/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "DrmManagerClientImpl(Native)" #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/String8.h> #include <utils/Vector.h> #include <binder/IServiceManager.h> #include "DrmManagerClientImpl.h" using namespace android; #define INVALID_VALUE -1 Mutex DrmManagerClientImpl::mMutex; sp<IDrmManagerService> DrmManagerClientImpl::mDrmManagerService; const String8 DrmManagerClientImpl::EMPTY_STRING(""); DrmManagerClientImpl* DrmManagerClientImpl::create(int* pUniqueId) { if (0 == *pUniqueId) { int uniqueId = getDrmManagerService()->addUniqueId(*pUniqueId); *pUniqueId = uniqueId; } else { getDrmManagerService()->addUniqueId(*pUniqueId); } return new DrmManagerClientImpl(); } void DrmManagerClientImpl::remove(int uniqueId) { getDrmManagerService()->removeUniqueId(uniqueId); } const sp<IDrmManagerService>& DrmManagerClientImpl::getDrmManagerService() { mMutex.lock(); if (NULL == mDrmManagerService.get()) { sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); sp<IBinder> binder; do { binder = sm->getService(String16("drm.drmManager")); if (binder != 0) { break; } LOGW("DrmManagerService not published, waiting..."); struct timespec reqt; reqt.tv_sec = 0; reqt.tv_nsec = 500000000; //0.5 sec nanosleep(&reqt, NULL); } while (true); mDrmManagerService = interface_cast<IDrmManagerService>(binder); } mMutex.unlock(); return mDrmManagerService; } void DrmManagerClientImpl::addClient(int uniqueId) { getDrmManagerService()->addClient(uniqueId); } void DrmManagerClientImpl::removeClient(int uniqueId) { getDrmManagerService()->removeClient(uniqueId); } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::setOnInfoListener( int uniqueId, const sp<DrmManagerClient::OnInfoListener>& infoListener) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mOnInfoListener = infoListener; return getDrmManagerService()->setDrmServiceListener(uniqueId, this); } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::installDrmEngine(int uniqueId, const String8& drmEngineFile) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (EMPTY_STRING != drmEngineFile) { status = getDrmManagerService()->installDrmEngine(uniqueId, drmEngineFile); } return status; } DrmConstraints* DrmManagerClientImpl::getConstraints( int uniqueId, const String8* path, const int action) { DrmConstraints *drmConstraints = NULL; if ((NULL != path) && (EMPTY_STRING != *path)) { drmConstraints = getDrmManagerService()->getConstraints(uniqueId, path, action); } return drmConstraints; } DrmMetadata* DrmManagerClientImpl::getMetadata(int uniqueId, const String8* path) { DrmMetadata *drmMetadata = NULL; if ((NULL != path) && (EMPTY_STRING != *path)) { drmMetadata = getDrmManagerService()->getMetadata(uniqueId, path); } return drmMetadata; } bool DrmManagerClientImpl::canHandle(int uniqueId, const String8& path, const String8& mimeType) { bool retCode = false; if ((EMPTY_STRING != path) || (EMPTY_STRING != mimeType)) { retCode = getDrmManagerService()->canHandle(uniqueId, path, mimeType); } return retCode; } DrmInfoStatus* DrmManagerClientImpl::processDrmInfo(int uniqueId, const DrmInfo* drmInfo) { DrmInfoStatus *drmInfoStatus = NULL; if (NULL != drmInfo) { drmInfoStatus = getDrmManagerService()->processDrmInfo(uniqueId, drmInfo); } return drmInfoStatus; } DrmInfo* DrmManagerClientImpl::acquireDrmInfo(int uniqueId, const DrmInfoRequest* drmInfoRequest) { DrmInfo* drmInfo = NULL; if (NULL != drmInfoRequest) { drmInfo = getDrmManagerService()->acquireDrmInfo(uniqueId, drmInfoRequest); } return drmInfo; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::saveRights(int uniqueId, const DrmRights& drmRights, const String8& rightsPath, const String8& contentPath) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (EMPTY_STRING != contentPath) { status = getDrmManagerService()->saveRights(uniqueId, drmRights, rightsPath, contentPath); } return status; } String8 DrmManagerClientImpl::getOriginalMimeType(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { String8 mimeType = EMPTY_STRING; if (EMPTY_STRING != path) { mimeType = getDrmManagerService()->getOriginalMimeType(uniqueId, path); } return mimeType; } int DrmManagerClientImpl::getDrmObjectType( int uniqueId, const String8& path, const String8& mimeType) { int drmOjectType = DrmObjectType::UNKNOWN; if ((EMPTY_STRING != path) || (EMPTY_STRING != mimeType)) { drmOjectType = getDrmManagerService()->getDrmObjectType(uniqueId, path, mimeType); } return drmOjectType; } int DrmManagerClientImpl::checkRightsStatus( int uniqueId, const String8& path, int action) { int rightsStatus = RightsStatus::RIGHTS_INVALID; if (EMPTY_STRING != path) { rightsStatus = getDrmManagerService()->checkRightsStatus(uniqueId, path, action); } return rightsStatus; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::consumeRights( int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int action, bool reserve) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (NULL != decryptHandle) { status = getDrmManagerService()->consumeRights(uniqueId, decryptHandle, action, reserve); } return status; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::setPlaybackStatus( int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int playbackStatus, int64_t position) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (NULL != decryptHandle) { status = getDrmManagerService()->setPlaybackStatus( uniqueId, decryptHandle, playbackStatus, position); } return status; } bool DrmManagerClientImpl::validateAction( int uniqueId, const String8& path, int action, const ActionDescription& description) { bool retCode = false; if (EMPTY_STRING != path) { retCode = getDrmManagerService()->validateAction(uniqueId, path, action, description); } return retCode; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::removeRights(int uniqueId, const String8& path) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (EMPTY_STRING != path) { status = getDrmManagerService()->removeRights(uniqueId, path); } return status; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::removeAllRights(int uniqueId) { return getDrmManagerService()->removeAllRights(uniqueId); } int DrmManagerClientImpl::openConvertSession(int uniqueId, const String8& mimeType) { int retCode = INVALID_VALUE; if (EMPTY_STRING != mimeType) { retCode = getDrmManagerService()->openConvertSession(uniqueId, mimeType); } return retCode; } DrmConvertedStatus* DrmManagerClientImpl::convertData( int uniqueId, int convertId, const DrmBuffer* inputData) { DrmConvertedStatus* drmConvertedStatus = NULL; if (NULL != inputData) { drmConvertedStatus = getDrmManagerService()->convertData(uniqueId, convertId, inputData); } return drmConvertedStatus; } DrmConvertedStatus* DrmManagerClientImpl::closeConvertSession(int uniqueId, int convertId) { return getDrmManagerService()->closeConvertSession(uniqueId, convertId); } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::getAllSupportInfo( int uniqueId, int* length, DrmSupportInfo** drmSupportInfoArray) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if ((NULL != drmSupportInfoArray) && (NULL != length)) { status = getDrmManagerService()->getAllSupportInfo(uniqueId, length, drmSupportInfoArray); } return status; } DecryptHandle* DrmManagerClientImpl::openDecryptSession( int uniqueId, int fd, off64_t offset, off64_t length) { return getDrmManagerService()->openDecryptSession(uniqueId, fd, offset, length); } DecryptHandle* DrmManagerClientImpl::openDecryptSession(int uniqueId, const char* uri) { DecryptHandle* handle = NULL; if (NULL != uri) { handle = getDrmManagerService()->openDecryptSession(uniqueId, uri); } return handle; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::closeDecryptSession(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (NULL != decryptHandle) { status = getDrmManagerService()->closeDecryptSession( uniqueId, decryptHandle); } return status; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::initializeDecryptUnit(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId, const DrmBuffer* headerInfo) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if ((NULL != decryptHandle) && (NULL != headerInfo)) { status = getDrmManagerService()->initializeDecryptUnit( uniqueId, decryptHandle, decryptUnitId, headerInfo); } return status; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::decrypt(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId, const DrmBuffer* encBuffer, DrmBuffer** decBuffer, DrmBuffer* IV) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if ((NULL != decryptHandle) && (NULL != encBuffer) && (NULL != decBuffer) && (NULL != *decBuffer)) { status = getDrmManagerService()->decrypt( uniqueId, decryptHandle, decryptUnitId, encBuffer, decBuffer, IV); } return status; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::finalizeDecryptUnit( int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, int decryptUnitId) { status_t status = DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (NULL != decryptHandle) { status = getDrmManagerService()->finalizeDecryptUnit(uniqueId, decryptHandle, decryptUnitId); } return status; } ssize_t DrmManagerClientImpl::pread(int uniqueId, DecryptHandle* decryptHandle, void* buffer, ssize_t numBytes, off64_t offset) { ssize_t retCode = INVALID_VALUE; if ((NULL != decryptHandle) && (NULL != buffer) && (0 < numBytes)) { retCode = getDrmManagerService()->pread(uniqueId, decryptHandle, buffer, numBytes, offset); } return retCode; } status_t DrmManagerClientImpl::notify(const DrmInfoEvent& event) { if (NULL != mOnInfoListener.get()) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); sp<DrmManagerClient::OnInfoListener> listener = mOnInfoListener; listener->onInfo(event); } return DRM_NO_ERROR; }