page.title=Introduction to Honeycomb @jd:body

Welcome to the Honeycomb preview SDK. Honeycomb is the next major release of the Android platform and is optimized for tablet devices. This document provides an introduction to the new platform features and APIs available in Honeycomb.


Fragment Layout. An activity with two fragments: one with a list view, on the left, and one that displays selected content on the right. This demo is available in the samples package.

A new framework component that allows you to separate distinct elements of an activity into self-contained modules that define their own UI and lifecycle—defining what may be considered "sub-activities".

For more information, see the Fragments developer guide.

Action Bar

A replacement for the traditional title bar, which provides users quick access to global actions and different navigation modes.

Action Bar. An action bar with a custom logo, tabs, and Options Menu. This demo is available in the samples package.

For more information, see the Action Bar developer guide.

System Clipboard

Applications can copy and paste data (beyond mere text) to and from the system-wide clipboard.

See {@link android.content.ClipData} and {@link android.content.ClipboardManager} for more information. You can also see an example implementation of copy/paste in an updated version of the NotePad application (available in the samples package).

Drag and Drop

New APIs to perform drag and drop operations, leveraging the system clipboard APIs to transport data.

See {@link android.view.DragEvent} and {@link android.view.View.OnDragListener} for more information.

New Animations

An all new animation framework.

See the {@link android.animation} package.

Extended App Widgets

App widgets can now be more interactive and accept finger gestures.

Extended Status Bar Notifications

The {@link} class has been extended to support more content-rich status bar notifications when on xlarge screens.

Plus Android 2.3

Honeycomb includes all platform changes introduced for Android 2.3.

To take full advantage of Honeycomb, you should also be aware of the new features and APIs introduced for Android 2.3. To learn more, read the Android 2.3 release notes.