# Build the unit tests. LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) ifneq ($(TARGET_SIMULATOR),true) LOCAL_MODULE := EGL_test LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := tests LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ EGL_test.cpp \ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \ libEGL \ libcutils \ libstlport \ libutils \ LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := \ libgtest \ libgtest_main \ LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := \ bionic \ bionic/libstdc++/include \ external/gtest/include \ external/stlport/stlport \ include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) endif # Include subdirectory makefiles # ============================================================ # If we're building with ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE (mm, mmm), then what the framework # team really wants is to build the stuff defined by this makefile. ifeq (,$(ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE)) include $(call first-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH)) endif