public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

DEPRECATED. Please use the GoogleCloudMessaging API instead.

Constants used by the GCM library.


String ERROR_ACCOUNT_MISSING There is no Google account on the phone.
String ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS The request sent by the phone does not contain the expected parameters.
String ERROR_INVALID_SENDER The sender account is not recognized.
String ERROR_PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR Incorrect phone registration with Google.
String ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE The device can't read the response, or there was a 500/503 from the server that can be retried later.
String EXTRA_APPLICATION_PENDING_INTENT Extra used on .INTENT_TO_GCM_REGISTRATION to get the application info.
String EXTRA_ERROR Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK to indicate an error when the registration fails.
String EXTRA_FROM Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_MESSAGE to indicate which sender (Google API project id) sent the message.
String EXTRA_REGISTRATION_ID Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK to indicate the registration id when the registration succeeds.
String EXTRA_SENDER Extra used on .INTENT_TO_GCM_REGISTRATION to indicate which senders (Google API project ids) can send messages to the application.
String EXTRA_SPECIAL_MESSAGE Type of message present in the .INTENT_FROM_GCM_MESSAGE intent.
String EXTRA_TOTAL_DELETED Number of messages deleted by the server because the device was idle.
String EXTRA_UNREGISTERED Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK to indicate that the application has been unregistered.
String INTENT_FROM_GCM_LIBRARY_RETRY Intent used by the GCM library to indicate that the registration call should be retried.
String INTENT_FROM_GCM_MESSAGE Intent sent by GCM containing a message.
String INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK Intent sent by GCM indicating with the result of a registration request.
String INTENT_TO_GCM_REGISTRATION Intent sent to GCM to register the application.
String INTENT_TO_GCM_UNREGISTRATION Intent sent to GCM to unregister the application.
String PERMISSION_GCM_INTENTS Permission necessary to receive GCM intents.
String VALUE_DELETED_MESSAGES Special message indicating the server deleted the pending messages.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String DEFAULT_INTENT_SERVICE_CLASS_NAME

Constant Value: ".GCMIntentService"

public static final String ERROR_ACCOUNT_MISSING

There is no Google account on the phone. The application should ask the user to open the account manager and add a Google account.

Constant Value: "ACCOUNT_MISSING"

public static final String ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED

Bad password. The application should ask the user to enter his/her password, and let user retry manually later. Fix on the device side.


public static final String ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS

The request sent by the phone does not contain the expected parameters. This phone doesn't currently support GCM.


public static final String ERROR_INVALID_SENDER

The sender account is not recognized. Fix on the device side.

Constant Value: "INVALID_SENDER"

public static final String ERROR_PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR

Incorrect phone registration with Google. This phone doesn't currently support GCM.


public static final String ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE

The device can't read the response, or there was a 500/503 from the server that can be retried later. The application should use exponential back off and retry.



Extra used on .INTENT_TO_GCM_REGISTRATION to get the application info.

Constant Value: "app"

public static final String EXTRA_ERROR

Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK to indicate an error when the registration fails. See constants starting with ERROR_ for possible values.

Constant Value: "error"

public static final String EXTRA_FROM

Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_MESSAGE to indicate which sender (Google API project id) sent the message.

Constant Value: "from"

public static final String EXTRA_REGISTRATION_ID

Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK to indicate the registration id when the registration succeeds.

Constant Value: "registration_id"

public static final String EXTRA_SENDER

Extra used on .INTENT_TO_GCM_REGISTRATION to indicate which senders (Google API project ids) can send messages to the application.

Constant Value: "sender"

public static final String EXTRA_SPECIAL_MESSAGE

Type of message present in the .INTENT_FROM_GCM_MESSAGE intent. This extra is only set for special messages sent from GCM, not for messages originated from the application.

Constant Value: "message_type"

public static final String EXTRA_TOTAL_DELETED

Number of messages deleted by the server because the device was idle. Present only on messages of special type .VALUE_DELETED_MESSAGES

Constant Value: "total_deleted"

public static final String EXTRA_UNREGISTERED

Extra used on .INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK to indicate that the application has been unregistered.

Constant Value: "unregistered"

public static final String INTENT_FROM_GCM_LIBRARY_RETRY

Intent used by the GCM library to indicate that the registration call should be retried.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String INTENT_FROM_GCM_MESSAGE

Intent sent by GCM containing a message.

Constant Value: ""


Intent sent by GCM indicating with the result of a registration request.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String INTENT_TO_GCM_REGISTRATION

Intent sent to GCM to register the application.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String INTENT_TO_GCM_UNREGISTRATION

Intent sent to GCM to unregister the application.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String PERMISSION_GCM_INTENTS

Permission necessary to receive GCM intents.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String VALUE_DELETED_MESSAGES

Special message indicating the server deleted the pending messages.

Constant Value: "deleted_messages"