#!/bin/bash adb="adb" if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then adb="adb $*" # for setting -e, -d or -s fi function atexit() { local retval=$? if [[ $retval -eq 0 ]]; then rm $log else echo "There were errors, please check log at $log" fi } log=$(mktemp) trap "atexit" EXIT failures=0 function compile_module() { local android_mk="$1" echo "Compiling .${android_mk:${#PWD}}" ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE="$android_mk" make -C "../../../../../" files | tee -a $log if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi } function wait_for_boot_completed() { echo "Rebooting device" $adb wait-for-device logcat -c $adb wait-for-device logcat | grep -m 1 -e 'PowerManagerService.*bootCompleted' >/dev/null } function disable_overlay() { echo "Disabling overlay" $adb shell rm /vendor/overlay/framework/framework-res.apk $adb shell rm /data/resource-cache/vendor@overlay@framework@framework-res.apk@idmap } function enable_overlay() { echo "Enabling overlay" $adb shell ln -s /data/app/com.android.overlaytest.overlay.apk /vendor/overlay/framework/framework-res.apk } function instrument() { local class="$1" echo "Instrumenting $class" $adb shell am instrument -w -e class $class com.android.overlaytest/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner | tee -a $log } function sync() { echo "Syncing to device" $adb remount | tee -a $log $adb sync data | tee -a $log } # build and sync compile_module "$PWD/OverlayTest/Android.mk" compile_module "$PWD/OverlayTestOverlay/Android.mk" sync # instrument test (without overlay) $adb shell stop disable_overlay $adb shell start wait_for_boot_completed instrument "com.android.overlaytest.WithoutOverlayTest" # instrument test (with overlay) $adb shell stop enable_overlay $adb shell start wait_for_boot_completed instrument "com.android.overlaytest.WithOverlayTest" # cleanup exit $(grep -c -e '^FAILURES' $log)