/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { ShoutcastSource::ShoutcastSource(HTTPStream *http) : mHttp(http), mMetaDataOffset(0), mBytesUntilMetaData(0), mGroup(NULL), mStarted(false) { string metaint; if (mHttp->find_header_value("icy-metaint", &metaint)) { char *end; const char *start = metaint.c_str(); mMetaDataOffset = strtol(start, &end, 10); CHECK(end > start && *end == '\0'); CHECK(mMetaDataOffset > 0); mBytesUntilMetaData = mMetaDataOffset; } } ShoutcastSource::~ShoutcastSource() { if (mStarted) { stop(); } delete mHttp; mHttp = NULL; } status_t ShoutcastSource::start(MetaData *) { CHECK(!mStarted); mGroup = new MediaBufferGroup; mGroup->add_buffer(new MediaBuffer(4096)); // XXX mStarted = true; return OK; } status_t ShoutcastSource::stop() { CHECK(mStarted); delete mGroup; mGroup = NULL; mStarted = false; return OK; } sp ShoutcastSource::getFormat() { sp meta = new MetaData; meta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG); meta->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, 44100); meta->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, 2); // XXX return meta; } status_t ShoutcastSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { CHECK(mStarted); *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs)) { return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } MediaBuffer *buffer; status_t err = mGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer); if (err != OK) { return err; } *out = buffer; size_t num_bytes = buffer->size(); if (mMetaDataOffset > 0 && num_bytes > mBytesUntilMetaData) { num_bytes = mBytesUntilMetaData; } ssize_t n = mHttp->receive(buffer->data(), num_bytes); if (n <= 0) { return (status_t)n; } buffer->set_range(0, n); mBytesUntilMetaData -= (size_t)n; if (mBytesUntilMetaData == 0) { unsigned char num_16_byte_blocks = 0; n = mHttp->receive((char *)&num_16_byte_blocks, 1); CHECK_EQ(n, 1); char meta[255 * 16]; size_t meta_size = num_16_byte_blocks * 16; size_t meta_length = 0; while (meta_length < meta_size) { n = mHttp->receive(&meta[meta_length], meta_size - meta_length); if (n <= 0) { return (status_t)n; } meta_length += (size_t) n; } while (meta_length > 0 && meta[meta_length - 1] == '\0') { --meta_length; } if (meta_length > 0) { // Technically we should probably attach this meta data to the // next buffer. XXX buffer->meta_data()->setData('shou', 'shou', meta, meta_length); } mBytesUntilMetaData = mMetaDataOffset; } return OK; } } // namespace android