/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.graphics; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.graphics.FontListParser.Family; import android.util.Log; import android.util.LongSparseArray; import android.util.SparseArray; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * The Typeface class specifies the typeface and intrinsic style of a font. * This is used in the paint, along with optionally Paint settings like * textSize, textSkewX, textScaleX to specify * how text appears when drawn (and measured). */ public class Typeface { private static String TAG = "Typeface"; /** The default NORMAL typeface object */ public static final Typeface DEFAULT; /** * The default BOLD typeface object. Note: this may be not actually be * bold, depending on what fonts are installed. Call getStyle() to know * for sure. */ public static final Typeface DEFAULT_BOLD; /** The NORMAL style of the default sans serif typeface. */ public static final Typeface SANS_SERIF; /** The NORMAL style of the default serif typeface. */ public static final Typeface SERIF; /** The NORMAL style of the default monospace typeface. */ public static final Typeface MONOSPACE; static Typeface[] sDefaults; private static final LongSparseArray> sTypefaceCache = new LongSparseArray>(3); static Typeface sDefaultTypeface; static Map sSystemFontMap; static FontFamily[] sFallbackFonts; static final String FONTS_CONFIG = "fonts.xml"; static final String SANS_SERIF_FAMILY_NAME = "sans-serif"; /** * @hide */ public long native_instance; // Style public static final int NORMAL = 0; public static final int BOLD = 1; public static final int ITALIC = 2; public static final int BOLD_ITALIC = 3; private int mStyle = 0; // Typefaces that we can garbage collect when changing fonts, and so we don't break public APIs private static Typeface DEFAULT_INTERNAL; private static Typeface DEFAULT_BOLD_INTERNAL; private static Typeface SANS_SERIF_INTERNAL; private static Typeface SERIF_INTERNAL; private static Typeface MONOSPACE_INTERNAL; private static void setDefault(Typeface t) { sDefaultTypeface = t; nativeSetDefault(t.native_instance); } /** Returns the typeface's intrinsic style attributes */ public int getStyle() { return mStyle; } /** Returns true if getStyle() has the BOLD bit set. */ public final boolean isBold() { return (mStyle & BOLD) != 0; } /** Returns true if getStyle() has the ITALIC bit set. */ public final boolean isItalic() { return (mStyle & ITALIC) != 0; } /** * Create a typeface object given a family name, and option style information. * If null is passed for the name, then the "default" font will be chosen. * The resulting typeface object can be queried (getStyle()) to discover what * its "real" style characteristics are. * * @param familyName May be null. The name of the font family. * @param style The style (normal, bold, italic) of the typeface. * e.g. NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC * @return The best matching typeface. */ public static Typeface create(String familyName, int style) { if (sSystemFontMap != null) { return create(sSystemFontMap.get(familyName), style); } return null; } /** * Create a typeface object that best matches the specified existing * typeface and the specified Style. Use this call if you want to pick a new * style from the same family of an existing typeface object. If family is * null, this selects from the default font's family. * * @param family May be null. The name of the existing type face. * @param style The style (normal, bold, italic) of the typeface. * e.g. NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC * @return The best matching typeface. */ public static Typeface create(Typeface family, int style) { if (style < 0 || style > 3) { style = 0; } long ni = 0; if (family != null) { // Return early if we're asked for the same face/style if (family.mStyle == style) { return family; } ni = family.native_instance; } Typeface typeface; SparseArray styles = sTypefaceCache.get(ni); if (styles != null) { typeface = styles.get(style); if (typeface != null) { return typeface; } } typeface = new Typeface(nativeCreateFromTypeface(ni, style)); if (styles == null) { styles = new SparseArray(4); sTypefaceCache.put(ni, styles); } styles.put(style, typeface); return typeface; } /** * Returns one of the default typeface objects, based on the specified style * * @return the default typeface that corresponds to the style */ public static Typeface defaultFromStyle(int style) { return sDefaults[style]; } /** * Create a new typeface from the specified font data. * @param mgr The application's asset manager * @param path The file name of the font data in the assets directory * @return The new typeface. */ public static Typeface createFromAsset(AssetManager mgr, String path) { if (sFallbackFonts != null) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); if (fontFamily.addFontFromAsset(mgr, path)) { FontFamily[] families = { fontFamily }; return createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families); } } throw new RuntimeException("Font asset not found " + path); } /** * Create a new typeface from the specified font file. * * @param path The path to the font data. * @return The new typeface. */ public static Typeface createFromFile(File path) { return createFromFile(path.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Create a new typeface from the specified font file. * * @param path The full path to the font data. * @return The new typeface. */ public static Typeface createFromFile(String path) { if (sFallbackFonts != null) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); if (fontFamily.addFont(path)) { FontFamily[] families = { fontFamily }; return createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families); } } throw new RuntimeException("Font not found " + path); } /** * Create a new typeface from an array of font families. * * @param families array of font families * @hide */ public static Typeface createFromFamilies(FontFamily[] families) { long[] ptrArray = new long[families.length]; for (int i = 0; i < families.length; i++) { ptrArray[i] = families[i].mNativePtr; } Typeface typeface = new Typeface(nativeCreateFromArray(ptrArray)); return typeface; } /** * Create a new typeface from an array of font families, including * also the font families in the fallback list. * * @param families array of font families * @hide */ public static Typeface createFromFamiliesWithDefault(FontFamily[] families) { long[] ptrArray = new long[families.length + sFallbackFonts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < families.length; i++) { ptrArray[i] = families[i].mNativePtr; } for (int i = 0; i < sFallbackFonts.length; i++) { ptrArray[i + families.length] = sFallbackFonts[i].mNativePtr; } return new Typeface(nativeCreateFromArray(ptrArray)); } // don't allow clients to call this directly private Typeface(long ni) { if (ni == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("native typeface cannot be made"); } native_instance = ni; mStyle = nativeGetStyle(ni); } private static FontFamily makeFamilyFromParsed(FontListParser.Family family) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(family.lang, family.variant); for (FontListParser.Font font : family.fonts) { fontFamily.addFontWeightStyle(font.fontName, font.weight, font.isItalic); } return fontFamily; } /** * Adds the family from src with the name familyName as a fallback font in dst * @param src Source font config * @param dst Destination font config * @param familyName Name of family to add as a fallback */ private static void addFallbackFontsForFamilyName(FontListParser.Config src, FontListParser.Config dst, String familyName) { for (Family srcFamily : src.families) { if (familyName.equals(srcFamily.name)) { // set the name to null so that it will be added as a fallback srcFamily.name = null; dst.families.add(srcFamily); return; } } } /** * Adds any font families in src that do not exist in dst * @param src Source font config * @param dst Destination font config */ private static void addMissingFontFamilies(FontListParser.Config src, FontListParser.Config dst) { final int N = dst.families.size(); // add missing families for (Family srcFamily : src.families) { boolean addFamily = true; for (int i = 0; i < N && addFamily; i++) { final Family dstFamily = dst.families.get(i); final String dstFamilyName = dstFamily.name; if (dstFamilyName != null && dstFamilyName.equals(srcFamily.name)) { addFamily = false; break; } } if (addFamily) { dst.families.add(srcFamily); } } } /** * Adds any aliases in src that do not exist in dst * @param src Source font config * @param dst Destination font config */ private static void addMissingFontAliases(FontListParser.Config src, FontListParser.Config dst) { final int N = dst.aliases.size(); // add missing aliases for (FontListParser.Alias alias : src.aliases) { boolean addAlias = true; for (int i = 0; i < N && addAlias; i++) { final String dstAliasName = dst.aliases.get(i).name; if (dstAliasName != null && dstAliasName.equals(alias.name)) { addAlias = false; break; } } if (addAlias) { dst.aliases.add(alias); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * This should only be called once, from the static class initializer block. */ private static void init(boolean forceSystemFonts) { // Load font config and initialize Minikin state File systemFontConfigLocation = getSystemFontConfigLocation(); File themeFontConfigLocation = getThemeFontConfigLocation(); File systemConfigFile = new File(systemFontConfigLocation, FONTS_CONFIG); File themeConfigFile = new File(themeFontConfigLocation, FONTS_CONFIG); File configFile = null; File fontDir; if (!forceSystemFonts && themeConfigFile.exists()) { configFile = themeConfigFile; fontDir = getThemeFontDirLocation(); } else { configFile = systemConfigFile; fontDir = getSystemFontDirLocation(); } try { FontListParser.Config fontConfig = FontListParser.parse(configFile, fontDir.getAbsolutePath()); FontListParser.Config systemFontConfig = null; // If the fonts are coming from a theme, we will need to make sure that we include // any font families from the system fonts that the theme did not include. // NOTE: All the system font families without names ALWAYS get added. if (configFile == themeConfigFile) { systemFontConfig = FontListParser.parse(systemConfigFile, getSystemFontDirLocation().getAbsolutePath()); addFallbackFontsForFamilyName(systemFontConfig, fontConfig, SANS_SERIF_FAMILY_NAME); addMissingFontFamilies(systemFontConfig, fontConfig); addMissingFontAliases(systemFontConfig, fontConfig); } List familyList = new ArrayList(); // Note that the default typeface is always present in the fallback list; // this is an enhancement from pre-Minikin behavior. for (int i = 0; i < fontConfig.families.size(); i++) { Family f = fontConfig.families.get(i); if (i == 0 || f.name == null) { familyList.add(makeFamilyFromParsed(f)); } } sFallbackFonts = familyList.toArray(new FontFamily[familyList.size()]); setDefault(Typeface.createFromFamilies(sFallbackFonts)); Map systemFonts = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < fontConfig.families.size(); i++) { Typeface typeface; Family f = fontConfig.families.get(i); if (f.name != null) { if (i == 0) { // The first entry is the default typeface; no sense in // duplicating the corresponding FontFamily. typeface = sDefaultTypeface; } else { FontFamily fontFamily = makeFamilyFromParsed(f); FontFamily[] families = { fontFamily }; typeface = Typeface.createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families); } systemFonts.put(f.name, typeface); } } for (FontListParser.Alias alias : fontConfig.aliases) { Typeface base = systemFonts.get(alias.toName); Typeface newFace = base; int weight = alias.weight; if (weight != 400) { newFace = new Typeface(nativeCreateWeightAlias(base.native_instance, weight)); } systemFonts.put(alias.name, newFace); } sSystemFontMap = systemFonts; } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Didn't create default family (most likely, non-Minikin build)", e); // TODO: normal in non-Minikin case, remove or make error when Minikin-only } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error opening " + configFile, e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error reading " + configFile, e); } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { Log.e(TAG, "XML parse exception for " + configFile, e); } } /** @hide */ public static void recreateDefaults() { recreateDefaults(false); } /** * Clears caches in java and skia. * Skia will then reparse font config * @hide */ public static void recreateDefaults(boolean forceSystemFonts) { sTypefaceCache.clear(); sSystemFontMap.clear(); init(forceSystemFonts); DEFAULT_INTERNAL = create((String) null, 0); DEFAULT_BOLD_INTERNAL = create((String) null, Typeface.BOLD); SANS_SERIF_INTERNAL = create("sans-serif", 0); SERIF_INTERNAL = create("serif", 0); MONOSPACE_INTERNAL = create("monospace", 0); DEFAULT.native_instance = DEFAULT_INTERNAL.native_instance; DEFAULT_BOLD.native_instance = DEFAULT_BOLD_INTERNAL.native_instance; SANS_SERIF.native_instance = SANS_SERIF_INTERNAL.native_instance; SERIF.native_instance = SERIF_INTERNAL.native_instance; MONOSPACE.native_instance = MONOSPACE_INTERNAL.native_instance; sDefaults[2] = create((String) null, Typeface.ITALIC); sDefaults[3] = create((String) null, Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC); } static { init(false); // Set up defaults and typefaces exposed in public API DEFAULT_INTERNAL = create((String) null, 0); DEFAULT_BOLD_INTERNAL = create((String) null, Typeface.BOLD); SANS_SERIF_INTERNAL = create("sans-serif", 0); SERIF_INTERNAL = create("serif", 0); MONOSPACE_INTERNAL = create("monospace", 0); DEFAULT = new Typeface(DEFAULT_INTERNAL.native_instance); DEFAULT_BOLD = new Typeface(DEFAULT_BOLD_INTERNAL.native_instance); SANS_SERIF = new Typeface(SANS_SERIF_INTERNAL.native_instance); SERIF = new Typeface(SERIF_INTERNAL.native_instance); MONOSPACE = new Typeface(MONOSPACE_INTERNAL.native_instance); sDefaults = new Typeface[] { DEFAULT, DEFAULT_BOLD, create((String) null, Typeface.ITALIC), create((String) null, Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC), }; } private static File getSystemFontConfigLocation() { return new File("/system/etc/"); } private static File getSystemFontDirLocation() { return new File("/system/fonts/"); } private static File getThemeFontConfigLocation() { return new File("/data/system/theme/fonts/"); } private static File getThemeFontDirLocation() { return new File("/data/system/theme/fonts/"); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { nativeUnref(native_instance); } finally { super.finalize(); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Typeface typeface = (Typeface) o; return mStyle == typeface.mStyle && native_instance == typeface.native_instance; } @Override public int hashCode() { /* * Modified method for hashCode with long native_instance derived from * http://developer.android.com/reference/java/lang/Object.html */ int result = 17; result = 31 * result + (int) (native_instance ^ (native_instance >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + mStyle; return result; } private static native long nativeCreateFromTypeface(long native_instance, int style); private static native long nativeCreateWeightAlias(long native_instance, int weight); private static native void nativeUnref(long native_instance); private static native int nativeGetStyle(long native_instance); private static native long nativeCreateFromArray(long[] familyArray); private static native void nativeSetDefault(long native_instance); }