/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsContext.h" #include #include using namespace android; using namespace android::renderscript; ShaderCache::ShaderCache() { mEntryCount = 0; mEntryAllocationCount = 16; mEntries = (entry_t *)calloc(mEntryAllocationCount, sizeof(entry_t)); } ShaderCache::~ShaderCache() { for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < mEntryCount; ct++) { glDeleteProgram(mEntries[ct].program); } mEntryCount = 0; mEntryAllocationCount = 0; free(mEntries); } bool ShaderCache::lookup(Context *rsc, ProgramVertex *vtx, ProgramFragment *frag) { if (!vtx->getShaderID()) { vtx->loadShader(rsc); } if (!frag->getShaderID()) { frag->loadShader(rsc); } //LOGV("ShaderCache lookup vtx %i, frag %i", vtx->getShaderID(), frag->getShaderID()); for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < mEntryCount; ct++) { if ((mEntries[ct].vtx == vtx->getShaderID()) && (mEntries[ct].frag == frag->getShaderID())) { //LOGV("SC using program %i", mEntries[ct].program); glUseProgram(mEntries[ct].program); mCurrent = &mEntries[ct]; //LOGV("ShaderCache hit, using %i", ct); rsc->checkError("ShaderCache::lookup (hit)"); return true; } } // Not in cache, add it. if (mEntryAllocationCount == mEntryCount) { // Out of space, make some. mEntryAllocationCount *= 2; entry_t *e = (entry_t *)calloc(mEntryAllocationCount, sizeof(entry_t)); if (!e) { LOGE("Out of memory for ShaderCache::lookup"); return false; } memcpy(e, mEntries, sizeof(entry_t) * mEntryCount); free(mEntries); mEntries = e; } //LOGV("ShaderCache miss, using %i", mEntryCount); //LOGE("e0 %x", glGetError()); entry_t *e = &mEntries[mEntryCount]; mCurrent = e; e->vtx = vtx->getShaderID(); e->frag = frag->getShaderID(); e->program = glCreateProgram(); e->mUserVertexProgram = vtx->isUserProgram(); if (mEntries[mEntryCount].program) { GLuint pgm = e->program; glAttachShader(pgm, vtx->getShaderID()); //LOGE("e1 %x", glGetError()); glAttachShader(pgm, frag->getShaderID()); if (!vtx->isUserProgram()) { glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 0, "ATTRIB_LegacyPosition"); glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 1, "ATTRIB_LegacyColor"); glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 2, "ATTRIB_LegacyNormal"); glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 3, "ATTRIB_LegacyPointSize"); glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 4, "ATTRIB_LegacyTexture"); e->mVtxAttribSlots[RS_KIND_POSITION] = 0; e->mVtxAttribSlots[RS_KIND_COLOR] = 1; e->mVtxAttribSlots[RS_KIND_NORMAL] = 2; e->mVtxAttribSlots[RS_KIND_POINT_SIZE] = 3; e->mVtxAttribSlots[RS_KIND_TEXTURE] = 4; } //LOGE("e2 %x", glGetError()); glLinkProgram(pgm); //LOGE("e3 %x", glGetError()); GLint linkStatus = GL_FALSE; glGetProgramiv(pgm, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus); if (linkStatus != GL_TRUE) { GLint bufLength = 0; glGetProgramiv(pgm, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &bufLength); if (bufLength) { char* buf = (char*) malloc(bufLength); if (buf) { glGetProgramInfoLog(pgm, bufLength, NULL, buf); LOGE("Could not link program:\n%s\n", buf); free(buf); } } glDeleteProgram(pgm); } if (vtx->isUserProgram()) { for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < vtx->getAttribCount(); ct++) { e->mVtxAttribSlots[ct] = glGetAttribLocation(pgm, vtx->getAttribName(ct)); if (rsc->props.mLogShaders) { LOGV("vtx A %i, %s = %d\n", ct, vtx->getAttribName(ct).string(), e->mVtxAttribSlots[ct]); } } } for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < vtx->getUniformCount(); ct++) { e->mVtxUniformSlots[ct] = glGetUniformLocation(pgm, vtx->getUniformName(ct)); if (rsc->props.mLogShaders) { LOGV("vtx U, %s = %d\n", vtx->getUniformName(ct).string(), e->mVtxUniformSlots[ct]); } } for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < frag->getUniformCount(); ct++) { e->mFragUniformSlots[ct] = glGetUniformLocation(pgm, frag->getUniformName(ct)); if (rsc->props.mLogShaders) { LOGV("frag U, %s = %d\n", frag->getUniformName(ct).string(), e->mFragUniformSlots[ct]); } } } //LOGV("SC made program %i", e->program); glUseProgram(e->program); mEntryCount++; rsc->checkError("ShaderCache::lookup (miss)"); return true; } void ShaderCache::cleanupVertex(uint32_t id) { } void ShaderCache::cleanupFragment(uint32_t id) { } void ShaderCache::cleanupAll() { }