package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.provider.Settings; import android.view.View; import android.provider.Settings; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public abstract class PowerButton { public static final String TAG = "PowerButton"; public static final int STATE_ENABLED = 1; public static final int STATE_DISABLED = 2; public static final int STATE_TURNING_ON = 3; public static final int STATE_TURNING_OFF = 4; public static final int STATE_INTERMEDIATE = 5; public static final int STATE_UNKNOWN = 6; public static final String BUTTON_WIFI = "toggleWifi"; public static final String BUTTON_GPS = "toggleGPS"; public static final String BUTTON_BLUETOOTH = "toggleBluetooth"; public static final String BUTTON_BRIGHTNESS = "toggleBrightness"; public static final String BUTTON_SOUND = "toggleSound"; public static final String BUTTON_SYNC = "toggleSync"; public static final String BUTTON_WIFIAP = "toggleWifiAp"; public static final String BUTTON_SCREENTIMEOUT = "toggleScreenTimeout"; public static final String BUTTON_MOBILEDATA = "toggleMobileData"; public static final String BUTTON_LOCKSCREEN = "toggleLockScreen"; public static final String BUTTON_NETWORKMODE = "toggleNetworkMode"; public static final String BUTTON_AUTOROTATE = "toggleAutoRotate"; public static final String BUTTON_AIRPLANE = "toggleAirplane"; public static final String BUTTON_FLASHLIGHT = "toggleFlashlight"; public static final String BUTTON_SLEEP = "toggleSleepMode"; public static final String BUTTON_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE = "toggleMediaPlayPause"; public static final String BUTTON_MEDIA_PREVIOUS = "toggleMediaPrevious"; public static final String BUTTON_MEDIA_NEXT = "toggleMediaNext"; public static final String BUTTON_WIMAX = "toggleWimax"; public static final String BUTTON_UNKNOWN = "unknown"; private static final Mode MASK_MODE = Mode.SCREEN; // this is a list of all of our buttons and their corresponding classes private static final HashMap> BUTTONS = new HashMap>(); static { BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_WIFI, WifiButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_GPS, GPSButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_BLUETOOTH, BluetoothButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_BRIGHTNESS, BrightnessButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_SOUND, SoundButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_SYNC, SyncButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_WIFIAP, WifiApButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_SCREENTIMEOUT, ScreenTimeoutButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_MOBILEDATA, MobileDataButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_LOCKSCREEN, LockScreenButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_NETWORKMODE, NetworkModeButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_AUTOROTATE, AutoRotateButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_AIRPLANE, AirplaneButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_FLASHLIGHT, FlashlightButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_SLEEP, SleepButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, MediaPlayPauseButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_MEDIA_PREVIOUS, MediaPreviousButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_MEDIA_NEXT, MediaNextButton.class); BUTTONS.put(BUTTON_WIMAX, WimaxButton.class); } // this is a list of our currently loaded buttons private static final HashMap BUTTONS_LOADED = new HashMap(); protected int mIcon; protected int mState; protected View mView; protected String mType = BUTTON_UNKNOWN; // a static onclicklistener that can be set to register a callback when ANY button is clicked private static View.OnClickListener GLOBAL_ON_CLICK_LISTENER = null; // a static onlongclicklistener that can be set to register a callback when ANY button is long clicked private static View.OnLongClickListener GLOBAL_ON_LONG_CLICK_LISTENER = null; // we use this to ensure we update our views on the UI thread private Handler mViewUpdateHandler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(Message msg) { // this is only used to update the view, so do it if(mView != null) { Context context = mView.getContext(); Resources res = context.getResources(); int buttonLayer =; int buttonIcon =; int buttonState =; ImageView indic = (ImageView)mView.findViewById(; if ((Settings.System.getInt(context.getContentResolver(),Settings.System.EXPANDED_HIDE_INDICATOR, 0)) == 1){ indic.setVisibility(8); }else{ indic.setVisibility(0); } updateImageView(buttonIcon, mIcon); int sColorMaskBase = Settings.System.getInt(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.System.EXPANDED_VIEW_WIDGET_COLOR, 0xFF8DE20D); int sColorMaskOn = (sColorMaskBase & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xA0000000; int sColorMaskOff = (sColorMaskBase & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x33000000; int sColorMaskInter = (sColorMaskBase & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x60000000; /* Button State */ switch(mState) { case STATE_ENABLED: updateImageView(buttonState, res.getDrawable(R.drawable.stat_bgon_custom, sColorMaskOn, MASK_MODE)); break; case STATE_DISABLED: updateImageView(buttonState, res.getDrawable(R.drawable.stat_bgon_custom, sColorMaskOff, MASK_MODE)); break; default: updateImageView(buttonState, res.getDrawable(R.drawable.stat_bgon_custom, sColorMaskInter, MASK_MODE)); break; } } } }; protected abstract void updateState(); protected abstract void toggleState(); protected abstract boolean handleLongClick(); protected void update() { updateState(); updateView(); } protected void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // do nothing as a standard, override this if the button needs to respond // to broadcast events from the StatusBarService broadcast receiver } protected void onChangeUri(Uri uri) { // do nothing as a standard, override this if the button needs to respond // to a changed setting } protected IntentFilter getBroadcastIntentFilter() { return new IntentFilter(); } protected List getObservedUris() { return new ArrayList(); } protected void setupButton(View view) { mView = view; if(mView != null) { mView.setTag(mType); mView.setOnClickListener(mClickListener); mView.setOnLongClickListener(mLongClickListener); } } protected void updateView() { mViewUpdateHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } private void updateImageView(int id, int resId) { ImageView imageIcon = (ImageView)mView.findViewById(id); imageIcon.setImageResource(resId); } private void updateImageView(int id, Drawable resDraw) { ImageView imageIcon = (ImageView)mView.findViewById(id); imageIcon.setImageResource(R.drawable.stat_bgon_custom); imageIcon.setImageDrawable(resDraw); } private View.OnClickListener mClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { String type = (String)v.getTag(); for(Map.Entry entry : BUTTONS_LOADED.entrySet()) { if(entry.getKey().equals(type)) { entry.getValue().toggleState(); break; } } // call our static listener if it's set if(GLOBAL_ON_CLICK_LISTENER != null) { GLOBAL_ON_CLICK_LISTENER.onClick(v); } } }; private View.OnLongClickListener mLongClickListener = new View.OnLongClickListener() { public boolean onLongClick(View v) { boolean result = false; String type = (String)v.getTag(); for (Map.Entry entry : BUTTONS_LOADED.entrySet()) { if(entry.getKey().endsWith(type)) { result = entry.getValue().handleLongClick(); break; } } if(result && GLOBAL_ON_LONG_CLICK_LISTENER != null) { GLOBAL_ON_LONG_CLICK_LISTENER.onLongClick(v); } return result; } }; public static boolean loadButton(String key, View view) { // first make sure we have a valid button if(BUTTONS.containsKey(key) && view != null) { synchronized (BUTTONS_LOADED) { if(BUTTONS_LOADED.containsKey(key)) { // setup the button again BUTTONS_LOADED.get(key).setupButton(view); } else { try { // we need to instantiate a new button and add it PowerButton pb = BUTTONS.get(key).newInstance(); // set it up pb.setupButton(view); // save it BUTTONS_LOADED.put(key, pb); } catch(Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error loading button: " + key, e); } } } return true; } else { return false; } } public static void unloadButton(String key) { synchronized (BUTTONS_LOADED) { // first make sure we have a valid button if(BUTTONS_LOADED.containsKey(key)) { // wipe out the button view BUTTONS_LOADED.get(key).setupButton(null); // remove the button from our list of loaded ones BUTTONS_LOADED.remove(key); } } } public static void unloadAllButtons() { synchronized (BUTTONS_LOADED) { // cycle through setting the buttons to null for(PowerButton pb : BUTTONS_LOADED.values()) { pb.setupButton(null); } // clear our list BUTTONS_LOADED.clear(); } } public static void updateAllButtons() { synchronized (BUTTONS_LOADED) { // cycle through our buttons and update them for(PowerButton pb : BUTTONS_LOADED.values()) { pb.update(); } } } // glue for broadcast receivers public static IntentFilter getAllBroadcastIntentFilters() { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); synchronized(BUTTONS_LOADED) { for(PowerButton button : BUTTONS_LOADED.values()) { IntentFilter tmp = button.getBroadcastIntentFilter(); // cycle through these actions, and see if we need them int num = tmp.countActions(); for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { String action = tmp.getAction(i); if(!filter.hasAction(action)) { filter.addAction(action); } } } } // return our merged filter return filter; } // glue for content observation public static List getAllObservedUris() { List uris = new ArrayList(); synchronized(BUTTONS_LOADED) { for(PowerButton button : BUTTONS_LOADED.values()) { List tmp = button.getObservedUris(); for(Uri uri : tmp) { if(!uris.contains(uri)) { uris.add(uri); } } } } return uris; } public static void handleOnReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); // cycle through power buttons synchronized(BUTTONS_LOADED) { for(PowerButton button : BUTTONS_LOADED.values()) { // call "onReceive" on those that matter if(button.getBroadcastIntentFilter().hasAction(action)) { button.onReceive(context, intent); } } } } public static void handleOnChangeUri(Uri uri) { synchronized(BUTTONS_LOADED) { for(PowerButton button : BUTTONS_LOADED.values()) { if(button.getObservedUris().contains(uri)) { button.onChangeUri(uri); } } } } public static void setGlobalOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener listener) { GLOBAL_ON_CLICK_LISTENER = listener; } public static void setGlobalOnLongClickListener(View.OnLongClickListener listener) { GLOBAL_ON_LONG_CLICK_LISTENER = listener; } protected static PowerButton getLoadedButton(String key) { synchronized(BUTTONS_LOADED) { if(BUTTONS_LOADED.containsKey(key)) { return BUTTONS_LOADED.get(key); } else { return null; } } } }