#define LOG_TAG "BitmapFactory" #include "BitmapFactory.h" #include "SkImageDecoder.h" #include "SkImageRef_ashmem.h" #include "SkImageRef_GlobalPool.h" #include "SkPixelRef.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" #include "SkUtils.h" #include "CreateJavaOutputStreamAdaptor.h" #include "AutoDecodeCancel.h" #include "Utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include jclass gOptions_class; jfieldID gOptions_justBoundsFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_configFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_mutableFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_ditherFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_purgeableFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_shareableFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_preferQualityOverSpeedFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_widthFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_heightFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_mimeFieldID; jfieldID gOptions_mCancelID; jfieldID gOptions_bitmapFieldID; jclass gBitmap_class; jfieldID gBitmap_nativeBitmapFieldID; static jclass gFileDescriptor_class; static jfieldID gFileDescriptor_descriptor; #if 0 #define TRACE_BITMAP(code) code #else #define TRACE_BITMAP(code) #endif using namespace android; class NinePatchPeeker : public SkImageDecoder::Peeker { SkImageDecoder* fHost; public: NinePatchPeeker(SkImageDecoder* host) { // the host lives longer than we do, so a raw ptr is safe fHost = host; fPatchIsValid = false; } ~NinePatchPeeker() { if (fPatchIsValid) { free(fPatch); } } bool fPatchIsValid; Res_png_9patch* fPatch; virtual bool peek(const char tag[], const void* data, size_t length) { if (strcmp("npTc", tag) == 0 && length >= sizeof(Res_png_9patch)) { Res_png_9patch* patch = (Res_png_9patch*) data; size_t patchSize = patch->serializedSize(); assert(length == patchSize); // You have to copy the data because it is owned by the png reader Res_png_9patch* patchNew = (Res_png_9patch*) malloc(patchSize); memcpy(patchNew, patch, patchSize); // this relies on deserialization being done in place Res_png_9patch::deserialize(patchNew); patchNew->fileToDevice(); if (fPatchIsValid) { free(fPatch); } fPatch = patchNew; //printf("9patch: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", // fPatch.sizeLeft, fPatch.sizeTop, // fPatch.sizeRight, fPatch.sizeBottom); fPatchIsValid = true; // now update our host to force index or 32bit config // 'cause we don't want 565 predithered, since as a 9patch, we know // we will be stretched, and therefore we want to dither afterwards. static const SkBitmap::Config gNo565Pref[] = { SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config, SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, }; fHost->setPrefConfigTable(gNo565Pref); } else { fPatch = NULL; } return true; // keep on decoding } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static inline int32_t validOrNeg1(bool isValid, int32_t value) { // return isValid ? value : -1; SkASSERT((int)isValid == 0 || (int)isValid == 1); return ((int32_t)isValid - 1) | value; } jstring getMimeTypeString(JNIEnv* env, SkImageDecoder::Format format) { static const struct { SkImageDecoder::Format fFormat; const char* fMimeType; } gMimeTypes[] = { { SkImageDecoder::kBMP_Format, "image/bmp" }, { SkImageDecoder::kGIF_Format, "image/gif" }, { SkImageDecoder::kICO_Format, "image/x-ico" }, { SkImageDecoder::kJPEG_Format, "image/jpeg" }, { SkImageDecoder::kPNG_Format, "image/png" }, { SkImageDecoder::kWBMP_Format, "image/vnd.wap.wbmp" } }; const char* cstr = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gMimeTypes); i++) { if (gMimeTypes[i].fFormat == format) { cstr = gMimeTypes[i].fMimeType; break; } } jstring jstr = 0; if (NULL != cstr) { jstr = env->NewStringUTF(cstr); } return jstr; } static bool optionsPurgeable(JNIEnv* env, jobject options) { return options != NULL && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_purgeableFieldID); } static bool optionsShareable(JNIEnv* env, jobject options) { return options != NULL && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_shareableFieldID); } static bool optionsJustBounds(JNIEnv* env, jobject options) { return options != NULL && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_justBoundsFieldID); } static SkPixelRef* installPixelRef(SkBitmap* bitmap, SkStream* stream, int sampleSize, bool ditherImage) { SkImageRef* pr; // only use ashmem for large images, since mmaps come at a price if (bitmap->getSize() >= 32 * 1024) { pr = new SkImageRef_ashmem(stream, bitmap->config(), sampleSize); } else { pr = new SkImageRef_GlobalPool(stream, bitmap->config(), sampleSize); } pr->setDitherImage(ditherImage); bitmap->setPixelRef(pr)->unref(); pr->isOpaque(bitmap); return pr; } // since we "may" create a purgeable imageref, we require the stream be ref'able // i.e. dynamically allocated, since its lifetime may exceed the current stack // frame. static jobject doDecode(JNIEnv* env, SkStream* stream, jobject padding, jobject options, bool allowPurgeable, bool forcePurgeable = false) { int sampleSize = 1; SkImageDecoder::Mode mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode; SkBitmap::Config prefConfig = SkBitmap::kNo_Config; bool doDither = true; bool isMutable = false; bool isPurgeable = forcePurgeable || (allowPurgeable && optionsPurgeable(env, options)); bool preferQualityOverSpeed = false; jobject javaBitmap = NULL; if (NULL != options) { sampleSize = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID); if (optionsJustBounds(env, options)) { mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode; } // initialize these, in case we fail later on env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, -1); env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, -1); env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, 0); jobject jconfig = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_configFieldID); prefConfig = GraphicsJNI::getNativeBitmapConfig(env, jconfig); isMutable = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mutableFieldID); doDither = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_ditherFieldID); preferQualityOverSpeed = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_preferQualityOverSpeedFieldID); javaBitmap = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_bitmapFieldID); } SkImageDecoder* decoder = SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream); if (NULL == decoder) { return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null"); } decoder->setSampleSize(sampleSize); decoder->setDitherImage(doDither); decoder->setPreferQualityOverSpeed(preferQualityOverSpeed); NinePatchPeeker peeker(decoder); JavaPixelAllocator javaAllocator(env); SkBitmap* bitmap; if (javaBitmap == NULL) { bitmap = new SkBitmap; } else { if (sampleSize != 1) { return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder: Cannot reuse bitmap with sampleSize != 1"); } bitmap = (SkBitmap *) env->GetIntField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_nativeBitmapFieldID); // config of supplied bitmap overrules config set in options prefConfig = bitmap->getConfig(); } Res_png_9patch dummy9Patch; SkAutoTDelete add(decoder); SkAutoTDelete adb(bitmap, (javaBitmap == NULL)); decoder->setPeeker(&peeker); if (!isPurgeable) { decoder->setAllocator(&javaAllocator); } AutoDecoderCancel adc(options, decoder); // To fix the race condition in case "requestCancelDecode" // happens earlier than AutoDecoderCancel object is added // to the gAutoDecoderCancelMutex linked list. if (NULL != options && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mCancelID)) { return nullObjectReturn("gOptions_mCancelID"); } SkImageDecoder::Mode decodeMode = mode; if (isPurgeable) { decodeMode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode; } if (!decoder->decode(stream, bitmap, prefConfig, decodeMode, javaBitmap != NULL)) { return nullObjectReturn("decoder->decode returned false"); } // update options (if any) if (NULL != options) { env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, bitmap->width()); env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, bitmap->height()); // TODO: set the mimeType field with the data from the codec. // but how to reuse a set of strings, rather than allocating new one // each time? env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, getMimeTypeString(env, decoder->getFormat())); } // if we're in justBounds mode, return now (skip the java bitmap) if (SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode == mode) { return NULL; } jbyteArray ninePatchChunk = NULL; if (peeker.fPatchIsValid) { size_t ninePatchArraySize = peeker.fPatch->serializedSize(); ninePatchChunk = env->NewByteArray(ninePatchArraySize); if (NULL == ninePatchChunk) { return nullObjectReturn("ninePatchChunk == null"); } jbyte* array = (jbyte*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, NULL); if (NULL == array) { return nullObjectReturn("primitive array == null"); } peeker.fPatch->serialize(array); env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, array, 0); } // detach bitmap from its autodeleter, since we want to own it now adb.detach(); if (padding) { if (peeker.fPatchIsValid) { GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding, peeker.fPatch->paddingLeft, peeker.fPatch->paddingTop, peeker.fPatch->paddingRight, peeker.fPatch->paddingBottom); } else { GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding, -1, -1, -1, -1); } } SkPixelRef* pr; if (isPurgeable) { pr = installPixelRef(bitmap, stream, sampleSize, doDither); } else { // if we get here, we're in kDecodePixels_Mode and will therefore // already have a pixelref installed. pr = bitmap->pixelRef(); } if (!isMutable) { // promise we will never change our pixels (great for sharing and pictures) pr->setImmutable(); } if (javaBitmap != NULL) { // If a java bitmap was passed in for reuse, pass it back return javaBitmap; } // now create the java bitmap return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, bitmap, javaAllocator.getStorageObj(), isMutable, ninePatchChunk); } static jobject nativeDecodeStream(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jobject is, // InputStream jbyteArray storage, // byte[] jobject padding, jobject options) { // BitmapFactory$Options jobject bitmap = NULL; SkStream* stream = CreateJavaInputStreamAdaptor(env, is, storage, 0); if (stream) { // for now we don't allow purgeable with java inputstreams bitmap = doDecode(env, stream, padding, options, false); stream->unref(); } return bitmap; } static ssize_t getFDSize(int fd) { off64_t curr = ::lseek64(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (curr < 0) { return 0; } size_t size = ::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); ::lseek64(fd, curr, SEEK_SET); return size; } static jobject nativeDecodeFileDescriptor(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jobject fileDescriptor, jobject padding, jobject bitmapFactoryOptions) { NPE_CHECK_RETURN_ZERO(env, fileDescriptor); jint descriptor = env->GetIntField(fileDescriptor, gFileDescriptor_descriptor); bool isPurgeable = optionsPurgeable(env, bitmapFactoryOptions); bool isShareable = optionsShareable(env, bitmapFactoryOptions); bool weOwnTheFD = false; if (isPurgeable && isShareable) { int newFD = ::dup(descriptor); if (-1 != newFD) { weOwnTheFD = true; descriptor = newFD; } } SkFDStream* stream = new SkFDStream(descriptor, weOwnTheFD); SkAutoUnref aur(stream); if (!stream->isValid()) { return NULL; } /* Restore our offset when we leave, so we can be called more than once with the same descriptor. This is only required if we didn't dup the file descriptor, but it is OK to do it all the time. */ AutoFDSeek as(descriptor); /* Allow purgeable iff we own the FD, i.e., in the puregeable and shareable case. */ return doDecode(env, stream, padding, bitmapFactoryOptions, weOwnTheFD); } /* make a deep copy of the asset, and return it as a stream, or NULL if there was an error. */ static SkStream* copyAssetToStream(Asset* asset) { // if we could "ref/reopen" the asset, we may not need to copy it here off64_t size = asset->seek(0, SEEK_SET); if ((off64_t)-1 == size) { SkDebugf("---- copyAsset: asset rewind failed\n"); return NULL; } size = asset->getLength(); if (size <= 0) { SkDebugf("---- copyAsset: asset->getLength() returned %d\n", size); return NULL; } SkStream* stream = new SkMemoryStream(size); void* data = const_cast(stream->getMemoryBase()); off64_t len = asset->read(data, size); if (len != size) { SkDebugf("---- copyAsset: asset->read(%d) returned %d\n", size, len); delete stream; stream = NULL; } return stream; } static jobject nativeDecodeAsset(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint native_asset, // Asset jobject padding, // Rect jobject options) { // BitmapFactory$Options SkStream* stream; Asset* asset = reinterpret_cast(native_asset); bool forcePurgeable = optionsPurgeable(env, options); if (forcePurgeable) { // if we could "ref/reopen" the asset, we may not need to copy it here // and we could assume optionsShareable, since assets are always RO stream = copyAssetToStream(asset); if (NULL == stream) { return NULL; } } else { // since we know we'll be done with the asset when we return, we can // just use a simple wrapper stream = new AssetStreamAdaptor(asset); } SkAutoUnref aur(stream); return doDecode(env, stream, padding, options, true, forcePurgeable); } static jobject nativeDecodeByteArray(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jbyteArray byteArray, int offset, int length, jobject options) { /* If optionsShareable() we could decide to just wrap the java array and share it, but that means adding a globalref to the java array object and managing its lifetime. For now we just always copy the array's data if optionsPurgeable(), unless we're just decoding bounds. */ bool purgeable = optionsPurgeable(env, options) && !optionsJustBounds(env, options); AutoJavaByteArray ar(env, byteArray); SkStream* stream = new SkMemoryStream(ar.ptr() + offset, length, purgeable); SkAutoUnref aur(stream); return doDecode(env, stream, NULL, options, purgeable); } static void nativeRequestCancel(JNIEnv*, jobject joptions) { (void)AutoDecoderCancel::RequestCancel(joptions); } static jbyteArray nativeScaleNinePatch(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jbyteArray chunkObject, jfloat scale, jobject padding) { jbyte* array = env->GetByteArrayElements(chunkObject, 0); if (array != NULL) { size_t chunkSize = env->GetArrayLength(chunkObject); void* storage = alloca(chunkSize); android::Res_png_9patch* chunk = static_cast(storage); memcpy(chunk, array, chunkSize); android::Res_png_9patch::deserialize(chunk); chunk->paddingLeft = int(chunk->paddingLeft * scale + 0.5f); chunk->paddingTop = int(chunk->paddingTop * scale + 0.5f); chunk->paddingRight = int(chunk->paddingRight * scale + 0.5f); chunk->paddingBottom = int(chunk->paddingBottom * scale + 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < chunk->numXDivs; i++) { chunk->xDivs[i] = int(chunk->xDivs[i] * scale + 0.5f); if (i > 0 && chunk->xDivs[i] == chunk->xDivs[i - 1]) { chunk->xDivs[i]++; } } for (int i = 0; i < chunk->numYDivs; i++) { chunk->yDivs[i] = int(chunk->yDivs[i] * scale + 0.5f); if (i > 0 && chunk->yDivs[i] == chunk->yDivs[i - 1]) { chunk->yDivs[i]++; } } memcpy(array, chunk, chunkSize); if (padding) { GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding, chunk->paddingLeft, chunk->paddingTop, chunk->paddingRight, chunk->paddingBottom); } env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(chunkObject, array, 0); } return chunkObject; } static void nativeSetDefaultConfig(JNIEnv* env, jobject, int nativeConfig) { SkBitmap::Config config = static_cast(nativeConfig); // these are the only default configs that make sense for codecs right now static const SkBitmap::Config gValidDefConfig[] = { SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gValidDefConfig); i++) { if (config == gValidDefConfig[i]) { SkImageDecoder::SetDeviceConfig(config); break; } } } static jboolean nativeIsSeekable(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jobject fileDescriptor) { jint descriptor = env->GetIntField(fileDescriptor, gFileDescriptor_descriptor); return ::lseek64(descriptor, 0, SEEK_CUR) != -1 ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { { "nativeDecodeStream", "(Ljava/io/InputStream;[BLandroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)nativeDecodeStream }, { "nativeDecodeFileDescriptor", "(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)nativeDecodeFileDescriptor }, { "nativeDecodeAsset", "(ILandroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)nativeDecodeAsset }, { "nativeDecodeByteArray", "([BIILandroid/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;", (void*)nativeDecodeByteArray }, { "nativeScaleNinePatch", "([BFLandroid/graphics/Rect;)[B", (void*)nativeScaleNinePatch }, { "nativeSetDefaultConfig", "(I)V", (void*)nativeSetDefaultConfig }, { "nativeIsSeekable", "(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)Z", (void*)nativeIsSeekable }, }; static JNINativeMethod gOptionsMethods[] = { { "requestCancel", "()V", (void*)nativeRequestCancel } }; static jclass make_globalref(JNIEnv* env, const char classname[]) { jclass c = env->FindClass(classname); SkASSERT(c); return (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(c); } static jfieldID getFieldIDCheck(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char fieldname[], const char type[]) { jfieldID id = env->GetFieldID(clazz, fieldname, type); SkASSERT(id); return id; } #define kClassPathName "android/graphics/BitmapFactory" #define RETURN_ERR_IF_NULL(value) \ do { if (!(value)) { assert(0); return -1; } } while (false) int register_android_graphics_BitmapFactory(JNIEnv* env); int register_android_graphics_BitmapFactory(JNIEnv* env) { gOptions_class = make_globalref(env, "android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options"); gOptions_bitmapFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inBitmap", "Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;"); gOptions_justBoundsFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inJustDecodeBounds", "Z"); gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inSampleSize", "I"); gOptions_configFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inPreferredConfig", "Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;"); gOptions_mutableFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inMutable", "Z"); gOptions_ditherFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inDither", "Z"); gOptions_purgeableFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inPurgeable", "Z"); gOptions_shareableFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inInputShareable", "Z"); gOptions_preferQualityOverSpeedFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "inPreferQualityOverSpeed", "Z"); gOptions_widthFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "outWidth", "I"); gOptions_heightFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "outHeight", "I"); gOptions_mimeFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "outMimeType", "Ljava/lang/String;"); gOptions_mCancelID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gOptions_class, "mCancel", "Z"); gBitmap_class = make_globalref(env, "android/graphics/Bitmap"); gBitmap_nativeBitmapFieldID = getFieldIDCheck(env, gBitmap_class, "mNativeBitmap", "I"); gFileDescriptor_class = make_globalref(env, "java/io/FileDescriptor"); gFileDescriptor_descriptor = getFieldIDCheck(env, gFileDescriptor_class, "descriptor", "I"); int ret = AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(env, "android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options", gOptionsMethods, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gOptionsMethods)); if (ret) { return ret; } return android::AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(env, kClassPathName, gMethods, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gMethods)); }