public final class


extends Object

Note: The Wearable Support Library classes under the package are subject to change. For the full Android API reference, see Reference.


Class Overview

Constants for use by watch face configuration activities.

To register a configuration activity for a watch face, add a <meta-data> entry to the watch face component in its Android Manifest file with an intent action to be fired to start the activity. The following meta-data will register the com.example.watchface.CONFIG_DIGITAL action to be started when configuring a watch face on the wearable device:

     android:value="com.example.watchface.CONFIG_DIGITAL" />

To register a configuration activity to be started on a companion phone, add the following alternative meta-data entry to the watch face component:

     android:value="com.example.watchface.CONFIG_DIGITAL" />

The activity should have an intent filter which lists the action specified in the meta-data block above, in addition to the two categories present in the following example:

 <activity android:name=".MyWatchFaceConfigActivity">
         <action android:name="com.example.watchface.CONFIG_DIGITAL" />
         <category android:name="" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

For phone side configuration activities, substitute the category for


String EXTRA_PEER_ID The key for String extra specifying the ID of the currently connected device in the phone-side config activity launch Intent.
String EXTRA_WATCH_FACE_COMPONENT The key for String extra specifying a ComponentName of the watch face being configured in the config activity launch Intent.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String EXTRA_PEER_ID

The key for String extra specifying the ID of the currently connected device in the phone-side config activity launch Intent.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_WATCH_FACE_COMPONENT

The key for String extra specifying a ComponentName of the watch face being configured in the config activity launch Intent.

Constant Value: ""