/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "CameraSource" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { struct CameraSourceListener : public CameraListener { CameraSourceListener(const sp &source); virtual void notify(int32_t msgType, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2); virtual void postData(int32_t msgType, const sp &dataPtr); virtual void postDataTimestamp( nsecs_t timestamp, int32_t msgType, const sp& dataPtr); protected: virtual ~CameraSourceListener(); private: wp mSource; CameraSourceListener(const CameraSourceListener &); CameraSourceListener &operator=(const CameraSourceListener &); }; CameraSourceListener::CameraSourceListener(const sp &source) : mSource(source) { } CameraSourceListener::~CameraSourceListener() { } void CameraSourceListener::notify(int32_t msgType, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2) { LOGV("notify(%d, %d, %d)", msgType, ext1, ext2); } void CameraSourceListener::postData(int32_t msgType, const sp &dataPtr) { LOGV("postData(%d, ptr:%p, size:%d)", msgType, dataPtr->pointer(), dataPtr->size()); sp source = mSource.promote(); if (source.get() != NULL) { source->dataCallback(msgType, dataPtr); } } void CameraSourceListener::postDataTimestamp( nsecs_t timestamp, int32_t msgType, const sp& dataPtr) { sp source = mSource.promote(); if (source.get() != NULL) { source->dataCallbackTimestamp(timestamp/1000, msgType, dataPtr); } } static int32_t getColorFormat(const char* colorFormat) { if (!strcmp(colorFormat, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P)) { return OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar; } if (!strcmp(colorFormat, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422SP)) { return OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar; } if (!strcmp(colorFormat, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP)) { return OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar; } if (!strcmp(colorFormat, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422I)) { return OMX_COLOR_FormatYCbYCr; } if (!strcmp(colorFormat, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565)) { return OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565; } LOGE("Uknown color format (%s), please add it to " "CameraSource::getColorFormat", colorFormat); CHECK_EQ(0, "Unknown color format"); } CameraSource *CameraSource::Create() { Size size; size.width = -1; size.height = -1; sp camera; return new CameraSource(camera, 0, size, -1, NULL, false); } // static CameraSource *CameraSource::CreateFromCamera( const sp& camera, int32_t cameraId, Size videoSize, int32_t frameRate, const sp& surface, bool storeMetaDataInVideoBuffers) { CameraSource *source = new CameraSource(camera, cameraId, videoSize, frameRate, surface, storeMetaDataInVideoBuffers); return source; } CameraSource::CameraSource( const sp& camera, int32_t cameraId, Size videoSize, int32_t frameRate, const sp& surface, bool storeMetaDataInVideoBuffers) : mCameraFlags(0), mVideoFrameRate(-1), mCamera(0), mSurface(surface), mNumFramesReceived(0), mLastFrameTimestampUs(0), mStarted(false), mNumFramesEncoded(0), mFirstFrameTimeUs(0), mNumFramesDropped(0), mNumGlitches(0), mGlitchDurationThresholdUs(200000), mCollectStats(false) { mVideoSize.width = -1; mVideoSize.height = -1; mInitCheck = init(camera, cameraId, videoSize, frameRate, storeMetaDataInVideoBuffers); } status_t CameraSource::initCheck() const { return mInitCheck; } status_t CameraSource::isCameraAvailable( const sp& camera, int32_t cameraId) { if (camera == 0) { mCamera = Camera::connect(cameraId); mCameraFlags &= ~FLAGS_HOT_CAMERA; } else { mCamera = Camera::create(camera); mCameraFlags |= FLAGS_HOT_CAMERA; } // Is camera available? if (mCamera == 0) { LOGE("Camera connection could not be established."); return -EBUSY; } if (!(mCameraFlags & FLAGS_HOT_CAMERA)) { mCamera->lock(); } return OK; } /* * Check to see whether the requested video width and height is one * of the supported sizes. * @param width the video frame width in pixels * @param height the video frame height in pixels * @param suppportedSizes the vector of sizes that we check against * @return true if the dimension (width and height) is supported. */ static bool isVideoSizeSupported( int32_t width, int32_t height, const Vector& supportedSizes) { LOGV("isVideoSizeSupported"); for (size_t i = 0; i < supportedSizes.size(); ++i) { if (width == supportedSizes[i].width && height == supportedSizes[i].height) { return true; } } return false; } /* * If the preview and video output is separate, we only set the * the video size, and applications should set the preview size * to some proper value, and the recording framework will not * change the preview size; otherwise, if the video and preview * output is the same, we need to set the preview to be the same * as the requested video size. * */ /* * Query the camera to retrieve the supported video frame sizes * and also to see whether CameraParameters::setVideoSize() * is supported or not. * @param params CameraParameters to retrieve the information * @@param isSetVideoSizeSupported retunrs whether method * CameraParameters::setVideoSize() is supported or not. * @param sizes returns the vector of Size objects for the * supported video frame sizes advertised by the camera. */ static void getSupportedVideoSizes( const CameraParameters& params, bool *isSetVideoSizeSupported, Vector& sizes) { *isSetVideoSizeSupported = true; params.getSupportedVideoSizes(sizes); if (sizes.size() == 0) { LOGD("Camera does not support setVideoSize()"); params.getSupportedPreviewSizes(sizes); *isSetVideoSizeSupported = false; } } /* * Check whether the camera has the supported color format * @param params CameraParameters to retrieve the information * @return OK if no error. */ status_t CameraSource::isCameraColorFormatSupported( const CameraParameters& params) { mColorFormat = getColorFormat(params.get( CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT)); if (mColorFormat == -1) { return BAD_VALUE; } return OK; } /* * Configure the camera to use the requested video size * (width and height) and/or frame rate. If both width and * height are -1, configuration on the video size is skipped. * if frameRate is -1, configuration on the frame rate * is skipped. Skipping the configuration allows one to * use the current camera setting without the need to * actually know the specific values (see Create() method). * * @param params the CameraParameters to be configured * @param width the target video frame width in pixels * @param height the target video frame height in pixels * @param frameRate the target frame rate in frames per second. * @return OK if no error. */ status_t CameraSource::configureCamera( CameraParameters* params, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t frameRate) { Vector sizes; bool isSetVideoSizeSupportedByCamera = true; getSupportedVideoSizes(*params, &isSetVideoSizeSupportedByCamera, sizes); bool isCameraParamChanged = false; if (width != -1 && height != -1) { if (!isVideoSizeSupported(width, height, sizes)) { LOGE("Video dimension (%dx%d) is unsupported", width, height); releaseCamera(); return BAD_VALUE; } if (isSetVideoSizeSupportedByCamera) { params->setVideoSize(width, height); } else { params->setPreviewSize(width, height); } isCameraParamChanged = true; } else if ((width == -1 && height != -1) || (width != -1 && height == -1)) { // If one and only one of the width and height is -1 // we reject such a request. LOGE("Requested video size (%dx%d) is not supported", width, height); releaseCamera(); return BAD_VALUE; } else { // width == -1 && height == -1 // Do not configure the camera. // Use the current width and height value setting from the camera. } if (frameRate != -1) { CHECK(frameRate > 0 && frameRate <= 120); const char* supportedFrameRates = params->get(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_FRAME_RATES); CHECK(supportedFrameRates != NULL); LOGV("Supported frame rates: %s", supportedFrameRates); char buf[4]; snprintf(buf, 4, "%d", frameRate); if (strstr(supportedFrameRates, buf) == NULL) { LOGE("Requested frame rate (%d) is not supported: %s", frameRate, supportedFrameRates); releaseCamera(); return BAD_VALUE; } // The frame rate is supported, set the camera to the requested value. params->setPreviewFrameRate(frameRate); isCameraParamChanged = true; } else { // frameRate == -1 // Do not configure the camera. // Use the current frame rate value setting from the camera } if (isCameraParamChanged) { // Either frame rate or frame size needs to be changed. String8 s = params->flatten(); if (OK != mCamera->setParameters(s)) { LOGE("Could not change settings." " Someone else is using camera %p?", mCamera.get()); return -EBUSY; } } return OK; } /* * Check whether the requested video frame size * has been successfully configured or not. If both width and height * are -1, check on the current width and height value setting * is performed. * * @param params CameraParameters to retrieve the information * @param the target video frame width in pixels to check against * @param the target video frame height in pixels to check against * @return OK if no error */ status_t CameraSource::checkVideoSize( const CameraParameters& params, int32_t width, int32_t height) { // The actual video size is the same as the preview size // if the camera hal does not support separate video and // preview output. In this case, we retrieve the video // size from preview. int32_t frameWidthActual = -1; int32_t frameHeightActual = -1; Vector sizes; params.getSupportedVideoSizes(sizes); if (sizes.size() == 0) { // video size is the same as preview size params.getPreviewSize(&frameWidthActual, &frameHeightActual); } else { // video size may not be the same as preview params.getVideoSize(&frameWidthActual, &frameHeightActual); } if (frameWidthActual < 0 || frameHeightActual < 0) { LOGE("Failed to retrieve video frame size (%dx%d)", frameWidthActual, frameHeightActual); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // Check the actual video frame size against the target/requested // video frame size. if (width != -1 && height != -1) { if (frameWidthActual != width || frameHeightActual != height) { LOGE("Failed to set video frame size to %dx%d. " "The actual video size is %dx%d ", width, height, frameWidthActual, frameHeightActual); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } // Good now. mVideoSize.width = frameWidthActual; mVideoSize.height = frameHeightActual; return OK; } /* * Check the requested frame rate has been successfully configured or not. * If the target frameRate is -1, check on the current frame rate value * setting is performed. * * @param params CameraParameters to retrieve the information * @param the target video frame rate to check against * @return OK if no error. */ status_t CameraSource::checkFrameRate( const CameraParameters& params, int32_t frameRate) { int32_t frameRateActual = params.getPreviewFrameRate(); if (frameRateActual < 0) { LOGE("Failed to retrieve preview frame rate (%d)", frameRateActual); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // Check the actual video frame rate against the target/requested // video frame rate. if (frameRate != -1 && (frameRateActual - frameRate) != 0) { LOGE("Failed to set preview frame rate to %d fps. The actual " "frame rate is %d", frameRate, frameRateActual); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // Good now. mVideoFrameRate = frameRateActual; return OK; } /* * Initialize the CameraSource to so that it becomes * ready for providing the video input streams as requested. * @param camera the camera object used for the video source * @param cameraId if camera == 0, use camera with this id * as the video source * @param videoSize the target video frame size. If both * width and height in videoSize is -1, use the current * width and heigth settings by the camera * @param frameRate the target frame rate in frames per second. * if it is -1, use the current camera frame rate setting. * @param storeMetaDataInVideoBuffers request to store meta * data or real YUV data in video buffers. Request to * store meta data in video buffers may not be honored * if the source does not support this feature. * * @return OK if no error. */ status_t CameraSource::init( const sp& camera, int32_t cameraId, Size videoSize, int32_t frameRate, bool storeMetaDataInVideoBuffers) { status_t err = OK; int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity(); if ((err = isCameraAvailable(camera, cameraId)) != OK) { return err; } CameraParameters params(mCamera->getParameters()); if ((err = isCameraColorFormatSupported(params)) != OK) { return err; } // Set the camera to use the requested video frame size // and/or frame rate. if ((err = configureCamera(¶ms, videoSize.width, videoSize.height, frameRate))) { return err; } // Check on video frame size and frame rate. CameraParameters newCameraParams(mCamera->getParameters()); if ((err = checkVideoSize(newCameraParams, videoSize.width, videoSize.height)) != OK) { return err; } if ((err = checkFrameRate(newCameraParams, frameRate)) != OK) { return err; } // This CHECK is good, since we just passed the lock/unlock // check earlier by calling mCamera->setParameters(). CHECK_EQ(OK, mCamera->setPreviewDisplay(mSurface)); // By default, do not store metadata in video buffers mIsMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers = false; mCamera->storeMetaDataInBuffers(false); if (storeMetaDataInVideoBuffers) { if (OK == mCamera->storeMetaDataInBuffers(true)) { mIsMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers = true; } } IPCThreadState::self()->restoreCallingIdentity(token); int64_t glitchDurationUs = (1000000LL / mVideoFrameRate); if (glitchDurationUs > mGlitchDurationThresholdUs) { mGlitchDurationThresholdUs = glitchDurationUs; } // XXX: query camera for the stride and slice height // when the capability becomes available. mMeta = new MetaData; mMeta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_RAW); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyColorFormat, mColorFormat); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyWidth, mVideoSize.width); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyHeight, mVideoSize.height); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyStride, mVideoSize.width); mMeta->setInt32(kKeySliceHeight, mVideoSize.height); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyFrameRate, mVideoFrameRate); return OK; } CameraSource::~CameraSource() { if (mStarted) { stop(); } } void CameraSource::startCameraRecording() { CHECK_EQ(OK, mCamera->startRecording()); CHECK(mCamera->recordingEnabled()); } status_t CameraSource::start(MetaData *meta) { CHECK(!mStarted); if (mInitCheck != OK) { LOGE("CameraSource is not initialized yet"); return mInitCheck; } char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (property_get("media.stagefright.record-stats", value, NULL) && (!strcmp(value, "1") || !strcasecmp(value, "true"))) { mCollectStats = true; } mStartTimeUs = 0; int64_t startTimeUs; if (meta && meta->findInt64(kKeyTime, &startTimeUs)) { mStartTimeUs = startTimeUs; } // Call setListener first before calling startCameraRecording() // to avoid recording frames being dropped. int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity(); mCamera->setListener(new CameraSourceListener(this)); startCameraRecording(); IPCThreadState::self()->restoreCallingIdentity(token); mStarted = true; return OK; } void CameraSource::stopCameraRecording() { mCamera->setListener(NULL); mCamera->stopRecording(); } void CameraSource::releaseCamera() { LOGV("releaseCamera"); if ((mCameraFlags & FLAGS_HOT_CAMERA) == 0) { LOGV("Camera was cold when we started, stopping preview"); mCamera->stopPreview(); } mCamera->unlock(); mCamera.clear(); mCamera = 0; mCameraFlags = 0; } status_t CameraSource::stop() { LOGD("stop: E"); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); mStarted = false; mFrameAvailableCondition.signal(); int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity(); releaseQueuedFrames(); while (!mFramesBeingEncoded.empty()) { if (NO_ERROR != mFrameCompleteCondition.waitRelative(mLock, 3000000000LL)) { LOGW("Timed out waiting for outstanding frames being encoded: %d", mFramesBeingEncoded.size()); } } stopCameraRecording(); releaseCamera(); IPCThreadState::self()->restoreCallingIdentity(token); if (mCollectStats) { LOGI("Frames received/encoded/dropped: %d/%d/%d in %lld us", mNumFramesReceived, mNumFramesEncoded, mNumFramesDropped, mLastFrameTimestampUs - mFirstFrameTimeUs); } if (mNumGlitches > 0) { LOGW("%d long delays between neighboring video frames", mNumGlitches); } CHECK_EQ(mNumFramesReceived, mNumFramesEncoded + mNumFramesDropped); LOGD("stop: X"); return OK; } void CameraSource::releaseRecordingFrame(const sp& frame) { if (mCamera != NULL) { mCamera->releaseRecordingFrame(frame); } } void CameraSource::releaseQueuedFrames() { List >::iterator it; while (!mFramesReceived.empty()) { it = mFramesReceived.begin(); releaseRecordingFrame(*it); mFramesReceived.erase(it); ++mNumFramesDropped; } } sp CameraSource::getFormat() { return mMeta; } void CameraSource::releaseOneRecordingFrame(const sp& frame) { int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity(); releaseRecordingFrame(frame); IPCThreadState::self()->restoreCallingIdentity(token); } void CameraSource::signalBufferReturned(MediaBuffer *buffer) { LOGV("signalBufferReturned: %p", buffer->data()); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); for (List >::iterator it = mFramesBeingEncoded.begin(); it != mFramesBeingEncoded.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->pointer() == buffer->data()) { releaseOneRecordingFrame((*it)); mFramesBeingEncoded.erase(it); ++mNumFramesEncoded; buffer->setObserver(0); buffer->release(); mFrameCompleteCondition.signal(); return; } } CHECK_EQ(0, "signalBufferReturned: bogus buffer"); } status_t CameraSource::read( MediaBuffer **buffer, const ReadOptions *options) { LOGV("read"); *buffer = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } sp frame; int64_t frameTime; { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); while (mStarted && mFramesReceived.empty()) { if (NO_ERROR != mFrameAvailableCondition.waitRelative(mLock, 3000000000LL)) { LOGW("Timed out waiting for incoming camera video frames: %lld us", mLastFrameTimestampUs); } } if (!mStarted) { return OK; } frame = *mFramesReceived.begin(); mFramesReceived.erase(mFramesReceived.begin()); frameTime = *mFrameTimes.begin(); mFrameTimes.erase(mFrameTimes.begin()); mFramesBeingEncoded.push_back(frame); *buffer = new MediaBuffer(frame->pointer(), frame->size()); (*buffer)->setObserver(this); (*buffer)->add_ref(); (*buffer)->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, frameTime); } return OK; } void CameraSource::dataCallbackTimestamp(int64_t timestampUs, int32_t msgType, const sp &data) { LOGV("dataCallbackTimestamp: timestamp %lld us", timestampUs); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (!mStarted || (mNumFramesReceived == 0 && timestampUs < mStartTimeUs)) { LOGV("Drop frame at %lld/%lld us", timestampUs, mStartTimeUs); releaseOneRecordingFrame(data); return; } if (mNumFramesReceived > 0) { CHECK(timestampUs > mLastFrameTimestampUs); if (timestampUs - mLastFrameTimestampUs > mGlitchDurationThresholdUs) { ++mNumGlitches; } } // May need to skip frame or modify timestamp. Currently implemented // by the subclass CameraSourceTimeLapse. if (skipCurrentFrame(timestampUs)) { releaseOneRecordingFrame(data); return; } mLastFrameTimestampUs = timestampUs; if (mNumFramesReceived == 0) { mFirstFrameTimeUs = timestampUs; // Initial delay if (mStartTimeUs > 0) { if (timestampUs < mStartTimeUs) { // Frame was captured before recording was started // Drop it without updating the statistical data. releaseOneRecordingFrame(data); return; } mStartTimeUs = timestampUs - mStartTimeUs; } } ++mNumFramesReceived; CHECK(data != NULL && data->size() > 0); mFramesReceived.push_back(data); int64_t timeUs = mStartTimeUs + (timestampUs - mFirstFrameTimeUs); mFrameTimes.push_back(timeUs); LOGV("initial delay: %lld, current time stamp: %lld", mStartTimeUs, timeUs); mFrameAvailableCondition.signal(); } bool CameraSource::isMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers() const { LOGV("isMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers"); return mIsMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers; } } // namespace android