/* * Copyright 2014, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "ActivityRecognitionHardware" #include #include #include #include #include "activity_recognition.h" // keep base connection data from the HAL static activity_recognition_module_t* sModule = NULL; static activity_recognition_device_t* sDevice = NULL; static jobject sCallbacksObject = NULL; static jmethodID sOnActivityChanged = NULL; static void check_and_clear_exceptions(JNIEnv* env, const char* method_name) { if (!env->ExceptionCheck()) { return; } ALOGE("An exception was thrown by '%s'.", method_name); LOGE_EX(env); env->ExceptionClear(); } static jint attach_thread(JNIEnv** env) { JavaVM* java_vm = android::AndroidRuntime::getJavaVM(); assert(java_vm != NULL); JavaVMAttachArgs args = { JNI_VERSION_1_6, "ActivityRecognition HAL callback.", NULL /* group */ }; jint result = java_vm->AttachCurrentThread(env, &args); if (result != JNI_OK) { ALOGE("Attach to callback thread failed: %d", result); } return result; } static jint detach_thread() { JavaVM* java_vm = android::AndroidRuntime::getJavaVM(); assert(java_vm != NULL); jint result = java_vm->DetachCurrentThread(); if (result != JNI_OK) { ALOGE("Detach of callback thread failed: %d", result); } return result; } /** * Handle activity recognition events from HAL. */ static void activity_callback( const activity_recognition_callback_procs_t* procs, const activity_event_t* events, int count) { if (sOnActivityChanged == NULL) { ALOGE("Dropping activity_callback because onActivityChanged handler is null."); return; } if (events == NULL || count <= 0) { ALOGE("Invalid activity_callback. Count: %d, Events: %p", count, events); return; } JNIEnv* env = NULL; int result = attach_thread(&env); if (result != JNI_OK) { ALOGE("Unable to attach thread with JNI."); return; } jclass event_class = env->FindClass("android/hardware/location/ActivityRecognitionHardware$Event"); jmethodID event_ctor = env->GetMethodID(event_class, "", "()V"); jfieldID activity_field = env->GetFieldID(event_class, "activity", "I"); jfieldID type_field = env->GetFieldID(event_class, "type", "I"); jfieldID timestamp_field = env->GetFieldID(event_class, "timestamp", "J"); jobjectArray events_array = env->NewObjectArray(count, event_class, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const activity_event_t* event = &events[i]; jobject event_object = env->NewObject(event_class, event_ctor); env->SetIntField(event_object, activity_field, event->activity); env->SetIntField(event_object, type_field, event->event_type); env->SetLongField(event_object, timestamp_field, event->timestamp); env->SetObjectArrayElement(events_array, i, event_object); env->DeleteLocalRef(event_object); } env->CallVoidMethod(sCallbacksObject, sOnActivityChanged, events_array); check_and_clear_exceptions(env, __FUNCTION__); // TODO: ideally we'd let the HAL register the callback thread only once detach_thread(); } activity_recognition_callback_procs_t sCallbacks { activity_callback, }; /** * Initializes the ActivityRecognitionHardware class from the native side. */ static void class_init(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) { // open the hardware module int error = hw_get_module( ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (const hw_module_t**) &sModule); if (error != 0) { ALOGE("Error hw_get_module: %d", error); return; } error = activity_recognition_open(&sModule->common, &sDevice); if (error != 0) { ALOGE("Error opening device: %d", error); return; } // get references to the Java provided methods sOnActivityChanged = env->GetMethodID( clazz, "onActivityChanged", "([Landroid/hardware/location/ActivityRecognitionHardware$Event;)V"); if (sOnActivityChanged == NULL) { ALOGE("Error obtaining ActivityChanged callback."); return; } // register callbacks sDevice->register_activity_callback(sDevice, &sCallbacks); } /** * Initializes and connect the callbacks handlers in the HAL. */ static void initialize(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { if (sCallbacksObject == NULL) { sCallbacksObject = env->NewGlobalRef(obj); } else { ALOGD("Callbacks Object was already initialized."); } if (sDevice != NULL) { sDevice->register_activity_callback(sDevice, &sCallbacks); } else { ALOGD("ActivityRecognition device not found during initialization."); } } /** * De-initializes the ActivityRecognitionHardware from the native side. */ static void release(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { if (sDevice == NULL) { return; } int error = activity_recognition_close(sDevice); if (error != 0) { ALOGE("Error closing device: %d", error); return; } } /** * Returns true if ActivityRecognition HAL is supported, false otherwise. */ static jboolean is_supported(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) { if (sModule != NULL && sDevice != NULL ) { return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } /** * Gets an array representing the supported activities. */ static jobjectArray get_supported_activities(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { if (sModule == NULL) { return NULL; } char const* const* list = NULL; int list_size = sModule->get_supported_activities_list(sModule, &list); if (list_size <= 0 || list == NULL) { return NULL; } jclass string_class = env->FindClass("java/lang/String"); if (string_class == NULL) { ALOGE("Unable to find String class for supported activities."); return NULL; } jobjectArray string_array = env->NewObjectArray(list_size, string_class, NULL); if (string_array == NULL) { ALOGE("Unable to create string array for supported activities."); return NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < list_size; ++i) { const char* string_ptr = const_cast(list[i]); jstring string = env->NewStringUTF(string_ptr); env->SetObjectArrayElement(string_array, i, string); } return string_array; } /** * Enables a given activity event to be actively monitored. */ static int enable_activity_event( JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint activity_handle, jint event_type, jlong report_latency_ns) { return sDevice->enable_activity_event( sDevice, (uint32_t) activity_handle, (uint32_t) event_type, report_latency_ns); } /** * Disables a given activity event from being actively monitored. */ static int disable_activity_event( JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint activity_handle, jint event_type) { return sDevice->disable_activity_event( sDevice, (uint32_t) activity_handle, (uint32_t) event_type); } /** * Request flush for al batch buffers. */ static int flush(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { return sDevice->flush(sDevice); } static JNINativeMethod sMethods[] = { // {"name", "signature", (void*) functionPointer }, { "nativeClassInit", "()V", (void*) class_init }, { "nativeInitialize", "()V", (void*) initialize }, { "nativeRelease", "()V", (void*) release }, { "nativeIsSupported", "()Z", (void*) is_supported }, { "nativeGetSupportedActivities", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) get_supported_activities }, { "nativeEnableActivityEvent", "(IIJ)I", (void*) enable_activity_event }, { "nativeDisableActivityEvent", "(II)I", (void*) disable_activity_event }, { "nativeFlush", "()I", (void*) flush }, }; /** * Registration method invoked in JNI load. */ int register_android_hardware_location_ActivityRecognitionHardware(JNIEnv* env) { return jniRegisterNativeMethods( env, "android/hardware/location/ActivityRecognitionHardware", sMethods, NELEM(sMethods)); }