterpret_cast(bm1Handle)->getSkBitmap(&bm1); if (bm0.width() != bm1.width() || bm0.height() != bm1.height() || bm0.colorType() != bm1.colorType()) { return JNI_FALSE; } SkAutoLockPixels alp0(bm0); SkAutoLockPixels alp1(bm1); // if we can't load the pixels, return false if (NULL == bm0.getPixels() || NULL == bm1.getPixels()) { return JNI_FALSE; } if (bm0.colorType() == kIndex_8_SkColorType) { SkColorTable* ct0 = bm0.getColorTable(); SkColorTable* ct1 = bm1.getColorTable(); if (NULL == ct0 || NULL == ct1) { return JNI_FALSE; } if (ct0->count() != ct1->count()) { return JNI_FALSE; } const size_t size = ct0->count() * sizeof(SkPMColor); if (memcmp(ct0->readColors(), ct1->readColors(), size) != 0) { return JNI_FALSE; } } // now compare each scanline. We can't do the entire buffer at once, // since we don't care about the pixel values that might extend beyond // the width (since the scanline might be larger than the logical width) const int h = bm0.height(); const size_t size = bm0.width() * bm0.bytesPerPixel(); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { // SkBitmap::getAddr(int, int) may return NULL due to unrecognized config // (ex: kRLE_Index8_Config). This will cause memcmp method to crash. Since bm0 // and bm1 both have pixel data() (have passed NULL == getPixels() check), // those 2 bitmaps should be valid (only unrecognized), we return JNI_FALSE // to warn user those 2 unrecognized config bitmaps may be different. void *bm0Addr = bm0.getAddr(0, y); void *bm1Addr = bm1.getAddr(0, y); if(bm0Addr == NULL || bm1Addr == NULL) { return JNI_FALSE; } if (memcmp(bm0Addr, bm1Addr, size) != 0) { return JNI_FALSE; } } return JNI_TRUE; } static jlong Bitmap_refPixelRef(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { LocalScopedBitmap bitmap(bitmapHandle); SkPixelRef* pixelRef = bitmap.valid() ? bitmap->peekAtPixelRef() : nullptr; SkSafeRef(pixelRef); return reinterpret_cast(pixelRef); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static JNINativeMethod gBitmapMethods[] = { { "nativeCreate", "([IIIIIIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)Bitmap_creator }, { "nativeCopy", "(JIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)Bitmap_copy }, { "nativeDestructor", "(J)V", (void*)Bitmap_destructor }, { "nativeRecycle", "(J)Z", (void*)Bitmap_recycle }, { "nativeReconfigure", "(JIIIIZ)V", (void*)Bitmap_reconfigure }, { "nativeCompress", "(JIILjava/io/OutputStream;[B)Z", (void*)Bitmap_compress }, { "nativeErase", "(JI)V", (void*)Bitmap_erase }, { "nativeRowBytes", "(J)I", (void*)Bitmap_rowBytes }, { "nativeConfig", "(J)I", (void*)Bitmap_config }, { "nativeHasAlpha", "(J)Z", (void*)Bitmap_hasAlpha }, { "nativeIsPremultiplied", "(J)Z", (void*)Bitmap_isPremultiplied}, { "nativeSetHasAlpha", "(JZZ)V", (void*)Bitmap_setHasAlpha}, { "nativeSetPremultiplied", "(JZ)V", (void*)Bitmap_setPremultiplied}, { "nativeHasMipMap", "(J)Z", (void*)Bitmap_hasMipMap }, { "nativeSetHasMipMap", "(JZ)V", (void*)Bitmap_setHasMipMap }, { "nativeCreateFromParcel", "(Landroid/os/Parcel;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)Bitmap_createFromParcel }, { "nativeWriteToParcel", "(JZILandroid/os/Parcel;)Z", (void*)Bitmap_writeToParcel }, { "nativeExtractAlpha", "(JJ[I)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)Bitmap_extractAlpha }, { "nativeGenerationId", "(J)I", (void*)Bitmap_getGenerationId }, { "nativeGetPixel", "(JII)I", (void*)Bitmap_getPixel }, { "nativeGetPixels", "(J[IIIIIII)V", (void*)Bitmap_getPixels }, { "nativeSetPixel", "(JIII)V", (void*)Bitmap_setPixel }, { "nativeSetPixels", "(J[IIIIIII)V", (void*)Bitmap_setPixels }, { "nativeCopyPixelsToBuffer", "(JLjava/nio/Buffer;)V", (void*)Bitmap_copyPixelsToBuffer }, { "nativeCopyPixelsFromBuffer", "(JLjava/nio/Buffer;)V", (void*)Bitmap_copyPixelsFromBuffer }, { "nativeSameAs", "(JJ)Z", (void*)Bitmap_sameAs }, { "nativeRefPixelRef", "(J)J", (void*)Bitmap_refPixelRef }, }; int register_android_graphics_Bitmap(JNIEnv* env) { return android::RegisterMethodsOrDie(env, "android/graphics/Bitmap", gBitmapMethods, NELEM(gBitmapMethods)); }