/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package android.tts; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.media.AudioSystem; import android.util.Log; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; /** * @hide * * The SpeechSynthesis class provides a high-level api to create and play * synthesized speech. This class is used internally to talk to a native * TTS library that implements the interface defined in * frameworks/base/include/tts/TtsEngine.h * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class SynthProxy { // // External API // /** * Constructor; pass the location of the native TTS .so to use. */ public SynthProxy(String nativeSoLib) { Log.e("TTS is loading", nativeSoLib); native_setup(new WeakReference(this), nativeSoLib); } /** * Stops and clears the AudioTrack. */ public int stop() { return native_stop(mJniData); } /** * Synthesize speech and speak it directly using AudioTrack. */ public int speak(String text, int streamType) { if ((streamType > -1) && (streamType < AudioSystem.getNumStreamTypes())) { return native_speak(mJniData, text, streamType); } else { Log.e("SynthProxy", "Trying to speak with invalid stream type " + streamType); return native_speak(mJniData, text, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); } } /** * Synthesize speech to a file. The current implementation writes a valid * WAV file to the given path, assuming it is writable. Something like * "/sdcard/???.wav" is recommended. */ public int synthesizeToFile(String text, String filename) { return native_synthesizeToFile(mJniData, text, filename); } /** * Queries for language support. * Return codes are defined in android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech */ public int isLanguageAvailable(String language, String country, String variant) { return native_isLanguageAvailable(mJniData, language, country, variant); } /** * Sets the language. */ public int setLanguage(String language, String country, String variant) { return native_setLanguage(mJniData, language, country, variant); } /** * Loads the language: it's not set, but prepared for use later. */ public int loadLanguage(String language, String country, String variant) { return native_loadLanguage(mJniData, language, country, variant); } /** * Sets the speech rate. */ public final int setSpeechRate(int speechRate) { return native_setSpeechRate(mJniData, speechRate); } /** * Sets the pitch of the synthesized voice. */ public final int setPitch(int pitch) { return native_setPitch(mJniData, pitch); } /** * Returns the currently set language, country and variant information. */ public String[] getLanguage() { return native_getLanguage(mJniData); } /** * Gets the currently set rate. */ public int getRate() { return native_getRate(mJniData); } /** * Shuts down the native synthesizer. */ public void shutdown() { native_shutdown(mJniData); } // // Internal // protected void finalize() { native_finalize(mJniData); mJniData = 0; } static { System.loadLibrary("ttssynthproxy"); } private final static String TAG = "SynthProxy"; /** * Accessed by native methods */ private int mJniData = 0; private native final void native_setup(Object weak_this, String nativeSoLib); private native final void native_finalize(int jniData); private native final int native_stop(int jniData); private native final int native_speak(int jniData, String text, int streamType); private native final int native_synthesizeToFile(int jniData, String text, String filename); private native final int native_isLanguageAvailable(int jniData, String language, String country, String variant); private native final int native_setLanguage(int jniData, String language, String country, String variant); private native final int native_loadLanguage(int jniData, String language, String country, String variant); private native final int native_setSpeechRate(int jniData, int speechRate); private native final int native_setPitch(int jniData, int speechRate); private native final String[] native_getLanguage(int jniData); private native final int native_getRate(int jniData); private native final void native_shutdown(int jniData); /** * Callback from the C layer */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void postNativeSpeechSynthesizedInJava(Object tts_ref, int bufferPointer, int bufferSize) { Log.i("TTS plugin debug", "bufferPointer: " + bufferPointer + " bufferSize: " + bufferSize); SynthProxy nativeTTS = (SynthProxy)((WeakReference)tts_ref).get(); // TODO notify TTS service of synthesis/playback completion, // method definition to be changed. } }