/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.systemui.qs; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.PointF; import android.graphics.PorterDuff; import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter; import android.support.v4.view.ViewPager; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.DragEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter; import android.widget.ExpandableListView; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger; import com.android.systemui.FontSizeUtils; import com.android.systemui.R; import com.android.systemui.cm.UserContentObserver; import com.android.systemui.qs.tiles.CustomQSTile; import com.android.systemui.qs.tiles.EditTile; import com.android.systemui.settings.BrightnessController; import com.android.systemui.settings.ToggleSlider; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.QSTileHost; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BrightnessMirrorController; import com.android.systemui.tuner.QsTuner; import com.viewpagerindicator.CirclePageIndicator; import cyanogenmod.app.StatusBarPanelCustomTile; import cyanogenmod.providers.CMSettings; import org.cyanogenmod.internal.logging.CMMetricsLogger; import org.cyanogenmod.internal.util.QSConstants; import org.cyanogenmod.internal.util.QSUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; public class QSDragPanel extends QSPanel implements View.OnDragListener, View.OnLongClickListener { private static final String TAG = "QSDragPanel"; public static final boolean DEBUG_TILES = false; public static final boolean DEBUG_DRAG = false; private static final int MAX_ROW_COUNT = 3; // how long to wait before resetting the page private static final int PAGE_RESET_DELAY = 10000; protected final ArrayList mPages = new ArrayList<>(); protected QSViewPager mViewPager; protected PagerAdapter mPagerAdapter; QSPanelTopView mQsPanelTop; CirclePageIndicator mPageIndicator; private int mPageIndicatorHeight; private TextView mDetailRemoveButton; private DragTileRecord mDraggingRecord, mLastDragRecord; private boolean mEditing; private boolean mDragging; private float mLastTouchLocationX, mLastTouchLocationY; private int mLocationHits; private int mLastLeftShift = -1; private int mLastRightShift = -1; private boolean mRestored; private boolean mRestoring; // whether the current view we are dragging in has shifted tiles private boolean mMovedByLocation = false; protected boolean mFirstRowLarge = true; private SettingsObserver mSettingsObserver; List mCurrentlyAnimating = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); private Point mDisplaySize; private int[] mTmpLoc; private Runnable mResetPage = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!mListening) { // only reset when the user isn't interacting at all mViewPager.setCurrentItem(0); } } }; public QSDragPanel(Context context) { this(context, null); } public QSDragPanel(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } @Override protected void setupViews() { updateResources(); mDetail = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.qs_detail, this, false); mDetailContent = (ViewGroup) mDetail.findViewById(android.R.id.content); mDetailRemoveButton = (TextView) mDetail.findViewById(android.R.id.button3); mDetailSettingsButton = (TextView) mDetail.findViewById(android.R.id.button2); mDetailDoneButton = (TextView) mDetail.findViewById(android.R.id.button1); updateDetailText(); mDetail.setVisibility(GONE); mDetail.setClickable(true); mQsPanelTop = (QSPanelTopView) LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.qs_tile_top, this, false); mBrightnessView = mQsPanelTop.getBrightnessView(); mFooter = new QSFooter(this, mContext); // add target click listener mQsPanelTop.getAddTarget().setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { TilesListAdapter adapter = new TilesListAdapter(mContext, QSDragPanel.this); showDetailAdapter(true, adapter, v.getLocationOnScreen()); mDetail.bringToFront(); } }); mViewPager = new QSViewPager(getContext()); mViewPager.setDragPanel(this); mPageIndicator = new CirclePageIndicator(getContext()); addView(mDetail); addView(mQsPanelTop); addView(mViewPager); addView(mPageIndicator); addView(mFooter.getView()); mClipper = new QSDetailClipper(mDetail); mBrightnessController = new BrightnessController(getContext(), (ImageView) mQsPanelTop.getBrightnessView().findViewById(R.id.brightness_icon), (ToggleSlider) mQsPanelTop.getBrightnessView().findViewById(R.id.brightness_slider)); mDetailDoneButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { announceForAccessibility( mContext.getString(R.string.accessibility_desc_quick_settings)); closeDetail(); } }); mPagerAdapter = new PagerAdapter() { @Override public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) { if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "instantiateItem() called with " + "container = [" + container + "], position = [" + position + "]"); } if (mEditing && position == 0) { QSSettings qss = (QSSettings) View.inflate(container.getContext(), R.layout.qs_settings, null); qss.setHost(mHost); container.addView(qss, 0); return qss; } else { final int adjustedPosition = mEditing ? position - 1 : position; QSPage page = mPages.get(adjustedPosition); if (!page.isAttachedToWindow()) { container.addView(page); } return page; } } @Override public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) { if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "destroyItem() called with " + "container = [" + container + "], position = [" + position + "], object = [" + object + "]"); } if (object instanceof View) { container.removeView((View) object); } } @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { if (object instanceof QSPage) { if (mEditing != ((QSPage) object).getAdapterEditingState()) { // position of item changes when we set change the editing mode, // sync it and send the new position ((QSPage) object).setAdapterEditingState(mEditing); // calculate new position int indexOf = ((QSPage) object).getPageIndex(); if (mEditing) return indexOf + 1; else return indexOf; } else if (!mPages.contains(object) && !mDragging) { // only return none if we aren't dragging (object may be removed from // the records array temporarily and we might think we have less pages, // we don't want to prematurely remove this page return POSITION_NONE; } else { return POSITION_UNCHANGED; } } else if (object instanceof QSSettings) { if (((QSSettings) object).getAdapterEditingState() != mEditing) { ((QSSettings) object).setAdapterEditingState(mEditing); if (mEditing) return 0 /* locked at position 0 */; else return POSITION_NONE; } else { return POSITION_UNCHANGED; } } return super.getItemPosition(object); } @Override public int getCount() { final int qsPages = Math.max(getCurrentMaxPageCount(), 1); if (mPages != null && qsPages > mPages.size()) { for(int i = mPages.size(); i < qsPages; i++) { mPages.add(i, new QSPage(mViewPager.getContext(), QSDragPanel.this, i)); } } if (mEditing) return qsPages + 1; return qsPages; } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) { return view == object; } }; mViewPager.setAdapter(mPagerAdapter); mPageIndicator.setViewPager(mViewPager); mPageIndicator.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "onPageScrolled() called with " + "position = [" + position + "], positionOffset = [" + positionOffset + "], positionOffsetPixels = [" + positionOffsetPixels + "]"); } if (mEditing) { float targetTranslationX = 0; // targetTranslationX = where it's supposed to be - diff int homeLocation = mViewPager.getMeasuredWidth(); // how far away from homeLocation is the scroll? if (positionOffsetPixels < homeLocation && position == 0) { targetTranslationX = homeLocation - positionOffsetPixels; } mQsPanelTop.setTranslationX(targetTranslationX); } } @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { if (mDragging && position != mDraggingRecord.page && !mViewPager.isFakeDragging() && !mRestoring) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, "moving drag record to page: " + position); } // remove it from the previous page and add it here final QSPage sourceP = getPage(mDraggingRecord.page); final QSPage targetP = getPage(position); sourceP.removeView(mDraggingRecord.tileView); mDraggingRecord.page = position; targetP.addView(mDraggingRecord.tileView); // set coords off screen until we're ready to place it mDraggingRecord.tileView.setX(-mDraggingRecord.tileView.getMeasuredWidth()); mDraggingRecord.tileView.setY(-mDraggingRecord.tileView.getMeasuredHeight()); } } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { } }); mViewPager.setOverScrollMode(OVER_SCROLL_NEVER); setClipChildren(false); mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(new Handler()); mViewPager.setOnDragListener(QSDragPanel.this); mQsPanelTop.setOnDragListener(QSDragPanel.this); mPageIndicator.setOnDragListener(QSDragPanel.this); setOnDragListener(QSDragPanel.this); mViewPager.setOverScrollMode(View.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER); } @Override public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() { return mClipper.isAnimating() || mEditing || !mCurrentlyAnimating.isEmpty(); } @Override public void setBrightnessMirror(BrightnessMirrorController c) { super.onFinishInflate(); ToggleSlider brightnessSlider = (ToggleSlider) mQsPanelTop.findViewById(R.id.brightness_slider); ToggleSlider mirror = (ToggleSlider) c.getMirror().findViewById(R.id.brightness_slider); brightnessSlider.setMirror(mirror); brightnessSlider.setMirrorController(c); } protected void drawTile(TileRecord r, QSTile.State state) { if (mEditing) { if ((r.tile instanceof CustomQSTile) && (((CustomQSTile) r.tile).isUserRemoved() || ((CustomQSTile) r.tile).getTile() == null)) { // don't modify visibility state if removed, or not yet published } else { state.visible = true; state.enabled = true; } } final int visibility = state.visible ? VISIBLE : GONE; setTileVisibility(r.tileView, visibility); setTileEnabled(r.tileView, state.enabled); r.tileView.onStateChanged(state); } @Override public void setListening(boolean listening) { if (mListening == listening) return; mListening = listening; // reset the page when inactive for a while if (listening) { removeCallbacks(mResetPage); } else { postDelayed(mResetPage, PAGE_RESET_DELAY); } for (TileRecord r : mRecords) { r.tile.setListening(mListening); } mFooter.setListening(mListening); mQsPanelTop.setListening(mListening); if (mListening) { refreshAllTiles(); } if (mListening) { mSettingsObserver.observe(); } else { mSettingsObserver.unobserve(); } if (isLaidOut() && listening && showBrightnessSlider()) { mBrightnessController.registerCallbacks(); } else { mBrightnessController.unregisterCallbacks(); } } private void persistRecords() { // persist the new config. List newTiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (TileRecord record : mRecords) { newTiles.add(mHost.getSpec(record.tile)); } mHost.setTiles(newTiles); } public void setEditing(boolean editing) { if (mEditing == editing) return; final boolean isOnSettings = isOnSettingsPage(); mQsPanelTop.setEditing(editing, isOnSettings); if (!editing) { persistRecords(); refreshAllTiles(); mQsPanelTop.setTranslationX(0); if (isOnSettings) { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(1, true); } } mEditing = editing; mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); mPageIndicator.setEditing(editing); mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(mEditing ? getCurrentMaxPageCount() + 1 : 1); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // clear the record state for (TileRecord record : mRecords) { setupRecord(record); drawTile(record, record.tile.getState()); } requestLayout(); } protected void onStartDrag() { mQsPanelTop.onStartDrag(); } protected void onStopDrag() { mDraggingRecord.tileView.setAlpha(1f); mLastDragRecord = mDraggingRecord; mDraggingRecord = null; mDragging = false; mRestored = false; mLastLeftShift = -1; mLastRightShift = -1; mQsPanelTop.onStopDrag(); } protected View getDropTarget() { return mQsPanelTop.getDropTarget(); } public View getBrightnessView() { return mQsPanelTop.getBrightnessView(); } public boolean isEditing() { return mEditing; } protected int getPagesForCount(int tileCount) { if (tileCount == 0) { return 1; } tileCount = Math.max(0, tileCount - getTilesPerPage(true)); // first page + rest of tiles return 1 + (int) Math.ceil(tileCount / (double) getTilesPerPage(false)); } protected int getCurrentMaxPageCount() { int initialSize = mRecords.size(); return getPagesForCount(initialSize); } @Override protected void updateDetailText() { super.updateDetailText(); mDetailRemoveButton.setText(R.string.quick_settings_remove); } public void setTiles(final Collection> tilesCollection) { // we try to be as efficient as possible here because this can happen while the user // is in edit mode, or maybe even while tiles are animating // step 1: stop all animations // step 2: remove tiles no longer to be used, cache ones that are still valid // step 3: remove empty viewpager pages // step 4: generate new tiles, re-add cached ones if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.i(TAG, "setTiles() called with tiles = [" + tilesCollection + "]"); } if (mLastDragRecord != null && mRecords.indexOf(mLastDragRecord) == -1) { // the last removed record might be stored in mLastDragRecord if we just shifted // re-add it to the list so we'll clean it up below mRecords.add(mLastDragRecord); mLastDragRecord = null; } // step kinda-1 if (mDraggingRecord != null) { // dragging record might be animating back, force it to finished position mDraggingRecord.tileView.animate().cancel(); } int currentViewPagerPage = mViewPager.getCurrentItem(); int removedPages = 0; Map, DragTileRecord> cachedRecords = new ArrayMap<>(); ListIterator iterator = mRecords.listIterator(mRecords.size()); int recordsRemoved = 0; // cleanup current records while (iterator.hasPrevious()) { // mRecords DragTileRecord dr = (DragTileRecord) iterator.previous(); // step 1 dr.tileView.animate().cancel(); // step 2 if (tilesCollection.contains(dr.tile)) { if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.i(TAG, "caching tile: " + dr.tile); } cachedRecords.put(dr.tile, dr); } else { if (dr.page >= 0) { if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.w(TAG, "removed dr.tileView: " + dr.tileView + " from page: " + dr.page + " (dest page: " + dr.destinationPage + ")"); } removeTileView(dr.tileView); } if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.i(TAG, "removing tile: " + dr.tile); } // remove record iterator.remove(); recordsRemoved++; dr.page = -1; dr.destinationPage = -1; } } // at this point cachedRecords should have all retained tiles, no new or old tiles int delta = tilesCollection.size() - cachedRecords.size() - recordsRemoved; if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.i(TAG, "record map delta: " + delta); } // step 3 final Iterator pageIterator = mPages.iterator(); while (pageIterator.hasNext()) { final QSPage page = pageIterator.next(); final int viewpagerIndex = page.getPageIndex() + (mEditing ? 1 : 0); final int childCount = page.getChildCount(); if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "page " + viewpagerIndex + " has " + childCount); } if (page.getPageIndex() >= getCurrentMaxPageCount() - 1) { if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "page : " + page + " has " + childCount + " children"); } if (childCount == 0) { removedPages++; page.removeAllViews(); mPagerAdapter.startUpdate(mViewPager); mPagerAdapter.destroyItem(mViewPager, viewpagerIndex, page); mPagerAdapter.finishUpdate(mViewPager); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } if (removedPages > 0) { // even though we explicitly destroy old pages, without this call, // the viewpager doesn't seem to want to pick up the fact that we have less pages // and allows "empty" scrolls to the right where there is no page. if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "re-setting adapter, page: " + currentViewPagerPage); } mViewPager.setAdapter(mPagerAdapter); mViewPager.setCurrentItem(Math.min(currentViewPagerPage, mPagerAdapter.getCount()), false); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } // step 4 mRecords.ensureCapacity(tilesCollection.size()); int runningCount = 0; final Iterator> newTileIterator = tilesCollection.iterator(); while (newTileIterator.hasNext()) { QSTile tile = newTileIterator.next(); if (tile instanceof CustomQSTile) { if (((CustomQSTile) tile).isUserRemoved() || ((CustomQSTile) tile).getTile() == null) { // tile not published yet continue; } } final int tileDestPage = getPagesForCount(runningCount + 1) - 1; if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "tile at : " + runningCount + ": " + tile + " to dest page: " + tileDestPage); } DragTileRecord record; if (!cachedRecords.containsKey(tile)) { if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "tile at: " + runningCount + " not cached, adding it to records"); } record = makeRecord(tile); record.destinationPage = tileDestPage; mRecords.add(runningCount, record); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { record = cachedRecords.get(tile); if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "tile at : " + runningCount + ": cached, restoring: " + record); } mPages.get(record.page).removeView(record.tileView); record.page = -1; record.destinationPage = tileDestPage; mRecords.remove(record); mRecords.add(runningCount, record); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } if (record.page == -1) { // add the view mPages.get(record.destinationPage).addView(record.tileView); record.page = record.destinationPage; if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "added view " + record); } } runningCount++; } if (isShowingDetail()) { mDetail.bringToFront(); } mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); refreshAllTiles(); requestLayout(); } private DragTileRecord makeRecord(final QSTile tile) { if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "+++ makeRecord() called with " + "tile = [" + tile + "]"); } final DragTileRecord r = new DragTileRecord(); r.tile = tile; r.page = -1; r.destinationPage = -1; r.tileView = tile.createTileView(mContext); final QSTile.Callback callback = new QSTile.Callback() { @Override public void onStateChanged(QSTile.State state) { if (!r.openingDetail) { drawTile(r, state); } } @Override public void onShowDetail(boolean show) { showDetail(show, r); } @Override public void onToggleStateChanged(boolean state) { if (mDetailRecord == r) { fireToggleStateChanged(state); } } @Override public void onScanStateChanged(boolean state) { r.scanState = state; if (mDetailRecord == r) { fireScanStateChanged(r.scanState); } } @Override public void onAnnouncementRequested(CharSequence announcement) { announceForAccessibility(announcement); } }; r.tile.setCallback(callback); final OnClickListener click = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (!mEditing || r.tile instanceof EditTile) { r.tile.click(); } } }; final OnClickListener clickSecondary = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (!mEditing) { r.tile.secondaryClick(); } } }; final OnLongClickListener longClick = new OnLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { if (!mEditing) { r.tile.longClick(); } else { QSDragPanel.this.onLongClick(r.tileView); } return true; } }; r.tileView.init(click, clickSecondary, longClick); r.tile.setListening(mListening); r.tile.refreshState(); r.tileView.setVisibility(mEditing ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); callback.onStateChanged(r.tile.getState()); if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.d(TAG, "--- makeRecord() called with " + "tile = [" + tile + "]"); } return r; } private void removeTileView(QSTileView v) { for (QSPage page : mPages) { page.removeView(v); page.removeTransientView(v); } } private void removeDraggingRecord() { // what spec is this tile? String spec = mHost.getSpec(mDraggingRecord.tile); if (DEBUG_TILES) { Log.w(TAG, "removing tile: " + mDraggingRecord + " with spec: " + spec); } onStopDrag(); mHost.remove(spec); } public int getTilesPerPage(boolean firstPage) { if ((!mFirstRowLarge && firstPage) || !firstPage) { return QSTileHost.TILES_PER_PAGE + 1; } return QSTileHost.TILES_PER_PAGE; } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); mTmpLoc = null; mDisplaySize = null; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { final int width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); mQsPanelTop.measure(exactly(width), MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); mViewPager.measure(exactly(width), MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); mPageIndicator.measure(exactly(width), atMost(mPageIndicatorHeight)); mFooter.getView().measure(exactly(width), MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); int h = getRowTop(getCurrentMaxRow() + 1) + mPanelPaddingBottom; if (mFooter.hasFooter()) { h += mFooter.getView().getMeasuredHeight(); } mDetail.measure(exactly(width), MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); if (mDetail.getMeasuredHeight() < h) { mDetail.measure(exactly(width), exactly(h)); } // Check if the detail view would be overflowing below the physical height of the device // and cutting the content off. If it is, reduce the detail height to fit. if (isShowingDetail()) { if (mDisplaySize == null) { mDisplaySize = new Point(); getDisplay().getSize(mDisplaySize); } if (mTmpLoc == null) { mTmpLoc = new int[2]; mDetail.getLocationOnScreen(mTmpLoc); } final int containerTop = mTmpLoc[1]; final int detailBottom = containerTop + mDetail.getMeasuredHeight(); if (detailBottom >= mDisplaySize.y) { // panel is hanging below the screen final int detailMinHeight = mDisplaySize.y - containerTop; mDetail.measure(exactly(width), exactly(detailMinHeight)); } setMeasuredDimension(width, mDetail.getMeasuredHeight()); mGridHeight = mDetail.getMeasuredHeight(); } else { setMeasuredDimension(width, h); mGridHeight = h; } for (TileRecord record : mRecords) { setupRecord(record); } } private void setupRecord(TileRecord record) { record.tileView.setEditing(mEditing); record.tileView.setOnDragListener(mEditing ? this : null); } public static int exactly(int size) { return MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); } public static int atMost(int size) { return MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST); } @Override protected void handleShowDetailTile(TileRecord r, boolean show) { if (r instanceof DragTileRecord) { if ((mDetailRecord != null) == show && mDetailRecord == r) return; if (show) { r.detailAdapter = r.tile.getDetailAdapter(); if (r.detailAdapter == null) return; } r.tile.setDetailListening(show); int x = (int) ((DragTileRecord) r).destination.x + r.tileView.getWidth() / 2; int y = mViewPager.getTop() + (int) ((DragTileRecord) r).destination.y + r.tileView.getHeight() / 2; handleShowDetailImpl(r, show, x, y); } else { super.handleShowDetailTile(r, show); } } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { final int w = getWidth(); mQsPanelTop.layout(0, 0, w, mQsPanelTop.getMeasuredHeight()); int viewPagerBottom = mQsPanelTop.getMeasuredHeight() + mViewPager.getMeasuredHeight(); // view pager laid out from top of brightness view to bottom to page through settings mViewPager.layout(0, 0, w, viewPagerBottom); // layout page indicator inside viewpager inset mPageIndicator.layout(0, b - mPageIndicatorHeight, w, b); mDetail.layout(0, 0, w, mDetail.getMeasuredHeight()); if (mFooter.hasFooter()) { View footer = mFooter.getView(); footer.layout(0, getMeasuredHeight() - footer.getMeasuredHeight(), footer.getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight()); } if (!isShowingDetail() && !isClosingDetail()) { mQsPanelTop.bringToFront(); } } protected int getRowTop(int row) { int baseHeight = mQsPanelTop.getMeasuredHeight(); if (row <= 0) return baseHeight; return baseHeight + mLargeCellHeight - mDualTileUnderlap + (row - 1) * mCellHeight; } public int getColumnCount() { return mColumns; } public int getColumnCount(int page, int row, boolean smart) { int cols = 0; for (Record record : mRecords) { if (record instanceof DragTileRecord) { DragTileRecord dr = (DragTileRecord) record; if (dr.tileView.getVisibility() == GONE) continue; if (dr.destinationPage != page) continue; if (dr.row == row) cols++; } } if (smart && isEditing() && (isDragging() || mRestoring) && !isDragRecordAttached()) { // if shifting tiles back, and one moved from previous page // if it's the very last row on the last page, we should add an extra column to account // for where teh dragging lastRecord would go DragTileRecord lastRecord = (DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(mRecords.size() - 1); if (lastRecord.destinationPage == page && lastRecord.row == row && cols < getColumnCount()) { cols++; if (DEBUG_DRAG) { boolean draggingRecordBefore = isBefore(mDraggingRecord, lastRecord); Log.w(TAG, "adding another col, cols: " + cols + ", last: " + lastRecord + ", drag: " + mDraggingRecord + ", and dragging record before last: " + draggingRecordBefore); } } } return cols; } public int getColumnCount(int page, int row) { return getColumnCount(page, row, true); } public int getCurrentMaxRow() { int max = 0; for (TileRecord record : mRecords) { if (record.row > max) { max = record.row; } } return max; } public int getLeft(int page, int row, int col) { final boolean firstRowLarge = mFirstRowLarge && page == 0 && row == 0; int cols = firstRowLarge ? 2 : mColumns; return getLeft(row, col, cols, firstRowLarge); } public int getLeft(int page, int row, int col, int cols) { final boolean firstRowLarge = mFirstRowLarge && page == 0 && row == 0; return getLeft(row, col, cols, firstRowLarge); } public int getLeft(int row, int col, int cols, boolean firstRowLarge) { final int cw = row == 0 && firstRowLarge ? mLargeCellWidth : mCellWidth; final int extra = (getWidth() - cw * cols) / (cols + 1); int left = col * cw + (col + 1) * extra; return left; } public QSPage getCurrentPage() { return mPages.get(mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); } public QSPage getPage(int pos) { if (pos >= mPages.size()) { return null; } return mPages.get(pos); } private TileRecord getRecord(View v) { for (TileRecord record : mRecords) { if (record.tileView == v) { return record; } } return null; } @Override public boolean onDrag(View v, DragEvent event) { final DragTileRecord targetTile = (DragTileRecord) getRecord(v); boolean originatingTileEvent = mDraggingRecord != null && v == mDraggingRecord.tileView; final int dragRecordIndex = mRecords.indexOf(mDraggingRecord); boolean dragRecordAttached = dragRecordIndex != -1; switch (event.getAction()) { case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED: if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_STARTED on view: " + v); } if (originatingTileEvent) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_STARTED on target view."); } mRestored = false; mQsPanelTop.setDropIcon(R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_delete_disable, R.color.qs_tile_trash_normal_tint); } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED: if (DEBUG_DRAG) { if (targetTile != null) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED on view with tile: " + targetTile); } else { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED on view: " + v); } } mLocationHits = 0; mMovedByLocation = false; if (v == mQsPanelTop) { int icon, color; if (mDraggingRecord.tile instanceof EditTile) { // use a different warning, user can't erase this one icon = R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_delete_disable_avd; color = R.color.qs_tile_trash_delete_tint_warning; } else { icon = R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_delete_disable; color = R.color.qs_tile_trash_delete_tint; } mQsPanelTop.setDropIcon(icon, color); } if (!originatingTileEvent && v != getDropTarget() && targetTile != null) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.e(TAG, "entered tile " + targetTile); } if (mCurrentlyAnimating.isEmpty() && !mViewPager.isFakeDragging() && !dragRecordAttached) { mMovedByLocation = true; shiftTiles(targetTile, true); } else { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, "ignoring action enter for animating tiles and fake drags"); } } } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED: if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_ENDED on view: " + v + "(tile: " + targetTile + "), result: " + event.getResult()); } if (originatingTileEvent && !event.getResult()) { // view pager probably ate the event restoreDraggingTilePosition(v, null); } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP: if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DROP, event loc: " + event.getX() + ", " + event.getY() + " + with tile: " + targetTile + " and view: " + v); } mLastTouchLocationX = event.getX(); mLastTouchLocationY = event.getY(); if (isDropTargetEvent(event, v)) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "dropping on delete target!!"); } if (mDraggingRecord.tile instanceof EditTile) { final QSTileView editTileView = mDraggingRecord.tileView; mQsPanelTop.toast(R.string.quick_settings_cannot_delete_edit_tile); restoreDraggingTilePosition(v, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // move edit tile to the back final TileRecord editTile = getRecord(editTileView); if (mRecords.remove(editTile)) { // we depend on mHost.setTiles() placing it on the end persistRecords(); } } }); break; } else if (mDraggingRecord.tile instanceof CustomQSTile) { ((CustomQSTile) mDraggingRecord.tile).setUserRemoved(true); final String spec = mHost.getSpec(mDraggingRecord.tile); restoreDraggingTilePosition(v, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // it might get added back later by the app, but that's ok, // we just want to reset its position after it has been removed. mHost.remove(spec); } }); } else { mRestored = true; removeDraggingRecord(); } } else { restoreDraggingTilePosition(v, null); } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED: if (DEBUG_DRAG) { if (targetTile != null) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_EXITED on view with tile: " + targetTile); } else { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_EXITED on view: " + v); } } if (v == mQsPanelTop) { mQsPanelTop.setDropIcon(R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_delete_disable, R.color.qs_tile_trash_normal_tint); } if (originatingTileEvent && mCurrentlyAnimating.isEmpty() && !mViewPager.isFakeDragging() && dragRecordAttached && mLastLeftShift == -1) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "target: " + targetTile + ", hit mLastRightShift: " + mLastRightShift + ", mLastLeftShift: " + mLastLeftShift + ", dragRecordIndex: " + dragRecordIndex); } // move tiles back shiftTiles(mDraggingRecord, false); break; } // fall through so exit events can trigger a left shift case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION: mLastTouchLocationX = event.getX(); mLastTouchLocationY = event.getY(); // do nothing if we're animating tiles if (mCurrentlyAnimating.isEmpty() && !mViewPager.isFakeDragging()) { if (v == mViewPager) { // do we need to change pages? int x = (int) event.getX(); int width = mViewPager.getWidth(); int scrollPadding = (int) (width * QSViewPager.SCROLL_PERCENT); if (x < scrollPadding) { if (mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(-1)) { mViewPager.animatePagerTransition(false); return true; } } else if (x > width - scrollPadding) { if (mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(1)) { mViewPager.animatePagerTransition(true); return true; } } } if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "location hit:// target: " + targetTile + ", hit mLastRightShift: " + mLastRightShift + ", mLastLeftShift: " + mLastLeftShift + ", dragRecordIndex: " + dragRecordIndex + ", originatingTileEvent: " + originatingTileEvent + ", mLocationHits: " + mLocationHits + ", mMovedByLocation: " + mMovedByLocation); } if (v != getDropTarget() && targetTile != null && !dragRecordAttached) { // dragging around on another tile if (mLocationHits++ == 30) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, "shifting right due to location hits."); } // add dragging tile to current page shiftTiles(targetTile, true); mMovedByLocation = true; } else { mLocationHits++; } } else if (mLastRightShift != -1 // right has shifted recently && mLastLeftShift == -1 // -1 means its attached && dragRecordIndex == mLastRightShift && !originatingTileEvent && !mMovedByLocation /* helps avoid continuous shifting */) { // check if the location is on another tile/view // that is not the last drag index, shift back left to revert back and // potentially get ready for shifting right if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, "conditions met to reverse!!!! shifting left. <<<<<<<"); } shiftTiles((DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(mLastRightShift), false); mMovedByLocation = true; } } else { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "ignoring location event because things are animating, size: " + mCurrentlyAnimating.size()); } } break; default: Log.w(TAG, "unhandled event"); return false; } return true; } private boolean isDropTargetEvent(DragEvent event, View v) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "isDropTargetEvent() called with " + "event = [" + event + "], v = [" + v + "]"); } if (v == getDropTarget() || v == mQsPanelTop) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "isDropTargetEvent() returns true by view"); } return true; } if (v == mViewPager && mLastTouchLocationY <= getRowTop(0)) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "isDropTargetEvent() returns true by loc"); } return true; } return false; } private void restoreDraggingTilePosition(View v, final Runnable onAnimationFinishedRunnable) { if (mRestored) { return; } mRestored = true; mRestoring = true; mCurrentlyAnimating.add(mDraggingRecord); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "restoreDraggingTilePosition() called with " + "v = [" + (v.getTag() != null ? v.getTag() : v) + "]"); } final boolean dragRecordDetached = mRecords.indexOf(mDraggingRecord) == -1; if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "mLastLeftShift: " + mLastLeftShift + ", detached: " + dragRecordDetached + ", drag record: " + mDraggingRecord); } final QSPage originalPage = getPage(mDraggingRecord.page); originalPage.removeView(mDraggingRecord.tileView); addTransientView(mDraggingRecord.tileView, 0); mDraggingRecord.tileView.setTransitionVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // need to move center of the dragging view to the coords of the event. final float touchEventBoxLeft = v.getX() + (mLastTouchLocationX - (mDraggingRecord.tileView.getWidth() / 2)); final float touchEventBoxTop = v.getY() + (mLastTouchLocationY - (mDraggingRecord.tileView.getHeight() / 2)); mDraggingRecord.tileView.setX(touchEventBoxLeft); mDraggingRecord.tileView.setY(touchEventBoxTop); if (dragRecordDetached) { setToLastDestination(mDraggingRecord); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "setting drag record view to coords: x:" + touchEventBoxLeft + ", y:" + touchEventBoxTop); Log.d(TAG, "animating drag record to: " + mDraggingRecord + ", loc: " + mDraggingRecord.destination); } } else { mDraggingRecord.destination.x = getLeft(mDraggingRecord.destinationPage, mDraggingRecord.row, mDraggingRecord.col, getColumnCount(mDraggingRecord.destinationPage, mDraggingRecord.row)); mDraggingRecord.destination.y = getRowTop(mDraggingRecord.row); } // setup x destination to animate to float destinationX = mDraggingRecord.destination.x; // see if we should animate this to the left or right off the page // the +1's are to account for the edit page if (mDraggingRecord.destinationPage > mViewPager.getCurrentItem() - 1) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "adding width to animate out >>>>>"); } destinationX += getWidth(); } else if (mDraggingRecord.destinationPage < mViewPager.getCurrentItem() - 1) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "removing width to animate out <<<<<"); } destinationX -= getWidth(); } // setup y float destinationY = mDraggingRecord.destination.y + mViewPager.getTop(); mDraggingRecord.tileView.animate() .withLayer() .x(destinationX) .y(destinationY) // part of the viewpager now .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { mDraggingRecord.tileView.setAlpha(1); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { mViewPager.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false); removeTransientView(mDraggingRecord.tileView); mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(mDraggingRecord); mRestoring = false; mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); onStopDrag(); if (onAnimationFinishedRunnable != null) { postOnAnimation(onAnimationFinishedRunnable); } } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mViewPager.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false); removeTransientView(mDraggingRecord.tileView); final QSPage targetP = getPage(mDraggingRecord.destinationPage); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { if (dragRecordDetached) { Log.i(TAG, "drag record was detached"); } else { Log.i(TAG, "drag record was attached"); } } targetP.addView(mDraggingRecord.tileView); mDraggingRecord.page = mDraggingRecord.destinationPage; mDraggingRecord.tileView.setX(mDraggingRecord.destination.x); // reset this to be in the coords of the page, not viewpager anymore mDraggingRecord.tileView.setY(mDraggingRecord.destination.y); mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(mDraggingRecord); mRestoring = false; if (dragRecordDetached) { mRecords.add(mDraggingRecord); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } onStopDrag(); if (onAnimationFinishedRunnable != null) { postOnAnimation(onAnimationFinishedRunnable); } else { requestLayout(); } } }); } private void setToNextDestination(DragTileRecord tile) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "+++setToNextDestination() called with " + "tile = [" + tile + "], at: " + tile.destination); } tile.col++; int maxCols = getColumnCount(); if (tile.col >= maxCols) { tile.col = 0; tile.row++; if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, "reached max column count, shifting to next row: " + tile.row); } } // clamp this value to the max count we want. int maxRows = Math.min(MAX_ROW_COUNT - 1 /* we are 0 based */, getCurrentMaxRow()); if (tile.row > maxRows) { tile.destinationPage = tile.destinationPage + 1; tile.row = 0; tile.col = 0; if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, "tile's destination page moved to: " + tile.destinationPage); } } int columnCount = Math.max(1, getColumnCount(tile.destinationPage, tile.row, false)); if (columnCount < maxCols) { // if columncount gives us 1 and we're at col 2 columnCount = Math.max((tile.col + 1), columnCount); } if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, "columCount at: " + columnCount); } boolean firstRowLarge = mFirstRowLarge && tile.row == 0 && tile.destinationPage == 0; tile.destination.x = getLeft(tile.row, tile.col, columnCount, firstRowLarge); tile.destination.y = getRowTop(tile.row); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "---setToNextDestination() called with " + "tile = [" + tile + "], now at: " + tile.destination); } } private boolean isBefore(DragTileRecord r1, DragTileRecord r2) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "isBefore() called with " + "r1 = [" + r1 + "], r2 = [" + r2 + "]"); } boolean isBefore = r1.destinationPage <= r2.destinationPage; if (r1.destinationPage == r2.destinationPage) { isBefore = r1.row <= r2.row; if (r1.row == r2.row) { isBefore = r1.col <= r2.col; } } if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "r1 isBefore r2: " + isBefore); } return isBefore; } private void setToLastDestination(DragTileRecord record) { DragTileRecord last = (DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(mRecords.size() - 1); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(TAG, "setToLastDestination() called with record = [" + record + "], and last record is: " + last); } if (isBefore(record, last)) { // if the record is before the last record in the records list, set it to the // last location, then spoof it one space forward record.destinationPage = last.destinationPage; record.row = last.row; record.col = last.col; record.destination.x = last.destination.x; record.destination.y = last.destination.y; setToNextDestination(record); } } @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { final DragTileRecord record = (DragTileRecord) getRecord(v); if (record == null) { // TODO couldn't find a matching tag? Log.e(TAG, "got a null record on touch down."); return false; } mDraggingRecord = record; mDraggingRecord.tileView.setAlpha(0); mDraggingRecord.tileView.setDual(false, false); TileShadow mTileShadow = new TileShadow(mDraggingRecord.tileView); v.startDrag(null, mTileShadow, null, 0); mViewPager.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); onStartDrag(); mDragging = true; return true; } private void shiftTiles(DragTileRecord startingTile, boolean forward) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "shiftTiles() called with " + "startingTile = [" + startingTile + "], forward = [" + forward + "]"); } if (forward) { // startingTile and all after will need to be shifted one to the right // dragging tile needs room final int destP = startingTile.destinationPage; final int rowF = startingTile.row; final int colF = startingTile.col; PointF loc = new PointF(startingTile.destination.x, startingTile.destination.y); // the index of the original position of the statingTile before it moved int startingIndex = mRecords.indexOf(startingTile); mLastRightShift = startingIndex; mLastLeftShift = -1; shiftAllTilesRight(startingIndex); mRecords.add(startingIndex, mDraggingRecord); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); mDraggingRecord.col = colF; mDraggingRecord.row = rowF; mDraggingRecord.destination = loc; mDraggingRecord.destinationPage = destP; mDraggingRecord.tileView.setX(mDraggingRecord.destination.x); mDraggingRecord.tileView.setY(mDraggingRecord.destination.y); } else { // it is also probably the dragging tile final int startingIndex = mRecords.indexOf(startingTile); mLastLeftShift = startingIndex; mLastRightShift = -1; final int draggingIndex = mRecords.indexOf(mDraggingRecord); if (startingIndex != draggingIndex) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.e(TAG, "startinIndex: " + startingIndex + ", draggingIndex: " + draggingIndex + ", and they differ!!!!"); } } // startingTile should be the "empty" tile that things should start shifting into shiftAllTilesLeft(startingIndex); // remove the dragging record if (mRecords.remove(mDraggingRecord)) { mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "removed dragging record after moving tiles back"); } } // set coords off screen until we're ready to place it mDraggingRecord.tileView.setX(-mDraggingRecord.tileView.getMeasuredWidth()); mDraggingRecord.tileView.setY(-mDraggingRecord.tileView.getMeasuredHeight()); } mViewPager.getAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); } private void shiftAllTilesRight(int startingIndex) { int desiredColumnCount = -1; for (int j = startingIndex; j < mRecords.size() - 1; j++) { final DragTileRecord ti = (DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(j); final DragTileRecord tnext = (DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(j + 1); mCurrentlyAnimating.add(ti); if (tnext.row != ti.row || desiredColumnCount == -1) { desiredColumnCount = getColumnCount(tnext.destinationPage, tnext.row); //Log.w(TAG, "updated desiredColumnCount: " + desiredColumnCount); } if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "moving " + ti + " to page " + tnext.destinationPage + ", at coords: " + tnext.row + ", col: " + tnext.col + ", dest: " + tnext.destination); } ti.row = tnext.row; ti.col = tnext.col; ti.destination.x = getLeft(tnext.destinationPage, ti.row, ti.col, desiredColumnCount); ti.destination.y = getRowTop(ti.row); if (ti.destinationPage != tnext.destinationPage) { ti.destinationPage = tnext.destinationPage; final QSPage tilePageSource = getPage(ti.page); final QSPage tilePageTarget = getPage(ti.destinationPage); tilePageSource.removeView(ti.tileView); tilePageSource.addTransientView(ti.tileView, 0); ti.tileView.animate() .withLayer() .x(ti.destination.x + getWidth()) .y(ti.destination.y) .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { tilePageSource.removeTransientView(ti.tileView); mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(ti); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { tilePageSource.removeTransientView(ti.tileView); tilePageTarget.addView(ti.tileView); ti.page = tilePageTarget.getPageIndex(); ti.tileView.setX(ti.destination.x); ti.tileView.setY(ti.destination.y); mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(ti); requestLayout(); } }); } else { ti.tileView.animate() .withLayer() .x(ti.destination.x) .y(ti.destination.y) .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(ti); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(ti); final boolean dual = getPage(ti.destinationPage).dualRecord(ti); if (ti.tileView.setDual(dual, ti.tile.hasDualTargetsDetails())) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, ti + " changed dual state to : " + ti.tileView.isDual()); } } requestLayout(); } }); } } // need to do last tile manually final DragTileRecord last = (DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(mRecords.size() - 1); mCurrentlyAnimating.add(last); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "last tile shifting to the right: " + last); } setToNextDestination(last); if (last.page != last.destinationPage) { final QSPage tilePageSource = getPage(last.page); final QSPage tilePageTarget = getPage(last.destinationPage); tilePageSource.removeView(last.tileView); tilePageSource.addTransientView(last.tileView, 0); last.tileView.animate() .withLayer() .x(last.destination.x + getWidth()) .y(last.destination.y) .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { tilePageSource.removeTransientView(last.tileView); mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(last); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { tilePageSource.removeTransientView(last.tileView); tilePageTarget.addView(last.tileView); last.page = tilePageTarget.getPageIndex(); last.tileView.setX(last.destination.x); last.tileView.setY(last.destination.y); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "page shift finished: " + last); } mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(last); requestLayout(); } }); } else { last.tileView.animate() .withLayer() .x(last.destination.x) .y(last.destination.y) .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(last); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.i(TAG, "shift finished: " + last); } mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(last); requestLayout(); } }); } } private void shiftAllTilesLeft(int startingIndex) { DragTileRecord startingTile = (DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(startingIndex); final PointF lastLocation = new PointF(startingTile.destination.x, startingTile.destination.y); PointF reallyTempLoc = new PointF(); int lastRow = startingTile.row, lastCol = startingTile.col, tempRow, tempCol, lastPage = startingTile.destinationPage, tempPage; int desiredColCount = getColumnCount(startingTile.destinationPage, startingTile.row); for (int j = startingIndex + 1; j < mRecords.size(); j++) { final DragTileRecord ti = (DragTileRecord) mRecords.get(j); mCurrentlyAnimating.add(ti); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.v(TAG, "moving " + ti + " to " + lastPage + ", at coords: " + lastRow + ", col: " + lastCol); Log.i(TAG, "and will have desiredColCount: " + desiredColCount); } final int columnCountF = desiredColCount; if (ti.row != lastRow) { desiredColCount = getColumnCount(ti.destinationPage, ti.row); if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.e(TAG, "updating desired colum count to: " + desiredColCount); } } // save current tile's loc reallyTempLoc.x = ti.destination.x; reallyTempLoc.y = ti.destination.y; tempRow = ti.row; tempCol = ti.col; tempPage = ti.destinationPage; ti.row = lastRow; ti.col = lastCol; ti.destination.x = getLeft(lastRow, lastCol, columnCountF, lastPage == 0 && lastRow == 0 && mFirstRowLarge); ti.destination.y = getRowTop(lastRow); final boolean dual = getPage(ti.destinationPage).dualRecord(ti); if (ti.destinationPage != lastPage) { ti.destinationPage = lastPage; ti.tileView.setX(reallyTempLoc.x + getWidth()); ti.tileView.setY(reallyTempLoc.y); final QSPage originalPage = getPage(ti.page); final QSPage page = getPage(lastPage); originalPage.removeView(ti.tileView); ti.tileView.animate() .withLayer() .x(ti.destination.x) .y(ti.destination.y) .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { page.addTransientView(ti.tileView, 0); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { page.removeTransientView(ti.tileView); mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(ti); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { page.removeTransientView(ti.tileView); page.addView(ti.tileView); ti.page = page.getPageIndex(); mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(ti); requestLayout(); } }); } else { ti.tileView.animate() .withLayer() .x(ti.destination.x) .y(ti.destination.y) .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mCurrentlyAnimating.remove(ti); if (ti.tileView.setDual(dual, ti.tile.hasDualTargetsDetails())) { if (DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.w(TAG, ti + " changed dual state to : " + ti.tileView.isDual()); } } requestLayout(); } }); } // update previous location lastLocation.x = reallyTempLoc.x; lastLocation.y = reallyTempLoc.y; lastRow = tempRow; lastCol = tempCol; lastPage = tempPage; } } @Override protected void handleShowDetailImpl(Record r, boolean show, int x, int y) { super.handleShowDetailImpl(r, show, x, y); if (show) { final StatusBarPanelCustomTile customTile = r.detailAdapter.getCustomTile(); mDetailRemoveButton.setVisibility(customTile != null && !(customTile.getPackage().equals(mContext.getPackageName()) || customTile.getUid() == android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID) ? VISIBLE : GONE); mDetailRemoveButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { mHost.removeCustomTile(customTile); closeDetail(); } }); } } @Override protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); FontSizeUtils.updateFontSize(mDetailRemoveButton, R.dimen.qs_detail_button_text_size); } @Override public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) { super.setExpanded(expanded); if (!expanded) { if (mEditing) { mHost.setEditing(false); } } } public void updateResources() { final Resources res = mContext.getResources(); final int columns = Math.max(1, res.getInteger(R.integer.quick_settings_num_columns)); mCellHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qs_tile_height); mCellWidth = (int) (mCellHeight * TILE_ASPECT); mLargeCellHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qs_dual_tile_height); mLargeCellWidth = (int) (mLargeCellHeight * TILE_ASPECT); mPanelPaddingBottom = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qs_panel_padding_bottom); mDualTileUnderlap = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qs_dual_tile_padding_vertical); mBrightnessPaddingTop = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qs_brightness_padding_top); mPageIndicatorHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qs_panel_page_indicator_height); if (mColumns != columns) { mColumns = columns; if (isLaidOut()) postInvalidate(); } if (isLaidOut()) { for (TileRecord r : mRecords) { r.tile.clearState(); } if (mListening) { refreshAllTiles(); } updateDetailText(); } } public boolean isAnimating(TileRecord t) { return mCurrentlyAnimating.contains(t); } public void cleanup() { if (mSettingsObserver != null) { mSettingsObserver.unobserve(); } } public static class TilesListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter implements QSTile.DetailAdapter { public static final String PACKAGE_ANDROID = "android"; Context mContext; QSTileHost mHost; QSDragPanel mPanel; ArrayMap> mPackageTileMap = new ArrayMap<>(); public TilesListAdapter(Context context, QSDragPanel panel) { mContext = context; mHost = panel.getHost(); mPanel = panel; List currentTileSpec = mHost.getTileSpecs(); final Collection tiles = QSUtils.getAvailableTiles(mContext); tiles.removeAll(currentTileSpec); // we'll always have a system tiles category mPackageTileMap.put(PACKAGE_ANDROID, new ArrayList()); final Iterator i = tiles.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { final String spec = i.next(); if (QSUtils.isStaticQsTile(spec) || QSUtils.isDynamicQsTile(extractTileTagFromSpec(spec))) { List packageList = mPackageTileMap.get(PACKAGE_ANDROID); packageList.add(spec); } else { String tilePackage = getCustomTilePackage(spec); List packageList = mPackageTileMap.get(tilePackage); if (packageList == null) { mPackageTileMap.put(tilePackage, packageList = new ArrayList<>()); } packageList.add(spec); } } final Map stringMap = CustomQSTile.getCustomQSTilePrefs(mContext).getAll(); for (Map.Entry entry : stringMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof Boolean) { if ((Boolean)entry.getValue()) { final String key = entry.getKey(); if (QSUtils.isDynamicQsTile(extractTileTagFromSpec(key))) { mPackageTileMap.get(PACKAGE_ANDROID).add(key); } else { final String customTilePackage = getCustomTilePackage(key); List packageList = mPackageTileMap.get(customTilePackage); if (packageList == null) { mPackageTileMap.put(customTilePackage, packageList = new ArrayList<>()); } packageList.add(key); } } } }; final List systemTiles = mPackageTileMap.get(PACKAGE_ANDROID); Collections.sort(systemTiles); } private String getCustomTilePackage(String spec) { if (mHost.getCustomTileData().get(spec) != null) { StatusBarPanelCustomTile sbc = mHost.getCustomTileData().get(spec).sbc; return sbc.getPackage(); } else { return extractPackageFromCustomTileSpec(spec); } } private static String extractPackageFromCustomTileSpec(String spec) { if (spec != null && !spec.isEmpty()) { final String[] split = spec.split("\\|"); if (split != null && split.length > 2) { return split[1]; } } return null; } private static String extractTileTagFromSpec(String spec) { if (spec != null && !spec.isEmpty()) { final String[] split = spec.split("\\|"); if (split != null && split.length == 5) { /** for {@link cyanogenmod.app.StatusBarPanelCustomTile#key() **/ return split[3]; } else if (split != null && split.length == 3) { /** for {@link cyanogenmod.app.StatusBarPanelCustomTile#persistableKey()} **/ return split[2]; } } return null; } private Drawable getQSTileIcon(String spec) { if (QSUtils.isDynamicQsTile(spec)) { return QSTile.ResourceIcon.get( QSUtils.getDynamicQSTileResIconId(mContext, UserHandle.myUserId(), spec)) .getDrawable(mContext); } else if (QSUtils.isStaticQsTile(spec)) { final int res = QSTileHost.getIconResource(spec); if (res != 0) { return QSTile.ResourceIcon.get(res).getDrawable(mContext); } else { return mContext.getPackageManager().getDefaultActivityIcon(); } } else { QSTile tile = mHost.getTile(spec); if (tile != null) { QSTile.State state = tile.getState(); if (state != null && state.icon != null) { return state.icon.getDrawable(mContext); } } return getPackageDrawable(getCustomTilePackage(spec)); } } private String getPackageLabel(String packageName) { try { return mContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationLabel( mContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0)).toString(); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private Drawable getPackageDrawable(String packageName) { try { return mContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationIcon(packageName); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private String getQSTileLabel(String spec) { if (QSUtils.isStaticQsTile(spec)) { int resource = QSTileHost.getLabelResource(spec); if (resource != 0) { return mContext.getText(resource).toString(); } else { return spec; } } else if (QSUtils.isDynamicQsTile(extractTileTagFromSpec(spec))) { return QSUtils.getDynamicQSTileLabel(mContext, UserHandle.myUserId(), extractTileTagFromSpec(spec)); } else { return getPackageLabel(getCustomTilePackage(spec)); } } @Override public int getGroupCount() { return mPackageTileMap.keySet().size(); } @Override public int getChildrenCount(int groupPosition) { return mPackageTileMap.valueAt(groupPosition).size(); } @Override public String getGroup(int groupPosition) { return mPackageTileMap.keyAt(groupPosition); } @Override public String getChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition) { return mPackageTileMap.valueAt(groupPosition).get(childPosition); } @Override public long getGroupId(int groupPosition) { return groupPosition; } @Override public long getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) { return mPackageTileMap.valueAt(groupPosition).get(childPosition).hashCode(); } @Override public boolean hasStableIds() { return true; } @Override public View getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { LinearLayout row = (LinearLayout) convertView; if (row == null) { row = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(mContext) .inflate(R.layout.qs_tile_category_row, parent, false); } TextView title = (TextView) row.findViewById(android.R.id.title); ImageView systemOrAppIcon = (ImageView) row.findViewById(android.R.id.icon); ImageView expansionIndicator = (ImageView) row.findViewById(android.R.id.icon2); expansionIndicator.setImageResource(isExpanded ? R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_contract : R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_expand); // hide indicator when there's only 1 group final boolean singleGroupMode = getGroupCount() == 1; expansionIndicator.setVisibility(singleGroupMode ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); String group = getGroup(groupPosition); if (group.equals(PACKAGE_ANDROID)) { group = mContext.getText(R.string.quick_settings_tiles_category_system).toString(); // special icon systemOrAppIcon.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_category_system); } else { group = getPackageLabel(group); systemOrAppIcon.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_qs_tile_category_other); } title.setText(group); if (isExpanded) { expansionIndicator.setColorFilter( mContext.getColor( R.color.qs_detailed_expansion_indicator_color), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP); systemOrAppIcon.setColorFilter( mContext.getColor(R.color.qs_detailed_icon_tint_color), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP); title.setTextColor(mContext.getColor(R.color.qs_detailed_title_text_color)); } else { title.setTextColor(mContext.getColor(R.color.qs_detailed_default_text_color)); systemOrAppIcon.setColorFilter(null); expansionIndicator.setColorFilter(null); } return row; } @Override public View getChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, boolean isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { LinearLayout child = (LinearLayout) convertView; if (child == null) { child = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(mContext) .inflate(R.layout.qs_tile_child_row, parent, false); } String spec = getChild(groupPosition, childPosition); TextView title = (TextView) child.findViewById(android.R.id.title); title.setText(getQSTileLabel(spec)); ImageView icon = (ImageView) child.findViewById(android.R.id.icon); icon.setImageDrawable(getQSTileIcon(spec)); return child; } @Override public boolean isChildSelectable(int groupPosition, int childPosition) { return true; } @Override public int getTitle() { return R.string.quick_settings_tiles_add_tiles; } @Override public Boolean getToggleState() { return null; } @Override public View createDetailView(Context context, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ExpandableListView lv = (ExpandableListView) convertView; if (lv == null) { lv = new ExpandableListView(parent.getContext()); lv.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() { // Setting on Touch Listener for handling the touch inside ScrollView @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { // Disallow the touch request for parent scroll on touch of child view v.getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); return false; } }); } lv.setAdapter(this); lv.expandGroup(mPackageTileMap.indexOfKey(PACKAGE_ANDROID)); lv.setGroupIndicator(null); lv.setChildIndicator(null); lv.setChildDivider(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT)); lv.setOnChildClickListener(new ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener() { @Override public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) { String spec = getChild(groupPosition, childPosition); final QSTile tile = mHost.getTile(spec); if (tile != null && tile instanceof CustomQSTile) { // already present ((CustomQSTile) tile).setUserRemoved(false); mPanel.refreshAllTiles(); } else { // reset its state just in case it's not published CustomQSTile.getCustomQSTilePrefs(mContext) .edit() .remove(spec) .apply(); mPanel.add(spec); // TODO notify user the app isn't publishing the tile, but it now can be! } mPanel.closeDetail(); return true; } }); lv.setOnGroupClickListener(new ExpandableListView.OnGroupClickListener() { @Override public boolean onGroupClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, long id) { if (getGroupCount() == 1) { // disable contracting/expanding group when there's only 1 return true; } return false; } }); return lv; } @Override public Intent getSettingsIntent() { return null; } @Override public StatusBarPanelCustomTile getCustomTile() { return null; } @Override public void setToggleState(boolean state) { } @Override public int getMetricsCategory() { return CMMetricsLogger.DONT_LOG; } private boolean isValid(String action) { for (int i = 0; i < action.length(); i++) { char c = action.charAt(i); if (!Character.isAlphabetic(c) && !Character.isDigit(c) && c != '.') { return false; } } return true; } } public void add(String tile) { MetricsLogger.action(getContext(), MetricsLogger.TUNER_QS_ADD, tile); List tiles = new ArrayList<>(mHost.getTileSpecs()); tiles.add(tile); mHost.setTiles(tiles); } public boolean isDragging() { return mDragging; } public boolean isDragRecordAttached() { return mRecords.indexOf(mDraggingRecord) >= 0; } public boolean isOnSettingsPage() { return mEditing && mViewPager.getCurrentItem() == 0; } public void goToSettingsPage() { if (mEditing) { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(0, true); } } class SettingsObserver extends UserContentObserver { SettingsObserver(Handler handler) { super(handler); } @Override protected void observe() { super.observe(); ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); resolver.registerContentObserver(CMSettings.Secure.getUriFor( CMSettings.Secure.QS_USE_MAIN_TILES), false, this, UserHandle.USER_ALL); update(); } @Override protected void unobserve() { super.unobserve(); ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); resolver.unregisterContentObserver(this); } @Override public void update() { ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); int currentUserId = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser(); boolean firstRowLarge = CMSettings.Secure.getIntForUser(resolver, CMSettings.Secure.QS_USE_MAIN_TILES, 1, currentUserId) == 1; if (firstRowLarge != mFirstRowLarge) { mFirstRowLarge = firstRowLarge; setTiles(mHost.getTiles()); mPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } public static final class DragTileRecord extends TileRecord { public int page; public int destinationPage; public PointF destination = new PointF(); @Override public String toString() { String label = tile instanceof QsTuner.DraggableTile ? tile.toString() : tile.getClass().getSimpleName(); String p = "at page: " + page; if (destinationPage != page) { p += "{-> " + destinationPage + "} "; } return "[" + label + ", coords: (" + row + ", " + col + ") " + p + "]"; } } private static class TileShadow extends View.DragShadowBuilder { public TileShadow(View view) { super(view); Drawable shadow = view.getContext().getDrawable(R.drawable.qs_tile_background_drag); view.setBackground(shadow); } @Override public void onDrawShadow(Canvas canvas) { super.onDrawShadow(canvas); } } }