/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "CursorWindow" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CursorWindow.h" #include "sqlite3_exception.h" #include "android_util_Binder.h" namespace android { static jfieldID gWindowField; static jfieldID gBufferField; static jfieldID gSizeCopiedField; #define GET_WINDOW(env, object) ((CursorWindow *)env->GetIntField(object, gWindowField)) #define SET_WINDOW(env, object, window) (env->SetIntField(object, gWindowField, (int)window)) #define SET_BUFFER(env, object, buf) (env->SetObjectField(object, gBufferField, buf)) #define SET_SIZE_COPIED(env, object, size) (env->SetIntField(object, gSizeCopiedField, size)) CursorWindow * get_window_from_object(JNIEnv * env, jobject javaWindow) { return GET_WINDOW(env, javaWindow); } static void native_init_empty(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jboolean localOnly) { uint8_t * data; size_t size; CursorWindow * window; window = new CursorWindow(MAX_WINDOW_SIZE); if (!window) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException", "No memory for native window object"); return; } if (!window->initBuffer(localOnly)) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Couldn't init cursor window"); delete window; return; } LOG_WINDOW("native_init_empty: window = %p", window); SET_WINDOW(env, object, window); } static void native_init_memory(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jobject memObj) { sp memory = interface_cast(ibinderForJavaObject(env, memObj)); if (memory == NULL) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Couldn't get native binder"); return; } CursorWindow * window = new CursorWindow(); if (!window) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException", "No memory for native window object"); return; } if (!window->setMemory(memory)) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException", "No memory in memObj"); delete window; return; } LOG_WINDOW("native_init_memory: numRows = %d, numColumns = %d, window = %p", window->getNumRows(), window->getNumColumns(), window); SET_WINDOW(env, object, window); } static jobject native_getBinder(JNIEnv * env, jobject object) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); if (window) { sp memory = window->getMemory(); if (memory != NULL) { sp binder = memory->asBinder(); return javaObjectForIBinder(env, binder); } } return NULL; } static void native_clear(JNIEnv * env, jobject object) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Clearing window %p", window); if (window == NULL) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "clear() called after close()"); return; } window->clear(); } static void native_close(JNIEnv * env, jobject object) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); if (window) { LOG_WINDOW("Closing window %p", window); delete window; SET_WINDOW(env, object, 0); } } static void throwExceptionWithRowCol(JNIEnv * env, jint row, jint column) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "get field slot from row %d col %d failed", row, column); jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", buf); } static void throwUnknowTypeException(JNIEnv * env, jint type) { char buf[80]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "UNKNOWN type %d", type); jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", buf); } static jlong getLong_native(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jint row, jint column) { int32_t err; CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Getting long for %d,%d from %p", row, column, window); field_slot_t field; err = window->read_field_slot(row, column, &field); if (err != 0) { throwExceptionWithRowCol(env, row, column); return 0; } uint8_t type = field.type; if (type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) { int64_t value; if (window->getLong(row, column, &value)) { return value; } return 0; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING) { uint32_t size = field.data.buffer.size; if (size > 0) { #if WINDOW_STORAGE_UTF8 return strtoll((char const *)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), NULL, 0); #else String8 ascii((char16_t *) window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), size / 2); char const * str = ascii.string(); return strtoll(str, NULL, 0); #endif } else { return 0; } } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT) { double value; if (window->getDouble(row, column, &value)) { return value; } return 0; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_NULL) { return 0; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) { throw_sqlite3_exception(env, "Unable to convert BLOB to long"); return 0; } else { throwUnknowTypeException(env, type); return 0; } } static jbyteArray getBlob_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint row, jint column) { int32_t err; CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Getting blob for %d,%d from %p", row, column, window); field_slot_t field; err = window->read_field_slot(row, column, &field); if (err != 0) { throwExceptionWithRowCol(env, row, column); return NULL; } uint8_t type = field.type; if (type == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB || type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING) { jbyteArray byteArray = env->NewByteArray(field.data.buffer.size); LOG_ASSERT(byteArray, "Native could not create new byte[]"); env->SetByteArrayRegion(byteArray, 0, field.data.buffer.size, (const jbyte*)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset)); return byteArray; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) { throw_sqlite3_exception(env, "INTEGER data in getBlob_native "); } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT) { throw_sqlite3_exception(env, "FLOAT data in getBlob_native "); } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_NULL) { // do nothing } else { throwUnknowTypeException(env, type); } return NULL; } static jboolean isBlob_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint row, jint column) { int32_t err; CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Checking if column is a blob for %d,%d from %p", row, column, window); field_slot_t field; err = window->read_field_slot(row, column, &field); if (err != 0) { throwExceptionWithRowCol(env, row, column); return NULL; } return field.type == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB || field.type == FIELD_TYPE_NULL; } static jstring getString_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint row, jint column) { int32_t err; CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Getting string for %d,%d from %p", row, column, window); field_slot_t field; err = window->read_field_slot(row, column, &field); if (err != 0) { throwExceptionWithRowCol(env, row, column); return NULL; } uint8_t type = field.type; if (type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING) { uint32_t size = field.data.buffer.size; if (size > 0) { #if WINDOW_STORAGE_UTF8 // Pass size - 1 since the UTF8 is null terminated and we don't want a null terminator on the UTF16 string String16 utf16((char const *)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), size - 1); return env->NewString((jchar const *)utf16.string(), utf16.size()); #else return env->NewString((jchar const *)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), size / 2); #endif } else { return env->NewStringUTF(""); } } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) { int64_t value; if (window->getLong(row, column, &value)) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", value); return env->NewStringUTF(buf); } return NULL; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT) { double value; if (window->getDouble(row, column, &value)) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", value); return env->NewStringUTF(buf); } return NULL; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_NULL) { return NULL; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) { throw_sqlite3_exception(env, "Unable to convert BLOB to string"); return NULL; } else { throwUnknowTypeException(env, type); return NULL; } } /** * Use this only to convert characters that are known to be within the * 0-127 range for direct conversion to UTF-16 */ static jint charToJchar(const char* src, jchar* dst, jint bufferSize) { int32_t len = strlen(src); if (bufferSize < len) { len = bufferSize; } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { *dst++ = (*src++ & 0x7F); } return len; } static jcharArray copyStringToBuffer_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint row, jint column, jint bufferSize, jobject buf) { int32_t err; CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Copying string for %d,%d from %p", row, column, window); field_slot_t field; err = window->read_field_slot(row, column, &field); if (err != 0) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Unable to get field slot"); return NULL; } jcharArray buffer = (jcharArray)env->GetObjectField(buf, gBufferField); if (buffer == NULL) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "buf should not be null"); return NULL; } jchar* dst = env->GetCharArrayElements(buffer, NULL); uint8_t type = field.type; uint32_t sizeCopied = 0; jcharArray newArray = NULL; if (type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING) { uint32_t size = field.data.buffer.size; if (size > 0) { #if WINDOW_STORAGE_UTF8 // Pass size - 1 since the UTF8 is null terminated and we don't want a null terminator on the UTF16 string String16 utf16((char const *)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), size - 1); int32_t strSize = utf16.size(); if (strSize > bufferSize || dst == NULL) { newArray = env->NewCharArray(strSize); env->SetCharArrayRegion(newArray, 0, strSize, (jchar const *)utf16.string()); } else { memcpy(dst, (jchar const *)utf16.string(), strSize * 2); } sizeCopied = strSize; #else sizeCopied = size/2 + size % 2; if (size > bufferSize * 2 || dst == NULL) { newArray = env->NewCharArray(sizeCopied); memcpy(newArray, (jchar const *)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), size); } else { memcpy(dst, (jchar const *)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), size); } #endif } } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) { int64_t value; if (window->getLong(row, column, &value)) { char buf[32]; int len; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", value); jchar* dst = env->GetCharArrayElements(buffer, NULL); sizeCopied = charToJchar(buf, dst, bufferSize); } } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT) { double value; if (window->getDouble(row, column, &value)) { char tempbuf[32]; snprintf(tempbuf, sizeof(tempbuf), "%g", value); jchar* dst = env->GetCharArrayElements(buffer, NULL); sizeCopied = charToJchar(tempbuf, dst, bufferSize); } } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_NULL) { } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) { throw_sqlite3_exception(env, "Unable to convert BLOB to string"); } else { LOGE("Unknown field type %d", type); throw_sqlite3_exception(env, "UNKNOWN type in copyStringToBuffer_native()"); } SET_SIZE_COPIED(env, buf, sizeCopied); env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(buffer, dst, JNI_OK); return newArray; } static jdouble getDouble_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint row, jint column) { int32_t err; CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Getting double for %d,%d from %p", row, column, window); field_slot_t field; err = window->read_field_slot(row, column, &field); if (err != 0) { throwExceptionWithRowCol(env, row, column); return 0.0; } uint8_t type = field.type; if (type == FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT) { double value; if (window->getDouble(row, column, &value)) { return value; } return 0.0; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING) { uint32_t size = field.data.buffer.size; if (size > 0) { #if WINDOW_STORAGE_UTF8 return strtod((char const *)window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), NULL); #else String8 ascii((char16_t *) window->offsetToPtr(field.data.buffer.offset), size / 2); char const * str = ascii.string(); return strtod(str, NULL); #endif } else { return 0.0; } } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) { int64_t value; if (window->getLong(row, column, &value)) { return (double) value; } return 0.0; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_NULL) { return 0.0; } else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) { throw_sqlite3_exception(env, "Unable to convert BLOB to double"); return 0.0; } else { throwUnknowTypeException(env, type); return 0.0; } } static jboolean isNull_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint row, jint column) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); LOG_WINDOW("Checking for NULL at %d,%d from %p", row, column, window); bool isNull; if (window->getNull(row, column, &isNull)) { return isNull; } //TODO throw execption? return true; } static jint getNumRows(JNIEnv * env, jobject object) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); return window->getNumRows(); } static jboolean setNumColumns(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jint columnNum) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); return window->setNumColumns(columnNum); } static jboolean allocRow(JNIEnv * env, jobject object) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); return window->allocRow() != NULL; } static jboolean putBlob_native(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jbyteArray value, jint row, jint col) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); if (!value) { LOG_WINDOW("How did a null value send to here"); return false; } field_slot_t * fieldSlot = window->getFieldSlotWithCheck(row, col); if (fieldSlot == NULL) { LOG_WINDOW(" getFieldSlotWithCheck error "); return false; } jint len = env->GetArrayLength(value); int offset = window->alloc(len); if (!offset) { LOG_WINDOW("Failed allocating %u bytes", len); return false; } jbyte * bytes = env->GetByteArrayElements(value, NULL); window->copyIn(offset, (uint8_t const *)bytes, len); // This must be updated after the call to alloc(), since that // may move the field around in the window fieldSlot->type = FIELD_TYPE_BLOB; fieldSlot->data.buffer.offset = offset; fieldSlot->data.buffer.size = len; env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(value, bytes, JNI_ABORT); LOG_WINDOW("%d,%d is BLOB with %u bytes @ %d", row, col, len, offset); return true; } static jboolean putString_native(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jstring value, jint row, jint col) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); if (!value) { LOG_WINDOW("How did a null value send to here"); return false; } field_slot_t * fieldSlot = window->getFieldSlotWithCheck(row, col); if (fieldSlot == NULL) { LOG_WINDOW(" getFieldSlotWithCheck error "); return false; } #if WINDOW_STORAGE_UTF8 int len = env->GetStringUTFLength(value) + 1; char const * valStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(value, NULL); #else int len = env->GetStringLength(value); // GetStringLength return number of chars and one char takes 2 bytes len *= 2; const jchar* valStr = env->GetStringChars(value, NULL); #endif if (!valStr) { LOG_WINDOW("value can't be transfer to UTFChars"); return false; } int offset = window->alloc(len); if (!offset) { LOG_WINDOW("Failed allocating %u bytes", len); #if WINDOW_STORAGE_UTF8 env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, valStr); #else env->ReleaseStringChars(value, valStr); #endif return false; } window->copyIn(offset, (uint8_t const *)valStr, len); // This must be updated after the call to alloc(), since that // may move the field around in the window fieldSlot->type = FIELD_TYPE_STRING; fieldSlot->data.buffer.offset = offset; fieldSlot->data.buffer.size = len; LOG_WINDOW("%d,%d is TEXT with %u bytes @ %d", row, col, len, offset); #if WINDOW_STORAGE_UTF8 env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, valStr); #else env->ReleaseStringChars(value, valStr); #endif return true; } static jboolean putLong_native(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jlong value, jint row, jint col) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); if (!window->putLong(row, col, value)) { LOG_WINDOW(" getFieldSlotWithCheck error "); return false; } LOG_WINDOW("%d,%d is INTEGER 0x%016llx", row, col, value); return true; } static jboolean putDouble_native(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jdouble value, jint row, jint col) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); if (!window->putDouble(row, col, value)) { LOG_WINDOW(" getFieldSlotWithCheck error "); return false; } LOG_WINDOW("%d,%d is FLOAT %lf", row, col, value); return true; } static jboolean putNull_native(JNIEnv * env, jobject object, jint row, jint col) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); if (!window->putNull(row, col)) { LOG_WINDOW(" getFieldSlotWithCheck error "); return false; } LOG_WINDOW("%d,%d is NULL", row, col); return true; } // free the last row static void freeLastRow(JNIEnv * env, jobject object) { CursorWindow * window = GET_WINDOW(env, object); window->freeLastRow(); } static JNINativeMethod sMethods[] = { /* name, signature, funcPtr */ {"native_init", "(Z)V", (void *)native_init_empty}, {"native_init", "(Landroid/os/IBinder;)V", (void *)native_init_memory}, {"native_getBinder", "()Landroid/os/IBinder;", (void *)native_getBinder}, {"native_clear", "()V", (void *)native_clear}, {"close_native", "()V", (void *)native_close}, {"getLong_native", "(II)J", (void *)getLong_native}, {"getBlob_native", "(II)[B", (void *)getBlob_native}, {"isBlob_native", "(II)Z", (void *)isBlob_native}, {"getString_native", "(II)Ljava/lang/String;", (void *)getString_native}, {"copyStringToBuffer_native", "(IIILandroid/database/CharArrayBuffer;)[C", (void *)copyStringToBuffer_native}, {"getDouble_native", "(II)D", (void *)getDouble_native}, {"isNull_native", "(II)Z", (void *)isNull_native}, {"getNumRows_native", "()I", (void *)getNumRows}, {"setNumColumns_native", "(I)Z", (void *)setNumColumns}, {"allocRow_native", "()Z", (void *)allocRow}, {"putBlob_native", "([BII)Z", (void *)putBlob_native}, {"putString_native", "(Ljava/lang/String;II)Z", (void *)putString_native}, {"putLong_native", "(JII)Z", (void *)putLong_native}, {"putDouble_native", "(DII)Z", (void *)putDouble_native}, {"freeLastRow_native", "()V", (void *)freeLastRow}, {"putNull_native", "(II)Z", (void *)putNull_native}, }; int register_android_database_CursorWindow(JNIEnv * env) { jclass clazz; clazz = env->FindClass("android/database/CursorWindow"); if (clazz == NULL) { LOGE("Can't find android/database/CursorWindow"); return -1; } gWindowField = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "nWindow", "I"); if (gWindowField == NULL) { LOGE("Error locating fields"); return -1; } clazz = env->FindClass("android/database/CharArrayBuffer"); if (clazz == NULL) { LOGE("Can't find android/database/CharArrayBuffer"); return -1; } gBufferField = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "data", "[C"); if (gBufferField == NULL) { LOGE("Error locating fields data in CharArrayBuffer"); return -1; } gSizeCopiedField = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "sizeCopied", "I"); if (gSizeCopiedField == NULL) { LOGE("Error locating fields sizeCopied in CharArrayBuffer"); return -1; } return AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(env, "android/database/CursorWindow", sMethods, NELEM(sMethods)); } } // namespace android