page.title=Google Wallet Instant Buy for Android page.tags="Wallet","payments","Instant Buy" header.hide=1 @jd:body
Easily embed a “Buy with Google” button in your flow to let customers purchase instantly
from your app. Customers can grant you access to their payment information with just
a few clicks.
Add a "Buy with Google" button.
For users ready to purchase, you can simplify the login and account creation steps
by adding Google+ sign in. Users can sign in with a single click and share their
profile information during the purchase.
Add Google+ Sign-In for Wallet.
Google Wallet provides auto-completion of addresses, minimizing user data entry. You can also
retrieve billing and shipping addresses directly from the user’s Wallet to-do form pre-fills.
billing addresses.
The Google Wallet Android APIs are part of the Google Play services platform.
To get started, set up the Google Play services SDK. Then see the tutorial to learn how to set up your app.
Once you've installed the Google Play services package, try the Google Wallet
sample located in <android-sdk>/extras/google-play-services/samples/wallet
The sample shows you how to use the major components of the Instant Buy API.
The Instant Buy Android API tutorial provides directions on how to get the Wallet sample up and running.
For quick access while developing your Android apps, the Google Wallet API reference is available here on
Detailed documentation for the Instant Buy API is available at