package; import; import android.os.SystemProperties; import java.util.HashMap; public class MediaProfileReader { public static final HashMap OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE = new HashMap(); public static String MEDIA_ENC_VID = ""; public static String MEDIA_AUD_VID = ""; public static String[] VIDEO_ENCODER_PROPERTY = {".width", ".height", ".bps", ".fps",}; public static String[] AUDIO_ENCODER_PROPERTY = {".bps", ".hz", ".ch",}; public static String getVideoCodecProperty() { String s; s = SystemProperties.get(""); return s; } public static String getAudioCodecProperty() { String s; s = SystemProperties.get(""); return s; } public static String getDeviceType() { // push all the property into one big table String s; s = SystemProperties.get(""); return s; } public static boolean getWMAEnable() { // push all the property into one big table int wmaEnable = 1; wmaEnable = SystemProperties.getInt("", wmaEnable); if (wmaEnable == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean getWMVEnable(){ int wmvEnable = 1; wmvEnable = SystemProperties.getInt("", wmvEnable); if (wmvEnable == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static void createVideoProfileTable() { // push all the property into one big table String encoderType = getVideoCodecProperty(); if (encoderType.length() != 0) { String encoder[] = encoderType.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < encoder.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < VIDEO_ENCODER_PROPERTY.length; j++) { String propertyName = MEDIA_ENC_VID + encoder[i] + VIDEO_ENCODER_PROPERTY[j]; String prop = SystemProperties.get(propertyName); // push to the table String propRange[] = prop.split(","); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put((encoder[i] + VIDEO_ENCODER_PROPERTY[j] + "_low"), Integer.parseInt(propRange[0])); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put((encoder[i] + VIDEO_ENCODER_PROPERTY[j] + "_high"), Integer.parseInt(propRange[1])); } } } } public static void createAudioProfileTable() { // push all the property into one big table String audioType = getAudioCodecProperty(); String encoder[] = audioType.split(","); if (audioType.length() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < encoder.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < AUDIO_ENCODER_PROPERTY.length; j++) { String propertyName = MEDIA_AUD_VID + encoder[i] + AUDIO_ENCODER_PROPERTY[j]; String prop = SystemProperties.get(propertyName); // push to the table String propRange[] = prop.split(","); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put((encoder[i] + AUDIO_ENCODER_PROPERTY[j] + "_low"), Integer.parseInt(propRange[0])); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put((encoder[i] + AUDIO_ENCODER_PROPERTY[j] + "_high"), Integer.parseInt(propRange[1])); } } } } public static void createEncoderTable(){ OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("h263", MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.H263); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("h264", MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.H264); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("m4v", MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.MPEG_4_SP); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("amrnb", MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("amrwb", MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_WB); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("aac", MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AAC); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("aacplus", MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AAC_PLUS); OUTPUT_FORMAT_TABLE.put("eaacplus", MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.EAAC_PLUS); } }