/* ** Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ static const int * GenerateCall_glCompressedTexImage2D(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glCompressedTexSubImage2D(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glDrawElements(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGenBuffers(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGenFramebuffers(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGenRenderbuffers(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGenTextures(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetActiveAttrib(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetActiveUniform(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetAttachedShaders(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetBooleanv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetBufferParameteriv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetFloatv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetIntegerv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetProgramiv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { GLint params = -1; dbg->hooks->gl.glGetProgramiv(cmd.arg0(), cmd.arg1(), ¶ms); msg.mutable_data()->append(reinterpret_cast(¶ms), sizeof(params)); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetProgramInfoLog(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { const GLsizei bufSize = static_cast(dbg->GetBufferSize()); GLsizei length = -1; dbg->hooks->gl.glGetProgramInfoLog(cmd.arg0(), bufSize, &length, dbg->GetBuffer()); msg.mutable_data()->append(dbg->GetBuffer(), length); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetShaderiv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { GLint params = -1; dbg->hooks->gl.glGetShaderiv(cmd.arg0(), cmd.arg1(), ¶ms); msg.mutable_data()->append(reinterpret_cast(¶ms), sizeof(params)); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetShaderInfoLog(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { const GLsizei bufSize = static_cast(dbg->GetBufferSize()); GLsizei length = -1; dbg->hooks->gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(cmd.arg0(), bufSize, &length, dbg->GetBuffer()); msg.mutable_data()->append(dbg->GetBuffer(), length); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetShaderSource(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetString(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetTexParameterfv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetTexParameteriv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetUniformfv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetUniformiv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetVertexAttribfv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetVertexAttribiv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glGetVertexAttribPointerv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glReadPixels(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glShaderBinary(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glShaderSource(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { const char * string = cmd.data().data(); dbg->hooks->gl.glShaderSource(cmd.arg0(), 1, &string, NULL); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glTexImage2D(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glTexParameterfv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glTexParameteriv(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glTexSubImage2D(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; } static const int * GenerateCall_glVertexAttribPointer(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { assert(0); return prevRet; }