/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.systemui.doze; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import android.util.TimeUtils; import com.android.keyguard.KeyguardUpdateMonitor; import com.android.keyguard.KeyguardUpdateMonitorCallback; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class DozeLog { private static final String TAG = "DozeLog"; private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG); private static final boolean ENABLED = true; private static final int SIZE = Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE ? 400 : 50; private static final SimpleDateFormat FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); private static final int PULSE_REASONS = 4; public static final int PULSE_REASON_INTENT = 0; public static final int PULSE_REASON_NOTIFICATION = 1; public static final int PULSE_REASON_SENSOR_SIGMOTION = 2; public static final int PULSE_REASON_SENSOR_PICKUP = 3; private static long[] sTimes; private static String[] sMessages; private static int sPosition; private static int sCount; private static boolean sPulsing; private static long sSince; private static SummaryStats sPickupPulseNearVibrationStats; private static SummaryStats sPickupPulseNotNearVibrationStats; private static SummaryStats sNotificationPulseStats; private static SummaryStats sScreenOnPulsingStats; private static SummaryStats sScreenOnNotPulsingStats; private static SummaryStats sEmergencyCallStats; private static SummaryStats[][] sProxStats; // [reason][near/far] public static void tracePickupPulse(boolean withinVibrationThreshold) { if (!ENABLED) return; log("pickupPulse withinVibrationThreshold=" + withinVibrationThreshold); (withinVibrationThreshold ? sPickupPulseNearVibrationStats : sPickupPulseNotNearVibrationStats).append(); } public static void tracePulseStart(int reason) { if (!ENABLED) return; sPulsing = true; log("pulseStart reason=" + pulseReasonToString(reason)); } public static void tracePulseFinish() { if (!ENABLED) return; sPulsing = false; log("pulseFinish"); } public static void traceNotificationPulse(long instance) { if (!ENABLED) return; log("notificationPulse instance=" + instance); sNotificationPulseStats.append(); } public static void traceDozing(Context context, boolean dozing) { if (!ENABLED) return; sPulsing = false; synchronized (DozeLog.class) { if (dozing && sMessages == null) { sTimes = new long[SIZE]; sMessages = new String[SIZE]; sSince = System.currentTimeMillis(); sPickupPulseNearVibrationStats = new SummaryStats(); sPickupPulseNotNearVibrationStats = new SummaryStats(); sNotificationPulseStats = new SummaryStats(); sScreenOnPulsingStats = new SummaryStats(); sScreenOnNotPulsingStats = new SummaryStats(); sEmergencyCallStats = new SummaryStats(); sProxStats = new SummaryStats[PULSE_REASONS][2]; for (int i = 0; i < PULSE_REASONS; i++) { sProxStats[i][0] = new SummaryStats(); sProxStats[i][1] = new SummaryStats(); } log("init"); KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getInstance(context).registerCallback(sKeyguardCallback); } } log("dozing " + dozing); } public static void traceFling(boolean expand, boolean aboveThreshold, boolean thresholdNeeded, boolean screenOnFromTouch) { if (!ENABLED) return; log("fling expand=" + expand + " aboveThreshold=" + aboveThreshold + " thresholdNeeded=" + thresholdNeeded + " screenOnFromTouch=" + screenOnFromTouch); } public static void traceEmergencyCall() { if (!ENABLED) return; log("emergencyCall"); sEmergencyCallStats.append(); } public static void traceKeyguardBouncerChanged(boolean showing) { if (!ENABLED) return; log("bouncer " + showing); } public static void traceScreenOn() { if (!ENABLED) return; log("screenOn pulsing=" + sPulsing); (sPulsing ? sScreenOnPulsingStats : sScreenOnNotPulsingStats).append(); sPulsing = false; } public static void traceScreenOff(int why) { if (!ENABLED) return; log("screenOff why=" + why); } public static void traceKeyguard(boolean showing) { if (!ENABLED) return; log("keyguard " + showing); if (!showing) { sPulsing = false; } } public static void traceProximityResult(boolean near, long millis, int pulseReason) { if (!ENABLED) return; log("proximityResult reason=" + pulseReasonToString(pulseReason) + " near=" + near + " millis=" + millis); sProxStats[pulseReason][near ? 0 : 1].append(); } private static String pulseReasonToString(int pulseReason) { switch (pulseReason) { case PULSE_REASON_INTENT: return "intent"; case PULSE_REASON_NOTIFICATION: return "notification"; case PULSE_REASON_SENSOR_SIGMOTION: return "sigmotion"; case PULSE_REASON_SENSOR_PICKUP: return "pickup"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad reason: " + pulseReason); } } public static void dump(PrintWriter pw) { synchronized (DozeLog.class) { if (sMessages == null) return; pw.println(" Doze log:"); final int start = (sPosition - sCount + SIZE) % SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < sCount; i++) { final int j = (start + i) % SIZE; pw.print(" "); pw.print(FORMAT.format(new Date(sTimes[j]))); pw.print(' '); pw.println(sMessages[j]); } pw.print(" Doze summary stats (for "); TimeUtils.formatDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - sSince, pw); pw.println("):"); sPickupPulseNearVibrationStats.dump(pw, "Pickup pulse (near vibration)"); sPickupPulseNotNearVibrationStats.dump(pw, "Pickup pulse (not near vibration)"); sNotificationPulseStats.dump(pw, "Notification pulse"); sScreenOnPulsingStats.dump(pw, "Screen on (pulsing)"); sScreenOnNotPulsingStats.dump(pw, "Screen on (not pulsing)"); sEmergencyCallStats.dump(pw, "Emergency call"); for (int i = 0; i < PULSE_REASONS; i++) { final String reason = pulseReasonToString(i); sProxStats[i][0].dump(pw, "Proximity near (" + reason + ")"); sProxStats[i][1].dump(pw, "Proximity far (" + reason + ")"); } } } private static void log(String msg) { synchronized (DozeLog.class) { if (sMessages == null) return; sTimes[sPosition] = System.currentTimeMillis(); sMessages[sPosition] = msg; sPosition = (sPosition + 1) % SIZE; sCount = Math.min(sCount + 1, SIZE); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, msg); } private static class SummaryStats { private int mCount; public void append() { mCount++; } public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String type) { if (mCount == 0) return; pw.print(" "); pw.print(type); pw.print(": n="); pw.print(mCount); pw.print(" ("); final double perHr = (double) mCount / (System.currentTimeMillis() - sSince) * 1000 * 60 * 60; pw.print(perHr); pw.print("/hr)"); pw.println(); } } private static final KeyguardUpdateMonitorCallback sKeyguardCallback = new KeyguardUpdateMonitorCallback() { @Override public void onEmergencyCallAction() { traceEmergencyCall(); } @Override public void onKeyguardBouncerChanged(boolean bouncer) { traceKeyguardBouncerChanged(bouncer); } @Override public void onScreenTurnedOn() { traceScreenOn(); } @Override public void onScreenTurnedOff(int why) { traceScreenOff(why); } @Override public void onKeyguardVisibilityChanged(boolean showing) { traceKeyguard(showing); } }; }