// // Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project // // Provides a pipe-based transport for native events in the NDK. // #define LOG_TAG "Input" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 // Log debug messages about keymap probing. #define DEBUG_PROBE 0 // Log debug messages about velocity tracking. #define DEBUG_VELOCITY 0 // Log debug messages about acceleration. #define DEBUG_ACCELERATION 0 #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <ui/Input.h> #include <math.h> #include <limits.h> #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS #include <binder/Parcel.h> #include "SkPoint.h" #include "SkMatrix.h" #include "SkScalar.h" #endif namespace android { static const char* CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIR[] = { "idc/", "keylayout/", "keychars/", }; static const char* CONFIGURATION_FILE_EXTENSION[] = { ".idc", ".kl", ".kcm", }; static bool isValidNameChar(char ch) { return isascii(ch) && (isdigit(ch) || isalpha(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '_'); } static void appendInputDeviceConfigurationFileRelativePath(String8& path, const String8& name, InputDeviceConfigurationFileType type) { path.append(CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIR[type]); for (size_t i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char ch = name[i]; if (!isValidNameChar(ch)) { ch = '_'; } path.append(&ch, 1); } path.append(CONFIGURATION_FILE_EXTENSION[type]); } String8 getInputDeviceConfigurationFilePathByDeviceIdentifier( const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdentifier, InputDeviceConfigurationFileType type) { if (deviceIdentifier.vendor !=0 && deviceIdentifier.product != 0) { if (deviceIdentifier.version != 0) { // Try vendor product version. String8 versionPath(getInputDeviceConfigurationFilePathByName( String8::format("Vendor_%04x_Product_%04x_Version_%04x", deviceIdentifier.vendor, deviceIdentifier.product, deviceIdentifier.version), type)); if (!versionPath.isEmpty()) { return versionPath; } } // Try vendor product. String8 productPath(getInputDeviceConfigurationFilePathByName( String8::format("Vendor_%04x_Product_%04x", deviceIdentifier.vendor, deviceIdentifier.product), type)); if (!productPath.isEmpty()) { return productPath; } } // Try device name. return getInputDeviceConfigurationFilePathByName(deviceIdentifier.name, type); } String8 getInputDeviceConfigurationFilePathByName( const String8& name, InputDeviceConfigurationFileType type) { // Search system repository. String8 path; path.setTo(getenv("ANDROID_ROOT")); path.append("/usr/"); appendInputDeviceConfigurationFileRelativePath(path, name, type); #if DEBUG_PROBE LOGD("Probing for system provided input device configuration file: path='%s'", path.string()); #endif if (!access(path.string(), R_OK)) { #if DEBUG_PROBE LOGD("Found"); #endif return path; } // Search user repository. // TODO Should only look here if not in safe mode. path.setTo(getenv("ANDROID_DATA")); path.append("/system/devices/"); appendInputDeviceConfigurationFileRelativePath(path, name, type); #if DEBUG_PROBE LOGD("Probing for system user input device configuration file: path='%s'", path.string()); #endif if (!access(path.string(), R_OK)) { #if DEBUG_PROBE LOGD("Found"); #endif return path; } // Not found. #if DEBUG_PROBE LOGD("Probe failed to find input device configuration file: name='%s', type=%d", name.string(), type); #endif return String8(); } // --- InputEvent --- void InputEvent::initialize(int32_t deviceId, int32_t source) { mDeviceId = deviceId; mSource = source; } void InputEvent::initialize(const InputEvent& from) { mDeviceId = from.mDeviceId; mSource = from.mSource; } // --- KeyEvent --- bool KeyEvent::hasDefaultAction(int32_t keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case AKEYCODE_HOME: case AKEYCODE_BACK: case AKEYCODE_CALL: case AKEYCODE_ENDCALL: case AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: case AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: case AKEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE: case AKEYCODE_POWER: case AKEYCODE_CAMERA: case AKEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK: case AKEYCODE_MENU: case AKEYCODE_NOTIFICATION: case AKEYCODE_FOCUS: case AKEYCODE_SEARCH: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD: case AKEYCODE_MUTE: return true; } return false; } bool KeyEvent::hasDefaultAction() const { return hasDefaultAction(getKeyCode()); } bool KeyEvent::isSystemKey(int32_t keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case AKEYCODE_MENU: case AKEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT: case AKEYCODE_HOME: case AKEYCODE_BACK: case AKEYCODE_CALL: case AKEYCODE_ENDCALL: case AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: case AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: case AKEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE: case AKEYCODE_MUTE: case AKEYCODE_POWER: case AKEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD: case AKEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD: case AKEYCODE_CAMERA: case AKEYCODE_FOCUS: case AKEYCODE_SEARCH: return true; } return false; } bool KeyEvent::isSystemKey() const { return isSystemKey(getKeyCode()); } void KeyEvent::initialize( int32_t deviceId, int32_t source, int32_t action, int32_t flags, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState, int32_t repeatCount, nsecs_t downTime, nsecs_t eventTime) { InputEvent::initialize(deviceId, source); mAction = action; mFlags = flags; mKeyCode = keyCode; mScanCode = scanCode; mMetaState = metaState; mRepeatCount = repeatCount; mDownTime = downTime; mEventTime = eventTime; } void KeyEvent::initialize(const KeyEvent& from) { InputEvent::initialize(from); mAction = from.mAction; mFlags = from.mFlags; mKeyCode = from.mKeyCode; mScanCode = from.mScanCode; mMetaState = from.mMetaState; mRepeatCount = from.mRepeatCount; mDownTime = from.mDownTime; mEventTime = from.mEventTime; } // --- PointerCoords --- float PointerCoords::getAxisValue(int32_t axis) const { if (axis < 0 || axis > 63) { return 0; } uint64_t axisBit = 1LL << axis; if (!(bits & axisBit)) { return 0; } uint32_t index = __builtin_popcountll(bits & (axisBit - 1LL)); return values[index]; } status_t PointerCoords::setAxisValue(int32_t axis, float value) { if (axis < 0 || axis > 63) { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } uint64_t axisBit = 1LL << axis; uint32_t index = __builtin_popcountll(bits & (axisBit - 1LL)); if (!(bits & axisBit)) { uint32_t count = __builtin_popcountll(bits); if (count >= MAX_AXES) { tooManyAxes(axis); return NO_MEMORY; } bits |= axisBit; for (uint32_t i = count; i > index; i--) { values[i] = values[i - 1]; } } values[index] = value; return OK; } float* PointerCoords::editAxisValue(int32_t axis) { if (axis < 0 || axis > 63) { return NULL; } uint64_t axisBit = 1LL << axis; if (!(bits & axisBit)) { return NULL; } uint32_t index = __builtin_popcountll(bits & (axisBit - 1LL)); return &values[index]; } static inline void scaleAxisValue(PointerCoords& c, int axis, float scaleFactor) { float* value = c.editAxisValue(axis); if (value) { *value *= scaleFactor; } } void PointerCoords::scale(float scaleFactor) { // No need to scale pressure or size since they are normalized. // No need to scale orientation since it is meaningless to do so. scaleAxisValue(*this, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X, scaleFactor); scaleAxisValue(*this, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y, scaleFactor); scaleAxisValue(*this, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MAJOR, scaleFactor); scaleAxisValue(*this, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MINOR, scaleFactor); scaleAxisValue(*this, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOOL_MAJOR, scaleFactor); scaleAxisValue(*this, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOOL_MINOR, scaleFactor); } #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS status_t PointerCoords::readFromParcel(Parcel* parcel) { bits = parcel->readInt64(); uint32_t count = __builtin_popcountll(bits); if (count > MAX_AXES) { return BAD_VALUE; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { values[i] = parcel->readInt32(); } return OK; } status_t PointerCoords::writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const { parcel->writeInt64(bits); uint32_t count = __builtin_popcountll(bits); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { parcel->writeInt32(values[i]); } return OK; } #endif void PointerCoords::tooManyAxes(int axis) { LOGW("Could not set value for axis %d because the PointerCoords structure is full and " "cannot contain more than %d axis values.", axis, int(MAX_AXES)); } bool PointerCoords::operator==(const PointerCoords& other) const { if (bits != other.bits) { return false; } uint32_t count = __builtin_popcountll(bits); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (values[i] != other.values[i]) { return false; } } return true; } void PointerCoords::copyFrom(const PointerCoords& other) { bits = other.bits; uint32_t count = __builtin_popcountll(bits); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { values[i] = other.values[i]; } } // --- PointerProperties --- bool PointerProperties::operator==(const PointerProperties& other) const { return id == other.id && toolType == other.toolType; } void PointerProperties::copyFrom(const PointerProperties& other) { id = other.id; toolType = other.toolType; } // --- MotionEvent --- void MotionEvent::initialize( int32_t deviceId, int32_t source, int32_t action, int32_t flags, int32_t edgeFlags, int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState, float xOffset, float yOffset, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, nsecs_t downTime, nsecs_t eventTime, size_t pointerCount, const PointerProperties* pointerProperties, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords) { InputEvent::initialize(deviceId, source); mAction = action; mFlags = flags; mEdgeFlags = edgeFlags; mMetaState = metaState; mButtonState = buttonState; mXOffset = xOffset; mYOffset = yOffset; mXPrecision = xPrecision; mYPrecision = yPrecision; mDownTime = downTime; mPointerProperties.clear(); mPointerProperties.appendArray(pointerProperties, pointerCount); mSampleEventTimes.clear(); mSamplePointerCoords.clear(); addSample(eventTime, pointerCoords); } void MotionEvent::copyFrom(const MotionEvent* other, bool keepHistory) { InputEvent::initialize(other->mDeviceId, other->mSource); mAction = other->mAction; mFlags = other->mFlags; mEdgeFlags = other->mEdgeFlags; mMetaState = other->mMetaState; mButtonState = other->mButtonState; mXOffset = other->mXOffset; mYOffset = other->mYOffset; mXPrecision = other->mXPrecision; mYPrecision = other->mYPrecision; mDownTime = other->mDownTime; mPointerProperties = other->mPointerProperties; if (keepHistory) { mSampleEventTimes = other->mSampleEventTimes; mSamplePointerCoords = other->mSamplePointerCoords; } else { mSampleEventTimes.clear(); mSampleEventTimes.push(other->getEventTime()); mSamplePointerCoords.clear(); size_t pointerCount = other->getPointerCount(); size_t historySize = other->getHistorySize(); mSamplePointerCoords.appendArray(other->mSamplePointerCoords.array() + (historySize * pointerCount), pointerCount); } } void MotionEvent::addSample( int64_t eventTime, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords) { mSampleEventTimes.push(eventTime); mSamplePointerCoords.appendArray(pointerCoords, getPointerCount()); } const PointerCoords* MotionEvent::getRawPointerCoords(size_t pointerIndex) const { return &mSamplePointerCoords[getHistorySize() * getPointerCount() + pointerIndex]; } float MotionEvent::getRawAxisValue(int32_t axis, size_t pointerIndex) const { return getRawPointerCoords(pointerIndex)->getAxisValue(axis); } float MotionEvent::getAxisValue(int32_t axis, size_t pointerIndex) const { float value = getRawPointerCoords(pointerIndex)->getAxisValue(axis); switch (axis) { case AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X: return value + mXOffset; case AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y: return value + mYOffset; } return value; } const PointerCoords* MotionEvent::getHistoricalRawPointerCoords( size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return &mSamplePointerCoords[historicalIndex * getPointerCount() + pointerIndex]; } float MotionEvent::getHistoricalRawAxisValue(int32_t axis, size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return getHistoricalRawPointerCoords(pointerIndex, historicalIndex)->getAxisValue(axis); } float MotionEvent::getHistoricalAxisValue(int32_t axis, size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { float value = getHistoricalRawPointerCoords(pointerIndex, historicalIndex)->getAxisValue(axis); switch (axis) { case AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X: return value + mXOffset; case AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y: return value + mYOffset; } return value; } ssize_t MotionEvent::findPointerIndex(int32_t pointerId) const { size_t pointerCount = mPointerProperties.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { if (mPointerProperties.itemAt(i).id == pointerId) { return i; } } return -1; } void MotionEvent::offsetLocation(float xOffset, float yOffset) { mXOffset += xOffset; mYOffset += yOffset; } void MotionEvent::scale(float scaleFactor) { mXOffset *= scaleFactor; mYOffset *= scaleFactor; mXPrecision *= scaleFactor; mYPrecision *= scaleFactor; size_t numSamples = mSamplePointerCoords.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { mSamplePointerCoords.editItemAt(i).scale(scaleFactor); } } #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS static inline float transformAngle(const SkMatrix* matrix, float angleRadians) { // Construct and transform a vector oriented at the specified clockwise angle from vertical. // Coordinate system: down is increasing Y, right is increasing X. SkPoint vector; vector.fX = SkFloatToScalar(sinf(angleRadians)); vector.fY = SkFloatToScalar(-cosf(angleRadians)); matrix->mapVectors(& vector, 1); // Derive the transformed vector's clockwise angle from vertical. float result = atan2f(SkScalarToFloat(vector.fX), SkScalarToFloat(-vector.fY)); if (result < - M_PI_2) { result += M_PI; } else if (result > M_PI_2) { result -= M_PI; } return result; } void MotionEvent::transform(const SkMatrix* matrix) { float oldXOffset = mXOffset; float oldYOffset = mYOffset; // The tricky part of this implementation is to preserve the value of // rawX and rawY. So we apply the transformation to the first point // then derive an appropriate new X/Y offset that will preserve rawX and rawY. SkPoint point; float rawX = getRawX(0); float rawY = getRawY(0); matrix->mapXY(SkFloatToScalar(rawX + oldXOffset), SkFloatToScalar(rawY + oldYOffset), & point); float newX = SkScalarToFloat(point.fX); float newY = SkScalarToFloat(point.fY); float newXOffset = newX - rawX; float newYOffset = newY - rawY; mXOffset = newXOffset; mYOffset = newYOffset; // Apply the transformation to all samples. size_t numSamples = mSamplePointerCoords.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { PointerCoords& c = mSamplePointerCoords.editItemAt(i); float* xPtr = c.editAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X); float* yPtr = c.editAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y); if (xPtr && yPtr) { float x = *xPtr + oldXOffset; float y = *yPtr + oldYOffset; matrix->mapXY(SkFloatToScalar(x), SkFloatToScalar(y), & point); *xPtr = SkScalarToFloat(point.fX) - newXOffset; *yPtr = SkScalarToFloat(point.fY) - newYOffset; } float* orientationPtr = c.editAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_ORIENTATION); if (orientationPtr) { *orientationPtr = transformAngle(matrix, *orientationPtr); } } } status_t MotionEvent::readFromParcel(Parcel* parcel) { size_t pointerCount = parcel->readInt32(); size_t sampleCount = parcel->readInt32(); if (pointerCount == 0 || pointerCount > MAX_POINTERS || sampleCount == 0) { return BAD_VALUE; } mDeviceId = parcel->readInt32(); mSource = parcel->readInt32(); mAction = parcel->readInt32(); mFlags = parcel->readInt32(); mEdgeFlags = parcel->readInt32(); mMetaState = parcel->readInt32(); mButtonState = parcel->readInt32(); mXOffset = parcel->readFloat(); mYOffset = parcel->readFloat(); mXPrecision = parcel->readFloat(); mYPrecision = parcel->readFloat(); mDownTime = parcel->readInt64(); mPointerProperties.clear(); mPointerProperties.setCapacity(pointerCount); mSampleEventTimes.clear(); mSampleEventTimes.setCapacity(sampleCount); mSamplePointerCoords.clear(); mSamplePointerCoords.setCapacity(sampleCount * pointerCount); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { mPointerProperties.push(); PointerProperties& properties = mPointerProperties.editTop(); properties.id = parcel->readInt32(); properties.toolType = parcel->readInt32(); } while (sampleCount-- > 0) { mSampleEventTimes.push(parcel->readInt64()); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { mSamplePointerCoords.push(); status_t status = mSamplePointerCoords.editTop().readFromParcel(parcel); if (status) { return status; } } } return OK; } status_t MotionEvent::writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const { size_t pointerCount = mPointerProperties.size(); size_t sampleCount = mSampleEventTimes.size(); parcel->writeInt32(pointerCount); parcel->writeInt32(sampleCount); parcel->writeInt32(mDeviceId); parcel->writeInt32(mSource); parcel->writeInt32(mAction); parcel->writeInt32(mFlags); parcel->writeInt32(mEdgeFlags); parcel->writeInt32(mMetaState); parcel->writeInt32(mButtonState); parcel->writeFloat(mXOffset); parcel->writeFloat(mYOffset); parcel->writeFloat(mXPrecision); parcel->writeFloat(mYPrecision); parcel->writeInt64(mDownTime); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { const PointerProperties& properties = mPointerProperties.itemAt(i); parcel->writeInt32(properties.id); parcel->writeInt32(properties.toolType); } const PointerCoords* pc = mSamplePointerCoords.array(); for (size_t h = 0; h < sampleCount; h++) { parcel->writeInt64(mSampleEventTimes.itemAt(h)); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { status_t status = (pc++)->writeToParcel(parcel); if (status) { return status; } } } return OK; } #endif bool MotionEvent::isTouchEvent(int32_t source, int32_t action) { if (source & AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) { // Specifically excludes HOVER_MOVE and SCROLL. switch (action & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK) { case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE: return true; } } return false; } // --- VelocityTracker --- const uint32_t VelocityTracker::HISTORY_SIZE; const nsecs_t VelocityTracker::MAX_AGE; const nsecs_t VelocityTracker::MIN_DURATION; VelocityTracker::VelocityTracker() { clear(); } void VelocityTracker::clear() { mIndex = 0; mMovements[0].idBits.clear(); mActivePointerId = -1; } void VelocityTracker::clearPointers(BitSet32 idBits) { BitSet32 remainingIdBits(mMovements[mIndex].idBits.value & ~idBits.value); mMovements[mIndex].idBits = remainingIdBits; if (mActivePointerId >= 0 && idBits.hasBit(mActivePointerId)) { mActivePointerId = !remainingIdBits.isEmpty() ? remainingIdBits.firstMarkedBit() : -1; } } void VelocityTracker::addMovement(nsecs_t eventTime, BitSet32 idBits, const Position* positions) { if (++mIndex == HISTORY_SIZE) { mIndex = 0; } while (idBits.count() > MAX_POINTERS) { idBits.clearBit(idBits.lastMarkedBit()); } Movement& movement = mMovements[mIndex]; movement.eventTime = eventTime; movement.idBits = idBits; uint32_t count = idBits.count(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { movement.positions[i] = positions[i]; } if (mActivePointerId < 0 || !idBits.hasBit(mActivePointerId)) { mActivePointerId = count != 0 ? idBits.firstMarkedBit() : -1; } #if DEBUG_VELOCITY LOGD("VelocityTracker: addMovement eventTime=%lld, idBits=0x%08x, activePointerId=%d", eventTime, idBits.value, mActivePointerId); for (BitSet32 iterBits(idBits); !iterBits.isEmpty(); ) { uint32_t id = iterBits.firstMarkedBit(); uint32_t index = idBits.getIndexOfBit(id); iterBits.clearBit(id); float vx, vy; bool available = getVelocity(id, &vx, &vy); if (available) { LOGD(" %d: position (%0.3f, %0.3f), vx=%0.3f, vy=%0.3f, speed=%0.3f", id, positions[index].x, positions[index].y, vx, vy, sqrtf(vx * vx + vy * vy)); } else { LOG_ASSERT(vx == 0 && vy == 0); LOGD(" %d: position (%0.3f, %0.3f), velocity not available", id, positions[index].x, positions[index].y); } } #endif } void VelocityTracker::addMovement(const MotionEvent* event) { int32_t actionMasked = event->getActionMasked(); switch (actionMasked) { case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN: // Clear all pointers on down before adding the new movement. clear(); break; case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: { // Start a new movement trace for a pointer that just went down. // We do this on down instead of on up because the client may want to query the // final velocity for a pointer that just went up. BitSet32 downIdBits; downIdBits.markBit(event->getActionIndex()); clearPointers(downIdBits); break; } case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_SCROLL: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP: // Ignore these actions because they do not convey any new information about // pointer movement. We also want to preserve the last known velocity of the pointers. // Note that ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP always report the last known position // of the pointers that went up. ACTION_POINTER_UP does include the new position of // pointers that remained down but we will also receive an ACTION_MOVE with this // information if any of them actually moved. Since we don't know how many pointers // will be going up at once it makes sense to just wait for the following ACTION_MOVE // before adding the movement. return; } size_t pointerCount = event->getPointerCount(); if (pointerCount > MAX_POINTERS) { pointerCount = MAX_POINTERS; } BitSet32 idBits; for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { idBits.markBit(event->getPointerId(i)); } nsecs_t eventTime; Position positions[pointerCount]; size_t historySize = event->getHistorySize(); for (size_t h = 0; h < historySize; h++) { eventTime = event->getHistoricalEventTime(h); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { positions[i].x = event->getHistoricalX(i, h); positions[i].y = event->getHistoricalY(i, h); } addMovement(eventTime, idBits, positions); } eventTime = event->getEventTime(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { positions[i].x = event->getX(i); positions[i].y = event->getY(i); } addMovement(eventTime, idBits, positions); } bool VelocityTracker::getVelocity(uint32_t id, float* outVx, float* outVy) const { const Movement& newestMovement = mMovements[mIndex]; if (newestMovement.idBits.hasBit(id)) { // Find the oldest sample that contains the pointer and that is not older than MAX_AGE. nsecs_t minTime = newestMovement.eventTime - MAX_AGE; uint32_t oldestIndex = mIndex; uint32_t numTouches = 1; do { uint32_t nextOldestIndex = (oldestIndex == 0 ? HISTORY_SIZE : oldestIndex) - 1; const Movement& nextOldestMovement = mMovements[nextOldestIndex]; if (!nextOldestMovement.idBits.hasBit(id) || nextOldestMovement.eventTime < minTime) { break; } oldestIndex = nextOldestIndex; } while (++numTouches < HISTORY_SIZE); // Calculate an exponentially weighted moving average of the velocity estimate // at different points in time measured relative to the oldest sample. // This is essentially an IIR filter. Newer samples are weighted more heavily // than older samples. Samples at equal time points are weighted more or less // equally. // // One tricky problem is that the sample data may be poorly conditioned. // Sometimes samples arrive very close together in time which can cause us to // overestimate the velocity at that time point. Most samples might be measured // 16ms apart but some consecutive samples could be only 0.5sm apart because // the hardware or driver reports them irregularly or in bursts. float accumVx = 0; float accumVy = 0; uint32_t index = oldestIndex; uint32_t samplesUsed = 0; const Movement& oldestMovement = mMovements[oldestIndex]; const Position& oldestPosition = oldestMovement.positions[oldestMovement.idBits.getIndexOfBit(id)]; nsecs_t lastDuration = 0; while (numTouches-- > 1) { if (++index == HISTORY_SIZE) { index = 0; } const Movement& movement = mMovements[index]; nsecs_t duration = movement.eventTime - oldestMovement.eventTime; // If the duration between samples is small, we may significantly overestimate // the velocity. Consequently, we impose a minimum duration constraint on the // samples that we include in the calculation. if (duration >= MIN_DURATION) { const Position& position = movement.positions[movement.idBits.getIndexOfBit(id)]; float scale = 1000000000.0f / duration; // one over time delta in seconds float vx = (position.x - oldestPosition.x) * scale; float vy = (position.y - oldestPosition.y) * scale; accumVx = (accumVx * lastDuration + vx * duration) / (duration + lastDuration); accumVy = (accumVy * lastDuration + vy * duration) / (duration + lastDuration); lastDuration = duration; samplesUsed += 1; } } // Make sure we used at least one sample. if (samplesUsed != 0) { *outVx = accumVx; *outVy = accumVy; return true; } } // No data available for this pointer. *outVx = 0; *outVy = 0; return false; } // --- VelocityControl --- const nsecs_t VelocityControl::STOP_TIME; VelocityControl::VelocityControl() { reset(); } void VelocityControl::setParameters(const VelocityControlParameters& parameters) { mParameters = parameters; reset(); } void VelocityControl::reset() { mLastMovementTime = LLONG_MIN; mRawPosition.x = 0; mRawPosition.y = 0; mVelocityTracker.clear(); } void VelocityControl::move(nsecs_t eventTime, float* deltaX, float* deltaY) { if ((deltaX && *deltaX) || (deltaY && *deltaY)) { if (eventTime >= mLastMovementTime + STOP_TIME) { #if DEBUG_ACCELERATION LOGD("VelocityControl: stopped, last movement was %0.3fms ago", (eventTime - mLastMovementTime) * 0.000001f); #endif reset(); } mLastMovementTime = eventTime; if (deltaX) { mRawPosition.x += *deltaX; } if (deltaY) { mRawPosition.y += *deltaY; } mVelocityTracker.addMovement(eventTime, BitSet32(BitSet32::valueForBit(0)), &mRawPosition); float vx, vy; float scale = mParameters.scale; if (mVelocityTracker.getVelocity(0, &vx, &vy)) { float speed = hypotf(vx, vy) * scale; if (speed >= mParameters.highThreshold) { // Apply full acceleration above the high speed threshold. scale *= mParameters.acceleration; } else if (speed > mParameters.lowThreshold) { // Linearly interpolate the acceleration to apply between the low and high // speed thresholds. scale *= 1 + (speed - mParameters.lowThreshold) / (mParameters.highThreshold - mParameters.lowThreshold) * (mParameters.acceleration - 1); } #if DEBUG_ACCELERATION LOGD("VelocityControl(%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f): " "vx=%0.3f, vy=%0.3f, speed=%0.3f, accel=%0.3f", mParameters.scale, mParameters.lowThreshold, mParameters.highThreshold, mParameters.acceleration, vx, vy, speed, scale / mParameters.scale); #endif } else { #if DEBUG_ACCELERATION LOGD("VelocityControl(%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f): unknown velocity", mParameters.scale, mParameters.lowThreshold, mParameters.highThreshold, mParameters.acceleration); #endif } if (deltaX) { *deltaX *= scale; } if (deltaY) { *deltaY *= scale; } } } // --- InputDeviceInfo --- InputDeviceInfo::InputDeviceInfo() { initialize(-1, String8("uninitialized device info")); } InputDeviceInfo::InputDeviceInfo(const InputDeviceInfo& other) : mId(other.mId), mName(other.mName), mSources(other.mSources), mKeyboardType(other.mKeyboardType), mMotionRanges(other.mMotionRanges) { } InputDeviceInfo::~InputDeviceInfo() { } void InputDeviceInfo::initialize(int32_t id, const String8& name) { mId = id; mName = name; mSources = 0; mKeyboardType = AINPUT_KEYBOARD_TYPE_NONE; mMotionRanges.clear(); } const InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange* InputDeviceInfo::getMotionRange( int32_t axis, uint32_t source) const { size_t numRanges = mMotionRanges.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numRanges; i++) { const MotionRange& range = mMotionRanges.itemAt(i); if (range.axis == axis && range.source == source) { return ⦥ } } return NULL; } void InputDeviceInfo::addSource(uint32_t source) { mSources |= source; } void InputDeviceInfo::addMotionRange(int32_t axis, uint32_t source, float min, float max, float flat, float fuzz) { MotionRange range = { axis, source, min, max, flat, fuzz }; mMotionRanges.add(range); } void InputDeviceInfo::addMotionRange(const MotionRange& range) { mMotionRanges.add(range); } } // namespace android