/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "RenderProxy.h" #include "DeferredLayerUpdater.h" #include "DisplayList.h" #include "LayerRenderer.h" #include "Rect.h" #include "renderthread/CanvasContext.h" #include "renderthread/RenderTask.h" #include "renderthread/RenderThread.h" #include "utils/Macros.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { namespace renderthread { #define ARGS(method) method ## Args #define CREATE_BRIDGE0(name) CREATE_BRIDGE(name,,,,,,,,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE1(name, a1) CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1,,,,,,,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE2(name, a1, a2) CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1,a2,,,,,,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE3(name, a1, a2, a3) CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1,a2,a3,,,,,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE4(name, a1, a2, a3, a4) CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1,a2,a3,a4,,,,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE5(name, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,,,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE6(name, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE7(name, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,) #define CREATE_BRIDGE(name, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \ typedef struct { \ a1; a2; a3; a4; a5; a6; a7; a8; \ } ARGS(name); \ static void* Bridge_ ## name(ARGS(name)* args) #define SETUP_TASK(method) \ LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF( METHOD_INVOKE_PAYLOAD_SIZE < sizeof(ARGS(method)), \ "METHOD_INVOKE_PAYLOAD_SIZE %zu is smaller than sizeof(" #method "Args) %zu", \ METHOD_INVOKE_PAYLOAD_SIZE, sizeof(ARGS(method))); \ MethodInvokeRenderTask* task = new MethodInvokeRenderTask((RunnableMethod) Bridge_ ## method); \ ARGS(method) *args = (ARGS(method) *) task->payload() namespace DumpFlags { enum { FrameStats = 1 << 0, Reset = 1 << 1, }; }; CREATE_BRIDGE4(createContext, RenderThread* thread, bool translucent, RenderNode* rootRenderNode, IContextFactory* contextFactory) { return new CanvasContext(*args->thread, args->translucent, args->rootRenderNode, args->contextFactory); } RenderProxy::RenderProxy(bool translucent, RenderNode* rootRenderNode, IContextFactory* contextFactory) : mRenderThread(RenderThread::getInstance()) , mContext(nullptr) { SETUP_TASK(createContext); args->translucent = translucent; args->rootRenderNode = rootRenderNode; args->thread = &mRenderThread; args->contextFactory = contextFactory; mContext = (CanvasContext*) postAndWait(task); mDrawFrameTask.setContext(&mRenderThread, mContext); } RenderProxy::~RenderProxy() { destroyContext(); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(destroyContext, CanvasContext* context) { delete args->context; return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::destroyContext() { if (mContext) { SETUP_TASK(destroyContext); args->context = mContext; mContext = nullptr; mDrawFrameTask.setContext(nullptr, nullptr); // This is also a fence as we need to be certain that there are no // outstanding mDrawFrame tasks posted before it is destroyed postAndWait(task); } } CREATE_BRIDGE2(setSwapBehavior, CanvasContext* context, SwapBehavior swapBehavior) { args->context->setSwapBehavior(args->swapBehavior); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::setSwapBehavior(SwapBehavior swapBehavior) { SETUP_TASK(setSwapBehavior); args->context = mContext; args->swapBehavior = swapBehavior; post(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(loadSystemProperties, CanvasContext* context) { bool needsRedraw = false; if (Caches::hasInstance()) { needsRedraw = Properties::load(); } if (args->context->profiler().consumeProperties()) { needsRedraw = true; } return (void*) needsRedraw; } bool RenderProxy::loadSystemProperties() { SETUP_TASK(loadSystemProperties); args->context = mContext; return (bool) postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(setName, CanvasContext* context, const char* name) { args->context->setName(std::string(args->name)); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::setName(const char* name) { SETUP_TASK(setName); args->context = mContext; args->name = name; postAndWait(task); // block since name/value pointers owned by caller } CREATE_BRIDGE2(initialize, CanvasContext* context, ANativeWindow* window) { return (void*) args->context->initialize(args->window); } bool RenderProxy::initialize(const sp& window) { SETUP_TASK(initialize); args->context = mContext; args->window = window.get(); return (bool) postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(updateSurface, CanvasContext* context, ANativeWindow* window) { args->context->updateSurface(args->window); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::updateSurface(const sp& window) { SETUP_TASK(updateSurface); args->context = mContext; args->window = window.get(); postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(pauseSurface, CanvasContext* context, ANativeWindow* window) { return (void*) args->context->pauseSurface(args->window); } bool RenderProxy::pauseSurface(const sp& window) { SETUP_TASK(pauseSurface); args->context = mContext; args->window = window.get(); return (bool) postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE6(setup, CanvasContext* context, int width, int height, float lightRadius, uint8_t ambientShadowAlpha, uint8_t spotShadowAlpha) { args->context->setup(args->width, args->height, args->lightRadius, args->ambientShadowAlpha, args->spotShadowAlpha); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::setup(int width, int height, float lightRadius, uint8_t ambientShadowAlpha, uint8_t spotShadowAlpha) { SETUP_TASK(setup); args->context = mContext; args->width = width; args->height = height; args->lightRadius = lightRadius; args->ambientShadowAlpha = ambientShadowAlpha; args->spotShadowAlpha = spotShadowAlpha; post(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(setLightCenter, CanvasContext* context, Vector3 lightCenter) { args->context->setLightCenter(args->lightCenter); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::setLightCenter(const Vector3& lightCenter) { SETUP_TASK(setLightCenter); args->context = mContext; args->lightCenter = lightCenter; post(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(setOpaque, CanvasContext* context, bool opaque) { args->context->setOpaque(args->opaque); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::setOpaque(bool opaque) { SETUP_TASK(setOpaque); args->context = mContext; args->opaque = opaque; post(task); } int64_t* RenderProxy::frameInfo() { return mDrawFrameTask.frameInfo(); } int RenderProxy::syncAndDrawFrame() { return mDrawFrameTask.drawFrame(); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(destroy, CanvasContext* context) { args->context->destroy(); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::destroy() { SETUP_TASK(destroy); args->context = mContext; // destroyCanvasAndSurface() needs a fence as when it returns the // underlying BufferQueue is going to be released from under // the render thread. postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(invokeFunctor, RenderThread* thread, Functor* functor) { CanvasContext::invokeFunctor(*args->thread, args->functor); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::invokeFunctor(Functor* functor, bool waitForCompletion) { ATRACE_CALL(); RenderThread& thread = RenderThread::getInstance(); SETUP_TASK(invokeFunctor); args->thread = &thread; args->functor = functor; if (waitForCompletion) { // waitForCompletion = true is expected to be fairly rare and only // happen in destruction. Thus it should be fine to temporarily // create a Mutex staticPostAndWait(task); } else { thread.queue(task); } } CREATE_BRIDGE2(runWithGlContext, CanvasContext* context, RenderTask* task) { args->context->runWithGlContext(args->task); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::runWithGlContext(RenderTask* gltask) { SETUP_TASK(runWithGlContext); args->context = mContext; args->task = gltask; postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(createTextureLayer, RenderThread* thread, CanvasContext* context) { Layer* layer = args->context->createTextureLayer(); if (!layer) return nullptr; return new DeferredLayerUpdater(*args->thread, layer); } DeferredLayerUpdater* RenderProxy::createTextureLayer() { SETUP_TASK(createTextureLayer); args->context = mContext; args->thread = &mRenderThread; void* retval = postAndWait(task); DeferredLayerUpdater* layer = reinterpret_cast(retval); return layer; } CREATE_BRIDGE2(buildLayer, CanvasContext* context, RenderNode* node) { args->context->buildLayer(args->node); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::buildLayer(RenderNode* node) { SETUP_TASK(buildLayer); args->context = mContext; args->node = node; postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE3(copyLayerInto, CanvasContext* context, DeferredLayerUpdater* layer, SkBitmap* bitmap) { bool success = args->context->copyLayerInto(args->layer, args->bitmap); return (void*) success; } bool RenderProxy::copyLayerInto(DeferredLayerUpdater* layer, SkBitmap& bitmap) { SETUP_TASK(copyLayerInto); args->context = mContext; args->layer = layer; args->bitmap = &bitmap; return (bool) postAndWait(task); } void RenderProxy::pushLayerUpdate(DeferredLayerUpdater* layer) { mDrawFrameTask.pushLayerUpdate(layer); } void RenderProxy::cancelLayerUpdate(DeferredLayerUpdater* layer) { mDrawFrameTask.removeLayerUpdate(layer); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(detachSurfaceTexture, DeferredLayerUpdater* layer) { args->layer->detachSurfaceTexture(); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::detachSurfaceTexture(DeferredLayerUpdater* layer) { SETUP_TASK(detachSurfaceTexture); args->layer = layer; postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(destroyHardwareResources, CanvasContext* context) { args->context->destroyHardwareResources(); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::destroyHardwareResources() { SETUP_TASK(destroyHardwareResources); args->context = mContext; post(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(trimMemory, RenderThread* thread, int level) { CanvasContext::trimMemory(*args->thread, args->level); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::trimMemory(int level) { // Avoid creating a RenderThread to do a trimMemory. if (RenderThread::hasInstance()) { RenderThread& thread = RenderThread::getInstance(); SETUP_TASK(trimMemory); args->thread = &thread; args->level = level; thread.queue(task); } } CREATE_BRIDGE2(overrideProperty, const char* name, const char* value) { Properties::overrideProperty(args->name, args->value); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::overrideProperty(const char* name, const char* value) { SETUP_TASK(overrideProperty); args->name = name; args->value = value; staticPostAndWait(task); // expensive, but block here since name/value pointers owned by caller } CREATE_BRIDGE0(fence) { // Intentionally empty return nullptr; } template void UNUSED(T t) {} void RenderProxy::fence() { SETUP_TASK(fence); UNUSED(args); postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(stopDrawing, CanvasContext* context) { args->context->stopDrawing(); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::stopDrawing() { SETUP_TASK(stopDrawing); args->context = mContext; postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(notifyFramePending, CanvasContext* context) { args->context->notifyFramePending(); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::notifyFramePending() { SETUP_TASK(notifyFramePending); args->context = mContext; mRenderThread.queueAtFront(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE4(dumpProfileInfo, CanvasContext* context, RenderThread* thread, int fd, int dumpFlags) { args->context->profiler().dumpData(args->fd); args->thread->jankTracker().dump(args->fd); if (args->dumpFlags & DumpFlags::FrameStats) { args->context->dumpFrames(args->fd); } if (args->dumpFlags & DumpFlags::Reset) { args->context->resetFrameStats(); } return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::dumpProfileInfo(int fd, int dumpFlags) { SETUP_TASK(dumpProfileInfo); args->context = mContext; args->thread = &mRenderThread; args->fd = fd; args->dumpFlags = dumpFlags; postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE1(resetProfileInfo, CanvasContext* context) { args->context->resetFrameStats(); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::resetProfileInfo() { SETUP_TASK(resetProfileInfo); args->context = mContext; postAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(dumpGraphicsMemory, int fd, RenderThread* thread) { args->thread->jankTracker().dump(args->fd); FILE *file = fdopen(args->fd, "a"); if (Caches::hasInstance()) { String8 cachesLog; Caches::getInstance().dumpMemoryUsage(cachesLog); fprintf(file, "\nCaches:\n%s\n", cachesLog.string()); } else { fprintf(file, "\nNo caches instance.\n"); } fflush(file); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::dumpGraphicsMemory(int fd) { if (!RenderThread::hasInstance()) return; SETUP_TASK(dumpGraphicsMemory); args->fd = fd; args->thread = &RenderThread::getInstance(); staticPostAndWait(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE4(setTextureAtlas, RenderThread* thread, GraphicBuffer* buffer, int64_t* map, size_t size) { CanvasContext::setTextureAtlas(*args->thread, args->buffer, args->map, args->size); args->buffer->decStrong(nullptr); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::setTextureAtlas(const sp& buffer, int64_t* map, size_t size) { SETUP_TASK(setTextureAtlas); args->thread = &mRenderThread; args->buffer = buffer.get(); args->buffer->incStrong(nullptr); args->map = map; args->size = size; post(task); } CREATE_BRIDGE2(setProcessStatsBuffer, RenderThread* thread, int fd) { args->thread->jankTracker().switchStorageToAshmem(args->fd); close(args->fd); return nullptr; } void RenderProxy::setProcessStatsBuffer(int fd) { SETUP_TASK(setProcessStatsBuffer); args->thread = &mRenderThread; args->fd = dup(fd); post(task); } void RenderProxy::post(RenderTask* task) { mRenderThread.queue(task); } void* RenderProxy::postAndWait(MethodInvokeRenderTask* task) { void* retval; task->setReturnPtr(&retval); SignalingRenderTask syncTask(task, &mSyncMutex, &mSyncCondition); AutoMutex _lock(mSyncMutex); mRenderThread.queue(&syncTask); mSyncCondition.wait(mSyncMutex); return retval; } void* RenderProxy::staticPostAndWait(MethodInvokeRenderTask* task) { RenderThread& thread = RenderThread::getInstance(); void* retval; task->setReturnPtr(&retval); Mutex mutex; Condition condition; SignalingRenderTask syncTask(task, &mutex, &condition); AutoMutex _lock(mutex); thread.queue(&syncTask); condition.wait(mutex); return retval; } } /* namespace renderthread */ } /* namespace uirenderer */ } /* namespace android */