/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "jni.h" #include "GraphicsJNI.h" #include "core_jni_helpers.h" #include "Canvas.h" #include "SkDrawFilter.h" #include "SkGraphics.h" #include "SkPorterDuff.h" #include "Paint.h" #include "TypefaceImpl.h" #include "MinikinUtils.h" namespace android { namespace CanvasJNI { static Canvas* get_canvas(jlong canvasHandle) { return reinterpret_cast(canvasHandle); } static void finalizer(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong canvasHandle) { delete get_canvas(canvasHandle); } // Native wrapper constructor used by Canvas(Bitmap) static jlong initRaster(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle) { SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle); return reinterpret_cast(Canvas::create_canvas(bitmap)); } // Set the given bitmap as the new draw target (wrapped in a new SkCanvas), // optionally copying canvas matrix & clip state. static void setBitmap(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong bitmapHandle, jboolean copyState) { SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->setBitmap(bitmap, copyState); } static jboolean isOpaque(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle) { return get_canvas(canvasHandle)->isOpaque() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } static jint getWidth(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle) { return static_cast(get_canvas(canvasHandle)->width()); } static jint getHeight(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle) { return static_cast(get_canvas(canvasHandle)->height()); } static jint getSaveCount(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle) { return static_cast(get_canvas(canvasHandle)->getSaveCount()); } static jint save(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jint flagsHandle) { SkCanvas::SaveFlags flags = static_cast(flagsHandle); return static_cast(get_canvas(canvasHandle)->save(flags)); } static jint saveLayer(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat l, jfloat t, jfloat r, jfloat b, jlong paintHandle, jint flagsHandle) { Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); SkCanvas::SaveFlags flags = static_cast(flagsHandle); return static_cast(get_canvas(canvasHandle)->saveLayer(l, t, r, b, paint, flags)); } static jint saveLayerAlpha(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat l, jfloat t, jfloat r, jfloat b, jint alpha, jint flagsHandle) { SkCanvas::SaveFlags flags = static_cast(flagsHandle); return static_cast(get_canvas(canvasHandle)->saveLayerAlpha(l, t, r, b, alpha, flags)); } static void restore(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle) { Canvas* canvas = get_canvas(canvasHandle); if (canvas->getSaveCount() <= 1) { // cannot restore anymore doThrowISE(env, "Underflow in restore"); return; } canvas->restore(); } static void restoreToCount(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jint restoreCount) { Canvas* canvas = get_canvas(canvasHandle); if (restoreCount < 1 || restoreCount > canvas->getSaveCount()) { doThrowIAE(env, "Underflow in restoreToCount"); return; } canvas->restoreToCount(restoreCount); } static void getCTM(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong matrixHandle) { SkMatrix* matrix = reinterpret_cast(matrixHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->getMatrix(matrix); } static void setMatrix(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong matrixHandle) { const SkMatrix* matrix = reinterpret_cast(matrixHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->setMatrix(matrix ? *matrix : SkMatrix::I()); } static void concat(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong matrixHandle) { const SkMatrix* matrix = reinterpret_cast(matrixHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->concat(*matrix); } static void rotate(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat degrees) { get_canvas(canvasHandle)->rotate(degrees); } static void scale(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat sx, jfloat sy) { get_canvas(canvasHandle)->scale(sx, sy); } static void skew(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat sx, jfloat sy) { get_canvas(canvasHandle)->skew(sx, sy); } static void translate(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat dx, jfloat dy) { get_canvas(canvasHandle)->translate(dx, dy); } static jboolean getClipBounds(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jobject bounds) { SkRect r; SkIRect ir; bool result = get_canvas(canvasHandle)->getClipBounds(&r); if (!result) { r.setEmpty(); } r.round(&ir); (void)GraphicsJNI::irect_to_jrect(ir, env, bounds); return result ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } static jboolean quickRejectRect(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat left, jfloat top, jfloat right, jfloat bottom) { bool result = get_canvas(canvasHandle)->quickRejectRect(left, top, right, bottom); return result ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } static jboolean quickRejectPath(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong pathHandle) { SkPath* path = reinterpret_cast(pathHandle); bool result = get_canvas(canvasHandle)->quickRejectPath(*path); return result ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } static jboolean clipRect(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat l, jfloat t, jfloat r, jfloat b, jint opHandle) { SkRegion::Op op = static_cast(opHandle); bool emptyClip = get_canvas(canvasHandle)->clipRect(l, t, r, b, op); return emptyClip ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE; } static jboolean clipPath(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong pathHandle, jint opHandle) { SkPath* path = reinterpret_cast(pathHandle); SkRegion::Op op = static_cast(opHandle); bool emptyClip = get_canvas(canvasHandle)->clipPath(path, op); return emptyClip ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE; } static jboolean clipRegion(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong deviceRgnHandle, jint opHandle) { SkRegion* deviceRgn = reinterpret_cast(deviceRgnHandle); SkRegion::Op op = static_cast(opHandle); bool emptyClip = get_canvas(canvasHandle)->clipRegion(deviceRgn, op); return emptyClip ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE; } static void drawColor(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jint color, jint modeHandle) { SkPorterDuff::Mode mode = static_cast(modeHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawColor(color, SkPorterDuff::ToXfermodeMode(mode)); } static void drawPaint(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong paintHandle) { Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawPaint(*paint); } static void drawPoint(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat x, jfloat y, jlong paintHandle) { const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawPoint(x, y, *paint); } static void drawPoints(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloatArray jptsArray, jint offset, jint count, jlong paintHandle) { NPE_CHECK_RETURN_VOID(env, jptsArray); AutoJavaFloatArray autoPts(env, jptsArray); float* floats = autoPts.ptr(); const int length = autoPts.length(); if ((offset | count) < 0 || offset + count > length) { doThrowAIOOBE(env); return; } const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawPoints(floats + offset, count, *paint); } static void drawLine(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat startX, jfloat startY, jfloat stopX, jfloat stopY, jlong paintHandle) { Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawLine(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, *paint); } static void drawLines(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloatArray jptsArray, jint offset, jint count, jlong paintHandle) { NPE_CHECK_RETURN_VOID(env, jptsArray); AutoJavaFloatArray autoPts(env, jptsArray); float* floats = autoPts.ptr(); const int length = autoPts.length(); if ((offset | count) < 0 || offset + count > length) { doThrowAIOOBE(env); return; } const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawLines(floats + offset, count, *paint); } static void drawRect(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat left, jfloat top, jfloat right, jfloat bottom, jlong paintHandle) { const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, *paint); } static void drawRoundRect(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat left, jfloat top, jfloat right, jfloat bottom, jfloat rx, jfloat ry, jlong paintHandle) { const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawRoundRect(left, top, right, bottom, rx, ry, *paint); } static void drawCircle(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat cx, jfloat cy, jfloat radius, jlong paintHandle) { const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, *paint); } static void drawOval(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat left, jfloat top, jfloat right, jfloat bottom, jlong paintHandle) { const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawOval(left, top, right, bottom, *paint); } static void drawArc(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloat left, jfloat top, jfloat right, jfloat bottom, jfloat startAngle, jfloat sweepAngle, jboolean useCenter, jlong paintHandle) { const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawArc(left, top, right, bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, *paint); } static void drawPath(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong pathHandle, jlong paintHandle) { const SkPath* path = reinterpret_cast(pathHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawPath(*path, *paint); } static void drawVertices(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jint modeHandle, jint vertexCount, jfloatArray jverts, jint vertIndex, jfloatArray jtexs, jint texIndex, jintArray jcolors, jint colorIndex, jshortArray jindices, jint indexIndex, jint indexCount, jlong paintHandle) { AutoJavaFloatArray vertA(env, jverts, vertIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaFloatArray texA(env, jtexs, texIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaIntArray colorA(env, jcolors, colorIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaShortArray indexA(env, jindices, indexIndex + indexCount); const float* verts = vertA.ptr() + vertIndex; const float* texs = texA.ptr() + vertIndex; const int* colors = NULL; const uint16_t* indices = NULL; if (jcolors != NULL) { colors = colorA.ptr() + colorIndex; } if (jindices != NULL) { indices = (const uint16_t*)(indexA.ptr() + indexIndex); } SkCanvas::VertexMode mode = static_cast(modeHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawVertices(mode, vertexCount, verts, texs, colors, indices, indexCount, *paint); } static void drawBitmap(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcanvas, jlong canvasHandle, jlong bitmapHandle, jfloat left, jfloat top, jlong paintHandle, jint canvasDensity, jint screenDensity, jint bitmapDensity) { Canvas* canvas = get_canvas(canvasHandle); const SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); if (canvasDensity == bitmapDensity || canvasDensity == 0 || bitmapDensity == 0) { if (screenDensity != 0 && screenDensity != bitmapDensity) { Paint filteredPaint; if (paint) { filteredPaint = *paint; } filteredPaint.setFilterLevel(Paint::kLow_FilterLevel); canvas->drawBitmap(*bitmap, left, top, &filteredPaint); } else { canvas->drawBitmap(*bitmap, left, top, paint); } } else { canvas->save(SkCanvas::kMatrixClip_SaveFlag); SkScalar scale = canvasDensity / (float)bitmapDensity; canvas->translate(left, top); canvas->scale(scale, scale); Paint filteredPaint; if (paint) { filteredPaint = *paint; } filteredPaint.setFilterLevel(Paint::kLow_FilterLevel); canvas->drawBitmap(*bitmap, 0, 0, &filteredPaint); canvas->restore(); } } static void drawBitmapMatrix(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong bitmapHandle, jlong matrixHandle, jlong paintHandle) { const SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle); const SkMatrix* matrix = reinterpret_cast(matrixHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawBitmap(*bitmap, *matrix, paint); } static void drawBitmapRect(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong bitmapHandle, float srcLeft, float srcTop, float srcRight, float srcBottom, float dstLeft, float dstTop, float dstRight, float dstBottom, jlong paintHandle, jint screenDensity, jint bitmapDensity) { Canvas* canvas = get_canvas(canvasHandle); const SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); if (screenDensity != 0 && screenDensity != bitmapDensity) { Paint filteredPaint; if (paint) { filteredPaint = *paint; } filteredPaint.setFilterLevel(Paint::kLow_FilterLevel); canvas->drawBitmap(*bitmap, srcLeft, srcTop, srcRight, srcBottom, dstLeft, dstTop, dstRight, dstBottom, &filteredPaint); } else { canvas->drawBitmap(*bitmap, srcLeft, srcTop, srcRight, srcBottom, dstLeft, dstTop, dstRight, dstBottom, paint); } } static void drawBitmapArray(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jintArray jcolors, jint offset, jint stride, jfloat x, jfloat y, jint width, jint height, jboolean hasAlpha, jlong paintHandle) { // Note: If hasAlpha is false, kRGB_565_SkColorType will be used, which will // correct the alphaType to kOpaque_SkAlphaType. SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, hasAlpha ? kN32_SkColorType : kRGB_565_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType); SkBitmap bitmap; if (!bitmap.tryAllocPixels(info)) { return; } if (!GraphicsJNI::SetPixels(env, jcolors, offset, stride, 0, 0, width, height, bitmap)) { return; } const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawBitmap(bitmap, x, y, paint); } static void drawBitmapMesh(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong bitmapHandle, jint meshWidth, jint meshHeight, jfloatArray jverts, jint vertIndex, jintArray jcolors, jint colorIndex, jlong paintHandle) { const int ptCount = (meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1); AutoJavaFloatArray vertA(env, jverts, vertIndex + (ptCount << 1)); AutoJavaIntArray colorA(env, jcolors, colorIndex + ptCount); const SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast(bitmapHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawBitmapMesh(*bitmap, meshWidth, meshHeight, vertA.ptr(), colorA.ptr(), paint); } class DrawTextFunctor { public: DrawTextFunctor(const Layout& layout, Canvas* canvas, uint16_t* glyphs, float* pos, const SkPaint& paint, float x, float y, MinikinRect& bounds, float totalAdvance) : layout(layout), canvas(canvas), glyphs(glyphs), pos(pos), paint(paint), x(x), y(y), bounds(bounds), totalAdvance(totalAdvance) { } void operator()(size_t start, size_t end) { if (canvas->drawTextAbsolutePos()) { for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { glyphs[i] = layout.getGlyphId(i); pos[2 * i] = x + layout.getX(i); pos[2 * i + 1] = y + layout.getY(i); } } else { for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { glyphs[i] = layout.getGlyphId(i); pos[2 * i] = layout.getX(i); pos[2 * i + 1] = layout.getY(i); } } size_t glyphCount = end - start; canvas->drawText(glyphs + start, pos + (2 * start), glyphCount, paint, x, y, bounds.mLeft, bounds.mTop, bounds.mRight, bounds.mBottom, totalAdvance); } private: const Layout& layout; Canvas* canvas; uint16_t* glyphs; float* pos; const SkPaint& paint; float x; float y; MinikinRect& bounds; float totalAdvance; }; // Same values used by Skia #define kStdStrikeThru_Offset (-6.0f / 21.0f) #define kStdUnderline_Offset (1.0f / 9.0f) #define kStdUnderline_Thickness (1.0f / 18.0f) void drawTextDecorations(Canvas* canvas, float x, float y, float length, const SkPaint& paint) { uint32_t flags; SkDrawFilter* drawFilter = canvas->getDrawFilter(); if (drawFilter) { SkPaint paintCopy(paint); drawFilter->filter(&paintCopy, SkDrawFilter::kText_Type); flags = paintCopy.getFlags(); } else { flags = paint.getFlags(); } if (flags & (SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag | SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag)) { SkScalar left = x; SkScalar right = x + length; float textSize = paint.getTextSize(); float strokeWidth = fmax(textSize * kStdUnderline_Thickness, 1.0f); if (flags & SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag) { SkScalar top = y + textSize * kStdUnderline_Offset - 0.5f * strokeWidth; SkScalar bottom = y + textSize * kStdUnderline_Offset + 0.5f * strokeWidth; canvas->drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, paint); } if (flags & SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag) { SkScalar top = y + textSize * kStdStrikeThru_Offset - 0.5f * strokeWidth; SkScalar bottom = y + textSize * kStdStrikeThru_Offset + 0.5f * strokeWidth; canvas->drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, paint); } } } void drawText(Canvas* canvas, const uint16_t* text, int start, int count, int contextCount, float x, float y, int bidiFlags, const Paint& origPaint, TypefaceImpl* typeface) { // minikin may modify the original paint Paint paint(origPaint); Layout layout; MinikinUtils::doLayout(&layout, &paint, bidiFlags, typeface, text, start, count, contextCount); size_t nGlyphs = layout.nGlyphs(); uint16_t* glyphs = new uint16_t[nGlyphs]; float* pos = new float[nGlyphs * 2]; x += MinikinUtils::xOffsetForTextAlign(&paint, layout); MinikinRect bounds; layout.getBounds(&bounds); if (!canvas->drawTextAbsolutePos()) { bounds.offset(x, y); } DrawTextFunctor f(layout, canvas, glyphs, pos, paint, x, y, bounds, layout.getAdvance()); MinikinUtils::forFontRun(layout, &paint, f); drawTextDecorations(canvas, x, y, layout.getAdvance(), paint); delete[] glyphs; delete[] pos; } static void drawTextChars(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jcharArray text, jint index, jint count, jfloat x, jfloat y, jint bidiFlags, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) { Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); TypefaceImpl* typeface = reinterpret_cast(typefaceHandle); jchar* jchars = env->GetCharArrayElements(text, NULL); drawText(get_canvas(canvasHandle), jchars + index, 0, count, count, x, y, bidiFlags, *paint, typeface); env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(text, jchars, JNI_ABORT); } static void drawTextString(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jstring text, jint start, jint end, jfloat x, jfloat y, jint bidiFlags, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) { Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); TypefaceImpl* typeface = reinterpret_cast(typefaceHandle); const int count = end - start; const jchar* jchars = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL); drawText(get_canvas(canvasHandle), jchars + start, 0, count, count, x, y, bidiFlags, *paint, typeface); env->ReleaseStringChars(text, jchars); } static void drawTextRunChars(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jcharArray text, jint index, jint count, jint contextIndex, jint contextCount, jfloat x, jfloat y, jboolean isRtl, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) { Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); TypefaceImpl* typeface = reinterpret_cast(typefaceHandle); const int bidiFlags = isRtl ? kBidi_Force_RTL : kBidi_Force_LTR; jchar* jchars = env->GetCharArrayElements(text, NULL); drawText(get_canvas(canvasHandle), jchars + contextIndex, index - contextIndex, count, contextCount, x, y, bidiFlags, *paint, typeface); env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(text, jchars, JNI_ABORT); } static void drawTextRunString(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jlong canvasHandle, jstring text, jint start, jint end, jint contextStart, jint contextEnd, jfloat x, jfloat y, jboolean isRtl, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) { Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); TypefaceImpl* typeface = reinterpret_cast(typefaceHandle); int bidiFlags = isRtl ? kBidi_Force_RTL : kBidi_Force_LTR; jint count = end - start; jint contextCount = contextEnd - contextStart; const jchar* jchars = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL); drawText(get_canvas(canvasHandle), jchars + contextStart, start - contextStart, count, contextCount, x, y, bidiFlags, *paint, typeface); env->ReleaseStringChars(text, jchars); } class DrawTextOnPathFunctor { public: DrawTextOnPathFunctor(const Layout& layout, Canvas* canvas, float hOffset, float vOffset, const Paint& paint, const SkPath& path) : layout(layout), canvas(canvas), hOffset(hOffset), vOffset(vOffset), paint(paint), path(path) { } void operator()(size_t start, size_t end) { uint16_t glyphs[1]; for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { glyphs[0] = layout.getGlyphId(i); float x = hOffset + layout.getX(i); float y = vOffset + layout.getY(i); canvas->drawTextOnPath(glyphs, 1, path, x, y, paint); } } private: const Layout& layout; Canvas* canvas; float hOffset; float vOffset; const Paint& paint; const SkPath& path; }; static void drawTextOnPath(Canvas* canvas, const uint16_t* text, int count, int bidiFlags, const SkPath& path, float hOffset, float vOffset, const Paint& paint, TypefaceImpl* typeface) { Paint paintCopy(paint); Layout layout; MinikinUtils::doLayout(&layout, &paintCopy, bidiFlags, typeface, text, 0, count, count); hOffset += MinikinUtils::hOffsetForTextAlign(&paintCopy, layout, path); // Set align to left for drawing, as we don't want individual // glyphs centered or right-aligned; the offset above takes // care of all alignment. paintCopy.setTextAlign(Paint::kLeft_Align); DrawTextOnPathFunctor f(layout, canvas, hOffset, vOffset, paintCopy, path); MinikinUtils::forFontRun(layout, &paintCopy, f); } static void drawTextOnPathChars(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jcharArray text, jint index, jint count, jlong pathHandle, jfloat hOffset, jfloat vOffset, jint bidiFlags, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) { SkPath* path = reinterpret_cast(pathHandle); Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); TypefaceImpl* typeface = reinterpret_cast(typefaceHandle); jchar* jchars = env->GetCharArrayElements(text, NULL); drawTextOnPath(get_canvas(canvasHandle), jchars + index, count, bidiFlags, *path, hOffset, vOffset, *paint, typeface); env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(text, jchars, 0); } static void drawTextOnPathString(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jstring text, jlong pathHandle, jfloat hOffset, jfloat vOffset, jint bidiFlags, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) { SkPath* path = reinterpret_cast(pathHandle); Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast(paintHandle); TypefaceImpl* typeface = reinterpret_cast(typefaceHandle); const jchar* jchars = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL); int count = env->GetStringLength(text); drawTextOnPath(get_canvas(canvasHandle), jchars, count, bidiFlags, *path, hOffset, vOffset, *paint, typeface); env->ReleaseStringChars(text, jchars); } static void setDrawFilter(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong filterHandle) { get_canvas(canvasHandle)->setDrawFilter(reinterpret_cast(filterHandle)); } static void freeCaches(JNIEnv* env, jobject) { SkGraphics::PurgeFontCache(); } static void freeTextLayoutCaches(JNIEnv* env, jobject) { Layout::purgeCaches(); } }; // namespace CanvasJNI static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { {"finalizer", "(J)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::finalizer}, {"initRaster", "(J)J", (void*) CanvasJNI::initRaster}, {"native_setBitmap", "(JJZ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::setBitmap}, {"native_isOpaque","(J)Z", (void*) CanvasJNI::isOpaque}, {"native_getWidth","(J)I", (void*) CanvasJNI::getWidth}, {"native_getHeight","(J)I", (void*) CanvasJNI::getHeight}, {"native_save","(JI)I", (void*) CanvasJNI::save}, {"native_saveLayer","(JFFFFJI)I", (void*) CanvasJNI::saveLayer}, {"native_saveLayerAlpha","(JFFFFII)I", (void*) CanvasJNI::saveLayerAlpha}, {"native_getSaveCount","(J)I", (void*) CanvasJNI::getSaveCount}, {"native_restore","(J)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::restore}, {"native_restoreToCount","(JI)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::restoreToCount}, {"native_getCTM", "(JJ)V", (void*)CanvasJNI::getCTM}, {"native_setMatrix","(JJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::setMatrix}, {"native_concat","(JJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::concat}, {"native_rotate","(JF)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::rotate}, {"native_scale","(JFF)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::scale}, {"native_skew","(JFF)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::skew}, {"native_translate","(JFF)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::translate}, {"native_getClipBounds","(JLandroid/graphics/Rect;)Z", (void*) CanvasJNI::getClipBounds}, {"native_quickReject","(JJ)Z", (void*) CanvasJNI::quickRejectPath}, {"native_quickReject","(JFFFF)Z", (void*)CanvasJNI::quickRejectRect}, {"native_clipRect","(JFFFFI)Z", (void*) CanvasJNI::clipRect}, {"native_clipPath","(JJI)Z", (void*) CanvasJNI::clipPath}, {"native_clipRegion","(JJI)Z", (void*) CanvasJNI::clipRegion}, {"native_drawColor","(JII)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawColor}, {"native_drawPaint","(JJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawPaint}, {"native_drawPoint", "(JFFJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawPoint}, {"native_drawPoints", "(J[FIIJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawPoints}, {"native_drawLine", "(JFFFFJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawLine}, {"native_drawLines", "(J[FIIJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawLines}, {"native_drawRect","(JFFFFJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawRect}, {"native_drawRoundRect","(JFFFFFFJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawRoundRect}, {"native_drawCircle","(JFFFJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawCircle}, {"native_drawOval","(JFFFFJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawOval}, {"native_drawArc","(JFFFFFFZJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawArc}, {"native_drawPath","(JJJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawPath}, {"nativeDrawVertices", "(JII[FI[FI[II[SIIJ)V", (void*)CanvasJNI::drawVertices}, {"native_drawBitmap","(JJFFJIII)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawBitmap}, {"nativeDrawBitmapMatrix", "(JJJJ)V", (void*)CanvasJNI::drawBitmapMatrix}, {"native_drawBitmap","(JJFFFFFFFFJII)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawBitmapRect}, {"native_drawBitmap", "(J[IIIFFIIZJ)V", (void*)CanvasJNI::drawBitmapArray}, {"nativeDrawBitmapMesh", "(JJII[FI[IIJ)V", (void*)CanvasJNI::drawBitmapMesh}, {"native_drawText","(J[CIIFFIJJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawTextChars}, {"native_drawText","(JLjava/lang/String;IIFFIJJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawTextString}, {"native_drawTextRun","(J[CIIIIFFZJJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawTextRunChars}, {"native_drawTextRun","(JLjava/lang/String;IIIIFFZJJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawTextRunString}, {"native_drawTextOnPath","(J[CIIJFFIJJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawTextOnPathChars}, {"native_drawTextOnPath","(JLjava/lang/String;JFFIJJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::drawTextOnPathString}, {"nativeSetDrawFilter", "(JJ)V", (void*) CanvasJNI::setDrawFilter}, {"freeCaches", "()V", (void*) CanvasJNI::freeCaches}, {"freeTextLayoutCaches", "()V", (void*) CanvasJNI::freeTextLayoutCaches} }; int register_android_graphics_Canvas(JNIEnv* env) { return RegisterMethodsOrDie(env, "android/graphics/Canvas", gMethods, NELEM(gMethods)); } }; // namespace android