/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.policy.impl; import com.android.internal.R; import com.android.internal.telephony.IccCard; import com.android.internal.widget.LockPatternUtils; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback; import android.accounts.AccountManagerFuture; import android.accounts.AuthenticatorException; import android.accounts.OperationCanceledException; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.ColorFilter; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.provider.Settings; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import java.io.IOException; /** * The host view for all of the screens of the pattern unlock screen. There are * two {@link Mode}s of operation, lock and unlock. This will show the appropriate * screen, and listen for callbacks via * {@link com.android.internal.policy.impl.KeyguardScreenCallback} * from the current screen. * * This view, in turn, communicates back to * {@link com.android.internal.policy.impl.KeyguardViewManager} * via its {@link com.android.internal.policy.impl.KeyguardViewCallback}, as appropriate. */ public class LockPatternKeyguardView extends KeyguardViewBase { static final boolean DEBUG_CONFIGURATION = false; // time after launching EmergencyDialer before the screen goes blank. private static final int EMERGENCY_CALL_TIMEOUT = 10000; // intent action for launching emergency dialer activity. static final String ACTION_EMERGENCY_DIAL = "com.android.phone.EmergencyDialer.DIAL"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String TAG = "LockPatternKeyguardView"; private final KeyguardUpdateMonitor mUpdateMonitor; private final KeyguardWindowController mWindowController; private View mLockScreen; private View mUnlockScreen; private boolean mScreenOn = false; private boolean mEnableFallback = false; // assume no fallback UI until we know better /** * The current {@link KeyguardScreen} will use this to communicate back to us. */ KeyguardScreenCallback mKeyguardScreenCallback; private boolean mRequiresSim; private boolean mLockedButNotYetSecured = false; /** * Either a lock screen (an informational keyguard screen), or an unlock * screen (a means for unlocking the device) is shown at any given time. */ enum Mode { LockScreen, UnlockScreen } /** * The different types screens available for {@link Mode#UnlockScreen}. * @see com.android.internal.policy.impl.LockPatternKeyguardView#getUnlockMode() */ enum UnlockMode { /** * Unlock by drawing a pattern. */ Pattern, /** * Unlock by swiping a finger. */ Finger, /** * Unlock by entering a sim pin. */ SimPin, /** * Unlock by entering an account's login and password. */ Account, /** * Unlock by entering a password or PIN */ Password, /** * Unknown (uninitialized) value */ Unknown } /** * The current mode. */ private Mode mMode = Mode.LockScreen; /** * Whether the lockscreen should be disabled if security is on */ private boolean mLockscreenDisableOnSecurity; /** * Keeps track of what mode the current unlock screen is (cached from most recent computation in * {@link #getUnlockMode}). */ private UnlockMode mUnlockScreenMode; private boolean mForgotPattern; /** * If true, it means we are in the process of verifying that the user * can get past the lock screen per {@link #verifyUnlock()} */ private boolean mIsVerifyUnlockOnly = false; /** * Used to lookup the state of the lock pattern */ private final LockPatternUtils mLockPatternUtils; private UnlockMode mCurrentUnlockMode = UnlockMode.Unknown; /** * The current configuration. */ private Configuration mConfiguration; /** * Used to dismiss the timeout dialog */ private AlertDialog mTimeoutDialog; private Runnable mRecreateRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { recreateScreens(); } }; /** * @return Whether we are stuck on the lock screen because the sim is * missing. */ private boolean stuckOnLockScreenBecauseSimMissing() { return mRequiresSim && (!mUpdateMonitor.isDeviceProvisioned()) && (mUpdateMonitor.getSimState() == IccCard.State.ABSENT); } /** * @param context Used to inflate, and create views. * @param updateMonitor Knows the state of the world, and passed along to each * screen so they can use the knowledge, and also register for callbacks * on dynamic information. * @param lockPatternUtils Used to look up state of lock pattern. */ public LockPatternKeyguardView( Context context, KeyguardUpdateMonitor updateMonitor, LockPatternUtils lockPatternUtils, KeyguardWindowController controller) { super(context); mConfiguration = context.getResources().getConfiguration(); mEnableFallback = false; mRequiresSim = TextUtils.isEmpty(SystemProperties.get("keyguard.no_require_sim")); mUpdateMonitor = updateMonitor; mLockPatternUtils = lockPatternUtils; mWindowController = controller; mTimeoutDialog = null; // By design, this situation should never happen. // If finger lock is in use, we should only allow the finger settings menu // to delete all enrolled fingers. Other applications, like TSMDemo, should // not get access to the database. // // Simply disable the finger key guard since it will fail to work in this case. if (mLockPatternUtils.isLockFingerEnabled() && !mLockPatternUtils.savedFingerExists()) { mLockPatternUtils.setLockFingerEnabled(false); } int LockscreenDisableOnSecurityValue = Settings.System.getInt( mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.System.LOCKSCREEN_DISABLE_ON_SECURITY, 3); if (LockscreenDisableOnSecurityValue == 3) { // We don't have the option set, check if pattern security is // enabled and set the option accordingly final boolean usingLockPattern = mLockPatternUtils.isLockPatternEnabled(); if (usingLockPattern) { Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.System.LOCKSCREEN_DISABLE_ON_SECURITY, 1); LockscreenDisableOnSecurityValue = 1; } else { Settings.System.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.System.LOCKSCREEN_DISABLE_ON_SECURITY, 0); LockscreenDisableOnSecurityValue = 0; } } mLockscreenDisableOnSecurity = LockscreenDisableOnSecurityValue == 1; mMode = getInitialMode(); mKeyguardScreenCallback = new KeyguardScreenCallback() { public void goToLockScreen() { mForgotPattern = false; if (mIsVerifyUnlockOnly) { // navigating away from unlock screen during verify mode means // we are done and the user failed to authenticate. mIsVerifyUnlockOnly = false; getCallback().keyguardDone(false); } else { updateScreen(Mode.LockScreen); } } public void goToUnlockScreen() { final IccCard.State simState = mUpdateMonitor.getSimState(); if (stuckOnLockScreenBecauseSimMissing() || (simState == IccCard.State.PUK_REQUIRED)){ // stuck on lock screen when sim missing or puk'd // Clear IsSecure() override flag if we have entered a bad // SIM state. LockPatternKeyguardView.this.mLockedButNotYetSecured = false; return; } if (!isSecure()) { getCallback().keyguardDone(true); } else { updateScreen(Mode.UnlockScreen); } // Modifying this flag state before now would cause IsSecure() // to fail to short circuit (if flag were set) as intended, // causing the keyguard to proceed to the unlock screen even if // in the interstital locked-but-not-yet-secured state. Clearing // now so that subsequent operations proceed without override. LockPatternKeyguardView.this.mLockedButNotYetSecured = false; } public void forgotPattern(boolean isForgotten) { if (mEnableFallback) { mForgotPattern = isForgotten; updateScreen(Mode.UnlockScreen); } } public boolean isSecure() { return LockPatternKeyguardView.this.isSecure(); } public boolean isVerifyUnlockOnly() { // This is a good place to dismiss the timeout dialog if there is one. if (mTimeoutDialog != null) { if (mTimeoutDialog.isShowing()) { mTimeoutDialog.dismiss(); } mTimeoutDialog = null; } return mIsVerifyUnlockOnly; } public void recreateMe(Configuration config) { mConfiguration = config; removeCallbacks(mRecreateRunnable); post(mRecreateRunnable); } public void takeEmergencyCallAction() { pokeWakelock(EMERGENCY_CALL_TIMEOUT); if (TelephonyManager.getDefault().getCallState() == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK) { mLockPatternUtils.resumeCall(); } else { Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_EMERGENCY_DIAL); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS); getContext().startActivity(intent); } } public void pokeWakelock() { getCallback().pokeWakelock(); } public void pokeWakelock(int millis) { getCallback().pokeWakelock(millis); } public void keyguardDone(boolean authenticated) { getCallback().keyguardDone(authenticated); } public void keyguardDoneDrawing() { // irrelevant to keyguard screen, they shouldn't be calling this } public void reportFailedUnlockAttempt() { mUpdateMonitor.reportFailedAttempt(); final int failedAttempts = mUpdateMonitor.getFailedAttempts(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "reportFailedPatternAttempt: #" + failedAttempts + " (enableFallback=" + mEnableFallback + ")"); final boolean usingLockPattern = mLockPatternUtils.getKeyguardStoredPasswordQuality() == DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_SOMETHING; final boolean usingLockFinger = mLockPatternUtils.getKeyguardStoredPasswordQuality() == DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_FINGER; if ((usingLockPattern || usingLockFinger) && mEnableFallback && failedAttempts == (LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_RESET - LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_TIMEOUT)) { showAlmostAtAccountLoginDialog(); } else if ((usingLockPattern || usingLockFinger) && mEnableFallback && failedAttempts >= LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_RESET) { mLockPatternUtils.setPermanentlyLocked(true); updateScreen(mMode); } else if ((failedAttempts % LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_TIMEOUT) == 0) { showTimeoutDialog(); } mLockPatternUtils.reportFailedPasswordAttempt(); } public boolean doesFallbackUnlockScreenExist() { return mEnableFallback; } public void reportSuccessfulUnlockAttempt() { mLockPatternUtils.reportSuccessfulPasswordAttempt(); } }; /** * We'll get key events the current screen doesn't use. see * {@link KeyguardViewBase#onKeyDown(int, android.view.KeyEvent)} */ setFocusableInTouchMode(true); setDescendantFocusability(FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS); // create both the lock and unlock screen so they are quickly available // when the screen turns on mLockScreen = createLockScreen(); addView(mLockScreen); final UnlockMode unlockMode = getUnlockMode(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "LockPatternKeyguardView ctor: about to createUnlockScreenFor; mEnableFallback=" + mEnableFallback); mUnlockScreen = createUnlockScreenFor(unlockMode); mUnlockScreenMode = unlockMode; maybeEnableFallback(context); addView(mUnlockScreen); updateScreen(mMode); } private class AccountAnalyzer implements AccountManagerCallback { private final AccountManager mAccountManager; private final Account[] mAccounts; private int mAccountIndex; private AccountAnalyzer(AccountManager accountManager) { mAccountManager = accountManager; mAccounts = accountManager.getAccountsByType("com.google"); } private void next() { // if we are ready to enable the fallback or if we depleted the list of accounts // then finish and get out if (mEnableFallback || mAccountIndex >= mAccounts.length) { if (mUnlockScreen == null) { Log.w(TAG, "no unlock screen when trying to enable fallback"); } else if (mUnlockScreen instanceof PatternUnlockScreen) { ((PatternUnlockScreen)mUnlockScreen).setEnableFallback(mEnableFallback); } return; } // lookup the confirmCredentials intent for the current account mAccountManager.confirmCredentials(mAccounts[mAccountIndex], null, null, this, null); } public void start() { mEnableFallback = false; mAccountIndex = 0; next(); } public void run(AccountManagerFuture future) { try { Bundle result = future.getResult(); if (result.getParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT) != null) { mEnableFallback = true; } } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { // just skip the account if we are unable to query it } catch (IOException e) { // just skip the account if we are unable to query it } catch (AuthenticatorException e) { // just skip the account if we are unable to query it } finally { mAccountIndex++; next(); } } } private void maybeEnableFallback(Context context) { // Ask the account manager if we have an account that can be used as a // fallback in case the user forgets his pattern. AccountAnalyzer accountAnalyzer = new AccountAnalyzer(AccountManager.get(context)); accountAnalyzer.start(); } // TODO: // This overloaded method was added to workaround a race condition in the framework between // notification for orientation changed, layout() and switching resources. This code attempts // to avoid drawing the incorrect layout while things are in transition. The method can just // be removed once the race condition is fixed. See bugs 2262578 and 2292713. @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "*** dispatchDraw() time: " + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); super.dispatchDraw(canvas); } @Override public void reset() { mIsVerifyUnlockOnly = false; mForgotPattern = false; updateScreen(getInitialMode()); } @Override public void onScreenTurnedOff() { Log.d(TAG, "onScreenTurnedOff()"); mScreenOn = false; mForgotPattern = false; if (mMode == Mode.LockScreen) { ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).onPause(); } else { ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).onPause(); } } @Override public void onScreenTurnedOn() { Log.d(TAG, "onScreenTurnedOn()"); mScreenOn = true; if (mMode == Mode.LockScreen) { ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).onResume(); } else { ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).onResume(); } } private void recreateLockScreen() { if (mLockScreen.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).onPause(); } ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).cleanUp(); removeView(mLockScreen); mLockScreen = createLockScreen(); mLockScreen.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); addView(mLockScreen); } private void recreateUnlockScreen() { if (mUnlockScreen.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).onPause(); } ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).cleanUp(); removeView(mUnlockScreen); final UnlockMode unlockMode = getUnlockMode(); mUnlockScreen = createUnlockScreenFor(unlockMode); mUnlockScreen.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mUnlockScreenMode = unlockMode; addView(mUnlockScreen); } private void recreateScreens() { recreateLockScreen(); recreateUnlockScreen(); updateScreen(mMode); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { removeCallbacks(mRecreateRunnable); super.onDetachedFromWindow(); } @Override public void wakeWhenReadyTq(int keyCode) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onWakeKey"); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU && isSecure() && (mMode == Mode.LockScreen) && (mUpdateMonitor.getSimState() != IccCard.State.PUK_REQUIRED)) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "switching screens to unlock screen because wake key was MENU"); updateScreen(Mode.UnlockScreen); getCallback().pokeWakelock(); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "poking wake lock immediately"); getCallback().pokeWakelock(); } } @Override public void verifyUnlock() { if (!isSecure()) { // non-secure keyguard screens are successfull by default getCallback().keyguardDone(true); } else if (mUnlockScreenMode != UnlockMode.Pattern) { // can only verify unlock when in pattern mode getCallback().keyguardDone(false); } else { // otherwise, go to the unlock screen, see if they can verify it mIsVerifyUnlockOnly = true; updateScreen(Mode.UnlockScreen); } } @Override public void cleanUp() { ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).onPause(); ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).cleanUp(); this.removeView(mLockScreen); ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).onPause(); ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).cleanUp(); this.removeView(mUnlockScreen); } private boolean isSecure() { // If the LockScreen has been enabled via its timeout and the security // lock timeout has not been reached then we are not secure (prevents // the LockScreen exit from immediately invoking the UnlockScreen) if (mLockedButNotYetSecured) return false; UnlockMode unlockMode = getUnlockMode(); boolean secure = false; switch (unlockMode) { case Pattern: secure = mLockPatternUtils.isLockPatternEnabled(); break; case Finger: secure = mLockPatternUtils.isLockFingerEnabled(); break; case SimPin: secure = mUpdateMonitor.getSimState() == IccCard.State.PIN_REQUIRED || mUpdateMonitor.getSimState() == IccCard.State.PUK_REQUIRED; break; case Account: secure = true; break; case Password: secure = mLockPatternUtils.isLockPasswordEnabled(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("unknown unlock mode " + unlockMode); } return secure; } public void onLockedButNotSecured(boolean lockedButNotSecured) { // Setting the flag ensures that IsSecure() will short-circuit and // report false mLockedButNotYetSecured = lockedButNotSecured; if (!lockedButNotSecured) { // At this point we are security locking the phone // So get the initialMode and set it, if it's different // to current mode. // getInitialMode() handles, if there should be an slider- // lock in front of security lock. Mode initialMode = getInitialMode(); if (mMode != initialMode) { updateScreen(initialMode); } } else if (lockedButNotSecured && mMode != Mode.LockScreen) { // If lockedButNotSecured is enabled, frob the screen to lock updateScreen(Mode.LockScreen); } else { if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Log.v(TAG, "onLockedButNotSecured() : nothing to do"); } } private void updateScreen(final Mode mode) { if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Log.v(TAG, "**** UPDATE SCREEN: mode=" + mode + " last mode=" + mMode, new RuntimeException()); mMode = mode; // Re-create the unlock screen if necessary. This is primarily required to properly handle // SIM state changes. This typically happens when this method is called by reset() if (mode == Mode.UnlockScreen && mCurrentUnlockMode != getUnlockMode()) { recreateUnlockScreen(); } final View goneScreen = (mode == Mode.LockScreen) ? mUnlockScreen : mLockScreen; final View visibleScreen = (mode == Mode.LockScreen) ? mLockScreen : mUnlockScreen; // do this before changing visibility so focus isn't requested before the input // flag is set mWindowController.setNeedsInput(((KeyguardScreen)visibleScreen).needsInput()); if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) { Log.v(TAG, "Gone=" + goneScreen); Log.v(TAG, "Visible=" + visibleScreen); } if (mScreenOn) { if (goneScreen.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { ((KeyguardScreen) goneScreen).onPause(); } if (visibleScreen.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { ((KeyguardScreen) visibleScreen).onResume(); } } goneScreen.setVisibility(View.GONE); visibleScreen.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); requestLayout(); if (!visibleScreen.requestFocus()) { throw new IllegalStateException("keyguard screen must be able to take " + "focus when shown " + visibleScreen.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } View createLockScreen() { return new LockScreen( mContext, mConfiguration, mLockPatternUtils, mUpdateMonitor, mKeyguardScreenCallback); } View createUnlockScreenFor(UnlockMode unlockMode) { View unlockView = null; if (unlockMode == UnlockMode.Pattern) { PatternUnlockScreen view = new PatternUnlockScreen( mContext, mConfiguration, mLockPatternUtils, mUpdateMonitor, mKeyguardScreenCallback, mUpdateMonitor.getFailedAttempts()); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "createUnlockScreenFor(" + unlockMode + "): mEnableFallback=" + mEnableFallback); view.setEnableFallback(mEnableFallback); unlockView = view; } else if (unlockMode == UnlockMode.Finger) { FingerUnlockScreen view = new FingerUnlockScreen( mContext, mConfiguration, mLockPatternUtils, mUpdateMonitor, mKeyguardScreenCallback, mUpdateMonitor.getFailedAttempts()); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "createUnlockScreenFor(" + unlockMode + "): mEnableFallback=" + mEnableFallback); view.setEnableFallback(mEnableFallback); unlockView = view; } else if (unlockMode == UnlockMode.SimPin) { unlockView = new SimUnlockScreen( mContext, mConfiguration, mUpdateMonitor, mKeyguardScreenCallback, mLockPatternUtils); } else if (unlockMode == UnlockMode.Account) { try { unlockView = new AccountUnlockScreen( mContext, mConfiguration, mUpdateMonitor, mKeyguardScreenCallback, mLockPatternUtils); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.i(TAG, "Couldn't instantiate AccountUnlockScreen" + " (IAccountsService isn't available)"); // TODO: Need a more general way to provide a // platform-specific fallback UI here. // For now, if we can't display the account login // unlock UI, just bring back the regular "Pattern" unlock mode. // (We do this by simply returning a regular UnlockScreen // here. This means that the user will still see the // regular pattern unlock UI, regardless of the value of // mUnlockScreenMode or whether or not we're in the // "permanently locked" state.) unlockView = createUnlockScreenFor(UnlockMode.Pattern); } } else if (unlockMode == UnlockMode.Password) { unlockView = new PasswordUnlockScreen( mContext, mConfiguration, mLockPatternUtils, mUpdateMonitor, mKeyguardScreenCallback); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown unlock mode " + unlockMode); } mCurrentUnlockMode = unlockMode; return unlockView; } /** * Given the current state of things, what should be the initial mode of * the lock screen (lock or unlock). */ private Mode getInitialMode() { final IccCard.State simState = mUpdateMonitor.getSimState(); if (stuckOnLockScreenBecauseSimMissing() || (simState == IccCard.State.PUK_REQUIRED)) { return Mode.LockScreen; } else { // Disable LockScreen if security lockscreen is active and option in CMParts set // Also don't show the slider lockscreen if pin is required if (mLockscreenDisableOnSecurity && isSecure() || (simState == IccCard.State.PIN_REQUIRED)) { return Mode.UnlockScreen; } else { return Mode.LockScreen; } } } /** * Given the current state of things, what should the unlock screen be? */ private UnlockMode getUnlockMode() { final IccCard.State simState = mUpdateMonitor.getSimState(); UnlockMode currentMode; if (simState == IccCard.State.PIN_REQUIRED || simState == IccCard.State.PUK_REQUIRED) { currentMode = UnlockMode.SimPin; } else { final int mode = mLockPatternUtils.getKeyguardStoredPasswordQuality(); switch (mode) { case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_NUMERIC: case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHABETIC: case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC: currentMode = UnlockMode.Password; break; case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_FINGER: case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_SOMETHING: case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED: // "forgot pattern" button is only available in the pattern mode and finger mode... if (mForgotPattern || mLockPatternUtils.isPermanentlyLocked()) { currentMode = UnlockMode.Account; } else if (mode == DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_FINGER) { currentMode = UnlockMode.Finger; } else { currentMode = UnlockMode.Pattern; } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown unlock mode:" + mode); } } return currentMode; } private void showTimeoutDialog() { int timeoutInSeconds = (int) LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT_MS / 1000; String message; if (mUnlockScreenMode == UnlockMode.Finger) { message = mContext.getString( R.string.lockscreen_too_many_failed_fingers_dialog_message, mUpdateMonitor.getFailedAttempts(), timeoutInSeconds); } else { message = mContext.getString( R.string.lockscreen_too_many_failed_attempts_dialog_message, mUpdateMonitor.getFailedAttempts(), timeoutInSeconds); } final AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext) .setTitle(null) .setMessage(message) .setNeutralButton(R.string.ok, null) .create(); dialog.getWindow().setType(WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG); if (!mContext.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_sf_slowBlur)) { dialog.getWindow().setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND); } mTimeoutDialog = dialog; dialog.show(); } private void showAlmostAtAccountLoginDialog() { int timeoutInSeconds = (int) LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT_MS / 1000; String message; if (mUnlockScreenMode == UnlockMode.Finger) { message = mContext.getString( R.string.lockscreen_failed_fingers_almost_glogin, LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_RESET - LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_TIMEOUT, LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_TIMEOUT, timeoutInSeconds); } else { message = mContext.getString( R.string.lockscreen_failed_attempts_almost_glogin, LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_RESET - LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_TIMEOUT, LockPatternUtils.FAILED_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_TIMEOUT, timeoutInSeconds); } final AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext) .setTitle(null) .setMessage(message) .setNeutralButton(R.string.ok, null) .create(); dialog.getWindow().setType(WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG); if (!mContext.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_sf_slowBlur)) { dialog.getWindow().setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND); } mTimeoutDialog = dialog; dialog.show(); } /** * Used to put wallpaper on the background of the lock screen. Centers it * Horizontally and pins the bottom (assuming that the lock screen is aligned * with the bottom, so the wallpaper should extend above the top into the * status bar). */ static private class FastBitmapDrawable extends Drawable { private Bitmap mBitmap; private int mOpacity; private FastBitmapDrawable(Bitmap bitmap) { mBitmap = bitmap; mOpacity = mBitmap.hasAlpha() ? PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT : PixelFormat.OPAQUE; } @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawBitmap( mBitmap, (getBounds().width() - mBitmap.getWidth()) / 2, (getBounds().height() - mBitmap.getHeight()), null); } @Override public int getOpacity() { return mOpacity; } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { } @Override public int getIntrinsicWidth() { return mBitmap.getWidth(); } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { return mBitmap.getHeight(); } @Override public int getMinimumWidth() { return mBitmap.getWidth(); } @Override public int getMinimumHeight() { return mBitmap.getHeight(); } } }